HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-09-13, Page 6"'Of Interest to You
an ;i Me
They say
that in the -emirs° of, time
=Thais wosld•will freeze too cold '1'or man
.And so I should appreciate
`.This nice Warm weather while can.
--Tho Cheerful- Cherub,
Carrying off the honours for im-
'portance the boy•who is just starting
to, Public school and the boy who is
just starting to Collegiate are a tie,
•-• • •
Snow at Cobalt serves to remind us
-that winter is approaching. But the
weather of the past week has been
more like July than anything e1,;o.
It is hard to even imagine snow.
The old saying, "No news is good
mows," does not apply to plane flying
over the ocean, ---The Stratford Bea-
con-Ilerald. That same old saying
never had much favor in a newspaper
office, either.
A Vienna nim, who has been in
Canada :for some time, says he will
solve the Ambrose Small mystery
and will have it cleared up itt a
month. 'What we cannot, understand
is why thegentleman, if he has any
knowledge of this mystery, which has
baffled the Canadian authorities,
•didn't keep it_under :his own hat un-
til the time carie to bring to justice
the party or parties implicated. The
'The majority of Canadians arer•rather
tired of the Small Mystery, but would
'be glad to have it cleared up satisfae-
than run the risk of giving the ,Aaron;;
paper the credit, simply used quota
tion marks. But we never use an R-
em in
Lem'in our editorial column from any
other source than our own brain
• using
nice' o_
without giving
quotation marks. This seems to he
the fair way to do and we should
like to command it to all publishers.
This new regulation that pedes
trains are to walk on the left side of
-the highwayis simply a 'device for
getting them off the highway,.alto-
gether. If you are walking along the
left side, of the road and are meeting
a car you will not step to the other
•:side, -for fear of being run over by a
car from behind, so will step off.
'Then, the --:cars are coming so thick
-and .fast, you conclude there is,. no
use going back on so you stay off and
wade through the dust -laden grass
on the side of the road. Verily, there
is no place on the highways for the
simple body who enjoys a walk. The
little -used side road is the only place
for him, and there is no use denying
the fact, its much pleasanter walking.
• e *
We should like to call the attention
of the town council once more to the
walk on the west side of, the postof-
fice. The walk has sunk at this spot
and the curb 'has. -sagged outward,
leaving a :S'pace between it and the
walk, which is "" several inches
lower than the curb. The curb is
high here, quite a good step-up, and
it is very difficult when coming from
"-the west to step over this curb onto
smooth footing. Also, coming from the
east there is the danger of catching
the -toe on the -edge of the curb and
getting a -bad fall. This situation has
obtained for years and, while nobody
has had a bad' accident so far, only
great care has prevented it, Sonia
fine day, or perhaps some dark night,
somebody is going to have an acci-
dent at this point and the town'ivill
' be -liable for a bill of damages.
BOYLL'`—FOSTER—In Goderich, on
Sept. 1st, by the Rev. J. N. H. Mills
Isabel S., youngest daughter of Mr.
and Isirs. Adair Foster, Goderich,
to William Harold Boyle, only ,son
of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boyle, of
home of the bride's parents, Goder-
ich township, on Aug. 29th, by the
Rev, J. N. II. Mills, :Minnie A.
youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
C. W. Johnston, to Albert Edgar
Barker, son. of Mr. and Mrs. II.
Barker of Goderich.
STEPH'ENSON—In, Mallett, on Sept.
• * •
An Oxjllia horse dealer had some
-.fun with the citizens of Barrie, prin-
cipally with the members of the Bar-
rie Kiwanis Club recently when he
introduced himself as a man of vast
wealthgive who was willing to a
don en of 1
ata .000 r $2,000 for the
benefit of theoor in Simcoe's county
town,' to be administered by the Ki-
wanisv ants lub' Hewas also goingdo
v Cto
something verynice for a disabled
soldier who resides in that town. He
met the Kiwanis officers and had a
fine time .telling them of his bene-
volences, while he waited for his
secretary to come with the cheque.
