HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-08-02, Page 2CANADIAN, NATIONAL NAILWAYS' Clinton News -Record CLINTON, ONTARIO Terms of Subscription -$2,00 per year ire.af Vance, to Canadian addressee; $2.40 to the U.S. or other•foreign Countries, No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid unless at the ,option. of the ,publisher, The date to which everg;subsoription is paid is denoted on the label, Advertising ,Rates -Transient 'aaver= tising, 12c .per count line for tIrst insertion; '8c fol,• 'each subsequent lnseltion, ';Heading 'connte 2: Iines. Small advertisements, not to exceed one inch•, such as "Wanted," !'Lost;'; "Strayed,' etc„ inserted once for 35'p• each'subsequent insertion.15c. Advertisements sent in withoutin- sttpctigns as to the'number of in -1 Bertions Vented will run until order-' ed' out and, will be charged accord iligly." Ilates'for;display advertising. made known on application. Communications intended ,for pub- lication must, as a guarantee of. good faith,' Ira aceempanleclby the name of the writer?. G. E. Hall, M. R. CLARK;. Proprietor. Editor. D &TAGG RT BANKER A genera' Banking Business transact- ed. Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued. Interest Allowed en Deposits. Sale Notes Purchased. . H. • T. RANCE Notary' Public, Conveyancer. Financial, Real Estate and Fire In. surance Agent. Representing 14 Fire Insurance Companies, Division Court Office, Clinton. W. BRYDONE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office: SLOAN BLOCK CLINTON DR. J. C. DANDIER Office Hours: -1.30 to 3,30 p.m„ 6.30 to 8.00 p.m., Sundays, 12.30 to 1.30 p.m. Other hours by appointment only. Office and Residence - Victoria St. DR. FRED G. THOMPSON Office and Residence: 'Ontario Street - r Clinton, Ont. One door west of Anglican Church. P}one 172 Eyes examined and glasses fitted DR. PERCIVAL HEARN Office and Residence: Huron Street - Clinton, Ont. Phone 69 (Formerly occupied by the late Dr. C. W, T.hompeon). Eyes examined and glasses fitted DR. H. A. MCINTYRE DENTIST Office hours: 9 to 12 A.al. and 1 to 5 P.M., except Tuesdays and Wednes- days. Office over Canadian National Express, Clinton, Ont. Phone 21. ,. DR. F. A. AXON DENTIST Clinton, Ont. Graduate of C.O.D.S., Chicago, and R.C.D.S., Toronto. Crown and PIate Work a Specialty D. H. McINNES Chiropractor-EleotrIcal Treatment. Of Wingham, will be at the Rotten - bury House, Clinton, on Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday lorenoona of each week, Diseases of all kinds succeselully handled. GEORGE ELLIOTT ' Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at. The News -Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 203, Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed, B. R. • HIGGINS Clinton, Ont. General Fire and Life Insurance Agent for . Hartford Windstorm, Live Stock, Automobile and Sickness and Accident Insurance. Huron and Erie and Cana- da Trust Bonds. Appointments made to meet parties at Brucefield, Varna and Bayfield. 'Phone 57. • TIME TABLE Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton as follows; Buffalo and Goderich Div. Going East,, depart 6.44 arm. 2.62 Going West, ar. 11.60 lam. ar. 6.08 dp. 6.53 pan, ar. 10,04 p.m. London, Huron & Bruce Diva Going South, ar. 7.56 dp. 7.56 a.m. „ „4.10 p.m. Going North, depart 6,50 -pan. ar, 11.40 dp. 11.61 a.m. THE MCKILLOP MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company Head Office, Seaforth, Ont. DIRNCTORY: President, James lavana, Beechwood; Vice, ;lames Connolly, •Goderlch;. Bee: Treasurer, D. Ir.( McGregor, Seaforth, Directors,: George McCartney, Seaforth; James Shouidtee, Walton Murray -,Gib- son,.. Brueeteld; Wm. king, •.Seaforth: Robert 1'orrie, 1Xarl'ocic; ,john Benneweir, Brodhagen Jas. Conolly, Goderich. Agents Alex. Leitch, Clinton; J. W. Yoe.", Goderich;:' Td, Iiinohley, Seaforth; 3. 0. lvlurray, Pl,gmondville; R. G. Jar, moth, Brodhagen. Any money to bo paid in may be paid to Wallah Clothing Co., Clinton, or at CalVln Cutt'a Groeery, Goderich. Parties desiring to .effeot Insurance or transact other ,buefnesy. will be promptly attended to on. applloatiot t0 any or the above offlcera.,addreesedt10 their. hoopoe, tive. post office. Lormee rapeeted by tho Director who lives nearest the scone, Greets Tea drinkers do not know the ffull ewijoy- nnen off Gree Tea winless they use. 4'SAl.'APA'° Greesa—the very choicest variety, bleln¢Ietl .to per-. ffe ion—peeked, l69' -air -tight metal to protect the 4lavtaaitiro reps for only 38c per a-91�:--�Asl� fforit'at any grocers. .BEGIN PERE TODAY Captain john Hewitt, Commission- er of Police at Jesselton, British North Borneo, has a beautiful widow- ed cotter, Monica V,ney, She loves Peter Pennington, who is detailed by the government to- anprehend Chad= Hung, leader of The Yellow' Seven. a gang of Chinese bandits. Pennington warns Ilyde and Hyde's daughter, Dora Bateson, against the bandits. They receive the Yellow Seven card and chase the Chinese .house -boy and his companion, only to have them dis- appear when almost within their grasp. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY "Pity you couldn't have thought all this out before," he grumbled. Pres- ently, as the tobacco caught, his head came slowly round until his puzzled eyes fell upon these of his companion. "Why do you suppose they wanted to get us out of the way?" Chinese Pennington rose wearily. "I don't know," he admitted, "but I've a queer feeling in my bones that the sooner we're back again -the better." Hyde, glancing at his watch, was amazed to discover that it was close upon one o'clock. He turned to Pen- nington. "There's a shorter cut, if we bear to the right. We should strike the railway In under half -en -hour." Twenty yards from the boundary wire, a man on a pony almost rode them down. Both men stepped hastily from the track and the newcomer, pulling up abruptly, slid to the ground and confronted them. It was Bateson, hatless, his straw-colored hair stand- in galmost an end. • "Is that you, Hyde?" he cried hoarsely. "You can make yourself easy on that score," the manager assured him Pennington, an uncomfortable sen- sation passing down his spine, inter- ,Yened, He dropped a heavy hand on to Bateson's shoulder. "What's wrong?" ho demanded. , The assistant swallowed something in hie throat. "It's Dora. She's disappeared 1" "Disappeared!" It was Hyde who spoke. "But, man alive!-" A glance from Pennington checked further ut- terance. "When did she go out?" he said, rolling a cigarette, his eyes fixed on Bateson all the while, "About ten. I was busy on the verandah with a couple of menders figuring out some work r wanted to get through tomorrow. I gathered that she was going to see you. She carried a small. parcel In her hand and I remember expressing curiosity as to its contents. She told me it was something you had asked for." ' Peniington started. "Something I had asked for," he echoed incredulously, and then his face dropped. "What was it like?" Bateson appeared to reect. "It .was only a small thing," he' said, "and I couldn't see it very clear- ly. It looked to me like a fan." Pennington caught Hyde's arm and held it tightly. llon't jump at conclusions," he 'whispered reassuringly, seeing that the other had gone deathly white, "Have you been to Hyde's bungalow, Bateson?" "Yes. I've only just come from there. There was a watchman on duty outside. Dora had been there, had waited 'for about an' hour -and had gone out on foot... That's what I can't make out. I found her pony tethered where she had left it. The watchman did not think it his place to question her. The moon was, well up when -she left, and he was under the impression she was looking for' something she had lost. It's a queer business altogether," he added helplessly. "The watchman told me she had both arms out- stretched infront of her, and that she chose a path of her own between the trees." "Yes," broke in Hyde. impatiently. "What then?" '- "I found a 'hurricane -lamp and started o8 in the direction he indi- cated. At . first her footsteps were pretty clearly marked, but after a hundred yards or so they petered out altogether. It seemed as if the earth had been freshly raked over, for an appreciable distance, and then I ran across other tracks which„ when fol- lowed, only brought mo back to the spot from which I'd started." He shuddered involuntarily, "Penning- ton, what on earth does It all mean?' "It means that your wife has been kidnapped by the Y'oIlow Seven and that there's no sleep for any of ua until we get her basic, Youfound nothing on the path, nothing that could be of assibtancga" Bateson shook his head•. He dived a hand into a side -pocket and produc- ed a crumpled mania ei' cane ani] cloth, "Nothing at all --except this, It Was partly isnbeddod.in the sound I clung to it in sheer deetreratiot),?? .1r'enningtan'B,1and abet mit ;'o 4 twit it from hint. Hos groat], it out oYl thA saddle of the , assistatiPS posit'` that ,j9 bhiltFlD SK+kI.L, muss RAg8p by RiN 81i�itLIE stood quietly grazing. Hyde peered over his shoulder, "What is it " he inquired huskily. "I can't answer you yet. I daren't. It's nothing -or everything. Strike a light, one of you." "I can tell you what's on it," jerked out Bateson suddenly. "It's a Jap- anese fan -the thing, I imagine, that Dora was bringing to you. There's a photograph on it -of Island N. That's all." , Pennington gave a wild cry. "Hyde," ,he shouted, "muster every watchman you've