HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-06-07, Page 7;9 0 -
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ITa& almost inconceivable that a car so low in price as
,•' the "Bigger" and Better"' Che'vrolet should possess
sq many, qualiw feat t es• The minute ;you step into,
the "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet, take the wheel in
your hands and step on the starter, you realize that, no»
matter what the price, you are in•a reallyfine car.
For the interior luxury of Chevrolet .`.. its smooth,
powerful motor ... its quick response to accelerator
and brakes ... its riding comfort ...' its up-to-date
completeness.-.. all bear out the impression of big
car quality conveyed by the exterior beauty and style
of the new Chevrolet Fisher,Bodies.
When you have looked closely into the deep-rooted,
far-reaching quality of the "Bigger and Better," Chev-
-rolet, you will. appreciate how ridiculously low are
the new Chevrolet prices. . c-z-s-zec
The G,hf.A.C. . General Motors' ov. ,eeeupryntPnfos
ibe most convenient and economical way ofbuying YChevrolet r
Roadster -• - - $625.00 imperial Sedan • - • 6690.00
Touring - -. . 625,00 Convertible Cabriolet -- 865.00
Coupe.. - • - 740.00 Commercial Chassis 470.00
Coach - - • • 740,00 Roadster Delivery,
Sedan - 835.00 Ton Truck Chuua 635.00
Roadster Express - $650.00 ,
All Priers at Fart,mv, Oshawa, Ontario.
Government Towel, Bumper; and Spare Tire Extra.
LAVIS, Clinton
A Handsoni 'oklet'
n Home [orris$ ruction'
Containing valuable suggestions on home planning
with Gyproc, Rocboard and Inaulex. Write for it.
Paris - Canada
For Sale By
e Thomas McKenzie Estate - Clinton, Ont.
Geo. T. Jenkins - - - - Clinton, Ont.
The Division' of Botany,' Central
Experimental Farm,- Ottawa,'will listi
applications "for inspection, free of
charge of plots planted with' Certrf1
led Seed potatoes with a view to cer-
tification, Application must bo made,
on the proper form provided, and be
received for listing not later that
June 15, in order to receive:fi•ee in-
Applications received after that
date cannot be guaranteed inspection.
Where possible, inspection may be
granted late applicants, but only oh
their agreeing to pay all costs incur-
red by the inspector in connection
with his visits
Application forms may be obtain-
ed from Mr. 0. W. Lachance District
Inspector, care of Horticultural De
payment, Ontario Agricultural Col=
lege, Guelph, Ont., and tvi11 be accep
ted at the same address for listing for
inspection, •
It is not the chief purpose of the
Department of Agriculture to en-
courage growers to plant certified
seed with'a view to having their crops
inspected for certification purposes,
because every potato -grower has trot'
the necessary patience and the time,
or.'suitable location;and equipment foe
growing, certified seed., The. object
rather` is to have 'growers plant, the
best seed obtainable' fosf their com-
mercial- crop,
ommercial'crop, and to 'Rein to keep down
to. a minimilm; d'estructiveplant 'dis
eases with;•theie, resultant,` serious efe
feet on yields. ' It' is 'desirable to ob-
tain greater acre -yields. and so to re-
duce the cost of production.- The luso
of certified 'seed' .en many 'farms
would' double the yields now being ob-
tained. -Division of Botany. Central
Experimental Farm, Ottawa.
/_Why should
you ala.ways be
having trouble?
THER fellows use the same tires, run the
same distance, cover the same roads -and
have no ,trouble at all. -
Test your tire pressure -every wege, Don't guess
it — gauge it. Run round to a Dominion Tire
Depot and have thepressurechecked and your
tires inspected. Let an expert search for cuts and
A slight repair in time may, prevent a blowout,
and add a few thousand miles to the life of your
Yon are •never far away.. frail a
J • IN. ELLIOTT, Clanton
J. Ce •, ADa O1 D, LitsnciesbllrO
St. Helens
(Crowded Out Last Week)
Mr. Alvin Wloods came home from
Toronto Medical College on Wednea-
Mr. 'and :Mrs. James Irwin and Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Martin spent Sun-
day at the home of Mr. Wm. Woods.
