HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-06-14, Page 4:IrloN=�ws zEcolzn"' ]P )AtS ''r .. , ' er e is`notheng, nem,: attractive or n1 ex1e sivs �a Wedding than this° Beautiful China and Glassware Wfe'Iare ofeerng SPECIAL PRICES on all -CHINA NA a nd, GDASS- WIARE` and look over our atri c ry estock which is so at- tractively t tot ti i e priced. e :0, •7 CL,1 NTON Sherlock -Manning Pianos Three Moro Carloads for The West, How about Treating Yourself to a New Piano. -This Spring? T. J. McNEIL Clinton's Musical Instrument Representative Always at Your Service Box 113 or Phone 273, Clinton 1 Eggs 'ream onitry WE RECOGNIZE QUALITY and DISTRIBUTE THE CASFI ACCORDINGLY at CLINTON CREAMERY, CLINTON PHONE 145 SEAFORTH BRANCH, SEAFORTH PHONE 162 CLINTON' BRANCH, CLINTON, ONTARIO PHONE 190 Gunn, Langlois & Co., 'Limited HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL, : QUE. Colborne Township Mr, and Mrs. W,m, Watson and for- mer's sister, Miss Marion Watson, deft by motor Wednesday morning for :a two weeks' trip to De Moines, Iowa; ;where they will visit friende. A slight mistake crept into our car- : •respondence Last week. It was $187.- 7O instead of 1;87.70 that was made at 33enmiller tea -meeting on 24th of 1Iay. TIr. William Bean bought a nesy •O;hevrolet Coupe and Mr. Herb, ,Fish -iter a Chevrolet coach on Tuesday. Mr, and Mks. Gordon McPhee and Mee and Mrs. Charles McPhee atten- elect the funeral of Mr. Barnby of Lothian, an- Ashfield township resi- lient who had reached the great age of 106 years. Miss M 'audie Walters of Montreal - .te visiting Mr, and Mrs. Martin, ' Mr. Herb, Morris raised his, barn an Wednesday. 41. very pretty wedding was solemn- ` .ized•at Bide -A -Wee, the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allan W61son, when their youngest daugb- ;'ter, Pearl, was married to Mr, Ernest '.Pareman of Flint, Mich., son of Mr. .jeand Mrs. George Foreman of Wood- etoek, at 12.30 on -Saturday, June 9th. The bride was giyen away by her bro Ther, Mr. Thomas Wilson. She wore a pale blue georgette gown, -with •white shoes and stockings and a pearl Bandeau, and carried a streamer bone ;duet of butterfly roses and, lily-of-the- i•valley, Rev. W. R. Alp was the offic- tiat'xnrg ri-ergynian. Miss Yetta Kennedy was brides- rnaid, wearing a lovely rosebloom=silk den ross,. and-the-groosman was Mr. • 'James' Foreman, also of Flint, and the • flower- girl was Miss Tulia Dixon -niece. of the bride, wearing white, Master Bruce Crawford was ring `bearer. The wedding party took their :piaoes ,before a bank of flowers, lilac :and apple blossom. Thehouse was Profusely decorated with tulips apple ••''.6rlogeeneee. nardisses end ".pink % and °white streamers: The wedding nuteth was •played by Miss Ruth Amos- of . West MVIacGillvaryc: lenmediately after the ceremony a 'wedding dinner was served to 'about sixty gueste. Toasts were ploposed. and 'speeches from several gentleinen ' rellowed.'7 �Ifnrose present from distant points wege'M-•. and Mrs. George Foreman, parentis of the groom, Mrs. E. Driver, -.'Sr,-Mrs. `E. Driver, Jr.,.and Master `'Torte, Mrs. W, II, Cheasley and Mrs: "'S,eonari[ foreman :and son, Bobbie, 'Vroodstoelt; Mi and ` Mrs." , Gordon y Vilson apcl daughter, Maxine, Mr,: and Mrs. D. Crawford and fiemily, Flint; Mr. and Mrs, Allan Dixon and Julia of Port Carling; Mr. and Mrs, M. Emerson and Edith, Rosseou; Mrs Dixon, Parry SotifU; Mrs, Guillrat, Pakesley, Mr.' Thomas Guillrat, Mrs. Lee; Mr. and Mrs, Fred Wilson and Jean and Mr, and Mrs. R. E. Wilson and Ruth of Cochrane. The -newly-wedded couple left for their honeymoon trip to Niagara 'and other