HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-09-06, Page 7THE CLINTON' N:&EIWS-RECORI SOUTH HURON SECTION OF meetings were conducted, oz the' lion Auxiliary; reading given by Miss IIUhOri PRESBYTERIAL Si'. Ill, < means b•y.which'they were lining -to Jacques, of Exeter, and,the exercises meet their allocation or the way by the Mission Band of Main Street which they have of getting people, Church were inspiring giving all son young or old, interested in this great' good thoughts to carry home work of humanity. Each and all are 'Mies. Chane the Speaker of rho d i S MET AT EXETER ,Y, TnR On Thursday morning, August30th, South Section of W. TVI, S. Convention o£ Ihrrtm Presbyterial Society of the "United Church opened in Main Street 'United Church, Exeter, Mrs. Mollard, vice-president; presiding. The delegates were warmly Welcom- ed. The church was filled within- terested, earnest, enthusiastic work - W ds of welcome come were given by Mrs. Moorehouse and responded to by Mrs. Amos, of Brinsley. The Secret- ary, Finance'and- Courtesy Commie, - tees were appointed. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. Monteith of Ifinrpen, who was appoint- ed Secretary, Auxiliaries were each called in or- der and many were the pew ideas and helpful hints given by one- and an- other, as they told how their home se striving. to measure up to the amount' gave a very interesting illustrated asked of them. talk on the work in Western Canada, A hymn, 'The Old Rugged Cross,'' The Ukranian people now number a - was rendered very sweetly by Iwo bout one half million and are' the third young women of Main St. United largest; group of people in Canada. Church.; , They are eager to learn, very l espi- Mrs. Naftel told of the man inter. table; honest and above all capable of y infinite developement. Marvelous has esting Gooks she had on exhibition been the change in thepast twenty and hoped that all would visit herin na n her library, ears. They Y now have a member in parliament, The W. M. S. have a phi - In' memoriam service was concoct vile e in helping' to keepthis western ed by Mrs. `.Chon,as Gunning, of y g Whalen after which Mrs, Canada truly Canadian and to save Auxiliary, them for Christ. r o Robert Kydd, of Thames Road sang , so feelingly "One Sweetly Solemn" In e Redden, of hensall, gave a Thought." wonderful solo, The City of God, Reports were heard from Presby - Rev. Mr: Moorehouse closed this terial Secretaries present, A confer - session with prayer. ' encs, led by Mrs. ` LeRoy White, Tho devotional exercises of the at:f brought out many ideas and solved ternoon session were taken by Cell-. several difficulties. The resolution tralia Auxiliary. I committee brought forward their re - Dollars and Diana," a pageant port. presented by the young women of Y We the Courtesy Committee, desire ' on this, the third Section .Convention of the South'.liliron Presbyterial' to bring' in our resolutions of thanks acid appreciation to , (1) Our dearly beloved and highly- esteeMed Vice -President, Mrs. Mol - lard. It is with very deep and sincere senseof gratitude to Iiim who has restored her in sufficient measure to be with us once more, that we voice the sentiments of each and every wo- man as we pass this on to you, Mrs. Mollard, our very best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery to be able to fill your most beloved position in the Master's work. And' to you, Miss Consitt, we es - is 1 endo ourfor so ably a s.tr t ixz thanks b y s r ng us. (2) To kiss Chase for her splendid and enlightening address. Verily she has made us feel we are all, brothers under. one Fatherhood of God and we are our brother's keeper. (3) To all others who assisted -to make the day's program a success, especially the young '-girls who sang and playedso beautifully, we extend to you our thanks. With New nef nemarrts.; and enhanced in Style and Beauty URING its thirty months before the public, the Pontiac Six has earned a world wide reputation for combining six - cylinder smoothness and high-speed endur- ance likeno other car .in its field. Now, because of recent engineering advancements; to -day's Pontiac s Six offers Even greater smoothness