HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-09-13, Page 4NEW PRINTING EQUIPMENT ' NOW INSTALLED Canada's Greatest Illustrated Newspaper NOW Offers to n�tp, Readers ;�x .rr• . COLORED, COMICS PICTUFLES IN ROTOGRAVURE SHORT STORIES by .Leading Writers of Fiction and Humor LATEST NEWS OF THE WORLD - written by Special Staff Correspondents MAGAZINE SEC1CfION RADIO AND AUTOMOBILE SECTIONS, SPORTING G � TI ECTION. Entertoinrnent for the Whole Family All for 10 Cents t? - CANADA'S 'GREAT �. ILLUSTRATED NEWSPAPG2�' ix. All News I1'ealers Sell it Ontario SSles Agent Ontario News Company, 122 Richmond St. W. - - - - Toronto, Ontario The story about the big fish that lWa ne ,It Ioti0n Pk didn't get away because it was struck 4 by Lightning appears to be a new one. About $7,000,000 is spent each year by the Canadian Government for the Promotion of the agricultural industry, It MayBe lir en!' When your Children Ciy dor it • Castorla is a contort when Baby is fretful. No sooner taken than the lit• tie ono is at ease,It restless, "a few drops soon bring contentment. No harm done, for Castorla is a baby remedy, meant or babies. Perfectly Ade to, give the youngest infant; you have the. doctors' word for that, It le a vegetable product and you could use It every day. But it's in an emergency that Castorla means most. • Some night when constipation must be relieved—or colic pains --or other suffering.- Never be without it; some mothers keep an extra bottle, un- opened, to make sure there will al- ways be Castorla In the house. It is effective for older children, too; read the book that comes with it. re City Celebrates 25 Years' Growth Old, Settlers in -'Hollywood Hold Picnic—Pioneer Tells How Place Was Named Hollywood, Calif.—Twenty-five years of progress in the world's motion pic- ture centre were commemorated Isere when approximately 900 early resi- dents and pioneers gathered at Plum- met' Park for the annual old settlers' picnic. Following a parade, Eugene Plum- mer, a resident of Hollywood since 1868, mounted on horseback and garbed in picturesque Spanish attire, led the procession to the park, which is a small portion of what was once his extensive hillside holdings. John" Day, pioneer, told of the nam- ing of the city when he was an em ployeo on the Wilco ranch that occu- 'pied the present site. lie said: "I planted two holly trees right at Caliuenga Pass. So Mrs. Ida Wilcox Beveridge, who owned 160 acres there, decided to call the place Hollywood. The trees 'died, but as for the city- well, just look at it!" Sanford RIO, who took office In 1903 as Hoilynvotld's first Mayor, at- tended, as did Carrie Jacobs Bond, a composer. She claims 21 years of residence In Hollywood. Miss Ann, Suilivall, first American child born in Hollywood, was a Visitor. Agggreesive, impulsive people usu- ally have very dark eyes. If they haven't got them at drat they gener- ally get them later. M,nard's Liniment cleanses cuts :etc.' , There are only tow hinds of men /who don't understand women—mar- vied . men and baobelore. - In the - days of Cromwell fine quality tea cost as much as thirty dollars a pound. To -day, you only pay a few cents more for Red Rose Orange Pekoe than for ordi- nary tea, but you get the highest quality and greatest value. Put up in clean, bright aluminum packages. • Excess acid is the/common Cause of Indigestion. It results -in pain and sourness about two hours after eating. The quick corrective is an alkali which neutralizes add.. The best corrective Is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, It has remained standard with physicians in the 50 years.since Its invention, One spoonful or Phillips' Milk* of Magnesia neutralizes instantly many times its volume in acid, : It is harm- less and tasteless and its action is quiets. You1will never rely on crude methods, never continue to suffer, when you learn how quickly, how pleasantly this premier method acts. Please let it show You—now:.• Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Mille of Magnesia prescribed by Physis clansfor 50 years in correcting ex- cess daids. Each bottlecontains full directions—any drugstore. APPLICATIONa Are Fifled As Far As Possible in the Order- in Which They Are RcOo,ved. ONTARio DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Fenn'Help Suppri number 9t k porl@fige�Mrrl99 hr -v sThe Colollapfigp gu} Iinmi 14osi Prg.cl P.DepartmentP4grippjtro fol, Ant rl9 lrai aeg end Fam11se M>rrpj ROPa without Children,, 1M89 �§j,nglo Msn, c" a v IO illtik� 0I gl 3 p tCetiopIB 'gosh A. ►hist APPLICATIONS Offering Annual - Work Aro Invariably Given the Preference Filo Your Application at Once " 'Ohs:rlltei pintlsn„ A I qsat aro Ont, • All ifie PI ceid 4� , Q' 10 Tr r,e Ipp" �lo NON. JOHN 9. MAR,' ,', Minister of Agricullore ' ,,.t'1. W. Beatty -A Beatty-Achairman and president of the Canadian Pacific Railway, photographed at the C.P.R. Station, North Toronto, recently together with the party of business men and directors of the company who are accompanying titin on an extended inspection of the railways lines and r4ctivities throughout the Dominion. Prom left to right:—A: D. MacTier, tyke -president, eastern lines, Dr, W,' W. Chiprttan, lion, Senator Smeaton White', Ross 11. McMaster, C;P,R, director and president of the Steel Co. of Canada, Sir Charles Gordon, director of the C,P,R, and president, Bank of Montreal, W. 1. Black,' C.P.R. director; E, W. Beatty, Sir Herbert Holt, C.P,R, director and president of the Royal Bank of Canada, P W. Moison, C. P. R. director and Beaudry Leman, general. manager Banque Canadien a Nationale, 1 ternational Nickel and Mond Nicke Companies are growing into huge in dustrial concerns, while the lead-zlno mining • and smelting industry on a large scale is on the way, Add to this the Immense plans 01 the Lake Su- perior Corporation, now in Canadian hands, new lumbering projects and pulp and paper enterprises recently completed and under way, and the papulation of the 1;000 miles is grow - ing rowing steadily and Is bound to increase. Many thriving communications are be- ing built up. The importance of these developments to agriculture and busi- ness in general,1s great. C.P.R. Shows Increase in Traffic Receipts August traffic receipts of the Cana- dian Pacific Railway showed a sub- stantial Increase over hose of the cor- responding month of last year. Ac- cording to the weekly statements Is- sued by the company, the tiatRc receipts amounted to $19,062,000, as agaiust $16,796,000 in August of last year, being an increase of 32,266,000, or 13 per cent. Income from other sources in Aug- ust of last year amounted to approxi- mately $600,000. Assuming that the same amount will be shown this year, the gross earuings of the C.P.R. for August will be shown at about $19,- 562,000. Motor Production Promises Records U.S. automobile companies reporting! their production in August increased the indications that the total output of he iudusry during the month would exceed 350,000 units, surpassing all records, for August production sheed- ules now are said to bo 50 per cent. higher than at this time last year. Toronto Bank Clearings Show Increase Bank clearings in the city of To- ronto for the week ended September 6th amounted to $125,425,519, an In- crease mcrease of 318,783,765 over the corro- soonding Period last year and an in- crease of 313,908,676, as compared with the prsvtoue week of thla year. Comparisons: W'k ended 1928 Sept. 6 ` M. 3129,426,619 Aug. 30 111,816,948 Aug. 2$ 119,318,695 Aug. 16 133,673,863 Wit 'ended Sept. 8 1927 $106,641,764 98btt. 1: 112,028,118 Aug. 2fi 114;218,945 Aug. 10 101,988,890 Mlntng teriefs McIntyre is reported to have struck the south ore, near the Hollinger line, at the 2,375. The ore, as on the three levels above, is very rich, but patchy. The long end-to-end drive at the 3,875 has advanced about 1;200 feet now., An average of 42.45,000 tons monthly is being worked toward. Slightly greater tonnage May be had in tem- porary times. Recovery continues to bo tate highest in Porcupine. McIn- tyre is one mine that has gone rip in grade, now being well over nine dol- lars. Bidgood has started drilling on its new showing, 800 feet north of the Moffatt Hall line, and toward the east; centre of the property. 