Mr. arid Mrs. Arnold Barbour, Fer-
gus, Dorothy and Bobby, Mir. Clarence
Barbour and Miss Clara Woods from
Guelph spent Sunday at the home of
Mrs. R. J. Woods.
Mr. Alvin Woods came home from
Toronto Medical College on Wednes-
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Irwin and Mr.
and 'Mrs. Richard Martin spent Sun-
day at the home of Mr. Wm. Woods.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Barbour, Fer-
gus, Dorothy and Bobby, Mr. Clar-
ence Barbour and Miss Clara Woods.
from Guelph spent Sunday at the
home, of Mrs. R. J. Woods.
Miessrs. Harris and Elsner Purden
from Detroit spent the holiday at
their home here.
Mrs. Stalker is a visitor with *her
brother,Mr. William Taylor.
Mrs. John McPherson of Puslinch
`spe-Ilt ti few days with her brothers,
the Messrs. McDonald.
Mr. John Durnin, Lorne, Miss An-
nie and Mrs. Chas. Durnin motored
to.- London on Monday.
Mrs. Joe Smith received word of
Me death of her sister, Mrs. Thos,
Davidson -of Stirling, Ont. Mr. and
Mrs, Davidson were former residents
of West Wawanosh.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark of Smith's♦ Hill
were visitors with Mr. and Mrs, W. J.
Humphrey •lately.
A great many old neighbors and
friends attended the funeral of the
late Nlra. W. C. Webb on Monday,
whose death occurred on Saturday,
after an illness of two months. The
family have the sympathy of the
community, particularly so, owing to
the fact that it is only seven weeks
since the death of their father, Mrs
W. C. Webb. J
Ace dents
Safety iIttee
The II0N. GEO. S. HENRY, Chairman
RuMinailous o[ RRliekali.
A Column Prepared Especially for Women -
But Not Forbidden to Men
Now that summer is here and child -
len are midi in the woods it were
well to instruct them not to eat any-
thing found growing there unless'
they are very sure that it is not pois-
onous, Two children in Ontario have
been poisoned this hring from eating
the root of water hemlock, one in Tor- le pint of each because
onto, the other near Orillia. Child- 1. They supply large quantities of
are iron which b"uiid up the blood and,car-
ry off impurities. Iron is most a-
bundant in apples, green vegetables,
green fleas and carrots.
2. They are rich in lime, potassium
and phosphorus' necessary for the
bones, muscles and nerves, and in oth-
er necessary and valuable minerals.
3: -They provide roughage prevent-
ing digestive troubles and act as a
broom in carrying off the waste mat-
'4. They contain all four vitamines
in large quantities.
5. They supply large quantities of
water to the system. ,
6. They contain varying amounts of
sugar and tissue building food.
be necessary tq give reasons. 'Yet
in case any one is stilt doubtful of
their value as food I'm going to risk
publishing them
Eat at least one Canadian fruit
and two Canadian vegetables besides
potatoes every day, 'having at least,
ren are so adventurous that they
apt to take a bite of anything which
looks good to eat or resembles some-
thing which i$ good to eat. They
should be warned.'
Soaks Right in
and Limbers up
Stiff Joints
Pharmacists Call it `joint -Ease" Be -
Cause it's for Swollen, Sore, Pain-
ful, Creaky joints Only.
Although we in Canada have such
an abundance of land on which to
grow vegetables and fruits and al-
though we do .grow vast quantities
of both and also dry and can it
in large quantities the fact
remains that we import a very large
quantity of both. If Canadian house-
wives would decide to use, just as far
as it is possible, only Canadian fruits
and vegetables 'it would make a great
difference in the prosperity of our
country. And as the canning season is ap
In a little book issued by the fruit preaching, and as thrifty Canadion
department of the Canadian Depart- housewives always like todo some
ment of :Agriculture we find the fol- home canning and there may be a
lowing six reasons why we should eat number of June brides who may hate
to admit they do not know all there is
to know about such things,' we give
below several don'ts written by an
expert for the guidance of beginners.
Don't fail to test jars with new rub -
hers before sterilising.