points amid showers of confetti and good tvishes, the bride travelling _ in -a mid ensemble with accessories to match. The bride was the recip- ient of many beautiful presents of sil- verware, linen, and numerous cheques. The young people will make their home in Flint, where the groomis in business, • The picnic on Saturday was quite a success. Service at Smith's hill will be cotn- munien and will be the last with Mr. Potilter in charge, Varna Mr, : and Mrs. Floyd II. Schell and little son of Detroit factored. over ec spend Decoration, Day, May 30th. at -the home of Mrs. Schell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Austin.'' , Mr. Alvin Russell Austin, of Flint who has been visiting bit parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Austin, for the past couple of weeks, returned to the city on Friday last. e The regplar monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary Society was held in Varna,. United' •Ohui ch on Tuesday, 1Vfay.5th at 2,30 pan. Mrs, McClymont, the president, presided„ This year the societies are being ask,' ed for;, quilts and good ,second hand clothing to be sent to the Indian Mis- sion sehoole itithe West, Each month the membersand home •helpers ,are giving a.shower for the bazaar, which will. be held in. the fall, Thismonth the shower was to.wels but ther,'e were else many other useful and, beautiful articles donated. Next month ,the Answer is :bo be mikeellaneous. It was •decided to send for' envelopes and 'pamphlets for the "hidden Springs' as the Home helpers Department is now called, . Text word for ;next month,;, "WORD" • - EXETER: Mrs, James %L. Grieve died very suddenly"last week," She had motored to Clinton in the after. noon and while there waS taken ill and died abeut,midnight, She is•snr. vived by her.-itisband and one son,al-, so several brothers and sisters • pwriship 4s` `Edna Hite gsoi, ei ofWilton Grova'i, at lire5eny tlia.,guest of ;3ier sister, IVlte. 1•Iarold Pelehgle bi}> Mi' M!aind •,1VIj s.,`rJohri ;Seotehm ' 'r i $ ex<„•ln i , Ohae Soctcl ni x' of,;thc P Bzonsot lme-eke' at pgesent visiting friends kttlie•State. of Michiga'te Miss: Isabel'Mansell of Detroit is visitdtig, neidethe parental roof. Reeve' M,ansoi, w;a as'',delegate 'the "annu r1' •,meeting , of; ;the Loi don Conference of the United Church: o, Cenadzi,ti'Iii-c1i met -in Wallcerville. e _ The'follawzng'is the7report of- S- Noel; for the, of1ay.: 'nN Jr. 411=Total; 380; Conduct, 100, Flossie Stelek 189, t00, hKrp at,rel; S=3ta3x1.- bufY, 171,82+„ !Norma. 9$. , Sr. 3rd Totad;, 380, Conduct, 100- Nora Stewart,,226, 84; Dorothy Stelek 103,.98; Joe Corey, 160,;80; Stuart ¥cEwen,^' 141, 87. Jr' Biel -Total, 3 d T 0 S 30 1,, ._, 00,' Clarence Le Beat; 132, 67: - Second -Tota `28 4 100: -Roz- ell, - 1, Ruth Roz ell , 127, 98; Jack Ilenderson • 98 88; First.-Conduct,'1Q0: Clifford Elen. derson, 78; ''•`,Bobby Glen, 96. •Sr,"Prinrary,;'Conduet, .100: Helen Bozell, 91, Primary in order of progress: Geer - old Macdonald; Frederick" Anderson; *Raymond trantelon. Highest in • examinations, Nora .` Steevart. Highest in : Class work:, Nora Stewart. Perfect, attendance. Joe Corey, Nora Stewart, Ruth RozeIl, Clifford Henderson. Number on roll, 16, average attere dance, 13.73. • Those marked "*" missed examine, tions,;. -Margaret Pentland, 'teacher, 1 u81 u t Township Ray'Arehibald. Weir, second son ;of the late Adam and Phoebe Weir, for, merly of I-Iullett township died in `the - Oshawa General „ Hospital on June 6 following an operation for appendici- tis on Thursday, May 31st.. Ile ap- parently had been improving after the operation but early on ,Wednes- day