HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-08-30, Page 5• •
on•and.her sister,Ms, •
W John0n wjio Ta0 en
edaIretlienr..the:QinteirSehterl'Iait, ,,,and:eVkinflti'lldlriere-Wri,•ptilpit on, SueMt t we nar p4 ee *fl day
•,' aed..4,1,1".a.'1T: T:311d6r and c?hilther
• •..,o± 'Ves14fte1d visitecl at M34 Jame ni"
Fdae *ho 4t0 141414 (qQd )1d 1q ever ay,„;
, • „ „; -..,,•'• , ,.••Q1ie rnnth14i Mecting..of the Wo
be held • the
.-6:91;:li.eirig grand. meta
the gi an and ta 72'sraildrhother's:',
bwa je"4:44*1:?4"°;i1csa to Inc aywarc1 64i.e-:-`'w1
^0 0: 6',6ei of Chrlton ,4(1'.
ohaige of tae service ln •
oii.',Sunday•:a'fternotin. EverYorie V,a4
leliglitec1 ' ,•. •
of., -,the
• no, anct-heit esting,yill'soon be ever
fbr arrether year. ••• • "' •••'
-• IVIisse$ 'pet., _and Marg i'SO'Ott ha,V14„
,r4urried after •IsPeridirig; a pieaSEnit:,
holday:with Detroit' friends.
Mrs: Frame 'Robinon th1dsonj of
Brpelilin' have been renewing
cfriairdanceS in the' -Village 'andl.ridiri;:.
.” Radford recently purchased
the: hie. of lVt1is. W. Rill, aliiiteir•
•and expects to *eye about, the 'last
of •September. •-• ' • '
and 'Mrs. Tew-nserid: of Ottawa
.are at present visiting at the •home' of.
Mr: and-MrS„ R. -Townsend. -
• Mr.' W. Lyon has _returned' home
after -h.- pleasant visft',With, his son,
Dr. Lyon of
Mr. and Mat, N Garrett, reeentlY
visited: at the home of the former's:
father, Mr., -George Garrett.' •
Miss Jones of near. London, spent
the ,week -end • with friends in the'
ebnuiranitY. ; • .
Mi. and Mrs. Grey -and family of
Lirddingten, Michigan, have returned'
after a pleasant visit with the f or-
rderis brothers, Messrs. Wm. ami Joe
Grey, on tlie• 13th concession, • ,
'1VIrs: Joe IVIlanning; who has been
visitink friends in ',Toronto, has: re
turned home, -,-••
Mr. and. Mrs. W111iaiicoi4. and
Miss Alice of Georgetown visited last
week at the horne of Mr. -H. Adams.
Mrs. Buttiiii and Mrs. Bagler and
hei two children of Toronto spent the
past Week at the home of Mr. Henry
Adams. • .
Tel-derv:4 is tke•laSt deg of AuguSt
and of ;siTnianer.- JalY
yat have 'been ,very,•,,sertsonable
months/the weather ,-being as warmas
anyone could wish +-nidstof thelime.
muCh.rain, but .August
1491been' dry,-•Nvarnr: and excellent, her.:
-west weather, 1.„
illjanday-is Labor Day -,and a gener7
78,1 holirlaY,,-Residents, along the old
Huron Road, h,owe,ver, will find that
",:”; • .wlula a•liolidayit„Will not be much:of
' • • a rest d,a,y such a program of activities
- • ' having been ad-Tanged• • as nil) keep
• -then busy froni early morning :until
, • ,a14 .night,- vtheothe celebration
-wil•iCUlP ClintOli, with a 'grand
band tattoo and display .of fireworks,
The Clinton baseball team have got
• - " into the semi-finals in the,Dtiron
• -League. ,They play off:.with .
" • '•-ich on the local diamond tornerrow. ev-
• • cning -and if winner i will then'„meet
• Exeter for the final. Give the boys-
' a good start tomorrow by, being at the
•-hall park ,at the start of th,e game ant
• encourage them •:to piat forth their
very best effforts. • Let everylrbdy do
•his best; then let the_beit team. win• !
What we should really like to .know
• - is Whether Orillia destroyed -the •mos-
quitees Which usually make an other-
• wise happylife miserable up in that
• neck of the woods, or if their efforts
• only frightened the little pests away..
