HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-07-26, Page 6•' ehrineless is to be purposeless: Thera gn103t1Cisrn la . no easy ET' Ay, through' Egypt to' Canaan. The Mount of saw' ever nivat In the Colleges' stand between the Mina of endeavor and the land of accomplishment; 1 I implore you that you do net forsake Girls' colleges aro Moro Irreligious the altars of the living God! titan' men 's, and In' both there is an! - Doubtless there he much luetlfica- alarming spread of anti•Chr•Sstlua tion for the concern of those prophetic teaching , and beliefs, both among loaders, comments The Messenger, ob. faculties and students, asserts Dt. C. serving further: Leslie Glenn, Secretary Ser College i , ;,All is not well, and it is fatuous Work of the Department of Education to clow our eyes to the menace of of the Protestant Episcopal contomi?ovary attitudes that aro badly Church of -." the United ' States. mechanistic' and cynical. ' We ltopo Dr, . 431onn was speaking to the Na- that 1t is ,not generally true that col tional Council of the Episcopal Church loges for women are oven more dart- , he presented this picture, of he gorouely .antagonistic to religion than sees it, of college life; It is one :of the ,colleges . for men. Women have been •`notes of alarm" usually heard during so' -distinguished for helpful spiritual ant season,(and, - of k would seem ilia commencemactivities that the outlook 'course, Dr. Glenn presents only ono desolate indeed if they should forsake side of the story the altars. A ,generation of '!godless According to Dr. Glenn, the tone In mother's' can doom any land'' on earth, 'women's colleges is "more agnostic'no matter how rich and powerful." .and more 'critical -of religious �inetitu- tiote than it is in the men' colleges," and, as he is quoted in The Reformed 'London 'Zoo's Dragon 'Church Messenger,'Ile goes. en: Get Belated First Aid, "Whatever, may have been the"re- ligious that led t 0 the found- nd- impulses pair (of s - lou f the li P one 0 g acme .that It a eI Eng„ of the great Eastern colleges, they Komodo -'dragons-the ancestors of have long ceased to play 'any Part' in which arae -believed to have; given rise the policy of. these institutlons. tocul- bo oto the :.legends : sof ancient an ties, for the most part, ereaptmedieval' dragon lore—which arrived anti-Christian in the fields of psych at the London Zoo from West Africa elegy, sociology, ' and philosophy. a year ago was' badly.infested with There is even at times a mild parse- Eska. Those were removed before the cutler), : as, for example, the teacher reptile was put on view., but some of of psychology who threatened with the wounds had not healed and inroad failure in his course any gtgl who `cut' into large painful abscesses: his class to go tea Good Friday, three- The dragon affected weighs -40 hour "service. Religions conditions in pounds, is over eight feet 111 length. the American colleges are more' alarm - and has jaws powerful enough. to bite Eng' than most people suspect. VW -.of a:man's arm. At' float bout drag - tors to our colleges see them -at cern_ ons, owing to their viciousness, had to mencement times, when an' inspiring be handled with the utmost care and,, religious ,service, or ate pa 'an invo= visitors were not allowed to approach and blessing; 'are part of the them, Tinle and petting,. however., proper "order of events. Bishops and 'have 'rendered them docile, and . at prominent clergymen, can always get times quite•playful, and SO the curator, e hearing and awaken student inter - Mies Proctor, determined:to cauterize . est: Parents whose sone and daugh- ters return for,the brief holidays do This was done and, according tq not find any particular difficulty in The ,Times,. the operation was as fol -taking them to' church on Sunday lows: mornings. College! religion is some - "A glass Surgical table was wheeled times judged aby thesenal- as occasion-, andlup, and rope. barriers stretched across its more normal aspecf •ia novl the platform in front of the south studied. Rumors '''do occasionally dens, to keep back. any -early visitors. . reach the outside world of -a com• door was o ane and MIeS ' plate absence of church attendance,' IT'xhoctorgcae od, .waving a tuft of settee except where it is compulsory, 04 a wool, which the. dragon may have mis- elonar l lack of interest to the rate,taken for a white rat,or rabbit.. The sionary enterprise, tie$, and the less dragon at once rushed out from its `sophisticated