'Here free geld .l has been .found in a closely spaced series of narrow veins and veinlets of graphitic .quartz, the whole prob- ably making ore :ovor, the surface shown width of 22 feet. Advice from Rouyn 18 to the effect that the drift in Amulet's "C" ore body has been driven now .for a length of 65 feet. The first 20 feet is said to be massive chalcopyrite thinning approxi- mately 20 per cent. copper„ the second 20 'feet is high-grade chalcopyrite with 0. small amount of zinc, while the last 25 feet is massive zinc and chalcopy- rite of about equal proportions; It to understood that the Area drill peing moved again, and that J O. McGregor, formerly of the Amulet and now with Mandy, leas returned teem the west to Study the' geology of this PtO arty. p ,reT18t11 in Harry -Hollinger may be AciERIV ti » TED attributed to the fact+t a - h t Mine Man- ager 1 ger Richard T e oar, isno n the w i city and is expected to make some important,anuouucoments soon, states a report on the street. Another Inc. for In the rise was a wire from the north which stated that Berry Was in very rieir ore in a raise from the 1,- 125 -foot level, ' Activity in'Vipond comes as a result of a report which states that slashing at the 700 -foot level has shown the width of the vein to be at least 17 feet.'. Previously reported grade was about $8,50, but the present report - states that values have Increased con- siderably. - - s" Despite the illness of J. B. Tyrell, ' mine manager of the Kirkland Lake t Gold, it is said that he left for the ▪ property last night and that news of development may be expected very shortly. This company is at an Im- portant stage of development, and Mr. Tyreli'e theory that the two rich zones on the property converge at around 2,000 feet depth will hinge upon the results of the next few days, A despatch from Amos states that a deb strike has been made on the Graham Boequet property, which ad- joins the Thompson -Cadillac. No fur they details were given. Officials of the company could not be reached at the time of writing, but official news will be forthcoming shortly. - An electrical survey has been con Dieted on the property of Brett-Tre- thewey in Glifford Township, A wide mineralized zone has been traced across the property and encouraging values in copper have been obtained. The electrical survey was undertaken with the idea of determining the best point at which this might be attacked: -Going Ahead The rapid development of industries, including mining, pulp and paper, Power, ' lumbering, iron and steel, etc., in the territories lying between the eastern and western boundaris of Northern Ontario, and notably be tweed Sudbury and the Manitoba boundary, 18 changing the entire a Pot of the province's timberland. In Solitus p'au-Piece Boxed Pipe sets a GUARANTEED MONEY-MAKER Setd Sinn For Sample 'Sent Prepaid tq Lete pS Nor .Novelties, [twit, Solway' 'w 0-913 Wellington at. ". ep , Pil Y MOTHERS RECOMMEND THEM ]Baby's Own Tablets Are Fine for Nervous, Sleepless Children. ' From Canada the fame of Baby's' Own Tablets Is spreading over the world. Mothers recommend them to other mothers and wherever they are tried nothing blit words of praise are heard for those pleasant tasting little tablets that promptly relieve the minor ailments of young children, "Baby's Own Tablets are one o4 the beet remedies for children's ailments T have ever used," says Mfrs. Arthur T. Allen, of ,Auburn, Me. `My little girl was wrongs and could not sleep. I tried the Tablets and she was re- lieved at once. She was also troubled with constipation and nothing seemed to help her. I had used the Tablets but a short time before her bowels were regular. All mothers should keep Baby's Own Tablets in the house, for they are a valuable remedy," - Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all druggists or will be mailed on receipt of price, 25 cents per box, by The Dr. Williams' Medicine -Co„ Brockville, Ont. Lord Melchett's Dream Toronto Star: Lord Melchett is quite frank in saying (in the Loudon. Daily Telegraph) that "The main basis of the new policy would be ' that Britain should, be the senior partner in