HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-06-07, Page 5r")
According•' tot' statistics <7anadtane-
x te.fort7-thre"Oce,%. creitm•,'aones•-per,
"head. last; Year .,'Soip,O,o ;y-eheatod
as Our office boy says' he;didnt ger,
its shake.
Wo ma nt `nt `
here. beldwr
but we'seem t6,,want it,ivatrt quick•
wg•can,get ;it.—Brandon ,Site:"
Yea .and when•we Ilse that up' ie want
,x»or ht ie e
t ,
e•O' noir ne to vote on a )iew g1,and
:`stand at ;4he -.agricultural ' p rounds.
'"Those eplsosed we: ' siippoee, will kt
on the ideri Lpndop Free.Press ,
y t
Not Inecesteril . '! What aliou the-
r e
f t So far, the Sa urd `•Nig lit has:`
;keen able 'to ascertain the ;critics • of.
'-the-tSresent systeri;. (of makrng ap+°
': pointnient to the office Of 'governor;
'•general), '.desire •that- the:'appointi-
-ntenis"shall'hereafter-be•Made by the
'<'Canadidn Press'Assocration,; if it can
Upon .afavorite,,.Toronto Sat:i
•`urday Night, ' We: rise to ark• which
.,Association; the Daily or Weekly?
Froin', several-:rplapes some.reports
et of damage'. wrought;frem.;the, use -of
;;fireerackers during• the Victoria Day
:,•celebrations,..injuries- to pefaons and
loss. by -fire, etc, . Blit the most cur
:_'ious accident occurred at Galt, when
, the ;sun ignited •- a firecracker in•. a'
dealer's windaw,:'causing-,the .whole'
,Stock to' .take 'fire, blowing ,out the
.window and causing a fire which des-
troyed;several hundred dollars worth
of goods.. Perhaps . more than one
-fire of "unknown origin" may be caus-
ed by too warm a caress from Old
' SoI, though he hasn't been very lavish
of them this spring, so far. 'Bat- it
-would be well to remember that the
-concentrated rays of the sun, reflect
ad through glass, cause intense' heat
and might easily y ignite anything of a
highly combustible nature.
. The people of• Northern Ontario are
indignant over the statement by a
•couple of University professors in
• "Toronto that vice and crime are ram-
pant•in that part of the province and
'Premier Ferguson and members of
'his cabinet last week answered these
-charges by stating that conditions' in
•'the mining districts of the north are
•steadily improving, The Porcupine
• Advance last week in discussing' the
'matter said: "The North Land is not
a land of plaster saints, and has no.
ambition to pose as such. But it is
eminently decent, law-abiding and
orderly and free from the evils that
'beset some reining sountries."
There are, of course, a very large.
pereentage'of foreigners in :that part
of the country and if they are not just
as good Canadians as those of the
, old stock in this part of Ontario it is
not to be wondered at. From what we
have heard the most serious aspect of
the case is the - fact that "red" teacb-
•ing amongst these foreigners seems
to be going 6n -without much hinder-
anee. Something should- be' done to
'keep them down until these people
'learn enough about Canadian, laws•
• and, customs to be able to judge of
t'their merits.
Editor News -Record: I yesterday
<'tame across a letter from my father
giving information long desired, viz,
.>about the building of the first Angli-
can church in Clinton. In it he says,
:"I built the church in 1835-6—a good
.frame building, siding of pine, floor
:t4_ inch' cherry. There was a tower
.some 12 or 14 feet above the roof, no
gallery. The area of the floor was
,.about the size of your present church,
$ large windows on each side. I eol-
.lected money for it in England, peo-
ple here gave help in labour, for cash
was scarce in those days. What be-
-caine of it? No church rates, I sup-
pose., it gradually got out of repair.
;:One named Cooper used to read pray-
.ers, preach; now and then a travelling
.Methodist missionary would help."
This letter shows when and how the
.first church was built—also that, my
:father did not know it was burned
,down—as also (I ; think) another
frame building replaced: by the pros.
