HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-05-17, Page 7,t �. �„�'T
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NVv. co.
Goderich to 'and Return+
r� j7l �JJ
Round Trip:' - WILL LEAVE GODERICI One Way
Wednesday, June 0th at `9.30 a.m.
Arriving Port Huron 1.30 p.m., Detroit 5,30 p.m.
Returning leaves Detroit 1 p.m., Friday, June 8th
The only boat trip from, Goderich to Detroit this season. Child-
ren between 6 and 12, half fare. Visit your Michigan friends and see
big and busy Detroit. • A delightful trips over the great international
highway of lakes and rivers... Don't miss it.
Last trip Goderich to Detroit Saturday, June, 9th at 8.30 a.m
N10o7i11light Out of Gederich
Came' and' enjoy .the fun '
Tuesday, June Mb at 8.30 p.m
FINZEL'S ORCHESTRA for dancing in steamer's big new ball room
Three hours, on beautiful. Lake Huron for 50c. Children 25c.
- 61-4.
Easy to light ... Strike a match -that's a111
No flaring .... Patented automatic wick stop will not permit
flame to rise above set point.
Easy to control . Flame can be adjusted to any safe level; it
remains set.
No soot on pots and pars ... Every bit of oil is changed into
clean, intense heat in the long chimneys.
Oil reservoir can be easily filled whilE cooking is being done.
Safe baking. A wonderful oven in which you can bake
cake, fish and onions at the same time with-
out mixing flavors.
See the wonderful new models at your dealer's. Perfec-
tion prices which range from $8.75 to $212.50 are splendid
value. Write for full information to. General Steel Wares,
Limited, Toronto, Ontario. 201
'F Mail TODAY.
. - Please ,endttioE,w.eparticulars otthe Pede&ionOil Range.
f Address
$ 6
Wm, ,i\lurch ,: c 7 6 60.0
Ray Cartwright , 8 8 .59.5
Carmen Rowcliffe 9 6 57:1,
Murray. Legau ! . .. 9 7 56.5
Elliott Baitliff . 7 4 53,3
Duncan Cartwright 7 5 53.0
Douglas' Kennedy 43 51,3
Wm. Watkins, ;, 8 2 41.0
Harry Reynolds . 7 3 40.1
No, of Papers Written 203.
No. of Passes --175,
Percentage Successful -86.2._
Dorothy, Watts . ' ' 9 9 88.3
Mary Andrews .. ...... .. , 9 9 86.2
Grace Ilellyar .. 9 9 78.1
Muriel Downs .; • ' 9 8 74.4
Helen. MlcMath ;a• 8 8 74.2
Helen. Youngblut ... _ . • 9 9 73.7
Irene Vodden ,. . .. 9 9 72.6
Grace Fitzsimmons . . r ...... , 9 9 72.5
Reba Fear: ` . • 9 8 69..6
Kathleen Huller. • 5 5 .i 69.0
Madelon Glew .. • 9 8 68.2
Marjorie 34eEwen . '7 7 65.3
.Kathleen Cameron 9 7 62.5
Elizabeth Morrison 9 8 61.4
Marjorie'1VIcEwing 9 60.6
Doris' Huller . 9
- 5 5 58.3
Pearl: Churchill ...........'.• 9 71 : 57.7
Kathleen Nickle 9 '7 57.5
Bessie ,Corey .. .............. 9 ` 7 57.1
Edna -Elliott .-, - . 8 7 57.0
Irene Swinbanit:.. ••••••••,.• 9 - • 6 .56.4
Norma Streets . 9 7 54.1
Marion Pickett . 6 3 51.0
Margaret Carbert .. 9 5 49.4
Margaret Chnter .. 9 4 49.3
Mary Grigg . 9 5 47.4
Leah 'Rapson . 9 6 44.7
Omerine LeBeau8 3 . 44.5
Marion Shipley . 8 4 40.6
No. of Papers Written -244.
No. of Passes -198.7
Percentage Successful=
- Head Girl and Boy in Each Form
' (I). -Dorothy Watts, Joe Gandier,
(lI).-Dorothy Cox,,Cleland Bone.
(IIIA). -Margaret *Lead, Reg. Noble.,
(TTIB).-Dorothy Innes, Andrew Fraser,
(U. S.) -Violet Watkins, N. 1VGatheson. •
Form Percentage: -
(IA). -86'.2. (IIA)• -85.1. (IITB). 85.0. (I13.).-81.1.