colleges, and of an den under the rocks, ellntbed over the amazing idealism that scorns almost sill, and came out on the platform. all forms of organized religion. In "Two sturdy keepers stood by, to general, however, people are. not. alive control the tail or stop a sudden dash to tb,e seriousness of the problem, if the reptile took alarm,.The curator There is 1n many cases a conventional and her assistant stroked and petted Christianity which never touches sta.; it and. gave it a raw egg, which it dents' morals at such points as cheat took with great liains to avoid losing ing in examinations, Fraternity poli - shy ahy of the contents as it crushed the tics, and dirty athletics, as contrasted shell. Then the curator got to work, with intense moral earnestness that her assistant handing the probes and rather looks down ou religion as being forceps exactly as Ib a surgical ward. sentimental.'!. L"acli sinus WAS thoroughly cleaned Some of the fault lies with the out and cauterized.. The silver -nitrate Church, think , abbi Stephen S. Wise, clearly hurt,, considerably, but ,inter - *of. New York, who asserted to the vals for stroking and petting and the graduating class of Bryn Mawr Col- administration, of an occasional egg logo that the 'Church is often' "unchal- kept the ' proceedings .on friendly tonging, unexacting and undemand- terms.: . ng,' so that modern youth, irrespec- "It was remarkable to see' the Live of -creed, -•have fphnd much in the dragon, just atter it bad started and: Ohurch of to -day td repel them. In winced, allow its head to be stroked Blinn' of this,,, Rabbi Wise warned that and play its long fot'ltnd tongue, over "in rejecting. the Church, you reject the arms and. face of its lady surgeon, religion. If, because unholy hands rntich in the manlier of an.affectionate. have peer laid upon the most high dog , In loss than half .an hour every attar, you reject that altar, then even wound was dressed and; plugged with more unholy hands will profane It fur- iodoform. Tho woundii now show flier. By rejecting it, ,you withdraw. every sign of doing well," the lifeblood front it, leaving it life- less. In doing that you have sinned, and sinned deeply." Dr. Wise empha- Italy. Initiates Reform sized the alleged revolt of modern Irl All Bathing Resorts Youth against the moral law and point. 'ed out • the danger of a Freudian — Rhme—Tho Fatalist government, in Pseudo -science, as applied to the popu- ler., cult of self-expression. , For Al- concordance with the Holy See, has mighty God's "Thou shalt," he said, issued an order iisttng certain "ol- it substitutes "Thou mayost if thou Tenses against modesty,' henceforth wilt." "Who arerthe great among forbidden en the benches of Lido, the lies? he asked, as' The Messenger, Riviera and Italy's summer resorts quotes him further; I generally. "Are they not the mystics, those No more will tba off -shores of God intoxicated people who know the Venice be the scene of International companionship „et Me -Spirit to the pajama parties, no more will -public uttermostdegree; the saints, who :dancing in batirng suits be tolerated, make their lives holy; and the serv-or raven in dressing ..gowns. The ants, those who,. combining the quail- Fascist government has decreed it, ties of. mystic and saint, minister to and the Vatican, which, through its mankind? I am afraid that you will organ, the "Osbaervatore Romano," rationalize your rvwn intorpration of first started the drive "for the moral - life, so much as . to build up shrines ity of the beaches," is complacently of *your own prejudices, opinions, ex-. regarding :that which 'it has created, liressions, and reactions; but moral but is not yet resting; from its labors. chaos will come if you revolt against The governmental authorities ' have he shrine of God, Aro you prepared sent out strong circulars to all the to toil, endure,, and sacrifice for your' provincial prefects who Have shore shrines as the mystics, the saints, arid resorts Within their jurisdiction, urg• the servants of the race have done for Eng them tq sea that the letter of the tlieirs?' I am fearful of what will hap- law is, corirplied with as regards, pen if you put altars that aro infinitely clothing and' promiscuity in bathing precious "out of. your . life: To be , establishments. 