-eat brick
-edifice, e
rected under the
:supervision of lime Jas,
some time in the early sixties, which
ihas stood ever since, I want to take
advantage of this- opportunity, to cor-
rect" an
or-rect"an erroneous' impression, that
'other denominations have a right to
.the use of St. Paul's church, It is not
:ea. The trust deed states, that in the
'event of there being no Anglican min-
ister here stationed then, and thein on-
ly, 1st a Presbyterian and '2nd a
• '.Methodist may hold service, lVly fathy
<er, who drew up the deed, was a very
broad-minded man and considered it
/better to -permit the use of the build
ling by the above named, than for it to
1•einain idle. " If there be any virtue
however in a possessory title, the An-
. glican .congregation have had, a resi-
• dent Anglican priest here for oy'er.60
;years, which I would think settles the
question definitely of ownership.
_Clinton, May 25th, 1p28,
John Barnby, Ashfield township's
*oldest citizen, i" 'wed, probably . the
oldest person h. ion county, died'
at the residence of his son, James
:Barnby, concession 12th, Ashfield on
.Friday last in his 107th year;.
Mr. Barnby was born in Yorkshire;
' „England, March llth, 1822, being a
lad, of fifteen When Queen Victoria
came to the throne and so lived in the
reign of five sovereigns. He ;came to,
Canada when a young man of twenty,
two and ten years later came to Ash,
field, where he took up land and hew,
ed Mit a home for himself. Ile was a
respected resident of the community
and was all,his his lxf.
e connected with the
Church, .being Methodist g an aetivt
rpentber, of ' Zion United, fotmeil)
.Methodist, •oongregatien ,,since its or
gattization, Ile is :survived -by two
sons and one daughter, , two being.
resident in the west, and the son with
'whom he lived, .•His; wife died forty
years ago In 11'far li last he ceiebrat
od his .7!06th birthday by listening•'in
on 3t radio conceit The.uneral took
-lace fe'onn his late Meme; on. Monday
•af torhpoli
St011iteg TQWV1181143
•Mx.'John owan McCtended the
funeral -o hissiSter,, the late
Peter Murray- of Detroit, on Friday,
June l1Mi,. and Ss,.>• -Eby .- .,.Montietln„ and” c
teyoechildren,` Mildred •and,Jaekl:t
Londoii''vistted'' at the henio of ;hfi
1.14 11 €4ilr iobr fox 1 few 'ddjis" at the
end of the week. -,
There passed .away in .St. Joseph's
hospital„ London, on ,May•_22L0 life•
long residelit of Stanley .township!: in
The person' of Robei't'1Mhdrinley, Three
Woeks;previous :he had gone't0 Lon-
don for an operation. In a few days
he andhis :fi;iende Icn'ew he would -nev-
er• return 'e ,his old home but he lay,
in eonxparative comfort, 'without pain
orcomplaint,' constantly •attended by
one of :his•two' nurses-and+always 'able
to recognize the, greetings and atten-
tiozls of his wife, who was ever near
and the friends, who were privileged
t0 see Itim ` -
• Mr.'McKinley ::`was born • on the
Goshen line,- Stanley, on, June 13th
-1864:and always lived .on- the farm on
which. he was born, When he -wee but
eleven -months :old his • father died
leaving a wife • and family of silt
daughters arid- one •son,. • His mother
lived* : with him until her death, ten
years' ago. In 'January 1911 he was
-married to Miss Jean Campbell, of
McIfillop, who, now with their two
children, Margaret Mary, aged pix.
teen, and Robt, Campbell aged twelve,
are left to mourn a kind and loving
husband and most indulgent father,
Two sisters, Mrs. Clarke of Varna
and Mrs. Becker of Aneroid, Sask,;
survive andwere able to be near him
during his illness. One sister, Mrs.
Wm. Lamont, was killed at her home.
on the. Goshen' line, sixteen years ago;
two died in the W eet within the past
two years and one . died in Dakota
quite a number of yeas ago.
Until the Anglican church o11 the
Goshen was closed Mr. McKinley was
a member and faithful attendant
then he and his family joined the Uni-
ted church and while health permitted
he was ever present at •the church
services. His pastor, Rev. Mr. Pen-
rose, conducted thefuneral services.
Never very -rugged and, of a retir-
ing disposition Mr. McKinley never
served in any -public office but he had
a host of warns friends, many who
bore route testimony to their friend-
ship and respect for hint and sym-
pathy for his family by attending the
funeral whicli was held on Thursday
afternoon to Bayfield cometery. A-
bout one hundred and seventy-five
cars were in the procession, Friends
were present from McKillop, Hullett.
