HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-08-30, Page 4. `HURSDAY, AUGUST ,30,: 1923
�e Bes
'ale etre
Sherlock -Manning :
How About
. Your-
serf to' a
Clinton's Musical Instrument Representative
AIways-at Your Service. Box' 113 or Phone 273,' Clinton
and . a '
Gunn, Langlois &F. -Co., Limited -
Mn. and ,MTs G.' W. Geddes nd
TamilY of • e o.aio,upying tMc-
,�O;t� �,�
Millan s •cottas .
Miss Mary R, Stewart cif. -Clinton
spent- last .Thiir"tdayr with- Miss Jean,.
'and'Mi Sus
rIr. . and-•M�r,� , J, • a>;3der
Kathleen, Irene mrd_:' Eleanor"Snider
arid. Ruth' Cole, all of Brucefield are
in 'oWett's Grove for a ' weeks' va-:
Mr. G. B. Chapman and family of
London have ,returned to their home.
after spending the sisahoor.'iil their
cottage "Everest."
Rev, E. L. Williams of Cleveland,
O1:io, is, the `huest; i Mrs..J.H. '' On ,
-Sk. Helens•'
• Mr. and Mrs.FrankPeter and fam-
ilyy.'and Mr. A. le. Ball of Stratford
have left their sumhier home'at "The
• Di Mac
family rand Mi3s
Gillies of Rochester, 1Viinn , who have
spent the past • two aveelis'in Jo vett's
Grove returned to their home last:
"atu a .
Mr. and Mrs Willi in liL_aet who
have spent several weeks with the
formers parents,` Mr. and itIrs, John
Tippet, have, returned to their home in
Billing's,, Mont.
Mr, and Mrs, P, G. Neilin left here
School of Commerce
/Offers you a Practical Business Training' that has made it pos-
sible for, our scores of students to obtain and hold positions demand-
ing a high standard of efficiency.
Courses: Secretarial, Stenographic,'Coinmercial, General Office,
Civil Services Commercial _Teachers' Course and Special Courses
arranged, You cannot attend a better seheol. Why not attend this?
School reopens Sept. 4th, 1928. Write 'today for intonation.
Satiadv August' -25th a quiet
wedding took place at Calvin dlnited
church manse, St. Helens, when llev.
Il. Whitfield united' in marriage- Win
mired, daughter of Mrs, Sarah Woods,
and the late 12, J. Woods, to Arthur
V,Thethant, son of Mr -s.. Wiietham, and
the late Jahn Whetharn of,G lt.
The'. lit'zde„ who, t ass unattended,;
The Itepoil; shows that the total grammar will be required uired to pass the
number bt births reported during 'two papers in La.tin'of the'nuddls or
eh,, year numbered 233,605 and the upper school examination,
total , -number o1 deaths 105,136 'Effective Immediately
giving °a net natural 'increase .de ',The new 0011555 of,'study come in'
128, 469 -in . population ; during' 'the to effeat "intra ediately,,atid, all Prin•
last year.-- Iso- the previous year cipals are expected to make then,.
total births , •niuyilierod ,.232,750 ' and selves familiar with the changes that
deaths 207,454,,'. giving' 'a net in- have been made so that there miry he
crease of 125,290. This betterment aro unnecessary delay in the orr,'aniva
in the increase in population from tion at their classes iii, September.
to tan �xrt,
Principals. of ,r ,other, secondary.
scheols ancl,theee iyltp may inter,
ested in the. courses et. study, will be
sent;copies,on application."
worea. ;h'e oniing , eriselnhle' costuine natural pauses :was due
of/blue-4erens" and bin. ctlat of crease .in. births ,of 855' and a', de.
vela blobni,y rpmmed with pi stinum crease,. in , deaths at. all ages. ,of
dyed opposain,`•- She 'wore the gift df 2,318.