(IIIA). -73.9. ;IL' S.-72.6. '
Rumiiaiiuus oI Rel 'IUIl!
A Column Prepared Especially for Women -
But Not Forbidden to Men
Isfy grandpa notes the world's worn
And says we're going to the dogs;
His granddad, in his house of logs,
Swore things were going to the dogs;
His dad, among the Irish bogs,
Vowed things were going to the dogs.
But this is what I wish to state
Those dogs have had an awful wait.
Personally, I have not yet reached
the stage when I believe the "world.
is going to the dogs." Those dogs
will probably have to starve along for
another- while. Even though every-
thing in this old world is not just
ideal, still, there is much of good;
much of beauty; much to uplift the
soul and make the spirit glad, and
this is especially true these spring
days, when the whole earth seems to
be rejoicing. The birds sing their
songs of gladness and the springing
grass blade and bursting bud no lees
send up their hymn ofpraise'though
not with audible voice. The heart is
indeed bowed down which feels no
thrill. in spring time; no desire to "do"
'Establishing A New Standard in Autotnobi.les"
DUI -; T
7 AST, sustained driving of a Durant "75" involves
a minimum of motor energy and a consequent
lessening of nerve tension on the part of the driver
and passengers. This most desirable modern. featur0 is
made possible through the employment of a transmission
having four forward speeds.
The high compression Red Seal Continental Motor
provides accelration and speed in excess of all ordinary
requirements while the long, . low -gravity chassis and
scientifically constructed, spring suspension ensure riding
comfort that is positively luxurious.
In the design of the Durant built Hayes -Hunt body
and in the quality of the interior finish and appointments,
the demands of the most discriminating `have been
anticipated. -
Drive the Durant "75" ... to -day if you wish
.. experiment with its power and speed and
with its Bendix 4 -wheel brakes. - Compare it
with other high, grade automobiles.
malt by
Durant Motors n1 Canada, Limited'
Toronto . Canudu
Rugby Trstcks, Four and S}x pY14nders;.Capacity 1:ton and 1/ tons
W. A.
or to "dare."
The following iiretty lines are said
to be carved on a stone slab in Prin-
cess Mary's garden:
Soaks Right in and
Limbers up
Stiff -Joints
"'The iris of the sun .1 or pardon,
The song of the birds Tor mh•th.
One is nearer God's heart in a garden
Than anywhere else on earth."
Mother love, no, rather .parental
love; is a wonderful thing. Not only
is this „trne••of humanity, it is true of
the lower creatures as well. During
the past few days; as •I dress in the
morning, I've been watching the robin
family which lives on my window
ledge,, (Oh, yes, the wee birds came
out a week ago and already threaten
to overflow the nest,) and the care
bestowed upon these helpless little
birds is very beautiful to see.. For a
time, while the another .sat upon her
nest,•the father bird did not seemto
pay any attention to her, at least not
while I was about, and I wendered ifs
he would leave her to bring up . the
family all by herself, But he is man•
fully doing his part. He is constantly.
bringing worms to drop into She wide-
open mouths of those .wee birds, sit-
ting. on the edge of the nest and de-
liberating, it would seem, for a sec-
ond or two before deciding just' which.
mouth of the four todrop it into.
He probably has some way of, dis-
tinguishing, • or one bird might get
more than his share of worms,"
He seems as attentive to his family
as the mother, except that it isshe
who cuddles flown 'upon them to warm
their little half -naked •bodies, he just
brings hoarse the worms.. He is very
trim and dapper, for 'all the world
like some neatly -dressed young busi-
ness man,, and she just a bit more
ruffled, not quite so -well-groomed.
What mother of four healthy young-
sters, who minds and tends them all
herself, can find time to spend to
make herself as dainty and as trim
as she was as a •girl? But he doesn't
seem to mind that; he is proud of his
family and does leis hesto take ' his
fair share of' the tilde of }'caring
then. It is v,ely iateresting'to .watch
thelia but hi another week•sp;siebody'
will baveto be .pushed `,out of that
-hoine nest,',11 the youngsters keep on
growing as they have been doing, -
Colborne Township
• The sympathy of the community is
extended to friends and relativesof
the late James' McClure, who passed
away on 'Wednesday, May 9th
Goderich. Mr, MbClure reached the
great age of ninety-two and was well
respected by all who' knew him. He
was a resident of Colborne for many
years. He had the misfortune to fall
one morning',abeut three months ago,.
when it was icy underfoo4 breaking
his hip, and failed to rally from the
slaocic. He was buried Friday in Col-
borne 'cemetery.
