HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-06-21, Page 5t n Brest �I ; �[(�11,; te£tkki}od tp DQtroit on• Tuesday, after E, having spent rs@Yet 4 r days at ,their The illermonatos� niaY ehr'ange tj+le gf',bonnet put thee, elan e cult, ' in find}ng; .any hi g m their diffi •, ,, t • 'ox'e quer tly'becomingthnn thQir 'apres9it eadgeli Kite14!"211:131'00e1":‘• li two e•, u , h to•look quaint thrs•'age o'F thegworl'd? "',' . ` o Rev ` (,Malpr) Tg]niie� of Southarirp onrpreaehiilg in 'a".'local church .last 17444 `,#17.0 l46))ukeCt tare common ase of swear words todhy.';, "There'i'n one Single season that can. he anoed'for the rieeessity „Of swear " said £lie Major„and he as right -inacrdin:e Reporter -Reformer °• ,R• :F` The. Mail and 'E' mpire last week xe- ferred ` editorially; to ,the ':,Protest of :Archdeacon Armitage of? ; Halifax. -zrgaidst .the nse,:in the,Public •schools' of Nova.,; Scotia, ':of a histo'ry • book which '.was recommended° by • the: D'e. ;partment:pf Education -'.'-!Phis book, •a' nbcjeri% Progress;" -was' -written by :an American for ,Amerieertacoiisump tion and `that' fact ` is proof enough .that it is not the sort of history that ;Canadipn'school children 'should• be Every'' little, while we have protests 'that"we are using Arnefican school ' :books. iii' oiir Canadian schools. Why -do we not use „Canadian .textbooks? We have in Canada:plentyof hien, arid *women, perfectly capable'of ••writing books, for Canadian schools. Is it the niggardliness of those = in authority which causes them.to .place 'in the hands bf Canadian' children books' pre- pared for use across -the border, books which laud America and • its, institutions while overlooking as ,:is perfectly natural, many -of. the;ad- vantages of this • country or of Eng- land? This'policy is a very -short. sighted one and one which, cif persist- ed in, will have its effect on our Can- adian youth. This book which the Archdeacon complains „about stater„ that "The war lost to England her old • lead in naval power. The United :States had gained that head," which according to the Mail and Empire, "is as great an exaggeration as the report• of Mark Twain's death." We have no, quarrel with the, American. habit of self -laudation in its histories, "but we do not need to put these books in the hands of our own children in their formative years, The Provinces of Canada should supply their school children with books which will; build up Canadian and British senti- •ments. ae�field Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hamilton of Lon- don are at their summer home in the -village. Mrs. Chapman, Dora and.Eric of London arrived'en Tuesday to spend several days in- the village at their ,cottage., Mrs. Geo. Erwin 'arrived last week from Prince Albert, Sask., to visit her, -sister, Mrs. Mary Bailey, who' is Miss Gladys Gale returned on Fri -- day after having•'visited her sister, Mrs. W. G.•:Richardson, in Waterloo. Ur, and, Mrs. A. E. Erwin motored' to. Wingham and spent Sunday with :the latter's brother. Mrs. 0. Russe]1. of Teeswater is . -visiting Mrs. Rouatt. The latter is much improved in health. - Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Buchanan and family of London are occupying Mrs. -Jas.' McMillan's cottage. Mrs. G. Reid, Billy and Bobby of. • Varna have been with her sister, Mrs. E. Featherston, who we regret to -report, is ill in bed. 'Mr. Jas. Manson of Seaforth is vis- iting Mr. Samuel Moore, Mr. and Mrs.. It. J. Cantelon and 'Mr. Ramsay of Granton were the guests' of Miss Maude McGregor on ..,Sunday.. The services in, Trinity chureh were all well attended' on Sunday last 'Captain J. Rogers and Sister- Baker 'took charge of both morning -and ev- •ening services.