HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-07-26, Page 7F
. (ON W1141 1, 11GHTER)
The armer is a lucky man;
Ile sw cats upon the land.
feel then to pay the mortgage off
He runs a hot dog stand.
And the city pian who buys a car
Has a problem on his hands;
For, just to keep the payments ilp,
He dines at hot dog stands:
And lives of all 'the hot dog men
Are not i11 cream and 'custard;
Just when they start to, make some
TIp goes the price of mustard.
Mrs.—I won't be long, dear. I'll be
ready in a minute,
Mr.—Well; for goodness sake do
pick out a minute that's not more
than half an hour away,
If you're' not having a little fun
every day you're missing something.
Can anyone imaginean experience
more enrbarassing than to wake up
and: hear burglars singing in the
"How much do you think I made
in commissions- last week?" said one
drummer to another. -
"What do you mean by 'half'?"
"Hall 01 what you're going to tell
.me," was .the knowing reply.
A Pretty quotation contributed by
• "Men are oaks.'
Women are vines.
Children are flowers."
So when the ship was sinking, Mrs.
-Green declared she was going to stay
by her husband's side?
Yes. She thought it would be just
his luck to be shipwrecked on some
Island with a beautiful girl.
Take her up carefully,
Lay her to rest,
Tenderly, prayerfully,
God knoweth:best.
Angel, most beautiful,
Emblem of love,
Came from the Heavenly
,Realms above.
The disrepute into wlfich corsets
have fallen was wellillustrated at a
recent college dance.
'Speaking of the one girl in the
place who wore 'em, one young man
said: "Well, I'm going over and
dahce with Old Ironsides now."
When we write the truth it isn't
se necessary to keep a carbon copy.
PrHE Firestone
Gum -Dipping
process streng-
thens the tire to
meet the demands
of hill climbing,
quick stops, sudden
turns and high
speeds. The Fire-
stone tread is scien-
tifically designed to
grip the road in
emergencies. --fou
can have this extra
safety on YOUR car.
Ask,your local Fire-
stone Dealer. He
will save you money
and serve you better.
Always puta Firestone steam -
welded, leak -proof tube in
your Firestone tire - -
Hiuniikon, Ontario
Judging by the smiles of the two Roumanian delegates to the Baptist
World:Congress held in Toronto recently, soup- tastes the same 1n any
language. The, picture was taken in mid -Atlantic -on the Canadian Pacific
Haler "Montroyal" which was chartered by delegates to the Congress from
Europe. There were thirty-eight different nationalities . in the party.
Use of the Air,
is a Sure Sign That the Blood is
Thin and Watery-.. .'
"I' am glad to have an opportunity
of testifying to the benefits 1 de-
rived from the nee of Dr. Williams' Each :year aviation is playing a
Pink Pills", writes Mrs. Lawrence larger part in the conservation and
Kennedy, at. Joseph, N.B. She 1ur'; development of natural resources in
ther says: -"Some years ago I was Canada. 'Aerial transport is solving
working as a stenographer, and be- many problems of forester, geologist
came badly run-down. I always had and -explorer. The 1928 program of
a tried -out feeing, bad no appetite the Royal Canadian Air Force in civil
and suffered terribly .from backache. operations for Government depart -
Almost every month I had to remain ments includes: --
from the office for 'a day or two. I Provision of twenty hours flying
was advised to try Dr. Williams' time for emergency fire periods in
Pink Pills, and I have reason to be British Columbia; continuation of the
glad that I followed this advice. Be- air patrol in Alberta, intensification
fore I had been taking the pills, very of aerial patrols over 14,500,000 acres
long I began Ito feel much better.%of forest . in Saskatchewan, continua -
Continuing their use my strength tion of fire prevention and suppression
came back, I regained my appetite covering 40,000,000 acres in Manitoba;
and the terrible backache from which Photographic eurveys in the Nelson
I had suffered disappeared. I have River watershed in connection with
been married some years now and Possible pulp and paper development
hove two • fine healthy children, a and in the. Saskatchewan patrol area
girl and a boy, and am inthe best of for .the preparation of maps for the
health. All this I owe to Dr. Wil- use of air patrols.
Bruns' famous` Pink Pills, and I trust Other work will include a vertical
that these few lines may doelp some aerial photograph in connection with
other weak, 'run-down person."