morning he passed away before his friends could' he summoned. Mr. Weir wee born in North Dorchester on Nov. llth, 1283. When two ,years old his parents moved to Hullett township, where he lived until he had finished hie. .education, first at S. S. No. 2, Hullett and . then at Clinton Collegiate .Institute. He went to London in 1897 and began his busi- ness career. in the office of T. B. Es - Cott, wholesale grocers. Later he went to Jas Cowan's le t h v o sale hard ware,where, w e, with the advent of the Automobile he learned the business to which his life has' been devoted, that of purchaser of automobile parts. In 1918, he went to Oshawa to cuter the employment of General Motors as purchasing agent. IIe was slated for head of the department this coming summer. He united with Simcoe Street Meth- odist church on going to Oshawa and had been a member of the board of the church for a number .of years. In 1909 he - married Miss Rete G. Spry, daughter of Mr. J. K. Spry of London, who survives him, together with one son, Jack, his mother, Mrs. P. Weir, London, and two brothers; T, E. Weir of Dunnville and J. E. Weir of St. Catherines. IIis funeral, held at his home in Oshawa, was attended by his'•many friends in the city and representa- tives of firms with 'whom lie had dealt throughout this country and the. United •States, and was followed by another service at the home of hie father-in-law in London. His remains were interred in Mouitt Pleasant cemetery, London. The following is the report of S. S. No. 5 for the month of May: Sr.4th:.Porcy Carter, 451, Ethel Thompson, 449, Isabell Nott, 395, Carl Radford, 374. Jr. 4th -Fred Morrell, 392; Marian' Snell, 385; Lloyd Adams, *373; Hazel Hoggart, 350; Alvin Vodden, *278; Earl Snell, 270; .Roy Appleby, 253; Roy Vodden, '"185, Jr. 3rd --Alma Carter, 507; Clifford Aden's, , 385; Ethel Hoggart, 384;. Gordon Radford, 337; Glenn Fairser- vice, 836; Chester Snell, *269. 'Jr. lst-Elva Snell, :Isobel Merrell:' Nelson Radford, Lloyd Carter, Bill' Radford, Sr. Primer -Maureen Lovett, Alma.' Hoggart, Leonard Vodden, Leonard Radford, "'Jean Farquhar. Jr, Primer -Barbara Snell. Those marked 'c*" were absent for one or more examinations. Number on roll 29, average atten- dance, 28.54. M. L. Parrott, Teacher, Finds Road to Health at Sixty "Fruit -a -fives" corrects Bladder and KidneyTrouhie TJ3 Iffi.WEBSTI'fd REI)NTON Tlxe annual'' Wlebs ei' eunio pleniii w` s'heid t r, ,n snd a at 73a$dtteld on, �atixr day,; Jurie 9tji; and: waS. very 'su ceess kt:de:1 nth a lar'g'e crowd„of 335epe sons'. aleethe families ,being re resrent t1' The•WeatherWe geod;•atelr verybod hada 'good •;tune, Ain n ' `t a '` } aS lisewhn attended ,were, Mz Bali's 1V1eGe'4 rose Vice;Presideril of the';T Eato>j Co„t ,IV1ii John Webster, who was £orinerly mari'agei of ttf d Eaton C4 . of Win nipegi and later at 'Regina And Mi; ;Gordon Webster, who;"ds helping, e: opening up the naw .Eaton •.d'eeia"rc uzent stores. tri the �sniaaller cities o4 Pmolia .After a "nick appreciated dinner speeehes` were given Bogy; eoe Clinton, R'eve.. W. Penrose; of,Varna; ,Rev W,1.'Lane, of Sea - forth and Rev Mr. Brown, ,of A,sh- A,:meeting' of the; board of manage ors was heldas: usual, when Mr. 14axre' McGee was -'''appointed ..-,Mono}any• President and Mr. Thomas,Webster, of Detroit, •Pretdent , :Mr Jacob;;MMill- er, 'ofX'tsei •t g , . delighted all -dvith 'hie' reminiscences,:of farther •days -whet) the pioneers eante into Huron •,Coun- by- The: •Welester fainiiy with', the -iVlille•s and Cooks .and Cantelone came out from, Tipperary, Ireland, in 1837.