The Clinton News Record, 1928-08-23, Page 5tsS • IS riter0ad M. er-ielannsessinetelethat;.EtheI.Patifs er;",l.; *than.* t borne". ,in.; 'slialainsand POantYi but Whether that faet had 'anything to 60 'With' the'young ahility; julliP higher, than any of the ether 'Icerltdstants net e0 Clear." t'yer ,sports seein to be almest as AO "metering diming the iysuminer season. .t If .'ev-ery cthlld was ,ttaught to ,SWinr tomd.to take ordinary ,..0a9E) in the 'handling ef a haat 'or Cane eci",''neeoming abetstorned tostaking , mare' a themselyea'in water, there be'f ewer accidpnts. It is usu allYethe boy or girl -Who is isnacelue- s totted to Water 'Whe does theuash and y .reckless thing. The boy or girl all Three, used to water' is 'not es- AEtnied'im take. precantione, Arrfingements are being made to • Ionetir the memory of the pioneer settlers, in the V9.1.4099. 55911111111itieS ,along the Iluron road on Labour Day, SePt. 3rd„ when the opening of the Hurn Tract will 'be celebrateas. This Is raest worthy step and should re- eive the encouragement of all ati- • tzens,What Canada is today is due 11.11 Milan measure to the courage and the industry of the Men ,and wo. men who left theold land, facing the _.,dangerS of the sea voyage and the •- 'equal dangere and trials of life in this new land, in order to make 'horrid's' for themselves_and that their children might have greater oppor- . tunities than were possible in the old ,environment. Perhaps the reason British visitors -seem to thinit Canada prefers settlers from anywhere rather than from the `I3ritish Isles is because we are some- -what given to criticising the latter, and perhaps the reason we are so apt •to criticise the latter is becauke they mix up with us, consider themselves • -equal to us"and are nOrslow to tell us of our faults and failings. " For- seigneis are more apt to herd by them- selves and if they. do their work, mind -their own business and keep to them- -selves we do not mind them at all. The British settler comes right in -hangs up his hat and makes hiniself. at home. He enters into competition with -us and we have•sto reckon with • him. Often he irritates us. Britons are not particularly modest and he -may tell us a few things which he 'believes will be for our good and -which we take in about the same spir- it a younger sister takes the admoni- tions of an older sister. So there is apt to bo friction. But, after all,' British stock is the 'best sort of stock for Canada. Bri- tons have behind them the traditions of .their race; they are loyal to Bri- tish laws and institutions and if we •are going to keep thin Country British, -and, with conviction and without un- -due pride we say it, the world so fax -has produced nothing better,swe need to keep its inhabitants preponderantly - British. There is no need nor should there 'be the -wish to keep out setttleri from other countries, But we must only ac - !pert them as fast as we 'can assimil- ate thern. In a generation or two the •clesecendants of the settlers from many of the European countries will be as 'good Canadians as any of us and will 'enrich our ' native stock. But we do —notwant too many at a timeeand an -effort should be made to see that for- migners are not herded together, a condition which is detriinental alike to the settler and the country. • Hoirnesville Mrs. W. ,Sheppard and daughter, ., <Gladys, of Yokina, Washington, U.S. A., who have been spending the past -few weeks visiting relatives and .friends in this vicinity, left for their , home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Tara Campbell and .family of Brussels, visited friends <here on Thursday, Mr. and Mis. Harold Calbick and <son Ross, and Mrs. Lee -and son of Fruitland, spent the week -end as the :guests of Miss S. Acheson, Mrs. Cal - hick, who has been spending the past two weeks with her sister, Miss Ach- eson, returned home with them on :Monday, • 1VIr..Barrie Walter motored.to Dun- das, where he ' spent the week -end 'with friends. Mr. Robert Gibson of Detroit . is • -spending a few days with his grand- , parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. Mulholland. •Service was held_ in the United tchurch hore on Sunday under the aus- pices of "The Lord's ,pay Alliance," ' ta speaker from Loudon took the ser- vice. Mr. 