got; send out an urgent S. 0. S. to your assistants, Don't trust a soul that you have not the utmost confidence in or we're lost. There's a score of native fishermen at the water's edge. Commandeer their canoes and get across to the is- land -as soon as you can. Then take cover. AAs soon as you hear me fire, come. Ie that quite -clear?" The planter reached out for the reins of Bateson's pony. "Perfectly. What about you? How are you goin„'to get across?" "That's my ailair. But when you come, don't look for Chinese Penning- ton. Search around for 'He Who Sees in the Dark,' the Chinaman with the scarred face, whom I think you have already met." He grinned Lroadly-- and wat gone. , n a s * The oil lamp flared up suddenly and Dora Bateson, crouching in a corner of the hut, saw the ponderous form of Chat -Hung creeping through th•: nar- row aperture. He rose presently to his feet and sat heavily upon a black - mood stool that was the only piece of furniture of which the hovel boasted. "Good evening, Mrs. Bateson, he began in a grating voice. "You are wondering no doubt why I have Chai-Hung positively beamed. - brought you here, and what I am go- ing to do with you?" "I'm not the least bit afraid of you, Mr. Chai-Hung," retorted the girl steadily. •She shifted into a, more comfortable position on the rotting boards and, looking upward, caught a glimpse of a star -lit heaven through a spot in the roof whei-e the steps had fallen away. Dora Bateson was afraid of sha- dows, but the substance held no ter- rors for her, The harsh voice of the notorious bandit, the trick he had of contracting his pupils until' they be- came like points, of fire -inspired her with a certain, inexplicable fear; but she was by no means afraid of • Chai- Hung himself. -"How did you get one here?" she demanded presently. 'Chef -Hung smiled blandly. "It was exceedingly simple, Mrs: Bateson. If you, are able to remem- ber anything, you will admit that you started out apparently of your own accord. That is what we term -The. Fan Trick. Dora's brow wrinkled. "The Fan Trick!" Her eyes spark- led with the light of sudden knowl- edge. "Then I am on Island N1" he exclaimed. "Aren't you a trifle un- wise, Mr. Chai-Hung, in selecting a hiding -place so near to the mainland?" Chai-Hung positively beamed. . "Not in the Ieaet, my dear lady. Of all my enemies, there is only one that I have any cause to fear. They cali him 'He Who Sees in the Dark,' but you would recognize him more readily under his real name -Chinese Pen- nington." He paused . to ob erve the eeet of his words, but tl�e1I con, lets her i'eatures i dniirairlya 'milli tan hounded iso 21005 Japed drove me, as he y�etjll pe lei 'loving, into the halitwoo' d; ceede,? iii one' 2ee�5 eo b' .. nacos a' for s 1 me �l"^!i. �� r y � silex �t un expedients to obtain 1ngt}ey`, That, i. Precisely why yod fire here' tonight;, Mrs, Bateson," o gazed at ber;through Half-olosed fids. „l I tg1i a6si4 i4 lseosengen to r iiband" .lox -t : , voided C 0� I t botwe$rl ld teeth, "If Q fiefs b'a'gel' trees ..not return, 3 6httll end another, p ct still Another -fol• o •are -cheat and the i' els ngea+s 1 1 ifs of 1l the Yellow Seven are sealed. I shall ask for• thousallr each of ten your beaundtifuldoa fingers. s -one Butfor; with ea<;h further messenger I shall send a finger-" The girl' had rioee to her feet, her eyes blazing with fury. "Yo u- devil The l;eeat Chai-Hung backed to- ward the opening, bowing as he did so.. "I' do not anticipate that you will'. have to undergo the painful process pi amputation very often, Mrs. Bate- son," he continued smoothly. Almost beside herself, she caught the .black -wood stool front the flcor and swung it .aloft, but, before she could send it eriiahing into the leering fare that nroeircd at hery,fhe'saw the Icier, of a second Chinaman wriggle noiselessly through the. aperture, The newcomer had a livid scar running' the length of one cheek. He were a blue jacket . with voluminous, tattered. sleeves' and, as the girl stood petrified, her eyes wide-open like sanders, she could have sworn that the stranger winked at her. "Good night, Mr, Bateson," Choi= Hung was saying. "I am going to dispatch my first melssenger.". , And then an arra like a steel wire encircled his neck and he fell to the floor with a thud, It seemed an eternity before Chi- nese Pennington fixed one knee firmly on the bandit's throat and, groping ill h's rags, fired deliberately at the lit- tle patch in the roof where the sago leaves had been torn away. (To be continued.) A Girl's Bedroom - Every girl should have a room of her own, almost as soon as she has passed beyond babyhood days. No Matter how, congenial and well -loved one's family may be, a place all one's own