HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-08-02, Page 1-24 'Is sgst Tear eee:eiee 'e • 4,1 WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED TIIE CLINTON NEW ER t9sa clleaj egT1,,,Ne„ eNTIIIR09 TIIRJRSDAY9 AUGUST °I 0,1100.2.39.3711 E HOME PAPER F[13 ISSUE OFTHE NLINS-HECO it CONIIIIN 1NTEHESTINE N 15 TITAa' THE CORRECT NUMBER OF THE SEALED BULOVA WATCH DISPLAYED IN OUR WINDOW? Frankly, we do not know! In fact, no one in oar organization knows, Tho 'watch was sealed, boxed and shipped to us by the Bul- ova Watch Company of.TOronto-and they alone know the secret. We will present this beautiful watch to the lucky person guessing the number nearest the exact ene, whieh is somewhere between 150,-• 000 and 200,000. Tho contest has ahead begun. Guesses .are now pouring in. IIi you haven't already filed yours -:-get busy. Step around to the store today for your guess card -and be sure to file it at once. The contest closes at 5 p.m. on Saturday, August llth, MEMBERS OP OUR STORE AND THEIR FAMILIES NOT ELIGIBLE TO COMPETE Phone 174w .lellars JEWELER and OPTOMETRIST Residence 174j AUGUST SALE of Summer Dresses To clear the balance of our Sum- mer Dresses and make roont for fall merchandise whichis already coming in, we are reducing con siderably the prices of all summer dresses. These reductions mean a saving to you of 1.5 ta 25 p.c. If you are still requiring one more dress to complete your wardrobe for that summer vacation this sale offers you a wouderful oppor- tunity. All Children's Dresses to be clear- ed at 1-3 off regular price Many other Bargains throughout the store MIR •IrimonirmySlimomMo rm. nos ospremom IRIVIN'S ilidesuminer Sale ENDS SATURDAY; AUGUST 11TH HERE IS THE SITUATION We have too much stock and must reduce it before the arrival of our Fall and Winter Goods, WHEN. WE ADVERTISE A SALE WE ALWAYS DO EXACTLY AS WE ADVERTISE This is not a sale of Odds and Ends but a sale of the best things we have. There's nothing reserved. All. our Suits, Overcoats, TrOusers, Hats, Caps,. and Furnishings of all kinds are included. Look over this List --We aro sure you'll,see something you can use and that you can save money by buying now. 20 PER CENT OFF ON ALL LINES NOT MENTIONED MEN'S SUITS $15.00 SUITS, Sale Price $10.50 $18.00 SUITS,- Sale Price $13.50 $22.50 SUITS, Salo Price , ......., ...... . ... . . .. -$16.50 $25.00 SUITS, Sale Price • $19.50 $32.50 SUITS, Sale Price . $24.50 $35.00 SUITS, Sale Price . $28.50 YOUTH'S SUITS $10,50 SUITS, Sale Price $15.00 SUITS, Extra Trousers, Sale -Price - BOYS' BLOOMER SUITS $8.00 to $12.00, Sale Price IVIEN'S CAPS $1.60 CAPS, Sale Price $8.50 $11.50 $5.75 $1.00 $2.25 CAPS, Sale Price • $1,50 $2,50 CAPS, Sale Price $1,95 BOYS' CAPS 75e CA $, Sale Price 55e 750 $1.25 GAPS, Sale Price . ........, ........ . . ... .... . . .95e MEN'S UNDEREVVEAlt $1.00 B. V. D UNDERWEAR, Sale Price , eee $1.25 MERINO UNDERWEAR, Sale Price .....:....... .... $1.50 BALBRIGGAN COMBINATIONS .......... . ... .95e • - WIEN'S STRAW HATS AT HALF PRICE , BOYS' WOOL SUITS AT HALF PRICE 20 PElt CEN,T OFF MEN'S HATS MEN'S ODD TROUSERS, BATHING. SUITS, SWEAETERS, - pnAgAS; NIGHT SHIRTS, NEGLIGEE` SHIRTS, OVERALLS SEE LARGE BILLS FORCOIVIPLETE LIST $1.00 CAPS, Sale Price THE NIOEIHISH CLOTIIINg Cll. "A Square Deal for Every Man" 1 THE MARKETS Wheat; $1.45. Barley, 70c. Oats, 80c. Buckwheat, 80c. Eggs, 20c to 31c.. Butter, 30c to 35c. Live Hogs $12 50 • RETURNS FROM MOTOR TRIP The Exeter Times-AcIvcicate last week had the following news note a- bout former Clinton residents: "Rev, C. J. and Mee. Moorehouse and Mr, ancl Mrs. C. P. Hooper re- turned Monday after a very plea- sant motor ttirp to,Lake Harbor on Lake Michigan. Lake Harbor is a very delightful and unique summer camp conducted by Pan' Rader of Chicago. Camp services ' of various