't Campbell of Bayfield will have charge' of the service .next Sun. • (clay. ' . . Londesboro MI's. Joe Davies and Miss Esther 'Davies have returned to 'London after • visiting the former's _neices, • Will lIoggart, IVIrs, Ed, Youngblut and Mrs. Wesley Floggart, and Mrs, Ron. McDonald of Clinton and other friends. -- Miss Mice Davies and Miss Vera Chapman, of London were gueste ef. Mr. and Mrs. ;Ron McDonald of Olin- . e ton for a week. -end recently. - Mr. John Vodden had a horse drop -dead last Thursday owing to sun- stroke. This is quite a las TorsIVir. Vodden. The . service in the -United schtuth' next Sunday will be in charge of the :Stmelay school and will coininerice at ten thirty, (10.30?) Tho Rev. J. W. Johnson expecte to occupy Ins own 'pulpit Sept. nd• . Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Johnson were in the village Monday evening. They s left again Tuesday morning for their cottage at Blight's Grove, Rev. S-Mathers of Gesto, who i• e -visiting his tine es, -the Grey Brothers, preachedto an attentive audience in the Untited chnreh last Sunday'evens- ing everyone was delighted to hear him again. Mrs. James Campbell had friends • isvihgi WooTe. :rind 'Other frieTids '', • r 3pigJai retaindd last isenefe, Soine weekS nr the w es a6,6107sx-)00 ‘s0:11d:(r46,ith iVintritY, Ceekraires . ' y • Mr S and l*s,, .T.'e4rtor pent Std .at the.1Grarr,d..0.0nc.1!•The,rWere roes'. 'corsparrieeleby_Mrs -and *s). am. M. and Mre. Brodgen..ef :Stratford sliairretarneeisafter pleasarittvisit at. tlionap of. Bredgens , The Misses' Armstrong. rettinnect- libmer;afterhelidaying....at the hoMe 'of ,•theirtha1;Mr. J..krmstrong., ' • . in q.• Reberten -hes- retiarned to' Terolitosafter $pending some4t. her 'hoinhere. •- y Mr. and Mrs, Wm. • Beighans also, Misses Olvettat and Lavinia 'sment last SundaY'rit ICirsteardine aiidYoinS •, Mr...Savange q Seaforthdelivered' 5. very able sernions'in'the United .church .1at Sabbath morning. Mrs. Bartlett of:London, who recen- tly' visited at the home .ot Mr: J. Hut- tonhas returned. • . . . Mr. and Mrs.- Runkle of Niagara, Falls, who -Spent the past two weeks] atthe honre'of Mr. and Mis, E. Craw- ford have returned to their home, Mr. and Mis. Griffith and family, motored to Stratford on Sunday. Mrs. H. Brundson 'and family of Blyth spent Tuesday as guests of Mrs. E. Adams, Stanley Township - The home of Mr. and IVIrs. Adam. Stewart was the scene of one of the most charming of the season's events when on Wednesday, August 15, their third daughter, Elizabeth Lillian, (Betty), was united in marriage to Francis Edgar Daymond, youngest son of the late Mr. and Mis. Thomas Daymond, of Fergus. Rev. J. E. Hogg of Clinton officiated. The bride, looking very sweet in a gown of white georgette and chantilly lace, with veil of silk net and lace ar- ranged in coronet style, with bandeau 1•111.0.••••101.11 .6' sts eSes. laltiq.SePaWS: btenth's:'-Ottet"ddi the oprn .fe4et**4'4141369X.'lle.1- ,i en bol eumdoer ,tloWCr& to the plaYect hry fre WaS; atteirde4litsl\1i Pit McFariarredts.•,, heiniitir, :eland Missee. Mary- and Billy-, Btel'eart WhOnnwere gowned" li00141114'.• Pak4' 4mA-ea Sand....ear-• lialfy's' breathland maidenSlihir Mr;,.1-Iemisipaysirencleeebother ef th'S, grooin, aletedaSebeat,Man, -Daring'idte, Signing pf.,:the":seigiatest;;:••MiS.An.P. Stewart' Sang:leery sweetlYs.'"TheePaY fef bridessfora. the. gift Of 'Tthe grtiOni,.1,,a'henelserat dinner .riiig•';: set ' cliainonds" Nand emeralds ,.:; tei'-the haPPY conple heti. rSeelYea• the good'iviltes' Of thb gtiestS,st buffet tuneheori•,-wits 'serired •by • fonr.61the:- brides girl friends.' Idr. - and MTS. Daymond left later on eiotor tripto Nova Scotia Via, Ottasves -Montreal and Quebec, the.bride travelling in a send ensemble and lox fur With diate E;hoes and gloves to match. On their return they will reside in Chathant. Guests were present fron Toronto, Hamilton, •Guelph, Brampton Winds son, Fergim, Highgate and Palmerston. 