- The former preached 'at the morning -service and both gave 1• splendid addresses in'the•evening. St, Andrew's evening service was cancel- ' led to enable their -members to attend 'the Mission Service in Trinity. Mrs. Catey addressed the Women's -meeting in 'the afternoon. The Cm - seders are working in this Parish un- til•Saturday.• A' service of thanks- giving will he held -on Friday even 'ling ht Trinity church, ' Mrs. Casey and Sister Baker are the guests of Mrs. F. W; Baker dur- • ing'their stay. While Captains Rog,. .,'ers;-'Pollock and Jackson are staying at the Rectory. Captain Banks was "the guest of -Mrs. F. A. Edwards on ...Wednesday "' and Thursday. " Miss Maude Sterling Of Owen Sound -is- ;speiiding her ,vacation with her 'mother, M. Wni. Sterling, Miss Jessie Metcalf of Detroit ar- rived on Saturday to Spend her vaca- tion with her parents; Dr. and Mrs. -.Wm. F. Metcalf, 'M>isses Izetta Merner and Ethel Jowett of : New Dundee aro visiting ;their parents, the Continuation school .:having closed last week. The, following were nominated for Trustees, at the meeting of the. rate. payers held on Thursday last: Lewis Thomsoh, by ,Murdock Ross .and Richard. Elliott., F. Merner', by W.m. Weston and" George Castle. 'John McLeod, by E.`F,.Meri er and, Robert Scotcbmer Win.••R. Jowett, by. George Weston and' Robert Blair. The former did .not stand, and the, three latter•:°candidates qualified se they were duly declared, elected and' Will take charge of the affairs of the Police Village of.Bayfield. "Illi-. •and. ars, Clarence r Parke of Stanley Tp:, were the: guests Of their :aunts. the Misses Parke,. on Sunday. -„ Mr. A, Ford King spent the: Week- end :with his -parents.' ' Dr. and ;Mrs. 'E. T. White, and -Miss x E:. White ofLondon are? at their' cot- , tap+e in the village. , MyOates:spent Pita at r; T, . W.d p, his. bungalow, which:, he purchased frorri W .Ii, Robinson, Dr:' J.- It.„ 'Smith returned toLon•c :... den on Friday after • having , speni�. ••,several days at his cottage, ottage- Mrs W J Nllibttl v he was caller] to London ,a couple of� weeps `ago-, n -v rig to: the death of hei, lir btbgr in law the; late +Dr" Or JefieY,° ret `fined , lx hoirle;'o3r Sunday, Mi ;and M'i+s ,A E.:, Turner hawilig; or tier ,°i,iim London Mi•,'1Geer e' Eisler • Masters Miller,'„ ea, Mark, rind Junior Fisher' of 'W'ateiloo and Mrs:E, Fisher of .Ifitchone`r •spent Sunday'with'Mn and.Ms F. Ed wai.clsq Mrs Edwards"wlio visited an. Kitc`k'ener for a oouple:of weeke;' ac- coitapgnaed theiiyr 'home ;!and ;Master Millerishei •remaaned:to vioit ,with Miss, F1 z Florence L3lhott;'who came on. Friday' to visit,°her, :parents Mi - and Mrs. P: H Elliott, left again on `Tues= day fox Edmonton Mr. ,W H: Shannon of Toaputo,jojn ,ed •his : wife, xaaid,,;farnily at their;';eot- tage :on Saturday,.• Mrs. A J fit veli e, S, and two dairgh tett of, London ar'e.spendmg a 'cou e " pi of weeks at then Got}ager•Mei'rv- timeLodge '' ,"" Rev, and Mrs. l W.A. Townshend and. family and Miss- Mary Elliott return- ed to Bervie' On Monday.after having spent the week -end with•their parents, 'Mr. and Mrs: T. H, Elliott, Rev.=W. .A, Townshend conducted, services ,at Dungannon en Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, 'Agnew,' Masters Nor- val Agnew and Bobby 'Vail spent a few days with Mrs.: gnew's.•parents, Mr; and ' Mrs, Henry' Weston. - They returned to Detroit- ori' Monday leav- ing the' boys; ,to spend a couple of weeks with. their grandparents: Mrs.: -Margaret Green received the -sad news. on -Friday of the death. 