kinds are held throughout the sum- mer." - • RETIRES AFTER 42 YEARS Mr. T. G. Sloinan, who has been with the Canadian National Railway formerly the old Grand Trunk, for the past forty-two years, has reached the age limit and is being retiredon pension this week, completing his term on Tuesday evening, Mr, She elan has been baggage man and shed man and had -become so much a part of the place that Clinton station will hardly seem like Clinton station with- out "Jake" to look after things., He will now find more time to cultivate his garden, which has always been a source of pride to him, and can take things easier during his declining Years. . . Mr, John Quailb of,Seaforth is the new man, who is already' in his new post. Mr. Quaill will ramie his fam- ily to Clinton and for the time being will occupy the apartments above the shoe and tailor _shops opposite the poatoffice but in a few weeks will get possession of the residence now occu- pied by Mr. and lVfxs. 15. L. IvTittell. THE TOWN HALL STAGE The citizens of Clinton ...and com- munity for some years have felt that the town hall stage needed to be com- pletely renovated. The members of the local branch of the. Woman's In- stitute, who have in the past proven themselves,very publiceepirited, have now taken up this work, with the per- mission of the town council, who have already laid a new floor and put in a new ceiling. As ie will necessarily cost the or- ganization considerable financially; pcssbily in the neighborhood of some three hundred' dollars, they, would greatly appreciate any financial help which can be rendered them by pri- vate contributions as well as through the various societies and clubs of the town and community. 'Surely this is one public matter in which every true -hearted and loyal citizen' who has the interests. and credit of the town at heart, will con- cur and assist to the extent of their ability. - The Woman's Institute is an or- ganization which works exclusively for the common good of the commun- ity, It has Ito selfish ends, it's only aim and end is ,service to the commun- ity. -/ CROPS IN HURON COUNTY Assistant District Representative G. A. McCague, in reply to a question by The News -Record as to the effect on the crops of Huron County of the ex- cessive rains we have, had recently, gave us the.following little statement regarding. conditions. It looks as if Huron were not going to suffer.from famine in this year of grace: "In a normal year it 10 rather unus- eat to find farmers cutting alfalfa hay, wheat and barley'irz one locality on the same day. This year the heavy rain fall has interfered with Plans and instead of having an intermission be- tween haying and harvest both opera- tions are being carried on at the same time. - The hay crop in general is good and of fine spiality. The yield per acre will not be high because of the late start in the Spring. However, no one is complaining about the yield but it is"difficult to "make hay while the Sun shines" if the sun fails to shine and we get rain instead. There has been considerable hay spoiled and a latge percentage badly damaged by the continual wet weather, Those growing alfalfa alWays linve more than one chance. It Can't rain all the time and possibly the weather will be more seasonable when the secoed cutting of alfalfa, which promises' to be heavy, is ready': - The grain crops are all looking well. Pields of fall wheat which looked little better than half a crop last spring are going to, give geed aVerage returns. Comparing it with other Counties the fall wheat in Huron ranks well. The spring grains are possibly a little fur- ther advanced than they are in Most yeare. In predicting yields it would be.safe to say that many barley fields should run as high es 50 buehele per acre, and oats 65 and 70 bushelper acre... Considerieg