The Clinton News Record, 1928-05-31, Page 111M1' `e r
:`Illi tVl1 11 IS ' ((d(PORATfi) TIIE:'C
NIO'_@ NEW 'E:
l..1 " (ON, ONTARIO, "d`HL u'DAYt"; MAY 3 L 1928
TOWN AND MT Why not look first in. Clinton Stores far niercharldise You `will find prices just as low"
-and quality just as high, often higher, and merchants a great deal more obliging
Jhe 9eive1ei'zj Jtre
Phone 174w
Yon'lh be proud of her' engagement-
ning if you 'buy it here.
It will be irresproachable iii- qual-
ity and des'i'gn and not unnecessarily
bristly, -
Wto carry an unusually large as
'5oretnent to choose from at priees
that will not put too much of a tax
gn yotitr pocketbook.
Residence 174j
New Styles and Fabrics that indicate
the mode foe Early Summer.
May we extend to you a eosdial invita
tion to visit our Showroom and view 'these
attractive lines.
Sprig Coats.
We. still, have about s?0 :t'hisseam:trite
garments, to clear at prices merging From
$6.75 TO $17.5.0
. - ..
;Dont avait for >a torrid wave before you select your Straw hat!
Pick -now ,while ,the picking is at its best,
There's :a ;great satisfaction in buying Straw Y g Y .our what. here:
Fon 1'1'be sure of the quality' and sure of the price,
We've rsliapes adapted to all ages of men--bginis' of various
widths tasj ;downs el various ;heights,
Split 1Straws,,Sonnets, Pananaas,'ate. Some snappy fancy band
numbers for Swell Young Fellowe+ who want the thing,
Just come along with any Straw slat preference you have, and
see how well we can meet your ideas.
' BOYS FIRST LONG SUITS$ 8.50, $10:00 TO 515.00i�
Square Deal for Every Man
'-Wheat, $1.25 to $1.27. •
Oats; 65c to 70c,
Barley, 80c to 85c.
Buckwheat, eat 80c.
Eggs, 20e to 29c.
Butter, 33c.
Live :Hogs, $10.40,
Humorous, instructive and enter-
taining- aIe some of the adjectives us-
ed in -describing the dramatic dial-
ogue debate, which has been given in
several .places and which is to bel'
give. in Clinton town hall on Thursday
evening next, June 7th,The sub-
ject• is `liquor Control' and the par-
ticipants are all well known: Mc. II,
Ruthven McDonald; baritone, who
will render several popular solos : as
well as take part in the debate, _Mt,
John Buchanan an old Huron County
boy, who has risen to ptominenee
and has served four years; as Domin-
ion Councillorof the Royal Templets
of Temperance, and. Rev. Ben H.
Spence, the noted temperance worker.
Admission is free and the
cordially invited. The proceeds' of the
collection and subscriptions taken
will 1,e: devoted to educational tem-
perance work.
WiIliarn Rutledge, an old resident
of Clinton, passed away on Monday
last at his home, North street, after
several days ofintense suffering.
Mr. Rutledge had , been in failing
health for some time but he had been
going about up until very shortly be-
fore his death. Just two weeks be-
fore the end carne 'he had been up
town and on his return said that
that would be the last time.
Mr, Rutledge was born in Goderich
township; being a sots of the late
Robert 'Rutledge, who died when he
was about a year old. Elis mother
Iater moved to Goderich, where he
grew up, later going' back to the
farm. He bad lived in Clinton for
over thirty years sand was an indus-
taious and respected citizen.
He is survived by his wife who
-vas formerly, Miss Mary Johnston of
Goderich township, and one son, Wil-
'Ham of New Castle. Ind.,' and four
daughters. Mrs. W.a
L C tit
elen f
r 'a
Clinton, Mrs. Ferris and Mrs. Russel
of Toronto, and Margaret at home
Another `son was accidently killed a
few -years ago. His family were. all
a bou him for some days prior to his
The funeral took place yestetdav
afternoon from his late residence; Elie
service'boing conducted by the. Bair,.
