HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-05-17, Page 6TIIE CLINTON-NEWS RECORD asasseemorreaawair Write for -Free Booklet,"Walls That -Reflect Good `Judgment," con- taning inferesting ini'ormatian6n home planning with Gy¢roc, Rocboard and inaulex. Illio s of E lsu1at ng Affix Cells:! eANADA GYPSUM AND ALABASTINE, LIMITED Patio Canadm 44 FireOroof W ilb ar For Sale By 44- Thon aas McKenzie Estate - Clinton, Ont. Ge9..T. Jenkins - - , 'Clinton, Ont. vimartewooreer NEVER MEANT MORE TN BODY design as in mechanical jeeeeccellence' -the new . Oldsmobile represents•a brilliant interpretation oo the fine car ideal- -- for Oldsmobile's.. new bodies are Fisher bodies and' never: has the Fisher symbol carried greater sig- nificance. In their bold, refreshing grace is ;expressed the whole new spirit of our times. In their artfully executed refinements, is revealed the artist's appreciation' of luxurious detail.. And Oldsmobile bodies by Fisher have the inherent soundness which always appeals to those motorists who demand enduring .north:, Body frames are built of selected 1lardwbdd=care- fully mortised, glued, screwed and bolted. Over this are applied panels of steel --a resili- ent combination assuring, maximum strength and freedom from,drummmg, And the gener- ous use of fabric beading where metal would otherwise touch metal, prevents the develop- ment of annoying squeaks and rattles. In itealf, this achievement in fine body build- ing is worthy of widespread approval. But combined as it is with new performance abilities, new steadiness and new stamina - it stamps the new. Oldsmobile the fine car of low price !---the choice of thousands of to- day's buyers. General Motors' own deferred payment plan GMAC : . . affords you the simplest and most economical way of buying your Oldsmobile on, time. o.,z.s.zec 2 -Door Sedan $1165 AT FACTORY, OSHAWA, ONTARIO Goyermnent •Ta,, a end Spdre Tire £xtrr. THE PINS CAR OBIL Or LOW - Pities J. B. LAVIS, Clinton PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED Your Tires are just as important _as your engine! CARE of your tires repays you just as - V well as care of your engine. It means thousands of extra miles - hundreds of dollars saved in a few seasons. And that is exactly ;thereason for Dominion Tire Depots not -just to repair your tires when, .` trouble, occurs, but to inspect them regularly to remove every cause •:of trouble and tC correct every, injury at its beginning. - 1Vlake a habit of calling at your, nearest depot every week to have your tires checked. Y u are flow"( 'jar away from a BP. • c. ...111114oi1 t:r1:nd6e6o ro THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1928 '' :favaramailathossamasaanamea, - Clinton Collegiate institute Report The 1'o11owinh is is report of the pupils et' Clinton Collegiate Institute for the 'Winter term, Bepoit forms have been sot home, to the parents and are to be signed and returned to the class teachers,. 5 0 38 0:N • NH d $ '3 1JPPE R SCHOOL- Violet CHOOLViolet Watkins . 'f. Dorothy Pruden 8 N, Matheson 7 Grace McEwen. • .... ... 61 Dorothy Stirling 6 D Gray . .. 8 Arthur Lyon .. .. 8 Doris Dnrnin 8 Edith Middleton . 3 Elva Cook 5 Wm. Glees 6 Florence Rorke . . 7 Gordon Ball , 7 Gordon Stock . ... 8 Madeline Van Horne , 5 Lorne Cooke: .."... , No. of Papers Written -106, No. of Passes 77. Percentage Successful -72.6, MIDDLE SCHOOL (11111). 6 0 5 6 5 3 a,4 y4. 4 4 3 7 , 3 Andrew Fraser 11 ' .11 Dorothy Innes , 11 11 Evelyn hall.. 11.: 10 Ruth Veneer . 11 1,0 HelenNediger , : 8 g Dorothy Manning , 8 8 Hazel Watkin's 8 8 Margaret;Cudmore 9 9 Stuart Keyes . 