' It. is generally conceeded that mos-
, quitoes were never- so troublesome
• all over Ontario as they have
•'been this season. Clinton certainly
• ' had more of them .than usually '1 alis
• io•her Share- •• • - •
• Citizens should treat all visitors
with courtesy. When a -Visitor calls.
at your home, xio matter what his
business, you feel it incumbent upen
you to treat him courtesously. You
may not be particularly interested in
the max, may not be very fond of him,
perhaps, and his presence may not be
very welcome, but the laws of hos-
pitality demand that while he is un-
• der your roof he -must be treated with
'courtesy. But if you invite a man to
your home and treat him with any-
thing but the finest courtesy the act
brands you as sadly lacking in breed-
ing. Bwre well to remember that
tourists are invited -guests' Catiada;
- • ' people from other provinces and oth-
• er towns are invited to come to us and
• we should be willing to go out of our
wdy if need be to oblige them and to
See that they are giyen any informa-
tion necessary.. Frequently tourists
• strp to'ask for information on various
subjects. It would'be a fine thing if
these -who pass tlwough Clinton would
, reinember this town arthat,in whicli
• every „kindness .and courtesy was
• shown thein. ,
Such changes have taken place in
the past one hpndred years, in the
, past twenty-five, indeed, that it
• • would be a resh_person who would
undertake -to forecast what would haps
• open in the net. "Will there be any
;iiiore haPpiness, • any more content-
' .-Inerit' among the people of the Huron
"Traet in one hundred years" asks' a
Conteniporary, "thew there is today?
,' • Perhaps 'not. Indeed, it: 'might be
questioned if there is as much eon-
• ' tentment and happiness new, as there
was one hundred years ago. True,
• wo have much more of material Com-
fert, we do not -work so hard and we
sea More returnslor our labour; the
' people in those days wire isolateed. We
liaye-•eontact with our neighbors and
With people living hundreds of iniles-
akvay; they were separated by miles
• of space and by rough, almost impas-
sible made; from:markets, from Cities
and from friends'in older parts of the
• ceinitry. We can-coer ere -hundred-
miles hi the spacof less than tlifee
hours, in i eonveyanee as comfortable
is 'an Upholstered chair- at honre,
• 'If we -wish to cross the ocean we can
do so in a feW days enjoying all ,the
comfort of a large floating hotel'.
Put after all what is it that makes
happiness? Iiealth, a reasenable
,: :freedom, from material ',cares,: a cell
• -- science free from minors°, the 'lime of
our families and the ;friendship of 01.1T
-friends; the respect of our felletvs,
some congenial work to do and sonic
leisure in which. tp indulge our lurk-
-tries whatever they may bo. SiInple
• needs, after all, aid 14014 dependent, en
-great wealth. .
.Cententment and happiness are sel-
.. ;dm if ever found by the persens, who
'chase off M a mad scurry to find
them but they may be found, calmly
• - waiting at the hearthstone, en their
• • -Of course we all ave 'interested in
„• and delighted in the advancement• "
— made: in the world's progress; ad-,
, va,neement in knowledge and in• 114914-
- 4-- ,* erial progress are • good things and
mught to add tei"'Our well-being but
they do not clo so unless used aright.
• Happineas arid cc,nten.traent are; with -
'in us and are available for for and
, 'poor alike If the dwellers in the Mir-
' • on Tract are, a happy and contented
, people i14 one htmdred years t midi -tow
,• it will bo Decease they are hying san-
Lely, wliclesomely and- Glicl-fearingly.
1-40t 4 ••tragje:.derath;;.,:togeth ''' '''''sr9
iOffi'1440911fer•:i-Ovii,.--, .„,7'-.1)nbY'i'll-i
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•.76-0-:•°,,SittSrek Al••••:' ';'o.,:.qP0P'13Y-
, . ..„ ,.- • t•liViso,a,.-Wire 'Wee,'
so biidlic/' lajiireci•4it '44-ii'''!tiil-4-
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.• arria, e,S.: ' • ..•-_,
• - • ,*
- • ,„ ;-; _
• ted -chub; Auburn, 'on Angnst 29,
by tire Rev. W; R. Alp, asSisted
Hithe Rev. A,: -E. -Thornley arid -the
D. Jeries,„Janet, ,danghter
, of 11V:IrS.Alp and the'late"Rev.•W. A.
