HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-07-26, Page 4`TRURSD4IY, JULY 26, 1928. THE • a..e i.., tO renow yot cooking ogiiirs t, ns i- errent P atte o ty. gilont, ;; trn eXt+i,ilent giatro Pf rneditcrn Nretg➢iH ¢11Csruatxnt anel ge,tid vfirlety of xitenens. CLINTON-NEWS RECORD meusisizeamacmccaracnzamsecoor Mr, and. Mrs. H. Her husband, 14I cleeeased her by £ She is survived four sons and tw Schwanz, Toronto villi, Sask.; Will �1.1ta,;, Daniel, C Ilatst Crediton; Godeliehand tv, Moser o£ Aurora Mosor .0�' Nap,ary Mrs W. Durst She is aIsosurviv children and` •en, One son, lViai•y pride three brothers The ftnieral wit day, afternoon fr son-in-law II: F. borne cemetery. pastor,�wll AgameoJ: evening• at Victor teams o£ Union Victoria street in avietpryfo score of 8-7. ut . . L,- .S,Ras t azvaii q0l remesents some real wort(--ivl0 silYla,6a i .;et lura, Heeling, so we advise early shopp'ing toed' .. F errant,'' 111111 Road, ichael Schvana pre- eve m it et hs.- PHONE ORDERS FILLED Covered Roast Pan, 101/ in. in diani-,. etei. - Preserving Kettle, 6 -qt. size. Potato Pot, with lock lid cover, 31/ qt. size. ,Covered Saucepan, 8 -qts -size. Water Pail, 6 -qt. size. Shallow Saucepan, 4 -qt. size. Frying Pan, 9r/ inch size. Dish Pan, 18 finch. Straight Saucepan, 3 -qt, size. Open Saucepan, 6 -qt, size. Summer ..argains Throughout the Store.. July; 26th to August 4th THE S'FORE WITH TH :' `NOCK Sherlock -Manning Pianos I wtAbout Treating Your- self to n PIANO? T. . McNEIL Clinton's Musical Instrument Representative Always at Your Service Box 113 or Phone 273, Clinton 1211_ r tr WE RECOGNIZE QUALITY and DISTRIBUTE THE CASH ACCORDINGLY at CLINTON CREAMERY, CLINTON PHONE 145 SEAEORTH BRANCH, SEAFORTH PHONE 162 CLINTON BRANCH, CLINTON, ONTARIO PHONE 190 Gunn, Langlois & Co., Limited HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL, QUE. m Sup +r.i t the Hits ` �I S f Gly o a '. tat Weal° this sticker ,113111 yo r sk f`>ra Ask a at.yotal 4i� ���ag st., ti Highway Safet; C s' . t a` tee y cf al The I -ION. GEO. S.'HENR'Y, Chairnron ,rrt� Goderieh Township Mr. Harold Whitmore. of Hamilton is: spending his vacation at the home .of his parents, Mx; and bars. Frank Whitmore of this township, Miss Audrey Young of Toronto, is. visiting at the home of her grand- parents, that of 1../Tr. and Mrs. Frank W bitmor,d. . • HURON COUNTY OFFERS SCHOL- ARSHIP TO STUDENT IN AGRICULTURE The Huron County Council. at its June session voted $50 toward a schol- arship for a county boy attending the Ontario Agricultural College. This ,amount will be supplemented ` by a shniliar sum from the Massey fulid at the College. That is to, say the -lucky student will receive $100 during -.his. first year at the .College. This a- mount.shouldrepresent a large part of the first year expenses`ofa boy attending that Institution. The conditions are briefly as. 2onows: 1. Applicants should be farmers' sons residing in Huron"County. • '2. Applicants must be eighteen years of age on 'or before September 21st, 1928, the opening day at Col- lege. 3: Applicants must be those contem- plating entering the two year. course.. This is known as the associate course. 4, Applicants should figure on tak- ing up farming as their vocation at' the conclusion of their college course. 5, Only one scholarship is available for the year 1928-29. . 6, The total amount of the scholar- ship is $1011, payable part in the Fall term and part in the Winter• term. 7. Applications along with charae- ter and other recommendations should, be mailed to the:Ontaria De-. partment of Agriculture, Clinton, not later than . August 18th. 8. If a number of applications are received it maybe necessary"to have the applicants appear before a conn- mittee in order to decide the winner. It is unnecessary to dwell here up- on the advantages of a course in Ag riculture at such a well' known Inti tution. 