All weak, fun -down people who will
give this blood -building tonic a fair
trial will find through. its' use new
health and ,strength. You . can get
the pills from any. dealer in medicine,
or by mail at 50 cents a box from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
Mice and Turtle Pets
Planes Heli . to Conserve and
Develop Her Vast Na-
tural Reserves -
Healthiest Cat and Dog. in
List of Prize Winners
,New York showed whatitthought
of its pets when 200^ children
brought dogs, cats, rabbits, mice and
'a turtle to the pet show held at the
Bellevue -Yorkville Health Centre:
The healthiest pet and the cleanest
cat and dog won prizes for their own-
ers. Ruth Scholtz, who owns Murga-
ttoyd the turtle, felt a little hurt -when
Murgatroyd didn't get the prize for
the healthiest pet, and the judges, at
a loss to know how to tell which was
sturdier, a healthy dog or a healthy
turtle, gave her a consolation prize
fol' the strangest pet.
The other prize -winners- were, for
the cleanest dog, Nicholas De0arlo;
for the cleanest cat, Geraldine Hal-
ford; for the healthfest ret, a cat;
Irene McCormack, and fol• the best
all-round rabbit, .Loretta Burns. The
winners each- got a bathing suit, and
every entrant received a pencil box.
The show was a feature of the Belle-
vue -Yorkville health demonstration's
safety and health campaign _ that' is
being conducted through July and
August. Each week the children pres-
enth01 unt which c'ome form
of healthStor safety tearehesasons. Among
• the judges were "Uncle Robert
Correy, radio entertainer, and Mrs.
George Adams, of the New York
is•,; it.:k .. Women's League for 'Animals. .Dr.
1Leverett D. Bristol is in charge' of
the demonstration:
+GB7dLq��H�lialED '��� -,—,—
Every Home Needs Minard's-Liniment
mapping the Rouyn, Sudbury and the
Pas mineral areas, the Gatineau,
Opinaka' and Chicoutimi districts in
Quebec, the Shelbourne and Guys--
borough districts in Nova Scotia and
the Moncton district in New Bruns•
viols; oblique aerial photography for
mapping the -Dryden, Quetico and
Rainy Lake ,districts in Ontario, the
Lac La Rohde, Lae Mironde and
Reindeer Lake areas in Saskatchewan,
vertical photography in the St. Ann
area in Alberta; oblique photography
to complete the mapping of Wood Buf-
falo Park, near Fort Smith.
l� THE sum mu
The summer months are the most
dangerous to children. The .com-
plaints of that season, which are
cholera infantum, colic, diarrhoea
and dysentery, come on so quickly
that often a little one is beyond aid
before the mother realizes he is ill.
The mother must be on her guard to
Jirev'tnit Mile troubles, or 1f they do
come on. suddenly to banish them.
No other medicine is of such aid to
mothers during hot weather as
Baby's Own Tablets.. They regulate
the stomach, and bowels and are ab-
solutely safe, Sold by medicine' -deal -
ere or by mail at 25 , cents a box
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Builds the Only
.• MAcryFse/
For Troubles;
due' to Acid
Wh':,.s P
,What many people call indigestion
very often means excess,,aoid in the
stomach. The stomach nerves have
been' over -stimulated, and food sours:
The -corrective ' is an alkali, which
neutralizes acids instantly. , And the
'best alkali known to medical science
is Phillips' Milli of Magnesia, It has
remained the •stonder(' with physi-
cians in the 50 years since its in-
ventors.. -
One spoonful of this harmless, taste-
less alkali in water will'neutralize in-
tently many times as,.much acid, and
the symptoms disappear at once. You
will never use crude mothods when.
once you learn the efficiency of this.
'Gog et a sma11'bottle to try.
Be sure to get the genuine Phillips'
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by •physl-
ciaue for 50 ybare in correcting; excess
"acids.: Bach bottle containe full direc-
tions—any . drugstore.
The world's largest -spectacle at-
tracting -more people than any fair
or - exposition; displaying almost
'every known product; costing an-
nually to .stage over: $1,000,000;
and representing a land and build-„
ing value of $15,000,000-
T the 1928 Canadian Na-
tional Exhibition, every-
will witness the most enter-
taining and diversified pro-
gramme of all time to fittingly
mark this 50th Anniversary
Here are a few of the hundreds of fea-
tures: H, M. Royal Air Force Bund
(England) and other ' noted musical
organizations; 1,500 performers on world's
largest .stege; Famed 2.200 Voice Ex-
hibition Chorus; First showing 1929 Motor
Cars; First International Air Craft Dis-
play; Exhibits from the world over, and
the outstanding Sporting Event of the
The Third Wrigley
Marathon Swirn -
for the World Championship, and $50,000
.purse; and -an Amateur Sports Programme
rivalling an Olympiad.