4T; "oolclJOrii Daclin�t It This Way Fi Canada Interested , y'.. Night's Fishing /nits Wald Life A Girl's Ad-venture year I spent my holiday et a Dominion and Provincial smat f1biring yin.. on the I ilkbran+ Gallie. Officials Adopt nen diind,.lt•cland, between Campbel• Conservation . Rcoon- .I towrr gild 'I'arbret tin the east: side of mendations Kintyre, 3 found it very easy to, inane friends with rho ilshot1fl A. conEereneo of Dominion and Pro- *Mist they were working at •thelYt vincial• game oticials was held re- boats, (10Wh in the harbor, and they eend), at Ottawa on invitationof the were more than willing to answer - Minister of the Interior, at, which all quo atimiti ,as to thole occupation. 'tit; Ptrovince, and ° several Federal 1 had ,only been there a Pow days; deiiartlnants." were represented. The .when 1 �`fd♦; bite intim(Lte terms witis program included manors of iutorest Several of; them, tentatively put forward the bepe that one morning 1 to all Canada connected with the ad- ministration; of the Dominion's re- I could hays a night's fishing with sources oP ; fur, game animals and one of the hooka. To my 'eeeret dt• birds, says a bulletin, of the American '.light, the Skipper ,Of the boat Haney �: ,. ',j. lir. r. ,: +� acid•. -s,.. YW yF•s,WpXti>#,r >? . t ,s , < <%3• -,�;� :.. H3 . . �x 3 a ?�'k1`".. e.3',, r>�"' ri¢ ? .. �: '�'i' � sr, , ie� ' "�. r ,, a•.. ¢.,i '�V.;i. Game Protective Association: Leo offftod to give mea place in his :h?w�F,." la"�5'wc'Am,.. :vSl�t,3^ ,.,< `. '.��' .•qui- ,Y':, v'>,�.•�3.,,.��3gt✓4x4 .f: •r< -i r. •,(� ,a n.£`k.. ;,n3 " �'k., a,. n, i,, _r ,.£.,arA''w.. A b ..z;^, r <e 3ai a 40 � <„i ,t:>.. ,`�'k-.•s��•.-.+i� c�uXtit _°is,r. � were ox�,' thole Ver u16 d ,, ff ,tti�'Yr•,:,,�;s,..,. .x. Conclusions arrived at boat y ° pressed in' the Eorm'of resolutions. A accepted his offer. COLOGNE' ILLUMINATED . on which cotuplete' biological survey by Previte Shortly ` after eight o'clock:that fairyland oh1 ht at night, in honor German the International Press Exposition Dominion Governments m lod'in s and -start• .The German city is like a y Ig gsial and Domi G evening, I left . Y lodgings , continues until October. Still oc uPied wltli ¢tench troops, the people are advocaEi'ng the early with• Canadian trnfyereittes was u�i'ged, ed to walk down- to tlse harbor'. It drawal' of thin investing army. F Dominion -wide prohibition of the sale was a: warm, delightful evening, with of game was declared desirable. The one of those Perfect. sunsets,- and the i'rovinoial &teonsing of all .hunters sky in the west showed, crimson and ie ion -color lov and earl h the pink i witD dad Ti tie . ommen D ith t _ n a.,was too Id w �:., ��St®� bests I ° ° Hunt For DikIllnOilas' that all licensees be required to re, ed clouds, drifting about, and I felt g1! t'eji' in L`1r L1n'1ent. port the numbers' of each .1rInd� of in gleet trim for my night's advert - drifting Arrives rives lnL .rte erlin' in ,War -Torpedoed Steamergs game killed. tore: St. ilazafre, France,=Tau million `The Formation of e. Dominion Game At the harbor all .was bustle and ' ” ''Tells Noble Lord She Is More 'rho Locarno, Returningdollars in uiir nt diamonds. be- Association to the end that preparation for the departure of the Protective German Cabby's Visit to ing'sought'by, Italian divers in th0 11 lash Than He, Despite iii®,� ehquld be swell -balanced gen- boats for :iiia _flsbing ground, All the y hold"o£ the Belgian liner Elizabeth- py Her ;Vit iiia Birth' foal the. entire oP' game conservation boats are e flabing gro whish la a Faris Has Official pills, which was torpedoed oil this for entire. country was advocated.. • h err, whosegreat boon to the fishermen in their Greeting port in September., 1917, London. -An English P It was" advised that such an organize- haaxdou3 calling.' The Nancy Leo Th entire diamond output; of theis not dlviilgod;.has arouse 'the effected through the co -opera' boat,armed by four automobile, e name tion ba was a ,grim�i Beugeot model a oldest89reachedB. bongo for the year, belonging to Astor • the Sl st` titin of existing game protective .assn• a boy, who octad in the a Peugeot hof .return- Bel ng . ire of Viscountess men and Y, lin recentlyto .return the good -will, the Belgian State, was : on board incapacity of ship's cools... ' one safe: The Belgian Government woman to be elected a member of the'ciations in Canada with the assistance visit to Testis of Berlin's oldest cabbyj. ' of Dominion and, Provincial game de. . Imo . engaged' the Italian salvage House of Commons. Because she was Par /?1 boon everything on board was. Gustave Iiartnlannlrti lie to grin u' the Gia- born in Virginia he told. her, in the