HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-07-05, Page 10Just as the famous Mlike Flannery .believed "Pig.," is Pigs" whether guin. ea pigs were classified as rabbits., or no so inany peopleha$e an erroneous-, belief' that diamonds is .diamonds .not knowing that there are all kinds, and grades, of 'diamonds ani' we deal iI} ..,,the very best goods.- Call here before buying a diamond. Our diamonds are the best possible and willplease the.Jnne bride. •m H JOHNS Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry re Jewellery and Repairs Next Hovey's Drug Store. at Reduced Prices 10 doz. only Khaki and Blue, extra large size and full easy fit- 's; Very special price 99e, • Another special line of Khaki and Navy blue. Reg: $1.25 for $1.00. Regular $1.50 lines at $1.26, Pisa chtc1ssy wavy ,blue, title with white spots and fancy checks, These are wonderful yalues at above prices. Special price on Fine Shirts from 9!ie up, t.-761.71 --,.Work Sox, 15c a pair up. Special line of fine sox, 3 pairs for $1,00. Plumsteel _Bros.. BETTER VALUES LOWER PRICES 3 11 ith Proper Tools Gardening Is a Pleasure nd the proper tools areail/ obtainable at our„ hardware head- ers, where the following special offers are now in forces RAKES, HEDGE CUTTERS, TROWELS, SHOVELS. :ERYTHING ELSE IN HARDWARE AT LOW PRICES LAWN MOWERS, Sutter &Perdue GING HARDWARE ELECTRIC' WIRING Phone 147w The Grocery Store for the Thrifty Housewife ere she can do her shopping with the perfeet assurance that 4rtiele she buys is fresh and pure and priced at the lowest.pos- figure. ere are no stale goods on our shelves! rs. Housewife, w,e are in a position to serve you efficiently and, nd to help you economize. wise! Stop at our Storer -lL l i THE C, & S. GROCERS nch 125j -Main 125w sTRaws FOR THE MAN.. WHO APPRECIATES STYLE, QUALITY AND ECONOMY • I the newest straw weaves; and shapes—snappy and smart— up-to-the-list moment in style and price so reasonable that you an practice :economy if you. purchase your New Straw Hat at he workmanship in /these straws' is of the very finest, just th• e of Summer headgear for the Man who appreciates, Style, Quai- d Economy. Davis Heran TON'S LEADING TAILORS PILONE 224w ron Road East essio Bail arrived home Sat - ening froth "-.New Liskard, e has been,teaching schgol. • da, Qauley of London spent - end with Miss Sadie Ball. uart.,Ball, who is, attending London, was home over the week -end. Mr.' Ilarold Crittenden ' wad the guest of Mr. Ernest Vandebburgh one night recently. The highway construction gang has commenced work near Senfoith, The wet weather is holding bac7t file'wcelc considerably, 11 13ItSDA,Y, JULY 5, 19 FLIPPANCY A D , GE', l Sometimes in writing ads our, mien tality does not work seriously, as.for example... we're telling you this' week I. that wo clo not conduct a second hand store. If we did someone !night ask us to put ono on his watch, and we don't know how to do it,. Now we ad- dress you seriously to tell you that occasionally some of our goods stay with us too long and get the repu- tation,, in our judgement at least, of appearing second hand. Tisis is the .casein respect to three vielire now in stock. We have not sold one this year, but no doubt you know that with violins the older, they get the greater value they take to themselves, • it's the very old ones that sell for $600.00 and more, If you have use for a.vio lin we offer the following inducement to you to buy: 1 for $4.00 instead of $6.00. 1 for $7,00 instead of $12.00. 