114r, and Mire. W. D. Speare of High- gate and Miss Peggy iVfeDoug•all of Rondea visited • friends in Stanley while here -for the Stewart-Daynfond • E. " Wilkin spent a few days with Miss Manzi Stewart after attend,: big the wedding of' her friend, Miss Betty Stewart Miss II. I, Graham, of Seaforth is visiting with 1VIrs:Baird. Owing to lVfonclay, Sept. 3rd being a holiday the, township council wills meet. on Tuesday, Sept. 40h. Toronto Exhibition Accomodation in Private home for Exhibition -visitors. Mira. J. P. Grif- fin, (nee E. Golder)). 8 Ilasleet Ave., Toronto, Ont., Phone Howard 8707. :We • • <5r *111t4r, Ensy9 Quick Best 're kfast for all Weathers Cooks in 21/2 to 5 minutes 159 1611E111111111E0D in (Eder ri‘ Enhanced in Style and Offering Even - (Greater Illerformance Sa• ]AUTIFUL as the Pontiac Six has been in the past—great as its perfor- mance has proved in the hands of owner- -today's Pontiac Six is even more beautiful, • even more thrilling to drive I For, in keeping with General Motors' policy of progressive engineering practice, this lowest -priced' General Motors' Six has.been enriched in color, enhanced • - in style and equipped for evezi finer performance. To the loemity of style of long, low bodies ,by „ Fisher, 'have been -added the swagger touch of • smaller, smarter wheels and larger tires, while . ,new and harmonious combinations of Chico ,;•• colors have been cre'ated. Mechanical advance- • ments result in smoother perf Ormanc cand greater power than Pontiac ever offered before. And . . , . • along wan it more stirring response to the throttle, -it continues to provide the stamina and . - long hie for which it is famous. Until you have seen mid driven it you cannot realiae what style, what color and what perfor- mance today's Pontiac Six affords --for here are beauty and snap you never dreamed you could buy at so lova price. '9.'1843.28C Ask your dealer ato9t the G.M.A.C. Deferred Payment Plan which males buying easy. J. E. :OWARD CLINTON, ONTARIO flir NA( s x, frorn Wroxeter -visiting over Sunday. PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS 09 CANADA. LIMITED firtinn-9.3(7. "eireeto:5"sis4is s Sl.i.;•.13TMGg§Si:STUPTO;3PN8ON TOIVI4T9ES • TidiDo Cif0ICEST ,r • . • HOT 1-101)$U GROWN 15c er lb: _ Is. V. Cooke Two Phones -66w and 66j CARD OF .11TAY,Tzs." kr: and MIrS.S-,Tolin Solniston wisS jb expreSs their Wanks to the ±sienclt and neighbors ler the kindness and sympathy' shown them in their recent' bereavement, the death of their son, Normane for flowers sent, f the, use of 'cars for the funeral and for SIT the courtesies extended, ' Marriages. CA-KBIN-11URIBURT—At • Collier - street United. church, y Barrie, on August 9th, 139 the Bev:Harold E. Weliwood of Toronto,Helen Gwen - ghillie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Frank IT. Hurlbdrt of Barrie, to Charles Edward Carbin, B. S. A. of tOlinton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Carbin, of Guelph. '•e BEA;DI,E--SCII0ENHALS—At_Trin- ity church, Blyth, on August llth, by the Rev. W. BHawkins, Mrs. Elva Schoenhals of Clinton, to Har- old 1VPaitland Beadle of Auburn. Deaths JOHNSTON—In Hullett township, on August 16th, Joseph Norman John- ston, son of 1VIr. and Mrs. John Johnston, aged 19 years end 7 months'. BOWES—In; Hullett township, on A,ugust 19th, Christopher David Bowes; 'aged 313 years, 10 months and 28 days. IN MEMORIAM GREALIS—In loving memory of Pte, •Clifford Grealis, killed in action in France, August 27th, 1918. As we loved him, so we miss him In our memory he is near. Loved, remembered, thouht ofal- ways, Bringing many a silent tear, —The