0.4 her. son, George ,C. Green who passed. to rest ineGuelph qn June the fifteenth at the age of forty-one years. Mrs, Green] left- for Guelph on Saturday. Besides his mother and three sisters, Mrs. Chas. Schofield, : Mrs. Albert Carty and Mrs. Jock Rich, all of De- troit the deceasedissurvived by his wife -and two sons, Eldon, and Camp- bell of Guelph. Mrs.- Green accom- panied by her daughters, Mrs. Chas. Schofield. Mrs. Albert Carty and Mrs, Jack Rich who attended the funeral of their brother, returned to the vil- lage on Tuesday. Mr. Albert Carty and Master Junior Carty motored to the village an Tuesday and will return to Detroit on Thursday. The syn, pathy of the community is with the bereaved ones. Report of fifth class, Bayfield Pub- lic School: -Sr, 6th -Mary Stirling; 73 per cent,( complete lower school standing,) - Jr. 5th -The following' 'pupils have been granted lower school standing in Geography, Canadian History, Agric- ulture and Art' and are promoted to Sr. 5th. Honours 75' per :cent -pass, 50 per cent in each subject:' Eleanor Scotclimer, 80; Jack Stir- ling,•73; Lottie Higgins, 63; Margar- et Elliott, 62; Fred Weston, (Spelling, French,). 60; Jessie Lindsay, Algebra, Latin, 56; General proficiency for year;,: -Eleanor •Scotchmer, 79. HURON .COUNTY SCHOOL FAIR DATES - It seems almost a Shame to remind people that preparations are already made for fall, but here's the school fair dates, which would have been published last week only for lack of space. They start off with Varna and end up with Clinton: Sept. 10th -Varna, Sept. l ltb-Godericli-Twp. Sept. 14th -Colborne Twp. Sept. 17th -Ashfield Twp. - Sept, 18th-As)ifieldTwp. Sept 19th -St. Helens. Sept. 20th -Wroxeter. Sept, 21st -Blyth. Sept. 22nd-Howick Twp, Sept. 24th-Belgrave. Sept, 26th-Usborne Twp, Sept 27th -Crediton. Sept, 28th -Grand Bend. Oct. lst-Dashwood. - Oct. 2nd -Zurich. Oct. 3rd=Hensall, Oct. 4th -Clinton Town. Oct. 5th -Clinton Rural. St. Helens Mr. Mac Grant of Lucknow,,spent the week -end with Mr. Alvin Woods. Rev. 'Mr, Craw, of Lucknow and Rev. Mr. Whitfield exchanged pulpits on Sunday.; , Miss Muriel Miller of London was a week -end visitor here, Mr, Robert McQuillan of Belleville has returned to 'his duties again after spending his vacation at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mc- - Quillian. " " A number from around here attend -- ed the Durnin picnic at Goderich on Saturday,lune.lth. ' ' The new township 'stone 'ctuslier' has arrived.: • Mrs. R.'J.,W,00ds, Wilson Woods and Mr. Win. ,Woods motored to Fergus and d Guelph for the weekends" Congratulations to Mr. Fred Me- Quillen who on the silver,xiipy . the: first prize in junior Farm`er`s' stock" judging competition '_in Lucknow, on' Tuesday.. PINE! AND SEA A Well Advised Holiday .Tonic 1`roni' The Maritnnes Spend•this .,' tie; seashore,, Let the scent of the pine and the racy tang of the Salt'sea air help rto fill the days with joyous. health----------------------. ,Oceaninn esev` P a;' er.Y a •Y , :-galfmg n otering-boating=tramping, Some thing to de -„every ' nfnitte. `-•Pietou /dodge in Nova Scotia ie,a Well,reeMies :Mended resort Hotel Phaity?of" of er:I aceomodation too ':cosy farm;. hpmes. -neapensive Woodland resorts -or deli •htfulavens h on,'the seachm e. Any Canadians N'ational,Agent Will gladly give; you information about'the: holidey possibilities•of our;Maritimee. Write or 'ask for illustrated htera- Mrs. L. M. Day and !tlaughter.lean 'lire, 1W1i�1r1•.••-• L3'ON REt1,(i011 -At ,the ;manse;' T,ondesbbro on lune, i6th, ;hl the, Rev James Aberyt Laura Martorlo): daughter , of Mr and Mrs; ' A W, Beaaom,'.to Joseph"]E ,Lyon,;: sbn'.oij 1•Mr afid''1VIi.s, Ixeniy.