A, A. Holmes, in the absence of .the
pastor of the family, the Rev, A. E
noan, . and the pallbearers . were
'Messrs, Wen. Brown, W. H. Cole, 3. P
'Telntosh. J. G. Medd, -I Carter and
h, Grealis. Interment' -was made in
Clinton: cemetery,
1'tany friends expressed their, Sym=
t athv by sending flowers, amongaf
those sent being very handsome nioc-
Pa from the. Chrysler Con -into -iv, 'New
Castle, Ind., and the Clinton Knitting.:
After an illness of only a week
from an' attack of pneumonia, Wil-
liam Murray Grant passed away
earlylylonday morning, at -the -home of
his cousin, Tlr.'Gunn, in his 66th year,.
Mr. Grant who carne to Clinton a few
weeks ago a5 Spray Supervisor for
the 'C
n Iiuron o
ty wasone of the.
first gra
eluates of the e ntart
e Agric-
ultural College having graduated in
1882. After his graduation, his fath-
er, a successful and much respected
farmer of Victoria county, sent his
son tor
Et gland to select a -flock ' of
Shro slur
e sheep. This fl
oc4 became
the foundation of the flock that every
year for many ,years carried off the
first prizes at the fairs in Canada.
and the United States. In liter years
the flock was owned by a relative,
the late Jelin Campbell of 'Woodville
Mr. Grant spent several years in
the produce business before taking
up fruit farming near Blenheim,
which he carried on for fifteen years
A few years ago Mr- Grant's farm'
was awarded the first prizg5by the.
Vegetable Association for being' the
best kept farm and Most successfully
worked farm in Western .Ontario,
He was the first` to prove that early
vegetabes could be grown profitably
on the high lands in the Counties 'of
Elgin and Kent, Whatever Mr, Grant.
did he put his whole soul into the
work. Ile lgyed everything' connected
with agriculture for its own sake.
Although Mr" ,Grant's , duties in
Heron were connected with orchads;
he observed everything about the
farms he visited and took note.of all
the places that : were -worked with
good judgement. Ile often remarked
on the numberof neglected orchards
in the County of Huron •that might be
made profitable: kle Considered the
possibilitiesand the future of Huron a
County to`. be quite wonderful. He o
appreciated a great deal the hospit-
ality and kindly spirit of the farmers s
whom he visited and their keeness for: -b
helpful : suggestions, His cheerful
and kindly disposition made hint.
friends wherever he went,' The or- h
chard men of Huron' county vahom he J
visited speak very-, highly- of hien
Mr, Grant was well posted in every
-department? of agriculture and wee•
well known by- the professors • at the: w
Agricultural College, in
The remains were :taken .to Wood- 11
i1e fromClintonC Tn
Y morning �{e
end' were interred In the family f mzly oto• D
yesterday afternoon, ' May 30th,, "a
resides his wife he is survived by e'
three daughters and; five brothers.sp
Mrs. Grant and family wish t-• ti+
express ;their .prcat appreciation o; 3
the floral tribute sent by the Fruit
Growers Association of tate County of h
Huron. B
The following ministerial changes
in t'he 'Huron Presbytery are - an-
nounced i
o d irh
t ozs 'i • i."
i draft' ft of the
Settlement committee or the_London
Conference, which is in annual' 5essior
at FValkesvills: Bemntller—Rcv. R
B. Ounnaiing. B1yth (St. Andrew's)
-Rev. George Weir. Elmville-Rev,
Lerdy C. White. Ilolnresville—Rev.
J. W. Herbert, tondesboro—ll•ev. J,'
W 'Johnston, McKillop --Regi: S. W.
E. Smith, Tlt'arnos Roads -Rev,; Jame.
Anthony.. Wroxeter—Rev. W. Gal-
Mr, James' Pu•den -of Vanrena.
