HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-06-21, Page 4There is iothin ' mors attr tive or; inexpeii$ive as a Wedding g t1Fg Gift thant his'Beautiful >Clna ana Glossaare , We are offering SPECIAL PRICES en all CHINA 'end GLASS- .. GL Ass:: WARE. Com ein an look over—bur attractive ve stock which is so- at- tractive! y priced. T. CLINTON osmossomosemoissoSsissosimiossoso Sherlock -Maiming Pianos Three More Carloads 'f The West. How about Treating Yourself to a New Piano. This Spring? r_ T. J. .. cNLIL Clinton's Musical Instinenent Representative - Always at Your Service Box 113 or Phone 273, Clinton Eggs Ccain !y WE RECOGNIZE QUALITY and DISTRIBUTE THE CASH ACCORDINGLY at CLINTON CREAMERY, CLINTON PHONE 145 SEAFORTH BRANCH, SEAFORTH PHONE 162 CLINTON BRANCH, CLINTON, ONTARIO PHONE 190 Gunn, Langlois & Co., Limited `HEAD OFFICE •— MONTREAL, QUE. TI " ES TUBES S FREE 10 DAY SALE SAVINGS 15 PER. CENT TO 20 PER CENT WHY PAY MORE 30X31/2- STANDARD CORD $6.95 29 X 4.40 STANDARD BALLOON $11.45 OTHER SIZES AT CORRESPONDING LOW PRICES WITH TUBE TO FIT FREE ` ,ALL, TIRES AND TUBES ARE FIRSTS Clinton Garage A. S. INKLEY 1 Colborne Township Sunday, June 17th, at Sunday; • school`at Smith's Hill, Mrs. George ,Johnston of Goderich gave an inter. esting address on temperance and a/faster- Billie Johnston.. gave an ap- propriate recitation, The, desire was •::expressed by the superintendent that :steps be taken to forward the work. Sacrament of Lord's Supper was ad- - ministered else. 1 A large number took in the contate .at Nile on Sunday evening, which is :new in these parts. ' It is a story in word and song on the Life of Christ, consisting ,of solos, quartettes ..and ..choruses. The- crusher has begun work in Mr. It. M. Young's pit for supplying the road with gravel which is carted By truck to the place where needed. Thoseu p rebasing new cars this -week are Mr. John Robertson and Mz, Ed. Hardy, Mr. Arthur Fisher and .:Mr, George Vanstone, The picnic at Memestung 'held. by Benniiller and Smith's Hill Sunday ..schools was held on June 9th. The pupils of each school were distim guished by badges cut from crepe paper. Benmiller was known `iiy : a red strip friar : inches long with an in- verted V while Smith's Hill wore four inch 'bows of blue tissue. The ' day was` bright; and quite a nuinber gathered in time for noon lunch. The - groups looked very nice when gath- ered to have their photos taken. Each school separate. The young men and young, women formed separate teams of baseball and oft ball which occupied the fore part of the afternoon' after which 'a'pro- gram of sports took place as follows: Foot races: 6 years and under: Carl Fisher, Bettie Strachan, Hazel Baer. Girls 8 years and under: Irene Fisher, Grace.-Pfrinnner, Ruth. Durst, Boys, 8' rs• ,and ea y under: Ben Edwards, dw ands, Leonard'Fisher," Girls, 10 years and under: Kath- leen Tyndall, E. Flick, Myrtle Cant. well. Boys 10 Tears and under:Eniarson Durst, Kenneth Fisher, Elmer Fisher, Boys, 12 years and under: Grant Fisher, Benson 'Strachan, Emerson Durst. •- Boys, 14 'years and tinder:. Frank Salter, Roy Errington, Emerson Edward, Girls, 14 years and' under: Ruby Errington, Eleanor Tyndall, Myrtle Good. Open 100 yards race: Stanley Sny- der, Wilfred Fisher, Frank Walter, Young Ladies race Hazel _ Good, Ruby Errington, Eleanor Tyndall. Married;.women's.race:•Mrs. Fletch- er Fisher, Mrs aitathur" Strachan, Mrs. Wm. March. Three leg race: Grant. Risher and Benson Strachan, Kenneth Fisher and M. Good; Roy Errington and Frank. Walter. 500 yards: race boys: 1st, set, 1st -- David Dewar; 2nd set, 1st—Douglas Morris. Point -winners, (ist sets count 3 points, ands count 2, thirds count 1).. --Kathleen Tyndall, 6 points; Ruby. Errington; 5 points; Frank Walter, 5 points. AUbtae-n • Ota. 11sutsday~ afteimaop, June 14th,• delegates from that B,vlitist' OM:1 Ghes .'ea...Anbatina Clinton,.