HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-09-06, Page 3What-VVill Mining in Canada a Major Industry e gro r C I t ren r It There is hardly a household' that hasn't heard of Castoria! At least five million homes are never without it. It there are children in your family, there's almost daily need of its com- fort. And any night may fnd you very thankful there's a bottle in the house. Just a few .drops, and that colic or constipation is relieved; or diarrhoea checked. A vegetable 'pro- duct; a baby remedy meant-1tor young folks, Castoria is about'the.only thing Ism have ever heard doe'tors advise giving to infants, . Stronger medicines are dangerous to a tidy baby, however harmless they may be tbrgrown, ups. Goa old Castoria! Remember; the name, -and remember tobuy it. It may spare you a sleepless, 'aibxious night. It is .always ready,, always safe to use; in emergencies, or for everyday ailments. Any hour ` of the day or night that Baby 1Teeoraes fretful„ or restless., Castoria was nevermore popular with mothers than it is today. Every druggist has it. /' Selecting the Feeder Steer (Experimental Farms Note.) In a very few weeks it will be neces- sary to Purchase the steers that are to be finished for the, spring market. The selection of profitable feeders is much more difficult in the Eastern Provinces than in the Western Prov- inces, due to the fact that a very high percentage of'the Eastern steers show evidence of -considerable dairy cattle breeding. However, there are many of these steers, even with some dairy blood, that will make very profitable feeders and ,they are the ones that should be selected for the winter feed- ing work. The remainder should go to the block as they come from the pastures. Select only such steers as will conform more closely .to the real beef -type, that is, straight, low -set, deep, blocky individuals, with a quite temperament. It is that real dairy type of steer, with a nervous tempera- • ment, that ono, wants to avoid in the feed lot. For example, out of twenty- five steers feti,at the Nappan Bxperi- Mental Farm during 1927.28, six of the steers were of the latter type and their average gain in 125 days was only 151 pounds, against 246 pounds as an average 'for seven steers that were fairly typical beef steers, with some dairy blood mixed in. The former were worth 1'/2 to 2 cents less on the market in March, besides mak- u - ing 85 pounds less gain. The dairy - type steers never made profitable gains, nor did they look finished at their beet. To feed a bunch of good, thrifty beef steers is a profitable side line, besides being an economical method • of marketing1choap roughage grown on the farm, such as hay anis roots. In reading the annual report issued from the Experimental farm, Nappan, it may be noted that a good average market price has been charged for all feeds consumed and, furthermore, that a good average profit over teed cost has been realized over a period of years, In the finishing of a bunch Development, Beginnin About 710 Years Ago, Has Still Much Wealth to Tap •Manitoba Shows, Activity Surface Exploration of Claini Along Embury Lake is Planned' Kirkland Gold Area Report Ready. Toronto; Ont.—Although mining lu risenjn twenty years to a position one of the, most important iuclustri of this Dominion, it is still a long w from its potentialities. l little more than two decades ag silver was discovered at Cobalt. Sin that time there have been many di coverles not only of silver, but of gol copper, lead; zinc and nickel. Ne mining districts, such as Porcupin Kirkland ,Lake, Sudbury and Rouy havo been opened. 