Peace River District, died very'unex-
pectedly on May 13th. Mr, Pudreil
leaves to mourn their loss his . wife
and two daughters, Mrs, Mc.Connell
of Vanrena and Miss Dorothy'Pnrder
of Clinton, and,ohe son at home. Two
other• sons were killed in the Great
Clinton friends will sympathize
with Miss'Dorothy, who is just fin-
ishing her four year Collegiate course
inClinton,- and who has not visited
her lroine for two years. She will
leave for home immediately on r Pim-
ishing her examinations. -_
The Aylmer Express refers 'lit the
following. item to former. well-known
Clintonhans '•
"Trinity Anglican school room was
filled to capacity with an enthusias-
tie audience' Tuesday evening -r' when,
St. John's church choir, St. Thomas,
under the direction of Mr, and Mre.
W. U. Latornell, produced an old
time concert in costumes of 1850,' The
old time songs end .choruses by the"
choir were' well received, as was also
the beautiful piano solos by Mrs. Lat-
ornell, The company also presented
two playlets, which were -humorous
and interesting. After - the excellent
entertainment the visitors were en-
h'tained by the organist, Mrs. Maude
Campbell, and her choir to a dainty
lunch. - It: is - hoped that Aylrneritos
inay' again' have. the pleasure of list-
ening to this excellent organization
at' no distant bate."
A ; meeting for Huron county far-
mers interested in the Ontario Wheat
Pool• was held in the council chamber
Clinton on Friday last, which, ;owing
to the fact that it was not adirtised
at all; was not so well attended " as
it might have' been. However, - there
were a number from different points
in the county;
Mr. Wesson, -a member of the .ex-
ecutive of the Western Wheat Pool,
and -Mr; Gilroy of Alvinston, presi-
dent last year of the U.F,0. Co-op.
erative Company,,. were present and
each spoke, givingvery instructive
addresses on the working out of the
Wheat Pool both in the west and in
Ontario, which is affiliated with the
Western Pool, The speakers gave
-figures showing that while the pool.
has resulted in an increased price to
the grower; the price of flour has not
been increased to the consumer. The
pool favors the actual producer, telim-
Mating to seine extent the profits of
;the middleman and speculator,
The. Ontario Pool'closed its year
today, May 31st, and after the 15th
of June the final payments will be
made to the members.
Rev. William -J. -Phelan of' Blyth
will be ordained to the priesthood in
London on Saturday, Jame 2nd, at
eight o'clock• and will -celebrate his
first mass in the Blyth ehurch on
Sundaymorning or ng at ten o'clock.
Ptesbyterian Church . `
Church services as usual,
The W, A. will hold their regular
meeting in the 'church: lecture room
bn Wednesday'afternoon, June 5th.
St Joseph's Church
Maass will be•said at 7.50 on Sunday
morning, owing to the fact that the
,Itev. William 3. Phelan will celebrate
his firer mass in the Blyth church at
ten o'clock,
St. Paul's Church
Next Sunday'' being Trinity'Sunday,
there will be a celebration of Holy
Communion at eleven o'clock. Even-
ing prayer will' be, and Sun-
day school at ten a,m.
Baptist Church
Sunday services as usual.
' Song service fifteen minutes before
commencement o£ evening services.
Subject for Sundayevening: "A Short
Bed and a Narrow 'Coverin •." The'
choir will be'assisted by singers from
Week -night services' as: 'usual.-
Wesley-Wi11is`United Church
The Rev. A. A. Holmes- will have
large'al the services in this ehurch
n Sunday,
The date of the-, annual Sunday
drool and congregational picnic has•
een setfor the third Wednesday in
July, the lath.
The W. A. will meet in, the ehurch
all on Thursday afternoon next.
une 7th. -
Ontario Street: United Church
Speciale Women's Day on Sunday,
slime ; speakers, women `ushers,. we.
ens' choir. Subject of -address at
to morning service:' "The Clial-
n' a
e nd how to
meet s
�Mr A.
Mrs. (Rev,) ilrezr of St. Andrew's
mrch, ,Blyth .will be •the, special'
esker in the evening.. Mrs. Weir
Ill also speak at Turner's church at
The congregatianal pienic .will be
he the first Wednesday' in July at
Mr. and Mrs. I-liiiry Lyon of Lon-
desboro announce the engagement ,of
their r daughter Alberta Mae; to Mr.
