HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-05-31, Page 8TI I; CLINTON COIL CLiNTON'S LEADING JEWEI,ERY STORE Seatie' fodr 'Cts Just as the famous Mike Flannery believed;, `Pigs is Pigs" wliether'gain- ea pigs:' were'i;l.assified as rabbits or n0, so many people have an erroneous belief that diamonds is diamonds not knowing that there are all kinds and grades of diamonds and We deal in' the very best goods. Call `here before buying a• diamond Our diamonds are •the ;best possible- and will please the June bride, R. H. + :J N O N Graduate of .Toronto College of, Optometry Zine ;Jewellery and Repairs Next Hevey's Drug Store The Little Odds and Ends That Make a House a Ho; le? 'Step 'kidders, ' baby- scales, bread• boxes—these are the little odds and ends:'without which no home is corn - We have a full line of the highest quality of hardware and: accessories for the- home. If you want anything from a carpet cleaner to a frying pan, this is the place where you can get the most durable article' at the lowest price in town. Sutter & Perdue Phone 147w. Teas and Coffees At the most reasonable prices. Best groceries of • all kinds -only the best brands of all products—ev- erything at reasonable prices. For trud economy and wisdem in buying, y ng, caA at our store. Goods •always fresh. „ �jnjij j' j �i II I 1 iall�I � �fJJll''11 ``II r 74,37.4 THE C, &-S. GROCERS Branch 125j • Main 125w deresoeseea- Mi - - • Aa"tNrt's business suceess—as well as his social' success -is often promoted by his neat: personal appearance. Nothing equals the effect of the custom tailored suit. And it costs no more than a ready-made one—therefore, it is within easy reach of all. 'We have a wide assortment of new spring materials. Come in and look at them --then make your selection, Our prices are reasonable and we will give you quick service. H*ve Your New Spring UF Made to Order Davis & _Herman Special Demonstration o the YOU SIT DOWN IRONING DAY CO IRON MADE. 1atwe11 IRONING -HOUR Perfection Electric qroner ONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY June 4 June 5 June 6 BEAUTY SIMPLICITY UTILITY IRONS EVERYTHING DRESSES MEN'S -SHIRTS BABY CLOTHES It'UFFLES IN: A FEW SIILIPLE 'OPERATIONS Remember this demonstration lasts for three days only. -Telephone, 20 today and have your next weeks ironing done free `by a competent lady dem- sn.4rater in your own home or drop in at our store and see the ironer in opera - fon No obligation. Sold on easy terms if desired, Small down payment, balance weekly er [noethly. lt- C '�n o -n Public Utilities Commission i ith uu114 uiuie TIIUR.S.D4;Y; MAY 3 s and Make Somebody Glad; Somebody's bi3.thday-send a birth day card; somebody getting married —send- a wedding congratulation; somebody graduating -,send a gradi- ation card; somebody.gforgotten - to write --send a."why don't yoti write'' somebody been friendly—send a friendship card; somebody remember- ed you—send a thank you card; some- body going away—send a bon voyage card; know of ai new baby --send a birth congratulation card; somebody iIl-send a sorry you are ill card; somebody died -send a sympatfly card; somebody shut in -send a throw the doctor out card, with all ` his pains and pills and pack. So far away he can't come back, Going to have a "Shower." ---end a card .with a Message like this --To "Shower" ,you with wishes true. That's what this gift has come to do. Tile W. ft Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best 416.11.40.4„Ilf- lilllllllimiuunxrcnni �° ..mnIU Mr. Bert Marshall was in Toronto las-t week, 14Ir. Jack Bawden of Hamilton` was home for the holiday. Miss Esther Trewartha is home from the Ijejyersity of Toronto.. Miss Jade Pel'd pf London spent the; week -end at her home in town, Mr. Chas. Hovey' of Ingersoll visited his mother over Victoria Day. _ Mr, Jim Lovett motored to Hamilton to visit friends over the holiday. Miss Agnes Combe of Toronto Uni- versity is home for the vacation.. Miss s Eil een Atkinson on of the:'4V'estern University is home for *he vacs - on, Mitiss: Elizabeth Ford. of Oshawa wos at her home in;,town .for Victoria Day. • M'rs. H. Fraser of Hamilton visited Clinton-, friends on the Twenty fourth. 