1 for $7.00 instead of $12.00, If you are interested we invite your inspection of the goods. Don't ask your money where it went. but tell it where to -go if you want it to provider extra good value in a violin. - Tile W. D Fair co. Often the Cheapest--AIways the Best 1 1 'I�I�ulo�u>L,'lllUllllimill�nnm��nun�mn_n�_�ipinttiilnll i '� 1/Ilse Jessie Cress visited friends in Luckntow over the week -end. Miss Margaret Davies of Chicago is home for a month's holidays. Miss K. R. Parke of New York is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Cluff. Miss Agnes Walker of Kingston is home for the summer vacation per- iod, ; t i , , , • Miss Violet Latsch of Blair was the guest. of -Mrs. Follond over the. holiday. Mr. F. G. Phillips of Stratford called on Mr. and Mrs. D. Steepe on Dom- inion ominion Day. Mass. Mary Collyer of, London visited Miss Jean Plumsteel during the past week. Mr. Norman Cress of Kitchener vis- , ited his mother, Mrs. Folland, over. the : holiday. MrI and"Mrs. A. E, Crosse and fam- ily are visiting at the home ofthe lady's fattier, Dr. Gunn. MMses ;Gertrude_ Wallis of Midland and Freda Wallis of London are- holidaying reholidaying at their home in town. Miss Zetta Jackson, Philadelphia, is holidaying at her home in town, that of Mr. and Mfrs. James Jack - Miss A. Bartliff of Aurora and Mrs. W. A. Steven of Toronto are visit- ing their mother, Mrs. C. H. Bart- liff. • • Dr. Foster Copp of San Diego, Cal. has been visiting. his parents, Mr. and Mfrs. 3. Copp, during the past ' week, Mos. M. McFadden of Cookstown has been visiting her mother, Mrs, James Cornish, during the past week. Mr. and Mrs, Jaynes Manning and Misses Dorothy and .Lillian spent the past week at Toronto and Ni- agara. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Hall motored. up from Kingston and spent from Saturday until -Wednesday with ,re- datives here. • Mr. and Mrs. G W. Pinner of Osh- awa were with the latter's mother, Mr s. C. H. Bartliff, over the week- end and holiday. Miss Dorothy Pruden, who has just completed her Collegiate course here, left Monday for her"home at Vanrena, Alberta. Mr. and Mrs, Ray Rmnball and Mas- ter Jack of Montreal are guests at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Clara Runiball. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kennedy and family of Detroit have been visit- ing the 1ormer's sisters, Mrs. Ed- gar Arinstrong and Miss. Lilly Ken- nedy.' Mr. and Mrs. Rees Jenkins returned Monday from a honeymoon trip;" They took a boat trip from Sarnia to Duluth, picking up their car. again at London. _. Miss Kathleen East and Miss Lotta McKeller of 'Toronto spent the week -end and holiday as 'guests of the former's sister, Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame. • 'Mtr. and:Ivl'rs. Guy -Bentley, little Miss Margaret and'Masters Billie' and Jim' of Bright 'spent the week -end, with Clinton friends. Miss Mar- garet remained for a 1'onger visit. iIft, and Mrs harry Chapman, ,Mr, ' and Mrs, Fred Chapman t and two sons, •Mr. Fred Chapman and son , and daughter and Miss Dorothy. Chapman, all . of 'Toronto visited\ their sister, ,Mrs: Thomas Wigging- ton, over the holiday. Mr. and iNfr. W. M. Erwin and two. children of Dundas visited Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Plumsteel on Friday: They were motoring to J-Iarriston with some friends. Mr. mut Mrs. Erwin won many friends in Clinton during the period, that Mr, Erwin was principal of the Collegiate, are unloading lots of Dominion aid Redpath At our ea.r.