Emerson, IIesk of •Huller+,' the marc
riage to take piece in Julie.
Mr- Jack Smith,' son` of . Mr. Pd.
Smith caught -a Six lro1nid shad in the
river at Stapleton the other day with
hook mid line., When the lad sighted
the big-' fellow on his hook; you mi
be sure his eyes bulged, but he mat
aged to land him safely-
Atte. G. B. iIarris received word last
week that patents for, all ,attaphn era
for a knitting machine invented by
him had been granted for. Canada, the
United States and eight other foreign
countries. 'Mr, .Harris has a couple
more small inventions which he lies
been working• out for which, when
completed, he may also seek patents.
In announcing the Greyhound ex-
cursion Iast week we inadvertently
stated that the boat made its first
trip to Goderich -on June 'Gth. It
comes over on Tuesday, June 5th, re-
turning to Detroit on June 6th. .:It
returns to Goderich_ on. the 8th and
makes final return to Detroit on -Sat-
urday, Juice 9th. -
Mr, R. W. Gould and' Mrs, M. E.
Lloyd were quietly - married at the
parsonage of Main street United
church, Exeter, on Thursday last. the
Rev- C. J. Moorhonse ,performing the
ceremony. Later in the day they left -
for a motor trip to Hamilton and Tor-
onto and returned the beginning of
the week to their home in ,High street.
Clinton. Friends extend gond wishes
and- congratulations.
The executive of Huron Presbyter-
ial Woman's Missionary Society was
held in Wesley -Willis' church, Clinton,
on Monday, with almost .full atten-
Much interest was manifested and
prayerful. consideration b
fP fans
carrying on of the years work was
shown uppermost in the mind of each
one present.
It was moved by. Mrs. Lane and
secondedby M'rs. 'Gardner :• that all,
resignations be in the hands of the
nominating committee before Jan -
nary 31st and that a list of vacant
offices be sent to each auxiliary, who
will be asked to make nominations
and'retnrn to the nominating commit-
tee a week before the Presbyterial.
The curt D
all Star
y other
rule' the i
s t e n
ews of thi.
of Miss 3Iuriel �Si: sman, daughter of
Mrs. Sissnaan of Chicago, and grand,
daughter of; the late Thomas Tinting
of•-Clintou, and Horace E. Dodge, a
son ori one of the founders- of the
Dodge Company, ,cal• manufacturers
The marriage took 'place in Londnn.'
England, last week '.Mrs- Sissrnan
visited Clinton during semi-centenial
' eelebration and renewed acquain-
t_ Lances with maziy old friends here,
People. You fthow
Huron County Council will meet in
C'ederich on Tuesday, June 5th,
Totnorrow ushers in the leafy
month of lune. We'd like it a little
warmer --and probably we'll get it.
The Clinton Hospital Board will meet
on. Tuesday evening next, June 5th,
at seven -thirty in the board room of
the town ,hall,
Supt. Chant of the Public' Utilities
was taken suddenly ill one day this
week and is still confined to his bed.
His friends trust it niay not be for.
The semi-annual Meeting of the
South Huron County L.O.L. will be
held in Clinton on Wednesday, lune
13t i
h, when final arrangements witl
be made for the 12th of July celebra.
tion in Ilensall.
-The Misses Beattie of The Vogue
entertained to dinner at the Batten-
bury House in honour of their fath-
er, Mr. James Beattie of -Watford, on
May 24th. A number of relatives.
from Watford and Seaforth were pre-
sent and i very pleasant -day was -
At an • enthu"siastic' gathering held
in the town hall on Tuesday evening
a Clinton and District Young Peo-
ples' Conservative Association was,
formed, , - - - _
Me. Ernest Ford,' of Detroit was home
for the week -end,
Mr. and Mrs, R. B. Carter spent the
week -,end with LiotoweI friends.
Mr. W. Hovey of the Toronto Univer-
sity is home for the long Vacation.