9 7 Norma Stevens 8 4 Clement Reynolds 4 3 Douglas Matheson 9 2 No, of Passes Written -107. No. of Passes -91., Percentage Successful -85.0. MII?DLE SCHOOL (EIA). Margaret McLedd 11 11 Reg. Noble 11 11 Audrey Carter 10 1Q Olive Glew 10 •10 Margaret Kilpatrick , 10 • ' 10 Isabel. Chowen • 10 9 Helen Davidson . 9 Dorothy Little 9 Dorothy Kutch . ..•-7 Morris Rozell . 10 John Heilyar 7 Mary Reynolds . 10 Margaret Doan 9 Bert Middleton 8 Bessie McEwen 9 Wen. McGill . 6 Win. Ball 8 Edna Flynn .. 8 Everett Downs .. .... k n 10 Doris Miller „nj: 6 Grace Evans . rifz , 41 Hazel _Churchill . } 4 Deletes Harris ' . 6 No. of Papers Written -192. y - No, of Passes -141, Percentage Successful -73.9. LOWER SCHOOL (II) Dorothy Cox ..... 991 F Mari;•aret Plumsteel Susie Livermore . • 9 9 Helen Manning .. 9 9 Thelma Lovett 9 Bessie Livermore .................9 .Robert Cole . , 1 31. 3 Marion Forbes - 9 9 Cora Trewartha , - 10 ,e Isabel Biggam 9 Edith Gfhbings , . 9 Olive Sprang •. 8 VfoIet lillorrison . 91 Janet McTaggart . . .... 9 Cleland Bone . 9 Carrie Lavin 9 Robert Hale . 9 9 Brenton Hellyer , . 9 7 Olive Thompson . 9 • 8 Grace Gibbings • 0 8 Jean Benthon 9 7 Eileen . Ruinbaii . 9 8 Mary Armstrong .' . • 9 8 Marion Mason , ... , . 6 5 Jean` Twyford , 9 6 1 elen Beacorn . , 7 6 .r tie 7 5 .'Bruce"'Big'ga'1't.: 9 7 Edward Rorke . Anna Beadle . 0 6 Paul: Hovey .....................8 5 Ruth Cartwright . 9 6 Thelma Cudmore . 9 5 Jean 8Iutch ... • 9 5 James McCrea , ... , , . , , • 8 5 Bili Jackson No. of Papers Written --296, No. o4 Passes -252, Percentage Successful -85.1, LOWER SCHOOL (IA). Joe Gaudier , 9 Ross Carter , 9 Hugh Middleten 9 Lawrence Plumsteel 9 Wm.Draper.........................9 Stewart Cook. . 9 Gerald Holmes . 9 Lloyd Medd . . ``9 " . Barry Plumsteel . • 9 Kelso Streets . . ... 7 Gordon. Cudmore . 0 Ernest Hovey , 9 Tom Ross , . 7 Frank Meelwen 7 I{ennetli Pickett . .• 26 1 24 2 221. -~ 3 21 , 4 . 20'", 5 20 5 19 6 16 8 16 8 1'S 10 13 , 1T. 18 11. 9 13 9 13 .8, 15 7 l 16 571 48 46 45 41 38 27 21 18 11 8 r: 2 3 4 b • 6. 7 8 9 10 11 7- 12 55 52 50 46 42 39 7 28 7 26 7 26 8 9 26 - 8 6 . 21 11 41 14 12 4 13 13 5 13 13 4 13 13 5 12 16 5 12 16 4 11 18. 4 11 . 18. 3 10 20 3 10 20 2 8 22 1 4 23 ,. 2' 3 4 5 6 '7 8 9 9. 1.0 9 9 6 9. 8 8 8 Every Woman Needs "Fruit-a-tives" the sure way to regular health MRS.- A. PARENT.' Daily tasks rob many, women of the pricelessboon of good health, because constipation, biliousness, headaches, in- digestion, backaches and kindred ail- meets,undermine their constipations.: Read this sincere letter: Driscol Lake, Sask. --- "I have taken many kinds of medicine, but none proved as good as 'Fruit-a•tives' for me. It is the only medicine I take --I use it regu- larly and clo not feel right if I do not." -Mrs. A. Parent. 5 --0 9 9 9 9 3 8 9 9 7 9 8 7 '6 9 80.6 79.5 79.3 76.6 76:1 75.2 74.6 74.3 72.3 71:6 71.0 71.0 70.5 68.5 14 65.7 15 1 2 8, 4 5 6 '7 8.' 9, 10 11 11 13 65.2 63.7 63.5 63.1 62.4 61.8 ' 61.8 60.2 59.5 59,2 58.1 57.6 56.0 55.0 53.1 62.2 50.41 50.4 50.0 48,11 16 17 18- 19 20 21 21 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 38 34 35 $0.8 . 1 76.8 2 74.8 8 73-.5 4 72.$ 6 67.7 6 67.0 7 67.0 7 66,2 9 66,1 10 66.1 10 64.7 12 68.6 18 Q8.4 14 00.71 15 "Fruit -a tives'i is universally successful because it is, a natural Medicine -made from the intensified juices of fresh fruits, combined with tonics. It will help you, too. 25c -and 50c at all druggists, Buy, a box torday., BRUSSELS: Olt Friday morning' Ida`1ane, Knight, wife of James Cam- eron passed away, aged 55 years 7 z\ninths and 11 days, as a result of burns received from a coal oil can ex- ploding As the deceased lady was lighting',the fire. She is survived by