manufacturing, and the various - Dominions and other component parts of the Empire the senior partner in the production of foodstuffs and raw material." ' That Is Lord Melcbett's dream and it is --a dream, .. It can be stated with •alt the certainty there is in ibis uncertain world that the Dominloinewill all continue to, encour- age manufacturing at home, rather than in Britain, and that .there Is even a feeling that Canada's; nickel shottld be manufactured In Canada to a greater extent than at present, The Empire and a Policy London Eveningu Standard: The problems with which we aro op- pressed' in Great .Britain cannot be solved in Great Britain alone. We hero have spent much or our energy. Inpervious ages (and the, onergY spent is adecivately 'represented in the figures of Ilia national debt) in building up something that is greater than ourselves alone; Our motives in that process' were often mistaken and often it sappoulted, Pee that rea- son the economic unity ot -the Elm, Ore, has peen iia itemmesive genera, @lone whittled aw0y, and, unless we can 01550707 it new 'freitfut lisp for lt1 will b Q }3t Iitejetil }, . Oed*, ,r'#itlifg.--: g4s iii OW: young roan pvl Fokpg home? ' P905betel.-We've been •talking tilllt, Flyer• end 'we've de- otded it all; depefl 5 upon yeti,' Minard's Liniment for Every Pain, GOMPETELY RN \ Symptoms That the - Blood 'is Thin Should Not be Neglected. Weak, run-down, lacking strength, energy and , ambition, ner1305; sleep- less, poor appetite, digestion disturb- ed—these are the symptoms named by a great majority of people who have been benefitted by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, These tonic pills correct the condition described and if you have any of these symp- tonm you should - give these pills a trial. Their great value in cases of this kind is shown by the statement ot Mrs. James A. Tibbetts, Halifax, N.S., who says:—"X was completely nun down in health. My blood was thin and watery, and tar nerves so bad that I did not sleep well at night. My appetite was poor and the toast exertion left me weak and trembling. 'When X went out I would hays, a se- vere badache, and would have to lie down as soon as I got in the house. A friend advised me to try Dr. Wil- liapis' Pink Pills. I soon found they were helping me and by the time I had taken 'the sixth box I felt Iike a now woman, and have enjoyed good health ever since. For this reason I can highly recommend the pills to anyone run-down-. or troubled with their nerves." • Not only do Dr. Williams' Pink pills help the 'nerves. Their main function le to enrich and increase the blood, and as the blood ,@applies the whole body, new life is given to the entire system. Better sleep, steady nerves, improved appetite, increased vigor—all these can be yours by tak- ing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Begia them today. , Sold by all medicine dealers, or by mail post paid, at 50 cents a box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Isolation or Empire? Lord Melchett in the London Daily Telegraph: I visualize the future of Empire as a future of Imperial trade combines, with factories and research stations, not only in Britain, but in every Dominion, producing, not for millions, but for hundreds of millions of people. There can only be one answer to the question of Empire or isolation. Every day with new dis- coveries and advances In transport and communications, new annihila- tions of time and space, makes that answer more obvious and the task less difficult. On the other hand, there - is no xoom for delay. Unless we tackle the problem with all our ability and with all our determina- tion there is real danger of a gradual drifting apart or the great complex whl,:lt so much blood and so much selfless sacrifice has helped to build. Civilization itselt calls for our answer. Minard's. Ltnlmant for aching Joints; There's one thing tobe said for capital punishment. You seldom hear of a man who has been hanged. committing' another murder. i YoU waw' the very best, utak fere' Red Rose Oriinge Pekoe tz In clean, bright Aluminum gines Ready for Big Airship Trials for R-100 