°Glamis,• G'gdeinh, If;enilworth, J,istowel,: Mon'ek,'•;Mohut, Forest, ,Pahnerston, •Wailteitoti ` and Winghani, !net with •,the" AuburirBap', fist =church, , amd. were;,' ot'ganized es an: ordination con til' with Rev.';E C' Ziliott Goderich :as 7Mode0atoi and Rev.'W I Pt]frariian, Glamis, is GlerlC. After a cazeful,exaniinatibi} of the •candidate, R,' $, •Graeie,;pastgr. ofthe Clinton and Auburn Bs tilt Ch'ur•.hesi coneernmg, lis: conversion ohli to the mtnistt Y and "views of •Ohriatiena tine trines the couaicil 'not 'only tlnanim+ ously` decided 10 proee:ed with ordina- - tion;; Mit .also :texpressedhtheir apprec- iation of t-he'prcimptnese and alitness of the, replies', of the'eandidate:to the -manyqueations put to him. The evening service began at',- a,3Q with a song service led by Pastor 11 W: - Guscott, Listowel; Scriptui:e read by 'Pastor' T. Summers, Mount Forest; and 'prayer byaPastor Slade, of Pal- merston. The ordination sermon :Was 'preached by Rev, F. C.; Elliott fzoder- ich;'followed-by a solo sung by rMae, P. C. Elliott, 'The charge to the'ean- didateaWin given by Rev. N. E. Sn'iith, Winghatri; .and' ttie - ehargo ..to the -chutieb. by ,.Rev.. ,W.. L.. Palframen, Gls;uiis,' After a duet by Pastor' end Mrs.•,Guseott, Listowel,;the ordination' brayer was offered 'by Rey, A.; E, -Qutnn, Monck;;.followed 'by the Mud-, erator' giving tho hand of fallowsbip as he -elcomed the candidate into the Baptist ministry, Mir. Raithlay, for malty t ears teacher of the Auburn Bible glass, spoke of -the high esteeih in which the church held its pastor, after Which Rey. R. B. Gracie sang a soi'orand closed the serve with the benediction: '• -- :Theladies of the church, in addition to the floral decorations of the;aud- itorium provided.dinner and supper in the basenentifor•the many delegates and friends. The day will long be remenvber'ed with pleasure by those in attendance. • • Miss Alice She,herd motored up from ,Toronto and is spending a -cou- ple of weeks with her parents, Mr, end Mrs. A. Shepherd the Base Line. - Those who, may, have occasion to visit or nass by. Ball's cemetery will view with pleasure the remarkable improvement in the general appear. once of the grounds, as a result of the work that. has been done this spring, All iron or wooden fences and rail- ings have been removed from around the plots, the higher plots have been levelled to grade, loads of earth have been drawn to fill the lower sectione and the leaning monuments have been made plumb. All this reflects to ad- vantge the renewed interest that is being taken in the work. The annual meeting of the plot holders will be held on the 'grounds on Wednesday afternoon June , 27th, at 2.30. All members are requested to attend. Mr. George Bean is having the hy- dro installed in both house and barn, Mr.'Jas, Johnston is doing the -wiring Miss M. Salkeld and Miss V. Elliott of Goderich visited friends here on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Win. Wise and child- ren of Goderich township visited at the hone of Mr, and Mrs, J. J. Wash- ington on Sunday, - Mr. and Mrs. Forest. Carter of God- erich spent Sunday with Jos. Carters'. We ai•e sorry to report that Mrs. M. Hill is on the sick list, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cartwright of Clinton called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Andrew one day last week; McClinchey-Walden-At the hone of the bride on Wednesday, June 13th, Alva, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Walden was united in marriage to Sydney McClinchey, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs; John la!eClinchey, all of East Wawanosh, Rev. W. R. Alp conducted the ceremony. The happy young couple will reside on the grooms' farm in Hullett. Mrs. John Thompson bad the Mis- fortune to fall and dislocate her hip, Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery, , The W, M. S. of Knox United' Country trad l Yi' city Realize the immense change in conditions -]n just a feiy _ s year that the telephone hono has helped bring about. The store in the smaller ' town now carries pretty much the same up-to-date styles. as the big city store. Thanks to Long Distance, Manufacturers' or