The Clinton News Record, 1928-09-06, Page 8CLINT.ON'S LEADING, JEWELERY STORE ii h. t When the eyes begin to weaken after year's of use, then to nes timable vahie of good eyesight comes • to mind. . Do not wait' until failing eye- sight teaches you the lesson—come and lave your eyes examined now,' An Examination Costs Nothing and may prevent the onslaught of eye trouble,.. . a k JOHNSON Gradeate .of ;Toronto College of Optometry Fine Jewellery and Repairs- , Next Hovey s Drug Store Special Sale of OYS' CY. � T HIND COMMENCING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st We will place on Sale about 100 Boys' Suits at a discount of 25. percent. These suits are all extra good value at regular: prices and re- "present one of the greatest bargains ever offered tothe people of Clinton at this Spcial Sale Price •pf one quarter .off.. SEE OUR CLEARING LINES OF BOYS' ODD PANTS AT 98c AND 51.50 PE7.t, PAIR ,a-.;t,,d ALL SUMMER GOODS TO CLEAR'AT LESS THAN • WROLESALB (PRICE .. Plumsteel Bros BETTER VALUES LOWER PRICES o Other R.eadyR.aofin g Could WiihstandThisTesf'' The flame of a :powerful blow -torch was placed within two inches of J -M Asbestos Roofing. At the end of fifty minutes (note clock) the roofing wee not burned bi` injured, being only alightly blackened with smoke. This is one of a number of tests which prove conclusively that the only permanently durable prepared roofing—the one that better than any other resists Are, acids, gases, rot, sgat, heat, cold and wear is i M ASBESTOS ROOFING .ft is tho "cheapcst•per-year" roofing because it re• quires no costing or painting to preserve it. The first cost is the only expense. Firc.proot construction Is betterfirc•protcction to a building than any amount of bro•insurnncc. By covering buildings with J•M Asbestos Roofing it will protect them from Arc at no extra cost. Write or call for Samples and Booklet. 1229 ' THE CLINTON-NEWS RECORD Happily off to school they go, busy with, lessons, busier still at piny, laughing, bright-eyed, rosy -checked, active; all day long—that's the way children should: be, and a liberal sup- ply of requirements in Scribblers, Pencils, Paints,. Exercise Books, Pens, Slates, as well as the regulationtext books will help to make thein so. In advertising School Supplies we seem to feel we could tell you the whole story in a nutshell but we don't happen to have any nutshell hartdy," there's not much to tell, The Text. Books meeting the regulations of the Department of Education are the same anywhere and are sold at prices made by the 'Department and printed on the books so the whole story is be- fore you. Opening Day will to many be one of new scenes, new thoughts, new lessons, new -tasks and some dif- ficulties. We have tried to provide for you such supplies as' will make school work easy and pleasurable. Be ready when the "bell .rings and in the getting ready if you do us the favor we have aimed to provide for you the most of the bestfor the least. If you want the hes --Meg' do the rest. Tile W. D. Fair Go. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best .tierPerdue. PLUMBING HARDWARE ELECTRIC WIRING Phone 147w flab YOUR. CHILD • WILL GET TH.E-SAME ATTENTIVE SERVICE AS THOUGH YOU CAME YOURSELF. At our store you may be sure year.' child will be served as promptly, cour- teously and well as any grown -tip pat, ton. Wo Handle only superior produets. Just give us a trial. Our prices are the lowest in .town. THE C & S. GROCERS Branch 125j Main 125w p...,,,,• tlll5�'!il{{{n nn�, nn ii • Miss Alice. Sioman of Stratford was home over the weelc-end. Mfrs. Geo. A. Walker is visiting in Hamilton and Toronto this week. Mrs.Heard of Bayfield is the guest of her son, Mr. J. L. Heard of. town. Miss Mary Walls returned Saturday after a visit with Aylmer friends. Miss Melds McElroy of Blyth visited the Misses Plumsteel over the week- end. Mr. Mulloy of Detroit, a former Olin - ton boy, spent the week -end in town, Miss AgnesWalker returned this week to, resume her school duties in Kingston. Miss Mary McIntosh left Monday for Hamilton, where she has accepted a position as teacher. Mr. L. W. Currell of Oshawa was hone with his faMily over the week -end and holiday, Mrs. G. W. Sheeley of Kitchener. has been visiting during the past week with the Misses Wiltse. Miss Norah Cooper of Toronto spent the week -end as theguest of her cousin, Mr's. H. Bi- Manning, Dr. enol Mrs. Kay of Leemer, Mich.,. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, B. J. Gibbings,on Labor Day. Mr. Edwin McKenzie of Toronto is spending 'his vacation with his grandmother, Mrs. T. McKetizie. Miss Linnie Nediger left Saturday for Burwash, to resume her duties ne principal of the Pubiie school. Mrs. Kniffen and Mrs. Argenbright of Detroit were guests of Mr. and • Mi.'s. E. Ward over the week -end. Ma. and Mrs. James Scott left yes- terday' on a holiday trip to the Maritime Provincesand to Boston. Mr. and Mrs, G, E. Hall and Miss Evelyn returned Monday evening aftei a pleasant visit in Toronto and I£fegston, Ur. and -Mrs. E. T. Watson and children of Hamilton were week- end and holiday guests of Mr, and Mrs. G. A. Walker. Mrs. Murray Jackson and little daughter, Miss Mary, of Frederic- ton, N.B., have been visiting Mr, Fred Jackson and Mrs H,'S`teen, Miss Barbara McIver ' returned on Tuesday from a trip to Europe. Mrs, W. C. Brown, who aceompan- ted her, is staying in Toronto for a few days. Mr, and Mrs, Orville Jenks and little son, Kiel), have returned to De trait after staying a • couple of months with the lady's parents, Mr, and Mrs. E. Ward. Mr. and Mrs. H. J, Mauaghan of De- troit and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Managhanb and family of Walker - villa visited with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. T. H..Dfanaghan, Mrs. George Gordon, Sr., her .(laugh- ter, Mrs... J. A. LaW, and her' 80119. Messrs. Hugh and Geo. W. Gorden of Kitchener, spent Sunday in Ch i - ton with relatives and old friends. Mr. and 'Vire, J. A, McKenzie and two sons. Jack and Bert, who have been. visiting in Kingston and in the Province of Nova :Scotia, arrived in town last week and are guests of, the fornier's mother, Mrs, T. Mc Kenzie. Mr. and Mrs, George McKenzie and Master Malcolm of Dungannon and Mr. and Mrs. R. W. McKenzie and ulliiss' Helen and Master Douglas of Detroit were at the home of their mother, Mrs. T. McRe,lzie, over the week -rid. Mr Thos. Diamond of Detroit was the guest over the week -end of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Atkinson.. Mr. Diamond formerly lived in Clinton,'lcaviog here thirty-nine years ago. ' He and. Mr. Atkinson were friends in cheir. young manhood, tlVogue ilii, fry. Is now ready'with the lovely fall creations, delightedly new, • distinct- ively smart, 'everything to completeoni the ensemble' of harin,ous beauty, Our hats are approved of for smart. nes:: and good taste. NEW IIOSE Our line of Belding Cortieilli full fashioned silk hosiery slenderizing and, perfect lifting in ail the leading shades. We hope to see you. The 'Vogue Millinery 1 THURSDAY', SEPTEMBER 6, 1926 lIMINEXWAr ry, Our returnin,g Students and Teachers, And a few suggestions for lunches`. Sandwich Spread 25c Sandwich Filler. 30c Kraft • Cheese 35c 'Meatwich for Sandwiches 15c Pimento Cheese 15c Assorted Tourist Cookies 35c Flue Ribbon Mayonnaise 30c Pepper Jelly One dozen large sweet red peppers, take out seeds, cub crosswise; pour boiling -water' to cover over them; stand five minutes; drain off, add to pulp; 3 cups Crosse & Blackwell's Vinegar; 3 lemons (squeezed) andput in rind; boil 15 minutes, take rind out; add' It/z lbs. Gran. Sugar, boil 15 minutes or longer to Jell. • Heinz Vinegar,;..,'.. i...25c and 40c SALAD DRESSING • Pure Malt . ` 20c 2 Rinse . 