-price- for' preserving season. EXTRA SPECIAL Fri.,. Sat. and 110n. 10lbs `Sugar 69c Certo 3 bottles $1 I Jelly Powders 5 for 25C Corn Starch 3 for 25c BIG DATE WEEK The^ -Biggest Date Week we have ever had July 5th to 12th 3 lbs for 33c New package Dates "Sheik" 25c and 35c Potted Dates pk 25 SPECIAL, IN TE, Reg 75c for 65c Blended -- Our Own Pekoe 8Oc ib Our own Coffee freshly ground and roasted 70c lb Chain Store, :Bayfield and 'Clinton,- cash Price List Corn Flakes, 3 for New Rice Krispie Raspberry Jam• Marmalade large jar Peas, 2 for Corn, 2 for Toniatoes, 2 for 27c 15c 49c 39c 25c 29c 25c In our Refrigerator Counter Jellied Tongue per lb - 6Oc; Jellied Veal per lb , 40c Variety Loaf 40c Breakfast Bacon, piece 32c Cooked Ham . 60c c Roast Pork 70c IN THE MORNING FIRST DELIVERY 9 -a.m. IN THEAFTERNOON FIRST DELIVERY 2:30 p.m. Cash and T' e1� serviceWe • "': WHERE "SELLS FOR LESS" PRICE PREVAILS 16 ~We WIN htikVielWaitiVANVOMMI. AVM 910 ROWWW~AIWAVM1046101,~ ORDER EARLY Phone 48 People You Know Miss Jennie Austin of the 1th cdni, cession of Hullett. Also Mr. and Mrs, Miss Madeline VanHorne is visiting Thomas'Meakins and daughters, Ir - with Exeter friends this week. ene and Grace, of Toronto spent their Miss Zetta Bawden was in Blyth on holidays with Miss and Mr. Austin. Sunday attending the funeral .of the late Mrs. S. H. Gidley. Mrs. --Henry McErien and her sister, Mrs. Burns, are visiting in Chicago fora couple of weeks. Mr: Cgcil YanHorne has gone to Pal merston to relieve in the C. N. R. office for a few weeks, Mr, .W. 3. Argent who has been teach- ing at Goudreaii is Spending part of the vacation at hishome in town, Miss , Tsiibel, aird. Masters : Pete and Raymond Cantelon have gone to spend a month with Toronto friends Kr. and Mrs,'B. W. Charlesworth and Miss Ellen aro spending a couple. of weeks with friends in Cleveland. Dr. D. Wilson of Kingston has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Walker during the past k, Mas:weeE. W Morrison returned this ';• week from a 'six -weeks' visit at Los' Angeles, Cal. She was aceom- parried by her .mother, Mrs, Kelly.. Mrs, Boxell' and little son of Toledo are 'visiting the lady's sisters, Mlrs, W. Pickett of Clinton and Mrs.. W, G. Moffatt of the London road. Rev. A..E. Doan left this week on a trip to the Wiest and will spend his holidays visiting relatives at Re- gina, Saskatoon, Biggar, Allan and other points. Mr.; and Mrs. 3, Agnew of Lucknow, Mrs. McKenzie' of Windsor and Mrs, Williard of'Torohto visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Jervis over the holiday. Mrs, Snyder and Miss Agnew of Clinton were also guests of Mr. and Mrs, Jervis. • Mr. J. R. Rumball of Toronto spent the week -end and holiday at his home in town with his wife and two COAL children, who have been the guests • t9 of his Miss Minnie Rudd i aunt, D.L.W. AND during the past week. LEIGH VALLEY COAL 1lfiss .Maser Fisher, Sask., Miss El SENIE SOLWAY COKE eanor Fisher, Winnipeg, Man., and Miss Jean Fisher of Toronto are �+ 'spending a holiday with their par- W. J, MILLER & SON. cuts; Mr, and Mrs: Robert J. Fisher, Orders taken at residence, Ontario St. Mill street,,the two former arriving PHONES: 46w and .46j, yesterday after a lake trip. Mr. H. Joyne?