• Aio, of, „Granten, to Paul Vivian
Theinley of Dexter,:13fielr,'? se-fr. of
Rev. A. E. and Mrs. Thornley •of
wHETRA.K--Wocis, At Calvin
United church manse, St. 'Helens
-0X1 , August .25th; by ,the Ron.
Winnifred, daughter of
,IVfm, Sarah Woods and the late •R,
• Wc.ods, -to Arthpr.Whetliarn; son
of Mrs. Mhethain and thelate Jelin
' Whetham, of Galt. , •
WioGiNs—In Bunton ubUc Hospi-.
on Augl...ist 29th, ,to Mr. and
Mrs. F. A. Wiggins, a son.'
township,' -on
April 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Hugill, a daughter, •„ -
11IC000L--In Londesboro, on Angust
- 25th, to. Mr. anti IVIts. J. XeCoel, a
• daughter.
Hullett town-
ship, on August 25th, -to Mr. and
• Mrs. Wm. Archambault, a son.
IVIcQUA.RRIE=,-At Alexandra Hospi-
tal, Goderich, on Aug.1.9th, to Mr.
hnd Mrs. Athol MeQuarrie, of 141
Grimthorpe Road, Toronto, a (laugh-
' ter—Margaret Jean:• _
Colborne Township
Mies Julia. Young, who has been, fir -
Toronto, is holidaying for two weeks
with her, parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. M,
Young. ,
Rev. Dr. Colin Young, Toronte, is
visiting his relatives here,
Miss Edith Glen of Toronto ea -11M
en a,few of her friends, last week,
Ur. Alex.' Young and his sister,
Mrs. A. Y. Henderson, were going ti=
wards Goderich, the other day when
just as they neared the C.P.R. track
the horse they were •driving became
frightend, threw out both occupants
and clearing itself ran off. Mrs. Hen -
demon got off without a =etch but
Mr.: Young has one cracked rib.
• Mr. and lVfrs. Dealin Hunt returned
to Louisville, Kentucky, on Thursday.
Mrs. Andrew of Walkerville is vis-
• .
, ^
iting Ninth Mr. and Mrs.' Wm. MeIll-
wain. -
On Augpst 18 one of the oldest
residents of Colborne 'township cele-
brated 'her ninetieth birthday in the
person -of Mrs. IVIaedel of 1ienmiller.
We offei 'Congratulations,
• . Miss •Foote -of Toronto and Mrs;
Sykes 'are visiting Mr. and. Mrs. Wil-
frid Raymond. f or a couple of weeks.
,Mr, and Mrs. Albert, Glen and
friends motored up to the former's
home on Saturday.
Mr. Donald Murcheson, Mr. Thom,
Shields and Mr. Wm. Clark were
three that went on the harvesters ex-
.TnE-OuNT0N-Nows ttEcouu
1. disiit,;(1-7tte„0:,":woili.114m.:Si 1,o, IT, - -.664111:nrio'':11i.' iv74.-ffis.,g;,4:4;111:::::
4t tha n„.;,„Mysivie„
i.,, date. .
. 6:: 1,3/4 f 'WIKt e.' ',Gs,: „yowl. '-.11,,,
Gov- , ,., .,:ur iii.):4,.. ',,,,,,/,.' ,,,,,,,,,,e4e1,,,,,,,8;'
al'r- tt-i's -- 9,1,31idal .'it,...z,..,,.,_,,,.,,,,,, ,4.i,'„
I9--eo dlell Mr ad,tilm. . 41 -rig• ''
'.t341;- •-•t• ..
..,•:Ouit ",:c HILDRE.N.