Godericli. Walton, Londesboro, Clin-
ton, Seaforth, Mitchell, Bayfield, Zur-
ich, Hensall, London and Forest. The
floral offerings were many and beau-
tiful. -
Brucefielci -
The Marion Oliver Mission Circle
will meet in the school room of the
United -church on Friday June 8th, at
8 p.m. There will be a special speak-
er for the' occasion and a special in-
vitation is extended to the members
of the W. M. S. and other ladies of
the congregations to attend. The
members of• the circle are asked to
bring their sunshine bags.
Mrs, W.- Stevens, is away Oh a vis•
it to her'' ,daughters in Listowel and
Mount )Forrest at present.
Mr. Hind: MIs. Andrew Murdock and
daughter' bf Detroit visited at the
honne,'•of the fornter's father, Mr.
Robt. Murdock, last. Sunday. Mr. John
Swan returned to Detrdit with them
on Monday. '.<
Mrs. Wm. Scott and Mrs. Alex. Mc-
Cartney are at present visiting their
sister, Mrs, -A. Douglas;i' and other
friends in London and"Westminister.
Mr. Dutot visited at thehomeof his
son, Stanley, and: his. daughter, Mrs
T. Caldwell„ .who is at present in the
memorial hospital in Seaforth, where
she underwent a serious operation re-
cently, - .
The trustees of Bairds cemetery arc
having a bee to lower the corner
stones and remove fences around .plots
in the cemetery cry on the afternoon of
Tuesday, June 2, in the way of im-
proving the appearance of the cem-
etery. They will -appreciate' the as-
sistance of all plot owners who can.
make.it,convenient to be present on
that date.
Mr. Frank Vollick, of near Clinton
died on MondayeJnne 4th.
to Harold Skinner's
Blue Water Boys
RIB-: `®'r
IL House
roofs„Lasti in
ROOF your house or cottage
with Rib'Roll.. liandsome' to
leek at ... increases value of
property ... laatix .,..col
aectscleanrainwater,banishes t
leaks ,,.ideal:for houses,
barns,sheds, warehouses,
buioo, churches, o public
fresOngm te. size of roof for'
flee estimate. Waste
feel psmdust„ts
Racco eor'to
Notal bin le 5, 8idia
IAa''ett es
ASH'TON—COLE ` I•n; Cliotoi`,' on
Juno 2nd by`the Rev'' A,k,A; Herne ,
Filen Elizabeth (Beesze);' youngest
daughter of+ Mr.• and Mrs., 'Wee. -"T -f, --
Cole of Clii ten, tee Cecil J 1Shtolt
d± Stapley,-1eldest son of Mt ,rand
Ms's John•Ashton of',!duckersmrtYi
STEWART Tn gtanleY tpwn'ship, oil
May 20th, ;t0 141. and; Mrs: Clifford
St t !•
PLCKARD—Iri H'oline vrlle,;
3Oth, to Mil, and 1 1 '
a son
In 'Jasper National Parkr bea itiful
Mount Edith ,Cavell laisos 'her glia-,
tening white -,:head.', head ' 11,033
feet:' toward ""the : This :superb
mountain is blit one of' the.inany of
the scenic jewels whose'beagty draws.,
thousands of 'tourists to ,'3'asper Nat-
ional Park each year
Jas:" •P rl•"'
r a e . od e: itself .the: var-
pe L g.,. ,,. :.
scenery %abbot the Lodge -the
motor trips—the sports -011 account
for the international ,: popularity of
this great resort.
Visit Jasper t)ti5'. rummer and, rf
possible, add .the Triairgie +Tour io
your' itinerary: { �7alier , to, Prince
Rupert, by boat to ,ty'ahcouver and
back to Jasper: National Park;—will
give you the :mpst wonderful concep•
tion of the beauties; of ` our • Canadian
West. -Any Canadian'' National.Agent
will be glad -to •-fiirnish'you with full
particulars, rates; routes, etc.-L.-Advt.
Our reconditioned 'Used Cars must
be sold. Do not miss this, opportun-
ity. Practically all makes and mod-
els offered for `your "selection, includ-
Only three days to get one of these
June 7,. 8, and 9
Your- Present Car Taken in Exchange
In care of Xnkley's Garage
• Clinton,' Ontario.
• 65-1.
