The Clinton News Record, 1928-08-02, Page 5Of Interest to You
1avY u noticed that the e ni.ngs
-lire drawing in a little?
Anybody Who. is going to learn to
swim this summer i101.11(1 13(3 at it.
'The water -will soon be too cold.
Toronto Exhibition opens on
„August 21th.. Alter that it is time to
prepare far winter,
August it here, the month ef har-
vset,•the gathering in of the fruits
of the field.
Wonder if the reason men have al
, ways praised the busy little be is be
cause in Beeland it is the women whi
-do all the work? '
Canada seems to. be doing very Well
at the Olympic games. . This .is all
right, Canada should grow as athletic
-young men and women as any country.
Under the sun.
The excessive rains may have been
'hard on haymakers and have made the
ground so soft that it is difficult to
run harvesting machinery 'over the
fields, but they have beenfine for
grass. The lawns and pastures have
-seldom been so green at the firgt of
August as they are this ' year.
While the world is looking toevard
tbe outlawery of war and science is
endeavoring to teach men how to keep
' healthy, the toll of death by accident
seems to be increasing all the time.
Yesterday men were heeled to a hor-
rible death when one of the great
gates of the Welland canal fell and ev-
• ery clay people are being killed and
- maimed in automobile accidents. As
civiliaztion advances the clances of
• death by accident seem to be in-
-• creased.
The death occurred on Tuesday of
Hal. B.• Donly of Sirecoe, until 192g
.aditor and proprieter of the Simeoe
'Reformer, wbich he inherited from
"his father. Mr. Donly was 'consider:
,ed one ‚of the outstanding newspaper
—men in the. weekly aield in Ontario
• and,ais editorial page was ali-vays eaga
erelysscanned, for he had an iedepee-
-• dence thaught and expression
which won the respect of even those
- who could not always agree with him,
'He wee twice elected president of the
Cartadian Press Association. Since
- giving up newspaper work he had in-
tore'sted himself in business but his
-health has been /ailing for , sorne
- years.
* *
Getting lost in' the woods in the'
Tted Lake district, Jahn Helmer, an
-experienced prospector, ' wandered
'aimlessly about,for twenty-two days
before he was found, his only food be.
ing berries, On being" discovered he
• was, 'naught to Port Arthur Hospital
' but the exposure, lack of food and the
• mental anguish he endured were too
much Air his constitutive and he fail-
ed to rally tinder care and died. Hie
- voice failed and on more than one oc-
casion he saw emu.° parties looking
' for him but could not call loud enougb
'•to make himself heard. It was a ter-
• -Tilde experience and a very sad halt-
' •epening for this age in Canada. Those.
' going into the -woods 'exercise
••great care, as Helmer was by no
-means 4 novice in the woods'.
e •
• Hohnesville
Mr. and Mrs. Pullman of Chicago,
.and Mr. and Mrs. Draper of Detroit
s are spending a few days as the
guests of Mr. and tears. Wen. Mull -
'holland. -
We are pleased to report that Mas-
ter Lloyd Stock, son 'of Mr, and Mrs.
M. Stock, 'who has recently undergone'
eau operation in the Clniton Hospital,
is progressing favorebly, and we trust
• will soon be in our midst again.
Mee. Leonard Birth of Detroit is
• spending a few days as the guest of
eller patents, Mr, and Mrs, I.
• Mr. and Res, Sohn Schwstez of
' Toronto, former residents of this, called on friends Isere
over the week -erne They were in
Goderich attending the funeral of Mr,
' Schwanz's motherwho paeted
° away last week. Mr). Schwanz return.
ed to Toronto on Motalay, and Mrs.
Schweaz is spending a few days vis-
iting eelatiees and Weeds in this vi-
- cinity. •
Mr. Arthur Elliott of Aberdeen, ba-
kota, visited his cousin, Mrs. G. R.
Sheppaed, erne day this week. It was
•a pleasant meeting, as they had not
. met for forty years.
Mrs. Ross Tiehbourne and (laugh-
' Leer, Mame of Goderich visited Mr.
-and Mrs. Ce. Sheppard on Tuesday.
Mr. J. B. -MacMath is spending a
-•cottple of days in Toronto.
Mrs. Frank McDonald of Detroit
• and daughter, also Mrs. Halstead 4f
' Brucefield, and Mr. Eagleson of ba-
kota, .'vera,callrs at Mr, George
, Sheppard's his week.