Mrs: Chesney . of Toronto has been
Visiting afirti.: I•I, Pluntsteel during
the past week. „,-
Misses B. Crittenden, Janette Tay-
lor and Viola ` Livermore and Mr
William :Walters spent Victoria
Day with Hensall friends, ,
Mr, Ernest Livermore of Aylmer and
MTS. Clarence Green of Teeswater
. were week -end guests at the home
of their parents,' M4. and Mrs,
James Livermore.
Miss • Mary _ Watkins, Mrs, Archie
Young and Miss Elsie Cushman
and Mr. Ross Cushman of London
` spent the holiday with the farmer's
parents Mr. and Mrs. V.• Watkins.
Mr. and Mrs; H. E. trace left Mon-
day on a motor trip to Pontiac
Mich„ to visit their daughter, Mrs.
Harry Ambler. Mr.. Rorke will also
attend the annual meeting of the
London Conference of the 'United
Churely which Is in session in
Wake -Mille this week.
Miss Gwen Holmes, who has been in
thehospital in Toronto for some
weeks' having had to undergo a
severe operation on her leg, the
result of an injury, returned home
Mit 'week and is with her 'parents
Rev. A. A.'itnd Mrs. Holmes. She
is recovering and it is hoped will
-aeon be quite restpred.
Sheriff Newton Edmeston of Thunda
Bay District was in town yester-
day looking some old
for s
and #i finding them very few.Sherif £
Edineston is a former W' wano'sh
township boy but he was well ac-
quainted in- Clinton. It is about
'forty years since he left the county'
of.Huronm -Ile was for -years may-
or of the city' of Fort William and
some time ago was anointed she',
iff of Thunder Bay District.
Mr. and Mrs. NV. J. McLeod, Louise
Elsie and Master Hugh McLeod mot-
ored to Port Dover on Saturday and
spent Sunday with relatives there.
Miss Gladys Gale went to Water-
loo on Monday to visit her sister, Mrs.
W. G. Richardson..
_Rev, R. M. Gale Ieft on Tuesday
for W!alkerville to attend the annual
conference of the United church. liars.
Gale accompanied him as far as Cor-
inna, where they will visit their son,
Reveal'. Gale.
' Ted and: Dorothy Hart of London
spent the week -end sat their Cottage
Mrs. Minnie Ross of • Toronto and
her aunt, !Vlrs, Rabb of- Stratford, ars
at the for
s cottage ta�
e Sura -R•
for an
mo th. M
an s. Cobb of
Toronto were with them for Victoria
Mr, and Mrs- J. L. Dixon and Miss
Carrie Dixon of Galt were the guests
of Rev. and Mrs. 11'. II Paull for
Victoria Da
an the e week -e
<y til.
Mrs. W, J. Elliott, .Blue Water
Highway, Goderich Ti,, was called tc
London on Wednesday of last week
owing to the serious illness of both
her sister and brother-in•law, Dr,
and Mrs. A. J. Jeffrey.
Mr. and M1s. Mottes, Mrs. Zinger
and Miss Leona Zinger of Kitchener
called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Keegan
and Mr, and Mrs; Valentine -Wild on
rally was: -planned and carried Mr and Mts. H. K. King, little
out by a' committee forded at a l . of
Attwood and Wm. E. Parker
tLgatt of Sarnia visited their parents, Mr.
eying held some months ago and it and Mrs, Chas. Parker, over the
turned out very pleasantly, a -large week -end;
number of young'
people with anum-
her of older ones, being present. Mrs,'
Fallis of `Peterbore and, Mr. Arthur
R. Forrd, editor of The London Free
Press, were the speakers. Mr. Ger--
don,Reid •of Louden secretary of the
Western Ontario Conservative Assoc
iation,t-was also present, :Co1:11. P..
Combe acted as chairman,
Both speakers emphasized the`; need
of organization and Mrs. I'allis - told
of the -organization in Peterbore,
which combined the echucational'svith
the social, She urged the need fee
the study of public questions in order
to beable' to intelligently use thc;
franchise. ;
Mr. Fordtoldsomething of the
national convention held in Winnipeg
hast autumn :arid paid high tribute .to
the, new leader phosen, ,the Hon. 11. B.
