HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-07-12, Page 7Are • You Sh ar .: g _n the INTHE MINING 'MARKET c/ IL Unry'ph atX101 lerl oo ,rl d the ptidevelopments t.c1Yr sn3 Yart 0Canadian-mining 0 believe that . newswlprimarily sok! ee'Of Pe- ' yrnofilally Paee my name ouFmilln" liOt to receive y0 l 1y14rket,lep,0t0 edea, \0laThis tt n, places.: me under' n0 obi -v NAIa'E - --- -' ._ ADDRESS -- ,• Cirriltilt , C� s• ey� , Co. iFounded d9®-¢.• - :'\..e rrgt t.e.dl Ba.gta 5171 .. ' MOYSEY BUILDING, 242 RAY ST., TORONTO Direct Private Wiresto all Offices' altlefffignaintsmanguesitenneneste ear . zis M THE Firestone Gum -Dipped Tires hold the longest mileage records. You get znore.for they money because Firestone builds in extra miles with special pro- cesses, including Gum-Dipping—and the scientifically de- signed Tire Tread. The largest bus, truck and taxicab fleets who demand mileage use Fire- stone Gum -Dipped Tires. See your nearest Firestone -Dealer—he will save you money and serve you better., Always put a Firestone steam. welded, leak -proof tube in your Firestone tire. FIRESTONE TIRE &RUBBER CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED Hamilton, Ontario. Builds the Only GUM- UTE TEla'aES Femininity Do not get the false idea that fends ninity should be associated with weakness: A woman can he just tis strong in her femininity as a man can be in his masculinity. And the vitality and buoyancy associated with strong muscles and firm tissues are an important factor in beauty culture. The Silver Jubilee of Aviation "Twenty-five years-since,.the .first. successful airprane took the air; twenty-five` years since the United' States .Army purehased its, first air- plane; fifteen years since the first` overseas 'aerial expedition was dis- patched by the 'eerily' to' the Philip- pine Islands; seventy-five years since Belegule; Invented his traction screws for airplanes—the first real thought of the modern airplanes; one hundred and sixty years silica Paucton con- ceived the idea, in 17S8, of an` appal' atus with two screws, suspensive and propulsive; for airplanes—all these we celebrate this year!" says G. Spencer, President of the Maritime. Air Service, in the July Current Ills tory.' He continues: "Starting in 1927 with the 'dazzling break -through of Lindbergh, 'victory has come upon victory. Though muchof the impetus is directly due to significant achievement in the science of motor design such as the develop- ment of the, high-powered, air-cooled motors and of metals lighter than wood (only a dream ten years ago), yet a notinconsidetble factor has been the orderly collection of aero - graphical and aerological facts. We now have the airplane in the field of exact science. It has been twenty - live years of -pioneering.". The writer' points out that of the seven United States Army "Gold "Elegies" (recipients of the army gold eagle badge, signifying a "senior mili- tary aviator") only one is dead, two are retired and four are still active flying officers. These men led, techni- cal advance at a time when it was a difficult matter to induce men to enter the air service. "Simply to fly in the years between 1903 and 1917 was more than equal to the wing -walking and triple parachuting of to -day." Yet it was not until after the Great War had ended that the first pilot of the "Gold Eagles" met his death, viz„ Captain Townsend Dodd, who was killed in 1920. Time for "Big Bill" Thompson to Mini all the school histories that say Lindbergh wasn't the first man to fly RCrose the ocean. Minard's Liniment for Insect Bites.. When one is offered such a tre- mendous adventure it would be . too (inartistic to refuse Jt.