` Of those whocame into the' bush at that time, Miss Lizzie Web titer was the only one at theeepicnee on Saturday, Mr. Miller said that Dan Webster So., with two others, ivallced from Norval, Ifalton County, to;God- erich and chose 60Q acres • of :.land where the village of I,ucknaw now stands. While they Were ,preparing -to sleep: in the woods they saw a pros. peetive buyer on horseback looking over the same .property. Webster, in order to secure the land, groped' hie way to Goderich in the dark, along the blazed trail through the bush: and. filed his claim, securing the 600 acres, The following are the prize winners' of the sports: Children, 5 years, Jim Errington, Katherine Turner; girls, 8. years, Violet •Errington, Isabel Arm- strong, boys. 8 years, Stuart Turner, Harvey Ritchie;' girls, 14 years„ Helen Judge, Gladys. Coleman; 'boys, 14 years, .-Torn ' Anderson, Belle Reid;, young ladies' race Elsie ,Ritchie; Grace Coleman; .:young- men's race, Anson -Coleman, Palmer Kilpatrick; married ladies, 40 years and under, R. Allan, Mrs. H, Turner, married ladies, over 40, .Mrs. W, Turner, Mrs. Thos, Blake; married men, Elmer Webster. Ed. Allan; married men over 50, Sam Kilpatrick, George Coleman; fat, men's race, Robert Webster; Tom An- derson; fat ,ladies'' race, Mrs. John Turner, Mrs, Thomas Blake; "^ininis- ter s race,, Rev. Mr. MacDonald. Rev. Mr. Penrose; necktie, Jean Ritchie and Walter Penrose; wheelbarrow race, Lnlne Coleman and Melvin Web- star: thread and needle ,;ace, Oliver Miller, Ewart, Rowan; hop. step, jump girls, Grace Coleman, Gladys Cole. mac;-.horeetan,.jamp, Heys, Anson Coleman, Walter Penrose, • MOTOR TRAFFIC TAKES HEAVY TOLL Mfany people do not know that huff - deeds of accidents outside of indus- jrial establishments are paid for, ev- ery year by the Workmen's Compen- sation Board, . For example, high- way accidents are a big factor in costs. R. B. Morley, general manager, In. dustrial Accident Prevention Associa- tions, points out that his organization has received reports on many of these in the past few months which have re- sulted in death or serious disable- ment. The reports do not indicate that the time of clay has any great bearing on the question but it is evi- dent that the bulk of such accidents oc- cur in broad' daylight and most com- mercial trucking is a daytime job. Mr. Morley's orgahization recently distributed over fifteen • thousand leaflets to salesmen and operators' giving details of accidents to drivers' of. commercial vehicles.' - While the leaflet in question was entitled "Stor- ies from. Everyday Life", every acci- dent reported; meant the death of the driver of the motor., .. In May, there were.. 6539 accidents reported to .the 'Wforknien's,Compen; sation Board by all industries under - eothpensation Nin Ontario, This' ,in. eluded 46 fatalities: -The total nail' Der: of accidents reported in the first. five• months of 1928 was 28396 includ- - ing 289 fatalities. The total awards by` the Compensation Board in May it - mounted to $544,257,75, which was e- lower than April when 8548,096.68. was awarded. ':In May medical aicl was $93,098:67 which was about emit, - thousand dollars' higher than, the' An-,; nil cost, ' Goderich • , Miss M. Powell, Miss But•wash,' Miss E. Glougher arid Dr, Messina, all of the Goderich Colleg- iate Institute last week"sent their re- signations in to the school board. Miss Clougher, who, has been the Confiner- cial instructor, has accepted a peal - tion in one of the,St. Thomas schools At a meeting of the board held Wed- nesday, Miss Ethel Barber of the Fort . Francis Collegiate: was ;engaged to fill Miss Clougher's place and Miss M. Powell was re-engaged at an .in- ctease'in