A 25 CENT •^"
Verandah' n � Tea
and Sale of •25 cent articles
at` the home- of
.• on the afternoon of
Thursday, June loth
from 4 to 7 o'clock
Under the auspices of the. Girls' -Club
of Wesley -Willis United Church , -
' We solicit your patronage.
Cook Stove for Sale
Happy Thought cook stove, used on-
ly one -winter. Reason for selling,
leaving town do not wish to move :t'
Apply to Mrs. Benthan, Rattenbury
street, West. 05-3-p
In the Estate of Neil Smith,
NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons having claims „against the es-
tate of Neil Smith, late of the village
of Brucefield, in the County of Huron,
shoemaker, deceased, who died on 'or
about the thirteenth day of March
A.D. 1928, are required to deliver to
Alexander Smith the administrator of
the said estate. or W. Brydone solici-
tor, on or before the thirtieth day of
June A.D. 1228, a full statement of
their claims together with particulars
thereof, and the nature of the secur-
ities, if held by them 'ail duly- vere•
fied by affidavit. ,
AND TAKE NOTICE that after the
said last mentioned date the said ad=
ministr'ator twill proceed to distribute
the estateof the said deceased a•
mongst the persons' entitled' thereto
having regard only to such claims as
he shall have received due notice and
in accordance therewith.
Dated at Ctinton,,.Ontario, this 5th
day of June A.D. 1928..
W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ontario
Solicitor for the said Estate
In the Estate of William, Shipley:,
NOTICE is hereby given that all,
persons having claims against the es-
tate of William Shipley late of`the.
town of Clinton, in the County of 1-Iur-.
'on, yeoman, deceased, who died on or
about the 7thday: of March A.D. 1628,
are required to deliver to Randall
Shipley or Wikfred' D. Shipley the :ex-.
ecutore ;of 'said;' estate or W. Blydene
solieitor, on oe. ibofore the 80th dayeitsf
June:: A.A. 1928, a full 'statement," of
heir claims together with partimilars
thereof, and the nature of the 'secur-
ities, if held_bythem all duly. verefied
by affidavit. • -
the said mentioned date the said ..ex•
ecutors"will proceed toedistribute the
estate of the said deceased.
the persons entitled thereto having re-•
a suet: 11 claims as the sh o s v a
,grd only t
htxve received due notice and in actor
Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 4th
,day of June A.D; 1928.•
W..'BE, BRYDONE, Clintn, Criteria,
Solicitor for the "Said Estate.
ears on,
Srnce I opened my Portrait Studio!
iii Clinton,• I wish -to thanitM1 ny inany.
customers;fer, their patronage ','I'
'pii'ey -sa'y lily buelneSs has been very
li?hen. you need Photos ' that
please come"any Tuesday to my Spud'
no hours Froin 10 a.m, tb 5 li,ni, ,
. z, y2,„ ,S YOu1' fi11nS ..t0+
" r r
Bilr es
Portrait S"t igs
'F owers:,
I , . ,a ud floral designs._ of. all`.
kinds .sen ;anywhe re,, ,Special <
tion to,oht,of,town•:orders. ”
e, novo �i"lilrg•e:stoelr of'P` rants in
readmess+,'fbr hanging baskets, bale
0of11' boxes; bedding, etc,
-I .r
1 a "" e"
:Ga, rld.se stockat Greenhouse..':
CI'' ,S. V. Cooke
Tryo Phones -66w and 66j
An►:nou icng i ,
819.60'to ;65.00
Week?. '.role'"t
iT o kr ly and Neatly Dorxi: •
McEeveti's Old Stand. Opposite
- Post 'Office
The' Federal and Provincial Liberal
Associations of South:- Huron. will
hold, their annual meeting in
at 2:30 p.rjt. . .
Theenieeting will ,be tdderesed by
Mr. Thomas McMIII-an, M,P, and oth-
„er.' speakers.": ' , .
Federal officers: Dr. J. W. Shaw,
president. J. A. MhEwan, Secretary,
Provindial •officers: Thos. Shilling-
shaw, President, J. 1Vt. Govenlock.
Secretary. 65-2.
- • Store. for Rent
The store now occupied by E. L.