the heavy reins most of the grain is 'standing well, In 'the ceptral'and northern parts of the country there is some damage done. Oats have suffered most and 'with the excessive moisture there is danger of , The bean growers in South Heron were worried. by the wet' weather. While the beano were showing a Yel- lowish tinge a,&,ae weeks ago they' are looking better now and the ;worst must be over: Corn and root crepe are making rapid greWth, In going over „Heron, County et -the present time it looks like g9od• year to be farming and there. is' everV, premise of full borne and granatiee," WOMAN'S INSTITOg'D PICNIC On Thursday afternoon last, July 26th, the inembert of thii'loc'al branch of the Woman's InstiLula 'gathered at Jowett's •grove, Bayfield, Tor their annual pcinic.. The weather was i- deal and every one 'reported a good time, ENGAGEMENTS A.NNOUNCED Mr, and Mrs. Adam SteWart of Riv- erview Feam, Stanley, "announce the eng'agenient of their third daughter, Elizabeth Lillian, to Mr:. Francis Ed; gar Daymond, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Daymond of Fergus; the marriage to take place this month. Mr. 'and Mrs. , C. II. • Holland an- nounc'e the engagement of their youngest daughter, Gladys J, to M. Ross Savauge, eldest son of Mr. and IVfrs, F. S. Savuage of •Seaforth, the marriage to take place the middle of August. IMPORTANT APPOINTMENT The Toronbo.Stax the Other day had the following despatch feone Oakville in reference to a son ef Mrs. F, MeV- yeen. of Clinton: • "Since resignation of Police Mag- istrate Shields, there hakI been consid- erable speculation as to his successor. It was announced on thauthority of George Hillmer, 1VI.P.P.e.• for Halton; that he had recommended W, E. Me- Ilveen for this important nosition. The official announcement from the attorney -general's department Is ex- pected to follow soon and Mr. Matte Veen' will assume his office on .Aug - est' . ,• Mr. McIlveen is'a-natlire of Herm: county, and received' his education in the public and high schools of Clinton, afterwards attending Trinity college, Toronto. Since coming „to 'Oakville seven years ago, he has been engaged in the dry goods business. He has served in the town couneil, is a Con- servative in polities, and' a member and official of Knox -Presbyterian church." LIST OP DONATIONS The Treasurer of the 14uskblia Hos- pital for Consumptives desires grate- fully .to acknowledge the following contributions received in Clinton by the Field Secretary of the National Sanitarium Association F. A. Wiggins, $5,00 's N. W. Trewartha, $5.00 T. Churchill, $2,00 ? McTaggart Bros.,$2.00i News-Reeord„ $200 W. Brydinie, ;$2.00, • 3. J. Zaffc, $2.00. • Fred jacksone$2.00 • A. 7. Morrish,.$1.00 E. Wendell, $1.00 W. R. Counter, $100 J. r„, Hovey, $1.00 A. T. Cooper, $1.00 .Col. H. T. Ranee, $1.00 Plumsteel Bros., $1.00 Bartliff & Crich, $1.00 S. J. Castle, $1.00 W. Robinson, $1.00 H. Hellyar, $1.00 F. A.. Axon, D.D.S., $1.00 J. B. Mustard Coal Co., $1.00 IL A. McIntyre; D.D.S., $1.00 Rev. J. E. Hogg, $1.00 G. R. Paterson, $1.00 G. A. McCague, $1.00 Connell & Tyndall, $1,00 Sundry Contributions, $2.00 Total Contributions, $42.00 LITTLE LOCALS Clinton baseball team won from Creditor on the home field on Monday evening. The Town Con/mil will meet on Tuesday evening, Monday being a holiday. • The local Fire Company will go to Dunnville on Motiday to take part in a demonstration. Monday, .August ath, Will. be Clin- ton's 'Civic Holiday. There will be no Wednesday half holiday next week. Mr. J. G. Medd has been laid up for theeiast couple of weeks but is be- ginning to .feel more like himself again. IVfr. G. .A. MeCtigue, assistant ag- riculteral representative, has been judging home gardens in the county this week. . The monthly meeting of the Hospi- tal Board will