=Lyon,: all..of Fluilejt tovnshap aCHLLo"[ GH PE R A SON',At Bayfield''_6n June 13th,:by the Rev. R r„ -Gale of the :tutted chrlrch,, Ehzabethi eldest daughter ::of Mr, kteniamin'Pent:son'arid • the late Mrs, :Pearson,, -,to Frederick McCullough,, son„tt,the,.late,Sian,on and Mrs. Me Cillouglrt 'fill of Goderich township,'. BROWIN `CROSIER:. At Waltd ori June 9tla by.tlie Rev. James pry;Idri, Elaiighter `of Mr, -and- JOEr Ab� • Jonn _, h Crosier,, to Geor e C 'Brown George - THE CLIkD,N ,NE'q s....,1tEdo J if ears•.o>< MeV 6th x`: Smec 1; opened `any Portrait StadiiT' i r 1r n L. i h: ws o iy mane customers for theta liatronage 7llay say,;my .business has b epi dery good.' Wheh:Yon 'need Photos .,that, ;please'codi5 any Tuesday to m •. Stu'd'. o. 1Ieurs frain'1:0;a. Y m. to 5 p rn Amateurs, leave' us your faiths develope find print. ` B; mes s 1'.o arra � , x t Studios MITCHELD AND CLINTON and Mrs. Wil- , drain Brown of .Blyth. McCL'INOI•LE - V :WALDEN East Wawanosh, pia'Jane 13th, by the, Rev.,W `R, Alp,,: Alva,-- • eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Win, Wal- ' den, to , Syd_hey ¥eO i they yaurg-- eat son ,of" Mr, and 'M s, John Mc - Minas' WARREN ----In Clinton, on June .20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Warren, a IIANLY-in: Clinton Publichospital, on, June 20th, to Mr. and Mrs.' Mer•• vyn Han1y- of the London- road, a son =Billy George. MCCARTNEY=At Willow Heights, Goderich' township, on June 15th, to. Mr.. and Mrs. Harvey McCartney, a daughter June. Madelon. KAITTING-In Goderich, , on June 12th,, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Knitting, a daughter. JOHNS -In Tuckersmith, .on June 15th, to Mr. and: Mrs. Howard Johns a daughter. -Eleanor. Deaths , FARQIJHAR-In Clinton, on June 19th, WilfredfC. Farquhar, son of -John Farquhar • and the late Mrs. Farquhar of the Gravel road, Hullett, aged 38 years. JORDAN -At Ernfold, Sask:, sudden- ly, on June 15th, William Jordan, formerly of Goderich township. ARCHIBALD-At Elora, on Juno 11, James Archibald, formerly of Clin- ton, aged 80 years. ALLIN-In Goderich, on June 13th, Elizabeth Jewell, widow of the late John Allin, in her 81st year. IN MEMORIAM ST-URIOY-In loving memory of our dear father, Samuel Sturdy, who Passed away June 24th, 1927. Sad- ly missed by his family. • • COOK -In loving memory of cur dear mother, Nancy Cook, who passed away June 18th, 1922. Nit a murmur, not sigh, Passed her lips' as death drew nigh. As she lived, so she died,: Cheerful, ready, satisfied. No regret of any kind, except, for loved ones left behind. -Exer remembered by her children. COOK -In loving merrl''ory of our dear father,. Arthur Cook, who passed away June 26th, 1924. Father, dear, we think of you, and think of how you•"died. To think you could not say good-bye ,Before you closed ydrir eyes. No one knows a father's worth, Until he is taken from this eart}i. The heavenly gates - were opened wide, And a loving voice said, "Come." -Ever remembered by her children. KNOW THE JOY OF BRIGIIT WATERS AND- HAPPY LANDS The Indians coming upon a chain of gleaming, shimmering 'lakes about ninety miles east of Toronto named then "Kawartha"--"Bright • waters and happy lands." . It it many years since the Indians gave the name "Kawartha", to these lakes; yet today vacationist' find it 'the source of happy holidays in the many resorts • scattered along the:. shores. If . you are an ardent fisherman, cast your line in the larger 'lakes for bass' and inaskinonge; in the smaller lakes speckled .trout provide good sport. •' At any of the many '•good-auinnaer, hotels there is every facility for can- oeing, motor -boating, bathing, tennis, golf and all the other out-of-door re- creations. Illustrated folders with -full infor- mation and map of "Kawartha Lakes" will be gladly given you by any Can- adian National Railways Agent. 