10. W. WATERS,
General Manager
li"� iala�
qty �,'•
Canadian Studebaker
" The new Studebaker Corporation' of
Canada, -Ltd, rec6ntly separated from
the parent company, will be directed
by D `ll: Grossman, formerly sales
manager for Studebaker in the Do-
minion. Having been associated with
Studebaker in anada for the past six
Years;- Mr. • Grossman is well-known
to the Dominion's automotive leaders.
"The motive behind the reorganize -
ion is to be found in our desire to
build Canadian automobiles for Cana-
dians;r' says a' statement. "The Stude-
baker Corporation bf Canada,
Canadian: ,We will use more and
more of Canada's great supplies of raw
materials. Not only' will ourrconsump-
tion of 'these commodities be in-
ncreased, but new commodities will be
added to our purchasing agent's order
lists: .
"Phe expansion of. the Walkeryille
plant is a` further step towards. the
Canadianization of Studebaker in the
Dominion. We will hire More skilled
and more unskilled labor. We hope
to build and sell more automobiles
than we have in the past. Directly,
this plan'contribute's to greater.
Canadian prosperity by reason of in-,
creased employment given Canadians
in the Walkerville factories. 'Indiiect-
ly,many others in Canada will bene-
fit by reason of more extensive pur-
Hedin Plans Two
More Years in
Wastes of Asia
Sweden's Foremost Explorer
Returns to Stockholm to
Replenish His Equip
Stockholm.—After more than a year
and, a half oS hardships and adven-
tures' in the interior of China. Sven,
Hedin, Sweden's- foremost living ex-
plorer, has just returned to Stockholm
for a brief visit. While in Sweden he
will add more members to his expe-
dition, purchase new instrumentg'and
a Madre nlo'Edi cars which he has
been commissioned to buy for Gover-
nor Yang, of the Mongolian Province
Hsin-tschiang, and luso make arrange-
ments for airplanes to carry him fur-
ther into the uncharted wastes of. Asia.
Dr. Hedin, who is a memberof the
Swedish' Academy, is determined to
continue his scientific researches for
another two years. He has left all the
Members of his expedition in or about
Urumtehi, the capital of the Province
Hsin-tschiang, and during his absence
the explorations and -compiling of data
Aside from Dr. Hedin,{the members
of the party comprise Swedish,
Danish, German, Chinese and Mon-
golian scientists. About 6,177 square
miles, which .previously were white
spots on•the map, have been carefully
charted and 52,480 feetof film have
been taken. A collection of some 18,-
600 numbers, consisting of ancient
arrows, hammers and other parapher-
nalia, has been found.
Due to the friendly assistance of
Governor Yang, the expedition was al-
iowed_to proceed uninterrupted.
Yang, said Dr. Hedin, rules his prov-
ince with ail autocratic hand and has
managed to stay out of the strife 'be-
tween the other warring lords. His
regard for the Swedish scientists was
heightened by an operation which Dr.
Humel, the physician of the party,
performed on him;' In Urumtehi a
house was given over to the expedi-
tion' to be used`as headquarters, and
in many other ways the Mongolian
ruler showed his interest in the Ven-
Tha.e'success'of the expedition is due
to a large extent to F. A, ,,Larsson,
bueiness manager and caravan leader.
Larsson, who is a resident of Mongolia
and for many years has been an ad-
viser to the Chinese, Government on
Mongolian affairs, has had conferred
upon him the popular title of eDuke
of Mongolia."
"is good tet
range Pekoe
is extra good
In dean, bright Aluminum
Folks' Ignora i ce
Saddens' Bermuda
World Appears to Know
Nothing of Island's Ban
on Autos
Hamilton, Bermuda. Local resi-'
.dents are somewhat downcast over.
what they consider the amazing ignor-
once of others regarding , Bermuda'q
prohibition' of motor cars. Every now now and then Someone Writes
a letter' to The.Berntuda Trade De
volopment Board asking about auto-
mobile roade, the cost of gasoline, and
whether cars have to be crated for
shipment to the leland paradise.
Bermuda': has always forbidden au-
tomobiles, motorcycles, railways, and
street cars, following a very brief test
during which a single automobile
known as "The Scarlet Runner" ap-
peared on the roads and struck con-
sternation into
onsternation;into the hearts Of the in-
habitants. That was in 1907, and no
cars have been allowed in Bermuda
since then.