Mittell will be 'for• rent.- Immediate
possession •if required. Apply to S
S. Cooper, Olintdn. 65-3
Wanted to Rent
;A -comfortable ,medium-sized house
or cottage, possession about July 15th,
by young couple, no children- Write
Box 329, Clnton, or 'phone 204.
Tractor Plowing
I am prepared to do plowing by the
acre, at any tirne, everything furnish-
ed, Also wood sawing. Apply to S.
Flewitt, or phone 13 on 606, Clinton
central. 46-tf. 6p,
For Sale
bearable 'building Iot for sale, on
Princess Street, West. Enquire Thos,
White, Rattenbury street west.
In the Estate of Ann Peffers,
- Deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons having claims against the es-
tate of Ann Petters late of the Town
el Clinton -in the County of Huroii,
married woman, deceased,'who died on
'or about the 18th day of April A.D.
1928, are' required' to deliver to Jos-
eph George Crich and Hannah Eliza-
beth Townsend the executors of the
said estate or W. Brydone, solicitor,
on or before the 22nd day of .tune
A.D. 1928, a full' statement of their
claims together , with particulars
thereof,. and. the nature of the sec=
uriities, if held by them all duly veri-
fied by- •affidavit.
AND TAKE NOTICE that after the
said last mentioned date' the said ex-
ecutors will proceed' to distribute' the
estate of` the said teeeased amongst
the persons entitled thereto having-re-
aving•regard only to such claims as they shall
have received' due notice and in ac-
cordance ,therewith.
Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 60
day of rune AD. 1928.
• W. ,BRYDONE; Clinton, Ontario,
Solicitor for -the said' Estate
Sealedtenders addressed, to the un-
dersigned. and endorsed, "Tender foe
Reconstruction of the- South Pier,
triose fortunate; enough . , to take
12 o'clo k ay
_c, noon, (daylight savfugj,
Tliursday, June 14,,19288, for the recon-
struction oftho su)rerstruott se of the
South Pier, ih[_ concrete, far „-length
of`200 feet, at. G;oderich, Huron''Coun•
ty; :Ont-
Plans.and farm of contract"can be
seen' and specifatton :and forms of
tender obtained, at this Department
tat the offices of the District. Engin.
eersi Clestotns €Iuilding, London, Ont.
Equity Office, Qoderich, Ont., also at
the Builders: Exchange, 70 Bond
',Street, Toronto, Ont. '
Tenders will hot be cpnsidered Un-
less ;,made en -printed. terms supplied
by the Deptateenettt and hi acordance
with conditions contained therein.,
Each tender -must be accompanied
by alkaccepted cheque en a chartered
hank, payable, . , to the - order ..of the.
Minister et Public Works,..cqual to 10.
lier,cent of the amoent a the tender,
Bondsf the Doininion: f Canada - t.'
p o p
bonds of the Canadian` National ltail.•
way Company will also be accepted as
security, or bonds and a, chequo if re-
mitted to make up an. odd: amount.
Note—Blue prints can be obtained,
at this •pepartment•by -depositi-ng an
accepted cheque for the mein of 310.00
payable to the order. df' -tile Minister
of Pitblic Works hick win Wee.,
tit Y
turned xt the intending' bidder,sahl3i4
1, regtilar bid,
By order,
2. 5.- O I312IEN'
Departmentof Pulti
Ottawa,, May 25, 1928.
a, r• l Y ,k,
BrinS,your .poultry ,led eings,here
and,. d,. , x naeke' Mere profit • for:. y041s4lf,
.Moiltet priees'for heavy•;hens are
high lake ad,Yantage . of ` them now,
as C114tpq Leod,ing,.Egg-Grading
t i `
Sat n
X t0
'H u.
hones=Office; 214,1 Residence; 21'4wi
Garbage: Collection
The ',Muntopal;:Council' "oe- Clinton
;contemplates:'instituting 'a system 'of
Garirag'e collection r f, 'a ; sufficient
%nurnbeu:' of • • citizens wish- ' to °avail'
,themselves, of it.:'.:
The: lar
ger : thernum ei: of users the
b 1e
less the: cost wiil,be ,, •
It Is requested 'that all'::who desire
this ,Service will send in'lheir names.
.to the .Town Clerlt's•office.'-
Further particulars as to cost, num-
ber of collections, etc. '.will be given
before the work' is undertaken.. II
B. Comber Mayor.".... .•
Foam For Safe
100 acres, good soil, good =bin ldings•.
fine,eugar bushe.itt •miles from Clin-
ton. Will. sell on easy terms. E.'