the groom, n, string o£ near'ls, and An' ,:important , feature disclosed
carried a colored' mesh bag. Altar by the report for 1927: • as; an,in-
tho ceo'emony the bridal couple re- crease in marriages, of 2,807. over the
tined to`the -hong''- of the bride's previous year,: the figure for: 1927
wheroYa weddingg' supper was being 09, 4,65 as_ compared with';
served. Mr and Mrs. Whetharn left 658 in 1926. 1'
.later, on: a motor trip through. West- ,Living births :.in• 1924 numbered
ern Ontario and Ne*, York State, On 233605 (232,750),- made up. as.!fol-
their'return they will in Galt. lows::: Prince ,Edward,''Island 1,69
Mr. John Durnin and Miss Annie 0,752); Nova ;'Scotia, 11,054 (10-•
and Misses Mary and Mina Ruther- 980); New Brunswick, 10,453 (10-
ford .visited.'at the holm of Mr. :and 340); Quebec, .83,064 ;(82,165);
-Mrs�John'Beninett, Ashfield, one 'day Ontario, 67,671:- (677,617); Mtini-
1t ondgy to visit friends at Toronto,,
Florence and London.
Mr. A. L. Anderson and family have
returned to -then winter home in Tor-
onto 'after, spending the-suiumor in
the village'. ,.• .
Tho Church Army "Crusaders of
Huron, who hate' spent two weeks'
vheation here, returned to, London last'
Thursday and fromjthere will brancll.
out to different parts of Ontario.
Mr. W. H. May and family returned
to St. Mary's last Saturday. e:
Dr. J: 13. Smith and family have re-
turned to. London after spending the
summer in their cottage.' .: `
The _following were guest's "at the
Ritz House for -the past week. Fred
-J: Fraser and family, Pittsburgh; A.
C. 'Farncombe .and' J. E. ,Tliteripson,
Windsor; J. McLellan and 'E. Clarke
and family, London; Harry Sterne;
Goderich; Miss Clara Schroeter, Miss
Margaret"Tyran,• Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Housley, :Misses Margaret and
Dorothy Iousley, Detroit.; Mr R. 'I3;
Layne, Kitchener; Mir. -A. L. Small,
Sarnia ;• Mr. and: Mrs. M.1E. "Spenser,
Toronto; Mres. F. Eveleigh, Stratford;
Mors. J.-0. McCutcheon, Mrs. -S. W.
Smith; Mr. C. E. Shannon and Misses„
Dorothy and Ethyline Shannon -have
returned to their homes in London
Miss Jessie Metcalf, who has been
studying in Ann Arbor, Michels now
spending a few, weeps with her par=,
ents, Dr. andiVirs.' W. 1?. Metcalf
Miss Elizabeth Cameron Ins visiting
with Mrs. Holmes of St. Catharines.
Mr, Walter Stalker, an old resident
of Bayfield • who is now .malting his
Tome in Paynesville, Ohio,.renewed
old acquaintances in the village last
Mr. John H. Mitchell and Miss Mary
Gray of London, Mi•. and Mrs.. Scully,
Miss Madeline 'Scully; Mr. Ted Senile
.of Kitchener;'Mh.31. Hurdon, Misses
d Caroline Fisher f Kiri
B. F,S WARD, B.A., M. Accts., Principal,,
PHONE 108„ M. A, Stone, Coin. Specialist, Vice -Principal 76-21.