be held in the board room of the town hall on Tuesday ev- ening next at half past seven, Messrs. Wm. and Jack Mutch and Robt. Middleton were in Stratford on Friday helping the Classic City team win a lacrosse garne from Btaritford. W. M., 'IL P: Pluinsteel and about a dogen members of the local Mason- ic lodge paid a fraternal visit to Morning Star Lodge, Carlow, yester- day eveeing, putting on the third de- gree. Rev. A. A. Holmes Was taking ser- vices at Thaines Road on Sunday. and next Sunday will be at Motherwell. Mr. Hohnes is almost as busy, espec- ially durhig the holiday period, as if he had a charge of his own. Mr. and Mrs. 3. Becker, who recent- ly leased their place just over the rail- way track to Mr. E. L. Mitten, are leaving this week for Detroit, where the former Ivill engage in building construction work. Pael'e ,eorignagetion had a very successful picnic 11± Bayfield"yester.;„ day.' The Wetithet' 'Oohed' very tied in' the morning lint the rain , kept eftand the afternoon cleared pleas- antleilind tievery fine outing was en - FATHER CALLED A telephonemall came from Aylmer on Sundayafternoon, calling home Mr. Fred Barnum, who had accompan- ied Mr. E, S. Livermore home for the week-end,:on account of the illnes± o± his father, W 11, Barran, 150, Messrs. BariMm, Livermore . and Mc- Gregor, who had motored up Satur- day evening, left here about seven but Mr. Barum had passed away before they reached Aylmer, , Mr, Barnum with 'whom Mr. E. S. Liverinore has been in partnership for •- several months past, had been in very poor health but wag as well as usual when the party left Saturday. On Sundey he suffered a stroke of par- alysis and only lived a few hours. The funeral took placg yesterday after - 0000. ' ' RESIDENCE BURNED' Early Monday morning the fest- derice`of IVfx. Matthew Carbert of Hui - lett was berried to the ground, with almost everything it Contained, It was about two o'clock when Mr. Tom- my Carbert wakened and was startled by the light in his rem. On jump- ing out of his bed he saw that the house was in a blaze and he quickly aroused his parents. Se quickly did the fire spread that it was but a very few things that were saved from the building, nothing from the tipper -floor being got out. The neighbors responded to telephone calls bat the house was doomed' before they reticle, ed it. The origin of the fire is un- known. -Some insurance was carried. Mr. Carbert and family are moving into a small house near his home, which will serve as a dwelling until he can rebuild. - TWO SEVERE STORMS ' Thursday night last, between ele- ven o'clock and Midnight, a severe, electric storm 'passed over this section accompanied by heavy rain, and be- tween five and six Friday morning another storm came up, when the rain came down in tereents'flooding all low spots and taxing drains to their limit and Deciding many Cellars. The street corners of Hiiron and Or- ange were completely under. water. Cellars around there were flooded and Mr. Cameron bad some valuable dry lumber soaked. However, while the excessive rains have spoiled some hay and the ground is so soft that it will be difficult 'in some' places to get machinery to run to' cut grain, we have not suffered as much as those in some other parts, wind, aryl eain having done intich,dani-' age in'Eaelern OntOile oa Simany, If we have einne fine weather now to harvest the grain we shall be very well off: 115 WAS A .Biq LOAD Mr. Ed. Scraton deliered n load of ti Love coal to the Hardware and Fu - 1111010 Company the other day which tipped the scales at 7,070 pounds, Chief Stong says this is the largest load he has ever weighed on the town 'scales. Ed. said he had been handling -coke and he did not -realize he had sscuacille: load on until R was put on the BAPTIST GARDEN PARTY The Baptist church put on