—Amelia Bar- tlett. IILLIPS OF rmaivt, For Troui3116' due to Acid S::0I0a5TION A OP STOu H SA SEA GMAS.NA Just a tasteless dose of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia in water, ,That is an alkali, effective-, yet; harmless. It bas been the standard antacid for 50 years among phhysicians. everywhere. One spoonful will neutralize at once many •times its volume in acid. Itt is the right way, the qufek, pleasant and efelent way to kill the excess, said. The stomach becomes sweet, the pain departs. You are happy again in five minutes. Don't depend on crude methods. 2impley the best way ' yet evolved in all the' years of searching. That is Phillips'. Milk of Magnesla, Be sure to get the genuine ,Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- cians for 50 years in correcting, excess acids. Bach bottle contains full direc- tions—any drugstore. ALSCHBACH A SECOND `BECK -HUGHES ' MINE $70 ti the Ton Across Shaft! Some Facts About Development Work on. The AILSCHB-ACH GOLF. MINE KIRKLAND) LAKE DISTRICT O'Veins Upon the Property. Aver see -assays of $70 per ton at depth of 45 ft. aver full (Width of s1>.aft.. Exceptional geological structure, With veins running an:actfeally in Iaradlel'and increasing enrichment„with depth: This property is. in charge of Mr. Clarence Alsohbach, who sank the original shaft at Tedk-Hng'lb es a s heart I n f t' )n e Ivo and t )� 4 }le a4 development going ext m the Weald @P4 pf 7yt1"R� ( ion, 1, WESTRONGLY RECO E M C 0 M. R' 1' iY � 4 rr� L'n ineer' Report and Pros c s g p0 pe tg.laliet4 hlpbj agturj}'A)tQF;I coupon to • W I-1. Dl:, UDY & CQMPA.NY, %�Idlil'I F.p„ TORONTO Investment Brokers MONTREAL W H . Y P f� CO. L7! S U D. la ]i5 Yonge St Terontq. Please ai e report a d rot e tus to 1st 1 u C f J htich 'Cold ll p p A A G 1 Inall T }1s Mining Co. liMetc.d• : r Nemo .” .,.. . tMdresa • • , t r '^"'"ry7." ...:y .,, "'btt'^*'^,r^"'v.:t7: •,o' , 7"-", : �^r Mr �xv.e,wz,•.,'I."`•wi ,:'.s n'y !r f D611P'l i I'l LAaDcaS-iTER} OWL LAPPS ffl CI Wl 1 V. ,1) Backing out ad' a close place- lsn t difilcult if your wits are sharp and your fenders' already munlpled. To get rich, -get a good` reputation.. Tourist (to tiikttve)•: What do you (oink about the weather Native: Well, sir , Eve. thought .about it for forty years an' I've' come to the conclusion it's changeable. Falling in love is about like loaf- ing. If done properly neither leave very much time for business, "They tell me you have a trial hire:". "Well, she's a'•triai to mo." "So `you' have • twins at your 'house," said Mrs. B.esumhe to little Tammy, - "Yes,: ma'am, two /if 'em." "What are you going to call them?" "Thunder and Lightning." "Why, those are strange names to call children." "Well, that's what pa' called them as soon as he heard they were in the house." "I'd like to hug you mighty'. 'well,' eaid the dariug`'sheik to his flapper. She replied: "Well, if ;you are going to bug me that is what I would pre- fer." When a man .has, .a birthday , he takes a day all. When a woman has one,;she,talres' a year off. "What shall I do to keepfrom fail- ing in -levet' "Try prising apartments," WHO'' ZISSS Maybe on a patty line To say "Who' zis?" is right, ' But it makes us mad as sin To answer calls by day or night And have the one who's calling Say—"Who' zis?" A lot , of people never say their prayers unless they want something. A soft answer turneth away wrath but it takes the .hard cash to turn away the installment collector. ST. VITUS DANCE A Trouble That Usually Attacks Young Children. St. Vitus dance is the name gen- erally given to a disease described sly medical men as chorea. This trouble usually attacks young chil- dren, though older people may be afflicted with It. The most Common symptoms are a twitching of the face and limbs. As the disease progresses the twitching takes the form of dpasms, in which the jerking notion may be confined to the face or all the limbs may be affected. Frequently the patient is unable tohold anything in the hands or walk Steadily. In severe oases the speech is often af- fected. The disease is due to debility of the nerves and relief comes through,an enriched blood supply. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have been most successful In reaching this trou- ble through their specific action on the blood, which it enrichep and puri• lies. The following instance proves the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in this trouble. Dirs. Thomas Bowen, Bath, Ont., says':—"Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have been in use in my family for years and always with good results. I believe they saved the life et my only son. At ten years of age he grew very nefvous and the.troubie eveloped into St. Vitus dance. His legs and arms would jerk and twitch, 'then his speech, Was affected, and his• condition was pitiable. Just then there came to me a little book telling of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills and I de- cided to give themto him. Dy the time two boxes were used :there was an•Improvement 1n his condition' and by the time 'six boxes more were taken all `traces of the trouble had disappeared, and he was well and strong. I have also given, the pills to My growing gh•ie, and I .know of no 'better strengthening medicine. I may add that the same applies to grown-ups' as well." You can get these,pilts.through any medicine dealer er by' mail at 50 cents a box from The"Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,' Ont. — • The Hill Dweller HO dwells alone among the tall, plumed pines, His but upon the green hill's ample breast, Gazing day long upon the serried' lines Of Mountain squadrons trooping to the west. ' He dwells, alone, trey say, nay, hardly that, For in lite rain the fleecy clouds, like sheep, Browse round the little house; at dusk a bat Stirs inthe friendly eaves, and fresh from: sleep Patrols the, deeiyard on -•Ihje veering Wings;. An orchestra of katydids 'ttrik es nit' A dance for all the little creeping e g ' things Of O ijg d, ti./0 wood, while in the sap: A�lilp,q ii111 . Of llo)ppi� th0 moon of plellow Roman. ih V L t, g a t where ., Sd 9 1 ilii , llq a peaceful 'd1;.901 ij 3j1}g,4i4 , C>tal'lesji3'etl}viile. Wilson. y;rltl� -t1t4 1P.79141t' l 1 s A 1g 3lt•. g g r�r #4i7' cul 4gnom;f 11,71} #:o t ',TPA?' '1P -tri 1 };' 1 . �}F 11 lt, �1 7 1�:;, IA -P' 4 i, Y4 W , 1' rt R. n � Y 1 s h., t. }� ,. n J' ' 1R . al age. 1'i h Ie ,r�#t?e eau h�story.-Claude o;' ewers. e Sunburn? Use M'Eifa`rd'i"Lilliment. Eairlalesi Hooks Po tills Lower right—Tit barbless hooks, 'Ozark Ripley is trying them out en he French River in the other pictures. The record catches of fish at such popular outdoor resorts as the Nipigon River Bungalow Camp, ,the McGi'egor ;ake District reached Wont Baat Tem- pieton on the Canalian Pacific line near Ottawa, and ,Devils Gap Bunga- low Camp, sit Kenora, are being mostly made with barbless .hooks, ('hese permit -all but the largest fisls being freed painlessly and ,returned unin- jured to the water, some fish being undoubtedly caught two or three times in a season. The barbless hook, in -which a -bend in the wire near the point similar to a. kink in •a hairpin takes the place of the sharp barb, does not injure the hooked fish, and enables it to be re -I moved to the water, sometimeswith- out even touching with the hands. Contact, explains Ozark Ripley, well- known sporting writer, causes often more injury than the hook itself. The protective mucus covering of the skin is removed in handling, and soon after re-entering its native element the fish. contracts a fungus growth on- the af- fected portion and dled as a result. Wetting the' hands lessens the ill effect, The Verbless hook requires -little: more skill than. the .older• variety as it holds the fighting Rah almost as surely, although it may be removed without difficulty. It