'But somebody used the long distaswe
•-• telephone and found out that he was
a hoax and he left town, without a
loan of $5.00 from the bank man-
ager. No doubt he had a good time
while the little comedy lasted and
the citizens of the staid old town of
-Barrie were completely fooled for
' 'the time.
8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Stephen -
COPP—In Clinton, on Sept. Sth, Jos-
eph Copp, aged 79 years.
MANN—In loving memory of a dear
'husband and father, : Moses Mann,
who died Sept. 11th, 1924.—Ever
remembered 'by wife and family.
Surely the experience of- last vreek
will convince all concerned that
long-distance swimming in Lake On-
tario in September is a cruel sport.
The men who endured• the torture of
hours in the icy waters of that lake
on Wednesday last to provide "sport"
for- the thousands of visitors at the
;Toronto Exhibition and who were
•dragged 'out in various stages, of col
]apse, jeopardized the n6st valuable
-asset they possessed their health,
-and it is to bo doubted if they are
over just as strong again physically.
'Such stunts should not be allowed.
,A. short swim, such as later arrang-
ed, to decide who is the swiftest
swimmer, is all right. The long en-
durance test doesn't decide anything
'but the physical endurance of par-
ticipants. Canadians disapprove of
marathon dancing as silly and in-
jurious. Such swimming contests as
that staged in Toronto ..last week
come under the same category.: It is.
to be hoped we've seen the last of
them. Especially if, as ischarged,
gamblers are coming in to.' manage
-things: _
A Beauty Spot on .
Lake Huron
(By Agnes- Jackson Belden)
Situated on a high bluff and over-
looking Lake and River is the quaint
little hamlet of Bayfield; famed for
its picturesque beauty, of which sur
Canadian people know far too little.
No transportation of rail or steam
car reaches this secluded spot.
Standing- alone in a forest of trees
this magnificent bit of nature could'
furnish material in plenty for any
artist, hi its superb beauty.
- Looking down on the Bayfield Riv-
er, its banks of trees and shrubs cas-
ting their shadows on the peaceful
waters the small boats gliding grace-
fully along; the bridge spanning the
river from one side to the other; the
high bank above, with its avenues of
trees everywhere, and one felt that
here in this restful spot was some-
thing fascinating, and, to our mind,
far excelled the wide areas of Mus-
koka, itself.
As the river widens down you
come to beautiful Lake Huron. No
navigation to mark any prominence
of any kind, simply health -giving,
ozone air, and once again,. enchant-
ment in the ever-changing color
a, pure blue to the tipical greens, of
early spring. Then the'sunsets
change the colors to golden tints that
sparlsle with brilliance on the rip-
pling' waves. Looking up from the
lake you see the pretty and artistic
cottages, with their wealth of flow-'
ers, arranged in blending shades that
would excite the admiration of every
. Y
of Bayfield s but r
The: population
h summer colony
few hundred, the
more, adding a few or , and one noticed
the foresightIt of our Americanican cous-
main buying in up
their suni.
mer homes. In willking up the wide
(allin Bay-
fieldstreet, thestreets
are of a generous width) there
were no hot pavements to tire the
feet but'a path in the' soft grass, and
one caught a glimpse of a California
road, and many a comment of praise
was heard on this delightful spot in
all its environment. -
One has tried in a vague and very
inadequate way a description of the
scenery, but what of the inhabitants
that live there the year through?
There is to.be found a sentiment so
strong and characteristic of honest
hearts that many a lesson could be
learned' eutside of college halls, Our
sons of Canada are flocking to the
cities to be educated in commercial
industry, science, art and learning in
all its branches, but we can turn to
these honest folk and be taught that
the biggest factor in life is not dol-
lars and cents and not in power, for
we have tasted in the past few years
the bitterness of supremacy that her
separated nation from nation, broken
homes and hearts, sent thousands of
young lads to war and to death, all
for the ambition to trample clown and
be supreme in the dictation of the af-
fairs' of State. It is only sentiment
and that alone that will, count in the
rebuilding of nations, torn asunder by
cruel war, and is going to make his
world great. Such was the lesson
taught es in this peace -loving com-
Our. Sunday morning was spent in.