Bennett, He thought the Conserve-
tive party adapted totheyoung and
told of; some achievements of the par -
1 v 8 the pest' and expressed his be-
lief that it would be successful. at,
the next federal'election.; He thought
the, yeung'people should; take a deeper
interest in public affairs..•
Dr, F. G. Thompson was elected
president and vicu rresi e
nts were,
appointed from each of the surround-
ing , townships. - Goderich townshtin
31"!iti Thomneoni Tuckersinith: Niche+
Morrison, Stanley: Isabel Glen; 'Mil-
l -aft: ":Reginald' Noble- Miss Does
Schee/Mals vva.s elected secretary and..,_
Percy Livermore treasurer.
After the program ' 'refreshment;
were served and a social hour enjoyed'.
Mrs. Ida King and Miss Hilda King
off • London were, the guests of Mrs.:
John Davidson on Victoria Day and
over the week -end,
Mr. and 1VIr.s. C. R: Will, Agnes and
Bab. of London spent the holiday and
week -end at their cottage,
illr•. and Mrs, M. C. hart and two
children of Toronto spent Victoria
Day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Geo. King. Mrs, hart and two child-
ren' reinained to spend the summe,
with her .parents.
Miss N. Helen Gerrie returned on
Saturday evening after having been
at`irer- hone near Ingersoll for the
Mis, Jas. Cameron and Master Ev-
ans Cameron of Toronto visited the
former's: brother, John R. Cameron.
over the week -end.
Mr, D. MacDonald of Sarnia is
visiting his daughter, Mrs. A. New-
ton -Brady.
Dr, and -Mrs, E. T. White of Lon-
don were at their cottage on Victoria
Mr, and Mrs. Thornton Mustard
and; family of Toronto occupied their
cottage over the holiday.
Mr, and Mrs. R. T; Orr and family,'
of Stratford were at their cottage o r
the Terrace for the holiday and
week end.
Mr.' and Mrs. A. o n
don -'came on :Thursday last to spend A Hunt of L
a. week',- at ';their summer cottage,
'Rev. and Nies. 1' 1-1 Paull moto--
1. 1 )1) n on .Tuesday :where -the Ia,
ter is attending the annual Diocesan
'convention of the W. A.
Misses Elva and Anna Dewar or'
Toronto and David Dewar of Col
borneTp., spent LIT holiday and seek
end -with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs, David ,Dewar, •
Mr, and Mrs. W. D. Stevenson and
family of Toronto'were at their cot-
tage for the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs- A. J. Stevens' and
family of London spent Victoria -Day
andthe week -end at their. cottage
"Merrytinio Lodge,"
Miss Jean M, Woods returned to
Orton on Sunday after having spent
Victoria Day, with her parents,
Misses Ethel Jowett and Izetta•'
Muller ' returned to New Dundee on
Sunday after having, visited'. their
parents over the. holiday.
Mr, and Mos. Roy Barrett of Wat-
erloo visited the former's sister, Mrs
Thos, Brandon, for a few days last
week. Mr. Barrett Sr,, who has . vis-
ited his daughter for a few weeks re-
turned to Waterloo with them on Sun-
Miss L. Clark of Union visited her.
aunt, 141rs. Chas. Tones for it few daya-
last' week. - -
Bayfield' Saft Ball' team' went to -
Varna last week where the latter
trimmed them 14-10. The return
match was played here on Monday
evening and this time the score was
reversed being 24-16 in favor of Bay --
Mrs. W. J. Hodgins, Misses Mabel'
and.Dorothy Hodgins and.Prof. Lloyd'
C. Hodgins of Tpronto were at the.
latter's cottage on the :Terrace over
tlee week -end.
