HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-05-31, Page 4PE B .‘ti a THI1�1 'Ji4 al .urda, LADIES' COATS At;clearing, ,prices—all of,tikep of Lording value; extaordinary ' to the " fortunate shoppers during these days. ra9,r0 to 525.00 LADIES' DRESSES AND SUITS Newest styles in ;Crepe -de -chine, Fugi Silk, Broadcloth;; etc: Lovely _new knitted suits and all; mode •ately WOODS :UNDERWEAR AT 20 PER, CENT DISCOUNT '• To iiitrodtice this wonderful line 'tc new eustomers we offer the entire line . of Weeds ,.Underwear consisting of Gowns, Slips, Vests and Bloomers. AU the" popular'shades in -Silk and Cotton, -20 .PERCENT DISCOUNT CHINAWARE AND DINNERWARE 20 PERCENT DISCOUNT '-"" For three days only . we will give a discount of '20 per cent, on all Fancy Chinaware and Dinnerware including stock patterns. This will be a splendid opportunity. to 'secure presents or finish up, your dinner sets, Choice Spring Hats Reduced to $1 The lot consists of Ladies and • Children's hats formerly marked up to 54.95. "THE STORE WITH THE STOCK" .,. �. COOPER. CLINTON Sherlock -Mannings Pianos Three More Carloads for The West. How about Treating Yourself to a New Piano. This Spring? ". 'J. McEIL Clinton's Musical Instrument Representative Always at Your Service Box 113 of Phone 273, Clinton Eggs Ureain Poidtiy WE RECOGNIZE QUALITY and DISTRIBUTE THE CASH ACCORDINGLY at CLINTON CREAMERY, CLINTON PHONE 145 SEAFORTH BRANCH, SEAFORTH PHONE 162 CLINTON BRANCH, CLINTON, ONTARIO PHONE 190 Gunn, Langlois & Co., Limited HEAD OFFICE — MONTREAL, QUE. Ideal Incubators and Brooders STAMINAX CHICK. MASH AND SCRATCH FEED COD -LIVER, OIL POULTRY SUPPLIES L'L Huron Street - Clinton; 140.11'' r)uatlgn Sn m ,i4661e 4ii 1 iplem�tit la +field'' 1rhe, Gotlerieh `town shilr Qu Tuesday, Julie 5h, at;. 1 oPeloel" cl5nsistan ;?of- the!iol .arli. &.,i lowing ES• f ing ' •IIC.R:S = cod ea� „ o. worse ,,t m Fliers -es; dxiving-'inarew i good single;, q1' double.'• C-3 mirth cows'„ 7 yearling steers;' .rad heifer3 spprint •calves j; grade bi-1R 1, year' old, 1 O.GS - 3 store S About' 75' ybamg;hens, IMPLEMI6NTS- Deet' uig bintlevi 7 xt`,cut, Deering mower, U it, • earl, land' roller; gang plow; Masses Haazis seed drill; 1VI.-H, bean scuffled send: puler, M.=fI disc. her 'row; doekshutt riding plow O etc shutf cultivator; -walking. plow; sent -- Her; eutting;hori;. grain; grinder; fan- ning''!nil]'. set":of :of, 'Port- land tatter; rubber tired buggy; steel, tireed buggy. 2 farm wagons; , hay sack; "McCormick hay rale; Interna- tional• :cream, separator; set of dia- 'inondharrows 4 Section;Sset of seales 1200 lb." capacity; heating . stove; Raymond sewing machine; whiffie- trees neelcyokes, forks, dhains, : and numerous 'other artieles. TERMS; All.sums of $10 and'un- der, cash; over• that. amount 10 months credit, will- be given on, fur- nishing approved joint -'notes, or a• discount of 5 per cent; straight, ; al- lowed for cash on credit amounts. Every_.thing to be sold as proprietor is giving up farming. At the same time and place the' farm, which ,consists of 82 acres. more or less,will be'offered for sale On the farm is erected a good brick house and good bank barn. The farm is well watered and in a high state of cultivation. Also lot 41, Bayfield line, consisting of 26 acres of bush land will be offered for sale. Terms on farm: 10 per cent of purchase, money paid down on day of sale, 30 per cent in 30 days, balance may re- main on mortgage at reasonable rate of interest. Peter Cole, Proprietor George II. Elliott, Auctioneer. 