'There should be no scarcity of suitable'applicants. Therefore, it is hoped that any boy contemplating entering the 0.A,C. this fall will snake an effort to win a worth while schol- arship. i : 1, Lone desl'3or'o Miss Belle Fairservice is ,.visiting at' her home in Londesboro, Mrs: G. Densmore, of Regina, Sask., is the guest of Mr, and 'Mrs. W. Critteztden, of Londesboro. • The monthly meeting of the. Wo. men's Institute was held in the coin- munity hall on Thursday, July 19th, with thepresidentin the chair, Mrs, J. Tanrblyn lead in prayeer and. the Lord's Prayeer was led by. Mrs, R. Vodden.. It was decided to hold the picnic at Bayfield the first Thursday in August., A. paper on cool summer , dishes was read by Miss S. C. Barr, piano duet by Mrs. R. Vodden and Miss Glaclys-"Mountain, two readings by Miss Electron of Toronto, solo, by Miss Alberta Snell, reading, IVTrs, W. I-rowatt, Mrs. Philips, the District president gave, a paper on "Health and Happiness," which was enjoyed by all. Community singing, concluded by "God Save- the King, brought the program to an when all re- paired to the basement where an ex- cellerit lunch was served by Mrs. S, Carter, Mrs. F. Woods, Mrs. H: Mor - roll, Mrs. Ira Rapson Mrs. D, Carter and Mrs, T. Fairservice, There were - seventy five in attenndance, The Women's Institute will' hold their annual picnic at Bayfield on Thursday, August 2nd. There will be races in the afternoon and a ball game after supper. Dinner will be served at ]. p.m Everybody welcome.' Bring baskets and come along, Mr. J. Fingland is spending a month with friends in Michigan. ' Ilarold Johnston . of London is visiting his parents, 1VIr. and Mrs. Fred Johnston; Mas. Johnston, Har- old and Helen are spending a few days at the home of Mr. W. Hill near God er•ich. Mr. and Mrs. J. Radford are spend- ing• a 1few days at Port Colborne,' Mr. and'lV1rs. II. Adams spent Sun- day in Goderich. Mr. and M9•s. Johnston of Buffalo are visiting' at the home of Mrs Maines, • Mrs. James. Campbell has her sis- ter, Mrs. A. Elliott of Blyth, visiting her for a week. Mr, and Mrs. Will Taurblyn, Joan and John, also Mrs. J. Tamblyn, and 1120,, James E1iley visited Seafortlr. friends Tuesday.' "Mr. John Melville' received lvorcl Tuesday of the serious illness of this, bi other,- Lawrence of Seaforth. Last Thursday we had one of the heaviest rains we have had for a long time. About nine o'clock , it almost seemed like a cloud burst; Rev. B. and Mrs. Snell were callers in the. village Monday, Hullett Township The hoase of Mr. and Mrs. John Carter on the second concession of Hullett was the scene of an interest- ing event on .July 17th the occasion being the celebration of their golden wedding, when a hundred and fifty friends attended a dance given in their honor. The music was furnished by the:. Allen orchestra and by Herbert Fowler and Thomas -Rands. Mr,'and Mrs. Carter were presented with a beautiful chesterfield' from their fam- ily and many valuable gifts- including. several pieces of gold as tokens of good will and best wishes. and Mrs. Carter have always lived. in this locality, their family of four daughters and two sons be- ing all comfortably settled near them, Mrs, George Hill and Mrs. M. McKellar in Seeforth, Mrs.. George Dale, Mrs. Jack Ferguson, John Carter and James Carter of Hiillett, The happy couple are both on " the. sunny side of seventy and hid fair to live to celebrate •--their diamond wedding. Some of those present from a des- ,tante were Mr. and Mrs. *Neil and sons, Fullerton, Mr. and Mrs. S. Car - ler, Goder•ich and Mr. and Mrs. La- mont of Brussels. The following taken from the Rose. town Sask., Eagle, refers to the death of a brother-in-law of Messrs. John Weymouth, Blyth and Albert and Charles of Hullett; "An accident that ordinarily would not be expected to develop so serious- ly as to cause death was the misfor- tune.0f Thomas: Henderson, who' lived nine miles northeast of Horse], He had been doing some tractor repair work about three weeks ago when,,a piece of steel flew up and stuck in bis eye. He went to a doctor and had it removed. A day or two later, the eye pained hull so mutes dials he Tush- ed to Saskatoon to consult an eye specialist, who thought it best to have the eye removed, but Mr. Ilenderson hesitated to lose his eye as he could see from it, Bloodpoisening, howev- er, developed and resulted fatally. The deceased and his family lived in .Rosetown last winter and he was well known here as well as in the dis- trict in which his farm of two . se'c-, tions was situated. He was one of the big and successful farmers; was of a qpiet nllassulning and likable dispos- ition andwon the friendship and es- teem of all who knew him, The snatching of hid life so speedily has been a shock to his family and his wide circle of ` acquaintances and friends. The deceased was 46 years. 