Whole- salers' warehouses are prac- tically at the 'storekeeper's elbow. The time required to telephone an- order by Long Distance' is now only a few minutes; connections are now often made at once, without hanging up the receiver, And the cost of Long Dis- tante messages' is small -- is -often quite a little less than is generally supposed. Call up oiir Manager and ask :him the rate toPoints you are interested in. CLfNToll N>SVV:; L'Cbi% Burch field."a quilting 1b tlle:liasement' �P" the e1>cuxch on .E> !day. , ai`ternooii; Iast 11ios, L 1fioho1oss, who has been, ,gisitn •in'3Bnffalo,;:, turnethome. IaS hook, s'vr, J s N. a ohnstoii is diivi"'� a v• 'WlirPpet Cbxpe • •. n psi Si: Washing u ef, • nn Ill Chas rs iltou, Washin',71:: Miss d -d3ti'handn and Jben'of Goderich c•ali, i at file hpme of rMr J J W`ishtngton f F• a►Imesvil1e r.' •:afar Holdsworth `~vas ,the guest of, her' daughte`t, Mrs. C}iarles'. McPhail, of ''Goderich: over;th weekend, . -M ess'� .•W and nd.'T Thorn; •it%I A m s r .,and Miss •Thom, and Mr, H. Mitchell of D'unbarton,`spent a eouple-of days, the past week ,as the guest's .of Mrs.T, Walter, Mar.' Courtiee, and Moss I;' Corrtice, Tlfr. Dor: las Ward' g.of Elmira, spent, , the week -end with,friends here,, Mr. and Mrs. 3'. A.• McDougall •of'. Long Beach; Cal., motored through here' the past week and spant a; couple. of ..days as; the guests of Mrs, Holds worth, • •Mrs. IJ.-W.:.Trewartha of Clinton entertained her' $. S. Class to a dei' Iightful- picnic on Saturday after- noon. Tea was served on Miss •„S. Acheson'a> lawn, and 'a most enjoyable tinie'gpent by one and all.- afts. Alcock of Brussels is renew=- ing- old' acgriaintances in `Holmesville and vicinity. • ,on''1 etday'last Mr. and Mrs. Neil. Ferguson of De. troit spent a couple of days as . the guests of 'Mr. and Mrs. W. Mulhol- land, Mrs. Ferguson's mother. Mrs. Cole of Winnipeg,•' accompanied them home, after which site will leave for her home in the West. The annual' church "garden. party will be held on Miss Acheson's lawn on Friday, June 29th. • Londesboro On Saturday; June 16th, • a quiet but pertty wedding was solemnized, at the manse, Londesboro,• when Rev. 'James Abery united in. ,marriage Laura Marjorie;' eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Beacom, to Mi Joseph E. Lyon, son of. Mr. and Mis. Harry Lyon, all of Hallett township. Miss Ida Lyon, sister of the groom, was bridesmaid, and Mir,_ Harold Bea) coin, brother -of the bride; was best man. The bride was prettily gowned in a dress of powdre-blue crepe ro- maine, trimmed with lace with which she woke blonde shoes and hose to match. After the ceremony a wed- ding dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents. Later the bride and g'rooni left on a motor trip to Dresden, Detroit and other points, the bride travelling in a dress of rose biege silk flat crepe, navy coat ane; hat to match, Mr. and Mrs. Lyon willreside on .the groom's farm, 13th con., Hallett. Mis Irene Getter motored from Toronto -or% Saturday to spend a va- cation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wnt, Carter. Mars. Fraser of London,. who rem ently visited Miss L. Young, has re.. turned home, Mr. T. Stewart of Guelph visited at the hone of his brother,. Mr. Alex• Stewart, last week• Mr. T. M311er received a •car of Al- berta coal recently and those who pun chased it. seen, well satisfied. Burns United 'church will hold their. annual garden party on Friday even- ing 29th, on the school grounds at Ilariock. The Sunday school at Burns United church held a special service last Sabbath, when promotion. certificates were presented to the scholars. There was a large attendance. Quite a number from here attended the Women's Institute District meet- ing held in Blyth `Tuesday. Al report a very profitable and enjoy- able trine. Mr. and Mrs. J. McCool recently visited Woodstock friends, - Mr. and 1Vlrs. Wm. Brundson spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Mountain, The following in reference to the minister newly appointed to