Hullett Towynship
Mrs. Wm. Davison, Mr. John Davi-
eon and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Devieon
'sand son of Ontario, California, who
"have been visiting relatives and
friends hereabouts for • some weeks,'
were the guests last week of Mr. and
• Mrs. Fsd. Johnston. The Davison's
• and the Johnstone were friends years
ago in Dakota.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Todd and Mr,
° and Mrs. Bert Hill of Detroit, Mich.,
spent over the week-encl 'with the lat-
ter's brother and sister, ItereFred and
Miss Jennie Austin.
. Mr. and ears. J. Hughes and son of
Ilderton spent the week -end at the
home of Mrs, Thee. Adams. -
Mies Loretta, Flynn and Miss Egan
have retnened to Toronto since enend-
' ing a few weeks with the formee's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Flynn.
Me Peeve Reynolds, is visiting at
les home in fIullott
Misees M. and A. Carbeet have re,-
- turned to their home attr spending
a few 'weeks with their sister, Mrs.
T, Quigley of Detroit.
M.iS'8 1. Griffin of Toronto is • the
gueet of Miss A. Flynn.
Mr, Cap. Taynn left for Toronto en
Mrs. Benhett is visiting with her
brother, Mrs. Jas, Match,
Mr, and Mrs. A. M.' Rice and son,
have returned home after spending
two weeks holidaying.
Miss Vera Trick of London spent
the week -end at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Amos Andrew.
Mrs, Chas. Wallis Misses Gertrude
and Freida and ilirq Wilmer Wallis
called on friends herb Sunday' last.
• Owing to the, wet 'weather farmers
are finding it diCEicult to save their
hay.crop this year.
Wheat cutting will commence in
this district ^thio 'Week. -
An event of much interest, not onlsi
to peolile of this community, but
also to 'many in the surrounding dis-
trict, whl be the holding of a memor,
ial service isa the grounds of Ball's
Cemetery on Sunday evening, August.
5th. The service will commence at
(3.30 and be in charge of the local
SI. Helett
Mr. and Mrs..R. A,Barbour were
up front Fergus last Tuesday attend-
ing the wedding of Mrs. Barboor's
sister, Miss Clara Weeds.
We are sorry to report that Mr.
John Rutherford is still in very poor
health. *
• Mr. and Ms'. Robt. Reid of Wiedsor•
and Mr. and 1VIrs, John W. Kehl. Of
Varna spent Friday at the home of
the former's sister, Ma's. R. J. Woods
Miss Marion MePhersoneis visiting
-her niece, Mrs. Wm. Rutherford,
Miss IVIcGregor of Neve York ie vis-
iting her cousin Mrs. Geo. Stuart.
Miss urier'Millers of London spent
the week -end at her. home here,
leliss Dorothy Barbour of Fergus
has returned home aftee spending a
few weeks at the hothe of her grand-
mother, Mrs. S. J, Weeds,
Messrs. Wm. and Arnold Woods,
Mr. and Mrs. -Jas. Irwin and Meat
Richard Martin motored to Simcoe
county on Sunday.
Miss Lamm Martin is spending a
few weeks with her greadfether,
mgr. Wm, Woods. ' • • ' •
'A' very' pretty wedding teak Pfau
at Calein church', St Helens,. on Tues.
day, July 24th, at 3.30 When Clera.
Mners daughter of Mrs. Sarah Woods
and the late R. Je Woods, aecame the,
bride of Mr. WIti. G. Dougherty, son
of the late Mr. atid Mrs. Alexander
Dougberty of Guelph. The ceremony
was performed, amid a'profusion of
summer flowers, by Rev, H, G. Whit-
field, pastor of the church. • The bride
entered the church on the arm of her
• brother, Mr. Wilson Woods, to the
strains of Lohengrin's wedding march
played by IVIiss Dolly Peguegnat of
She wag a pictuie of loveliness in
a white taffeta Ivied gown flowered
in rose and blue, with rose mohair
hat and satin shoes to match. She
carried seecolonial bouquet of sweet-
heart roses and baby's breath. Little
Bobbie Phillip, nephew of the bride,
acted as ring bearer, and Dorothy
Barbour, niece of the beide, made a
very pretty flower girl, gowned in
maize geogrette frilled in maize satin
ribbon. The mother ef the bride was
gowned in navy blue canton crone
with biege trimmings and hat to
match. She ,carrid sweethestet
roses and orchids.- During the sign-
ing of the register Mrs. II. G. Whit -
nem saug very sweetly "Until."