4 The Porcupine is one of the gol camps in which the original discover strike has faded into oblivion. Th „ strike in October, 1907, in the ea bank of Porcupine' Lake, which mad the district famous, is now almo deserted, Spectacular: showings of free gel still abound near the scene of th original, discovery, Small-scale tip velopment en the Bannerman an Lenora properties is all that remain of the celebrated Golden City. The centre of public interest su dsnly shifted, on account of th amazing wealth of the Pearl Lak area, to the section a few miles wee embracing the Hollinger, Mcfntyr and 'Dome. Activity In Flan Non Area . In view of the great activity in th mining regions west of Port William with particular reference to. the are formerly known as the upper Sein River section, attention has been_d rected to the varied -spellings of tlj lake known locally as Sapawe Lak a busy mihing Reid. In the interest of accuracy and uniformity It wlll b advisable to obtain an oficiat Tulin on the matter, for from present ind cations Sapawe Lake is on the ma as a mining camp to stay. In the Flits Pion area of Norther Manitoba„ the northwest corner 'o Embury Luke is the. scene of grea activity. Several hundred claims hay been staked on the north side, alon what "is described as a series of iro dikes. Interest was first directed t this ^locality by a German mining en gineer, a newcomer to the country who after prospecting far afield, re turned and staked his first choice o Embtuy Lake. Others followed fast and the north shore has now been staked almost solid. • The geology has been reported on by several engineers as being Savor able for base metal deposits. Among some of the larger groups recont]y staked are the Isabels, Victories Major C's, Emburys, Rex, Hygrades, Vidonnas and Spots. The owners of several groups are already planning a campaign of sur- face exploration, Option on Canadel Property Word was receiyed recently that an option on the property of Canadel Gold Limited, formerly known as the Rochester Mines, Inas recently been given to interest closely associated with March Gold. It was also said that dewaterhig sof the shaft is now nder way and has reached a depth et 300 feet. At this point the shaft has a -depth of 1,000 feet. Extensive lat- eral work is to be carried on at this property. With $175,000 cash on hand and with a big block of treasury shares available, directors of Macassa Gold Mines are soon to reach an important decision respecting plans for develop- ment of the property. Opinions differ % in regard to the method of attack. It is considered that $175,000 is hot sufficient to give the property the desired test. It is befived that about $500,000 would be required to carry the work to 3,000 et or more in an effort to tap the ntfnuation of the mineral vein in a strike westward from Kikland also gold area will soon be ready for. stribution. .It deals with work in dividual mines, as well aa the gen- al geological conditions throughout wo and ahalf mires of the field. The port was prepared for this Ontario opartment of lI•Iines under the direc- tion of Mr. Todd.—(Prom an article In The Now York Times.) of beef steers. Atter all, this is thefe co most businesslike method of farming, it L di in er t re D anti the adoption of such a policy will be found a profitable one. ' There will be more manure available for top- dreesing; consequently, less• moues going ottt for fertilizer, all of. which helps to swell the income from the farm. The main point to Sear In mind is the selection of good feeders of the right type, steers that will make rea- sonably' good use of the .feeds con- sumed. Veterinaries use Mlnard'S Liniment. Talking of weather predictions, ,nee sure Alga that the temperature Is going to drop is when a husband says, "Now, dearies, are you going to talk or are you going to bid. - - - Don't be afraid to compete with yourself. You make progress only when one foot gets ahead of the other.