The Clinton News Record, 1928-07-05, Page 91' .0 CIJNTON NEVVE-IZECOIL131 oI ReVeka A Column Prepared Especially for Women But Not Forbidden to Men The Kitchener Record expressed a great truth and one which; if it were written by a pian, shows an encour- aging sign of growing disernment, when it says: "The majority of wo- men appreciate habitual courtesy more than occasional flattery. I am sure that I express the septi- ments of the great majority of my Sleep l -Insurance for Sleepy travelers If you are planning a trip by aeroplane, automobile, boat, bus, bicycle or railway train .• surely your object is to have a good time. The only logical end of a perfect day is a good night's sleep, and no time is a good time if you've got to wander around from pillar to post trying to find a bedroom. That happens too often. Ensure a good night's sleep by telephoning ahead for a room. It is the only sure way. The very fact of hav- ing removed the doubt will make you light-hearted — more capable of enjoying your trip. 837 sex when °I say there is nothing whic adds so much to the 'sum total of women's happiness as habitual coni tesy on the part of their housemates husbands, brothers, sons, daughters business associates, everyone with 01 for whom a woman has to work. - 01 course, a woman enjoys a little flattery occasionally'; as do men. Not exactly flattery, but just'cern- mendation and deserved praise. That is certainly a debt which, if we pay at all we, often pay grudgingly •and never with interest, but the great majority of women shrink from; and detest the fulsome ''flattery' which some men, especially when making public speeches, seem: to think cis the only way to refer to women: . This ,habit of `laying it on with a ladle", isdying out, I believe, One does not hear so much of it nowadays and the statement which inspired these few remarks, as I said before, shows an encouraging sign of disernment off the part of our respected fellow -mor- tals of the male sex. Men have for generations gone on the assumption that women were past the understanding of men, but,I think it has really beenbecause they were too lazy to study them. There is nothing much :easier •to understand than woman, if you take the trouble to study her. A woman des not astonish her husband by an unexpec- ted act half as often as a husband surpirses his wife: But they react' differently. A man, when his better half does something unexpected, mer- ely shrugs his shoulders and remarks upon the impossibility of knowing'. what a wofnan will do next. "No man can understand a woman," he sighs, and lets, it go at.,.that. A. woman who is taken thus by surprise by the man whom she thought she under- stood perfectlydoes not take it that way. She may or may not, accord- ing' to her temperment, make a fuss at the time. But she sets herselteto study this man' from a new angle. She realizes that she must take into consideration this new phaze of his character which he has shown and she governs herself accordingly. When men take the trouble to study women as women have studied men, when they understand wfimen as well as women understand men, and when they accept them as equhls. as 'fellow -humans, with like passions, like weaknesses and like strength • Takes less time than, Qui.cK Coffee -EII OATS Comas in wyz to 5 urinates 158 You can tell a good driver • by the mileage he gets f rom his tires OME fellows are sure rough on tires—slam on- ' the brake and slide a yard or two in stopping— drop in the clutch and spin the rear Wheels in starting—speed round Conners and skid. It.may save a few minutes running time—it may even look a little "showy" to the man on the side- walk—but the real driver` knowsthat it means miles off the running•life of'the tires. Good tires will give unbelievable miles of service if you treat therm right. Drive sanely. Come in and let us put