A'Iatheson, Seaforth P, "O. "Phone
614-33, Clinton central. 38-tf
In the Estate of Daniel K. Prior,
- NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons • having claims against the
.estate of -Daniel K. Prior, late of the
Town of Clinton in `the County of
Huron, Brick -layer, deceased, who
died on or about the thirtieth day of
April A. D. 1928, are required to de-
liver to Mrs. Laura Kay the execu•
trix of the said estate or W. Brydone,
solicitor, on or before the sixteenth
day of June A. D. 1928, a full state
ment of their claims together with
particulars thereof, and the nature
of the securities, if held by thein all
duly verified by affidavit.
ANDTAKE NOTICE that ,after
the said last mentioned date the said
executrix will proceed to distribute
the estate of the said deceased a-
mongst the persons entitled thereto
having regard only to such claims as
she shall have received due notice and.
in accordance therewith.
• Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 23rd
day of May 1928.
W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ontario
Solicitor for the said executrix
In the estate of William Henry Ball,
Deceased •
NOTICE is ,hereby .given that all
persons having claims against' the es-
tate of William Henry Ball, late of
the town of Clinton, in the County al
-Huron, yeoman, deceased, who died
on or about the nth .day of March
A.D. 1926 are required to deliver to
Christina Rutherford Ball, the ad-
ministratrix of the said estate or her
solicitor, 'on or before the lith day
of June A.D. 1928, a full statement
of their claims together with parti-
ulars thereof, and the nature of the
securities, if held by them' all duly
verified by affidavit.
AND TAKE NOTICE that after
the said last mentioned date the said
administratrix will proceed to distrib-
ute the estate of the said deceased
amongst the persons entitled thereto
having regard only to such claims as
she shall have received due notice
and in accordance therewith.
bated' at Clinton, Ontario, this 23rd
day of May A.D, 1928.
W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ontario
Solicitor for the said Ad'ministratrix
In the Estate of .Tane .l`ohnston,
NOTICE is hereby given that bit
persons having claims against the
estate . of Jane Johnston, late• of ; the'
Village of Varna in -the County of
Huron, spinster d'eceased, who died on
or about the sixteenth day' of April
A.D. 1028, are required to deliver
the executrix of the said estate or
to W. Brydone solicitor, on or before
the sixteenth day of June A.D. 1928,
a full statement of their claims • to-
gether with particulars' thereof; and'
the nature of the securities, if Herd'
by theme all duly verified'' by affi•.
AND TAKE NOTICE that after
the said last mentioned datethe said
executrix will proceed to distribute !,
the estate of the said deceased a•
mongst the persons entitled 'thereto
having regard only to such claims as
she shall have received due notice
and in accordance' therewith.
Dated' at Clinton;, Ontario, this 23rc1'
day of May, 1928,
W'. BRYDONE; Clinton, Ontario
Solicitor for the said' executrix,
In the Estate -of Napoleon Joseph
LeBeau. Deceased.
NOTTCti is hereby given that' all
persona having claims against the
estate of Napoleon Joseph 'LeBeau
late of the township, of Stanley in the
County of''Iluron,"•yeoman, cleeeased,
who died en or ahopi the 21st day 9:f
March A.D., 1928, are required to de-
liver to,W. Brydone, solicitor for the
executors of the said. estate on or be
fore the 9th clay of J2me,A.I), 1926. a
full statement of their claims togeth-
er with omelenlara 'thereof, and 'the
nature of the Securities, if held by
.thoin, all dilly yerifie i by affidavit, -
AND TAKE NOTICE that after!
the said last mentioned date the eaicii
executors will ;pro-Caad to distribute
the estate ,'of the-: said • "deceased a••.
xnongst the persons' entitled -thereto
having,regarcl ox15 to such cla
ms as
en n
they shall have }ee ved due, x e, o tic
hand in aecordaneo therewith.
hated at Clinton; Ontario, this 17th:
clay of May, 1928.
' W. BIt7iDON, `Clinton;"Ontario::
Solicito1 ;tee:the said executors.'
?i ,-. S WE CARRY FOR..