has become widely popular, and is especially adaptable to fly fishing for bass, trout and salmon. The barbless hook was invented some years ago by a elan named Williams in Ohio, his model having a bend, sloping away from the richt that caused considerable damage in being extricated. This idea was taken up six years ago by the'•late "Smiling" Bill Jamieson, well-known Chicago fishing tackle expert and veteran fish- erman, who reduced the angle of the bend so that It was a slight kink and did much to popularize the new hu- mane hook The Housewife's five -Hour Day With growing satisfaction and re - nee from long hours of drudgery the modern young housewife has turned over her several daily tasks to the. lightning power of electricity. Could her ancesters see Anne rush• through her duties -with ease and comfort they would roll over in their graves In misery, comments Mrs. Phyllis K. Dunning in the current !sue of "Your HOMO Magazine." "At seven -thirty on a bright July morning," she writes, "Anne descends to her kitchen and lays the table in the breakfast nook. From her elec- trio refrigerator she 'takes a delight- fully chilled melon, eggs, bacon, cream and, butter. She cuts bread for toast, prepares the melon, and then starts the bacon broiling h1 the lower com- partment of the grill, and the eggs scrambling in the top pan. The toast she inserts in the toasting compart- ment just as she and her husband start to eat their melon.. "After her husband has gone, she clears the table and stacks the dishes In the electric dish -washer. She then prepares the evening meal of, say, jel- lied tomato bullian, roast stuffed chicken, escalloped asparagus, brown- ed potatoes and fruit salad. These she tucks away in her refrigerator, She fibs the ice trays with water, adding a few drops of lemon juice to one trayful to give zest' to the iced tea which will accompany the. dinner. Anne now clears. up the kitchens puts the cooking dishes into the electric dish -washer and starts the machine running. She then goes to the laun- dry and tosses into the electric wash- ing machine the things she has de- eided to wash that day. While they are washing site puts out the line, runs her rinse 'water, shuts off the leaves them in the machine to dry.. When the clothes are washed and on the line, Anne runs the vacuum clean- er through the lower part of the house, dusts and picks up, then ascends to the bedroom, makes 'up the beds and tidies things generally. "Tho housework finished, Anne turns on the ; electric water heater, has a luxurious bath and shampoo, dries her Bair with the electric hair drier and waves it with an electric iron. She completes her dressing, re- turns to •Jiro kitchen, removes \he chicken, asparagus and potatoe a from the refrigerator and places them in the oven of her electric. ranges She gets the inclio'ator for the heat to go on at four in the afternoon aid to shut off at six, indicates ,the proper temperature for the oven to attain, and walks out of the house to keep a luncheon engagemeirt," HELPS IN THE -DAILY HOUSEWORK Numerous little aids in the kitchen and elsewhere around the house :cer- tainly eat do'tvntlhe tinge .needed te.i}q. odd' o s and al b make h0 0 1 f 1 i g l . 1.,11 9 pito les t r seal' are . #11!4 q fe MIA .. , !t 1 13 Y' � � r 1t tl of s o: q 4 oe t- } d - v t `ar ., 111 -.11„ A f. iE - A t o' a , tw riot. a f ) �1. Q . , a , i r,.l' . f'� ��r , s b a n i l . .,1' } 1 15 1 b i• gg �1}1 1- psto e.]:#witnb• ,, {er. o. e� VP mese tlit9e Zps}Jt li P 11 • Rat) f ort Pin 111! m µstt `1 1 e- s g t g PI, � 7t' 1.vA Iy:ei' FF r Y AI 11 lClt- Ol 31 r a d � it g)1 � a g 1' i p otil. 'til `rills the ''at� • t °oto g o , 1 t• 14114,. is "a 'i 1 71 LlY r h'.