141x,' and .Mrs. Harold Kilty and child of Toronto spent the holiday and w9ck'tnd town, Miss Iiia t1e Courtice 'Vaned 5t• Thomas and Kingsville friends ov- er the holiday and week -end. ' Miss Mary Matheson of Goderich was a week -end guest at the home of brr, and Mrs, rt,E Manning, I4frs, Prank A. Jehkins and children of Toronto are visiting with Mrs, "%m. Jenkins of town at present. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Wasman and little Miss Helen of Toronto were up for, the 24th; visiting friends: in Clin- ton and Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison and the Misses Draper of St. Catherines were holi- day guests ;with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Draper. - btys. Boles went to London to attend the funeral of a,.niece, Mrs. Whea- ton of Thorndale, which took place in London on. Monday. Mr, and bfrs. W. H. Penhale and Mr, and Mrs. Woods of Exeter visited their. relatives, Mr. and Mrs. George Holland, on Sunday Beek, i Mrs, Moffatt of High street, who ha been spending several months with Members of her. hinny ippen, has returned to hex home in town. Ma: 'W Hovey of Detroit is liolitiayltiw at the home of his iiiothet hi tOWn having suffered a broken collar bane while playing hall last" week: Mr. and Mrs. James Bentley and lit- tle Miss. Lillian, of Detroit spent several days over the week -end as guests of Mrs. Bentley's aunt, Mrs.. John Farquhar, north of town, Mr. Mervyn' Farquhar motored' ovhr from Detroitlast week to visit his mother, Mrs. T. M. Farquhar. He and his mother visited Mr, -and Mrs; L, E. Weir of Dunnville over the -- week -end. Rev. A, E. Doan and Messrs, Loren. Tyndall and Tra,Johns are in Walk- erville this week attending the an- nual meeting of the London Confer- ence representing; Ontario street United church: Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Seeley and lit- tle' son visited over the 24th with Mrs. Seeley's sister and bro- ther-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. .Earl Shaw of Brigden. ;Mrs. • Seeley is staying for a longer visit with her sister. Mrs. Frank Johnston of Baltimore, Md., who was severely burned when a lamp exploded while she was vis- iting at the home' of her brother, M. Arthur Sturdy of Goderieh township on ,Easter ' Monday and who spent three weeks in the•Clin- ton Hospital undergoing treatment, was' in Clinton ont Tuesday, '`when she left for Baltimore. She has made good 'progress toward recov- ery. Her hands and arms receised the worstburnsand her hands are still swollen .,and somewhat; stiff. Mrs Johnston hn ton apealts: in the highest terns of the treatment given her at the Hospital ' and the kindness shown her 6•y nurses and superin tendent, alio of the many kindnes- ses shown by friends here and in her native township duri her `i rig' r I nets. 1 As Junes; the month for brides we re a 9 advertising �`��T���lthi �hi:� Large bottle of Sweet pickles for 49e Small bottle of Sweet Pickles for 25e Sweetheart peanut _butter per jar 15c Sweet prepared mustard in sherbet glass 15c 10 pounds granulated sugar for 65c Fanning Bread and Butter Pielcles, each 30t 'Fancy Sweet Biscuits, each I Sweetened Apple Sauce Other Fancy Sweet Bisdnits" 29c Sweet e, (si£teil) - ,per lb . .. .......: . . . ...., 29c I Sweet Golden Bantam Corn —All June brides like'to try Quaker Cake Flour per pkg 25c LOVE 'cup white sugar, - cup butter. 2 eggs, 12 -cups Quaker CAKES Flour, .2 teaspoons baking 1:. o l 3 powder, 4 Teaspoon, salt; �.. cup orange juice. Bake in shallow pan and in heart shapes and when cooked ice with orange frosting or vi=tone. 