X1•ci, 1 Clover honey at 13 (.lents per you
E<oimaldelrYtle '•
;Pure Neatfoot Ott :'
Old .'> nglisli Wax, ansa• Brightner .!
Dental Plaster,
Siinonize Auto. Cleaner : and :Ppiisher,
Bon .Ami,
:Salt Petre..'
-Sulp,. hur,
D s
om Salts.
Coleman; and Aladdin tie
n Ma nes..
Spark Piug•s,
'Valve Grinding' g Co Bund.
Perfection Oil Stove Wiolfs. ,t
Whiz Fly Fume.
Steamed Bone Meal Fertiliser.
Collo Glass.
Carden Seeds in bulk.
Bicycle Repairs,
Men's Work'Shoes.`
C. H. VENNER, Electrician
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, irons, Fans and other
Wiring and Repairs.
Phone 7
Western Oats.
Hoinony Feed
Seed Potatoes
Some Irish Cobblers on hand for seed,
Baled Straw for sale.
H. W. Charlesworth .
We Want Your
Milk and Cream
We are manufacturers of both
cheese and butter. We want your
milk or cream. We pay highest mar-
ket price weekly. Satisfaction guar.
Phone your order for finest cheese
or pasturised butter in prints or sol-
ids to W. H. Lobb, Clinton, Ont., 5,
R. No, •3, Phone No. 605r32.
Baby's Buggy For Sale
Reed baby's buggy, in good condi-
tion. Cheap for quick sale. Mrs,
Chas. Shanahan. 68-tf, I
In each of Shaw's Twelve schools
follows the present session in regu-
lar order from July 3rd with no
forced vacations. Enter any day.
Booklet free. Write 1130 Bay St.,
Toronto, W. R. Shaw, Secretary.
Coal That Satisfies
We sell the cleanest, safest and
most economical fuel and always at a
fair price. -
A telephone call will receive our
prompt attention,
You can feel asolutely'eure that
every shovel of "coal will be of the
seine uniformity of quality. "
Phone 182
Orders Taken at Lawson's Grocery
Phone 111
Eggs and Poultry
Eggs handled at residence every
day—graded by an experienced grad-
er, for which we pay the highest mar-
ket price.
Purchased for Stillman's of Strate
Agent for the Viking Cream Sep.
arator. .,
A. E. Finch
Victoria St., Clinton Phone 231
Buggy for Sale
Top buggy, rubber tires, in good
condition. Apply to Mrs. 3. Cornish,
Rattenbury street. 60-tf-lp.
To Customers
To let my 'customers know that I
have installed a telephone. My num-
ber is 640 r 14 Clinton central. Ever.
ed L. Johnston, Decorator. 61-tft
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned, pressed and re-
paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned.
Rooms Iver Heard's B..rber shop.
W. 3. Jago. 2283-tt
NINI=ORDi�.i3l ,
Did you ever wake up, in the night
trying to remember something you
must ao.
And. you puzzled ever it, and lost
house of sleep?,
Well„ that's the way you're going
to feel all summer untilou ou et
V 2 your
"next `winter's supply of coal ordered
and delivered, '
Save your time, worry and money
by orderiag it today.
Call the '
forSod clean g �
1 an coal, '
A quantity of good hardwood and
cedar for sale.
Phone 155 Huron stree8
Singer Sewing Machine
Leased on Small Monthly Payments
Big Discount on Cash Sales
Now is the time to have your ma-
chine repaired and cleaned. Repairs,
Needles, Belts and Parts for all
-Phone 171J P.O. Box 201, Clinted
Buy a radio for the -family
in doing so you will be
giving them something which they
can enjoy the year around,
We are dealers for the 'roister and
Kings sets andwill be pleased to give
you a demonstration at any -time. -
Batteries charged and store! 1
• foil- the,winter l
We J. Nediger, Prop,
Have on hand a quantity of Alfalfa,
Timothy and Alsike . We offer these
at a special price through March for
Our Alfalfa is the Ontario Vare-
gated strain direct from Peel County.
This : quality ` of seed is very scarce
this year advise buying early.
Are accepting orders on Kabanko
Spring Wheat, Oats, and Barley for
seed, •,Let ' us know your require-
ments so we can make our pur'chases
accordingly. •
J. Aa . FORD & SON
Feed Merebantd
"Flortr'end F d .. awl)
Grain Buyers y