and more satisfying performance than ever before. To Pontiac's thoroughly proved design—to its Lovejoy' Shock Absorbers, its 186 cu: in. engine and generously over -sized vital units --- to its numerous . engineering advancements,, such as the G.M.R. cylinder head—Pontiac has added new Marvel carburetor, unproved manifold and new distributor. Now this lowest priced General Motors. Six provides a combination of quality features never before offered in a car of comparable price. In addition, the outstanding beauty of Pontiac's "body by Fisher" has been enhanced by new, smaller wheels and larger tires. Newly refined and improved --today's Pontiac Six is more clearly than ever the value leader of its field. Drive it—and discover this truth for its, p-tca.Zea 4,k your deafer about the G.M.d.0 Deferred Payment Plan which maker buying eery. J. E. HOWARD CLINTON, ONTARIO purcriAc s PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED (4) To the pastor and people of Main Street Church we render this our hymn of thankfulness and praise for the note df welcome given ns at the dour as well as the splendid ad- dress of welcome and the beautiful display of flowers that diet us at the well as w 11 a s inside. sr e. Lastly, but not least, we thank you one and all for the beautiful dinner served so 'expertly. This all enjoyed to the utmost. We truss"t that each one will go away feeling, "It was good to have been there," and we. know we will all look fonyard with a great deal of pleasure and expectancy to the Fourth Annual convention. An invitation was extended -by the Whalen Auxiliary which was apprec- iatively accepted, In a few closing worlds, Mrs. Afol- lard gave an inspiring message, that just where we are Lord, come to- us and inak4 our whole lives songs of praise. Rev. Mr. White closed the rally with a benediction. HURON COUNTY SCHOOL FAIR DATES Sept. 10th—Varna. Sept. 13th—Goderich Twp. Sept. 14th—Colborne Twp. Sept. 17th—Ashfield Twp. Sept. 18th—Ashfield Twp. Sept. 26th—St. Helens. Sept. 20th—Wroxeter. Sept, 21st—Blyth. , Sept, 22nd--Howiek Twp. Sept. 24th--Belgrave. Sept, 26th—Usborne Twp. Sept 27th—Crediton. Sept. 28th—Grand Bend. Oct. 1st—Dashwood. Oct. 2nd—Zurich. Oct. 3rd—Hensall, Oct. 4th -Clinton Town. Oct. 5th—Clinton Rural, Rdthe cost/yeFit is Iw r The most important part of your car -is the part`you never see! But now we are especially displaying an Essex chassis to show the costly, fine quality way it. is 'built 6,� � Aside from such self -•+.i :� UP things seen or unseen. evident superiorities as its bril- liant performance, beauty and,' quality, these advantages speak for the complete quality way in which the new Essex and Super -Six is built — f. o. b. Windsor, taxes extra - Buyers contrail for cars oat o f income at lowest available char,,go for interest, handling' ped imurance OY :t'.fN. R T H R S (0.0 CO, Stratford, Ontario eee r .iCippe . (Received to late' for last week) The Ml ea � Margaret andl a (Marc 8x c Cooper of Loudon sir, visiting thuir p u,ents here Mrs. Gagen and son; Gordie, 'tete visiting Mrs. Gagert's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jas. McClyiiont. Miss Rose McLean returne'cl home This weeks from Ilanmilton, whore she was `spending . the past two weeks with her brother, .William LteI.,ean' and wife, Mas. J. B. McLean, is enjoying a few holidays with her brother Robert. Mfrs. Sproat 'Patterson and children have been holidaying` with Mr. Robb. Cooper and family of the London Road, north, Mrs, J. Grieve and daughter of De- troit` are visitors at- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Abe borsythe, Tuekersmith, 1Vtr•. and Mrs, Wm. Ivison, who have been holidaying near Iiinear-, dine, returned Friday last. Itippen is glad to be*able to claiin once more an exceedingly clever young scholar. This young man is Mir. Clarence McLean; son of J. B. and Mrs. McLean, who recently won c scholarship' and we believe a gold medal at Exeter High school. We ex- tend our' hearty congratulations to, Clarence. Mrs, John Moffatt was removed to London to St. Joseph's ' hospital on Thursdaj+ for an X -Ray, Mrs. Thos. Workman spent a few days .recently in London. Mrs. Will Harvey of London