Immediately after the ceremony
a reception was held at the home of
the beide's mother, a dainty buffet
luncheon being served. The decora-
tion •of the brides table was carried
out in rose and blue centred by the
wedding cake, '
Mr, and lefrs. Deng,hertyl left on a
teeter teat to points east; the bride
travelling in* a biege camels hale
French Icaeha ensemble. with felt hat,
and shoes to match. On their retulat
they will vesicle in Guelph.
With George 'Young in tettining
again undo Johnny Walker and pro-
nounced in as good shape as when he
conquered the Catelina , in the Fine
Wrigley 1/araban Swine and Ernst
Vierkoetter a sure entrant, the world's
championship ewlin at the Canadian
National Exhibition, this year has
every appearance of beieg it "battle"
between tease two noted stars. There
will be others, too, who will be "in
there,a such as Arne Borg, of 'Swe-
den; Mendell Burdett, of Toronto,
whoee performance lad year was out-
standieg, and Georges Michel, of
Fra -nee, the rennet -tip of lest Year.
Porty-six•percerta of the exports of
the "United States are carried in Bri-
tish ships, a greater percentage thae
thet castled by the marine of any
ether nation concerned, including the
United States itself. This is despite
a determined effort made since the
War by the United etates to expand
her shipping business at the expense
of the 13ritieb, The fact thet Britislt
thips (-any more of -the United States
export; goods than that nation herself
suggests that the struggle for ocean
business has not yet seriously affected
the standing of the British as tee first
mercantile shipping nation of the
workl.—Sarnia, Canadian -Observer.
Stenographer Wanted
Must be fast and accurate at short-
hand' arid typing, bookkeeping know-
ledge desirable but not esseritial,
State qualifications, experience, age
and salary expected. Apply Box 477.
Wingham, Ontario.
•Auction Sale
Household effects at Bayfield on
Saturday, August 11th, at 1.80 sharp,
consisting of the following:
Paelor Suite, Upright piano, 2
bed room suites, completde Acme B
range, elewen coed 16 -inch hardwoods
sideboard, collet, dining .room table,
6 dining room chairs, bureau, writ -
Mg desk, rocking chairs,„ 3 oalz kegs,
linoleum,. Carpets, lamps, blinds, cur-
tains, dishes, pots, pans, sealers and
neirnerous other articles,
TERM'S: All sums of 7.10.00 and
under, eash; over that abount, 3
months' credit will be given on fur-
nishieg bankable paper, or a discount
of 8 per cent per annum allowed for
carat an credit amounts.
H. Davrow, Proprietor, G. H. El-
liott, Au cti °neer. • 73-2,
r asv.>s
residence ot.the bride's ,parcrits, by
tee Rev, Mr. Deeth; on auly 24th,
Morris Pearl, only 'daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. john E. Kindree, Jarvie,
Ontario, to Frederick Pe Archibald,
youngest son of Mr. and IVIrs. Ansi-
3' A):eili.)) El 1 d' Of' Seat: ox• th. '
"BATSON—HARVEY—Li Exeter, ,on
July 21tit, by the Rev. I). McTavish,
Mildred Maude, daughter of Mr.
ahd Mrs, Thomas Harvey of Exe-
ter, to john William Batson of Tor-
onto. •
church, Si. Helens, on July
24th, by the Rev.' EL G. Whitfield,
Ciaect May, daughterofMrs. Sarah
eeroode and the late R. J. Weeds of
St. lielens, to William G. Dougher-
ty, son of the late 11jr. and Mrs,
Alex. Dougherty of Guelph.
MANNING—Tn CIidton, On July 26511,
to Mr. and Mrs. II, B. Manning, a
son.—John Russe. ,
HARNESS—At Clintotn hospital, on
Wednesday, July 18th, to Mr. 4rid
Mrs, Elmer Harnees, of Exeter, a
daughter, Phyllis Barbara.
CRQSS—In Clinton Ptiblie Hospital,
on July 30t11; to Mr. and Mrs.
Edger A, Cross of Toronto,
daughter.—Marion Campbell.
COOK— In loving memoey of Fred-
erich Cook, who diede August 1st,
Gone is the face we loved so dear,
Silent the voice we loved to her.