salary.,,of„8100. • MR.' THOMAS GRpir,%Mr • '' I am sixty years old and tried all kinds of medicines, for bladder and• kidney trouble, which used td keep me from, work a montitat a time, until I started taking 'Fruit -a -fives'. Thanks to 'Fruit- a-tives' 1: hate worked steadily for four . years,witltout`a sick day. I have never felt better than' x do now," writes Mr. Thomas Graham of 0sbawa,,Ortt:, Because it is made from the juices of , fresh, ripe ,fruits, intensified and com- bined with strengthening tonics, "Ftuit- a-tives" soon brings radiant health to those • who suffer from constipation, bladder and kidney troubles. It works in nature's own -way. you will find "Fruit a tives": the verytliing your sys- tem needs.et25c,and 50c a boat, at' din gists. Start ,right wry-to-dav:' -roof this Year with RIR-ROLL thePernlarient Roofing . for Barns, Houses, Sheds LOW in initial cost...comes in big sheet's -easy and quick to lay... permanent..:leabe proof... handsome in appearance. Pre- vents fares,., increases value of property, Made of famous "Council Standard" galvanized - sheets. Give size of roof for free . estimate. Write ton Eastern Steel Prddu • C!RI;STON. ONE. Sactees5rto' ,Metal Shingle and ,Sidins•Co,Ltd,• . ,ae , ll r? 5', �, dnesda ' ' orris . Y rn jlg,, June 01i1i, rthete',p ssec1 :tp het war n f,,th , a res ,d o,e o, e oldest aiui, most highly esbegm '. eI residents of tha vrlla8e jn` the jeer 300 rat Mary [lnu Wk'�ght, Wi't'a of akar. Bin Riley; ;'Sr after' an• extended 111 i?;ess lVfWrs:r Riley was born ori the' 8th' concession of 1VIcIxlloli,-;being'.'a„ daughter ., of the .late 4VIr: "and Mrs,;', *rlglit•of ";Sager th.'` The famalv:later'; moved to,,,the 11th Concession where slie.hved•,until ,her:.nlarriage, t'o•Mx, Riley of Mullett; who, survives,,heu' ..With.'three and'two sons,: via Mxs"-7:ohn • 114aiieon, Mrs,;. •Robert Cxnamb`o1by,; • ifullett;, Mas rJas. Alt•: wood, Blenl einy John Ri1ey,,'Brussels;. and <. Ch'a"s.,'R;iley; IIullott;,.,also Eive' sisters and one •brother, Mrs,..Ifughes Gaylard, Mlch,; Mrs.. +', Braniff,' '•Cleveland, Ohio; Mrt,_ Jacob -Whiting; Carndiff, Sask.; Mrs; Wm, Trott, and Mfrs, Harry; Bowen,;Seaforthand Wes-. leyWright Susse ' En lain.. -The' • funeral took place oriy Frida -from her lateresidenee . C'oitetanee, to .the Maitland e ,;cemetery; 'the Rev:...1 E. Doan of Gl nton > conducting the Services:. The •bereaved otter, heve,'the sym- pathy e#•,the community in the loss ofr;a loGinb'*Ito and motlier,-` -throng :those fieledelittelidedthe fun- Glal wore ,.;•;Mr arta Mia ceeWilliam 1r;Ott. of Seafotth M7, and'Mis„Har-. ry'Bowen'I3lytli Mr: and 1Vlrs. John Tuley :and fanxrty, of...Iirus'selt and Mrs, James Attwood- of Blenheim; • St. Columbian `football •teats+ played football with •the" Kinburn -boys on Fireclay night..- Result 2 to 1' in favor of Kinburn, The. Monkton boys play- ed with Kinburn on Monday night. Result • We' are sorry to hear that Miss Ed- ith Button has been very sicic with the "flu", also Kelso Adams. 'Brit we are glad to say they are both improving. Westfield A very sad death 'oceurred in the Westfield community on Tuesday ev- ening, June 5th, last when Miss Belle Cook daughter of Mrs. Cook and the late John Cook passed away at the age of twenty four, as the result of "Flu". and complications. She 'took sick at the home of her brother, Mr. Fred Cook, just on the eve of her marriage to Mr. Archie Robinson of Hullett and although everything was; done to save her she gradually grew worse until death came. The late Miss Cook was' a' member of West- field United church and an active e• memb i of the Young Ladies' Bible