the Lon- desboro United church appeared in the Ethel correspondence of the Brus- sels Post last week: "Rev,•J--W. Johnston a former pas- tor here, has been stationed at Lon- desboro United Chureh of Canada, and will. take over his duties there after July Ast. H 'will'be welcomed by a host of friends as he returns to Huron Presbytery,". '.. ,. Mr. Johnston .was stationed at Hol- niesville•'•a fear years ago.. This Preston FORAFORD Garage Size 8ft. bin. x 16ft. Other types and sizes to suit any neer)! FIRE -PROOF, ready -cut, com- pact! Preeten Garages are. perfect m design and a source of real, satisfaction. ' They resist thieves • . • last... are handsome: in appearance . low in cost.' Write for freegaragefolder. PRESTON, ONT. Toronto - - 1Kontreal Metal Sh nolo &torSito R duigCo.Ltd. a le' Tho 'Contrntinity 'MraSioi'ary ht lux. North: Stanley hold 'theft , inonthl'y meeting ;at the hciue of 3Qs Ed Glen ;et: r t husk: completing theirl`,first yea1, of 1*issionary'•epd'eavor.• ,The'work':oi ;the yeai.•^;wag reviewed: and its ;was, found 'that.• there had been -`made anis fopv b"ded:to Mr: ;and Ml's,; F Sloinhh :of ;OW C N R, ear ::e hool;of• Northern' Ontarro,20 infants' dresser.and night gowns; .(i'.,knibted wool, hands,, 3 dos, ;other necessary parts 'infante' eloth- ing there was 'packed • at Ed, Glen's Sr, a 67 lb Christmas Bale, jcontainin'g warm -clothing' for evory ag8, from infapts' to,,gq•andmothexs„ also doll's toy,"s,• :pteture •.bodks,•etc',, and in Januaiy a'13. 15, .bag,of at• tri Is . a fol u q alts `:'was: expres'sed°-to French az-radian l Mothers,: who were need]ng he]p of this land, The, club also presented Mrs,' Sloman's infant daughter; Elizabeth,•with:a handsome •silver snug with her naive engraved on -it; - as a•• token' of appreciation to • this' worthy • couple' fen -theta unselfish labor among the`, children of ,the North: In`March• the Club members arrang, "ed a leap', year box social; :which was held at the home. of Mi: +1;dw i d. Cleri, Sr., and was the sburee of much good fellowahia.r. The proceeds were . used .to provide needed equipment for the Sunday School, , As the June meeting !narked -the close of•tho-club yearr`an election of officers was called for _ay the president, Mrs. Fenwick Stewart, and the '6ollowing officers were elecav ed, Piesident,•Mrs. Ed. Glen, Sr.; 'Vice,' Miss Mary Gilmour; .. Cor•=Secretary,. Mrs: -Fenwick- 'Stewart; Treasure!•: Mrs. Adam Stewart; Committee of Ways and Means, Mrs. Thos. Camp- bell;, , Mrs,' George 'Henderson, Mrs' John Pierson, Mrs. John McFarlane. FROM THE -QUIET HOMEY BOARDING •HOUSE TO THE GAY RENDEZVOUS OF. WEALTH AND FASHION Whether you enjoy a restful holi- day at a ,quiet boarding house or all the gayety and sport • of a fashion. able 'hotel, Muskoka Lakes will sui- pass your fondest' expectations of an ideal summer place. Muskoka Lakes•are noted the con- tinent over as one of the coolest, most beautiful, healthful and happy sum- mer playgrounds in the whole of Canada. . Delightful summer hotels provide facilities for every type of sport, Swimming, Boating, tramping, tennis, golf and bowling are but a few of the pleasures that make a holiday spent in Muskoka never to be forgotten:, Muskoka is the vacation land for those who have only a brief holiday. It is only a few hours train journey from Toronto. Canadian National provides such excellent service that you may enjoy itsdelights and return to work with fresh energy and enjoy- ment—all within the space of a few days. Any Canadian National Railways Agent will gladly give you full infor- mation (including hotelrates) and literature on the various resorts of Muskoka Lakes, MONCRIEFFE PRINCE No. 24368, Form 1 Monday leaving his own stable will go 11-4 miles east then north 21-2 miles then math to Howard Crich'S' for noon, then north 2 1-2 miles, then east to John Freeman's for night. TUESDAY—West to Andrew Flynn's for noon, then west to Gravel Road to Graham House, Clinton, for night. WEDNESDAY—Along -to pavement to D. Rodger's for noon, then to Geo. Proctor's, Cut Line, for night, THURSDAY—Along the second of Stanley to J. McEwan's for noon, then south.to Bayfield road to Elsner Web. ster's for night. FRIDAY: To Var- na, then along Parr line to' W. Car- lisle's for noon, ' then to Hillsgreen then 21-2 miles -south, then east 11.4 utiles to William M'cli,enzie's for night.,, SATURDAY: 11-4 miles east to London road, then north to his own stable,to remain until the follow. ing Monday morning. Terms: Tc Matte, .,5'15,00, payabie ,Feb. isi, 1929. 