and R-101 to Begin Jan - Classified Advertisements 1CIn rUPS�R, Yell.py� males and females,. Shite wherry,• H. Gorman. Cobourg. On. yygg .L ri MOVAFI-•-1''IU.N Tilly A19. f1 H TANC1I movers of Canada. liargee' c,ieedy padded vans. New lequipnten latest methods. Two. experienced rife January _____ every, tri'([ 'All loads: insured, Beyo eon-marel' or skill end ora - Before »d c of re y Last Several 0 vet: a1 Months move, write � . t e tis or wiren' 'ewers t end reverse lr�' Charges. Head offs Boonton. bngtrlair London -Pira Diesel engines, each Canada. Hut'tho Mover. of 450 horsepower, will arrive soon .. for the new .Air Ministry passenger ; lee vv'� i. and Canada airship" nearing completion •at the royal airship works at Cardington. Iiingaton Janialcs Mail: In. trap(r These engines; being wonted by a cal 'fruits alone Canada' consumed compression ignition system, oar- two hundred million dollais worth a atticDerannum, num butt n the builtof buretors and' magnetos' are elfmInats�heY' ed, and two possible causes • of fire supplies are controlled by Amerioajt avoided, • while' the use of heavy frail companies and biekars, despite' 1nsteail of petrol will also obviate the fact that portions of. huge mon, theta danger. signments which enter D( tinlon tor-. This, In fact, is one of the • most , ritory are purchased by tr terigau fn notable • diffsrenoes between the terests In Jamaica. the trade in R-100 and the I1.-101, which is ,being vegetables which these Colonies will built by the Airship„ Guarantee- Com- be able to establish and maintain by parry at Howden, both ships will e moans of refrigerat$it ships will lie ready for trials in January, whibch worth a considerable amount of occupy three to six months... (money to West Indian growers. Another "interesting feature of the Everything points to the fact that R-101 is that she is designed 10 Canada—the country of Io -morrow--• withstand the 'most violent vertical 1s coming into prominence as the nee currents which impose severe inter- aural market for these islands and nal stresses; and which were partly maintained Colonies of Great Britain, responsible for the disaster to the Shenandoah. Seven ;tons of water' ballast are being carried in emerg- ency bags and the load in the ship can be shifted at any moment. The R.-101 is 724 feet In length, its maximum diameter full is 132 feet and height 140 feet. Its gross lift is 166 tons and speed 70 miles an hour with a fuel capacity for 4000 miles. Passengers will be accommodated on two decks inside the ship, -contain- ing lounges, promenade decks and sleeping cabins. A careful study has been made of weather conditions on the route to India, for which the air- ship is intended, and the not synopti- cal ,chart bas Fn„anprepared for an area cotaprlsing the whole oe Eur- ope, urope, Siberia, Eolith Africa, Asia Minor and Index. r,, On Leaving Home Y. Y. In the New Statesman , (Lon- nWe who have grown up know thdoat): 11 is impossible to Iive in any part of the world without making friends, but no boy, if he has had a happy life, can believe that anywhere on earth are friends who can take the place of his aw:. The young are supposed to be Imaginative, bat few of them have imagination enougo to oondeive surroundings unlike their own inhabited by people unlike their own, and yet more desirable. If you wish to Blake youth adventarrond, am inclined to think that ryblldren should be brought up as miserably as possible. The great ages of ad- venture were ages of 'dogging par- ents and flogging schoolmasters I fancy the boys of the present age are, apart from the lack of cousins, the happiest hoys in the world's his- tory.Children were never so well treated since the world began. That certainly is not the way in which to persuade the rising generation to emigrate to Canada or Austratla. Home life must be made harsher be- fore the great open spaces eau seem a Paradise to the imagination of'Eng- bleb boys. Ailens in Canada London lPinanuiat •News: Migrants to Canada from this country have. actually been fewer during the test two years than triose from other coun- tries excluding the 'United States-' Forthis