` i 1 y e pn e r tli:0 hal. ill 9, egvered lis A wit.R P _ 9 if# r1)Pqse,.iv11 kAe both carte anti choose ,'Yash iiideIipitoly. Every Hodio'Nhteiis" Min'ard's LEnimeltt Drug Peddlers' Methods Exposed Narcotics Sinuggled Into. Jails In Most Unusual Ways The devious ways in which narco- tics are smuggled to •tato inntatee of penitentiaries are told by Jaelc Hyatt, veteran journalist, in the July "plain Talk", Forty per cant. of the inmates• of every prison, it was recently eatim'tt- ed, aro drug addicts in some form. . One of the most popular methods of "snow sneaking" is. described as fol. "Two guards on each of .the four Walls of the prison. Dight men, each man a crack shot. Back and forth they pace, tirelessly, rifles in hands, prepared for anything. Within the enclosure, the New Jersey State Pri- son at Trenton, several hundred psi - sonars are 'stretching', .getting. their doily exercise, From the warden's home outside, directly opposite the front prison wait, one sues the two guards ou this wall pause, then slow- ly pace onward, their eyes on ,the street fronting the prison. `f®*Ti>;i.chV ter Shouuld1. Baby bet? 'A Famous Aulwrity's True 'By Ruth Brittai RFD DDT JULY DAYS :UAE ON THE BABY July—the month of oppressive heat; red-hot days and sweltering nights; Is extremely hard on littler ones. Dili rhoea,<dysentery, colic and chol' era infantum carry off thousands of precious little lives'` every summer. The mother must be constantly on her guard .to prevent these troubles, er if tFMy co"me on entlileniy to fight them, No' other medicine is of such aid to mother's during toe-hof>summer as is baby's Own , Tablets: -They regulate the bowels and stomaclh, and an occasional dose given to the well child will prevent" summer com- plaint, or- if the trouble does come on suddenly will banish it. The Tablets are sold by Mediciee dealers or by mail at 25c a box from The Dr, Wil- liams' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont. Says 70% of Fires' are Preventable Seventy per cent. of the half -million fires in the United States each year aro preventable, 'declares 'Ohaunoey S. S. Miller of the North British and Mercantile Insurance Co., Ltd., in an article in the July_, issue of "Your Home Magazine." According to this expert, losses by. fire, instead of being on the, down- grade as is popularly supposed, are steadily increasing.. ' To -day, Mr. Mil- ler reveals "the' average annual fire lossper person in the United States is''inore than $5.00. In other countries, where life is not so easy and prosperity nOt so great, losses by fire are comparatively low. In Holland and Switzerland, the 'losses are as low as fourteen cents per ,per•, son and about sixtycents in France and Great Britain. Of the thirty odtl traceable sources of hire, the largest' single contributing . cause is 'matches- smoking.' Defective chimneys and flues come next. Inflammable roofs are a" close and growing third in the race for first prize in national careless- ness." , c Minard's Liniment heals cuts, bruises. Business has outgrown the feeling that- there is something to fear in campaign years.—John J. Raskob. Read what these users say. One writes: Blood is working marvels with. Inc." An says; "I recommend Tru -Blood to my nets and they find it better than any preparation have ever used." Still another writes- I praise it enough, /is Ions as I live I will n be without Tru -Blood." Youwill sing its praised, too Go to any good druggist for these p "midday's" .products—and acquire ''Tia , That Charms": A Tones the Blood Classified ' Aavertlsemreere B�t11�.oxtriii r2Apr CHICJif—WP1 kla'd,'1'CFI varietiee, priced loo hp• We base 00,000 for July and August, T for free catalogue,. A. II. $w' Grantor' Ozitarlo LI T T L Pl •LINDIORWOOD T WJtITIOJt, needed 1Pevery ho dent for your approval, ay' ti reW lard monthly. poi,prarticulars, Underwood, 135 Victoria Street, 'Tor. a Loves A Bath Witk ir S21 .p d and a 8no old to Tennis. After a brisk game of tenn prevent stiffness :by "nal') M Ina rd's, mnsa�r�.