04-1 Auction' Sale Of House and Lot and Household Effects. Mr. J. W. Aitken has in- structed the undersigned to sell by public auction on Saturday, June J, at 1.30 sharp, his comfortable 7 room- ed House with good cement garage and choice garden lot and grounds, on Albert St.,•north, also the contents of the house which consists' of the fol- lowing: Doherty piano, almost new; _wicker table, 3 wicker chairs, large leather chair; library. -table; Beach cook stove,- almost new; 3 burner coal oil stove; Quebec heater, almost new; writing desk; kitchen cabinet; cup- board; kitchen table; kitchen chairs; double couch; drop head sewing mach- ine; refrigerator; 2 bed room suites; mattresses; springs; child's cot; quilts, sheets; curtains; linens; Rem- ington type writer; auto -knitter; Al- addin lamp;, died room lamps; lam" mower; dishes; pots; pans and num- erous other articles. Terms:—Household effects, terms as arranged. Terms on Property:=, 10 per cent of the purchase money paid dowon day of sale, balance in 30 days. Immediate possession can be given on completion of purchase money. J. W. Aitken; Proprietor, G, H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 64-2. .A. TON`] WS st'ECORD 1Y15' and 1111 s Stanlq$ Lion;, kiave retail` Cod to ;'their 1}oi''r'je after ;spear!! ing• last week With -lz .end$ 'iri; •7'gl t 1•I' uMo'n s, an0IDresden .1atSalie Dell ,{lior parents„Rev.'B.and;liis Snell Mi ,1 ellington 1Vlepool of"'Guelph• is 'risating„his:•mother 11trs' W O Mc- Cooi The W M •S, of the United eliu'reb h•eld', their-atdome in the basement,” on Thursday ,evening,_ May ;; 24th• The .chair was taken;by Rev B. 'Sne11 and '',an .eitcelleint program was givhir Proceeds amounted to 523.50, MTS..P. Bryant, 1VIr.,Brown'and Mr; Ben Spindler -of ,London were visitors of 'Miss E. Lyon dn.the 24th of; May. Rev'. IVIr. `.;Snell, was' at Atwood >on' Sunday He' had charge-bf the an- niversary services there, The Rev.. Mr. Keine, a, former .pastor, took his' work here. Mrs. Tambl'yn and Mrs. •Elisley left ,SaturdayT for: Toronto, They expect to spend a month and will .visit sev- eral other points. They went by root- er with Mr. W. Tamblyn who had carne up the''day before: 1VIrs. Beatty who recently .visited the home of Mr. 3. Carter, hai retur- ned to her home at Granton. Mr. and Mrs. J. 11'IcCool, also Miss Margaret,, visited friends in Wood- stock on Sunday. We are glad to re- port Miss: D. McCool,: who has been seriously ill ur-the.Woodstock ,hospit-• al, is improving, though slowly. lar. 1-1. Johnson. of London, spent the week -end with his another here. Many happy returns to Mr. Win, 'Brigham, who recently celebrated his eighty-third birthday. He is stlil ac- tive' in farming and has under culti- vation thirty-five acres, the worts haying been mostly done •by himself.. Mr. Edmeston''of Fort William was a'guest at the home of Mr. Robert- on this week. Mr. Edmeston was mayor of Fort Williams for many. years then went a step higher and is now sheriff. Miss M, Woods of the 13th conces- sion is spending several days at the home of Mrs. R. Townsend. Quite a number from here spent ..the 24th'rat Goderich.- Rer Mr. Abery and Rev. Mr. Snell left 4or Walkerville on Tuesday where they will attend the meeting of London' Conference. Rev. 13. Snell has hada very pres- sing invitation from the board of Woodham church to becbme their pas- tor, but owing to the -fact that he no longer is a young man and it be- ing a three appointment -charge he would not give a- definate answer This speaks well for Mr. and Mr Sell as the Lake Woodham Circuit adjoins the Kirkton circuit, where he spent three years and is highly res- pected by many. Varna - Misses Irene Chutor, Emily and Gladys Beatty and Mr, Eric Reid of London -were week -end visitors in the village. Dr. Newton -Brady • has returned from Baltimore, where he has spent the past six weeks, having taken a course in surgery. Mrs. (Dr.) Easter was a guest al the. home'of Mr. and Mrs, A. McCon- nell during„ the past week. The many friends of Mrs. A, Hor- NEW RICH COMPRESSION ENGINE: in the fine Car of Low Price develops 55 HP without special fuel TJIGH compression performance without the use of special fuels! Power generated in a smooth, constant flow—sparkling accel- eration—power—speed for every emergency— high -speed steadiness —marked economy 1 These are the performance qualities assured by the new, larger, high compression engine of the new Oldsmobile. - This great