HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-08-30, Page 8CLINTON'Sassentssawasessausw ' LEADING JEWELER! STORE When 1,,yesight Valued • GYlien the eyes begin to weaken after year's o£ use, then the ines- timable value of good eyesight - comes to mind Do nog wail, until tailing eye- sight teaches you the lesson—come and have your eyes examined now. AAD Examination --Costs Nothing and may prevent the onslaught of eye trouble. THE. CLINTON-NEWS It11♦CORD R.‘11. JOEINSC)INT Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry Drug. Store. Fine : Jewellery and Repairs Next Ilovey's Ai 1 Sale o t° BOYS' CLOTHING COMMENCING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER lat ' We will place on Sale about 100 Boys' Suits at a discount of 25 percent. These suits are all extra, -good value at regular prices and re- _ present one of the greatest bargains ever offered to the people of Clinton at. this Spcial Sale Price of one quarter off. SEE OUR CLEARING'LINES OF' BOYS' ODD PANTS AT 980 AND 5f.54 PER PAIR • ALL SUMMER GOODS TO CLEAR AT_LESS, THAN 'WHOLESALE PRICE - •.P1ute Brose. BETTER VALUES t. • LOWER PRICES No Ofher R.e adyRoof ing Could Wi f hstandThisTesf The flame of a powerful blow -torch was placed' within two inches of J -M Asbestos Roofing. At the egd of fifty minutes (note clock) the roofing was not burned or injured, being only alightly blackened with •smoke. This is one of re number o£. testa' which prove conclusively that the only permanently - durable prepared roofing—the one that better than any other resists fire,. acids, gases, rot, rust, heat, cold and wear is 1}M ASBESTOS ROOFING It Is this "cheapestperycar" roofing because it re- qu&es no tooting or mooting to preserve it Tho first cost is the bol, expense. F,te•proof conotrucfion it bettor firc-protcctton to a build ngs'withJYMA be too5 oofingitwillBy otecttrem ' from Ste at eo extra cost. Write or call for Samples and ,Booklet. Happily off to school they go, busy' with lessons, • busier- still •at play,- laughing, laylaughing, bright-eyed, rosy-cheeked,: active all day 'long -that's the way children 'shopld•be, and a liberal- s,rp ply of requirements in - Scribblers, Pencils, Paints,. Exercise Books, Pens, Slates, as well, as the regulation text books. will help to make -them so. In advertising School Supplies we seem to feel we could tell you the hole story in a nutshell but we don't happens to `;Have any nutshell handy, there's to much to tell. The Text Books meeting the regulations of the Department' of,,Education are the same anywhere and are sold at prices made by the Department and: printed. on the books so the -whole story is be- fore you, Opening Day will to many be:._one of new scenes,, new thoughts, uew'lessons, nen tasks aiid "some dif- ficulties, We have tried tb.provide for you such supplies asz,will make, school work easy and pleasurable. Be ready'when the bell<rings_and in the getting ready if ,..you do„us the favor We have aimed to provide for you the most of the best for the least. If you want the best—We'll do the rest. Tile ` li ■ 11 Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best 229 Sutter & Perdue PLUMBING HARDWARE ELECTRIC WIRING Phone 147w Y . UR. CHILD WILL GET THE SAME ATTENTIVE SERVICE AS THOUGH YOU I CAME YOURSELF At our store you may be sure your child will be served -as promptly, cour- teously and well as any grown-up pat- ron. • We handle only superior products. • , Just give us a trial, . ' j Cur prices are the lowest in town. THE C, & S. GROCERS Branch -125j M iH 125w_ STRAWS: FOR Tilt MAN WHO APPRECIATES STYLE,, QUALITY AND ECONOMY All the newest strain weaves and, shapes -snappy and smart -- right up -to -the -last foment in style and price so reasonable that you still, can practice economy if you purchase your New ,Straw Hat at our store. ' The workmanship in these straws is of the xery finest, just the kind of Summer Headgear for the Man who 'appreciates, Style, Qual- ity . and Economy. D Her -mat CLINTON'S LEADING TAILORS PHONE 224w Coirata ce Mrs. Panny of Toronto is spending a couple of weeks with her parents, 1Vh•. and Mrs.. Alex, ;'McMichael. Mrs. Pickett of Detroit spent ' a week with ..jier sister, Meel. 0, Mer Gregor. Miss Margaret Love spent a week' s with her sister, Mrs. E. Britton. Mr. and Mrs. C. 