„,vnv;. A Ski Soso •+:'tis Textta Soft, glowing color and velvet scoot netts are the skin's reflections of "b] health" within. • TRU-BLOOD, the pleasant - to -t blood tonic, by acting directly .on blood and driving out impurities, torr the underlying causes of skin affect , and gives' natural color and beauty to complexion. , When -taking TRU-BLOOD use 13 ley's OINTMENT as an external tr ment. This magic Ointment does won, in correcting skin blemishes, in softs and beautifying the skin, 'NURSES know, and doctors have declared there's iiolhiug quite like Aspirin to relieve all sorts of aches and pains, but be sure it is Aspirin the name Bayet should be on the package, and on every tablet. Bayer is genuine, and the word genuine—.in red—is on every box. You can't go wrong if you will just look at the box the trade murk (r0net0red in Canndn) lndiating. IInyar Mr tofaetc0. Whao It le 5011 known that the pub manna Bayor menu. motors. to assure the public against tadtattone; the Tnblatn 01111 ba clamped 5,tb their "Doyon 0,01," undo mark gra{pl thein COUsears OT � t OCK FOry 10T Restored to Health b Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Port Elgin, N. B. ---"For thr months, I was nervous and weals wit Uteri feelings an could not do m work. A friend a vised me to talc Lydia 1✓. Pini ham's 'Vegetabl Compound and have got good r sults front it an reeonune'1d it t others."— L TAYLon Port L'' gin, N.13. This dependabi medicine is sold by druggItlta every where. Baby specialists agree nowadays, that during the first six' months, babies must have three ounces of fluid per :pound'ot body weight daily. An right pound baby,for instance, needs:tiven- ty-four ounces of fluid. Later on the rule fa two ounces or fluid per pepnt of body weight. The amount of fluid absorbed by a breast fed baby is best determined by, weighing him before and after feeding for the whole day; and it is Easily calculated for the bot- tle.fed one. Then make up any de- ficiency with water. Givingbaby sufficient wlater often i•alt'eves his feverish, crying, upset and restless spells. If it doesn't, give him a few drops of Fietcher's Oastoria, For these and other iris or babies and children such a9 colic: cholera, diarrhea gas on stomach and bowels, const! ation so ' stem eh oss-of n r >• t o e e e _, �# lit" j g A 131. ,.FIY .�-t 19&�! 5 t 1s A s, �: h s .clan s 11 ii e of l r t Io o}}, tgie y a ow 2F Q p 1 Y 33�A '� , Al:�'p�'@r� �A 4 � �I11. 1k{. AYA3' f @ n Ess Jt SRI s , tr r d�A N.� o�, �11•411e. (ea'lil 11 !3111 A ,1 ' t " o ' ,Pi •f, e1 1,� s .. 1 ?s .4 .y ,Jl, 11 .. , .. al t �� Ilia ko. A 1 pre s�,. 1}`l,A. na'po, s la'. "b 'cj• iii' e�tpceyell1}atao _ f ise.#�+,.11kk gg��.,15 8:.1Y,,�Ytwei'�,t. fx' • for. g R 1 � A.FI I tl: 1. 1•A 8„ A t 9, 0'(> ggel i g e ttl@s' 4tsti :r, t x , „: Other. EDDY TISSUES �o7TAq� I PLrd as the !wail:. of Nodhern Ophetet • ore and 'I'ettter g er this O'ra ed ` oil WHITE SWAN TISSUE .11.. iiRIIAPS you have been buying suppiies of Toiler Tissue on a.basis of .o many rolls for zlc.' Si so, you have been getting value of a son, bat the big lac. 'WHITE SWAN ROLL offers you a reel value his: in excess of that. Tun WHITB SWAN TISSUE ROLLives you 750 slicers of the highest grade 'Tissue — more than tiree tinges the quantity contained' in the average lc. roll, �nd tue� 'anti' i f81-1147130/ �' 1TB 4WAisj 'nSSUIS'js jtt iuiwiy 1 t0 C C 5 fC CVC _ C I } til IY 1 1. It l 141E 1 �r , n PM }t' £,Blit(' flp�lYtn Pgfll asfuring }'eu 4p ��f , �1141�9iIlI>) � £ 2991111 3 it fh ono to ran issib'ta m itemise 3n i ntnmt d Say " o or'ca r t ' C u e, q n ill lT f .4F raw; 9 u I 5s R't 4 a�y i Rl ,' slush `Y 6 , �t�r e b.. colon of your ndu ]n i Y � i k a ' i dict is 47 p t t iA 1A�yhehl ahjF�ti ° rns ��i' b at5..I�E �4 rr_.ei 6�p4Yco,,.'hipiIrtc r�stsr