ready, and we drifted slowly out of boat A g g p Twenty -live Care oP'the Berlin 1 Eeteneton of the close season on the, harbor towards the entrance of Autoniobfle' Club drove, beyond. Pots- mends, course' of an argument,. that she was the wood- duck until •January 31, 1931. The len ofthedivers it to pass ' ' Loch Fyne, and arriyedatethe 'fishing- dam. to meet the French machine; but' p unable' to Comprehend the nine sh'4 *Rh additional protective' measures Bred. an around .the wreck on the outside,grund shortly alter nine o'clock. It a r welcoming exercises ancient point' of view. So, with' her charas- such as, sanctuaries and education:of was too early. to start the night's abrupt. end when then ancient car locate the captain's cabin, It which hunters; was recommended. r was the safe, and dynamite that teristie frankness, she referred to his work, and whilst "lay to,' the which had been christened "Leeson° tr and claimed that she I The conference went se record • as men passed the whilst timewey giving ,' last by the Paris and ,Berlin newspapers side o£ the ship so the divers can German ancea y enter: The idea then:is to attach 'more English than he° ta1tabIo the ice of - setting aside look over their' gear, and getting the financing the trip, emitted such cloudswas far 'more to be used in the open boat into fishing trim: This done to o£ odoriferous smoke that the-weleom- lines to the safe, rbo : actual hoist- She revealed the'facts of this pas- season as public shooting grounds, in fiig will be done bye powerful mag•their s ti°n, we went the ento Ing party ran for cover,Is equipped, sagest -arms at the unveiling 'of a as the fo-castle and had the evoninq net with which the boat eq pp possible insure. to ppo public sonar It'deho drd that the.French chicle The current at the wreck is of memorial taltiet to the pioneer settlers poaslbl0 equal opportunity, and to'meal. It was grey dusk when we Pour who drove the obsplete vehicle Of the State of Virginia on Saturday 'encourage interest Sn hunting as a same on deck again, and I was aur since it left, Paris two weeks ago -was great force and; it the magnet at'Brunswick Wharf in the east end sport. •prised at the number of boats, which summoned to' Paris because -of. Ms should lose its grip, the lines will of London and guide the divers to the safe. , . .- : e things I dislike most" In view of the:danspe .of the intro- had gathered from the ground. There Father s. illness so. that the, French Ono of th Eng I duction : of injurious species: and : also were • boats Campbeltown and German correspondents who :conati she said, "is being told that I am not the diseases, liability ot. introducing' .devastate Torbert, and- as Sar` south as 'ilallnn- tuted the Locarno's passengers had ° • English: I•had the -painful duty of tell-,1ng. diaeasea, it was .urged that no }fie and drifting about an the fringe to take'`the wheel,. Eth�� Ila�s use Eng an English peer of the realm, who foreign importation of birds or ani- of the fleet were the buyers' boats IF I stop the engine now it will �,+� g had informed , me that I could not mals er perntnted except under, ape- Prom Glasgow and Ardrossan. 'Thaw take at least fifteen minutes to re- Fewest Motors understand a certain situation as I sial permission of Dominion authors- baste follow the herring Rest,' and start" bbs lienoh newspaper man was not hnglish, that I was far more ties granted after the most exacting driven orushf the catch es up to Greenock, said. "We may even never reach lnngltah than he, since my family had scrutiny ti'sgra byto after Clots cooper- Fairlie, and Ardrossan, in the "wee Berlin. Ratio in World of Persons to la grant from England two hundred anon with the proper authorities of ' to catch the Glasgow The. Locarno reached the Brendan- Automobiles Is Now 64 oma 'cols' pears before he came from Germany- the United States along the interna- Market. burg Gate exactly at noon and was to l , Report Shows Lady Astor is responsible for a pub- tional boundary line is noceseary. Atter darkness had fallen, the skip - driven through the downtown streets Lady entitled "My Tye Countries, ( The conference made a flat declare- r of our boat gave orders for full past the Presidential Palace and the Washington. -In LIM 8 there and she -ticks up for bosh of them. tion against the use of auto -loading steam ahead, and we ploughed Foreign Ofioe .to a hotel, where a is ono car to 91,745 people; in the Un. IE anybod . says - anything against firearms'- as