'JO(' 250 2.5e 4 Lux Soap , 8 Castile Soap25c 25e, New . Seedless Raisins 2 lbs. for 2 cans: Peas .-. ' 29e New ValenciRaisins . 18e -2 Cans Tomatoes , . 25e 25c We will be closed Wed. afternoons June, July, Aug., Sept. IN THE MORNING FIRST DELIVERY 9 a.m. IN THE AFTERNOON FIRST DELIVERY 2:30 p.m. "ORDER EARLY Cash andW O'NeiJ 'h>Dne Service • 48 Ilk WHERE "SELLS FOR LESS" PRICE PREVAILS . 1 People You Knew 1clUsxaxA LAitEs ALWAYS POPULAR - of Toronto is--hoMr, Falmer Paisley (4 he University me. ' ' .. Miss Hazel Harris of Toronto was Famed for their beauty—ever in- Coins for the holiday. creasingly popular—visited anntiall a (Jlcantng Mr.. Fred McTaggart of,the Univer- by'many thousands of tourists- tells, c. sity of Toronto is home, the story of Muskoka. You -may run across Miss Freda da +a lidifferent WallisIt Londonb sof inhouse us furnishing Canadian National Railways have seen there best days, in thatchae we would advise you ht as usual towAlic over the week-end.ugs in alI prepared a delightful booklet telling we have a wonderful new stock of Linoleum and Oil Cloths, by rho hat have Miss Alice Sfoman o£-end.fard was you all about the Muskoka Lakes in yard and in Rugs. Some of great patterns.. Congoleiam R , Fame over the weekend• pictures and story. Gives the places sizes, Myss Rita Elliott of London -spent the ' any holiday with her parents in town. Canadian National Agent . foro go, rates and everything. Ask the Mist Barry Combe of Toronto spent booklet, He will gladly: give it to the week -end at her hone in town, you free of charge.—Advt. 64-1, Miss Myrtle llfair• of Brougham was a -"visitor at her home, over the. holt- ' day. olt-'day Mr. D. F. Schwan of Teeswater was in town Tuesday `calling on` old btr. Douglas 'Ward of ''Woodstock is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. J. Wheatley. Miss Winnie Hunt of Tol•onto has been visiting her parents, Mr: and Mrs. Chas, Hunt of town. " Mrs. D. B. Kennedy, tvho has been in Detroit *with her son all winter, has returned to Clinton. Misses Jean and Eleanor Plumsteel of. the Western 'University are home for the'i'ng vacation Mr, •Robert Hunter of the University of Toronto is home. Mr. Hunter will graduate this year. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Jones and Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Gale spent the 24th with Dashwood friends. Mr. N. M. Geddes of Belgrave spent Victoria Day as the. 'guest of Mr,. 3. Reid of the Royal Bank staff. Mr, and Mrs,. G, Jefferson of Gerrie were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Ii, Jefferson of town onVietaria Mr, and 11re. Vincent of Blyth were. week -end guests at the home of the, latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Her- bert Castle. life, and Mrs. E. Castle andf�mily of Barrie spent the '^week -end as guests of.,. Mrs,,, Cattle's mother. Mrs. Argent. - Mr. and ,Mrc. W..7 Brophy of Des Moines, Iowa have returned their W J MILLER & SON Como afterer a week's visit with Me �r; and Mrs. G. B. Barris. Mr. and Mrs. H, Schaefer and Miss Margaret Schaefer .of- Stratford spent a few days with Myr. and Mrs, J, Schoenhals of town during the past week. Mr- and .11h -s. Thornton Mustard and family. of. Toronto visited Mrs. Mus- tard's mother, Mrs. MacDonald of Clinton, over the week -end. They were on their way to' their cottage at Bayfield. Mr. Malcolm McTaggart, Jr. of Wind- sor and. Misses Mary McTaggart, Toronto, and Catherine McTaggart; Macdonald Institute,;". Guelph, have been visiting at their_home,in town during the past weeks. - Mr. and"Mrs. George McKenzie' .and Master Malcolm of Dungannon and Your Mr. and` Mrs. Robert McKenzie and Whatever• 1 our Hard - family of Detroit were week -end to guests at the home of their mother,. Mfrs. T. McKenzie of