HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-06-14, Page 5:4.
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of. e*ery.,inc.iust,r--babk of . every ic;osi.1.-- • . '
' • -. - .neSs=-Lback of every ir361'bidliall.fr9141- gene-
ration to generation • stands ' tile '''.'Bank±et ... • •
•• • • • .
l',..":-....' "' . ' , guardian of rnoxley, an agent Of credit andan
'r,..,;.,,,,' • ,',„.• .. • •,. • ' ,:•flly of progress of 0 natiort. andii,s• people. ; . - •
, .. ,. .
'''''''-`"'•':-'.-- • .' ' •'. - ' ' Ill all the lbrarieileS Of -ibis; Barti—in..*-eity •• .' '* *
town and village—fro/xi.sea...to sea in Canada•--•'
and beyond, you wUl find a helpfulness, a •
willingness to guard and foster your itatereAs.
' • •• You will Itke banking at the Royal •
he yal Bank
f C- raa
• Clinton Branch -
Of Interest to You
.a.nd Nle
R. E. Manning, Manager
Fifty bibles were phieed in a Grand
• :Bend hotel recently by the London
branch of the Gideon Band. From
• what we've heard of the pace at which
Grand Bend summer visitors live " we
• doubt whether they will take time to
read them. .
5 5 *
The tragedy which happened in
Turnberry on Wednesday' evening last
when two young girls and a babe
were burned to death, as the result of
:an effort to hurry a slow fire by the
use of coal oil, wee 'one to shock the
-whole community. It is a wonder
more such accidents do no occur, when
one considers the careless .way in
which coal oil is used. If a small cup
or can were kept for the purpose of
pouring a little of the fluid over a
fire when necessary it would do away
'with any such accident. The practice
' . of pouring oil over a blazing fire from
a full can is a very dangerous one and
should never be allowed in any build
• ing. '
• *• •
Clinton band stand ought to have
been built on wheels, to be really any
use to the band. It was built on the
recreation park, where any town
sports are always held and' where
there were seats on which the public
:could sit down while a ocncert was
being given and listen. But complaint
was made that that was too far away:
As a matter of fact it is about as con-
venient as any park could be unless it
-were placed right in the middle of
the town, being approachable from
two sides, but the stand was dragged
up last year and set in the middle of
a vacant lot which the town had ac-
- • quired facing Mary street. This plot,
which is rough and grassy, has ne
• seats or any accomodation for the
public, so now it is being abandoned,
apparently, and the band is to play
alternately on the post office square
and the "library lawn. Those who
have cars can sit in them on the
street but those who have none are
just as badly off as ever. There is
• no place for them to sit, ,exeept the
edge of the sidewalk. Those in auth-
ority seem to listen attentively to
•'business men who wish the band con-
• certs near enough their places of buni-
nesi that trade may be enjoyed, We
• 'phouldlike them to give a thought to
some of those who receive no mater.
Id l benefit froin the band concerts and
who should at least' be provided with
comfortable seat& A large number
of those who are paying for these
concerts. are not in business on the
-front street nor do they own cars in
-which to sit comfortably diiring the
The Huron county council at the
June session last week laido over to
be considered at the December aessiosi.
the question of . giving a grant of
- $75,000 toward an endowment fund of
• .82,000,000 which: the University of
Western Ontario is endeavoring to
'The acti-on, we believe, was a wise
one as the matter in the meantime
-can be considered by the members and
When the vote is taken it will be the
-stedied and deltherate'act of the peo-
representatieS,' after 'due con -
Huron county has long had the re.
• putation of being strongly in favor
of higher education and almost ev-
• er/where ,you turn you will find men
• - and women -who were born, 'reared and
educated in the schools of this coun-
•ty, and afterwards gradhateil from
-seine higher seatof learning , occupy -
Ing positions of impatance and of
• 'honour.Every High school and Col-
legiate in Huron eounty is proud of
• -stedents turned out from their halls
•Who have made'nathes fer'themeelves
UniversitY or eellege mid hold im-
'portant positions in the 'world.
believe thoroUghly 115 higher' educa-
tion, our onlY regret is that more of
our Young people cannot take advan-
,-tage • of the facilities ' provided
while others who could do se
atenot inclined „ profit by these
- We have an excellent Br6Vincia1
,Universit'y in Toronto but,.