not consistent with the luncheon was served, idled States there is, one car to five ythrough the waves malting for the people and rho ratio is rising.The either of them, her'patriotism prompts ideals of true sportsmanship and un- stretch of water between the Bute Greetings were presented to Press- ; shore and Cook,of Arran. Loch Fyne dent Lochs of the Reichstag from world ratio of persons to automobiles, her to a ready. retort Pat_ to Use game, and declared that "It hurts me deep down in my pump gone should be allowed only. fishermen use the trawl net, and each President Buiseon . of the French estimated at 71 to 1 on Jan. 1, 1928, heart," she said on Saturday, "when when plugged with irremovable plugs boat has a "neighbor:' A pian was Chamber of D ties„ as well as a on, has dropped to 04 do 1 as of Jan, 1, I hear 'English people running down so as to permit only,two shells within detailed to keep a lookout for her ninny French cities, to Berlin's Mayor, 1928, according to Irving H. Taylor, Americans and Americans running the gun at ono time: ring ,and be lay on' the bow -deck, Herr Boess." of the automobile division of the De down the English, but I, am perfectly Fixed daily and reason bag limits peering down Into the sea. Altar -- -.� gartment el Comanonce. willing to take etcher of them on; were recommended for all Provinces holy -an -hour, he gave the shout that /p ,� i • The ratio for the world outside of either 'here or in America, and con- and it was held that .the tendency we had come on herring, and out shot 1111a��S3a Island the United States today, Mr. Taylor's vine° them that they are wrong, far should bo to reduce, and not in is 277 to 1. This re thenen, whilst our boat described a as Game e ., e f a statement says, ,I Dome of a good old fighting stook, crease, rho present limits. tpmi airele, and our "neighbor" boat 4,$ g doilies the statement from the Na- It la lnelp Ido because I have to The assertion that farmers' grain steamed to the buoy and picked up V °Prop tional Automobile Chamber of Oom- fight pretty often, for mind St not an crops to the Western Provinces are a i1t� Is 15��the and h our net. ' She continued mares that the foreign market for easy •"road—but v woman's g seriously damaged by wild ducks was steaming towards us, and thus a y automobiles is forming an increasing- .'�gingland, above everything alae, is recognized by a recommendation that ring was made round the shack Our French Government's Aid ly important part of motor vehicle de just I believe that it is this quality farmers be permitted not only to kill „neighbor's" craw then boarded our Will Be Sought, Says wand of justice which sometimes makes her peeks doing such damage, but to give boat and the hard, tedious job of Sponsor of Project Ethiopia is rather backward in rho a little unpopular. I have a husband,. permits to not more than one Denson pulling -in started_ pj matter of automobiles it is revealed who le terribly bust, so I know how: to' kill such ducks when doing dam- The net Y011 into bag shape, and New York—Establishment o blishment of a' and is shown to possess only 109 of irritating it can be." ago to ro growing grain ortr graibin n stand was a mos® of silver, glittering, sioki wild life preserve on Anticosti Island {item, fora population of 10,000,000 -•{ , The c predatory in the Gulf of St Lawrence which inhabitants, the lowest record in the animals was declared to bo necessary, filing' fish, and baskets were qA Y Austin Harrison, sae; British and further investigation as to the lowered Into the net, and the contents would provide a refuge for animals of woxld relationship existing between differ. emptied into the hold of our haat. Ne most important riispeciespcommon yin the States et lacinstabilization for Tho net was thou hauled in, and contents who America is proposed by Martin rho United took place in 1927, Seaford, Sus g ant -pecten was urged. skipper lighted a flare' to attract the the steamship De de Pr Zede, formerly governor of the island, Mr. Taylor says fist f "rh The fencing of the more imporRant E bird -nesting sanctuaries tae protect buyers, and lot thew know b had who has just arrived here on board s been nubile market stabilizatioat nesting cover and .birds from grazing fish to dispose of. Soon a buyer's by some to be that and other molestation was advoaabed, boat was alongside, the quality and Better Control of the export of gains quantity of the fish appraised, and trophies to foreign countries was de- oma a