the Anglican church, very small, with
its: tiny alter and its choir of five, but
a service as, impressive as in any -city
Cathedral, We had the 'pleasure of
heaiing Professor Way of Alberta,
Who gave an educational and inspira-
tional address' aid• we felt glad that
this Clever man was not too big -to
summer 'CO7
lvo'liis hest to
a smalT.
negation, Facing' us Was the stain-
ed glass window, the sun streaming
through the trees; swaying as if in
tune with the 'singing , making, a
panorama of beauty in this little
corner. of God's earth:
Sunday evening we visited, the
Hinted church and here -again that
same hospitality that prevails every-
where; their 'solicitation for one's
comfort, the warm handclasps that
mean so much and that ire so' sel-
dom given in city churches. The ad-
dress was on the pursuit of pleasure,
given .with timidity, almost apolo-
getically as the speaker was aware of
the pleasure -seekers in their midst,
but spoken in a kindly, forcible man-
ner that left its impress. The choir
was a male quartette and as that old,
familiar hymn, "Abide with Mo" was
sung, and we came out into the dark-
ening shadows of the night we felt
that truly "God was in the midst."
These are but a few 'of the impres-
sions'of a happy holiday spent at
We, would like to make a`mild pro
test against the practise, indulged in
'by a number of newspapers, of quot-
:ine editorial matter ,without giving
due credit. Scarcely a ,week passes
that we do not see items of comment
from our editorial page copied in oth.
er papers without a word of credit:
`indeed, we have seen such items..
credited to other ,papers. This hap;'
'pens when the first newspaper :fails
to give credit and somebody else cop-
ies the item efid gives that paper the
credit, We are hot speaking of news
'items. When an item of news is
published it is public property and
'anybody is welcome to it, either`to res
write or to
o use as it stands, although.
-w often, if an ' .
e i r§em of news is of a
peculiar Nature, do givethe nev,sp p-
er which first published it due cre-
dit. But in the case .of The vNews-
Record R�coxci _dtt column or. olu n 'every item
used in it which is not credited is or-
iginal, We have sometimes, rather
For Sale
Dodge Sedan, new last January, in
perfect condition throughout, at
b h If Trice $700 Thornton'
Mustard, Bayfield. 79-1-p.
If you saw the orders for Photo=
graphs we have already taken ,for
Christmas Gifts. -Come now not
many • Tuesdays until Christmas.
'Your fiends can buly anything else
you: -could give them but they can-
not buy you Photograph,• Our prices
are most reasonable for 'the Quality
of work you' get. , Clinton Studio op
en .every Tuesday..
Ch V. Cooke.
Clinton, Ontario.
For -All Occasions
Special atention to out-of-town
. Orders.
Two Phones -66w and 66j
Bazaar October 9th
The Ladies' Guild of St. Paul's
church intend holding their annual ha-
zadi in theschool room of St. Paul's
on Tues. Oct. 9th. Kindly keep the
date in mind. 79-1.
Tractor Work
Tractor .plowing, wood sawing,' and
general tractor work. Satisfaction
guaranteed. E: W. Morrison, R. R.
No. 4, Clinton, Phone 13 on 617.
Mr. John V. Diehl wishes to thank
his many friends for their kind-
ness and for . - the • beautiful
flowers sent during his stay in the
Clinton Public Hospital, also the Sup-
erintendent and nurses for their kind
The Voters' List, 1928, for the Town-
ship of Goderich, County of
Notice is hereby .given that,1 have
transmitted or ,delivered to the pen-
sons mentioned in Section 9 of the
Ontario Voters' List Act the copies of
the List, made pursuant to said Act,'
of all persons .appearing, by , the • last
Assessment Roll' of the MLnicipality.
of the Township of Goderich, to be
entitled to vote in the said Munici-
pality at elections to the Legislative
Assembly and at Municipal lections,
and the said list vsas-first posted up
in is p office in Goderich township, on
the,10th day of September, 1928, and
remains there e ns h f: inspection. I here-
or m p n.
by call upon all voters to examine the
said list and if any errors or omis-
sions are found- therein to take im-
mediate proceedings to have same cor-
rected raccording to law. Dated this
11th day of September, 1928. R. G.