class there. "She was of a pleasant and `bright disposition and had many warm friends throughout 'the com- munity. She is survived by her moth. er, Mrs. John Cook, three sisters; Mrs. I. Snell, of Blyth, Mrs. Reg. Car, ter and, Mis. Earl McKnight.,both of Auburn, and -seven brothers, viz,'Dav- id in the West, Jasper of. Blyth: Thomas, Fred and Walter of East Wa.wanosh, Gordon et New Ontat•ia.. and George of Bolg•rave. The funeral was held on Thursday afternoon froni the botne-of her brother, Fred, and was eonductad by the Rev. W. R. Alp of Westfield United .ehurch, She was borne to her grave by six first cousins while the members of the Young Ladies' Bible class acted as • veal er.s,. Tile tun r , r kvei :J4 gPl an te' dad : ^r'e " o ' i" y ,-� nil m f f s P il,� f a -Y.m d..' wz� , 1� ,., i and ,the floral ere butes wore numerous aril beautiiill A and feature ai""the"£unez'al was that t)xe'decea ed°vra•s:,bixzied ip the'cloth'e . She had: prepared fore 'her' v;+eddhii Tha, sympath : of the' whole eomxnuele geees:out its ',,. o:ath s o e wha".mourn•het; pabsing•.:and partieuleriy.te•her aged. rreethereei B>erial toolr place •in' West field cbinetery. GODJ9RICH: Tbatewn'council has three Offers for, theuseof a factory building; on Maitland •Roa,1,.e whish: has been vacant for.sorne time. The Dominion. RoadIViachinei' ' y Convener,' which is . expanding and wants more, room, Aske what: terms would procure for their use the vacant shop; Mr, 'Vtlimrtle of the Salt Co,, has asked -for an option on the -plant for theme of a United` States coneern which would engage in the production ofd 1� bye, pro- ducts ofsalt and: a Windsor Company wants, to; start a: machine shop, T council!is weighing the vrioua he trying;t a tofors o come toa decision ds to the one which would turn- out best for the town. SEAFORTH:: Dr, 'Newton Mae,.; Tavish of the. ,Civil Service Commis, aSion, Ottawa, formerly of Seaforth and , other, of John ,MacTavish of this town, • has been honored by having the degree of Doctor, of ,Laws con, ferred upon him by Acadia Univet. sity, N. S., on . Wednesday, May 23. He was for eight -years in newspaper work on the' staff of the. Globe and for twenty years was editor, of the Canadian Magazine. He is a 'trustee of the NationalGallery of Canada. Mr. M'iTavish is the author of "The Fine Arts of Canada" which is a history mostly of painting • in the Dominion. : The degree is -being eon - erred ' in recognition of 'Mr. Mac- Tavish's work, on the Board of Trus- tees of the National Gallery of Can- ada and the encouragement he has given to the advancement of pzrinting and literature throughout the Dentine. ion of Canada, ._ JUNE ROD AND GUN Taking the form of a special Ont- ario Tourist Number, the June issue of Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News which is just outis of spec- ial interest not only to all residents of that province but also the rest of the Dominion and those of the United States with whom Canada is becom- ing'a popular v ac ria n g round: A personal message of welcome from the Premier of Ontario to tourists as t the leading article offers every en- le couragement to visit Canada and en-" joy .the delights the country offers, v , The contents include a notable ag. s gregation of articles on hunting and G fishing with two very good ones, One i i) SEAFORTIi The 1?iv W Dorield ri Egmondvrllo,'*4'et ': 1V x.,. dale•re en Rivere- , e tlyoWrn , t sir ` e g otlle'illrjeSs`and ' li e ' fiqu nt ea ins ar, %Wiiiliam thead the, ,15rieDonald"ward had; ser- ved ;8.s postreastert, a Rzversdale; fat •thir}tYrive years, s! havi ng se rved in capacityilong,elthan any other Countyofficial. MONCRIEF1 E 'PRINCE r . Nd, 24368.