is a guest' of Mrs. Albert Harvey of Lon-. don Road, north. Miss ,Johnston, nurse -in -training of Stratford Hospital, was a guest re- cently of her cousins, Mr. and 'Mrs. John A. Workman. Miss Johnston spent several months here, nursing Mrs. Workman some three years ;ago, and made many friends who Were pleased to -see her once more. Master John Doig, son of Wm. Doig, Jr., was taken very ill Tues- day evening last, and had to be re- moved to Seaforth hospital for an op- eration for nppendicitis. Mr. Percy Wiggins, who is helping Mr. John 'Workman in his harness - shop, spent Sunday in London with his family. Mr. Wiggins has secured Mr. Spark's home in Hensall and will shortly move into it and continue working in our village. 'the young daughter of Mr. and Hrs. Dan Bell of Boston, who is at Present visiting here, was taken to Seaforth hospital Thursday night and operated on for appendicitis. We are glad to learn she is doing fine. Rev. A. Brown, a former Methodist minister and at one time stationed here, preached in St. Andrew's 'Gni-, ted church Sabbath last. Ibis old time friends were pleased to have another opportunity to hear Mr. Brown. Mr, and Mrs. Vern McClymont of Detroit are holidaying in our village, IIL]ILSDAY:, SEPy'EMBEK G, 192$'1' BuMiiafluu of R�h�ka� A Column Prepared Especially for Women--' But Not Forbidden kJ; Men A tree is one of Nature's words, A word of peace to man, ei word that tells of central strength From whence all things began, A word to preach tranquillity • To all our restless elan. Who loves a tree, he loves the life That springs in star and clod; He loves the love that gilds the cloud, That greens the April sod;_ He loves the wide beneficence; His soul takes hold ori God." —.Massachusetts Audubon Bulletin, 1 wonder if people wouldn't be hap- pier if they world get, out more? "Get out more," -'I hear someone ex.. cla]ln, "why are they not getting out all the tune, running here, there and everywhere; never content but when they, are going somewhere?" Yes, .1. know.' There is more moving. -about than there ever was, but dashing a- bout in ears is not really getting out, it is "getting there." What I mean is getting out into the open, taking. time to view a pretty bit of scenery or a sunset, taking a walk over fields and through woods, breathing the clear, bracing air and finding in the whole experience strength and vigor of .n mind and. body. The getting out in automobiles is all right for people who cannot walk well, it is better than nothing. But to the sturdy, both men and' women alike, a gond walk, now that the cooler weather is here, per- haps a lengthy walk, would I believe, be beneficial: I enjoyed just such an exhilarating walk on Monday, from Iake to river and along a grassy wooded bank, where occasional glimpses could be seen of the opposite bank, rising steep, a solid mass of foliage, below a rip- pling stream and all about wild flow- ers, vines and shrubs, Then returning by ^a pretty, winding, tree -lined road' to a well-earned substantial supper, rendered none the less enjoyable by an interruption to view the sunset ov- er the lake, Then rest and chatter and finally hours of happy, restful sleep in a Porch open to the Air and in full view of the rising moon, which rode 7 majestically- for a time through fit- ful clouds but soon -allowed itself to - be Napped under their covering, like huge, billowing comforters, Tho ex- perience of getting out of doors is al- ways a happy one to me and I. return with a feeling''of freshness and fitness which no other sort of a holiday gives. ' RE'BEKAH BRUSSELS: Mr, and Mrs. D. C. Ross, Brussels, announce the engage- ment of their youngest daughter, Marjorie Torrance Ross, B,A,, to Mr,- Richard Monro Blain, Kitchener, Ont., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Blain, Galt, Ont., the marriage to take place the 'middle of September. aflusammilaimiesenessagerte This Preston FORAFORD Garage Size Sft. fifes. x 16ft. Oder typos and sires to suit eny need IRE -PROOF ready -cut, .m com. perfeacts Preston Garages are ct in design and- a source of real satisfaction. They resist thieves , .. last ..'