The latest evidence of dense ignor-
ance concerning Bermuda is revealed
by a letter received by the Chief of
Police of Bermuda offering $50 re-
ward for recovery of a 1926 Ford tour-
ing car taken by the ,wile of the. man
who wrote the: letter.
During the summer, especially,
visitors express themselves as being
pleased with Bermuda's ban on mot-
ors, because at home during the sum-
mer when windows -are oPbn, the
noise of passing automobiles is even
more annoying than at other seasons.
Bermuda is enjoying its Largest sum-
mer season. -
chases of materials and equipment
produced in Canada, to be used in
the Walkerville factories.
"The expansion of our manufactur-
ing program in Canada will also In-
clude a considerable increase- in ex-
port shipments from the Walkerville
plants. With the accumulation of
more Canadian element in our Walker
vine built cars, we will be enabled to
ship automobiles to Great Britain' un-
der the preferential tariff, as well as
to New Zealand and certain other
British possession's overseas. On ex-
port shipments from Canada into Brit-
ish possessions giving a preferential
duty on Canadian built cars, owners
in these countries profit directly by
the increase of Canadian element in
the cars.
"This move is a result of Stude
baker's faith in Canada," said Mr.
Grossman. "We believe there will
be wonderful developments in this
country and through, this expan-
sion program, we will naturally be-
come a part of those developments.
He: "You had beautyand brains
when I married you, Jana Jane:
"Well, I might have had beauty,"John
but I surely didn't have brains."
'pitting' tight and standing Pat are
two different propositions."
The one place *herd the immortals
are never seen is at the top table.—
Sit James Bartle.
Assam teas are known
A &kl. ® by
experts as the finest teas
grown—a fact which explains
why Red Rose Orange Pekoe
has, become so deservedly -
popular in Canada. For Red
Rgse Orange Pekoe' is chiefly
con m used .`of Assent teas;
w accounts- i
hi' ;Fordis-
s -dii
tinctive quality • and value.
Every package guaranteed.
Lynching has decreased consider-
ably in America, we read. And yet
they still have a number of saxo-
phonists over there who are simply
asking for it.—Punch.
Yankee Explorer—"Do, you know,
Pat, that one day in Africa, it was so
hot, that the sun singed the hair off
my head?" Pat—"Begorra, an' that's
nothing! One day in ould Ireland,
it was, so hot that we had to feed the
hens on ice-cream to keep them from
laying fried eggs."
MInaI'd's Liniment•heals cuts, bruises.
Cute in a1 ab. -'
Awful atThree
-and it's Dangerous
by 12 VII Brittain
Thumb sucking dues Iook sweet in a
baby, but it is disgusting in the three -
Year -old and sometimes it hangs on
until fifteen on sixteen! . The habit
may cause an ill -formed mouth or in-
duce adenoids; and it always inter-
feres with digestion. , Pinning the
sleeve over the hand; attaching mit-
tens, or putting on cardboard cuffs,
which prevent bending the arms at
the elbows, are some of the ways to.
stop the habit.
Another bad habit—irregularity in
Bowel action—is responsible for weak
bowels and constivatlon lir babies.
Give the tiny bowels an opportunity
to act at regular periods each clay.
If they don't act: at first, a little
p'letcher's Castoria will soon regalate
them. Every smother should keep, a
bottle of it handy to use in cars of
collo, cholera, diarrhea, gas on stow-
ach and bowels, constipation,.loss of
sleep, or When baby is cross and
feverish. Its gentle influence over
baby's system enables him to get full
nourishment from his, food, helve him
gain, strengthens his bowels.
Castoria is purely Vegetable: and
harmless—the recipe ie on the wrap-
per. Physicians have prescribed it
for over 30 years. With each pack-
age, you get a valuable book on
Motherhood'. Look for Chas: 11.
Fletcher' -s signature on the:,waupper
so you'll get the genuine.
French Airwoman Heats'
World's Light Plane RecoN.1
Paris—Mlle, Marys° Bastie, one of
France's few airwomen, recently"beat
the world's distance record for light
craft, flying from Le Bourget to Trep-
tow in Pomerania, a distance of -1,270
kilometers 088.67 'miles) la ' eleven
Mlle, Bastie had as a passenger
Maurice : Drouhin;. who will pilot
Cousinet's Rainbow in the proposed
transatlantic flight. Tie gave Mlle.
Bastile her first lessons in flying.