tl,[: m" "t•L' X:c...i nit l `ir i:u
� 3 -
1 ehe-
last y ee:: � toba' .14,129 ,(14y681)'; S
cat ,
and Mrs. Taylor attended..,van 20,925 (20,7£5) Alberta
the silver wedding of- his .brother ani! 14,630 -(14,456) and • British Col-
sister-inelaw, Mr. and Mrs., Robt: umliia 9,982 (10,063). Tho- birth
Taylor, Auburn, last Saturday. rate per 1,000 of population for the
Mrs• W. E. GordonandDorothy nine provinces' was 2.1.6-, (24.8)
and Laurene Miller are'spending a Pripce"Edward.Island had a rate of
week at J. W. Salkeld's, Goderich. 19.5.;.(20.1),;' Nova Scotia` ;20.4
Mfi•.'.Lorne ; obds, Misses Mabel (20;3); New Brunswick ...25.4
and -Irene' Woods;'and• Mis. R. 3.(25.4)"° Quebec 31.9 (321; On--
Woods -;Spent the week -end ° with trio 21,2 (21.5); Manitoba . 21.8
friends in Stanley.' , (22.9); Saskatchewan';, 250 (25.2);
Miss Helen ,Miller was 'tate Alberta 23.7 (23.8)„ and British
west a..
of :Miss': Mai'earet .Cummings eat Columbia 17.4 (17.7),
Tlrc -following crop report was, 15 -
sued last week -end by the Baal: of
Mositreal• ` '
• Hot dry weather _ has , brought •'all
crops- along x'tPidly in' the Prairie
Provinces. Cutting has commenced in
many districts and will • bo • general in:,
Manitoba ani! Saskatchewan ' in, a'
week, and ill Alberta,a, little later.
There has been some further -local hail
'in Northern Saskatchewan and light
posts in parts of Alberta, but pros:
pects continue above average. In
Ailsa 'Craig far a week. Deaths under one .year of .age
Miss`Colentti Claris spent a few clays (exclusive of . stillbirths) ,,totalled
with her sister, Mrs. M. McDowell, 21,965 (23692), the provinces con
Westfield, last week. : tributing as follows: Prince Ed-
Miss.M'Kay of Kincardine is vis- ward.Island 113 (128);, Nova Scotia,-
iting Miss Irene Woods. 1,023 .(882) , -New, Brunswick 998
Quebec 10,738. (11,666) ;
Mr: `Wm£oi•d' Thompson of Arthur (1,095); Q _ •
has engaged with Mr. Wilson Woods Ontario 4,810 • (-,302); Manitoba,
for seine time. 1,014 ;_(1,122); Saskatchewan. 1,560
Miss Vera Todd has returned home (;1;681:); Alberta, 1,104 ' (1,233) and
,9lTxtl�.� •
Mr. 'and MJ.'s. J. Rattonbury and
:Family spent the week -enol at the
;home of the;1ormer''s parents, Mr. and
.Mrs. Wm. Rattcnbin'y. •
Mrs. Dunlop and family, who have
'been the guests .of her sister, -Mrs:
Dan Monroe, returned to her hone in
Los Angeles last week.
The many friends of Mrs. Hugh
•Aikenheali will be' sorry to hear, that
she had the, misfortune to fall and
break a bong in har ankle. She will
be confined to her bed for a few
after a pleasant six weeks' visit with British Columbia 605 ; (588). Phe
friends in Detroit other points infant mortality rate .for Canada
in Michigan.. expressed al the . proportion of
Miss Mabel Woods spent the week- death's under:' one year of age to,
end visiting at Niarrra'Fells and oth- 1,000 'living ';births was •
et places. (101.8).. . The' rate for Prince Ed-.
Mai. and Nlrs.' Robt. Reid of Wind- ,avard Island '' was 66.0 (70.2) ;. for.
Ed -
who are spending the holidays at- Nova Scotia 925 +::•(803); 'New
meneseting.. Park; Goderich, . spent. Brunswick 95.5 (106,.9)e Quebec,
Sunday at the home of Mrs. R. 3. 129:3 • (142.0);- .Ontario 71.1
Wdods. (78.4); .Manitobd 71.8; ° (76.5;
Saskatchewan, 74.0:.(81.1); .• Alberta.
75.5 (85.3) and British Columbia
Auburn 60.6 (58:4).