Family. Auction Sale Real Estate and Household effects; at Bayfield, Saturday, August 25, at 2 p.m. The executors of the Thos. W. Cameron estate have _instructed the undersigned to sell the following by Public auction: Prelim house and barn with cern- ent stabling, three lots fronting Main Agnes and Fry streets. Twenty acres . of pasture land, spring creek, lots 4 and 5, Range X, Sauble lino, near village. Household furniture, beds, tables, chairs, ,etc. Terms -- Furniture, cash. Lands, 10 per cent, cash deposit, balance in -thirty days, G. Elliott; Auctioneer. '75-2, For Rent Barn—Fine fer Garage; electric lights installed; rent reasonable. Mrs: Alice Mason, Mill Street. 76-2-p. For Sale • A good cook stove for sale. Apply to Das. Edward Macdonald, James street, 76-1-p. ' Rooms Wanted • Good accomodation for students. 'Convenient to school. Terms reason- able. 76-3-p, . For Sale . Heavy choice brood mare and good aged work horse, Apply to John D. Wbods or Harry -Weston, Louise st., Bayfield, Ont. • 76-4-p. Auction Sale Of choice stock. Ur, A. E. Townshend has instructed the undersigned to sell by public auc- tion at Mr. • Rees Jenkins' farm, 2 miles west of Clinton on Highway, on Tuesday, August 28the at 1.30 sharp the following; One choice load <of steers; one choice lead of heifers; This lot consists of well-bred stock, good color and in good condition. Terms: &months' credit will be giv- en on furnishing bankable paper with 6 per cent per annum added. A. E. Townshend, Proprietor, G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. '76-1, House For Sale • On James Street, near freight sheds, email comfortable frame house, elec- tric, lights and town water, good gar- den and several fruit and berry bush- es. Sold by auction on Friday, Aug- ust 24th at 3 o'clock. -At the same time a small quantity of furniture. will 911'0 ho sold. Geo. Elliott, Auctioneer, Miss Annie Brown, Prep. 75-2 Notice Re Weed Control The council of the Township of Goderich ask the hearty co-operation o.7 all the ratepayers in controlling the weed menace by cutting all noxious Weeds, also those on the highway in front of their own property, so as to prevent the ripening of their seeels. By order of the Council. • D. Glidden, Weed Inspector, Lost . Brown truck Tarpaulin between J. B. tathwell's ' and second concession, Stanley Or second concession to Kip - nen Road. 1711 Epps, & Son, Varna. For Sale - 'Piano in good condition, couch- anql small wahine table. Apply to IVIrs. Shipley. 75-2.. - , ri;,Eri„ -tau Anyone' Rad`Thi's News TWCUI§,1)4Y, AUGUST gai 1928 - nogamongsrisanossnosinhistmontsiownatawenfilso incoscuslisinstsassiciiimon r (I, , C'''",°4"'"?''''"""••••4•4'tif*,...4°‘"0"*".0^...,,,,*** -4•04;.4,0••••••••04.,:•;,,,,,,,... ess0 -and eggs here Lac -1142 • reindemalee More profit' for yourself, . iLuutIL. 5 L erestea ? higt —taite mIlvantage of them now. ' ' We, can give you first class, worls in Eavetrougnitige RoeX-Ing, Cl Penitryilottee. :Tiowarth4 214)..-Retsenc I)ANCING' to flarolCI, Skinner's _ Bine Water t oys WINGHAM ARENA EVERYTIHYRSDAY N"IGHT • , A :New Agency As am now handling the Cosh- shutt and Frost 'and Wood Implems. elite and also Cockshutt cream separ- ators, and aro prepared to supply all kinds of repairs. Tor same,I solicit the patronage•of farmers arid others. Orders, will receive prompt attentions JOHN V. DIEHL, Queen street, Clinton Furnce Thimbing, Fencing; Primp , • Cariers, Stable s 'As, isisessote,, has And, KersiserteEngines Grants Grinde7, liftrIchd-packers, <Horse and , Tractor Dises,, RollerS, Stone Boats, House ared. Barmpasating, etc Wesdan. alse fromiSh rdba:irs fr all Makes, of Stoves 'and Furnaces...