When days aee dark and friends are
Dear Father, hew we long for you.
A, loving father, tree and kind,
No friend on earth like him we'll
For all of us he did his best,
God has given himaeternal vest.
Sadly missed by wife and family
GRAINgER----Ia -loyietg, memory of
"our father, who died Auguet 41.11,
„Peacful beethy rest, °clear. --Father.
It is sweet to breathe thy,.nerne.
In life We loved you.dearlye
• In death we do the Smile. • -
—Sadly missed by daughter, Mrs. G.
Cowan. . --p.
•. . ,
Mr. and ears. John Riley and sort of
Tuckeremith spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Riley, ar.
Mr. and Mrs, Adam "Glazier of
Clinton spent Sunday as the guest
of Mrs. Thos. Pollard.
Quite a number of the village peo-
ple responded to the call aor help on
'Monday morning, when Mr. Matt.
Cstrbert's hoese was burned.
Mortgage Sale
01 Valuable Farm PeoPertY •
'Under and by virago of tbe powers
of sale contained in a certstin mort-
gage which will be produced at the
time of sale, there will be offered for
sale by Public Auction at the Town
Hall, in the Town of Clinton on Fri.
day, August 17th, 1028, it the hour
of two o'clock et the afternoon the
following property namely: All and
Singular: that: eertaineparcel or tract
of land • and premises situate, lying
and being in the Township of Hull -
eta in the County of Iltmon and the
Province of Ontario, being composed
of Lot number Twenty-two (22) in
the .Fourth Concession and Lot num-
ber Twenty-three (23) in the Fifth
Concession of the said Township of
Huron, containing in all two hundred
acres more or less.
On the said property is a frame
house, bank barn and drive shed and
other buildings all of which tire in
good repair. , -
This property will be put me in one
lot subject to it reserve bid.
Terms of Sale—Ten per ceet of
purchase price at them of saleandthe
balance within thirty days thereafter.
For further particulars apply to
Cowan, Cowell ac Gray, Sarnia, Ont.,
Vetzlor's ardicitors, or W. Brydone,
Clinton Ont., Agent for Cowan, Cove-
san & Gray, G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer,
• , 73-3.
Per Sale
A very choice 100 acres at a give-
away price, lot 18, con. 3, I-Iullett
Tea, Huron County, 2lee miles from
Clinton, a good town of about 2000
population; 5 churches, Public school,
Collegiate, fleshless College,' etc.
Pablie scheol one mile front the house.
Gravel toad 10 rodsfrom house; paved
highway 114 mileses London 45 miles
Toronto 120. •Soll extra good clay
loam, 90 acres tillable, balance bush -
lend, pasture with spring water. No
sand or gravel. Land gently rolling,
enough for good drainage. Buildings
consist of a large, 2 storey brick
house with sarenter kitchee, cistern
and woodshed, berm 56x60, heavy
frame timber, stone stabling under-
neath, cement Deers, hardwood- stalls
and mangers, stone root cellar, cem-
ent chicken and pig house impliment
house and work shop. Buildings
rodded with _latest patent` Copper
lightning rods, Buildings are insured
for 77000 and 710,000 would not put
them here to day, All A-1 condition.
3 acres of orchard, about 70 fruit
trees, different vat atlas apples,
poets and plums. Hog paslures calf
mestere close to beildinge- ledge
fence aroundlouse and-yaed. '3 never
failing'spring wells). Taxed around
-780. 40 acne in even, 22 alfalfa, 14
summer eallow, balance pesture.
Such ,farm has never been offered
in Hurois e,ounty-Ser the price 77,500
withota crop or will sell with 0'013
Priced low. •A good thee now to look
this propertrover when crop is erow.
ing. Farm eatver been rentect. e3,500
cash will handle it. Balance time to
emit, at ,6 per cent, Reason for selling.
am past 70 veers, have no male help
and health farline. Telephone ancl
daily rnail delivery. Ed. Joneston,
Clinton, Ontraeo, R. R. No. 4. Phone
e36r3. - 73-1.
Angthing Should.,
Have you good photographs of the
eye:dram of father and mother? We
are in our Clinton Studio every Tues-
day to enalce good Photographs for
A Wedding, Photograph 03:a Family
. _
Group. We please others we can.
please you, Prices aro reasonable.