is necessary to health and growth of soul. Lillian Montagne, in the current is- sue of "Your Home Magazine," gives some useful advice on the problem of decorating a girl's room. "In planning a girl's room," she writes, "avoid the excitement of vivid red and the depressing effect of a pre- ponderance of purple, dull gray, brown or black. There is a quality in young girlhood which responds to the delicate pastel coloring of spring. The faraway, misty blue of the sky, the tender green of the opening leaves, the pale yellow of the early crocus, the faintly roseate tint of the arbutus. theip 3ldah lavender of the ;flee -any of these shades. used either singly or in combination to decorate the room of a jeunne 1111e will awaken In her a quick response to the grace and beauty which they express. Painted walls are particularly -desirable for bedrooms, because not only are they more sanitary but they may be easily and artistically tinted to harmonize with any color scheme you may se- lect. Ween ,,the walls are finished, paint or enamel the trim the same color, or white if you prefer Tit, and paint or 'varnish the floor according to the wood. A floor treated this way 1s easy to care for and needs only one or tato small rugs. "Where there is plenty of sunshine," continues the writer, "the cool quiet, but happy shades of green, lilac and blue are good background colors. And while blue may not be uses done, blue and gold, rose and blue, or or- chid and blue are effective combina- tions for the young girl's room, An especially lovely color scheme would be apricot and delphinium blue, the former in a very soft shade being used se o he walls, the latter to enamel the woodwork and furniture. If a large rug is used, it should be a slightly' deeper blue than the furnt- A Dainty. Set The " attractive brassiere and bloomern are shown in View A fashioned of .one material and in Yew B of figured and plain. The brassiere is pointed at the top and has straps over the shoulder and fastens at the back. The bloomers, open ;at the sides of the shaped' belt And have elastic run through. the leg casings. No. 1645 is for Misses and Small Women, and is in sizes 82, 84 and 36 inches bust. View A, size 34 bust, brassiere re- quires iii yard 27 -inch, or 3m yard 36 -inch material; 1 yard 1 -inch rib- bon; 11 inches of 8 -inch elastic; 3a' yard narrow elastic, and 2 yards 27 -inch, or 14 yards 36 -inch ma- terial for bloomers. View B re- quires '4 yard additional plain ma- terial. Price 20 cents for both patterns. . The designs illustrated In our new Fashion Book are advance styles for the home dressmaker, and the woman or girl who desires to wear garments dependable for taste, simplicity and economy will find her desires fulfilled In our pat- terns. Price of the book 10 cents the copy-. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c In stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully.) for each number and address your order to Wilson Pattern Service, 78 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by return mail. Kitchen Beauty Kitchens are no longer an important item in the decorative scheme of the home. To -day the old idea that it doesn't matter what the workshop of the house looks like so long as what comes out of it 1s nice no longer pre- vails, Today housewives believe that an attractive kitchen not only makes work easier and a better impression on friends, but also improves the foods that are prepared there. "Is your kitchen," asks the "Suc- cessful Farming" Writer, "of the dark and dingy dull brown variety with dark -finished walls and woodwork, a dull brown linoleum, black stove, sink, pots and pans, with never a spark of color to relieve the monot- ony? Or has it advanved ono step into the hospital variety with white ture. If small rag rugs -always ap- walls and woodwork, white sink, propriate for a bedroom -are used, tables, pots, pane and curtains, which they may combine apricot, blue, or- most certainly suggest the operating chid, and black in subdued colors. room? Or has your kitchen caught the spirit of the new age and taken unto itself a rainbow of charming colors, relieving all signs of monotony and suggesting anything but drudg- ery? The kitchen, as any other room, to have a well-balanced color scheme, must employ three or more colors, and must have various and correct proportions of red, yellow and blue, but In combinations. Of course, one color should predominate and be used in greater proportions than the other colors. This predominating color should be restful rather than too slim• ulatiag, as soft green, blue-green, yel- low, warm gray, bug or ivory." A NAME WITH A MEANING Inquisltive Suitor: "Johnny, why do you call your sister 'babe'?" Johnny: "Well, every time I look in the parlor she is in -somebody's arms and talking like a baby," S Be sure you put your feet in the rigb.t place, then stand firm, -Abra- ham Lincoln. This color scheme has a charm and personality well suited to radiant youth." But Still Interepid Icarus Ah, what is this you draw ashore Encrusted with the bitter brine? A broken wheel-anairman's oar! How can a fisher's net confine A wing whose passion was to soar? What monstrous fate, what demon gale Condemned it to the hungry spray? This net has never held a' prey That told so tragical a tale. But still intrepid Icarus Must seek the sun and perish thus! -Louise Crenshaw Ray in The Com- monweal Mr. Ford's new models are now be- ing seen in increasing numbers, A few years- more and we will have passed out of the Elizabethan era. Trade of the Seven Seas BRITAIN'§ LARGEST PORT BEEN PROM THE AIR A. unique view of the great docks It ISOAtil /nat04t With fitra9lr largo Atlantic steamers 'tied itp at -the Wharves, Baby Care When baby develops a "summer complaint," don't blame the heat or the humid -weather, rather' blame yourself, Nine times: out of tea,, ac- cording to Dr. Edmund C. Gray, writ- ing in the current ''Physical, ulture ' Magazine," so -Called "summer Com- plaints" are the result of improper feeding, airing or bathing. "There are few disturbances of babies and children," writes Dr. Gray, Itthat can appear during the summer. and at eo other time of the year, though some are much more mono to develop in' hot months, There can- not be a summer diarrhoea in th'e winter, of course, but the same symp- toms. that appear during what is call- ed summer diarrhoea smaY develop in other months of the -year if the causes are present. "Prom whatever cause, the baby who gets into its stomach too much sugar is doomed, to some disturbance. Diarrhoea; dyspepsia, cold sores, skin troubles are among the troubles that may result. Giving babies starchy foods will have about the same effect as will an excess of sugar. Sugar is a natural element in milk, and a baby needs it. But starch is not needed at all. A baby's digestive apparatus 15 not prepared for handling starch until it 3s one and one -bait or two years old. "Sugar, starch and, fat are 'heating' foods. Even adults need lase of them during the summer than during the cooler months. Thore is enough heat provided by tho aim to take care of baby's heat requirements In summer, unless sometimes during sickness. "Babies do' --not need any protein other than that in milk," continues the "Your Horne" expert, "until they are two or three years of age. If given in babyhood or early childhood 1t is certain to give riee to trouble. "Much of the summer disturbances of babies," Dr. Gray -declares, "would be prevented if babies were given more fruit. They should have all they will take eagerly, Any of the fresh summer fruits, also berries (pulped and seeded), will agree well .with milk and be relished by babies, though they should not be given with sugar or combined with . starch. Many babies are killed because they are fed milk when all in the world they want is water. Babies should have all the water they will drink, especially in the summer time. The water must not be iced or very cold, and Its source must be known to be free from con- tamination." :.-- Frozen Desserts Are Simple A simple frozen dessert is no harder to make than many poi -tidings and most pies. Frozen foods should be offered more frequently for salads and desserts. They are cooling and healthful, and when we rid ourselves of the idea that they are difficult of accomplishment, their preparation will not seem a burden, The Chief thing is to Have utensils that aro adequate, conveniently at hand, and in good order. Conventional necessities, other than the freezer, are rock salt, ice, a heavy mallet, stout bag and measure. Proportions of ice and salt are three measures of finely. cracked ice auh ono of asst, Pack solidly, turning crank occasional), to settle ice, and -pound the ice firm with the mallet handle. Turn crank slowly at nisi, then more rapidly. When mixture is stiff, draw off the water, Mice out dasher, pack cream solidly, put a cork in the cover and re -pack freezer. Water ices are easily made without recipes by freezing an extra and rather rich fruit drink of sugar, fruit juice and ice water. A good general rule is as follows: Boil one cupful of water, and a little lemon juice_... Sherberts are made by adding the beaten whites of one egg to this foun- dation recipe. Simple ice creams, not too rich, but delicious, may have a flavored custard for a foundation. My recipe is as follows: To one pint of boiling hot milk in the double boiler add two eggs beaten slightly with one cupful of sugar, a