, .iym”, #ot bO• ii,"41:e leng'"TheY we
:q Iii'.:4:11:11ei.°:goa'213: id'I'1:99i- ti:eshiTlie ird- d?Drae.2 rho • ; I I."' '-'0e.:::tlio:tNi -1' geTr, '140°0*hrNbutt 1): se. .'
fainilY would:be Pledged to have their
sittingWhile it is possible: .., ' ' '
Olinteri7Sisildid.open „every -Tuesday
,Let,:u0" make Sone ,nice Photegraphs:
et' theta.- -`r-liave: You. Pliotegraphs Of
fP1,1*,6°I.u'iB:91.1:46s:10,::,..ms1C::es.)?...M11.4.:1,a, 'llave::.--.a
Miss Emilia Snell is holidaying witb
her sister, Mrs. Telford Nixon.
Miss Blanche Shaw has returned to
New York after the summer vacation,
• Rev. • Alex. MoMillian spoke oil
Sunday of the work on Missions. it
is forty years since the Missionary,
Society Was formed here. There are
. Mr, and 'M
Et•anic CamPbell.How-
:are,'Douglas and `1Wlinr4e of
fisd eni Suridey with MM. J. Tani -
ns you will k
°NEW the most spectacular achieve-
ineuts nautomotive history is the
manner in which today's "l3igger and •
Better" Chevrolet is increasing its rx-iargin
of leadei.shipas the worlds largest builder
of automobiles,
Comse, take a ride! Learn the teasons-why people
prefer"-Cheerolet. '
Know Chevrolet,performance! Wherever hills •
are steepest, the farne of die Chevrolet motor is
• greatest—because 114 is built on the va_lve-in-head
principle, whidh provides all the power advan-
• tages of overhead direct firing., "
Chevrolet's delightful ,srnoothess is achieved
by the Use of finvar-struf alloY'-pistons, and by , .
acduratebalan-cing of reciprocating parts.
• Chevrolet flashes out and aWay,when you open
• the'throttle because' it offers the advantages of
light invir-strut pcitons, latge Valves, ,and car- ••'
buretor equii3pecl with an -acceleration •--
COrne, take a ride --today I uc.25-14-zsc
14148 G.111.4 C1 .'Genvol,Motore, oilat de I ort,ed payment plv af Idrds the
most conocniont and cconolnical way of Intyotg your Chevrolat on time.
• Touring . . 1425,00 Convertible 'Cabriolet 865,00
,Uiwt1. Trock Cf,eni. 465.00
12oadater Bkpresd 650.00:
Ali filen at Raclin y, tWd , nt Orifratoo—'
Goitortiot Taxal",, .13uot es -• '',At&Prices al Factory, ,Osha7oa-, „•
j4�. - Gwitorltwont Taco, BulcItt's .nd114, Twc '' - • '
• ••• .- • Spate Two .Extra. •.`• • -
, . • '
. . • :- ", „V i' : '''l
. ,.:. •1"'"
„i: ,'. ' '-- ' '•'''.• • , .
THE, CliCiTCES1' • .
HOT 110117SE G110:5VN•
• 15c Per lb.
i F.- v. Cooke
Tvvcr Pliories--6,6w :ard 66j
I'lephone Meeting
• • In resp-onse to a petition filed with
the Clerk of the township of sntith special general meetibg of the
subscribers of the Tuckersmith--Mun-
icipal Telephone System will be held
in Walker's Hall; Brilbefield, on Fri-
dh-y, Sept. 7th, at 7.30 p.m., for the
following, purposes: To consider the
proposal of the Commissioners to in.
crease the eharges-for service to sn'17-
scribers. To conSider ways and means
for reducing the cost of 'operation of
system. A. E. IVreGregor, Clerk of
Tuckersmith. •'77-2.
Wanted --Tractor Plowing
A tractor plow to plow ten acres at
once. Apply to S. R. McMath,
' 77-1.
Acconiodation for Students
Can accomodate one or two stud-
ents. -Pates reesonable. Apply to
Mrs. T. Venner, Rattenbury ' street,
west. • •77-tf.
House for Sale
A good. -7--room house in, the best
residental district of Clinton, good
grounds;m• beautiful lawns, _ small
goed cement garage. Terms
can he arranged. Apply to. Box 106,
Clinton, Ont. 77-tf.
a16thitt4-g pf
C111•Nat.43‘hilli P1
:phones___office, 214j Residence, 2147
Auction Sale of Furniture, Rte.