. are handsome in appearance. ... low in cost. \ Write for free garage folder E tel da>u fJin;red, PRESTON, ONT. Toronto' ' Montreal Metal Shin gle & Siding Co. Lt@. Write t for Free oolk on Send for hand- some free book, "Walls' That ‘1\h\Wk\t4t,"2\1\1&'' Reflect Good Judgment." It givesvaluable information on Gyprocandinte= rior decoration.. �n Canada Gypsum Y a and Alabastine, Limits d Parte. Canadagl, - st with 'Fjrepr® ,r Wallboard - For Sale By e Thomas McKenzie Estate - Clinton, T.Jenkins - - Clinton, ` Ont. Geo.Ont. Wednesday of this week was a gala day here as it was the annual Flower show, It was held in the S. S. room of our church, which looked like one huge bower of beautiful flowers. Ev- erywhere you looked one saw flowers and yet more flowers, All eontest- tants had their allotted space vers prettily decorated and all deserved and won great praise for there won- derful bloom. We cannot mention all but among the prize winners were: Wnr. Ivison, the president of the Society, 1st in roses; Miss Whiteman, lst in Sweet Peas; Mrs. Jas. Mustards display of Dallas were splendid and worthy of special mention and won lst as also were the display of Glade by Miss J. Chesney. Mrs. A. Mon- teith's asters were es usual glorious , and won lst prize, Mrs. Bowey ear- ried off the honors for panseys; Mrs. Rev. Lundie's collection of Perannuals won 1st; Mrs. Wm, Anderson's potted flowers won lst in collection. There were many more who deserved men- tion. The judge had a difficult job to decide, but all seemed quite satis- fied. The following day a number of beautiful flowers were given to Li lends of the sick to be sent to hos- pitals. Some were sent to London to one of the Society's members, Mrs. Moffatt, In all it was- one of the best shows yetheld. by the Society. The special prize offered by Mr, Bowey for crest variety of Dallas and Glaris, was won by Miss J. Chesney. The judge was Dor; Roweliffe of Exeter. The Cream was served during the after noon, a silver collection being taken at the tloor 'and amounting to over $10,00.• BLYTl3: Citizens generally will regret to learn of the intended remov- al of Rev. W. R. Ilawicitr and family from town. Mr,' Hawkin has been selected as rector of the Anglican church at' Forest and' expects to oc- cupy his new charge by October. '1st. It has not been announced as yet' who will be the new rector of 'Trinity. Church. The family will` be Missed very much in .town, Mrs, Hawkin' be- ing a talented singer and ahvays wil- ling to desist whenever requested. ®ry New Chrysler tt65" 4 -Door Sedan $146o e r1Y glor?obs escape fr . Ol sole$, fashions New Chrysler"65"Prices--Busi- ecss Coupe, rg25; Roadster (with rumble seat},?,erg gots-door Sedan, $r36o; rortrirtgCar,$r37o;•4-Door Sedan, $146o; Coupe t'witb rumble seat), $x¢6o. 1V.rre wheels extra. r y s New Chrysler "75" Prices -- 'Reed Sedan; $x985,' 2 -passenger Coupe frith 'amble seat), $r98, ; lleadster {with rumble seat}, $2oro; Towns Sedan, $2r4o. Wire wheels extra. 411 prices f, o, b. IViudsbr, Ontario, including standard factory' equipment (freight and taxes extra), 6 -Ply full -balloon tires.. AFTER nearly four years of imitation and emula- tion Chrysler now brings to the price groups of the new "65" and "75" a lavishness of beauty which was never there before. The style of yesterday, still living in many new cars, is rendered obsolete because it is succeeded today by Chrysler cars so completely new in design that they establish new measures of beauty and style. New slender -profile chromium -plated radiator, arched -window silhouette, the grace and sweep of its "air -wing" fenders, the luxury of fitting and ap- pointment single these new Chryslers instantly as the new style that Le -styles all motor cars. Surely the mere evidence of the eye - because per- formance is assuredly the vett' name of Chrysler— proves at once that both thenew "65" and the "75" have been lifted up, to an intrinsic value,which hundreds of dollars—yes, even a thousand --more' than their selling price could not have secured before. ^a r I to 1386 . 'ts le rJ s per mal II(IAIIiRIIMll 41l1IIi1111 f For low or high compression motors: White Rose Gasoline. Pure ' Powerful - Safe. CANADIAN OIL COMI'ANIRS, LIMITED