-; We also 'carry the GOODRICH Line er Rubber,,s, Boets etc andWork Shoethat are -unequalled in Ontario for quality andeprice. Connor Electric and Gasoline -treilets. A ' templet° range. of 'Quebec Cooks and Heaters: Amerman -Coal 011 at 25 cents per gallon,- Motor Oilant low peieesinlgallait lots., Iiiler ardware Co., TELEPHONE 53 CLINTON C. H. VENNER, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other Appliances - Wiring and Repairs. Phone 7 D' on't Let Moths Eat Scottish "Special" Fertilizer 'Your Clothes up - We Will have, as usual, the Scottish Cletleas that are -soiled and full of "Special" Fertilizer at- Clinton fer dirty spots are what the moths feast the fall season. Also a Car of "Niag- ara" Agricultural Lime, about Aug - on. ust 20th. H. R. Baer, R, Re No. 5, 'Goderich, Phone 28-21, Carlow. 75-2-p Auction Salo At Bayfield, Saturday, August 25, at 2 p.m. Frame house and barn with cem- ent • stabling, three lots fronting IVfain Agnes and Fry streets. Twenty-. acres of pasture land, spring creek,-. lots 4 and 5, Range X, Satible line, near village, Household furniture, beds, -tables, chairs, etc. Terms— Furniture, cash. Lands, 10 per cent. cash deposit, balance inthirty clays. G, Elliott, Auctioneer f'or the Thos. W. Cameron Estate. 75-2, As a rule they do not touch clothes that *are dry cleaned. Think of the damage and loss that the moth causes. • Compare this with the small cost of shaving your clothes dry cleaned. It is real economy then to have all your winter clothes dry cleaned be- fore hanging them away, in your closet until next season. It will save you many a dollar! We are experts. Our rates are ex- ceptionally reasonable. E. C. RucHL McEwen's Old. Stand. Opposite Post Office Farm For Sale 82 acres, lot 62 ori Bayfield conces- sion, Goderich township, 6 miles from Clinton. Mostly seeded down, running „erring, brick house, good barn and out- buildings. Good orchard. Also 26 acres of hardwood timber oh seine concession. If farm not sold will rent. Apply to Peter Cole, R. R, No. 3, Clinton. ' '74-4-p. rot Sale 27 acres mostly farm rand in good state of cultivation; pasture; river; henhouse, 13'x46'; barn 32'x50'; wat- er in barn; silo; 1.0 - roomed modern convenient bungalow in fine grounds; good cellar and furnace tree and bush fruits; adjoins town of Clinton (south) on Provincial High- way. ApplY to Mrs. Thomas J. Lind - `say, R. R. No. 5, Clinton, phone 619 r14. - 74-3. Expert Kodak Finishing • Developing 5c roll. Prints, any size, s3c each', post paid. jacksono ,Studio, Seaforth, Ont. 72-6-p, Money Wanted $200 wanted on a good first mort- gage. Will pay 61k per cent, In- quire at News -Record. 72-tf. For Sale—Poultry Farm and Orchard - Good house and outbuildings and White Leghorn culled flock. Terms can be arranged, E.' Parker, Clinton. 71-tf Farmers Attention! and plough,.I am now ready to do a limited' arnount of custom ploughing. Let me help you get your land ready for fall wheat. Will do a satisfactory job, -F-. W. Andrews, Clinton. Phone 33-w. 72-tf. NOTICE •TO DEBTORS Estate of James Andrew Irwin, - Deceased. All persons indebted to the estate of this decedent are required to forthwith pay the amount of their accounts to Miss Ruby Irwin at the Irwin Store. Tho executors are required to get in all outstandings at on -de and, ac- counts -not paid before September 1st, 1928 will be proceeded upon and eoste incurred. W. I3RYDONE, - Solicitor for the Executoi.s. . 75-3. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of .Tames Andrew Irwin, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all •persons having claims against the es- tate of. James Andrew Irwin, late of the town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Esquire, dedeased, . who died on or -about the 3rel day of August, A.D.,1028, are required to deliver to gobt.. Fulton Isw3n, corttralia, ont., Robt. Joseph Irwin, Toronto, -Ont., the ,execoors of the said estate or W, Brydone, their solicitor, on or before the 28th day of August AD., 1928, a full statement -of their claims together with, particulars thereof, and the nat- ure of the securities, if, held by them all' duly verified by affidavit. ANT) TAKE. NcrIcri, that aSter the said last mentioned date the said executors will proceed