Deaths at all" ages (exehisive. of
Miss Janet, Alp, , daughter of the stillbirths) in the nine proVbnces
late Rev. W. H. Alp, Gra"hton, and numbered' 105,136 (10' 54);
Mr. Paul Vivian Thornley, second' son, Prince Edward Island having. 914
of Rev.: and Mrs. A.E. ' hornley, Pet- (898); Nova Scala 6,360 1(6,3661;
erboro, Ontario, • were married; 'en New Brunswick 4,-7 ) (5,0022;
Wednesday, August 22, in Knox Uni,- Quellec 36,166 (37,251) ;Ontario
ted church, ;Auburn.. The 4brirl•;'s 34,757 (35,909); lVfanitoba .5,`294
brother, Rev. W. R. Alp, 'Auburn, of- (5,335; ,Saskatchewan; 6.008
ficiated, assisted by the groom'a (6,060); Alberta .5,027 J (5,169j;
father, Itev..4. E. Thornley of Peter- and British Columbia; . 5,736
boro and Rev. T. D. Jones of Sudbury. (5,474).,General mortality •rates
The `bride, wlio was 'given away in par 1,000 population were ; ash fol-
marriage by Mr. John Strang, Blyth, lows:. Canada 11.1 (11.5);,.,Nova
wore a gown of poudre blue crepe Edward Island 10.5 New Brunswick
with hat to match Lind carried ti boa- Scotia` 11.7 (11.8) ; nswic (14.5);
quet 'of butterfly roses, sweetpeils 11.9 ((12.3);. Quebec 13.9;;
Margaret an aro me xs er o
and maidenhair fern tied with .white Ontario 109 '• (11.4) ; Manitabo 8.2
cardine, Mr: John Harden and Dr. T. bridal ribbon: - Miss Evangeline Roes, (3.3) ; SaskatchaewdaB2 .2 (74);Columbia
New Liskeard Ontario, was hridas- herrn 8.1 ,(8.6)
maid and was gowned rn canary vel- 10.0 (9.6). ares from ` individual
Quebec crops are inalcMg rapid pro-
gress, and,tho outlook is promising for
an average crop. In Ontario favour-
able Weather has 'prevailed during the
!last week :and the farmers have made
progress with the ',harvcslit*. -G all
wheat is practically all cut and alarge
Part of the crop `is under cover except
in, backwaill Sections. In the Mari -
Hine Provinces 'weather conditions"
have been: favourable excciat in the
aaint John Valley, where.rainhas boon
prevalent, delaying haying, lodging
some oats and causing an seine sec-
tions st 3ittld blight with evidence of
rust and'', ot. itis Uolumbia
i•eceiit rains' have' been ben2Gicial and
crops generally are in excellent condi-
tion. Thrashing of.grains. is-now'gen-
eral.and'unusuallygood crops of high
duality are reported. -
Sante Tovvnship
'visited 'friends
Miss Jean Campbell vi� r
in London last week. '
Mr. Norman Baird, ieft'•last Thurs-
day on the Harvesters Excursion for
Pasqua, Sask.
Mrs. John McGowan, and. Kenneth
are viiting at Toronto and Stouff-
° ville,'
Alton of New York were guests of
Edwards, Sunday:
d iib equina Dr. Death r
100 000 0
Avery pleasant time was spent .at
the home of ilIr. and Mrs. J. Cudinore
on Wednesday evening last, whenrthe
members .of the choir, and Helping
Hand Class ' of Iioimesville United
Church, along with the neighbors,
gathered. and prgsentod Mies Marion
Cudinore, whose' marriage takes place
this Week, . with a handsome case of
silver -knives and forks.' Miss Cod -
more has been organist in the church
for the past few year's; and has ren-
dered faithful service. The evening
was an enjoyable. one, and the time
was spent in vocal `and instruittental
music, a humorous reading by 'Mrs.
Walter', also games; after which lunch
was served.