67-1, • Pay at McTaggart's- Bank's • During my absence all monies ow- ing to me may be paid at 112cTaggart's Bank, Clinton. S. S. Cooper.67-1-p, :.• For Sale • Six good young cows, ;all 'm]lking well. ,'Apply' to, Wilfred. Penfound Phone 640 r 2, Clinton central ' • - 641:jj House ;for Sale;`• , ra r me: house' Albert 'streetrG•`hifsn -ton. ' 6 rooms 'and pantry, in gold ret ;.pair; lights and -water. Roomy stable on• premises ?/x' acre garden with seine small fruit, trees.:" •• Apply on premises; to 'Mrs. Ll Hunking. 6741 Mower rrf or' Sale Massey Barrhs.inower; nearly new 6 -ft,, cut;_ 2 sets•,lnives: Price $5,5.00 payable., in two equal 'payments, due December lst, 1928 and Dec. lst, 1929. S. R. McMath, ; flolmesville, Ont. 67-2. e i .e t' Bel ee rs,'Su lie for -Sale P. ,... .pP .s, o A number of oo obs, top •Sexes, l ot- tom erxe 'and also s maie-foun bsa o dton, to lea c• Dodd' Pritrces st eet, Lost A black cushion, - pdir of black leather ;gloves, and an, automobile cigarette'' ash ' tray, Finder kindly leave at The News -Record office.. i 67-2. F T . D. ;Meinlier Flowers ` and., floral designs of all, kinds "sent anywhere,. S. atten- tion Special ten - tion to out of town" orders. We -hove a large;stock of; plants in readiness' for. hanging baskets, bal- • pony boxes; bedding, etc, Call stock and'. See r: t S o at Greenhouse: 4Jihf , V Cooke Two.Phones,-66W and 66j A New Age ncY As I ani now handling the. Cock- shutt and Frost and Wood Implem- ents and also O.ockshutt cream separ- ators,- and am prepared to -supply air kinds of 'repairs, ` -for same, I solicit the patronage of; farmers and ,others. Orders will receive-'priimpt attention, JOHN"V. DIEHL, • Queen street, Clinton 66-3p, 'Announcing HIGH CLASS TAILORING MADE -TO -MEASURE CLOTHES $19.00, to 365.00 CLEANING AND PRESSING GIVE US A CALL Work Promptly and Neatly Done E. G. RUHL McEwen's Old Stand. Opposite ' Post Office ' DANCING to Harold Skinner's Blue Water Boys fn WINGHAM ARENA EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT 65-13. Tenders Wanted Tenders addressed to D. L. Mac- pherson, town clerk, will be received up to six o'clock on Friday evening, June 29th, for the construction of the fence on the easterly portion of the cemetery front, the fence to be the same as„that already in place across the westerly portion. Length of fence approximately 250 feet, Dr. F. G. Thompson, chairman cemetery com- mittee. 67-2. Auction Sale Of Farm Stock at lot 92, Provin- cial Highway, 3 miles west of Hol- mesville, on' Tuesday, June 26th at 1.30 sharp consisting of the follow- ing: 35 head of cows, young cattle and young calves; 30 store hogs from 75 to 125 lbs. each; 2 sows with litter at foot; Several young pigs, G weeks. old. -m.-}r. mower, 6 ft. cut, nearly new, good farm' wagon, 2 horse Oliver muffler; 2 new neck yokes; 2 sets of whiffletrees. Terms: All shins of 315 and under, cash; over that amount, 6 Months credit will be given on fur- nishing bankable paper or a discount of 6 per cent per annum allowedor cash on credit ainounts. A, IID.'Towns- hend, S. 12, McMath;' Proprietors, H. Elliott, Auctioneeer. 67-1,• I Store for Rent The store now occupied by E. L. Mittel] will be for rent.' Immediate possession if required, Apply to S. S, Cooper, Clinton. 