` Form 1 Monday leaving his own stable will , go • 1;:1.4' miles: east' then north 2 1-' miles mthen nrth to ?oward Crc e for noon, then north 2 1-2 nxiles, then east to John 'Preemar's for Bight, TUESDAY -West- to. Andrew 'Flynn's, fo;, :.. n . te" r noon, h n west to Gravel Road to Graham' I3oi - ase , . ,- , Clinton,, for night, DNE SDAY- WfL` Along to pavement , to D. Rodger's."for noon, then toi.Geo. Praetor's, Cut Line, • for night, '11UiSDAY-Along the ,second of .Stanley to J, McRwari's,for neon, then south-to;Bayfield•.road to Elmer Web seer's for night. FRIDAY: ' To Var- na, then arna,.then along Parr line to W. Car- lisle' for noon, ' then to IJillsgreee. then 2'1,2 miles south, then east 11.4 miles to William MbKenzie's fox night. SA.'TtJRDAY; 1`1-4 milts -east to London road, then north to his own stable to remain until the follow- ing Monday horning: Terms: To insure; 815.00, payable' Feb. lst; 1929, 2 mares front. one owner, .828.00: Robt. Murdock,' Proprietor, Chas. Man- ning, Manager, 64- The, Unbeaten PrTze-Winning Impor- ted Percheran Stallion • VOLTAIRE ._,(8971) (122605) Enrolment No, 261. Inspected- un- der the Ontario Stallion Act and pas sed in Forin 1: ROUTE Monday, May 141h will leave Robert Colclough's, Goderich township, 11/e Miles south of Holrnesv]ll'e and pro - seed east along •Telephone road to Fred Nott's, London Road, for noon then south to Walker house, Bruce - field -for night. .Tuesday-Southand west to Jack- son Broe•,., Tuckesmith for noon, then north to Mill road to Cecil flake's for night. Wednesday -North 11-4 miles, weet to John Noble's, Huron Road, for noon, then east along Huron Road to Herbert. Fowler's for night. ' Thursday -East 2141 miles, north to John McEh•oy's, McKillop, for noon then west ,and north through Con- stance to Oliver Anderson's, Hullett for night. Friday -South to Fowler's school house, then west to T heodore Dale's for noonwest then- 3$ 4 miles then hrough Clinton west to Harvey Jen - ins' for night. - Saturday -West through Holmes- ille'to Fred Pickard's :for noon then oath and ease to. Robert Colclough's oderich Township, 11-4 miles south of Holmesville for night where he will emain until the following Mondry horning. Health and weather pec• pitting. Terms; -To ensure a foal 815.00 Payable February 1st, 1929. Mares not returned regularly to the horse will be charged full insurance wheth• „� t r in foal or not. All accidents and seapes at the risk of the owners of mares. Care will be taken to avoid ccidents. Thomas 1VI'eMichael, Sr., roprietor ,and Groom, 64,4, y S. H. Howard deals with sport in the Matt'hwa district while a very good article by Alan N. Langstaff describes fishing in the Piokerel River district, The regular departments and Canadian Silver Fox News con- tain the usual list of entertaining and instructive material. Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver. Fox News is published monthly by W, J. Taylor, Limited, Woodstock, Ont, e e a ear P +s+ BY "square deal" we .. Giving bene - mean just this you the fit of the lowest price we .. Honest representation of, can possibly quote the Used Car , Sin-. Taking a genuine interest ' sere effort, to insure your, in every Used Car buyer. getting the kind of car you Buy your Used Car where giant . Turning : the 'you get 'a remarkably at - Used Car over to you, in tractive vatue . . and a the best possible condition' - • square ^ sqarue deal.' cu-12:ea ' CHEVROLET 4 I'.ASSENG-RR• COUPE 19244 'ESSE/ • 1926 CHEVROLET COACH THESE CARS ARE ALL IN GOOD SJfAPE SEE THEM BEFORE YOU BUY ay' -s, ellstitioll