town. Rev, L. C. Harrison and Mrs. Harris- on are .in London this week, ; the latter attending ;the' annual meet— ing of the Huron Diocesan W. A.' Mrs. Frank Hovey is also a -dele- gate: from St: Paul's Auxiliary. Rev. ,T. E. Trope and�"Messrs. H. E. Rorke and John Diehl are the ren All goods"guaranteed tog ive the resentatives front ; Wesley -Willis fullest_ Satisfaction. , church at the London Conference in Walkerville this week., Mr. Hogg left Monday as he is a member of the Settlement committee- n Mr. and Mao, G W. Cra.i` . n n Carne' g. T� 1, Master John and' Miss Cathleen Ilawkhis •. motored to Oshawa; last week -end , " GODERICI3•• The dates for`. the • chased the 'Park House• and while the.-e'were the guests of d�genL.for Renfrew Cream Separators fall fair, property ;for g Calf. an et Pri ,. , i have been chosen, September fixe sons of $:1,000. The property will Mr. andM d ees, r. rs. T + . E. East.' s Ontheir he 1 - t 7 18-19 being g tl re Oates decided upon' probably be :improved so as to add return ,trip they 'visited Mr. T, C HARDWARE and PLUMBING by the executive. i something to the beauty of. that poi - Callender hear Hamilton, Phone •244 GODERICII; ,The -town has pur- tion of the town. June Bazaar under auspices Ladies' .Auxiliary -Presbyterian Church ON -ttR. SHAW'S LAWN Friday June i st Novelty Booth—Mrs, M. D. McTag- gart, Convener. • Gift Booth—Mrs. Jas, Stevenson, Touch and Take "Booth—Mrs, J, Mac - Murchie, Candy Booth—Miss B, McIver, Rummage Booth—Mrs. C, Streets. Afternoon Tea, -Mrs, Ross Forrester Home -Made Baking—Mrs, G. Bober - ton. Apron Booth—Mrs. E. Soruton. FROM 3 TO.6 P.M. EVERYBODY WELCOME 62-3. If weather inclement bazaar will be held in the S. S. rooms of the Presby- terian church, COAL D.L.W. AND • LEIGH VALLEY COAL SEM3-SOLWAY COKE Orders taken at residence, Ontario St. PHONES: 4Gw and 46j ware Needs May Be We are equipped to supply you.' Everything at low prices. • Whether you want a nail or lawn mower, 00. d tack, or ,a boiler -we have ,it! The patterns are better than ever this spring and prices are low- er than ever. In carpet rugs we can suppl- anything you may re- quire, How about your. bedding requirements, We have some real new styles in the Simmons Steel Beds that will surprise you and big stock of springs and Matresses. A good place to store your furs, etc, would be a cedar chest. We have them in the natural Cedar finish and solid Walnut with See our new stoelk of baby carriages, strollers and collapsible sulkies, children's chairs and rockers. - to Clinton Hardware and• FurnitwreCo - THE STORES WITH A STOCK FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 104 - Hardware 195 The Grocery Store . of Service and Satisfaction Just phone III and tell us what you want PURE LARD (KITCHENER) SPECIAL 20 LB. PAIL $3.40 Gr. Sugar, 10 lbs. 69c Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. ., 29e Prunes, choice, .3 lbs29c Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs 25c Peameal rolls, piece Ib• 25e Cooking_ Figs, 2'lbs. .. , , 25c Pickles, large bottle 50e ;Special Bulk Tea, lb. .. , 63e Mayonnaise, (C & B)40c Sandwich Spree , 25c Nu Kraft Cheese, pkg, , 25c Anchivy .Paste . 25e Lobster paste . .,15e to 25c Jam,- Rasp, or Strawberry large ..., ... .. 49e Marmalade, orange . 39e Marmalade Pineapple . , , 48e NEW POTATOES, LETTUCE, STRAWBERRIES, PINES, ETC. L. LAWSON • SON CO. PHONE 111 PROMPT DELIVERY Keep Your Auto New and Bright BUILD A GARAGE An attractive home for your car will • prove to be a good investment. Your auto will be protected, its life lengthened. • Besides it is much more con- venient, and will increase the value of your property,_ us figure your bill of materials. , We can often make suggestions trl,�at will nteitn•a real service to you. Thomas McKenzie Estate, Clinton PHONE 88 } RESIDENCE61 EVERYTHING • IN LUMBER AND BUILIJEWS SUPPLIES