We make Photographs from $2.00
.,per dozen up.
Finishing for Amatem•s.
30c' Per IL
Chls. V. Cooke
Two Phones -66w and 66j
, Owners and tenants of property in'
Clinton must . commence to cut all
weeds on their property and keep thorn
*cut during the summer.
Pir(13NO, .
3sVieed Inspector 71-2
Must Be Cute
Owners and tenants of property in
the Police Village of Bayfield must
commence at once to cut all weeds ort
their property and keep them cut dur-
ing the surnnaer.
Weed Inspector,' 73-1,
Can Ron -tame Gratton win the 2,12-
Theusaild 'Dollar' Stake' at. Goderich,
Civic Holiday, August -6th? Already
wagers have been made that Silent
Gratton from the Litt stable at Mitch-
ell will take the rich prize. Chas.
Barrett from Patkhill and Earl Rowe,
M.P. of Simco e County, are tWo that
are setting back and smiling as both
have been miles better than. 2.10.
Billy Fitch, if he is the BillyFitch of
old, will also figure as will Jean Pet-
ers and Carl Private. Perliaps the
best judge of pacers in the country
Welby Almas of Brantford who says
that ehe race is the most open in years
is correct. Vic. Rowntree who will
likely have the mount behind Billy
Fitch, says he can win, so there you
have it. The pertgrarnme arranged
by Dr. Clark, Dr. Whitley -Smith and
Co. at this beautiful town. on Lake
Huron simply glitters with class and
with the two thousand dollen stakes
and a 7500.00 open 2.30 class will give
a days racing long to be rernemberedj
Ali roads lead to Goderich Civic
day. Mayor McBride of Toronto will
likely do the starting.
A strong effort is being made to
have the great Canadian Champioe
pacer of the world, Gratton Bars'and
his driver Vic. Fleming, ale° a Can-
adian, give an exhbition mi.% during
this great Race Meet at Goderich,
August 6th, -Civic holiday.
A new Grandstand is being built.
This will be the best and largest
Grandstand in this district.' Come and
see the races in eornfort. - 73-1
Mr. Will Lyon desires to express
his thanks to his many friends, in-
cluding the brethern of Clinton Mas-
oeis Lodge, for their kindness, and
also beautiful flowers sent to ban
during his stay in Clinton hospital,
-Also to the matron and nurses for
their kind attention, which was the
very best.
'Work Wanted •
Student wants work, odd jobs, ariya
thing, mail the middle of August. Ap-
ply Roy Cook, Maple street. 73-1-p,
First class, one small child, desire
position with widower or bachelor;
town or coenty. Enquire at The
Neves- Record, 78-1-11.
Stanley Township Voters' List
The Voter's List, 1028 for the Town-
ship of Stanley, -County of Huron
Notice is hereby givet that 1 have
transmitted or delivered to the per-
sons mentioned in Section 0 of the
Ontario Voter's List Act the copies of
the limn made pursuant to tbe said
Act, of' all persone appearing by the
Assessment Roll of the Municipality
of the Township of Stanley, to be en-
titled to vote in the said Municipality
at elections to the Legislative Assem-
bly and at Municipal Elections, and
the said Bet was first posted up in my
,office at Varna. on Monday the 23rd
day of Jelly 1028, and, remains there
for inspection. 1 hereby call on all
voters to examine the said list stncl if
any errors br omissions are found'
therein to take hninediate proceeding
to have same corrected according to
law. Dated at Varna this 26th day of
July, 1928. Je, E. Harnwell, Municipal
Clerk. 73-2.
We start you in business and help
you stmeeed"—eocapital needed or ex-
perience; we furnish everything. Man-
ager will call on you personally and
advertise for you free. Requivements
—must be honest and fernish refer-
eeces. Write to our London offiee,
210 Royal Bank chambers, tandem
Ont, 72-2,
Farmers Attention?.
Having purchased a newtractor
and plough; I am now reaay 'to doa
limited amount of custom. plo,ughing.