E4 0 keen has been the demand for uni
versity- training of late yens, it has
become crowded even beyopd its cap-
,- An- amtv So 'Western Ontario is fortun-
site in having a UniversitY ofits own
the• -centre of the community which
it serves. .This university, in orde
that it may 'save the community th
better, is -asking for an . endowmen
fund so that it may be able .to give
to the students who enter its portals
very best intheway of training with•
out making its fees so high as to
discourage those who may yearn for
the advantage of a university educa-
tion but who are lacking in material
The management is asking fOr this
fund from the people comprising' the
fourteen counties of Western Ontar-
io because . ninety per cent. ofthe
students who • attend . the University
at London 'come front homes -within
these fourteen counties.
The :Arts student at the University
of Western Ontario pays approxo-
mately one -third of the actual cost
of his tuition and the medical student
about one seventh. This ratio is
said to be cominon to practically all
Canadian universities. •
The University of Western Ontario
has forged ahead very rapidly during
the past few years and' now rank.;
• high in the list of Canadian univer-
sities. In ten years the enrollment
has increased. more than seven hun-
dred per cent, and in five years has
doubled. '
41 alon
onr dhbe, of Mi uid Mo Rob
More. of -Goderieh
HESK4.1.,Y121,11n,', gnu*, on
clangliter of and
"Haritt," Lyon, Einerson,
flk all of 3tullett
• Urs-.;;Ot;Vard',BOye&--qd''''Wilifiet
son:, of,Mr, I1/frs,. J.
Ali); YOUngest daugh-
ter ''of-Mit'..MraZ-Allea
Man 'of Woodafeek.
)31.TIllitTiTVroGO,Valq:•::;---- In EtiSIC
Wawanosh,.- -IVIay :3 tit, by the,
Rev. George Weir, Rutii B. McGew,..
an, R.N., daughter of kr.. and Mrs.
• ' ]cGowan,- East Waivanosh,
Harold E. Buffett of Detroit.*
PENHALE—In Stanley township, on
June 9th, to Mr: and Mrs. Harold
Penhale, a daughter.-.1,1013SON—In St.. Thomas, on ..' June
10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hob-
son, a daughter..
. • Deaths •
FIEARN—In Tordnto,. o June 9th,
T. Hearn, father of Dr. P.
Hearn of Clinton, aged 67 years.
• .
- • -
e Porter's Hill
t -
' Next Sunday, June 17th, will be
Young People's Sunday at Grace Uni-
ted church. The Young people will
have ,charge of the whole service and
Miss Delight Match of Goderich will
be the speaker. Miss Mutch is the
winner of the silver medal in connec-
tion with the oratory contest of Lon-
don' Conference. Strangers are cor-
dially invited to attend.
Miss Helen Cox returned to Lon-
don ,,on Monday after having spent a
week at her home on the 7th -conces-
The endowment of $2,000,000 will
yield an annual 'income of $100,000,
which, together with fees, grants
other income, will provide for annual
current experisea, expansion and
provemenji. The city of London is t:o
raise one half . of this sum, $1,000,-:
000, the 'fourteen counties, Brant,
Bruce, Elgin, Essex, Grey, Huron,
Kent, Lambton, Meddlesex; Norfolk,
Oxford, Perth, Waterloo and Welling,
ton, are being asked to subscribe the
other $1,000,000.
Individuals have the opportunity, of
subscribing to this fund but the coun-
cils of the several counties are being
asked for a grant of varying sums,
according to th-eir size and wealth.
Huron is asked for $75,000, payable
in five yearly instalments. This
would mean, according to Warden
Hay; one third of a mill on -the tax
rate. This would be for the period of
five years, then, provided the sum is
raised ad -it is confidently expected it
will be, we are assured of having for
the use of the young people of this
part of the Province a well-equipped
and efficient university. The people
of Huron County have in the pat
spent meney, without -so sure a pro-
mise of adequate return. ,"
• Londesboro
All 'the stores in the village will
observe -6,30 o'clock closing on Tues-
day and Friday evenings, continent:-
ing Jiine 19th.