The' following address was read:
"Dear Marion: -it is said that -com-
ing events cast their shadows before;
and our presence with you this even-
ing is the shadow of that important
event to which you look forward, and
in regard to )which we beg to present
our hearties, congratulations, We
will miss you from our midst, but vee
trust that as you go to your new hodinre
you may carry with you kind remem-
brances of the days you spent in Ito1-
mesville, and we hope that the fixture
may bring -to you life's brightest days.
Wo ask you to eecept this little gilt,
and as you use them, may it recall to
your mind your! associations witlr-the
choir and helping hand Class:"
Miss Cudinore•made a fitting reply
thanking her friends for so kindly re-,
membering her. ,
The marry, friends of Miss Carrie
Watler, 'a former 'resident` of Holmes
villa and now of Redlands, California,
are pleased to welcome her to our
midst again. Miss Walter intends
spending a few -weeks • visiting rela-
tives and friends here:
Rev.' R. J. McCormick and Mrs. Mc-
Cormick -of Hamilton called on friends
hero on Friday.
Mfrs. ^Maud. a,)ppbell of Aylmer, is
the guest of her. sister Mrs.S. R. Mac -
Math, this week..
The annual Sunday school picnic of
Holmesville United church will be held
in Mr. W. H. Lobb's grove on Friday
of this wee!., '
- Ease Muriel Mulholland returned
home Saturday :after spending a wee!:
with ,friends in: Toronto and George.
town. -
Mr. anti Mrs. Tom Ford of Kitchen-
er vliitesi Mitis Lizzie and Mi•. John,
Ford. this week. -
Mr. • and Mfrs. Neil Ferguson, `Mrs.
Leonard Birch, and Mr. L. Hadulock, of
Detroit;`were week -end guests of Mr.
and Mrs, J. Mulholland. "^t
Rev: T. R. Cotn•tico and Dr, 011ie
Cotiitice and _families, visited Mrs. Pepititttiori Shows Natural Increase
T. Walters, Mr: A..3. .,Courtice, and 128, 461) Last Year
E. Courtace. this week. ',.
f Mi.'and Mrs. Tom Potter and Miss A, bulletin issued recently by the
Finnie, Made taken a cottage at Bay- minion !;arena c Statistics
Rev. W. A, Bremner will preach
in the United church next Sunday
as he and his family are expected
home front their ` holiday- trip, this
wee e
Mr, and Mrs., Lowery and daughter
of Wisconsin visited Mrs, Lowery's
aunt, Mrs. Wm, Scott, last week.
M i. and Mrs. R. McKenzie have re-
turned home after enjoying a pleas-
ant holiday in Muskoka. -
Mrs. M. Tully and babe, formerly'
Lorna Aikenhead,-of Selyvan is visit-
ing at the home of her father, Mr.
Win. Ailcenhead and other' friends this
low crepe trimmed w .s f d ulation
Glen Thornley, Capac, Michigan, causes per
brother of the groom, was best Michigan,
in, Canada include diseases of the
and. Mrrs..'(lter ), W R. Alp,played the heart 124, (122); diseases of early
wedding.anusic. The church was beau- infancy 97 (106); cancer 83, (81);
tifully decorated *With a profusion of tuberculosis 82 (84); pneumoni a
gladioli and ferns, the guest pews be-
ing designated with gladioli and nar-
row white ribbon. Following the'
wedding ceremony a buffet lunch
'VMS •served' in the Manse,. after which
the bride and groom. left by motor for
Dexter, Michigan, where Mr. Thorn-
ley is principal of the High School.
Among the guests attending the -wed-
ding were the following: Rev. and
Mrs. A. E. Thornley and Floyd of Pet-
erboro; Mrs. ' W. kI. Alp, and Miss
Hester Alp of ' Granton; Dr.- Glen.
Thornley and 5,f .5. - Willard Thornley
"'and. babe- of Capac, Michigan; .Miss
Evangeline Ross'' of New 'Tiskeard;
Miss Sadie Carter of Auburn; Miss
Jessie -Maitland of Grantoul Dr. and
Mrs. G. H. Berkeley of St ,Cather-
ines; Mr,, and Mrs. John Strang and. New Brunswick 7.0 (7.2);
Mtax of Blyth; Rev. and Mrs, T. D. (5.3); Ontario 7:7..