the gauge on the valves once a week -under inflation means certain trouble. Let us examine the casingslregularly'for. embedded flints and nails. This service will save dollars on your year's 'car expense. Q1�� r !POT CL INT ON J. W. Elliott LONDE.7fBOl as. J. C. !Radford 177 and nobility, then will we have a finer world and a finer race. Last week I ,promised to publish some recipes for salads suitable for hot weather use..and bel 'ew will be found some,• of both fruit, vegetables. and some meat and fish: Mixed Salad Cucumber cubes, tomatoes, colery rings, lettuce, dressing with chopped onion, cress or paisley for garnish. Cauliflower,.and Carrot Cooked flowerets of cauliflower, cubes of cooked carrot, cooked green peas, lettuce, ,dressing. Cauliflower, and Beets Cauliflower flowerets, string beans, tiny whole beets, -`lettuce, dressing, parsley or cress for garnishing. Radish and Onion Salad. On lettuce leaves arrange thin slice. of radishes, and sprinkle with tender green onions, chopped. Stuffed Tomato Peel and hollow' out the required number of tomatoes. Fill with mine - ed cooked meat or fish mixed 'with chopped celery and salad dressing. • Celery, Nut, Raisin Salad Combine celery rings, raisins cut in pieces, broken nut meats with enough salad dressing to hold them together, and pile on lettuce. Prune Salad Soak and steam Large prunes, Re- move the pits and fill the cavity with cream or cottage cheese mixed with nutmeats and salad, dressing. Ar- range in lettuce nests, put a little more dressing on the center and sprinkle with nutmeats. Mixed Fruit Salad Oranges 2, bananas 2, pineapples 4 slices,: all cubed. Malaga or canned grapes, seeded and cut in halves, let- -tuce, dressing. Orange and Date Sections of oranges, dates, pitted and eut in quarters, in a bowl lined with lettuce leaves,dressing, and a sprinkling of grated cheese. Cabbage and Pineapple Finely *redded cabbage, drained crushed pineapple, dressing and a garnish of green pepper or paprika. Lettuce with Orange Dressing To each 8 tb, of rather thick cooked dressing, add the pulp and juice of an orange, scraping the pulp out with a spoon. Pour over hearts of let- tuce. Banana Sandwich Salad .Allow a whole or half banana to each serving, ace6rding to the size of them; Split lengthwise, spread with filling made of a mixture of chopped raisins; chopped preserved, ginger, nut meats, moistened with a little orange juice or ginger syrup. Put.on lettuce or cress, and a spoonful of .dressing on top. • Meat Dicedcookedveal and cubes of cu- cumber, with salad dressing.' Chicken Cubes of chicken, apple, celery, nut mea and dressing` on lettuce.. Shrimp Shrimps, diced, cold boiled rice, cooked so that the grains have re- mained separate, celery, cooked dress- ing, lettuce or cress. Salmon or Tuna Flaked canned fish, shaved cab- bage, dressing, lettuce or cress or parsley. Chicken Vegetable Salad Cubes . of cold chicken, peas, inch pieces of string beans, lettuce, dress- ing, garnish of beets and asparagus tips. Mock Chicken Salad Cubes of cooked veal, celery, shop- ped, and drebsing, Tongue Salad Diced cold tongue, cubes of cooked carrot, cooked dressing, garnished with cress or parsley. Tomato -Vegetable -Jelly Salad Canned tomatoes,,1 qt. can; Onion, 1; Peppercorns, 6-8; Small piece bay, leaf; Salt, Lettuce, Peas, 1 c.; Vine- gar, 1 tb.; Gelatin, 3 the Cold water, 4 the Celery rings i/ v.; Hard cook- ed egg; Sugar, f -t:; Dressing. Simmer the tomato and season- ings 15 minutes, strain and add the ,gelatin soaked in the hot water,. then re celery and, peas' when it begins to stiffen. Arrange the slices of egg on the bottom and sides of the mold. Turn out -en lettuce , and serve with dressing. "- 7' 73ant Salad Gelatine, 1 tb.; Cold water, 2 tb,; •Salad dressing, 5/ c.; Minced parsley; Minced .celery, 1/i: c.; Cold cooked ham, chopped. Dilute the