2 mares from one owner, $28.00. Robt, Murdock, Proprietor.. Chas, Man- ning, Manager. 64. The. Unbeaten Prize -Winning Impor- ted Percheron Stallion VOLTAIRE • (8971) (122605) } Enrolment No. 261. Inspected um cler the Ontario Stallion Act and pas- sed in Form 1. ROUTE Monday, May 14th will Dave Robert Colclough's, Goderich township,. Fur miles south of Holmesville and pro- ceed east along Telephoneroad to Fred Notts, London Road, for noon then south to Walker House, Bruce - field for night. • Tuesday—South and west to Jack- son Bros., Tuckesinith' for noon, then north to Mill road to Cecil Oake's for night. Wednesday-North`11-4 miles, west to ,John N'oble's, Huron Road, for noon, then east along Huron Road to Herbert Fowler's for night. Thursday—East 2'S miles, north to John McElroy's; McKillop, for noon. then west and north through Con- stance to Oliver Anderson's, Hullett for: Fridnight.ay—South to Fowler's school ' house, then west to Theodore Dale's for noon then west 3 3-4 miles then' through Clinton west to BarveyJen- kins' for night. Saturday -West through, Holmes - vale to Fred Pickard's for noon then south' and east to Robert Colelough's Goderich Township, -1.1-4 miles south Of Hohnesville for night where he will remain until the following hlonalay,' meriting• Healthand weather pert,. fitting. Terms:—To ensure a foal $15.00 Payable Pebru•iry 1st, 1929. Mares tot returned regularly to the horse be charged full insurance. whethv r in foal or not. All accidents and; scopes at the risk Of the owners of nares. Care' will be taken to avola cidents, Thomas .McMichael, Sr..., roprietor and Groom. 64-4, m i e e i ac P BRE,.._ ST?1V�NlAxtX. OF COUNTY BY, an agreextrent•;'.arrived "=`at e=.J1:r:• CO " • TL .ween the' council ;and t ,e tJl`rQ. ]'1,i,`I7CTHEDING,s"'' ; , ] d ,S oi`,` et;. ' the',.': ,., ,. , c , Y G'lyridren. s ,SheItei44; .v; Th :' June .. sea ro h Wil] b'e. talt .,. , , a n• of ,the County, , ..,en ehari;e:of by tihe count- ., Co e t ult it wh clrz c net n• Y . wh 7 r Go ri Ii'> r h 1, i do e the , wrl •.assumo the•espona £ixst Weep in June; passed several, im- • sibility ., of.: its ' ne inaintana •r. e:, o , The portal!. enactments A11'the.members i?. ar•d of managemont will. egnsist o{ were present, Yirarden ,Ebys residing, ,ten members• Six niombexs -n 'me . II 1' ) d he ." t hl'pcieee att,ha ac dress' the, w irden ,rho county pf vvhorxi.one shall": bo. the touched on :the,. matters" o us' r 'warden , aqc] four „f. b Ines r , .y 'the Ghldrens' which'had_ to be dealt' ith •durin , th Aid, and o,"tficers shall b W g e e aPAointed' . session, , at the annual meeting of theSociety ,> Osie• inpntws notice in writing;' from The equalization of 1 l a t ear s Y wit .either, the, county or,'the ,Society will . A dopted for this year and tliercoutity terminate:t}tis • ' '• e ag,rement, in which ,levy this year , will be, the -a'ame ; ea case the • count •last -,six • Mills;lona-m" o shall be re 01' obli a +,., , . ibis for genera]. -'any financial •responai�biht or . ' '. purposes and two,milIsfen 7rigliways, tion. of su "" 1 in a'l o "s y 'Use 0 . p Y g u e for'use as The' resignat]on ,of. ; Mr °J:' Elgin ,a Shelter: Tom+ a P s ublic, ' sc'` hoof :'. i . •, ::, , p r 0 I wad'e':ci • e t t 4 d hat d ofee S or I "Nixes! El'uron•was received ,and aece .t- Jays P sha117i"e" aid' ed by the council, an' of a - i a retaining fee dor ter • - P fait! services: to• be `rendexeds preciation for :.his over fo t ears';:'servic'e)_. r y three' A reso]ution:• was ^passed'asking: y. being prepared :and that