The undersigned will sell kr auction
at residence, -Ontario and \William
streets, Clinton, on Saturday, Septem-
ber 1st, at 1.30 the following: -
3 dressers; 1 dressing table; 3' iron
beds; 2 wooden beds, with springs and
mattresses; 2 glass. cupboards; - side
board; 1 adjustable,book Case; sheet
iron heater; extension table; 6 oak
diners; parlor suite (4 pieces); music
rack; • 2 chests of drawers; kitchen
table; parlor table; 2 burner oil stove
lawn mower; invalid chair; high back
arm chair;,. dishes, linoleum, oil
cloth, sealers, cooking utensils, 2 door
Chevrolet Sedan, Underwood typewrit-
er and other articles too numerous to
Terms: Cash. G. H. Elliott, Auc-
tioneer. W. S. Downs, Proprietor.
, , '17-1.
For Labor Day in Goderich a
great baseball feature has been 'gr
ranged—a • "doubleheader," for a
purse of 7750, between the ()siert of
Toronto, semi -pro champions of On-
tario, and .General Tires, the f arnetis
Buffalo team. These teams have met
seven times this year, General Tires
winning four games. First game on
Monday afternoon at 2 o'Clock. After
the second game tlie ceremony .of un-
veiling the memorial cairnerected in
connection with the centenary'of the
Huron _Tract, will take place at Har-
bor Park.—Advt,
F. H. Seeley, of Chicago and Phila-
delphia, nationally famous expert, will
himself personally be at the Windsor
Hotel, and will remain in. Stratford
this Monday only,.Sept. 3rd, from 9
a.m. to 5 p.m. • .
F. H. Seeley, of Chicago and Phila-
delphia, nationally famous expert, will
himself personally be at the Bedford
Hotel and will remaia in Goderich
Wednesday, Sept 5th4 from 9 a.m. to
5 p.m, Mr. Seeley says:
"The Spermatic Shield will not only
retain any case of rupture perfectly
but contracts the opening in 10 clefs on
the average case.- Being a vast ad-
vancement over all fernier methods—
exemplifying instantaneous effects im-
mediately appreciable and with stand-
ing any strain' or Position no matte),
the size or location. -Large or difficult
cases, or incisional ruptures (follow-
ing operations) • specially • solicited.
This instrument received •the only a-
• ward hi England and in Spain, produc-
ing results without surgery injections,
medical treatments or prescriptions,
with distinguished poi:serial patrons of
all nations " "Ilia method has_elweys
been most satiRlictery."—Late I)r. Ed,
ward Shipped °ruler Medical Direc-
tor, U. S. Navy. • - -
This instrument is the same. as sup.
plied to ,Surg, Gonis. Brireati, IL 5:
Navel Hospital.--Penii R. 11 Etc
He be glad. -to dernonstrate-witli-
out charge • or fit 4lieni if desired.
Business demands' prevents stopping
at any other place m this section.
11 B.,--Every-gtatement in this n�&
iee has been verified before the Peder:
al and State Courts. ---E. II. Seeley,
AUTION—All eases s mild be cati-
%toned egginst the vse of any elater. er
AVIS• Clinto,n., web truss with unclerstraps, es sante
• the opening • is often resulting in
ittringulaton, °Lelingo°, yloo, N.
rest where tiro lump is and not where
PFtooLloT Gri3liplAr...4vxs:)Top.s 017- CANADA, LIMITED
to,Harold Skinner's.
A NewAgency
As. I am now handling„the'
shutt; and Fro-st and -Wood 'Implem-
ents and also Cockshutt cream- separ=
eters, and am prepared to supply all
kinds of repairs, for same, I solicit
the patronage, of farmers and others.
Orders will receive prompt attention.
- -
Queen street, Clinton
The New Barber Shop
Shave . . .......... .. . ... .. ...15c
Hair Cut - 25c
(Saturday 35c)
Hair Oil .
• 10c
Electric . 30c
mange ..... -30c
Lemon and -Egg . 500
Witch Hazel Steam 20e
Boncilla .