Don't try, at first, to can vegetables
THRILLING SIGHTS AWAIT THF, in any jar larger than a pint. The
VACATIONIST ALONG THE smaller the jar the easier it is to
ALASKA - Don't use old rubbers. It is cheap -
Deep in the heart of the Rockies— er to buy new rubbers than to loge
towering mountains and wild, en- your vegetables. Don't try to use a wide rubber on a
vegetables every day. They are good
reasons, too, but we are all becoming
so fond of vegetables, owing to edu-
cation along this line, that it may not
chanting woodland scenery await
those fortunate enough to take
one of the Canadian National's inex-
pensive tours cross Canada to the
Pacific Coast and Alaska.
While in the Rockies you visit that -
mecca of holiday makers—Jasper
National Park—enjoy% a few days of
hiking, golfing, swimmin . ii riding
then on 'Through mountains and
valleys to Vancouver and Victoria.
After a few days in these metropol-
itan centres of the Pacific Coast, you
take one of the modern comfortable
steamers: that ply along the Pacific
A thousand miles of Nature's most
wonderful and awe-inspiring scenery
hold your attention as you sail up the
famous inside' passage to Skagway,
Alaska. Age-old trees, ' towering
glaciers, fiords that sparkle with the
beauty of their setting—all are fea-
tures of this tour.
, Ask any Canadian National Rail-
ways Agent about this trip. .He will
gladly give you full information and
illustrated literature.—Advt:' 64-I.,
It took a good ninny, years to get
together a combination of pain sub-
duing and 'swelling reducing agents
declared to be the one remedy that al-
most instantly penetrates through
skin and flesh and starts right in 'to
brake swollen, inflamed, ei!eaky, pain
racked' points as good as new.
They call this new wonderful prep-
aration."Joint-Ease" because the med-
ical man. who turned the trick, worke•1
for yeah to perfect some low-priced
remedy that would' really benefit the
millions of people who have one or
more• joints that need helpful,tttten-
tion. :.: .
So "Joint -Ease" is prepared only
fen' people who have a swollen, painful
creakg, 'distorted, or stiff joint, wheth-
er it be in lcnee,;elbove, sho ldoi; ankle
neck or finger and whether it is 'caus-
ed' by rheumatismor something else. ;
Of course, it can't help but quickly
put an end sato such supt'Irficial ail-
ments as lumbago, neuralgia, neuritis,
aching, !muscles, stitch in the side;
crick in the neck•or sore feet because
4, its penetrating' action, but what'. it
isreally recommended,for is joint ail
meets of any nature Whatever.
Ask `for 'a tube •of "Joint -Ease."
You can use it several times in one
evening" for quick results, because it
goes right through the slain with only
a few seconcls rubbing. It surely is's
swift' penetrator and when it gets un-
der .the
n-der:the skin, it starts right into clean
up alljoint trouble: •
All druggists dispense it daily for
about 60 'cents a tube, as do first class
druggists eveerywhere.
screw-top jar. The wide rubbers fit
the spring -top jar and the narrow
rubbers the torew-top.
Don't shorten the time of sterilize -
;tion, (15 minutes at the boil.)
Don't fail to seal jars tightly. Ses
that the spring is adjusted to give
good pressure on spring -top jars and
that the screw-top does not slip en
gem jars.
Don't let the heat down so that the
water fails to boil. Keep it jumping.
Don't use a doubtful sealing jar for
vegetables. Put) some easy keeping
product Well as pickles, jams or lel::
lies in chipped or uneven jars.
Don't rise a dirty dish cloth to wipe
off the top of the jar. •It may undo.
all your work,
This Modern Life!
Its Habits Produce Con-
stipation, which
"Fruit-a-tiyes9ID Corrects
MONTREAL, Que., —"After
suffering many years from
constipation, 1 was advised to
try 'Fruit-a-tives.' Aft my ills,
are gone now." Mrs. H. Godin.