A very pretty wedding took place
on Wednesday, June 6th, at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lyon, when
their daughter, Alberta Mae, became
the bride of Mr. Emerson Resk, 8th
concession, Hullett. The bride, who
was given away by her father„ - was
very pretty in a dress...of white geo-
gette trimmed with lace aneWore
veil and orange blossoms, She car-
ried a• beautiful bouquet of sweet-
heart 'roses and sweet peas,The
nuptial knot .-tvae tied by Rev. B. 'Sitell
of Londisboro, tife bridal party stand-
beneath an arch of lilacs. Miss
Olive Lyon, sister of Erie bride, was
bridesmaid and wore a dress of pow.
der blue cref,i-de-chene. The groom
was ,supported by Mr. Watson Web-
ster of -Varna. The wedding march
was played by the bride's sister, Miss
Ida Lyon. „ After' the, -Ceremony a
wedding dinner , was' served, about
thirty gue'sts heincpresent; including
the following ,froth ,a.distariee: Mrs
Eldred Hohnes, ittle Miss Doris and
,babo of Dresden; Miss Maude Lyon
Calgary; Alta,' and Mr. and Mrs
Arthur Kerslake andfamil.y of Exe-
"; •
The' dining robin was prettily de-
corated in .pink and yvhite: The bride
arid groom left later- in the day on a
Meter 'triff,to , Hamilton and Toronto,'
and Mrs. Itesk Will, reside on
the groom's-farStkeeneesslim,
GODERICH: Town. .Clerk, Knox
acid 1V1rs, Knox were. in Kingston last
week attending -the ftilieral• Of Mrs,
Knox's sister, Mies:Burns. IVIrs: Knox'
had been at her Sister's bedside fox
couple of weeks before her dep-th.
Mrs. Cole and two &lighters of
Winnipeg are guests of Mrs. Cole's
.Parents, Mr. and Xrs. William Mul-
holland. On their return Mr. and
Mrs. Cole and family expect to move
to Celgary, Where they..will reside in
future, • .
Mrs. Ward of Elmira, spentTriday
as the guest of Mr. . and Mrs. J. Cud -
more and family.
Rev. Capt. Sydney Lambert, Chap.
lain of Christie St. Hospital, Toronto.
and Mrs. Lambert were the guests of
Mrs. T. Walter, Mr. A, J. Courttce.
and Miss E. Courtice, a couple of
days this week.
Mn, and Mrs. J. Stock. of Walker-
ton, and-IVA% and Mrs, J. Stock of
Kinburn, and families, motored from
their homes on Sunday and, spent the
day as guests of 'Mr. and IVfrs, M.
'Mr. and Mrs. Walter Draper of De.
troit, spent a few days with Mr. Dra-
pers' grandparents,. Mr. and Mrs. W.
The -regular monthly meeting of the
Ladies' Aid was held at the home of
Miss S. Acheson on Wednesday. Ar-
rangements are being made by the
committee for 'a Garden party of
Which full particulars will be given
later in the advertising columns.
Mrs, T. M. Johnston wishes to ac-
knowledge with sincere thanks the
kind care, and attention given her by
the superintendent and nurses of
Clinton Public Hospital during her
recent illness, also the kindness shown
by many friends by the sending of
flowers and .letters.
. Pig Astray '
Strayed froth Lot 02, Huron. road,
Gocierich township, , a young pig,
weighing from 80 to 100 pounds. Fin-
der kindly phone 601 r 15, Clinton
central, Ernest Townshend, 66-1.
Canaries 'For Sale
Forty Randall Roller Canaries.
'good singers. Price from 3200.to
- $5,00 each.. Apply to Mrs. C. B. Hale,
Clinton. ' 66-2,
Jersey Bull for Sale
Registered Jersey bull, four years
old and from the herd of Ray Lawson.
London. Apply W. V. Roy, Loncles•
bora, Ont. Phone .28-6, Blyth. ' 66-2-p
• House for Sale
• Conveniently arranged, seven room-
ed house, on Albert street, in excel-
lent condition, cement garage, well
kept lastYna, 'ete. Vacant, possession,
Terms can be' arranged. Apply box
188, Clinton. • 66-tf,
• .
In thetEstate 'of James MclVitirchie of
the Town of Clinton, Private-
BanIcer Deceased
All persons having claims against
.the eitate .of James 1VIc8furchie, de.
ceased, who died on or about the thir,
tieth day of March ; 1928, are 'notified
to send ta' the undersigned Adminis-
ter with the Will ailuexdd The Trusts
• and' Guarantee Company, Limited, To-
ronto, or to the undersigned R. Van -
stone, its Solicitor, on or before the
tenth (ley of Slily, 1928, their names
and addresses and full partculars of'
'their dahlia and the nature of, the
securities ,(if any). held 1py them duly
verified, by.statutory declaration.
Immediately after the said tenth
-day of July, 1928, rth, assets (Er the
Sail deceased wil1. be distributed
among' the -parties entitled therete
having regard .only to the claims of
whieli-it. shall then have,,,hotice.