1.9e Blackwell 1 2 eggs beaten until light; 1 teas- ellegg' s CornFlakes, 3 or20a Eagle- Brad bIilk 25e poonfull •salt; 1 teaspoonful mustard; Clark's Soup, 3 for 29c 2 cans S, Salt . ..... , ... , 25c 1 can .Eagle Brand Condensed milk; •_Campbell's Tomato Soup, 2 for290 • Bacon, per lb cupful 35o 1` - vinegar; beat first four in- 10 lbs. Gran. Sugar 69e Cottage Rolls 35e • gredients; add vinegar and set ;aside 10 bars T. & G: Soap 43c Large bottle Pickles 49e ., to thicken, 3 lbs. Best Rice 25e 2 lbs. Raisins 29c Big Dominion Sugar Special at $6.25 Fri., Sat. and Monday 2 Charm .. 12c Special Car Price on Redpath Sugar Fresh Salmon Trout on Fridays, weather permitting Egg Plant Musk Mellon Peaches Head Lettuce Headquarters for Tourist Information Sweet Potatoes IN THE MORNING FIRST DELIVERY 9 a.m. . IN THE AFTERNOON FIRST. DELIVERY 2:30 p.m. Cash and Service W. T. 0'r ll• WHERE "SELLS FOR LESS" PRICE PREVAILS Stanley Township Mr. and Mrs. Bert Durham, Miss Ifeah and Roy Durham of 'Niagara Falls, Mrs. Trimble of Saskatoon and Mfrs. Lane of Stratford spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Henry Diehl, • Miss Jean McEwan spent a few days. over the week -end with Miss Pentland at Dungannon. Masters Fred and Donnie Arnett of Toronto returned to the city on Mon- day, after spending .test days at the hotne of M. Alex McEwen. Miss Grace McEwen spent last week in Goderieh with her aunt, Mrs. Will Tebbutt. Miss Kate McGregor left Monday for her school tit Newmarket. Miss Agnes Glen has gone to teach at Acton, for the coning term. Mr. Fenwick' Stewart, Mi. Adam Stewart and Miss Billie Steitart mot- ored down and spent several days, with relatives at Highgate and Blen- heim. •. , Mrs. Glen ,of Goderieh is spending a dew days at the hothe of her son, Mi. Ed. C. Glatt, • Mrs. Ernest Rozeli was in Toronto for a fewdaysthe end a£ last weelc, Mr. and Mrs, Francis Daymond have returned from their honeymoon, and are now getting settled in their new home .% Chatham. Miss Marion MeEwen of Toronto spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,Mex MeEwen. Mr. MfcCrae. cif Toronto was a guest last week at the home of Mae Alex. 11f/etym. Miss Marion McEwen, who has been spending the latter paid of her holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and 1VIrs. Alex IVI, MeEwen, left • on Wednesday morning for Toronto, prior to -going: to cher 'school at" Brecltin. ' Mr, Thos. Baird, Sr. is visiting her sister, Mrs. Anita Gordon of Ash- ORDER EARLY Phone • 48 phone Int in his home, Mrs. B. Tyerman of Seaforth spent Wednesday with Londesboro friends. Miss L. Young returned home last week after spending some time at Bruce Beach. Mies Bertha Brodgon spent the holidays with her parents, returning to London Monday. We are pleated to know that Miss Ida Lyon, who is in the Clinton Hos- pital, having undergone an operation for appendicitis, is doing as well. as could be expected. Constance Mr. and Mis. Stutz of Cleveland, Ohio, spent a week with her :parents, Mr, and Mrs. Toe Riley, Sr, Miss Thelma Dale'and Miss Dunn of Toronto motored up and spent the holiday with the fortner's parents, Mi. and Mrs. Jas. Dale. Quite a reindeer around here took in the sights in Seaforth and Clinton on Labor Day. Geo.•Riley, ,Tr. spent Sunday in the, village, Mr. and 11,12i. Fred Stephenson and family spent Sunday in the village. The Ladies' Aid met cm Thursday afternoon. Miss Bella McCully is at present laid up with rheumatism. Wo hope she will soon be better. 'COAL D.L.W. AND LEIGH VALLEY COAL SiME-SOLWAY COKE field. ` 111,11r. and Mrs;, Wm, Green of CW ol- e J FILLER & SON . borne visited all Mr, Hugh Gilmoui's Orders taken: at residence, Ontario St. on Sunday. PHONES: 46w and 46j 11!liss Clete Pepper spent a few days in Toronto this (veek. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner of Exe- ter spent last .week with their Song Mr, John Turner, 'Mrs. J. Cowie, who has been visit- ing her 'brother, Mr. Win. Stack, has returned to her' home at Port Hope, Mich. Miss B. Reyhl of Detroit is this week visiting Miss Miele Westlake. liffiss. Anna Cleave returned home Sunday after spending a week with her -aunt, Mee. J.oe Gingrich, Bad Axe, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. :Fred I-Iudie and fam- ily of ,Goderich'- township were Sun- day visitors at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Thos. Snowden. Dr, and Mrs E. L. Roach, Wyan- dotte, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Reyhl and Mips, hllareelline Bertrand of Detroit returned to:tlieir hone• on Monday after spending a few days with the Mosses. Snowden. Mrs. G. Freeldeten Exeter, was the guest of her sister, Mrs G. Campbell; for a few clays last week, Mrs. Clifford 'Keys is visiting Mrs. J. P. Griffin of. Toronto this week. • LondeSbo O Mrs. James Campbell and Miss 10, Lyon are visiting friends in London this week. Muss Annie Garrett left Saturday for North, Bay, where she has secured'. a school. Mr. Archie Webster is enjoying the eleetrio :lights in his hone which he has hadremodeled and wired. Mr. Geo. Brogden has had the tele- • Whatever Your Hard- ware Needs May Be We equipped to supply you. Everything at low prices. . Whether you want a nail or a lawn mower, or a tack or* boiler—we have it! - All goods guaranteed to give the fullest satisfaction. s Agent for Renfrew Cream Seperators Cal and get Prices, HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244.. To -Morrow's Vigor Depends Upon How Much You Sleep To -Night You can "sleep" on a hard, lumpy, sagged mattress; You can "sleep" on an oak board, if weary enough! But when you sink into the cosy embrace of a Marshall you enjoy a wondrously different kind of sleep. The ever resilient springs of the Marshall Mattress cuddle up with gentle support to release very tired muscle from strain; Nat- ure gets a chance to renew every worn tissue and create new en- ergy. You awake invigorated, refreshed. A lifetime of such healthful energy -building COMFORT is sur- ely worth the trifling extra cost of a Marshall, SPECIAL: A free slip cover given with every Marshall matt- ress sold during August. Then to Co-operate with this special offer we havo seine -wonderful savings in Bedroom Suites which will pay you to investigate. Clinto r l Hardware and FurtlturteC a THE STORES WITH A STOCK FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 104 - Hardware 195 QUALITY THE 2 Q's QUANTITY THESE Special Values for Week end P. &: G. SOAP 10 bars 43e SUGAR RAISINS Redpath's per cwt. Seedless, 2 lbs. 26.45 Cash ill 29e Laid, 3 lb, pail - 595 Mixed Cakes, per lb. . ••29e Lux Flakes, 3 picgs, 20c Matches, per pkg. . 20e Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. 29e Dad's Cookies, per doz.... • 23c Chicken biaddic . 25e Shoo Polish, 2 for tie Iedized Salt, 2 picgs. Tapioca, 2 lbs. Rice, good, 4 . ._., Cern Starch, per pial Syrup, 5 lb. pail Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs. Bacon, piece, lb. l'darmalede (jar) .. , .. 26e 25e 290 10c 3:1c 25c 37e 305 • SWEET 'POTATOES, MELONS LETTUCE, PEACHES COOII.ED AND CLRED MEATS L. L. PHONE 111 is,'11 C PROMPT DELIVERY o TEN TEST INSULATING BUILDING BOARD One of the Chief Characteristics of Ten.•Test is that it excels even cork as an insulator. . It is used in the construction of refrig- erators, replacing other materials and in cold storage warehouses. Ten -Test is used gor insulation against heat and cold -sound. deadening --interior finish --and approved plaster and stucco base,. We have good stock of Ten -Test on hand. EVERXTIING IN L �3E AND BUILDERS' SUPPLIES: ; Thomas McKenzie Estate, Clinton EVERYTHING IN BUILDERS'; SUPPLIES' RESIDENCE 61 PHONE 88 mi