a garden party and concert in the band stand park on Tuesday evening, when a goodly number attended to hear the pleasing ptograin presented, partake of the ice cream and other goodies which the ladies dispensed and to spend a few -hams' together, The pro- eeeds amounted to a nice little stun but those in charge aro of the opin- ion that the gate receipts would have been increased considerably if there had been a gate. This little.park, be- ing 01)00 00 three sides, makes, it diffi- cult to collect entrance fees. The weather looked rather threat- ening all evening but it did not rain until nearly morning. THE BAND'S PARTY The garden party and street donee, put on in the band stand park and on the new pavement, Ontario street, on Thul'sday evening last, under the joint auspices of the Kiltie Band and the Fire Company, went along fine for a time, until the rain came, the dance having to be, concluded in the town balk , The evening was fine and a large weber gathered to hear the band concert in the park, which was mueli ' enjoyed. At the conclusion of an eet- cellent program of music the an- nouncement of the 108 winders in a draiv for prizes was made by Mr. Fred jaelcson. .At the conclusion of this very interesting feature -of the even- ing's . performance an adjournment was made to the place chosen for the dance, a portion of the newly -paved street opposite Dr, Thompsoh's. But this part of the proceedings had sem:- cely pommenced when the storm broke and the crowd had to disperse, some going Mime, while others went up to the town hall and continued dancing for 501043 hours, The proceeds were not on large as they would have been had the evening remained fine, but still the organizations were fairly well pleased with the results of their efe fort. The Allen -Chase orcheetra, of Seaforth, furnished music for the dance. BURIED IN GODERICH The fueeral took place in Goder- ieh on Thursday of M.'s. Mieh- ael Schwanz, an old and respected re- sident" of Goderich, who died in her 81st year. Mrs, Schwanz was a nat- ive of Ellice Township, Perth County, Por 48 years she resided in Colborne Township, moving to- Goderich nine years ago. She was a member of Vic- toria Street United Church. Surviv- ing are four sons and two daughters, John G., of Toronto; Samuel, of 110- eanville, Sask.; William, of Calgary; D. T., of Clinton; Mrs, Chris. Heist, of Crediton, and Mrs. H. Tarrant, of Cederieli. There are also two broth- ers 'and a sister, the latter being Mrs, W. Dant, of Colborne Township. In- terment was in Colborne Cemetery, Rev. M. C, Parr, of Victoria Street United Church, conducting the eer- vice, AMONG THE muntouns Presbyterian Church Service at eleven'o'clock on Sunday. 'The preacher will be the Rev. Mr.. Mc-. Ilroy of Hensel'. St. Paul's Church ' preach. Baptist Church There wilt be celebration of Holy Communion at eleven o'clock. 'Even- ing prayer at seven. The ream. will Sunday school and - Bible classes will 'meet at 10.30 a.m. Song and preaching service at 7 p.m. Subject for evening service: "Four Lambs." Miss Renie Schorfield of Toronto will sing at evening service. Week night service as usual. Ontario Street United Church WesleeeWillis and, Ontario street -congregations. Rev. J. E. Hogg in request, the minister's discourse will scihdaig,e. On Sunday morning next by subject will be:, "Brooks by the Way - be on the text:" I, if I be lifted up to me," Jno. 12:32. The evening from the earth will draw all meri un - A meeting of 'the congregation of Ontario street United church will be held in the school reom on Friday ev- ening at 8 o'clock and: a meeting of the congregation of Wesley-W,illis Uni- ted church will be„held- in, St. Paul's parish hall, at the sarne,hour, to de- cide the matter of the union of the tWo. congregations, when a vote will be taken. A full attendance at both meetings is urgently requested, dance is urgently requested. ,The Weeley-Willis W. ,M, S. will meet at the,borne of Mrs. :A 15. 