Thompson, Municipal Clerk. 79-2,
House to Rent
Comfortable, medium sized house to
rent. Inquire at News -Record office.
House For Sale
Frame house, on double lot, house
wired, town water, on foundation with
cellar. Will be sold at a bargain. In-
quire at The News -Record office.
For Sale
Goad white brick house on Prin-
cess St., east, with eight rooms, town
and soft water and electric lights.
One half acre of land with barn.
Large and small fruit. Terms can be
arranged. Apply to Mr. Levi Stong,
Clinton, Ont., or Mrs. Samos Steep,
8 Elmwood Ave., London, Ont. 79-tf.
Real Remedy
I have a real proven remedy for
Rheumatism, Gout, Sciatica, Lumbago
and Blood Poisoning, called Dicalac,
being composed of mineraleral prepara-
therefore harmless and drugless
Seldom fails to relieve and restore to
health the worst of cases, Six weeks
treatment for two dollars. Write for
particulars to sole .manufacturer of
Dicalac. Alfred English, Mount Den-
nis, Ont. • 79.3-p.
A Lawn Tea
The Ladies Auxiliary of the Pres-
byterian Church is holding a
lawn tea on Mrs. J. Stevenson's lawn_
on Friday afternoon, Sept. 14, fro:
3 to 6 p.m. There will be a home-
made baking.. and fancy work table.
An invitation is extended to anyone
who wishes to attend. If the weath-
er is unfavourable it will be held -in
tliebasement of the church: The
members are requested to bring in
their mite boxes that afternoon.
Fresh eggs, live poultry, any quan-
tity. Write for weekly prices. Twin•
City Produce Market, Box 264, Kit-
chener, Ont. 79-3.
House for Sale
A very desirable house in splendid
location. Corner of Ontario and
East streets. Large cellar and mod-
ern conveniences. Good garden with
fruit trees and shrubs, Apply.to Mrs.
Wm. Shipley. 79-2-p.
Cement Mixer for Sale
A Brantford Automatic cement
mixer, gasoline engine 438 hp., all in
good condition. Can be bought wotth
the money. . Hiram Hill, Clinton.
For Sale
A davenport, upholstered in green
plush, good as new. Apipy to Mrs,
Wilfred Seeley Friday or Saturday
afternoons oe evenings.
Farm for Sale or Rent
part lot 64,Goderich
Lot 56 andofG r
township, Maitland concession, con-
sisting of 90 acres. On it are a
good bank barn, cement stabling, cem-
ent silo and comfortable house and
1% acres hi orchard. Apply to Thos,
'K. Mair, Joseph St,, Clinton, Ont.
gpi il481
n 'Pei{
n A °
pea e
,sw ,rutsl,
, fi F..
ODAY's Pontiac Six is the most impressive example
of value -giving in the whole history of the low-priced
Substantial gains in motoring pleasure, and economy
result front important mechanical advancements, such
as a new Marvel carburetor, a new nianifolding, etc. More
intriguing beauty and the ranch desired air b;rugged
compactness have been achieved by the use of„smaller,
smarter wheels and larger tiros. `
fi° fo
And, beneath all its brilliance of beauty and perfor.
g r
mance; ` p car
Pontiac Six is a supremelyde dependable
car, that sails through a wearing, tearing, daylong
drive and finishes with the same spirited freshness with
which it started the trip.
Come in and; investigate this amazing car—General
Motors lowest -priced six. '. - P-e-9.aocG -
tlek your dealer about the G.M..4.C; Deferred Payment Plats
•.which makes .buying easy..
'Lave and, Dressed
' Bring: yaur p
vud eggs
'and make more
profit .for yo rielf,
Market! prices for heavy bens, are
high—take advantage df them now.