salad dressing' with tom- ato soup to make the half cup or a little -More. Soak the gelatine in the cold water, then melt. it over hot wat- er. Sprinkle the ehopped parsley ev- enly over the inside of a mold, Mix the other ingredients well together, and setto harden in,, the mold, turn out on lettuce. Serve additional dressing if needed. - RRBEKAII GODERICH Die Messina has re- signed his position on the staff of the'Goderich Collegiate to accept -a position as classical. master •.of ,the new $50.0;000 Collegiate and Veea- ttonal School in Belleville at a con sideable increase en salary. Di'. Mes- sine.will be greatly 'missed as he has 0 thorough lnastery of • the classics.' ClintonPublic School Report PIZOMOi'ION EXAM Promotion examinations: -from : Jun- ior 4th to Senior 4th,, IIonocns —Ruth Picltitt, Dorothy Carless, Jessie Cameron, Dorothy Glazier, Raymond Cantelon, 'Bob Ilo- herty: Passed Lillian Manning, Murray Dale, Isabel Holmes, Clayton Dixon, Reggie Tebbutt, Charlie Johnston, Virginia Rozellr- Norene Finch, Daisy Woods,: Joe Doherty, "Kenneth Tay- lor, John 1VIcGill, Reconiuiended:-,Kenneth Tebbutt, Bill ,Inlcley. M. E./Armstrong, teacher, URS A ; JUL' 5, 1921 ingbamc, (Hon. in 2.) Pass:--Florrie Evans, Winnie War Jr. aril—Ciahence Le Beal ren, Percy Br ewn, -12ya tlp . Benzo, 1Ia a i,. t act IIea'd e b 1 R lc' Cu no• 1 e �g a 1 1 ATIONS ,j4ek Vllriely' Beecher Streets, Grace Agnes Johnston, Bee Beacon, C'lar- 'Davi's, Harold Johnston, , once Neilans, From Sr. 3rd to Jr, 4th. Honours:—Gene .Andrews, George Elliott,' Dorothy Cornish, Tom Tur- ner, Peter Cantelon. Passed:—Marion Hudson, Jack Perdue, Margaret .,Tasker, Frank Heard, Orpha Perdue, Cecil Holmes, Sue Steep, Jack Cree, Ross Fitzsim- mons, Gordon Venner, Helen` Ruin - ball, Dorothy. Cook; Doris Crich, Geo. Cardwell, Arthur Rozell. —V. Fraser, teacher. From, Division 4th to Div., 3rd. Passed on year's work: -Nora Fremlin, Jean Neilans,• Bruce Bart- liff, Mary Turner, Elwin Neilans, Vera Jones, Nora Livermore, George Lavin, Norman" Fitzsimmons, Murray Draper, George Campbell, James El- 'liott, Sadie Elliott, Fred Hovey,Ger- trude Reid. Passed Finals:—t 2onours: Alice Taylor„ . Rena Hovey, Rex Hovey, Dorothy Steep, Pass:—Geo, Twyford, Mary Coop- er, Ledith Steep, Claire Kennedy, Knneth Jones, Victor Doherty, Vir- ginia Harris, • Frank: Becker,,; 3esoie Tideswell, 'Jack Nickles Murray Han - Recommended: — Reggio Smith, Lucy. Warren, Violet Cooke: -Mrs, Farnham, teacher, Froin 2nd to. Ir, 3rd bIoilours:-Norma Cook, Margaret Salioenhals, Ellen Charlesworth; Ag- nes Agnew, Ruth Andrews, . Violet Freinlin, Billie Viest, Agnes Cam- eron, Benson Sutter. Passed:—Eyelyn Heard, Bob Big gart,' Cora Streets, Grace Finch, Ag' nes Doherty, Bob. Gandier, Ilarold Johnston; John Cuninghame, Harold Seeley, Gordon Hearn, : Ethel Cook,' Kenneth Reid, Jack McIIveen, Ches- ter Neilans, Willard Aiken, Nora Tideswell, Francis Carter, Bill Steep. Recommended: Helen Lawson, Ernest Woods. —V. B. Pepper, teacher, Front Division 6th to Division 5th, Sr.: Class: -Honors for year: 75 per cent:-Nfadelon Murch, Fred Axon, Charles Mutch, Aileen Fisher, Ernest Mittel, Ross 'Finch, : Billie Lepping- ton,' Tom Cooke, Palma Hunking. Honous:—Edna Pickitt, 60 per cent pass:-Ellen,Fremlin,' Norris Fitzsimmons, Stanley Ken-: nedy, Milton Downs, Doris Niekle, Nelson Lovett, Louis Hoy. Jr. Class :—Honours for year: Muriel Perdue, Jean Cameron, Ruth Davis. Donors on exam:—Cathleen Cum. I.;Courtice, teacher; From Div, 7th to Dire, Gth: Honors:—Lillian ' Elliott, Erma Bale, Jack Mlost, Ivan Turner, Jessie Campbell, Alvin Corless, Ellen Me- Gill, 'Greta Taylor, Stella Brown, Gertrude Holmes, Loretta Schwantz, Doris Taylpr, Jean Knox, Audrey Jones, Elizabeth Doan, GeraldHarrisf Helen Kennedy, Joe Steep, Helen Lav - is, Edwin aveis;;Edwin Cooper, Bill Finch,' Barbara Ryder, Clayton