Jones of Sudbury and Mr. Donald Qebec 7.1 (7.0); Sasls7t-
Mlanitoba 7.3 (7.1);
Graham ve of nev (7.5); Alberta. 7.6 (7.4);
Avery happy event took -place at chewan,6.8 (6.1);
the home`of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tay- and British Columbia 8.2 (7.8). .
lor, 8rd concession of East Wawanosh, . - In •additionto s for ,presentation
resent t o sof
on Saturday afternoon last -when Mr, the'main total
and Mrs. Taylor celebrated their sit-' port covers such. phases as plural
,ver wedding, A very enjoyable at- ,births, illegitimate births, stillbirths,
tr.•noon was 'spent by ,re deaths byestr and
cause of
leti.ves and friends who gathered in with special
honour of the day, -and, to wish Mr.. deaths, aterindali}l deathsoa d deaths
and 'lairs;; .Taylor all good wishes. from
They were therecipients
ipientspreseniuof a m number
-of veryfine a Mary HIGH SCHOOL COURSES HAVE:
and Mrs. Taylor, who was Miss
McClinton, were harried twenty-five BEEN ,REVISED •
'cars ago at the.' McClinton home- Courses of study for collegiate insti-
-stead at Westfield by the Rev. T. B. butes, high and:, continuation schools
(oupland., For ten years they lived ,have been revised by the•Ontario De -
in the neighborhood of St, Helens.- 'pertinent of Education and. copies
Since then they have resided A their -have already been sent to the Princi-
present home on the-3rd.concession of ,pals and teachers .of -the oollegiates
East Wawanosh, The best wishes of and high schools.
the whole cohsmunity are extended:'to History. Course Changed
Mr. ,and Mrs. Taylor. The following "Changes of major or inner hm
'guests attended. 'Mas. and Mrs. Ben penance," stated Dr. A. H. U.Coiqu,
Taylor, Blyth M and Mrs.. Will houn, Deputy Minister of Education,
Taylor;„ St. 'Helens; 'Ma, Ed. Taylor,. recently, "have been made in the
Westfield; Mr. and Mrs. Will Mc- majority -of courses. The most tin -
Dowell, Westfield;' ` Mi•. ariaMrs. ,portant change, however, affects the
James. Mowatt' and Miss Sadie, Pg -subject of history.'. Hereafter British.
mondville; Miss C. tVicClintpn, Goder- 'history will be -a subject of the:lower.
ich; Dr. ;James McClinton, Torontoi school course and of tihe lower school
Miss Wilson, Shakespeare; Miiss Sadie :examination. Candidates who hold
Carter' and Rev. mid Mrs, W: R. Alp, "Certificates• of standing in lower
Aubuam. school Canadian history, obtained be
Rev Eric Anderson, West Monk- fore 1929, will be exempt' from• the
ton will. "proach in Knox` United lower. school. examination. in British
church next Sabbath morning. history.' In the case of the middle
school, Canadian history' will bo a
or the Normal -Entrance and.
subject 1
Junior Matriculation exa'inination,
VITA% S`I'rV t`I5TICS of CANADA the did ,e ho ever, who Bold cel•'
1927 Candidates, w
ofic,ates of middle school standing in
British history, obtained before 1929,.
.will be exempt from the middle school
examination in ..Canadian • history.'
There is .also a' provision . under the.
middle school courses whereby music
may be Substituted- for ancient his-
tory. Heretofore Latin has' )e n an
alternative for English gsarnniar in
the case of the lower school examina-
tion. Henceforth candidates who.de-
'Sire to substitute :'Latin for English
e t0 her .8t'h1 to 15th
Visit the Western Fair and view the • progress in Industr:.y,.Science
Art and Agriculture: Each Yearseesa permanent brick and steel
structure addsd to, the Fair Buildings. nig year we have built.a
splendid new'Livestock'Arena. `--
$40 000 -in Prizes` and' `Attractions !