5 months and 25 days of age and leaves besides a grief stricken wife, who was before her marriage, Miss Rose Weymouth, Lonclesboro; two sons, Lloyd and Albert, aged nine and. •five respectively, and a daughter, Mil- dred. ten years of age. The funeral services were held on Saturday after- noon in the Rosetown United Church and were,attended by very large muni - hers, Interment was made in the Rosetown' Cemetery." Ooderieh The installation of officers of. Huron Lodge No. 62 I.O.O.F. took place at the Odd Fellows Hall on Monday eve- ning as follows: Past Grand, M. Bell; Noble Grand, F. Dunn; .Vice Grand; I2 Johnston; Warden, D. Me - Millan; Conductor, Q. Newton; Right Supporter Noble Grand, A, -Higgin- son; Left Supporter Noble Grand, F. Bowra; Right Supporter Vice -Grand, HrBarker; Left Supporter, Vice - Grand, C. Cutt, Chaplain W. Farrow, R.S.S., M. Robins, L.S.S. L. Harrison; LG., C.. Stokes; O.G.; J. Newcombe;' Treasurer, W. Abell,••, Secretary, J. 0, Carrie; Recording Secretary, C. H. Reid; District Deputy Grand Master, Major P. -Sturdy. Am esteemed resident in the per- son of Caroline Moser, . widow ol. Michael Schwarz passed away on JLJY 2,3, Mrs, Schwann had been a resident of -this town `for the paSt, nine years and resided on Newgate street. The deceased woman was a daughter of the late J. G. Moser, and Anna Kruspe ,incl was born in Ellice Township, Perth County on March 10, ` 1848. Before coming to Goderich . Mr. and Mrs. Schwanz farmed in Colborne township for for- ty-eight years. Mrs. Schwartz was,. an' active member of the Victoria street. United church as long asher health permitted and was of a disposition that commanded the respect of all who came in contact with her, and was. dearly loved" by all those who knew her. She was taken seriously ill two weeks ago and passed away at the home of her .son-in-law and daughter, ell by a family o1 o daughter s, J. G. S. Schwas- Recan- h So1v1ynnz, Calgary, linton; Mrs. Chris, Mrs, 1-1, Farrant, o brothers henry I11 and Edward il1s1 Ill j An d a sister t .lColboidl t nship,; ed; by twelve grand- - three great grandchild- ren. Henry and one daugh- ter,ceased her and also' and two sisters.. l be held this, Thurs- day, the.liome of her: errant, to the Col- borne M. C: Parr, her conduct the service, softball played Tuesday Victoria Park between the United church' and United church result- eds the latter with the EXETER: On `W'ednesday of last week while Mrs. Win.." Coates was in the act off splitting' some kindling she had, the misfortune to cut 'car thetop part of the thumb of the left hand. Mrs. Coates Was h l ' dm o g the stick with her left hand and the axe struck the thnmb just behind the nail She was brought to the office of 'Dr. Flet- cher and had the ,injured member dressed. i Complete and Practical Business Training Is iii absolute necessity for every Boy or Girl' pool f ®ere CLINTON, ONTARIO UPPERS THE 11OLLOW`ING COURSES SECRETARIAL, STENOGRAPHIC, IIOOKIKEEPIN0, TYPE- WRITING, • COMPLETE COMMERCIAL, FARM AC- COUNTANCY, 'GENERAL OFFICE, TEACHERS OTHER COURSES BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT PHONE,198 B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts., Principal a . 12-2, '• +J2'`84n C.x • CAR -OWNERS are turning their cars in on new Chev rolets faster than ever, with the result that we are getting finer cars than ever in trade. We know that there is a Used Car in our stock that you will be proud to own . . the right car for you. And we can assure you that it is marked at the lowest possible price. Satisfied customers are our greatest'assets. that is why you are sure of a square deal and fair value in a good used car here. Come in and: inspect the "right cars at the right .prices". --Easy terms arranged. CU•16289 1927 CHEVROLET COUPE 1925 ,CHEVROLET TOURING 1 OVERLAND TOURING 1 FORD COUPE, $125.00, 112 GOOD SHAPE J. B. Laves, Clinton j� A AUTHORIZED y i, 7,71 17 A DEAL'8R id-Sumine Ck'-auc. e ATl;Y'S !,i fFrig'E, S+ Commences Saturday, July 28th, ends Saturday, Aug. 4. Women's Footwear Men's Footwear WOMEN'S CANVAS HOUSE $1.15 h SLIPPERS, per,,palr $1 ° I.5 MEN'S''OANVAS OXFORDS WOMEN'S KTD HOUSE SLIPPRS � C • E '9 ,$1.75 o 5 With' leather sole, Sale Price J per pair ... , , , .. dl a $3,,95 OXFORD n(� C[' 1 RACK OF WOMEN'S PATTENT AND CALF Sale. Price $2.5 aD SLIPPERS AND OXFORDS 94.Co OXFORD :34..6255 Sale Price , ,...0�Salo Price, OTHER LINES $3 95 and $5.00 OXFORD `71+o Pt I+ up Sale Price . Running Shoes A LOT OF ODDS AND ENDS AT A BARGAIN SALE PRICE , .. , . Children's and Misses 45c LT;ATI-IER SANDLI'3Sand Per pair_ .,....� LPoEAi'2211`1`13EI2 OXFORDS ep 1,°35 and PATENT LEATHER SLIPPERS 9 °d* and Per pail` . , A utiorip This is a Genuine Sale of `n First Quality Stock Opposite the Postoffice