handed bargain being the b, the catch Glared necessary, this Co take tjtie was handed over to the buyers. Off we steamed again, and after an hour's sailing, we got a shout that our "neighbor" had felt" herring. The same operations wore gone through, and the herring -ring this time was'a very good one, which made the mon very pleased with their nightaa worlc- The skipper told the that often they go out night after night without gett- ing a decen catch, and There is the added risk of tearing their nets on rocky sea beds. The second catch of the evening was the best, and whilst the bargaining was going on with the buyers, everyone was in marry mood, and a good deal of Chaffing and rag- ging took.sPlca0. I had beast ao interested In the night's adventure:+, that I had given no thought to the weather. It atart- sd to rain, and a stili breeze sprang up which made the sea very roug and choppy. Soon I had a heavy, sinking feeling, and I Could not help. -- but notice the, quiet grins on the faces of the men, as they saw what had happened to me but I was, to 11l to care, to when the skipper ,suggeated that I should go below, I gladly coil- - stinted Soon we were heading for the harbor,' and I was a thankful • person when S heard the throbbing of the englne cease. It was fine to feel the firm ground under my fact f again, and, although I had enjoyed my' night's experience very much, I cannot say that I had much incIine- tion to repeat it, Providettes evidet:t- ly never meant me 10, be a •sailor or a fisherman: D',n1'N; ' . Old French .hut' A Good Old Custo n— Author and Cratm, Dies Sussex, enland.—Austin. Harrison, former editor o e = ng- lish Review," is dead. He was 63 .."� "w M ._ _ years old. Ho was a noted\dramatic French Line. stage in the normal development of critic and author. Anticostibya Island wasp concern which ire -ch any market when the sales to take the Mr. Harrison was educated at Her - will cen exploit xpl t its French ear Irpesources. Rego- place of automobiles which have gone uuiverat univat ersities.orman and As editor of other The reign will p out of circulation equal or approxi 'lotions governing the cutting of spruce form of a warden's certificate from the and balsam, however, are stringent, mate the number sold which are re- lish Review" he preached a radical Province where the game is taken fleeted M the not registration increase liberalism, hailing Woodrow Wilson showing that the game was legally Mr. Zeds said, practically assuring for a period of a year at least This as the prophet of the postwar era. taken and Is legally exportable, to be perpetual forests i tithe island. Under grant was presumably reached in the He disagreed, however with Mr. Wit - presented government restrictions, no trees United States market last year when son's pian for the establishment of a Presented before being passed by the less than four inches in diameter arecustoms service. Cut sown, the ratio of automobiles approached new International order through the one to five persons" League of Nations, asserting that the Mr. Zeds, who was chief executive �, President had made the mistake of of the island fox l 5 years] will confer "proclaiming morality." Hohenzollern Activities Still fere with Dr, William T. li°rnaduy,rr Some of bis publications were "The Excite Interest in Germany the zoologist' who was formerly dirge- LiveHeartsPan-German Doctrine," "England and for of the New York Zoological Park, Dead Bodies Germany," "The Kaiser's War," "Then Berlin—Certain monarchist organs noon the species winch it advisable and Now," "Essays of Today and Yes in republican Germany see to It that to Mock on the inland. - terday," "Lifting Mist" "Pandora's "Anticosti Island is about 2,500,000 A new proof that the human body Hope," and "Frederic Harrison" public interest in the activities of former royalty does net die out. Thus, acres in extent" Mr. Zede said, "It usually dies piecemeal, one organ at the "Knee Zeitung" announces under is a roxintatel the •same itze an a time instead of at any single instant The circus manager advertised for the royal caption "News from the Long Island, Becausene its situation of death, has been uncovered by two a dwarf. A man called, to say that Royal Court that "Iter Majesty the it is practically immune from forest German physicians, f)r. P. .Martini he know the very man for him. "Are Ilaiserin .Hermine . has returned to fires and the assurance' of protected and Dr, J. Schell, says Dr. . T;• T. you sure he is small enough?" asked Doorn from Kieingen, where she has forests makes it an ideal location for ]'reels "Weelc'e SCienco" (New York). 