'Hutton spent Sun- day 'in Walton. Mrs. Pollard spent Sunday in Grand Bend, . Misses' Isabel Lind Winnifred Draper returned last week from a trip to the west. Mrs. R. L. Moore and children of Stratford spent a week with rela- tives. in Clinton. Mt. Lloyd Moore and bride of Strat- ford have been visiting Clinton friends this welt. Mr. and Mrs.. Will Sloman Enid Mr, Bert Slonian returned this' weelc to their hone in Kankakee, , Mr. and Mars. Wesley Rowson of In- gersoll visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Atkinson over the week -end. Dg. and Mrs. F. A'. -Axon and Ma -- ter -Fred visited in Dundas and Hamilton during the past weak. Mr. Dodds Holloway of Fleming; Sask., is holidaying with his • par- - ents, M+r. and Mrs. A. Js Holloway. Mr. Norman McNeil of Detroit has been spending a holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Me-, Niel. Mr. 'G. E. Hall left on Friday to join his wife ; and 'daughter in Toronto and will spent the week there and in Kingston. Mrr. and Mrs. J, W„ -Manning and Mis- ses Dorothy and 'Lillian spent the ;beginning of the week at the Toron- to -Exhibition. ' Mrs. J- Finch returned on Sunday af-' ter a lengthy visit with friends in Flint, Jackson and Detroit, Mich., and Stratford, Ont. Mr. Gordon Ouninghame and Master John left.Friday for a trip up north. They 'will take in the Toronto ex- hibition on their returh. Dr, and Mrs. Hopper of Waterdown ' , and Fir. and Mrs. J. Kirk Houston of Winnipeg '- were in Clinton on Monday calling lin old friends, Miss Eertha Webster has gone to Tor- onto to take a business course. She was accompanied by her sister, Miss .:Lizzie, who will visit for a week or eh in the city: Miss Latta 1VreKeller, Miss Kathleen East and Mr. Car East of Toronto • and Miss Carrie Walter• of Rldlands •Cal•, wm o guest9,bt'ei the week -end • et Mrs. Gordon Cuninghamc,, Miss Ruby Irwin returned last week after a motor trip through the New England States in ,company with her brother, Rev. It, J. Irwin of Tar-, onto, Mrs. Irwin and Mrs. Irwin's 'sister.' •: Mr. and Mrs. J. Reinhardt of Kitche- ner were in Clinton thelieginning of theweekand on their return were aceompanied by Mrs. Janes Flynn,. who wiill make a little visit in Kit- chener. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Wise and Mrs. ` Charlesworth and Mrs. WI. J. Vod- den :of Goderich township- returned Monday from Cleveland, Ohio, 'where they attended the 'funeral of the •'former's-4othor, his wife, daughter and her two children, -who were killed in a Motor accident, last week. Rev. C. J. and' Mrs21tfoorehouse 'of Exeter spent a few days as the guests of Mir.' and, Mrs. James Liv- ermore the past week; Dr. and Mns, Brown of Pt. Clarke and Mr, and lite. McMurray of Harriston mot- ored,dov,-n one day and had a very: `pleasant re -union 'at the -Livermore home. " Mrs. N. W. Trewartha, Misses Esther. and Wliilemina and -Mise Cooper of Code/rich' motored- toi 1 Mrd and `on: Saturday, taking the boat -to Parry Sound and from there went out to spend the weak -end with friends at their summer cottage. Returning' they motored back again from Mid- land and enjoyed the outingvery much. TII;URSDAY, ,.ALC, 5T 30, an 1 1 1 owkomperwmotamorewitowwwwwwwergriwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww At: c es for sale for -Labor `'Day Celebration of.„ -H -Riot Tract BJ YFIELD AND CLINTON T tJ SDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY VINEGAR MALT, in bottle-. 29c VINEGAR, HEINZ MALT, White... .25e and `40c SEALER RINGS, per doz. 16c 'COM,13E HONEY 30c JELLY POWDERS, 5 for '- :,:::. , , .. .. ,'. , ... 25c FRESH MARSHMALLOW 25e FRESH MARSHMALLOW, per lb. 40e TOURIST., BISCUITS , ., 35c FANCY DATES, pitted FANCY SI -MIK -DATES . ,: , , , :.15c and 30e GINGER WAFERETTES .. , ' 30c MUJSIIROOMS . . _ .-. , .. '25c and 40c LARGE PICKILS . . 