Campbell, 'Stinson Mcllveen. Wiltse, teacher, From Division 8 to Division 7. Honours,' Kenneth Cook, 1Viarjorie Steepe, Valena Elliott, Norma And- rews, Arthur_Aiken,. Jack Hawkins, Dick Fremlin, Elwin Hunking, Helen Gandier, Fred I3ellyar, Elton. Rozell, Olive Finch, Pearl Elliott, Roy Lep•' pington. Pass:—Dicl4 Dixop, Deloris Brown, Mary -'Rozell, Cecil Elliott, Marie Plumsteel, Lloyd Schoenhals, Gladys Link; EImer Johnston, Everett Lobb, Clayton Cooper, Pearl Lovett, David Johnston, Jack Butler, Francis Ev- ans, Katherine Turner. —E. Dougherty, teacher. Stanley Township The following is the report of the promotion exafainations in S. S. No. 1. Sr. 4th -Karl Stanbury, (Hon. in 3); Flossie Stelck, (Hon. in 2); Nor- ma Shipley, Jr.. 4th—Dorothy Stelck, . (Hon in 6); Nora Stewart, (Hon. in ter; Stu- art McEwen, (Hon. in 2); Joe Corey, • Sr, 2nd—Ruth gtozell, (11 Jacic Henderson, (-Int in - _� Jr. 2/1c1 -Bobby Glcn, (1I Clifford I•fenderso'n. Sr. Tr,—Helen Rozell, Ge donald. Jr. Pr.—Frederick ,Ander :pond Cantelon. —Margaret A, Pentlann Women Approa Middle LH Find "Fruit-a.tive Great Beneii MRS. O. GODIN. Paquetville, NB.—"I amgi testimonial, hoping it will ben woman suffering as I did at tl of life. I was obliged to go to terrible dizziness and felt weak. 'Fruit-a-tives' were real send tome. Now I am in perfe -Mrs. Onesine This stage of life takes hea woman's health unless stomach and bowels are in first-class "Fruit-a-tives", in a natural, ge keeps the whole system .tone withstand this trying expericn from the intensified juices of fruit and health -building' to and 50c a box at all druggists. 6.. 1 • M'• trovome- a. Iitl 1/111 110101 t11R 11111 101"1 fJ / TN pursuing its policy of consistent pro- gress—in its continual search for new ideas : in its constant develop/nem of better cars s : t General Motc.:s not only maintains its great International Research Laboratories and hundreds of skilled engineers, but also 'operates the first, largest and most completely eluip- , Ped automobile proving ground 'in the world. Here, on the vast fourteen -hundred -acre tract of the General Motors International Proving Ground, every type of road is. duplicated, every condition of driving is G• z. reproduced. Here all makes of General' Motors cars are constantly being sub- jected to the most searching tuts. Here every principle developed by General Motors engineers is put to proof every. detail .of each test car's perfor- mance carefully and closely checked. Here years of normal use are crowded into a few months of continuous, gruel- ling operation, A typical example is offered by Chevrolet. ince the opening of the General Motors Proving `Ground, Chevrolet cars alone have piled up over three million "miles of 1. r.. • 1 testing . • a distance equal to 125 time around the world. In the countless millions' of miles that Genera Motors cars have covered on the Genera Motors Proving Ground, there bas been on great purpose kept in view;.: , to igoprov by constant testing, the quality and worth o every General Motors product. Every Canadian buyer of a General Motors ca gets a car built in Canada by Canadians to me Canadian conditions of road and climate : : a better car and a greater value because Gener Motors uses so freely and unsparingly its.0 equalled facilities for testing and research ': : '''(With. better General. Motors cars at the ea of the journey, millions of Miles is not too f 10 80. osteaF OTORS 0 CANADA HEAD OFFICE AND FACTORIES-OSHAWA,ONTARIO CHEVROLET • PONTIAC ' OLDSMOVILE • OAKLAND •.'MFLAUGHLIN-BU1CK • LASALLE • CADILLAC • All with Body by Rah • GENERAL MOTORS TRUCK, Limite f1 WHITE " ROSE, . 1 GASOLINE 1 .Pat; "The Oil of a Million Tests" gives perfect' Iubricatiofl and adds years to the life of your 'motor. Buy En-ar-co at the sign of the Boy and Slate for safety's sake. CANADIAN OIL COMPANIES, LIMITED.