Let me help you eat your ea:id-resale
Ino' (3 all wheat. Will do a aattefactory
job. F. W. Andrews, Clinton. Phone
33sw. 72-tf,
• il'ITURSI)A,Y, AlJG-TJaT 2, 1928' "331
Live and Dressed
Bring your poultry and eggs ehere
and make morel profit for yourself,
Market 'prices for heavy hens are
high --take advantage of them now -
Clinton's Leading Egg-Gradiatg,
Station • •
Clinton Poultry House
N. VV.-Trewartha
Phones ----Office, 214j Residence, 214w
to Harold Skinner's
Blue Water Boys
A New Agency
the undersigned, have received in-
structions from Mr. J. P, Bidkle, Tor-
onto that all children under the age
of 16 years must not operate Motor
Cars on the Highway and all between
the age of 16 and 18 must have a
"Miner's License."
Examiner for Chauffeur anti
• Operators License.
Clinton, • Phone 251
House for Sale
.Frame house, Albert street, Olin-
, ton. 6 roomand pantry, in- good rs.
pair, lights and water, Roomy stable
en premises, 34 acre garden with
some small fruit trees. Apply on
pre]raisee to Mrs. L. Bunking., 67-11,
Expert Kodak Finishing
Developing 5c roll, Prints, any
size, 3c eacli;-post paid. Jackson°
Studio, Seaforth, Ont. 72-6-p.
Money Wanted
7200 -wanted on a good first mort-
gage. Will pay 6ea per cent, In-
qqtre at • News -Record. 72-tf,
In the Estate et Thomas Mason,
NOTICE is hereby given that a
Persons having claims against the es-
tate of Thomas Mason, late of the
town of Clinton, in the County of Hur-
on, gentleman, deceased, who died on
or about the Oth day of July A.D. 1928,
are required to deliver to Alice lelasee
the executrix et the said estate or
her solicitor, ort or before the 4th day
of August A.D. 1928, a full state-
nient of their Claims together with
partieulars thereof, and the nature of
the securities, if any, held by them all
duly verified by affidavit.
AND TAKE NOTICE that after the
said last mentioned date the said ex-
ecutrix will proceed to distribute the
estate of the said deceased amongst
the persons entitled thereto having re-
gard only to such claims as she shall
have received due notice and in accor-
dance therewith.
Dated at Clinton'Ontario, this 16th
day of July A.D. 1927.
W. BRYDONE,' Clinton, Ontario,
Solicitor for the said Executrix,
In the Estate of Williant John Paisley,
NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons having claims against the es-
tate of William Sohn Paisley, late of
the town of Clinton, in the County of
Huron, esquite, deceased who died on
or about the 8th day of Jelly A.D. 1928
are regeired to deliver to 0, L. Pais-
ley and W. Stewart Paisley the exe-
cutors of the said otate or William
Brydone their solicitor, on or before
the 4th day of August A.D. 1928, a
fell' statement of their clanne togeth-
er with particulars thereof, and the
nature of the securitiee, if any, held
by thene all duly verified by affidavit.
AND TAKE NOTICE that after the
said last mentioned date the said exe-
cutors will proeeed to distribute the
estate of the said deeeased amongst
the persons entitled thereto having
regard only to se& Maims as they
shall have received due notice end in
accordance therewith
Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 16th
day of July AD. 1928.
W. liIRYDONE, Clinton, Ontario,
Solicitor for the said Executor.
In the Estate of John Wellington Reid,
NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons having claims against the
estate of John Wallington Reid late of
the Township of Stanley in the Coun-
ty of Huron, yeoman, deceased, who
died an or about the 7th day of June
A.D. 1928, are required to deliver to
James F. Reid, Bayfielcl, Ontario the
administrator of the said estate or his
solieitor, an or before the 4th clay of
August A.D. 1928, a fell statement
of their claims together with parti-
culars thereof, and the nature of the
securities, if anyl, held by there
all duly verieled by affidavit.
AND TAKE NOTICE that after the
said laet mentioned date the said ad-
ministrator will proceed to distribute
the estate of the said deceased a-
mongst the persons entitled thee:ate
having regard oely to such claims art
he shall have received due •notice and
in accordeace therewith,
Dated at Clinton. Ontaeio, this 160
day oe July A.D. 1928.
VV. BRYDONE, Clinton, Onterio,
Solicitor for the said Admitestrator.
see 71-8
To Far
1tijitiC Grain Lifter
Will solve your trouble with grain that is down or lodged by rais-
ing all within reach of the rel. They fit any Binder or mower. For
Binclers four lifters are used on 6 and 7 foot and five on 8 foot, For
Mowers one foot apart for clover and hay—Easily and quickly attached
to guards now on your implement. They will save you' many tittles
their cost in time, grain and pationce.and will last a life time. More
than one thcaleancl sold at London during the past week.