Glintnti's Leading Egg -Grading
Clinton Poultr House
-N. Trewartha
Phones -Office, 214j Residence, 214w
to Harold Skinner's
Blue Water Boys
•Government inspected, •dry, clean,
and good cookers. I will supply your
needs for the coming winter at $1.00
per single bag, three bags or more
at 90c per bag. Don't disappoint
yourself by waiting, as any stock will
sell fast. Last -year some customers
were disappointed by waiting. Phone
34 on 616. Jonathan J. Hugill &
Sons. 79-2.
One car of choice Albertas, bushel
baskets„ $2.50. Get your order in
now as the supply is limited.
Phone 171 79-2-p.
Sealed Tenders addressed to the
undersigned, and 'endorsed "Tender
for Extension to Mooring Wharf,
Goderich, Ont.,” will be received un-
til 12 o'clock noon (daylight saving)
Thursday September 27, 1928, for the
construction of an extension, at each
end of the Mooring Wharf across the
West side of the Inner Harbour, also
dredging, at Goderich, Huron County,
Plans and form of contract can bs
been and specification and forms of
Itender obtained at this Department
at the offices of the District Engin-
eery, Customs Building, London, Ont.,
1 Toronto Builders Exchange and Con-
struction Industries, 1104 Bay street,
Toronto, Ont., and at the Post Office,
Goderich, Ont,
Tenders will not be considered un-
less made on printed forms supplied
by the Department and in accordance,
with conditions, contained therein.
Each tend_ aru t
80 as
byan accepted d ce ue on a It/Altered
bank, payable to the order of the
Minister of Public Works, equal to 10
per cent. of the amount of the ten.
Dominion of the
der. Bondsn of Can-
or bonds of the Canadian Nation-
al Railway Company will also be ae-
cepted as security, or bond and a
cheque if required to make up an odd
Note.—Blue prints canbe obtained
tainec 1
at this Department by depositing an
accepted .cheque for the sum of $20.00
payable to the order of the Minister
of Public Works, which will be re-
turned if the intending bidder sub -
met a regular bid,
By order,
Department of Public Works,
Ottawa, September 7, 1928 79-2.
Accomodation for Students
Can accomodate one or two sttttl
ents, Rates reasonable. Apply to
Mrs. T. Vemaer, Rattenbury street,
west. 77-rf.
House for Sale
A ,good -7-loom house in the best
residental district. of Clinton, good
grounds, beautiful lawns, smnalI
fruits, good cement garage. Terms
can be arranged. Apply to PDX 106,
Clinton, Ont. 77-tf.
Houses! Houses!
Fransle cottage in, Townsend street
for sale or rent. Also a brick house
in Rattenbury street, east, Sor ,sale.
Apply to B. 3. Gibbings, Clinton.
Will take in to pasture about 20
head of cattle. For, further partic-\
ulars apply to Wilfred Colclongh, R.
R, No. 3, Clinton; Phone 605 r 23,
Clinton central, 78-2.
In the Town of Clinton, in the County.
of Huron • •
NOTICE is hereby given that the,
last of kinds for sale'for' arrears 02.4
taxes has been prepared and that cop-
ies thereof may be had in my office,
and that the list is being published in
the Ontario Gazette, September Sill,,
i Sth.,'22nd,, and 20th, A.D. 1928, and
that in default of:payment of the tax-
08 and costs,tha lands will be sold- on
Monday, the 1015
'day o
f December,
A.D. 1928 .at 8 o'clock p.m, at the
Geuneil Chamber in the Town of
D. L. APE .li RS
Treasurer, Town of Clinton
Treasurer's Officer Clinton,
Sept. 1s1%, 1998. ' 78 -ti",
P... P. .o"NT. �a :opo Barad.
an AnYone Read This
Without Being interested
it e can give you first class work in Eavetroughing, Roofing,
Furnace Plumbing, Fencing., Pumps, Piping, ,Litter Carriers, Stable
Equipment, Windmills, Gas and Kerosene Engines, .Grain Grinders,
Iyiulcher-Packers, Horse and Tractor Discs, Rollers, Stone Boats,
House and Barn painting, etc. We can also,furnish repairs for all
makes. of Stoves and Furnaces. We also carry GOODRICH Line
of Rubbers, Boots etc., and Work Shoes that are unequalled in Ontario
for quality and price, Connor Electric and, Gasoline Washers. A
complete range of Quebec Cooks and Heaters, American Coal 011 at
25 cents per gallon, Motor Oils at low prices in ; gallon lots.
ilier Hardware Co.