During the flight she used a Can-
dron plane with. a 40 -horsepower
Salmson engine. '
"They separated on account of in-
compatibility didn't they?" "Yes; he
never would get angry when she
Sunburns Use. MInartl'a Liniment.,
"That's a good idea," said the new
servant t0 her mistress, "to have soda
and water in them squirters. I've.
done out the scullery floor in no time,
and there's `still four left out of the
Stay at the
Royal Cecil hotel
Cor. Jarvis ond Dundas.Sts.
Every Room With Privet. Bath
Rates $1.50 up - Garage at 'Hotel'
3 •Minutes Walk to Shopping
The F ' its of Ultima
Makes It Unexcelled
For Ail i o1et Poses
Keep Handy.
Keep a bottle of Minard's
handy. It is a universal
Hon. Ian Baird, an Oxiorc stn lent,
son of Lord Stonehaven, Governor-
General of Australia, who arrived in
Canada it few days ago on the White
Star liner Albertic, to spend his sum-
mer vacation "mucking" in mines at
Amos, P.R.,'and Timmins, Ont.
England's Landmarks
The damage which fine, old build-
ings in the City of London suffer ap-
pears to increase each Year, accord-
ing to a report presented to the So-
ciety for the Protection of Ancient
Buildings, which held is fifty-first I
annual meeting recently The report
contained a note of warning, Accord-
ing to a London dispatch to The
Manchester Guardian, which says it
is often thought that the cause fo}
which William Morris founded the
society fifty years ago has been won.
Although declaring that ibis, in a
sense, is true. The Guardian dispatch
quotes the report as saying: is as
"The need for the society
great as it ever was, and the'possi-
bilitfes for usefulness are unlimited.
Owing to the rapidly increasing`trat-
flc faelities, the country side is tak-
ing on an appearance which before
the war was confined to the suburbs
of great towns.' Thg widening of old
roads, as well as the making of new
ones, causes the disappearance of
buildings to which we have become
accustomed, and which forr long years
have been half -consciously admired,
as fixed features of the landscape.
Where these be _ not entirely de-
stroy], they are often left isolated
and stark among the new, crude and
unfriendly neighbors
"There has never been such a
time,' it was pointed out at the meet-
ing by C. R. Peers, Chief Inspector
of Ancient Monuments, "for the con-
I:ruction of roads, railways and elec-
tric and water supply systems. Oue
of our most serious, problem is the,
relation of the now roads to the old
bridges. A sensible number of., old
and beautiful bridges, when preserv-
ed and widened, will be left with lit-
tle of their ancient fabric in tact. Un-
forunately, the construcion, of alter-
native 'bridges is not always pos-
Bible. '
The necessity for some central
authority is urged by Mr. Peers.
"There are streets in some of our
country towns in which every house
Is worthy of preservation," he said.
"Such things aro national monu-
ments, but they are at the mercy of
munipical authoriiee. ' Local govern-
ment in these maters is better In
tbedry than in practice, and it must
be more closely linked with a central
authority :before it can be trusted,"
Now it appears what 10 needed is
a rescue party to rescue, rescue
parties that got lost trying to rescue
rescue parties, -Macon Telegraph.
Mlnard'e Liniment for trisect Bites.
THERE le nothings that has ever
taken Aspirin's place as an antidote
for pain. It is safe, or physicians
wouldn't use it, and endorse its use
by others. Sure, or several million
users would have turned to something
else. But get the real Aspirin (at any
drugstore) with Bayer on the box,
and the, word genuine printed in red:
mar@ Cnunr3n)n nt atnirin west surraaisuat A. 0,18 means •nn eahmnnu-
Ill tun ample a mea,1. ' leas.
e"Ira ier un atamaed w�tu .heir ^nares
pen^9". lraae mark. Harm—
� h+n
Woman Prises Lydia E.
Pir kharres Ve etabla
Sarnia, Ont. "I am willing to
answer letters from other women,.. to
tell'thcm the won-.
derful good Lydia.
E. Pinkham'sVege-
table. Compound
did me.1 cannot be
the benefits I re-
ceived chain; the
Change of Lite.
do housework an
my troubles made
me unfit to work.
A #riend advised
me to try the Veg-
etable Compound - T felt great relief at
once, began to regain my appetite, and
my nerves 'got better. 3 will recom-
mend your medicine to all with trou-
bles like 1 had." -Mics. on DElisoH;
162 N. Christina St., Sarnia, Qntario.
180U5 No, $0-'26i