Dated .Tune 12th, .1928, '
• R. •VANSTONE,,Winghain, P:0;
'Solicitor :for the said Administrator
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" • ,
, • , • • •.".
• •
,,•Sr.4y-;11:TNE-14, 10gt • -r'
".‘,„ Bring_your peultrY ,and -eggs here
.rnake more profit, ter ye-et:self.
Market prices fOr-'heaiy. hens are
high—teke, advantage o.f tien now.
Leadirig Egg -Grading
Chilton'Potiltry House
W. 'IrreWarthe
lehenes=--Offiee, 214j Residenee, 214w
Garbage Collection
The MunieiPal Council of •Clinton
contemplates thistitutinga system �f
Garbage collection it sufficient
number of citizens wish -to avail
theinselves of it:
The -larger the nunther,of users the
less the cost yvilr be. •• -
It is requested that all who desire
this service will send • in their names
to the Town Cleric's office.
• Further particulars as to -post, num-
ber et collections, etc., will beegiYen
before the wort is undertaken. • 11
'B. Combe, Mayor: •
Farm For Sale
100 aeres, good soil, good buildings;
fine sugar bush; 41/2 miles from Clin-
ton. Will sell on easy` terms. A. E.
Matheson, Seaforth P. O. Phone -
614 -33; Clinton central. •38-tf
, Store for Rent
The store now occupied by E. L.
Mitfell will be for rent. Immediate
possession if required. Apply to $,
S. Cooper, Clinton. 65-3
EieWert, and -;.florar-'signs, of ' all
kinds- sent "-a-nYWItere, •Specialattem
'Unit to, ont,of toWn. orders.
• We'have',a"large stop1 of plants in
reaclineSs:: for- hanging,-beskets,
; Call and see steak atUreerilionse,
a44... V btibk - •
• "' TWo Phoues--6,6w and 66j
A.New Agency.
As- I am now handling the Cocit-
shutt and Frost arid Wood Implem-
ents and also Cockshutt, cream sepal--
ators, and am prepared to supply all
kinds of repairs for same, I ,solicit
the patronage of farmers and others;
OrderS will 'receive prompt attention,
Queen street, Clinton
$19.00 to $65.00
Work Promptly and Neatly Done
McEwen's Old Stand. Opposite
Post Office,
• The Federal and Provincial Liberal
Associations of South Huron will
hold their annual rneetin,,,e in
. at 2:30 pan.
The meeting will be adderssed by
Mr. Thomas McMilran, M.P. and oth-
er speakers.
Mrs. Zwicker of 'Crediton will give
a report; of the Liberal Women's Nat-
ional Convention held in Ottawa.
Feder61 officers: Dr. J. W. Shaw,
president. J. A. Mawan, Secretary,
Provincial officers: Thos. Shilling-
shaw, President, 5. 112. Govenlock,
Secretary. 65-2.
to Harold' Skinner's
Blue Water Boys
Boarders Wanted
Can accomodate a number of room -
ere or bearders. Mrs, W. S. Downs,
Spruce Lodge, Ontario street, Clin-
ton. Phone 95. 66-4-th
Duck Eggs' for Sale
Eggs from large white ducks for
sale. Apply to Mrs. Robert Smith,
Base line, north of Clinton. Phone
640 r 84, Clinton central, 66-1,
Collie Pups for Sale
5 well-bred, half grown, Collie
pups. Apply to Ernest.Brown
ton. 66-2-p.
• R. Jones and Son having dissolved
partnership,wish to have all accounts
in by July lst, to settle up business.
We have a full line of mower, guards;
sections and ledger plates, '" 'knife
heads and knives. We de acetylene
welding. R. Jones and Son, Clinton,
Sealed Tenders addressed to the un-
dersigned', and endorsed "Tender, for
North Peir Reconstruction, Goderich,
Ont." will be received until 12 o'clock
noon, (daylight saving), Thursday
June 28, 1928, for the reconstruction
of the North Peir, at Goderich, Huron.
County, Ont.
• Plans and forms of contract can be
seen and specification..and forms of
tender obtained at this Department,
at the offices of the District Engin.
eers, Customs Building, London; Ont.)