000p - on Thueedey. evening, Aug. 9th. The regular monthly meeting- a the Ontario street Ladies' Aid wlllhe held on Tuesday attorney% ;7.th, in the leettire,rooin at three o'cloCk. The ef elloWnlg Thiseibeesi" Which. lea1i. for prizes are still out. If the holders will bring them in to the Hardware and Furniture Co's store they will re- ceive their prizes: No. 762, pail of honey ;' No. 941, five dos. eggs; No. 1.504, a fowl; No. 1680, two packages of bran; No. 112, pail' shoes; No. 2852, pair shoes; No. 1340, pair sheet; IsTo. 1082, pound of teal No, 2358, tire puller. • Brucefielid Nurse Gladys Addison, who has been spending her holidaye for the past three weeks at her 11011143 here, returned to her work` in Orillia Hos- pital last Friday. She was accornpan1 ied by her mother, 'who spent the week -end with friends in Orillia. Miss Pearl Brock re -tinned home last week after spending two weeks at lVfr, and Mrs. 7. B. Mustard's cot- tage at Inverhuron. Mr. and Mrs. Bigger and family of Tort McNichol spent last week at 'the home of the former's aunt, 1VIrs. 5. Brock. The following pupils of Miss El- eanor Snider of Brueefield were suc- cessful in passing the Toronto Con- servatory of IVItisie eeam. held in Seaforth recently; junior piano, Jean Foster, Varna; Primary piano, Lil- lian Richardson; Intermediate, Kath- leen Mustard, Honorary, Rev. W. A. and Mrs. Bremner are taking their holidays this month. The Rev, Mr. Ferris of Knox church, Lon- don will occupy the pulpit for the month of August. The delegates who attended the Godench summer school, the Misses Janet Aikenhead, Eleanor Snider and 1.,," Dorothy Broadfoot, gave very inter- esting reports at the evening service last Sunday. Rev. W. A. Bremner, the President said that there was fuel, as much zeal displayed by the delegates in the Bible Study Sessions as ill their recreation hours. That is certainly saying a great deal for our yoting people. The night that Rev. T. E. Storey showed his lantern slides in the church of the Indians in South Amer- ica the congregation responded with 1 an offering of over $70.00, showing' their interest in his work. People You Knave Miss Madeline Crawford of Texeveieen, is visiting in'town. Mr, Joe Higgins of Aldershott- egemile the week -end at ,his home in, 14.m10... Mr. 3. A. Ford and family leatvLe."..egee turned from a feiv *peke'. lietiekireeeat Dr, and Mrs. Gandier anclifamft'llwieir.- gone 10 their' Surniner cattam ldbZ Southampton, . Mr, E. A. Cross of Torontca Clinton over the week -end!, Helj?. eine guest at the home of I.14.0nrim.. Mr. and Mrs. W, S. PeAsley areeeretil,r,-„ ren of Toipnto are the-gueetenerettne.- orm er'a mother, Mrs, W..,X ley. Moo Tena; Marquis of Detroit waseee week -end visitor with hen- panver-Ale_ Mr. and Mrs. W. Marquis, tl'iletieer Misses Ella and Georgina HalrierXrelPe ville,. Sask., are this week gueste'e•Vail the home of their uncteellfre Hall of town, • Mr. and Hz's.. Fred Thompsum Of: Wiedsor have been guests- wt ese home of the latter'S. uncl3g Naze. George Davies, the past few Oyer. Mrs. .Ernest Jackson and, Mrs; Date and Greene of Hensel' Clarence Greene of Teeswater-st. Thursday with 1V1r. and: Mte. JirutirE, Livermore. Mr. D. McGregor, Mr. Fred Berroirr- and Mr. Ernest S. Livermore ;or,: Aylmer motored up and spent thee week -end with the batter's p.rieeieee • Mr. and Km James Livermore_ , Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sorby, who weer, on their way to Winnipeg, Kr- &Lea- hy having been transferred' ttr aim - Winnipeg branch by the Wistikeg•- house Electrical Supply Go., spare • the week -end as the guests of' Mese Sarby's parents, Mr. and Mts.R Higgins. Mr. and Mrs. B Bissett of IlTg8L • Prairie, Albert, and Mr. Arer. Alix, Alberta, who are a 1515s - sett and daughter Mie%u‘deseesf or trip, called at the home oflirane istrate and Errs. S. 7, Andrews -ea.