Mr. Alton, is repainting the cornice
and woodwork on his house this week,
Rei . 7E. A.. Poulter delivered a most
inprtssiye•sei•mon . on • Mother's Day
and Miss Amelia' McElwain took the
organ. in a very, capable way, in the
absence of Mrs. Marsh.
Mr• Joe Young of Detroit spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Allan of De
trait spent Sunday at the forfner's
hone that of Mr. and Mrs, Alden Al-
len. ,
Several inthis locality attended the
funeral of the late Rev, James Hamil-
ton of Goderich on Monday afternoon
of last, week.
Miss Margaret Hoey is visiting ,
friends in Goderich this week. •
Leeburn. Missionary Society will
hold their monthly meeting this week
at Miss Marion Watson's.
Mr. John Treble had a new Chev-
rolet sedan delivered to him on Fri-
day and Mr. 'Vele 'Cunningham is,
driving an Oldesmobile Landau,
Powerful, • Penetrating ` Antiseptic Oil -
Heals Eczema and Other Skin Diseases
Make up your mind today that
you are going to give your skin a
real chance to get well.
Like a lot of 'other people; you've
probably been convinced that the
only thing to use was an ointment
or salve (some of them are very
good) but in the ;big : majority of
cases.these sticky salves simply clog
•the pores and the condition . prim-
arily remains the' same.
Go to any good druggist today and
Pharmacists Call it "Joint -Ease" Be -
Cause it's for Swollen, Sore, Pain-
ful, Creaking Joints Only.
It took a good many' years to get
together a combination of pain sub-
duing and swelling reducing agents
declared' to be the tine remedy that
ahnost instantly penetrates through
skin and flesh and starts right to
make swollen, inflamed, creaky, pain
racked joints as good as new.
They call this new and wonderful
preparation "Joint -Ease" because
the medical man who turned the
trick, worked for years to perfect
some low-priced remedy that would
really benefit the millions of .people
who have a swollen, painful, creaky,
distorted or stiff point, whether it be
in knee, elbow, shoulder, ankle, *neck
or finger and whether it is caused by
rheumatism or something else.
Of course, it can't help but quiokly
put an end to such superficial ail-
ments as lumbago, neuralgia, neurit-
is, aching muscles, stitch in the side,
crick in the neck or sore feet because
of its penetrating action,but what it
is really recommended . for is joint
ailinents of any nature whatever.
Ask for a tube of "Joint -Ease"
You can .use it several .times in one
evening for quiclq results, because it
goes right through the skin with only
a few seconds rubbing. It surely is
a swift penetrator and when it gets,
under the skin it starts right in to
clean up all joint trouble.
All druggists dispense it daily for
about 60 cents a tube, as do first
class druggists everywhere.
get an original bottle of Moone's
Emerald oil. •
The very first application will give,
you relief and a few short .treat-
inents will thoroughly convinceyou
that by sticking faithfullyto it for
a short while your skin tro uitles will
be a thing of the past.
Remember that. Moone's Rmeraid
Oil is a clean, powerful, penetrating
Antiseptic 0i1 that does not stain or
leave a 'greasy, residue, and that it
must give complete satisfaction or
your money cheerfully refunded.
.031111.011110M111110001.011....0.111. 011101011,115101.1111110•IMEM661071111111,111111011,
TF' there is anything more outstanding than the value
offered by the "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet, it is
the extraordinary value of the Used Cars which Chev-
rolet buyers have traded in. Your dollars never went
so far before, asthey will now go in the purchase of a
really fine Used Car. Never before were Used Cars
such undeniably good value. Here are a few samples
from our stock of cu.azea
Overland Coach $125
1925 Chevrolet Touring in Excellent Shape
1926 Essex Coach.
�w Big Lavis, Clinton
special product- for every purpose- fl. r every surface
for eAlenor
or interior
for Oilc/o/b
W000 -LAC
stain forf/oois
anthill -nit