Equity Building, Toronto, Ont., and.at
the Post Office, Goderich, Ont. and
at the Builders' Exchinge, 1104 Bay
,Street-, 'Toronto, Ont. '
Tenders will not be considered un-
less,' made ori iminted forms supplied
by the Departr,uent anclin accordance
vv•ithconditiens contained therein; -
Each. tender must be accompanied
by an accepted cheque on a chartered
bank, payable to the order of the Minr
ister of Public Works, equal to . 10
pen cent of the amount of the tender,
Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or
bonds of the Canadian National:Rail-
way company will also be accepted
as• securityl'or bonds and a cheque
required to make up an add amount.
• Note.---I31-ee prints an be obtained
at thie' Department by clepo.siting an
accepted cheque for, the,stini of $20.00,
pEtyalde to the order of the Minister
ol PublicNV,'arl., which will be rettirn-'
ed it the intending bidder submit-
regular bil.
S. E. 913RIgN,
' SecretarY,
Department of Public Works, -
Ottawa, June 4, .1928, •
' " , Wanted to Rent
A comfortable medium-sized house-
or cottage, possession about July isth:
by young couple, no children, Write
Box 329, Clinton, or 'phone 204, •
Trader Plowing
-.I am prepared to do plowing by the
acre, at any time, everything furnish-
ed. Also wood sawing, Apply to S.
Flewitt, or phone 13 on 606, Clinton
central. • -46-tf,-6p.
For Sale
Desirable building lot for ,sale, on
Princess Street, West.' Enquire Thos.
White, Rattenbury street west.
• Cook Stove for Sale
, Happy Thoughtcook stove, used on-
ly one winter. Reason for selling,
leaving town do not wish to move it
Apply to Mrs. Bentham Rattenbury
street, West. 65-3-p.
In the Estate of Ann Peffers,
NOTICE is hereby given that ali
persons having claims against the es-
tate of Ann Peffers late of the Town
• of Clinton in the County of Huron,
tnarried woman, deceased, who died on
Or about the 18th day of April A.D.
1928, are required to deliver to Jos-
eph George Crich and Hannah Eliza-
beth Townsend the executors of the
said "estate or W. Brydone, solicitor.
on or before the 22nd day of juirie
A.D. 1928, a full statement of their
claims together with particulars
thereof, and the nature of the sec-
urities, if held by them all duly veri-
fied by affida.vit.
AND TAKE NOTICE that after the
-said last mentioned date the said ex-
ecutors will proceed to distribute the
estate of the said deceased amongst
the persons entitled thereto having re-
gard only to such claims as they shall
have receivecj due notice and in ac-
cordance therewith.
Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 6th
day Of June A.D. 1928.
W. PRYDONE, Clinton, Ontario:
• Solicitor for the said Estate.
In the Estate of Neil Smith,
NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons having claims against the es-
tate of Neil Smith, late of the village
of trucefielcl, in the County of nuton,
shoemaker, deceased, who died -on or
about the thirteenth day of March
A.D. 1928; are required to deliver to
Alexander Smith the administrator of
the said estate. or W. Brydone solici-
tor,lan or before the thirtieth day of
June A.D. 1228, a full statement of
their Claims together with particulars
thereof; and the nature of the f,4 e.cur
iti es , if held by them all duly yore.
tied by affidavit. -
AND TAKE NOTICE that after the
said last mentioned date the said ad-
ministrator will proceed to distribute
the estate of the said deceased a-
mongst the persons entitled thereto
haying regard only to such claims as
he shall have received due notice and
in accordance therewith.
• Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 5th
day of June,A.D. 1928.
BILYDONE, Clinton, Ontario
' • Solicitor for the said Estate '
• I • -
NoTidE TO ditgolTons'
an the'Estate of WilliaM Shipley,
NOT'ICE is -hereby giVen, that all
persons haying elaims against the es -
tato of Williams Shipley".late of,. the
town ofCiiiitdri, in the CeiintY of Hur-
on,.yeenian, _deceased, 'who:died ou 01
about.the.7th-"day.'ef'1V4itreh A.p..1928,
are reduired to deli,yer to. Hannah
Shipley or Wilfred D. Shipley the .ex -
°enters of • said ,estate'or'W. Brydone
idlieitor, on or before the 30th day.„of'
June A..10, 1928,a fillrqstaternenf ',of
their clditna together With particulari.
thereof, and the nature' of the Secur-
ities, if held by them all duly yerefieir
by affidavit. ,-. •
• AND 'TAKE NOTICE that,. after
the. 6a4d: mentioned date the ,said bxZ
ecutors will proceed to distribute ,the
estate of the said deceased ' anfengst
'the persons antitled.tlierato having re--
gard only to such elabne as they, shall
have received due notice and in. accor,
dance therewith.. .