Indoor work, soft, rich foods,
lack of exercise impair our bodily
functions. The most common
evidence i9 constipation. Normal
intestinat.. activity,• denied to
moat of us by our way of living,
is restored and maintained. by
"Frilt-a-elves," made of the
juices offresh,ripefruit,blended
with health -building tonics. F
l " _25c and 50c a'box,
' GODERICII: Miss Trainor of.I
Chazy, N. Y., formerly of. Goderich;
has made a gift of a handsome grand-
father .clocic:to the Alexandria Hos:
pital,' The clock was given in mens-
ory of Mrs. ' Mary Bays and Mrs;
Mary,, IiIorris two ladies largely in-
strumental in -having the hospital es-
tablished and active in the work of
maintaining it during its early years
Terrible Eczema
Goes` Quickly
Stronog, Powerful Yet Safe, Sur
geontsPrescription Called Moose's
Emerald Oil Has Astonished
13ere is a surgeon's wonderful pre:
scription now dispensed by'pharma-
cists at trifling cost, that will do more
towards helping you get rid of ;un
sightly spots and skin disease than
anything you've ever used.
In skin diseases, its action is little
less than magical. The itching of
eczema is instantly stopped; Inc
eruptions dry up =and scale, off in. a
very few days. The same is true of
barbers' itch, salt rheum and"`.,,other
irritating and unsightly skin trou-
You can obtain Moone's Emerald
Oil in the original bottle at any mod-
ern drug store. 11 is safe to use; and
failure, in any of the ailments noted
above is.next to impossible: .Ar1 drug-
gists can supply you at any trine.
evens re =»l fro s **roof
Give your baby chicks the right feed from the
start: $y feeding Monarch Chick Mash and
MVlonarch Chick Feed, growth will'be<quicker,
maturity earlier, and theywill be big egg
producers in a much shorter, time.
A real(starter for baby chicks and is reeomrnended'to be
fed for the first six or eight weeks. Monarch Chick Mash
contains all the necessary animal and vegetable proteins,
minerals and vitamins necessary for rapid growth and de-
velopment, and is recommended fed dry in free running
hoppers. Comparing the cost of the feed with results
obtainable, we feel Monarch Chick Mash is the best
[.tarter for young chicks manufactured. Monarch Chick
Mash is composed of:
Standard Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Wheat Shirts,
Alfalfa MCA, Pearl Grit, Bone. lvleal, Meat
Meal, Cod Liver Meal, Powdered Milk, Salt.
is the first grant feed for chicks, and is a properly bal-
anced mixture. Each ingredient is specially milled be-
fore mixing, then the entire mixture b screened before
bagging to insure freedom front dirt or injurious weed
-- seeds. 1t should be fed as n scratch feed in conjunction
with Monarch Chick Mash.
The ingredients ofMbnareh Chick Feed are:
Cracked •Corn, Cracked Milo, Pinbcod Oatmeal,
Millet Seed, Cracked Wheat, Cracked Burley..
Sohl by
l$e Charlesworth, Clinton
J. A. Ford & Son, Clinton
f ryes. �l'f_M.:12'it
IHARP on the dot, meals are
ready to serve when Per-
erfection does the cooking. No
wood to chop, no ashes to lug.
Cooking starts with the touch
of a match to the wick. Every
drop of oil is changed to intense
heat in -the long chimneys. The
automatic wick stop does not
allow the flame to rise above a
set point. No smoke, no soot,
no odor. Far better than nurs-
ing a coal fire:- No waiting for
See the beautiful new Per-
fection on display at your
dealer's. Learn of its 27 new
features. Inspect the wonder-
ful 'live heat' oven. Prices on
Perfection run from $8.75 to
$212.50. Write to GeneralSteel
Wares, Limited, Toronto, Ont.
PE.1. F
--; dal Burning
i I '
",9tfYPerfedwnassistsmegreatly ,
in having meals on time. No sulky ,
coal stove to coax until time and,
patience have ail flown awayt but
husband, son, brother coming in all
tired and hungry find the meal all
ready and the homemaker with et .
smikon her happy fact that thepeer.
(ail 'Perfe8ion—always Rands 5s
with the epee—is sure to bring."
Mfrs. E.3 ,AnrherRburg. 005.
Dept- General Stool Wares Ltd.,Toronto.
I' Please send me free particulars of the .,Perfu ionOil Range.
I Name
Address - Prev -