-left yesterday to spend. a couple of months with his niece, Mrs. Mead of Kitchener, and his son in Woodstock,He 'will return .in the all ;to take up some of the gardens he has planted. For a man. of ninety he 'is active and smart. Housekeeper Wanted for Clinton Public Hospital DUTIES TO COMMENCE JULY 18 Apply to MRS. A. J. HOLLOWAY Fancy Dress Street Carnival AND DANCE Under auspices of the Hospital Board and Firemen TuesdAy, July, 10 to be held on the NEW PAVEMENT in front of DR. GANDIER'S RESIDENCE HOT DOGS, COFFEE, SAND- WICHES, ICE CREAM Up-to-date Dance Orchestra. Constance Mise Wannifred Riley of Brussels spent a few days ^:last week as the guest of her grandfather, •Mr. Ben Riley, and other friends. •- • Miss Kathleen Logan of Blyth is visiting her sister, .,Mrs, L. Stephen- son. Whatever Your Hard- Mis. D. Tudor . spent Wednesday with her aunt, Mrs. Jas. Snell, • at iiayen=Barton. Farm, Mullett. Miss Mildred Button of Toronto is spending a• couple of weeks with her parents. ' Whether you want a nail or a lawn Miss Blanche Wheatley is spending mower, or a tack or a boiler—lye have her vacation at her home here, itl Quite a number took in the sports All goods guaranteed to give the in Goderich on; Monday, while a few fullest satisfaction. were in Goderich'on Sunday. Mr. Frank Riley spent the week -end with Goderich township friends, ware Needs May We are eghipped to supply you. Everything; at low prices. • y k uile4$ ° W%ri'l 1111 !agent for Ttenfrew Cream Seperators Mrs. George Needle and son Fran- Call 'tind get ;Prices. i Mio spent the i ee1c- HARDWARE and • PLUMBING cis, of Detroit, -r p,.sp n v endwith their cousins; Mr. bred and $.'bone4244 There is a Treat in Store 5r You When you are out looking around drop into our Furniture depart- ment as we have the finest_display of Furniture ever shown around these parts. The newest styles in Chesterfield suites, Dining, Bedroom and Living Room _Furniture. You will be surprised and delighted with our new stock of Electric Lamps with silk and parchment shades, and the best feature of all is the Price. Then for the verandah anything you want. Collapsible stretchers and chairs, highly colored chairs, the very latest Hammocks, sun stop shades, Verandah mats in Cocoa and Japanese Grass. All sizes and Prices, A fine assortment of Cushions good for verandahs, ears or camp at 45 cents And 90e. Real Bargains. Clinton Hardware and FurnitureCo THE STORES WITH A STOCK FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phono: 104 Hardware 19G SERVICE QUALITY Holiday Specials Canned Corn, 2 for: 250. Canned Peas, 2 for 25c Good Rice, 4 lbs. 25e. G. Sugar, 10 lbs 69c Mixed Cakes, per. lb 29c Choice Prunes, 8 lbs: , , • , 29c -. Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. 29c, Miatches, per pkg. ' 25c McLaren's Jelly Powder, 4 pkgs 25c • Clark's Soups, 8 for 29e Olives, stuffed ...20e to 40e Sandwich Spread ..25g .r 30e Meat -week. Spread, tin... 20e Salad Dressing , .,_;25c, 40c Hunz Ketchup . 200 30e Horse Radish . .: 25c Peanut Butter per pail... 25c Pickles, large jar 49c. Lemon or Orange cup, per bottle 65c Ginger waferettes, per tin 30c STRAWBERRIES,MELONS, BANANAS, ETC, VEGETABLES AND MEATS Strawberries are at their best Get your order in now L LAWSON & CO. PHONE 111 ' - PROMPT DELIVERY ,0 If Its LUMBER ou Nee& Here's Where to Get It. You can stop your searching for' good lumber right ,now—WE HAVE .' IT and at prices so low you will be, astonished , , durablematerial that' will° serve you well for any purpose especially suitable for builders. Yoii' don't take any chances when you pur- chase ur chase our !timber. IT IS GOOD! IT, IS REASONABLE! IT IS DELIV- ERED PROMPTLY!,. Thomas McKenzie Estate, ate Clinton PHONE 88 RESIDENCE' dIi GYPROC, .SHINGLES, LUMBER. AND BUILDER'S '- SUPPLIES 5