65-3 • Tractor Plowing I am prepared to do plowing by the acre, at anytime. Also wood sawing Apply to S. Flewitt,; or phone 13 on 606, Clinton central. ` 64-tf-6p. Cook Stove for Sale Happy Thought cook stove, used on- ly. one winter. , Reason for selling. leaving town do net wish to move it Apply to Mrs. Benthan; Rattenbury street, West;, 65-3-p Ilparders Wanted . • Can accomodate a ,number of room- ers' or oomers'or boarders, Mrs, W. S. Downs Spruce Lodge, Ontario` street, • Clin- tqn:` •,Plrbne: 95. _ 66-4-p,. R., Jones' and Son having dissolved partnership, .wish to Kaye a1L'accounts m by July 1st,' to settle., up business. We haye a`fullalne of -mowor_guards, aectiers and ledger - plates, kpife. heads': and • knives `We . do acetylene welding, •'R. Jones and Son; Clinton. 66-3, Canaries For Sale + ort • Randall • Roll 1' y R ei . Canaries good singers. Price fiofii '82,00 _ to 85 00 each,Apply to Mrs. C. B. Hale, Clinton. 06-e, Jersey', Bull for Sale Registered b' 11 y - ,.,.'a , four year old and from the herd ,of'Ray Lawson, London- App1Y•W .y. Roy, L'ondes- bore, .Ont. Phone-,2,F-0,Blyth. ' d6 -2-p House. 4 Sale ' S e Con enientlY arral ged, seven r oo oil• house, len Alberf; street, in .excel. lent condition `ceinent,'gara e well kept fawns, etc.,: Vacant, possession; Terrns,,can be arranged.: Apply heir': 138, Clinton. 66-tI, 1� DreWse t '-,1`3,: ,,.1?3`FQur'•poultry and''e 's here gS and •Backe•inane. profit fir yourself.', , Market prises;`"f4r. heavy bens =-are high -tape advantage 'of --en noiv, C liiiton's Leading Egg -Grad s!gl:.. S;tr tion ,y: ' Clinton . ' ' al, , H®use A.T1,pp,tr•p�'N,WNL. ae. wRboes- Offiee, 4j Redidence';214 Farm 'For Sale'• 100 acres,, good: soil, good buildings;" fine sugar bush; 41/2 miles: from Clin- ton. Will sell on easy" terms. - A. E. Matheson, Seaforth P. 0., Phone- 614-33, Clinton -central. 38-tf Collie Pups ps for: Sale • 5 well-bred, half grown, Collie pups. 'Apply to Ernest Brown, Clin- ton. . , 66-2-p, Sealed Tenders addressed to the un- dersigned, and- endorsed ,"Tender for Noath.,Peir -Reconstruction, Goderich; Ont." will be received until 12 o'elocic' noon, (daylight saving),. Thursday. June 28;1.928, for. the reconstruction of the North Pear, at•Goderieh,,1-luron County, Ont. Plans and forins of contract can be seen and specification and forms of tender. obtained at this Department, at the offices of the District Engin- eers, Customs Building, London, Ont.; Equity Building, Toronto, Ont,, and at the Post Office, 'Goderich; Ont., and at the Builders' Exchange, 1104 -Bay Street, Toronto, Ont. Tenders will not be considered un- less made on printed 'forms supplied by the Department and in .accordance with conditions contained therein. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the Min- ister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender. Bonds of the Dominion of Canada Or bonds of the Canadian National Rail. way Company will also be accepted as security, or bonds and a cheque if required to make .up an odd amount. Note. -Blue prints can be obtained all this Department by depositing an accepted cheque for the sum of $20,00, payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, which will be return... ed if the intending bidder submit a regular bid, • , By Order, S. E. O'BRIEN, Secretary, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, June G, 1928 66-2. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of James McMurchie of the Town of Clinton, Private Banker, Deceased All persons having claims against the estate' of Jainos McMurchie, de. ceased, who died on or about, the thir- tieth day of March, 1028, are notified ,to send to the undersigned Adminis- ter with the Will annexed The Trusts and Guarantee Company; Limited, To- ronto, or to the undersigned R. Van - stone, its Solicitor, on or before the tenth day of July, 1928, their names and addresses and full partculars of their claims and the nature of the securities (if any) held by thein duly verified by statutory declaration. Immediately after the said tenth day of July, 1928, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed „among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which it shall then have notice, Dated June 12th, 1928. R. VANSTONE,, Wingham, P.O. Solicitor for the said Administrator • 66-4. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Nell Smith, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persona having claims against the es- tate of Neil- Smith, late of the village of Brucefield,in the County of Huron, shoemaker, deceased, who died 'on or about the thirteenth day` of 'March AD. 1928, are required to deliver to Alexander Smith the administrator of the said estate or W. Erydone solici- tor, on or before the thirtieth day of June A.D. 1228, a full statement of their 'claims together with particulars thereof, and the nature of the secur- ities, if held by them all duly ver..e- fied by affidavit. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the said ad- ministrator -will proceed to distribute the estate . -of the :said deceased e. mongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as he shoji have received due notice and in accordance therewith. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 5th day of June A.D. 1928. W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ontario Solicitor forthe said Estate 65-3: NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of William Shipley, Deceased. ,,N;OTICE is hereby. .given that all - persons' having claims against the es- tate of William - Shipley late of the town, of Clinton, in the. County of Hur-. on,'yeoman, ;,deceased, ,who died on or. about the 7th day of March A.D. 1928. ,are required' to deliver to Hannah Shipley or Wilfred D. Shipley the ex- ecutors of: said -estate or W. Brydone solieitor,;on' or' before th, • SOth dayof June A,D,',1928,' a full statementOf their claims together with particulars thereof,and the nature of the secur- ities, if held by,theni all duly verefiecl by- affidavit: AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said mentioned date the said eF ecutors will proceed .tb distribute the estate' of the said --deceased„ amongst the ersons'entitled-thereto havingv pee- gLtd only to such claims as they shatl have an received'due notice d in 'accor- dance ceor- dance therewith. • Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 4th day of lune -A D 1928; "` W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ontario, . ' Solieitor.for, the said Estate, LTRSDAY, JUNE 211r' TELEI'IIONE- 63 T CLINTON. fIE',FOLLOWING AIv1; A FEW ITEMS W V:C CARRY • YOUR NEEDS. No. 1 Clover Honey at 13 Ce t Forina' 1 n s per pound. dehyde Pure Neatfpot Oil, $enzrne. Old English Wax` and Brightner. • Dental 'Plaster. r Simonize Auto Cleaner and Polisher,' Bon Ami, - Salt Petre.. Sulphur. Epsom Salts. Colenian and Aladdin Mantles. Spark Plugs, ValveGrinding Compound. Perfection ectioia' Oil Stove. Wicks, Whiz Fly Fume. Crenojd. Steamed Bone. Meal Fertilizer. Cello Class. Garden Seeds in bulk. Bicycle Repairs. Nten's Work Shoes. C. 1l C •VENNER, Electrician s HCfi� Electric Fixtures,. rls. Manges, Bulbs, Irons, Fans • and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs. Phone NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of .Ann Peffers, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons' having claims against the es- tate of Ann Peffers late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, married woman, deceased, who died on or about the 18th day of April A.D. 1928, are required to deliver to 'Jos- eph George Crich and Hannah Eliza- beth Townsend the executors of the said estate or W- Brydone, solicitor, on er before the 22nd day of June A.D. 1928, a full statement of their claims together with particulars thereof, and the nature of the sec- urities, if held by them all duly veri- fied by affidavit. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said lastmentioned date the said ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto having re- gard only to such claims as they shall have received due notice and in ac- cordance therewith. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 6th day of June A.D. 1928. W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate, 65-3. Buggy for Sale Top buggy, rubber tires, hi good condition. Apply to Mrs. J. Cornish, Rattenbury street. GO-tf-lp, To Customers To let rny.customers know that 1 have installed a telephone. My num- ber is 640 r 14 Clinton "central. Ever. ed L. Johnston, Decorates: 61-tf, We Want Your Milk and Cream We are manufacturers of both cheese and butter. We want your milk or cream. We pay highest mar- ket price weekly. Satisfaction guar. anteed. Phone your order for finest cheese or pasturised butter in prints or sol- ids to W. H. Lobb, Clinton, Ont., R. It, No..3, Phone No. 605r32. THE HOLMESVILLE CO-OPERA- TIVE CHEESE AND BUTTER COMPANY, LIMITED t. • , ftle MAKE YOUR MONEY CO FURTHER WiTHOUIT THROWING IT AWAY Heat Folks Coal and Heat Folks Service. • Give you the best values for, your money that you will find. Order your supply today of our DL&W Coal, and -make sure of:satis- factory cooking now and satisfactory heating next winter. '• gall the " forg ood clean coal • • ;t. ii COAL COMPANY PHONE 74. CLINTON SLJIl/dMEI( TERM In each of Shaw's Twelve schools follows the present session in regu- lar order from July 3rd with no forced vacations. Enter any day. Booklet free. Write 1130 Bay St„ Toronto, W. R. Shaw, Secretary, Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms sver Heard's B-rber shop. W. J. Jago. 2283-tf Coal That Satisfies We sell the cleanest, safest and most economical fuel and always at a fair price. A telephone call will receive our prompt attention. You can feel asolutely sure that every shovel of coal will be of the sante uniformity of quality, HOWARD CLARK Phone 182 Orders Taken at Lawson's Grocery, Phone 111 Western Oats NO. 1 FEED ' A car of Western Oats coning the first of next week, will sell off the car at 75c per bushel. Hominy Feed .We have a quantity of Homony feed in stock. -8- • Barley and Oat Chop at 32.25 pet 100 lbs, H. W. Charlesworth Eggs and Poultry i Eggs handled at residence every, day -graded by an experienced grad- er, for which we pay the highest mar- ket price. CREAM Purchased for' Stillman's of Strat- ford. Agent for the Viking Cream Sep. arator. A. E. Finch Victoria St., Clinton Phone 231 27-tf WOOD FOR SALE A quantity of good hardwoodand cedar for sale. E. WARD Phone 155 Huron stress Singer Sewing Machine Leased on Small Monthly Payment] Big Discount on Cash Sales- , Now is the time to have your ma- chine repaired and cleaned. Repairs, Needles, Belts and Parts for all makes. .ti W. GLEN COOK Phone 171J P.O. B.ox 201, Clinto$ RADIO KOLSTER-KING Buy a radio for the family, in -doing so: you will be] giving them something which they, can enjoy the year around-. We are dealers for the Roister and dl Kings n s sets andwill wi 1 beloaned to ] you a demonstration at any. lime. Y Batteries charged and stor ;l • for the winter F lY W; J. Nedi er Prop, , . '; g � P