Mrs. Annie Tr'etheway returned.'
last week to visit her daughter, Mrs
A,.• J. Carver, after baying spent the
winter in St. Thomas with her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Vigars:
Capt. and Mrs. J. A. Ferguson went
to London on- Tuesday, .w here the for-
mer, who • has been ill for the past
month, will undergo treatment in
Victoria Hospital His many friends
hope .he will return greatly improv-
ed in health,
The recital given by Miss Gladys
Gale at the parsonage an Saturday
afternoon was entichenioyed by the
Mends and relatives of her pupils.
The following is the program: Clrilil-
ren's . FP,tiV 1 Waltz. 4 u W t .Grace Jowett
Golden Visl Eva n
'V tea, Sturgeon; Da ce f
ef. the Brownies, . Marie Grainger: -
Dolls Itedowa, Mary Armstrong;
Fairies Carnival, Aileta Burke, Skip-
ping Redowa, Eva Sturgeon; Kiss of
Spring, Marie Grainger; .Sweetheart•
Waltz, Aileta-Burke; On the Merry -
go -Round. Grace Jowett. Following
the recital refreshments were served'
to the guests.
Mr, Pinnock, a returned mission-
ary from Africa, will speak in the
United Church on Sunday •evening in
the interests of the Upper Canada
Bible Society.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart and little
nieces, Mary and Marjorie Stewart
of Hamilton spent the holiday and'
week -end : with the former's parents` -
Mr. and. Mrs,,.John Pollock,
Mr. E. fisher, Kitchener, Mr. Geo.
Fisher and Ruth, Jimmie and 'Jean
Fisher Of Waterloo visited ' Mr.. and
Mrs, F. A. Edwards on Sundhyr.
Rev. C. and Mrs. Mustard and
family, Toronto; spent Victoria Day
at the home of the former's parents
and brother,
Mr. J B
1VIrs G. Chesney ofT Toronto visited
Mrs, Bs
eY oro rock and Mrs. Jamieson last -
Miss, Ada Reid of Toronto is spend•-
ing her holidays at her hozne here.
Mr. and Mrs. 3. G, Kaiser of De-
troit :visited vi
friends in theh
village last
11r. Win. Forrest and his daughter,
Beth, and Miss Blanche Mustard and
Mrs, J. Snider -motored to Chesley. ,
this week to visit Mr. Mustard's sis-
ter, Mrs. James Mustard, who is ill.
Mr. and airs. McLachlin and hIr,
and Mrs. Rothwell of Goderich visited
at the home of Mr, and 1VIre. Ross
Scott, and other friends last week.
The annual meeting of the Bruce -
field branch of the Upper Canada:
Bible Society will be held in the Uni-
ted church on 'Tuesday, June 638, at
8 p.m., when the Rev. Melainnoek will
give an address on the work of the
Mn'. Douglas Ward of Elmira spent
the noiiday with friends here.
Mrs. Alcock of• Brussels called on
friends here the past week.
Miss: E.M.the
of Toronto•.
was the guest of. Mr. and•' Mrs. H. a.'
Trewartha and other Holmesvillo
friends over theaholiday,
Rev, I. W.- Kilpatrick is attending
the annual meeting of the London
Conference, which is being held this•
week at"Walkerville. •There, will be::
a "Temperance" service iu'tle church.
here on Sunday, June 3rd, at 11-a.m,
which will be conducted by Miss Bai-
lie of Goderich. •
Mr, Stanley McHaffie of London
was renewing .old acquaintances here
on Saturday.
Miss Esther Trewartha of Clinton,:
and her friend, Miss Holden of Tor-
onto, are enloyhng ;a ,holiday at what
is known as the -''Tebbutt-farm" and
which, Mr.' N. W. Trewartha of Min-
ton fitted up for summer use. Miss
Fraser, ser � nd Miss irol Ev-
sit o
S f Clinton
were Miss
s 7rc
iha s guests over the 'creel -end .
Mr. Clifton Proctor, who is time-
keeper for ;Pass and Brazier, contrac-
tors from: near Sarnia wa's home eve.
er Sunday.
Mr. andi=firs, .1 Iiatrr-,,err and fam-
ily from 'tear Hensell visited the+
farmer's sister, Mrs. Geo, -Proctor, o',