- - week and on leaving were- AWIVZ.4,- panied by Miss Lois Anclimws, weir - went with them to Toronto and Me- • agara Londesbero Word has been received jest reeteet- ly that Master Howard Johnston, of Rev. J. W. Johnston-, succeedealTu winning the J. G. Ellett prize alt 'eaie• Entrance examination held in Sties -tee- ..- roy. Mr. Wm. Lyon, who has spent t15t.,2 lag two weeks in the Clinton ho 'sysir& ' is, we are axe come to his home this week - The many friends of Mr. and Mee, 3. Launsberry, Delhi, were please,/ te see them in our village Sundae- oaesf -- Monday. Mr. D. Ewen was badly hurt ant. ' day last week while shoeing a liamest„ We are hoping to see hi01 arounre le••• - gain very soon. Mr. W. J. Tamblyn, B.A., B. Pee& . principal of, junior vacationa I se -boa, Toronto, returned home with his vrellee and family Thursday of last week zre•- ter spending a month with hie umiee;c er. They leave the first of Ar4,,,zz,-i. for Gorden Bay, Muskoka', wee -erre 'ttr they spend .the remainder of Urea' holidays. • Rev. Mr. Johnston preached' fz very fine sermons Sunday hid church, The Sacrament WaS" ministered and over ane Inetteede. partook of it. Mr, aed Mrs, Wm, Hiles of CBeilzen: spent Sunday with Mrs. J. Tambteesi. Mrs. James Campbell spent Sam/me ••• with Wroxeter friend's.. Mrs. Win. McCool is staying 56. - Woodstock this week to be near- Tien daughter, Miss Della, who is still lir:, the hospital there and is not impreiree ing as her friends would. like ter saes:. her. Mr. Harry Lyon is visiting his ter, Mrs. T. Tamblyn of Palmerston, this week. Mrs, (Rev.) Johnston /eaves eildire -week for Bright's Grove, where 'era:" own a cottage. They will berets. - until September. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Sweetinarr daughter, Betty of Indianapolide enft-- visiting Mrs. Sweetman's sieter, Base_ e Thomas Lyon. Mae 3. Emmerton of Ripley -has re.--- urned after e few days' pleasant -ms, t with his sister, Mrs.' D. Roberteese Miss V. Watson, who has t.sestee pending some time at the horns 4t ' IVir. and Mrs. T, Sampson, Pakten- ston, bas returned. Mr. and 'Vire. J. Radford, who sprefe-• the pest two weeks with friend:s ebe Buffalo and other points, have return.- - ed. Mr. and Mrs. J. Armstrong recenOr visited Exeter frierds, Rev. ivr.r. Lundy of the Nile charge of the service at ICtox ast Sabbath afternoon. IVIiss itT. McCool spent sever:a/Taw-, - last week with her sister, Miss who is in. the Woodstoek hospital_ Miss V. Pairservice-of Clinton' keeete.-- Sunday at her home here. Mrs. Taman is spending. some 1426reV,' With Brussels friends. Mr. and Mrs, Guss McLeod' of IWO.- • ey were guests at the home, of" .1tobeeton TuesclaY. Mr. and Mrs, 1. attests at the home of Mr. Melvilhe afr. 10100111 last Wednesday. G6elertch Tovvnship Mrs. Adam Roupp and daughter, Mrs. Ed. Irwin, and Miss, Raney of Detroit visited last week with their cousin, Mrs.,Robert Pearson, Mrs. James Jackson and Miss Zetta and Mr. and Mrs. George Elliott and g Miss Edna of Clinton were thege6sts S of Mr. and .Mrs.. R. Pearson the Isitter part of the week. , gr. 31. L, Wise of the 10th is rais- ing a fine pair of twin calves this year, the third in five years, and all six animals ,are healthy'and of normal size. This is something rather u» - usual and leeks .as it' Mr. Wise were havieg a regular, streak of leek. The three pait of twine vere each from 'different nothers. Sianieg Tom/visit* 331, Ana ,ivris; Alex. D. Bair/ else.F' Lorne'left on Tuesday. fkirilifer Dilute '`.` at Foam Lake, ,Sask. Dr. Albert Ailtetdiead;„ 41ildren of Calgary, visitett'hie.•-aftite.„.. Thos: B, last week,. ;