—"South Works Review." A trifling kindness hero and there is but a simple; small affair. Xsit if your Life has sown this free; wide shall your harvest he. For Better Pickles Make mustard pickles this year in your own dean kitchen. You can select the particniar combination of vegetables you desire—make the pickles to your own high standards of quality, purity and flavour win the admiration of your guests. More and more, every year, representative hostesses are mak- ing their own mustard pickles at homes Write for PREF. recipe book on pickled ita6lte�.r1, sfi(lai :slalom filings," c. :Som COLMAN', ICEEN (Canada) Y iii?ited 1080 AMHLAST STREET • MONTREAL Orem Tomato Pickle Roil together 9 the, white etlgar, 1 7t. vinegar, 2 table- spoon stick cinnamon, 8 tea. spoons whole cloves, 1, tea. SPOOR. allspice (whole), 1% tablespoons Trocn'a Mut- ton?. Poud' mixture over GG lb& email preen toniaerto& .Set stops? over,tipllt.. Drano 'Ft r It (l g s4 ppgh it e��yEit doat� A dbfi' [1Kd tomatoda and cools tris okay. Scot in eterilizcii oars. '• Vkkto4 ons Canaditan' Athletes Return Horne ,THE flrap contingent of the Caeadian Olympic Games party received a firemendotis i-vefcome when they returned to Canada on the White Star liner :aurentic. They were guests at Civic receptions in Montreal and Toronto While individual cities planned special celebrations in honor of their individual members of the team. The above photograph's show, top, the group on beard' the Laurentic in which can be seens fourth froth the left, standing, Mrs. Joe` Wright, and, extreme right, Joe Wright, Sr„ parents of Jon Wright, Jr., who' won the Diamond Sculls at Henley. , Joe Wright is seen in thecentre of thet back row, eighth (min the right. Fourth from the right standing is Lein Scholes, winner of the Diamond Sculls in 1904, who went to greet young JOe Wright. Underneath the group, on the left, is Joe Wright, Jr,; on the rf ht is Ethel Catherwood, of Saskatoon and Toronto, *Inner of the high jump at 'Amsterdam, where she created a world's record. ~r,The four girls are members; 'f the team which won the 400 metres relay event and created a new world` record. From left to right they are Myrtle Cook, Jane Bell, Ethel Smith, and F; Rosenfeld. The bottom photograph shows young Joe Wright, displaying' ibis trophies won at i-lealey to his mother. 'In his left hand he has the goid' Cup which is his permanent prize andi n his right hand he has Ake miniature, Sculls, which hesholds for one year„ -" SAVE THE CHILDREN' Husbands Are DWI In Summer When Childhood Ail- ments Are Most Dangerous. Mothers who keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in the house may Seel that the lives of their little ones are reasonably safe during the hot wea- ther. Stomach troubles, ±cholera in- fantum and diarrhoea carry off thou- sands of little ones every summer, -in most cases because the mother does not have a safe medicine at hand to give promptly. Baby's Own Tablets relieve these troubles, or if given oc- casionally to the well child they Will prevelt their coming on. The Tablets are guaranteed to be absolutely harm- less even to the new-born babe. They are especially good in summer .be- cause they regulate the bowels .and keep the stomach sweet and pure, They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box 'from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. As the Poets Had Said Tho road turned suddenly and ascended above the valley. There was a rush of air, and then Nora saw the sea. It was booming against a deep purple cliff Lost in green water and pale green spray. ... They climbed over one slate ledge. A light mist lay over 'the cliffs above the sea, which resounded from below. The high grass between the hedge- rows was very wet,the foxgloves against the stone walls drooping with• -their load of dew. As she was mountd ing the stairway made, of flat stones i over the second ledge, she heard her 1 first lark. The bird had swooped up, and was singing, singing as he climbed higher and higher. She sat on the flat top of the stile, looking up to-, wards the sky and listening. to the warblings, fainter and fainter. Just As the, poets had told her, singing as all her life she had dreamed they world sing. The three Sisters stood waiting for her to climb over the ledge.. While she had been sitting on the stile, the larks had slowly gather- ed in the s]sy, oils after another,' sing- ing together, close to the last yellow light.