the reasons are chiefly that: Canadian farming in the post-war period has been depressed, and the 1 Canadian immigration rules will not • admit people who intend to get em- ployment in industry. This rule hears with special severity upon the Britiiit emigrant, and is the chief reason for the comparative growth of the non - British immigrant f'nto Canada. It is a rule that obviously emanates from a narrowly conceived labour policy, A Rubdown , Exercise will 'not cause stiff - nese if you'll - massage your body with Minard'e. Immigration of Miners Melbourne Australasian: Among the countries whiols4Itave coal reser. vos Australia is seventh. Her coal - resources are estimated to be almost as great as those of Britain, whose coal and iron made it for a century the -greatest manufacturing country of the world. Yet - Auaa has reached the astounding posiltan when it wonid profitable to leave her coal untoubeched, pay her miners a pension, and buy coal from abroad.. By restricting the migration' ot farm- workers and settlers on land labor has done much to slacken the de- velopment- of the Commonwealth, but• it is probable that as many settlers' ,have been lostthroughthe inability of the coalmining Industry to absorb' skilled miners who are prepared to conte from Bri'tafn to work in Ana-' trallan mines, Vetertnsrfee use MInard's Liniment, Husband: ' "When I'm dead w -id gone you'll never get another man like me." Wire: "Weil that's some consolation." orf Learn DRESS DESIGNING A School 'of proven worth. Graduates recommend It. Manufacturers endorse It. Now Is the time to enrol for the Fail day or evening classes of ten each. Send for Free Illustrated Booklet, To- day. Graham School of Designing 274 COLLEGE ST, TORONTO FREE BOK CANCER Senf on llequOesf Tells cause of cancer and what to do for pain, bleeding, odor, etc. Write for it to -clay, mentioning this paper. Address Indianapolis _Cancer Hospital, Indianapolis, Ind. "HELPED ,} E WO "DE *LILLY" Woman Strengthened by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Port Colborne, Ont.—"After having an operation, I was very miserable, ' �^ weak, nervous and very near unfit to work. 1 saw Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound advertised and tried it and believe it helped me won- derfully.'I have no weak spells any more, the ,pains have left ma and mynervve,e are much better. T feel safe in saying Lydia E. Pinkham's medi- cines have helped me wonderfully."-- Nine. onderfully."-- NneW.BBEnTno R, Box 143, Cbo DON'T suffer headaches or anyof those pains a tablet of AAspirin can end in a hurry! Physicians prescribe it, and approve its free use, for it does not affect the heart, Every drug- gist has it, but don't fail to ask the druggist for Bayer, And don't take any but the tablets that are stamped. with the 'Sayer Cross." Aepidn iH the trade aMT$ to,�Cf11m tstetirod. in Onnn it ng-B4Y TdBhd}{tA0prl1,- wtiile..tt-4s 1 It, . 13, th5 AA T{n skis Bnyor msnri< Y OSnrU •t0 &Bente Slf9 pliBe float ! itaiian9, B�� 9li+tvlp iuototempad With their "naYar 155i0g 14o, 37—'28 High School Boards and Boards of Education c Are authorized by law -to establish INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS With the approval of the Minister of Education. pay AND EVENING CLASSES - may be conducted in accordance with tho regulations Issued by the Department' of Education. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION is given In various'thadee. The schools end classes rare under the direction•of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Application 'l a I i a f th App l n for attendance ehou d be made,' tp rho Pr n0 p 1 v ,: el • • nollool. • 'COMMERCIAL.• SUBJECTS • MANUAL TRAiNI'NG HOUSEHOLD SOIENRII AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTiCULT ARE aro provided . for In the Ceureep of Study in Publlo, Separate, Centovationand High ' tl choole, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational 8ohoolo an Departments, Coplee of the ,Regulations Issued by the Minlotor of Education may be. obtained fromtheDeputy Minister, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. .Jt'i