Hier Hardware
C. H. VENNER, Electrician'
EleOric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, bons, Fans And other
Wiring and Repairs.
Mar.70IISfaff IINI4S(Darl,Sitrilam.lif
,Don't Let Moths Eat
Your Clothes tap '
Clothes that are soiled and full of
dirty spots al* what the moths feast
As a eule they do not touch clothes
that are dry cleaned.
Think of the damage and loss that
the moth causes. • '-
• Compare this with the sniall' coss,i of
having your clothes drY'
'It is reel economy then to have all_
your winter clothes dry cleaned be-
fore hanging' then away in :your
closet until 'next season. •'
It will save" you many a dollar!
We are experts. Our rates are ex-
ceptionally reasonable.
MeEwen's Old Stand. Opposite
• Post Office
For Upholstering-, Repairing, Refin-
Samples of Coverings Carried
Nelson Street
Trattor Plowing
I am prepared to do plowing by the
acre, at any thne. Also wood sawing
Apply to S. Flewitt, or phone 13 en
606, Clinton central. 64-tf-dp.
For Sale—Poultry Perin and Orchard
Good house and outbuildings and
White Leghorn culled flock. Terms
can he arranged. E. Parker, Clinton.
House for Sale
One ot the best located residences
in Clinton. A substantial frame house
containing eleven rooms, with bath
room, halls, pantry and woodshed.
Has hot water heating system, which
could not be duplicated for 81,000.
Bas stone foundation with large cem-
ent eellar, extensive verandah and a
new fire -proof roof, Yt acre lot and
garage; convenient to churches,
schools and business section. In
addition to being a comfortable home
this property has yielded a steady in-
come in the rooming house business,
and can be made a money maker cat.
ering to tourist trade. For terms ap-
ply on premises. Would also consider
exehange on improved farm. W. S.
Downs, Ontario Street, opposite Ont.
arit Street Church. 69-12-8p.
Men! Step up and place your
bets on .the Heat Folks. If you
Want to win the rnain heat next win-
ter, order this thoroughbred coal
now. Here is coal that starts from
scratch and wins in a walk. You
have an inside bet and can win by
odds if you stable the Heat Folks in
your cellar now. Here is a sure tip:
Coll the
for good, dean coal
Fhone 7
In each of Sbaur's Twelve -schools
follows the present tessionein regu-
lar order from Suter. 3rel, with no
forced vacatious. Enter early day.
'Booklet free, Write 1130 Bay St.,
Toronto, W. R. Shaw Secretary.
„ Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned, pressed and re.
paired. Woollen goods dry' cleaned,
'tiepins mi. Heard's B4rher shop.
W. J. Jago. • 2283-11
Coal That SatIsfies •
We sell 'time cleanest, safest and
most economical fuel and always at it
fans price.
A telephone call will receive our
prompt attention.
You can feel asolutely sure that
every shovel of coal will be of the
same uniformity of quality.
Phone 182
Orders Taken at Lawson's Grocery
Phone 111
We Want Your
Milk and Cream
We are manufacturers of bait
cheese and butter. We want your
milk or cream. We pay highest mar.
ket price weekly. Satisfaction guar.
Phone your order for finest cheese
or pasturised butter in prints or sole
ids to W. It Lobb, Clinton, Ont., R.
No. 3, Phone No. 605r32.
Eggs and Poultry
Eggs handled at residence everY,
day—graded by an experienced grad-.
er, for which we pay the highest mar.
ket price.
Purchased for Stillman's of Strat.
Agent for the Viking Cream Sep.,
A. E. Finch
Viottoria St., Clinton Phone 231,
A quantity of good hardwood and
cedar for sale. ,
Phone 155 • Huron street
Singer Sewing Machine
Leased on Small Monthly Paymente
Big Discount on Cash Sales
Now is the time to have your mee
chine repaired and cleaned. Repaireli
Needles, Belts and Parts for alif
makes. 10
Phorte 1713• P.O. Box 201, Clintote
Buss a radio 1 or the family,
in doing , ee you will - be
giving them something which they;
can enjoy the year around.,
We are dealers for the Kolster and
Kings sets and will be pleased to givo
You it demonstration at any time.
Batteries charged end storal .
for the winter
W J. Nediger, Prop.