to distribute no estate of the said dece.asd amongst the persons entitledthereto having re- gard only to such claims as they shall have received due pieties and in ac- cordance Therewith. - • Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this lith day of. Auguet A.D. 1928.. W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ontario, 'Soleitor for said Executors• . -- i 75-3. PHONE 330 GODERICH, ONTARIO . For TJpholstering, Repairing, Refin- ishing. Soli -isles of Coverings Carried P. A. ZIMMERMAN ' Nelson Street Tractor Plowing I am prepared to do plowing by the acre, at any -time. Also wood sawing Apply to S. Flewitt, or phone. 13 on 606, Clinton central. 64 -1;f -6p. House for Sale One of the best located residences in Clinton. substantial frame house containing eleven rooms with bath room, halls, pantry and woodshed, Has hot water heating system, which could not be duplicated for $1,000.' Has stone foundation with large cem- ent cellar, extensive verandah and a new fire -proof roof, Id acre lot and garage; convenient to churches, schools and business section. In addition to being a comfortable home this property has yielded a steady in- come in the rooming house business, and can be made a money maker cat- ermg to tburist trade. For term ap- ply on premises. Would also -consider exchange on improved farm, W. S. Downs. Ontario. Street, opposite Ont- arit Street Church, 69-12-3p, Clinton's • ti..g WHERE CAIS) i-TONEST COAL BE. BOPGHT? j THE NAme PIT THE BOTTOM OF THE AD IS .HE ANS R •--- BIely09N1EFe-f We1the time the place and the 'If you wait until later we will still have the best place to buy, and the bent coal to -buy but ,the time will be lacicinsg. And you may have to wait your turn with the other s who forgot that winter was coming instil the first cold -weather caught them. Buy now. Call the .tiverffe§ for good, clean coal 111g3rd, • COAL COMPANY PHONE 74 CLINTON .SUMMER TERM4 In each..of Shaves Twelve schools follows the present session in regu- lar order from July 3rd with no forced vacations. -Enter any day. Booklet free. Write 1180 Bay St., •Toronto, W. R. Shaw, Secretary. ..0 Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and re. paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned, Rooms tver Heard's B..rber shop. W. J. Jago. 2283-tf Coal That Satisfies We self,the cleanest, safest and most economical fuel and always at a fair price. , A• telephone call will receive our prompt attention. . You can feel asolutely sure thati: every shovel of coal will. be of the same uniformity of quality. HOWARD CLARK Phone 182 Orders Taken at Lawson's Grocery Phone 111 • , We Want Your Milk and Cream We are manufacturers of both cheese and butter. We want your milk or cream. We pay highest mar. ket price weekly. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Phone your order for finest cheese or pasturised butter in prints or sol- ids to W. H. Lobb, Clinton, Ont., R. R. No. 3, Phone No. 605r32. THE HOLMESVILIA -CO-OPERA. TIVE CHEESE AND BUTTER COMPANY, LIMITED Eggs and Poultry Eggs handled at residence ever- day—graded by an experienced grad. er, for which we pay the highest mar- ket price, CREAM Purchased for Stillman's of Strat- ford, . Agent f or the Viking Cream Sep. arator. A, E. Finch VictoriaSt., Clinton Phone 231 27-te WOOD FOR SALE A quantity of good hardwood and cedar for sale. , . • E. WARD • Phone 155 • Huron street Singer Sewing Machine Leased on Small Monthly Paymenti Big Discount on Cash Sales Now is the time to have your mac. chine repaired and cleaned: Repairdi- Needles, Belts and Parts for all makes. • GLEN COOK Protte 171J P.O. Box 201, Cliutoill RADIO LSTER-KI1VG Tidy a radio for the family, in doing se you will bd giving them something which they can enjoy the year around, We are dealers for the Kolster and Kings sets and Will be pleased to givd you a denionstration "at any time. 5;3 Batteries charged and ston-S for the winter - 1,9 W. J. Nediger, ?rap. sees'