'tire manager. - "Quite," :replied the been taking the waters, after which a game preserve,Pine read: man.. "Why, if he had 'tbothaehe, he she made a brief visit to her Thuriug- "We have already stocked the island "�o.ihe .bodies of eighteen persons .would think it was his .corns aching," tan homiiland:' • with rod deer, moan, silver fes and lying at the point of death these ex- attached x- hare, and hope to•brin In a few musm g erimenbers .t,e. _-- of This would• form the nucleus the instrument called y the eleetra t �, for the introduction of obis°? animals cardiogo aph, a device which records �a�e which are fast diAmeri•trbng in other the tiniest quivers f the muscles of reigons of North hat h a." the heart, even those which are too Mr, Zeds said that he would seek faint to constitute an actual heart - furthering the aid of the project, Government in beat Watching Watching with .this electric re - cooperation the prsdeet, as well as the corder the heart actions of their eigltt- cooperation of the French pulp con- :Tien Dr, Martini cern which is conducting the -Jogging and 1)r. Sekell found their hearts still and milling rperatioms on Anticosti. alive many minutes after the indi- vidual showed every sign of being England's Rural Areas dead. Oil.. the average tae haaxts of : Show . Population Gain the eighteen subjects lived for nine minutes two-thirds minuafter their London—A heavy tide. of population and two t owners had died. uses doual muscle . alvay from cities and basic to the land' fibres of the hearts probably liver mush 1e raported .it an official. survey just longer still! dying slowly, aitd e 'by completed by the regional town one,•. as the stoppage of I tlieir blood planning committee of greater Lon- supply. gradually deprived theft. of the Edon, oxygen which,='ill living cells of the _ Par several generations the move human body must have to live. This meat has been steadily, froth the far ability of the heart to love ,925 for Seine to the city. in England, the Unite abilit os aft x it be•its )rave eeaene States and other large nations of trio prouably, expliu.a.s the oeeasignal nuc-• }world The Teak ;of that tencieney ltas ceases of physicsans in reviving-poz- been reached, the report states, and sons apptuently dead by rtijeotizl'g a reaction has net In in the opposite .powerful stimulants like adronalist ,di- direction, . really ii}tp the heart Being scull aliyo Major T. Baker White, secretary, of although inactive, the heart eomstirsips elle Economic Longus, , which has been can be lsiducerl'to begin beating again making a study of this scarcely nditlon; and to takeup its abandoned duty of said first "theme is scarrcely a small keeping' the blood inrtnotian.�+ \ , town in England which is not being industrialized: It is sntprieing to He—"How is your hearing now?" sincl large /Pactoriee springing up in She --"Who is fearing a row's" He lttlo towns." (raising his voice)—"I say—how is now?" She --"What Jer- • °!�'AiVIDE."il JACK" HOME WITH FAMILY: iN'ENGLAND yqur hearing o "1Vo no! cid bo k'"receni'.ly utppeared, tvitls his daughter P Tho whole of our Clieology oasts .— se sew?" Iso {shouting) Trader Horn, rime° second e y the fact that 'theta was . an Adam.— seised lion your hearing waa?" MI gpu,in,la 9 'aiiit his grandchildren, at their home at Whitstable. F and Rev, L, F, Morris . -.•�, 'mum bettei.l, .. •::., • ' CFIIPPLED.'Cl"i!'iiS{d 01-11LOnine LOYAL TO KING itnisei Joynson-:Llioks,'hotue secretary, reeelviug a riding-oiop with W i d.htaih anyone whom he might hoar saying 4a word against the king b?'It ho Ci'aft'Saheel; Chailey, Sussex. Too Clever! • A restaurant keeper, notieltig that two of Itis customers were evidently trying to^ eat their suppers In the shortest possible :time, lest they should miss the 'boat which was near ly, ready to start, thought it would 50 very funny to frighten them, IIs went into a back room, and gave 'a remarkably perfect imitation of the steamboa't's" whistle. The joke work• eel well, The Wren hearts the sound, and rushed ter the beat, andhl sod• or laughed loud and long, .ilonly it occurred Lo him that the men hien tad gone off without paying. he stopped laegbiug!, Illinois minister announces that anyone who refuses to vote :for Her- heft Hoover will wind up in hell, but the. Legion of the Condemned goes right on cheering 'tor Al SniItls. 1i ,,9t 4rvil.: .fr