.E17.tvMitTt°e1N1's ROUIPSBtL•aEnd
Toronto Exhibition
Aceorrio-dation in Private home for
Exhibition visitors. Min. J. P. Grif-
fin,. (nee E. Govier), 8 HaSleet Ave.,
Toronto, Ont., Phone Howard 8707.
Notice Re Weed Control
' The council of the Township of
Goderich ask the hearty co-operation
of all the ratepayers in controlling the
weed menace by cutting all noxious
weeds, also those, on the highway in
front of their ownproperty, sm.s to
Prevent the ripening of their seeds.
By order of the Council.
D. Glidden, Weed Inspector.
For Rent
Barn—Fine for Garage; electric
liglits installed; rent reasonable, Mrs.
Alice Mason, Mill Street. '76-2-p.
Rooms Wanted
Good aecomodation for students.
Convenient to school. Terms reason-
able, Inquire at The News -Record
office.. ' 77-5-p.
• For Sale
Heavy choice brood mare and good
aged work home. Apply•to John D.
Woods or Harry Weston, Louise st.,
Bayfield, Ont. 76-4-p..
Expert Kodak Finishing '
Developing 5c roll. Prints, any
size, 3c each, post paid. Jacksono
Studio, Seaforth, Ont. '72-6-p.
Farmers Attention!
Having purchased h new trader
'and plough, I am now ready to do a
limited amount of custom ploughing.
Let nie help you get -yens land ready
for fall wheat. Will do a satisfactory
job. F. W. Andrews, Clinton. Phone
33•4. /2-tf.
, Estate of James Andrew Irwin,
/ill persons indebted to the estate of
this decedent are required to forthwith
pay. the amount of their accounts to
Miss Ruby Irwin at the Irwin Store,,
Tho executors are required -Co get
in all outstandingsat once and ac-
counts not paid before September ist,
1928 will be proceeded upon and costs
Solicitor fer the Executors,
In the Estate of James Andrew Irwin,
NOTICE is :hereby given that all
persons having Claims against the es-
tate. of James 'Andrew Irwin, late oL
the .4own of Clinton, in the County of
Huron, EsqUire, deceased, who died
on or about the 3rd day' of August,
A.D,, 1928, are required to deliver to
Robt. Fulton Irwin, Centralia', Ont.,
Robt.-Joseph Irwin, Toronto, Ont., the
executors of ---the said estate or W.
Brydone, their solicitor„ on or before
the 28th day of Angust A.D., 1928, a
full statement of their claims together
particulars thereof, and the nat-
ure of the 'securities, if; held by them
all duly verified by affidavit.
' A -ND TAKE NOTICE that after
the said last mentioned date rhe said
executors will • proceed to distribute
the estate of the said deeeasd amongst
the persons entitled thereto having re-
gard only to such claims as they shall
have received 4190 )notiee and inac-
*fwrewlint, Ontarlo„this 14th
day bf Augnst A.D. 19281
W.i-myooNE,,„ olinton, Ontario,
, Sblicitor for, said Executors.
;;..,61;i1fiiiiit,,..:e' 1••••ss''..v.v.,,,--,1,1 ' '-•••; ••; _;,..,x„„.d.to:1ix,•-,:•s:R, Pso•tfaii:bg:e
, ,•, . .•
-'-‘-tire. ,eab--grv!,• o' - ---• ' ,',' , 1:, - .:- • Piping .1-41' ,
Futnae%:. '. end Rel'•osene • ' • ' ' Boats,'
- `FlurnbiXiiiFen9ing''' -''312' - flgi'i es, GE -kin. G:znridoi,,
' Viildn1111°' C4as ' :.40),Iers,' . Stone ,
. - fit'sr, ana•I'l'ice' tor's. Aniel'ic
'„'.:11113gcip,o."11iie.is:;1:7190:'f.nP:;;d:t3;36:pron, ,api,lad.1•'.'4,t4nge:.:.wt co.r.,-1c......,4:.,7Whtoc,sc:0:':asti:10,;,E1,slotce,:a.x.',rio,,it1,h;1eqic.4..,,uae:•03,-,j,B.loairls,,itLin,Ai:o.