President Secretary.
'79 (0 ; accidenta
and intentional ) 66 (62) "' Deaths
,due to maternal causes births r Wens,
or -
tion to - 1,000 ' living
5.6 (6.7). - '
There were in all 69,465 marri-
ages reported during 1927 as
against 66, 658 __ in the
year Prince Edward .
482 (459);' ,Nora Scotia 3,040
(2,861); New, Brunswick 2? 881
(2,938) `Qnebee.-X8,651 (17,827);
Ontario 24,677 (23,032); Manitoba
4,712 (4,537); Saskatchewan' 5,701
(6,483); Alberta 4,703 (4,503) and.
British `Columbia : 4,718 .. (4,418)
The.. tnarriage ,rates per 1,000 . of
population were... as followai: "••Can
add 7.3 (7.1) ; Prince Edward Is-
land 5.5 (5.3); . -Nova Scotia•' 5.6
Established 1878 - Reorganized 1908,
Three. Faculties -Arts; Medicine and
Public Health.
Five Affiliated• Colleges.
Degrees may be grantee in any departtnent of
learning. - - -
. Enrolment is limited. Only students having the
highest qualifications and givinkevidence of suit-
ability will be accepted. Early - J�
application for entrance is desir-
Earn the University is able to
augment ns revenues, class e s will
be limited in ntimbers. Without
an increased income the staff and
equipment cannot be enlarged.
day, Sept. 2651*, 1928.
For additional infor-
mation; write:-
London, Ontario.
field, .Cot .a few week"s on account or gives a, preliminary;; report- on tate
Mi. Potters Sal health, it is reported 'anacla For. the
he is inuch.better for the change. Vital Statistics of C
year 1209)1,7 -it Tho correspondifir fig -
Mrs. Holdsworth 'spent the week- "ares 954 are placed in parer-
end in Goderich as the 'guest of bur thesis in this review'
daughter, Mrs. "Charlie McPhail.
.ta Eltil ,
ic,'rJe-sst%T vyy �§'f'
D (fitOD
LIVE with the instincts of a living thing, the
• new Oldsmobile responds to your every mood.
The broatti-taking thrilrof a great surge of power
-the keen ecstasy of speed -the soft; deep comfort
of rich, mohair upholstery, •and the smooth calm of
vibrationless movement, -these are yourS to enjoy
as the mood takes yogi
,And always, behind it all, the' reassuring sense of
w perfect security in; the, four=wheel brakes -in the
quick response to steering -in the lightning flash of
swift acceleration.
Never was there an automobile so , sensitive to
every wh` of yours. Never an automobile so
thrillingly -so instantly responsive to express in
matchless motion your mood of .a. moment )
See the long, low sweep of its Fisher -built iody-.
the luxurious appointments of its Silenced'. interior
-the walnut -finish panels' around idoors and, win-
dows -the exquisitely etched instrument, board-:
the dome lighting -the arm -chair Comfort, of the
seats. -
Drive it. Let your moods vary like the wind and
watch the Oldsmobile' instantly respond to them.
Press your foot on the pad=like accelerator. and
,know the sheer joy of'accelerating from 5 to 25 miles
in 8=/ seconds in high gearI Watch it shoot ahead
of the traffic or obediently fail in at a walking_
pace. The superb smoothness, power and flexibility
of ,its , 55 h.p. precision built, Six Cylinder, high'
compression,engine are at yofir command -instantly
respohsive•to your every mood!' o.as•e 505
Ga,'eMnlent Taxes and Spare Tire,Estrd
Genera! Motors' isa de)erred yayment Plan . . GMAC' ... ajjo?d, 1'oo
the simplcst andmai ecmwmicat way: of buying your Oldsmobile on time