new power plant represents years of work and over a million miles of testing on the part of Oldsmobile engineers. They in- troduced a cylinder head of special General Motors Research design that permits high compression with ordinary fuels. They ribbed the crankcase and cylinder block horizontally and vertically to prevent distortion and main- tain accurate bearing alignment. They added such features of advanced engi- neering as crankcase ventilation; controlled cooling, pressure lubrication, oil filter, air cleaner, fuel pump, full automatic spark and thermostatic charging control. .Then, to provide fine car performance town even more marked degree, they devised a new method of rubber mounting for the engine- new methods of silencing the chassis and flie interiors of the smart new Fisher bodies. Drive the new Oldsmobile once—and you will know. why its brilliant performance has become a' matter of comrnon,knowledge—why thousands of buyers today are choosing Oldsmobile. General Motors' own deferred payment plan, GMAC ... affords you the simplest and most economical •way of- buying your ' Oldsmobile on time. -'o zo-s-ion LDS OI+ LOW ' PRICE :.LAMS, Clinton PRODUCT OP:GENB(AL MOTORS OF CANADA,.LIMITED will lie_ spr;Y to heti;, thu }ped td her )sed,;.but we,l grpe seen,; ea hex•,azonnd•zain aha W A of Slid40hnxs,•Ch ircti nit': at; the lactic ' ora M'i s II: Dosis lata; iUursday aftexzioen. 4111o'Et` slrrppod a,'car 14ard, of live stools to ' orento ,Satiuda, Weekes naotereli; to Listowel on Mondayand', spent a-, few' days with the letter's sister, Mrsi: •W weeds. • - . Mr. and. Mrs, W. McAsh`'of T,ondon ,spent the 24th of May in the villages 14 Ir. J, ' 1Viossop spent '!lie,; holiday with his family at London , -- Mx R. Austin of Flint .ie visiting at the home of his parents;' Mk. end Mrt.,A. Austin: Ctnstance , Word was received -last week by 1VL'rs. T. Pollarll :that her brother, John Geor'ge (Jeff), Cole, was dead-ij; Kansas, -'He was ` in his :75th year; He had been sick ; for a number of years With rheumatism. Mr. Sandy Leitch is at present laid up with a _severe cold. • Mr, Frank Norwood was able to be brought to Wm, Rinn's last week.. His arm is improving. Rev; "0, C. Keine of Atwood preach- ed a very impressive.sermon on Sun- day afternoon here and at Londes- born-.. Mr. Austin Dull -nage has bought a house in the village from Mr. B. Ril- ey and is movingit back to his farm in McKillop, for a kitchen. There will be no church service here on Sunday but Sunday, school he Held as usual. Auburn Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Rutledge .of Detroit spent the week -end at the home of Robert Jas. Rutledge. 1Vlk•. Gormley Thompson, who.. is working in Toronto motored up 'fps the 24th. Miss 0. Mall of Blyth is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Rid- dell. Mrs. A. M. Rice accompanied by Mrs. J. J. Robertson, Mrs. Amos And. rew and Misses Ellen Phillips and Winnie Howson motored to Stratford last Tuesday. The play "Are you a Mason" will be presented in the Forester's Hall on Friday evening, June 1st. -Mr. Rees Jenkins and Miss M. Jen. kins accompanied by Misses Ruth -and Ida Walkinshaw of Clinton visited friends here on Victoria Day. Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Erratt motored o tGuelph and .spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Hr Cameron. ` Mr. and Mrs, Roy Farrow and fam- ily of Mitchell spent Sunday at Jas, A. Johnston's. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Carter -and son of Port Elgin were visitors at the home of Jas. Carter 'on Sunday last, Rev. W. R. Alp leaves this week to attend conference being held in Walk• erville. There will be no service in Knox United Church on Sunday next, June 3rd. Service will be held in the Anglican church on evening, Sunday, June 3rd Mr. John Raithby, Mr. John Man- ning and Mr. Earl Raithby have had their houses wired for hydro and the power has been turned on. Mr. Earl Raithby is having it installed in his barn. Mr, Jas. H. Johnston has been doing the wiring. Mr. Ewart Young, who has been R -roof this,Yearwith RIB -ROLL .the Permanent Roofing for Barns, Houses, Sheds LOWin initial cost...comes in big sheets -easy and quick to lay...permanent...leak-proof .. handsome in appearance. Pre- vents fires ...increases value of property. Made of famous "Council Standard" galvanised sheets. Give size of roof for free estimate. Write to: Eastern SteeaProdu PI(SSTO0 ONT. Suweesor Mord Shingl()the nd Siding Co.I td. ranef erred to the Stendard 13an1t• ?a ivertgn, was 'home QVq*.tlie holiday "John Nilson, Sr".,.`Woll attend the''Asaenibly 0f rhe•, Presbyterian Ghuroh to be'Reid•:n 1teg•ipa,,;Tttne 6tb He,.lea+ ee this week+, as a delegate: from •the,Huron.'Presbytery. Miss "Isobel `'Pox ' of "'Whitechurch spent'thelholiday' at th4• Phillips home Mrs. J. J. and•Mr. Walter -,Washing- ton motored ' to” London " on Tuesday this weell QPJ�1tJCbt?: Dr,• Wbltelt, . aGSi Mit) of the Gp0soiah ;Tratting and T'acin'g ?association,''«addresse it 'tbe'e eounul, Meeting,'statingt)rat vhe?•thntbgdy submit! U s by- law"onthe grandstand proposition the Association will hand over Its c)iequc . fel, 81'000 and will make an dared Inert to pay over to the town half of :. the grandstand receipts and in',case of an espeeially good day,, something ore ommucreipstaaccuovam fore erepossin a street r i i.:cway Highway Safety - Co .,'strAittee' The IION. GEO. S. HENRY, Chairman. 2s t UNIQUE THRILLING ENTERTAINING INFORMING' AMUSING DRAMATIC DIALOGUE DEBATE Participipants:—H. Ruthven McDonald, John Buchanan, Ben H.' Spence Tows fall, Clinton Thursday, June 7 at 8 p.m. SUBJECT:- :66Li llor Co :1i tror' Solos by H. Ruthven McDonald - WHAT PEOPLE IN OTHER PLACES SAY ABOUT IT ORILLIA—"The very novelty of it made people listen." . OSHAW!A—"It gets across to the public in an interesting and gripping way." e MIDLAIgD--"The debate is truly splendid. Any visit of a similar nature would be assured of a packed auditorium." BELLEVILLE—"The whole debate is admirable' in conception and it was exceedingly well rendered. I do not think I ever listened to a more instructive and impressive temperance lesson." MIDLAND—"It was certainly unique, interesting and educative. The facts and arguments presented dealt with the very identical points that are uppermost in the public mind just now." PETERBORO—"As a happy combination of entertainment and instruction, logic and humour, fascinating interest and striking con- clusions, it excels anything yet presented along the line of education in the interests of the prohibition movement." • BARRIE—"It was a hug success in that it was an unique presen- tation of the whole prohibition question. Gripped and held the rapt attention of the big' audience (completely filling the Opera House) from the first moment to the last by close argument, fact and whole- some fun." EVERYBODY CORDIALLY INVITED ADMISSION FREE COLLECTION AND SUBSCRIPTION 64-1-p• / ortanfty You've Wait Cut this out This Coupon is Worth $7.00 to $15.00 . ADVERTISING TEST CERTIFICATE. Submit this certificate on Monday, June 4th and get an extra pair of pants free of charge with your new suit ,off Cut this out Semi- Daum Made -to -Measure suirr SA E EXTRA PANTS FREE Meet the representative of Canada's Largest Tailoring Organization, Mr. King, on Monday, June 4th; During his stay here we are offering- an extra pair of pants absolutely free of charge with every suit sold, Simply bring advertisingtest' certificate illustrated above, - - • Choose a suit from' 400 different patterns and• direct from British Isles. All that is new for the coining season,. made to your individual measure the style you wish by our skilled tailors and sold witha: gudraiilee-of perfect fit. This unusual "Free Pants" offer .Means still greater valve for your money. You can't afford to stay away. Remember one day only. weaves. A1l British goods—most of them imported '' PRICES RANGE FROM 524.00 TO $ LUMSEEL.. ROS. 5.00 SMALL PROFITS ,MORE BUSINESS