pinch of salt and two tablespoonfuls of flour. Shake the sugar and flour together before mix - Ing with the eggs. Cook, stirring, un- til smooth and thickened; then cool. The New Mode New frocks are known by scarf necks, their tiers and the up -in -front, down -in -back hemline. Transplant rayon velvet with the colors and flowered design usually as- sociated with chiffon is as new as the season. Selvedge -bordered fabrics are new. . Snug hiplines and longer skirts. aro the two pivotal points on which most of the new formal fashions revolve. One-sided effects that deflect the eye to the left are smart. At the big games this fall will be seen the two-piece frock, If it's new We uneven, is the pres- ent maxim of evening dress, and of all irregular lines there is nothing smarter than the ono,longest in the back. The simple etralghtline coat is in- diepensible for trips to town, for shopping, and for week-opde. The tie -around skirt that dips sharp- ly at the side is a new and graceful way of creating an uneven hdnrline for an afternoon Ixock of the more formal type. -(From Delineator Maga- zine.) Road Signs for Motorists e. York N wHeraldII eral d x7r bunei (A M1p�evg, Made for uritfermity of. toad m�tkd !,i!he motorist who tours beptli trait. Now York to Canada, whetti'e,I e -'tapes till ) aniel Webster Rigilway in the egtt,"the Green Moun- tain 7fijghway in.pre West or tho Ool- iegoAligbWay in t1Ye,eentre, is ,co0- tintiiit �,dt?tatiysed Y 010 differing efgris wlleii at'o employed lay day and night, ,About Ste pirly thilig that will really stop falling hair 18 the fiopri GlLLETT'$ Li YE A teaspoonful of Gillett's Lye sprinkled in the Garbage , Can prevents flies breeding Use Gillett's Lye for all Cleaning and Disinfecting tri Costs little' but alwrtye effective Color Ca; itions 1. No one person can wear' all colors successfully, 2. The color and texture of tthe: skin determines the color most suit- able for clothing. A. person with an olive brunette skin, for example, can wear deep creams, bronze greens, deep dark red, even purple in some tones. If the skin is not flnein tex- ture these colors may still be worn, but they must be subdued and soften, ed, "grayed down" in other words, so tbat they do not contrast too strongly with the skin. A skin that is more, pink than yellow can wear pastel colorings best of all. Such skins usu- ally have blue, hazel, or very clear - brown eyes. They may have blond,. hazel, white or black hair. A sallow' skin can • wear dark browns and black perhaps better than any other color. 3. Subdued or grayed colors aro most becoming to large figures. 4. Colors should be chosen to bring- out ringout the beet features of the Individual either the skin, the hair, or the eyes. If the skin Is fine, you may -wear satin,. or velvet, or a non -transparent materi- al with a sheen. If the texture of your skin Is coarse, georgette, dull crepe, or crepe Elizabeth would be more be- coming. 5. Gayer colors may be worn more. successfully by young girls, but the In- tense or pure colors should be avoid - Id since they are becoming to very few. 6. Bright colors, if carefully chosen, are quite suitable for sport clothes and evening gowns, 7. Study carefully your own color- ing and choose those most suitable for your own type, age, and position. Home Hints "To remove stains from wallpaper rub with block of magnesia until well. covered. Let It stay an a day or so, then rub off with a clean cloth. The. soiled spot will have disappeared. 'When your small grass rugs look faded and dirty, paint them . They may foe' stenciled with designs to. match your draperies, sofa pillows,, etc. "A small quantity of lemonmon juice on sliced banans keeps them from turn- ing dark." "When there are several children. in the family mother will find it a good pia nto make their napkins of different colors. Let each plrild choose his own by its color when sitting down to meals." fi Sunlight L. V. Dodds in Science Progreso (London): In a country such`as Eng- land, where the population is being crowded more, and more into towns, and where even country dwellers aro. deprived of sunlight through the vagaries of climate, the practical value of artificial sunlight in preventing the onset of disease, and restoring health in such a wide range of conditions, Is quite sufficient, apart from the many technical uses, to warrant the exten- sive installation of apparatus In in- dustrial concerns throughout the coun- try. This will compensate for our dark winter climate and indoor life, and the benefit will be both immediate and permanent. A treat is the Peppermint.flavored Wear -coated jacket and another in the Peppermint -flavored gum inside - utmost value in long lasting delight ISSUE No. 31-'28