. , ' ,_paeliere, •HOrse- , •' . . afi'ij- furniSh repairs . 1•'...•
'Filtnace.4 ' - . ' lied an On r
conilliste la4g• • • , .12 at, low PrIess
• -, of.-R-ibbers,.. o .....-60Tri.,e,, nlegtrie arid ga. s°11,11,3 Washer
Oil at
19r .(1-a ,-. ' • .Ceolts and -Hen lots
... , ,- _e -6,f Ouel)ee , • . ii.i,5 g.,,Tion. . . .
25- eentS per e•,,.
Hardware Co.
C.H.VENNER Electrician
Electric Ranges, Fixtdies, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other
Wiring and Repairs., Phone 7
New Fall Samples
—$19.00 and -up
Clening 'and Pressing Promptly
McEwen's Old Stand. Opposite
Post Office
For Upholstering, Repairing, Refin-
Samples of Coverings Carried
Nelson Street '
Tractor PlOWing
I am prepared to do plowing by the
acre, at any time. Also wood sawing
Apply to S. Flewitt, or phone 13 on
606, Clinton central. 64-tf-6p.
Farm For Sale
82 acres; lot 62 on Bayfield conces-
sion, Goderich township, 6 miles from
Clinton. Mostly seeded down, running
spring, brick house, good barn and out-
buildinge. Good orchard. Also 26
acres of hardwood timber on same
cdncession. If farm not sold will
rent. Apply to Peter Cole, R. R. No.
8, Clinton.
Money Wanted
$200 wanted on a good first mort-
gage. Will pay 61/1 per cent, In-
quire at News -Record. 72-tf.
For Sale—Poultry Farm and. Orchard
Good house and outbuildings and
White Leghorn culled flock. Terms
can be arranged. E. Parker, Clinton,
t °At 60
t‘ING• HEM" -FOLI('1
• ARE' TI•M 'BEST $ALE•51,,w-hi
YOU PAN 1-iAve
Bin'Y NoW!
We have the time-, the place and
the coal. • --
If- yon wait until later we will still
have the best place to buy, and the
best coal to buy but the time will be
lacking. And you may have to wait
yoUr turn with thdothers who fergot
that winter was eorning until the
first cold weather ,caught them.
Buy nowl
Call the ks„Egf ivol
for good, dean coal
PHONE' 74 --
In each of Shaw's.Twelve schools
follows the present session in regu-
lar order" from' July -3rd with no
forced vacations. Enter any day.
Booklet free. Write 1130 Bay St.,
Toronto, W. R. Shaw, Secretary.
• Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes •cleaned, pressed and re-
paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned.
Rooms ver Heard's B_rber shop.
W. J. Jago. • 2283-tt
Coal That. Satisfies
We sell the cleanest, safest and
most economical fuel ,ancf always at a
fair prise,. •
A telephone call' will receive our
prompt attention. •
You can feel asolutely sure thati
every shovel of coal will be of the
smile uniformity of quality.
Phone 182
Orders Taken at Lawson's Grocery,
Phone 111
We Want Your
Milk and Cream
We are manufacturers of both
cheese and butter. We want your
milk or cream. We pay highest mar.
ket price weekly. Satisfaction guar.
Phone your order for finest cheese
or pasturised butter in prints or sol.
ids to W. SL Lobb, Clinton, Ont., R.
R. No. 3, Phone No. 605r32.
Eggs and Poultry
Eggs handled at residence everg
day—graded by an experienced grad-
er, for which we pay the highest mar.
ket price.
ed f or Stillman'e of Strat
ford -
Agento.for the Viking Cream Sep.
• A. E. Finch
Victoria St., Clinton •'" Phone 231
• A quantity of .good hardwood and
cedar for sale.
Phone 155 , Huron street
Singer Sewing Machine
Leased on Small Monthly Payments
Big Discount on Cash Sales
Now is the time to have your MA-
chine repaired and cleaned. Repairs,
Needles, Belts and Parts f or all
Phone 1715 P.OTBox 201, Clinton
RA io
Buy.' a radio for the family,
in - doing so -you • will bd
giving them something which theq,
can enjoy the year armincl,
We are deelers for the Kolster and ,
Kings eetvand will be pleased to givt,
you a dernonstration, at any time.
Batteries charged.ancl stern
for the winter , •
W. J. Nediger, Prop.