C. Ii. VENNER; Electrician
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, --Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other
Appliances ,
Wiring and Repairs.
Phone 7
New Fall Samples
$19.00 and up
Cleaning and Pressing Promptly
and Neatly Done -
McEwen's Old Stand. Opposite
Post Office
For Upholstering, Repairing, Refin-
Samples of Coverings Carried
Nelson Street
Reenters Wanted
Good accontodation for students.
Convenient to school. Terms reason-
able, Inquire at The News -Record
office or phone 13. 19 1 p
For Sale
Heavy choice brood mare and good
aged work horse. Apply to John D.
Woods or harry Weston, Louise st.,
Bayfield, Ont. 76-4-p,
, Farmers Attention)
Having purchased Or hew tractor
and plough, I am now ready to do 3
jnnited amount of custorrj ploughing.
Le m"helPYQu
for fall, Wheat. do a satisfactory
job. P. W. Andrews, Clinton. Phone
33-w. 7
I am reared to do plowing bythe
prepared P 6r
acre, at anytime. _ Also wood sawing
Apply to S. Flewitt, or phone 13 on
606, Clinton central. 64-tf-6p.
Money Wanted
$200 wanted on a good first mort-
gage. Will pay 63 per cent. In-
quire at News -Record. 72-tf.
SLEET, °1.
Every winter you promise yourself
that next season you'll put that
coal in early.
Summer's here now.
Winter's. coming just as surely, and
Christmas trine will bring you elect
and snow, not roses.
Send for the Pleat Fo11ts, get your
coal in now, and forget your heat-
ing problem for - the , rest of the
Call the
for good, clean coal
� 3 4
In each of Shaw's Twelve
Schools is now. open. You may
enter any day. Curriculum mail-
ed on request. Write 1130 Bay
St., Toronto, to W. R. Shaw, Reg-
istrar. 3 ;
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed If
Clothes cleaned, pressed and re-
paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned.
Rooms fiver Heard's B_rber shop.
W. J. Jago. 2283-t
Coal That Satisfies
• We sell the cleanest, safest and
most economical fuel and always at a
fair price.
A telephone call will receive our
prompt attention.
Yon can feel asolutely sure that
every shovel of coal will be of the
same uniformity of quality.
Phone 182
Orders Taken at Lawson's Grocery,
Phone 111
We Want Your
Milk and Crean*
We are manufacturers of both
cheese and butter. We want your
milk or cream. We pay highest mar-
ket price weekly. Satisfaction guar,
Phone your order for finest cheese
butter ed
P tier in
prints or
ids to W. H. Lobb, Clinton, Ont., R.
R. No. 3, Phone No. 605r32.
0 -OP
C ER A-,
Eggs and Poultry
Eggs handled at residenceIIivery
day—graded by an experienced grad.
er, for which we pay the highest mar,
ket price,
Purchased for Stillman's of Strat-
Agent for the Viking Cream Sep-
A. E. Finch
Victoria St., Clinton Phone 231
A quantity of good hardwood and
cedar for sale.
Phone 155 Huron street
Singer Sewing Machine
Leased on Small Monthly Payments
Big Discount on Cash Sales'
Now is the time to have your ma. -
chine repaired and cleaned. Repairs,
Needles, Belts and Parts for al]
makes. a ;,
Phone 1713 P.O. Box 201, Cliato)l'
Buy a radio for the: family
in doing se . you , will be]
giving them something which they
can enjoy the year around,
Wearedealers for the Kolster ant!
Kings sets: and will be pleased to giv4
you a demonstration at any time.
'Batteries charged. and storI1 •1
for the winter
edi Prop.,
VV• J. Ner, g