—Wanda Frailcen 'Neel; in "We, Sing Diana:' Tact is the quality that endows a reprimand ,with the dignity of con- structive criticism. Assam, the native home of the tea bush, produces teas Which( are fanned the world Over for their 'strength, rich- ness and flavor. The superior andistlnc- itive quality of Red Rose Orange Pekoe is largely due to these fine quality Assam (By One of Them In the London Daily Mail) Less than 10 years ago the most brilliant women of her year went down from Oxford, married a hand- some man, a soldier and a scholar in one. The other day she wrote to a friend of the Oxford days: "I'm aim - scions of advancing age: I want to make merry.... Husbands' are dull, evsel nicturestlno ones like yours and mine." I am the other, it is a terrible thought; and no less terrible than true. Husbands are dull. Look around and every- where you will see on almost every harried face abvious signs of dull- ness. Observe husband and wife at a dance. Does her eye sparkle with pleasurable anticipation if and -when her husband requests the pleasure? It does not. So 00 every social and even festive occasion, on railway journeys and In motor cars, yon will notice the un- lighted eountenance of the husband in the immediate presence of his wife. The wife Is correspondingly dull, of course but let us stick now to the husband. You can see that it requires no effort for him to avoid the bad form of allowing adoration to appear too obtrusively, It is small wonder that wives' . eyes sometimes sparkle at 'a compliment from another man. The rest -cure is a dangerous and uncertain' remedy.. Mr. Edgar, Jepson, in aaswer to a question which appear- ed in The Daily Mail as to how a husband could "hold his wife, once said: "Remain her lover." But It will not do. Nor Is it eo easy as it sounds; so manymen are dull, even as Iovers. ' And she may want some- thing new. a Try this: Assunie a new form; keep different hours; if ;clean-shaven, grow a beard; iP hirsute, shave. If gentle, assume a roughness; if old, grow young; if regular, 'become ir- regular;and if well dressed, don the garb of an undergraduate. When these Changes pall, begin again. This alto; if you have sat' all these years at opposite ends of the breakfast table, take your seats on the same side. • Or let us continue In our natural Stillness. "Wives shonld be aware ,of 0 sense of ease, Confidence, and 580010- ty in a good and" faithful husband, however dull. \ y m a 01 Mr. Lenin's Brain . Scientists are said to have 'tut the rain of the late Nicola! Lenin,. the Russians dictator, Into 31,000 0111e48 nd particles. For twoi and a half ears title work of dissecting, anaiy8- ug and preserving Mr. Lenin's gia'n atter h 5 been In progress, ' 'Glia hot result, jlro1mbl • !s that 9r:' ley have 31,000 slices and particles, his, is usually the wiy such»taske teas, of which it is chiefly I'�vork opt, S L x d' g $ (D2 E sec composed. Every package •�sarr -•_ - , en ° .» •4.% a .ro guaranteed. hMinas d s Liniment for Every Pain. New York is P ., ying. 1-11gh to be on Time Telephone Corr parry Takes in 35 Cents a Minute for Telling the I -lour - New York--T0is city is paying. the New York Telephone Company 35 centsa nrla uto in order to fluff colt: what time I is. Several years ago the telephone company discontinued the practico'of telling its subscribers the time of,day whenever they wanted to sot their clacks or watches. But housewives . became tired of calling across the air shaft to learn the time from Neigh- bor Jones and business men found the numerous clocks that line New York's streets did not always agree. The result was that the telephone company established a special "time telling department." It; sells -time just litre a store sons eggs, shoes or overcoats. The charge fs 5 cents, If a subscriber calls up Meridian 121,2, and a honey -voiced operator replies,`. "The :time Is now 3.51," his telephone Is charged with a local teall. If some- one 'drops a nickel in a toll -box tele- phone, it doesn't come back to him as it did in ,,the old days when' the operator would tell him the hour. During thefirst seven days that l.Vferidian 1212 was in operation, :there were 77,160 requests 'for