the Provincial :Government pro .read,' by County Councillor Hill ,-and the, vide for a check tea be kepi'`o'n--the presentation of a ig gold headed admission of indigent;patients to has cane.was made by Warden Raves, - '. !tai . be_ s M1', E. C. Beacom of Toronto I' '.. ap ointed insect was • a The dnon, picnicodnesdaa, June held7 at p P or ,to fill this ; ua-, ;Hayfield on Wednesda " 27t cancy,' his duties to com pplct mence' in It was decided to, appoint 'a``specia] September. Two applications, wereofficer tos' that trafficlaws are reeceiyed, the other being from- Mr, obeyed ee, Carman E. Stothers of Pictan. • y A` :resolution was .,passed petition- The House ,of Refu e, committee ie- ing- the . Government `t orteg hxou urne he: P ci thaf _they. had found conditions • Highways depaz•tment, to assume 90 o s unp percent+ of the cost °fall Proviniea]• highways and 50 per cent, of all roads complying with good..roads legisla- tion; and that the tax be raised from three, cents to -five cents on all gas used for automobile purposes.' Another resolution was passed+ ask - Mg that the Highways., Act be am- ended to allow the County Engineer to prohibit automobile traffic on high- ways during certain periods inn - the spring when, in- his •opinion,. they were unfit for motor traffic.. This was owing to the damage done by traffic while the roads were breaking up in the spring, A delegation from London carne up_ to petition the council for a grant of $75,000 toward an endowment fund for the University of Western Ont- . in good,•order. -Owing"to th 1 in prices in'tobaeco a quantity is left on hand withlittle prospect of sale;` . The bounty roads commission re- ported a trip made through the State of Michigan, when some valuable in- formation was gained, Which was use- ful to them']n dectaidig ' on the pur- chase of inaohinery, etc. They report- - ed that they were given every facility for; -studying* , road -malting nlhthoils and were shown much courtesy. - To meet financial : obligations due this year, it was decided to •issue' $100,000 of 414 per cent. fifteen -year. sinking fund debentures,' in denomina- tions of $500'and -$1,000, to be sold by - tender. The council held their annual ban- quet in St, George's parish ball, the banquet committee consisting of War- den J. 3. Hayes, G. W. Holman, clerk, arid. This was laid over until the Gordon Young, treasurer, and R. December meeting, - Patterson, county engineer. For. Up -To -Date Job Work of all 'Kinds and - Small Scribbling Pads Size 3x4g inches 15cpound Com 'to The Nevvs-Record 1 W1iatMaJies4roj! A prosperous rural population which demands a .conunun- ity centre where !nay be established business, education- al, religious and entertainment facilities. Where these. flourish and are active it.issafe to surprise that the peo- ple of that section realize and appreciate the value to them of such a centre. Thai Uilitij Its The towns are largely maintained by the surrounding • districts. But the organization, the direction, and to a great measure the up -keep, of the institutions in such towns are in the hands of the business interests, togeth- er with those directly. and indirectly connected there- with. Without the active business. and professional .nen to supervise and govern these, public institutions and undertakings no town could thrive, is1i V1 aitilly A eete ? Every citizen either in or 'about a town should be con- cerned,in seeing to it that they do their part in•carrying on any good cause which may be promoted, either by financial or active support, Only in this way will any town 'prosper and develop' as it should., Publicity i� �goire In promotion work your local paper, takes the leading part. It; is ever the champion of: P worthy causes and philanthropic ' and patriotic - !otic Nundertakings. But to •fnnc- tion properly, and fully carry outits natural ,preroga- tives, it must initurn have the financial support of the conuntinity ;it serves. When . needing advertising or printed matter always first think o,i lTile Clinton News :, �r5 ec+r