her husband and one son, 'Wilford, of town. The funeral was held ,from the family home on Tuesday afternebTi' three lo'clock, interment being made in Brussels cemetery. e n^uII m�lmiCll� �ga:4jr Ill li l 1 . mph t bfii ;I� 1 .1� �I�Y"'" tai �l� it 1�1�1 Ij., •�,ry CAPITAL l'E8T ,, n i l IND[VID;OD :J'1tG1 lTS TC:YTAL ASSETS r., :$ 29,916,700 31,071,499 831,548,967' eet cad Ofhce s dry{{ ane "onrieol n �IUi� ..,.nglUllllSi111itif� m1111 li Ili SIR • VINCENT MEREDITH, BART. Chairman of the Begird and Chairman of the Executive PRESIDENT - SIA CHARLES Goenon, G.E.E. VICE-PRESIDENTS H. R. DRUMMOND, EBQ, MAI.•GEN. THS HON. S. C. MEWsoaN, GENERAL, MANAGER SSR FREDERICK Wiereehts-TmLOR DIRECTORS' Wtt. MCMASTER, Esq. G. B. -ERASER, ESQ THE HON. Sia LoMER GQUIN, x.C.M.e. F. E. Map.aorTH, ESQ,'1 E.C. F. W.MotsoN, ESQ.• Committee. D. Foams ANGUS, ESQ. HAROLD KENNEDY ESQ E. W. BRATTY, ESQ.; K.C. etedes Seewm e, &Q- .!. W. MCCONNELL, ESQ. LT. -COL. HEhEERTMoLSCN, C.M G., M.G. THE Hoer: HEMET„COCKSIIUTT GEN: SIR ARTHUR CURRIE, G,O, t.f.G., K.C.B. THE'tioN. TstoMMAS AHEARN' W. A. Bence: E6Q. EX,,,ECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD SIR VINCENT MEREDITI, BART. (Chairman) SIIt, CHARLES GORDON, G.B.E. ' H. R. DRUMMONn, Esq. MAJOR:GENERAL THE HONOURABLE S. C. MERMAN, C.M.G. • LONDON COMMITTEE His GRACE TUE DUKE OR DEVONSHIRE, K.G. (Chairman). F. R. S. BM sous,, ESQ. , SLR ,HARDMAN'LEVER, BART.,K.O.s THE RT. HON. LORD STaATIICONA AND MOUNT ROYAL. PARIS COMITE CONSULTATIF M. LE SSNATEUR GASTON MENiER MEXICO COMMITTEE C. GORDON PATERSON, ESQ FREDERICK Males, ESQ BERTRAM E. HOLLOWAY, ESQ The Bank bas over 600 Offices in Canada, Newfoulidland, United States, Mexico; at London, England, and at Paris, France, with Correspondents in all Countries, offering exceptional facilities in all departments of General and Foreign Banking. The Bank of Montreal holds an interest in Barclays Bank (Dominion, Colonial and Overseas), and by reason of this association is ableto offer its clients close competitive rates and complete banking service for business with the West Indies, among the important advantages offered being facilities for obtaining accurate local information. Correct Feeding, bring Chicks throug the critical period hthe first two months. est be taken during first two months. Pickets, care must Rickets, weak legs and other diseases follow carry baby chicks through this feed- ing and under -nourishment. proportioned Monarch Chick. safely our flock dangerous s period.chicks the correct food constituents These foods are scientifically pr p Dbon. growing Make Y to give tlie•y bone,. muscle and feathhr�onarch- feeding --as for thieria rofitable throe{ throughout Canada healthier and mores poultrymen many of the fare already doing:- CMCVe chicks and is A real starter for e be for the first six recommended to or eight weeks' Monarch Chick Mash. contafas, all the necessary proteins, and vitamins necessary for Mildr development, and is recommended owth afed dry infree hoppers. The following iogredicnts are used: Cornmeal,Wheat Standard AlfaOatlfa lMeal, Puari Grit, Shorts, Alfalfa t Meal, Cod Liver Bone Meal, dM Milk, Salt. 1VIea1, Powdered MONARCH. H. ancE FEED Monarch Chick heed is the first grain feed for chicks, and is a properly bal. It should be fee es anoed mixture. conjunction with a scratch feed in Monarch Chick Mash. InCraakets. Cracked Milo,Pin- Cracked in Crackd'Corn, head Oatmeal, Milleeed, Cracked Wheat, Cracked r..10/. Sold 'by. Charlelswort n� Minton 3. A. Ford &Son,.Minton Travel more miles at less' cost per mile with White Rose Gasoline. FOr low or high compression motors: CANADIAN OIL COMPANIES, LIMITED