the time, which means that New ' York. resi- dentsspent $3,858 far the knowledge thus retailed. The calls, according to the 'telephone . company's records, each the peak between the hours of P and 6 p.m: A TIRED -OUT FEELING Is a Sure Sign That the Blood is Thin and Watery rI am glad to have an opportunity of testifying to the benefits I de- rived from the use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills", writes Mrs. Lawrence Kennedy, St. Joseph, N.B. She fur- ther says: -"Some years ago I was working as a stenographer, and be- came badly run-down. I always had a tired -out feeling, had no appetite and suffered terribly from backache. Almost every month I; had to remain from the office for a day or two. I was advised to try Dr. . • Williams' Pink Pills, 'and I have reason to be glad that I followed this advice. Be- fore I had been taking the pills very long I began to feel much better. Continuing their use my strength came back, I regained my appetite and the terrible backache from which I had suffered disappeared. I. have been married some years new and have two line healthy children, a girl and a boy, and am In the best of health. All this I owe to Dr, Wil• ]tame' famous Pink Pills, and 3 trust that these few lines may help some other weals„ run-down person;" Ali weak, run-down people who will give this blood -building toalo a fair trial will find through its use new health and strength. You can get the pills from any dealer in mediciae, or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. _ M1 Heart of Marl The heart of man resembles a secret chandler wherein stands like the block of white unhewn marble set in the studio 'of a sculptor—a veiled figure, Though the man may not so much as life the corner of the veil, yet he forever and in secret work to fashion and form the figure that lies beneath. And the figure 10 the onl of RIe man, and the unveiling thereof is called death; and until the figure be unveiled, the man scarce, knoweth what manner of man he Ia.--Coulson Kernahan. Young He who gives pleasure meets with it; kindness is the bond of friendship and the hook of love; the who sows not, reaps not --•Basile. "Shirts Will Stay Short," Ob, well as long as•they .etayl Minerd's Liniment cleanses cuts, etc Russia, once a leading wheat ex porter, is now buying 8,000,000 bush els in Canada, so maybe, after all, it's a good thing for Russia that this country hasn't gone boisheviki, NURSES know, and doctors have declared there's nothinry ° quite like Aspirin to relieve all sorts of aches and pains, but besure it is Aspirin the name Bayer should be on the pacicage, and on every tablet. Bayer rs genuine, and thea word genuine—in red—is on every box, You can't go wrong if you will just loolc at the box: Aapiria sit ftp the too hint"Et4 {ra6entitle 111 onuses) . Ind entitle 00000 htnpurnpp,fad; "Elie it ,fee` 40011 'kno 1001 245155] mCnna Baeol n nu.. footuro, to ¢name the 1, ilelei0 0001001 laltotloaO,. - tae TOU CEh i9t11 be ttnneped 01111 t8eli "Bngeo VI erooi' ra a 10001, ISSUE No- 36-.'28 The Orange Pekoe, at a little extra cost,., is e:t°a food 10 Ira clean, bright Aluminum Desert Chore; :i.s Tall derricks that becomelacy spires through the graygoldhaze, strong hands, There is no weakening, The Church of England Brooklyn Eagle: It Is well for the religious world that the organization of the Church of England should be in rolling hills that are Pose and in the substitution of the Archbishop amethyst, rose -tinted 'desert, Salida of Yterir fes the resignhiig p_remte, `1111d. shadowy grayish -green +clumps of That is ,a satfs<faetory reliectfon desert sagebrush—oris is a Cali- many American churchmen. foi•nia oil veld made beauti'tul by the Mlnard's Liniment for aching Joints sunset's afterglow,. The vast sweep 1 o f a pl In and horizon had imprisoned the sheaf of :colors left in the sky by the sun as he slipped behind the last western rim *of hills, and has scat- tered cattered magic far as the eye can see, A fairy city hangs on the elopes, its round 'snow-white houses reaching