49c MAYONNAISE, Blue Ribbon ., , .. , , ... ,.. , 40e MAYONNAISE, Club- House , 350 PREMIER DRESSING , a • 50c OHEESE CHIP 20c LIMBURGER CHEESE , 40c PIG DOMINION` SUGAR SPECIAL AT CARBRICE$6.25 LARGE IVIAR1V2ALARE, (Sherriffs) 43e SMALL BOTTLE, (Sherrif's) 25c . JAM, RASPBERRY, large, 44'c CATSUP, b25c CANNJ9D SPAGottleHETTI 15e and 20c - OLIVES, large size -39e COFFEE, per lb.. 70o TEA, per lb, Ole SOAP, P. & G.; 10 bars ............ ... ....' 43'c GRANULATED SUGAR, 1.0 lbs, ; , :: :... , ; .. ... - 69c RICE, KRISPIE' „ , , . 150 PEANUT BUTTER pail , , .. , 20e CERTO, 3 for ---------------------L00 CASTILE SOAP, 8 for . 25c GINGER- ALE, per dozen , . $2.25 CAMPBELL'S SOUP, (Tomato) 2 fox.. .. 29c CAM0BELL'S VEGETABLE SOUP, 2 for - 29c CLARKE'S. SOUP, 3 for 29c CANNED TOMATOES, 2 for 25e ' LIIX, per pkg. 1.0c, 3 for 29c TABLE ,SYRUP, 5 lbs. • 35c LOOSE COCOA, per lb. 10e QUAKER CORN FLAKES, 3 for . 27c DATES, 3 lbs. 33c . FANCY 919[XED BISCUITS • 25e CHARM, 2 pkgs 19c RINSO, 2 pkgs.' .. ... lac MEAT DEPARTMENT ROLLS, per 1b. 35c BACON, in piece . 35c JELLIED VEAL 40c Balance of fifty other Specials' in the store, call and inspect them. Will Continue Busniss in Bayfield delivering twice a. week. Telephone in your orders. IN THE MORNING FIRST DELIVERY 9 a.m. IN THE AFTERNOON FIRST DELIVERY 2:30 p.m. Te N- ell `Cash - and Service • • WHERE "SELLS FOR LESS" PRICE PREVAILS ORDER EARLY. Phone 4 BAND TATTOO AND^: FIREWORKS DISPLAY: .CLINTON, LABOR DAY. MONDAY, SEPT. 3rd. atSp.m.--_ SEVEN BANDS WILL TAKE PART Clinton ICiltie, Clinton Pipers, Strat- ford,- Mitchell, Goderich, Kitchener Flute, Waterloo Musical Society MASSED BANDS -140 MUSICIANS C. F. Thiele, Conductor . BAND CONCERT By Waterloo Musical Society Fireworks Display Similar to Old Home Week Admission: Adults, 47c plus Sc amuse- ment tax, Children, 25e. ' 76-2. People You Know Mrs. W. Stanley and Miss Bessie ,Gar- ret left last week on ..trip west. Miss Pratt of Toroniu has been vis- iting Mrs. James Livermore this week. Miss Myrtle Arit,;,5.trong has return- ed . home after spending the, past - few weeks in Detroit. Mrs. Frank Layton !s. spending this week in Toronto attending the Ex- hibition and visiting relatives. Miss Mary Matheson of Goderich spent the past week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Manning. Mt•: and Mrs; A. Cartwright motored (sown to Toronto. ,this morning ac- companied by the latter's sister and niece. ' Mx., and Mrs, W. T. Sweet of Port Huron Spent a few days_ last week as the guests of Mrs, J. Cornish of town. Mt. and Mrs. J. 'Quennel and family have returned to their home tri Tor- onto after spending a few days with the lady's mother, Mrs. Ar-' gent. a . Miss Etta Smith of 'Toronto, who, has been visiting in, Clinton, spent a few days as a guest of Miss Jes- sie Grainger at her cottage at Bay-, field. Miss Etta Smith,.Who has been the guest of her aunt, Mrs, ,Mason, _and Mr. Elgin Mason for the past three' Weeks, hap' returned to her home in Toronto. Mr. Addison and Miss Dell 'gelid of Parkhill spent Sunday with their aunt, Mr§: Margaret Pickett, and ,on their return were accompanied by Mrs. Ed. Pickett, who has been. visiting Clinton friends, ' Mrs. J. C McMath and Miss Mar- jorie Mc=Math leave today for Tor- ' ante and will spend a ,few days in the city before Miss Marjorie goes on to resume her school 'duties at Enmesh on Tuesday next. Mr. and 'Mts. .Harry Ambler of Pon- tiac, Mich., motored over to spend the week -end With Mrs, Ambler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rorke. .Miss' Florence Rorke, who had been visiting, her sister, 'returned with them, iVdrs. Ambler is spending the week here and her husband will return to: spend the week -end and Labor Day. ONT. ST. CHOIR PICNIC The 'Ontario street United` church choir journeyed to . Harbor 'Park, Goderich, oft Tuesday afternoon for their annual picnic. A teal `enjoyable time was spent in games and sports of yarious> kinds and -aIl partook oy a sumptuous repast which was prepar- ed? by the ladies. During the after -- noon Mrs, Dawns, who has been a very'faithful member of the choir, and who is leaving shortly for 'Tor- onto, was presented with a very beau- tiful gift by the members of the choir. Mirs. Downs very feelingly replied and short addresses were given by -Dr. Evans, B. J. Gibbings, Rev'. A. E. Doan Allreturned,. home In the evening, feeling that it was,. one of the best picnics they had been prtveleged to have. Over thirty were present. The Young People's Society of Ont- ario street church held their annual picnic to Bayfield yesterday. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH OPEN AIR CONCERT, VARNA to be held on DR. L. MOFFATT'S LAWN on the evening of • TUESDAY, AUGUST 26th The entertainers will be Harvey Mc- Gee of Auburn, assisted by Dr. Mof- fatt. Highland dancing by four little tots. ` Japanese fan drill by three girls all in uniform. Music supplied by Zurich, Brassy Band. Mi. McGee conies .highly recommended as an en- tertainer, impersonating both Scotch and Irish. Refreshment booths on grounds serving sandwiches, Hot dogs, -pie, cake and Ice Cream. Admission, A- dults• 35c, Children 20,c. In case of rain -the concert will be given in Dr. Moffatt's Barn, Don't Muss This. COAL D,L.W; AND LEIGH SALLEY COAL SEME-SOLWAY COKE( -WA -J.. MILLER & SON Orders taken at residence,,Ontario St. PHONES: 46w and 46j Whatever Your Hard- ware Needs May Be We are equipped to supply -you. Everything at low prices. Whether you want a nail or a lawn mower, or a tack or a boiler—we have" All. goods 'guaranteed to give the fullest` satisfaction. llawkins T. 4.i ent for Renfrew Cream SeperatorsCall and get .Prices. HARDWARE and PLUMBING JRhona 944 To -Morrow's Vigor Depends _Upon How • Much You -Sleep To -Night You can "sleeps' on a hard, IunipY, sagged 'mattress; You ea "sleep" on an oak board, if weary enough! But when you sink bite the cosy embrace of a Marshall you enjoy a wondrously different kind ' of sleep. The ever,xesilient springs of. theiIarshail Mattress cuddle up with gentle Support to release very tired muscle from strain; Nat- ure gets a chance to renew every Worn tissue and create new en- ergy'. You awake invigorated, refreshed. - A lifetime of such healthful energy biulding COMFORT is sur- ely worth the trifling extra cost of a Marshall. fi SPECIAL: A free slip cover given -with every Marshall matt- ress sold during August. Then to co-operate with this special offer we have some wonderful savings in Bedroom Suites which will pay you to investigate. ,Clinton Hardware and FurnitureCo THE ,STORES • WITH A STOCK F NERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture "Phone 104 Hardware 106 IIOL1DiIY SP.ECL% GRAN. SUGAR 10 lbd for 69e - "LAWSON'S" SPECIAL BLEND TEA (Black only) Per -Ib. 590 10 bars P. & G. Soap . • 43e Vinegars, per gal....,.. 500 Canned Peas, New Pack, 2 25c Iiorne's Dainty Pudding, Spkgs. . .. . ... . . .... 25c Baking Powder, Maple Leaf can 190 GOOD RICE 4 lbs. for 25e Breakfast Bacon, piece,.. Rubber. Rings, 3 doz:.... Shaker Salt; 2 pkgs .. Sardines, 4 tins . .. Lard, 8 lb. pail Floor Wax, per tin Pork '& Beans, 2 for :.. 37e 25e 25s 25e 595 30s 25e Pickles, sweet . or TOMATO SOUP- 1 Doz. Jelly, assor- sour, qt. battle 49c , per tin 10e I ted, 1 plate $1.38 `TOMATOES, CELERY, PEPPERS, RED AND GREEN CABBAGE, PEACHES, MELONS, ETC. L. LAWSON &OJ` • PHONE 111 PROMPT DELIVERY A HOME OE CREO-DIPT SHINGLES More than, a house, more than a place to live in, more eventhan a thing of beauty—is home. It is ,part of oneself, growing dearer as the years go by,gathring about itself the memories of'Iobe and friend- ship, adding continually to its freshness, the charm of time. : Such are homes Built in the truly artistic style, such will your home be, if built with nature's building material—Creo-Dipt Stained Shingles—on roof and, sidewalls, Creo-Dipt Stained shingles in thirty shades of brown, green,red, gray and white make possible an arkur: ate interpretation of individuality in home building,' Estate Chao l~I�0 Thomas McKenzie st 14 . ,o PHONE 88 EVERYTHING'IN BUILDERS' ' SUPPLIES ,RESIDENCE 65