''''Dated at ,Clinton, Ontario, this' .418
day Of June" .A.,D.' 1928;
W.,BRYDONE,, Chilton, Ontario,
Solicitor for the said Estate.
re Co
• No. 1 Clover..Honey at 13 Cents per pound.
Formaldehyde. •
Pure Neatfoot Oji. ' ' •
•O1d„ Kriglish Wax and Brightiler: •
Simonize. Auto Cleaner and Polisher.
•' Sul liar -
• Epsom Salts. ,
• Coleman and Aladdin Mantles,
• Spark Plugs. •
Valve Grinding Compotind.
, Perfection Oil Stove Wicks." ,,
Whiz Fly Fume.
Steamed Bone Meal -Fertilizer.
Cello Glass.
Garden Seeds in bulk.
Bicycle Repairs.
Men's Work Shoes. •
G. H. VENNER Electrician
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs? irons, Fans
Wiring and Repairs.
and other
Phone 7
Western Oats
Seed Potatoes •
We sell the cleanest, safest and
Some Irish Cobblers on hand fer seed, most economical fuel and always at a
. Baled Strew for sale, fair Price. I ' 1, •t. *11
In each of Shaw's Twelve schools
follows the present session ithregu-
lar order from July 3rd with no
forced vacations. Enter 'any day.
Booklet free, Write 1130 Bay St.,
Toronto, W. R. Shaw, Secretary.
Coal That Satisfies
A telephone call will receive our
prompt attention.
YOu can feel asolutely sure that
H. W. Charlesworth every shovel of coal will be of the
We Want Your
Milk and Cream
We are manufacturers of both
cheese and butter. We want your
milk or cream. We ply highest mar.
ket price weekly. Satisfaction guar-
Phone your order for finest cheese
or pasturised butter in prints or sol-
ids to W. 11. Lobb, Clinton, Ont., R,
R. No. 3, Phone Na. 605r32.
Buggy for Sale
Top buggy, rubber tires, in good
condition. Apply to Mrs. J. Cornish,
Rattenbury street.
To Customers
To let my customers know that
have -installed a telephone. My num.
ber is 640 r 14 Clinton central. Even.
ed L. Johnston, Decorator. 61-tf,
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned, pressed and re-
paired. Woollen. goods dry cleaned.
Rooms ',liar Heard's B-rber shop.
W. J. Jago. 2283-tf
When you take your vacation this
simmer, •
' Why not leave the old coal bin at
Work, so that yeti can' enjoy your rest
in peace? _
same uniformity of quality.
Phone 182
Orders Taken at Lawsoit's Grocery
Phone 111
Eggs and Poultry
Egg's handled at residence every'
day—graded by an experienced grad-
er, for which we pay the highest mar-
ket price. •
foipciurchased for Stillman's of Stmt.
Agent for the Viking Cream Sep.
A, E. Pinch
Victoria St., Clinton ' Phone 231.
' A quantity of good hardwood and
cedar for sale.
• • . E. WARD
Phone 155 Huron street
Singer Sewing Machine
Leased on Small Monthly Paymente
Big Discount on Cash Sales
Now is the time to have your ma.
chine repaired and cleaned. Repairs,
Needles, Belts and Parts for all
makes. "
Phots 171J P.9. Box 201, Clinton
RAJ 10
Buy a radio for the family
in doing so you will be
giving them something which they.
can enjoy the year around,
We are dealers for the Kolster and
Kings sets and will be pleased to give
you a demonstration at any time.
Batteries charged and
for the winter 1
W. J. Nediger, Prop.
If you know that Your coal supply -
or e yea). a d that you
saved inoner by drdei•ing it early,
you'll get much more fun out of your
Make •a, note 'of the,' Heat
phone nurebeer 74, and callus todp..Y.
• •
Call the ••wry
Have on hand a quantity of Alfalfa,
Timothy and Alsike . We offer these
at a special price through 1/Earch for
Our Alfalfa is the Ontario Vard-
ated strain direct from Peel County.
This quality of seed is very scarce
this year advise buying early.
, for goot1,-Clean coal ' .
• , , , Are accenting orders on Itabanko '
, - : - '...:' , ' Spring Wheat, Oats, and Barley. for
• ._ , , seed. Let ns know Your ' iiir
-1 fl' , . monis so we can ntake our purchases
accordingly. ' ':
COAL COMPANY Phone 123 fl
Flouir and Feed 31lerelaanta fait; 1
Grain Buyers