fantastic heights as the \deseit at- mosphere plays pranks with size' and proportion—a "tank farm" storing hundreds or thousands of barrels o Sun -baked Mlle are transformed by the jeweler Shafts of fading daylight; and as they darken and melt` away into the night, myriads of twinkling lights spring into view. They are litre illuminated Christmas trees, these stately, derricks, their topmost lamps gleaming above "crown blocks" tow - stillness is broken by the creaking and groaningsof._ponderous machin- ering eighty feet into the sky. The ery, the hissing- and rumbling of giant boilers„the musical clink, clink, of huge iron "bits"" striking joints of tubing • hanging near the "hole” the uncertain rhythm of the gas engine'a eternal put -put. Thus goes on the fascinating and endless quest for "bio-ek gold,' one mighty industrial chorus which ceases neither day nor night. Classified Advertisements PIOR POUND UP, 7'Fv17NTY. one sampias free. Ont. }TILL T13L uuvl.'7t-rs 1u�:,LLu his. m TANCE ,moaern' of Canaria. 1.nt pest speedy, padded vans,. New Ylnulpinpnt, latest methods, Two experienced filen every trip, AU loads Insured. lleoon.t. retnpare Pori skill and care. 1-tetor,• vett move, write ire er Wlre and t•ProrR" Ills. charges. Head offlea ITamlltom On'arlo f "apedr4. Hill. 41,., 1tnv'r . Tw,o convicts were talking. "You snow," said one, "it took John Bun - an all his life to write a story." Carni" was the reply. "It took me ten years to do a sentence," Use SAWS and M chine Knives niMONDO CANADA SAW 00.5.10, MONrnDAL VANCOWCP, OT. JOHN, N Dy tanONTO r3 y: •41. "Jilt•" V\\\\\YA\\\ \W\\\\\\YU1\ \\\\\W\\Y\Ula\\\\\\\\V A Rubdown Exorcise will not cause stiff- ness if you'll massage your body with MInard'e, fi • rams a cairn aces 1, SPO0TSIVIEN'S SUPPLIES Cbe,per or Better �'• WrtkforCeteiogue T. W. BOYD er SON 41 Noire Rama SL W. MONTREAL .THE PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION of Canada Lotabllphed 1507. Anoets"ytaa0.107 00 JIOZ 'SSS "e poiteyholaere ova 100,Oe0.o0 THE OP°8VEBLY C7. SnaaeradzuEieks AoolntSsur. once to +•Seembel`g of the 2ffif4. Doalc kraal 011l Ebalusivols Agents In all principal Cit es and Towns . to Canada. E. E. tir.3 Oen. J. (5 P17Lr,£ a ., Psea, Oen. Mgr. Eooy. Ase. brgv. bead Cracee G81. 1EY, Qum, • AIT S List of "Wanted Inventlone" and Pull 1 nit. mutton Sent p'reo on Request. TEE nauusaY COy Deyt. W. 273 "Milk 88., Ottaway Out. Catictura ISO5EI9 and Ta` telt 2tal - 6‘.1 tiro anal I+`ragraut -� Soothing. and Conafoetdng 1o1( 0059 Evwywhore. Sono 25n. inlet 21,, GOOD ADVICE ".1r3OTHER FRS JF EVEN Recommends Lydia E. Pinlcham's Vegetable • Compound Toronto, Ont.—"I began `taking Vegetable Compound for nerves and other troubles and I must say I felt different after the first dose. I have been told this last six months that I look twenty-five, although I am now forty-seven and have bad saves children. I have takentheVegetable Compound regu- larly for some time and sleep well, rise early and feel Ae gne. nnos' 18 Laurier .Ave., Ontario. 0 'fit py<11j0 1 .M: Y'� vCJ1U1LIll 12.14 th,,.. t orr/iera eruce, t N rr.1fiF c.91 lbetterSt per CI bigger 11- 1rappecd _d9 MORD papar tq han you get in two or rhtee otdien ttuuc rolls: Md A vastly letter paper, tuo. 5,00045,, .dVery soil, sn0w-white-730 sheets of ;e m a his roll, completely wrapped, safe from dust, taint and handling, 1f you have been buying Toiler Thine o(f the bargain muntcr on the ao•manyrolls•(otm•quar4er basis you ate els getting value comparable with what this Ile. \Mil'l's SWAN ROLL offers you. And the anew white purity of this imm,cuIsta Time will maids the dignity of your bath. roam. It will be worthy of your other fine appafnnncros { tier popufau EDDY TISSUES "COTTAGE. • Tho (Incot Thane that moony .can buy. x000 sheets. .NAYr Areal good Roll, full *men, vast sheet). °oNuwo0', Nest, iianromc, compact. 11010fot grade thlau0. 6 NCB two cheats et a th„o, i ',,'f. ' °.El PS E �: i 0 n 1 o rt ;.- . G4NACAS FINEST VALUES THCsi by c2).,LI at% 0`:+11 ;3° a"'' c u4' '.,tt' ' 11-17 0, N UI -1 -,CANADA.,+