HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-05-17, Page 5rff.1 -CLTNTONePTEN11$•- AtECORO • -", 0,treatue start lrom the'sarne souice. but ,find their outlet a • tliotisand miles apart, •• . Your llife May flowti, thetrbubled • • I Ocean..of debt, or into the placid waters independence • our Bank Book will decide'. • ' „ . •aRiya1Bank '5600 ' f Canada "-triton 'Brench, - R. E. Manning, Muisger ‘,40.11.•••••=1•111tVIIMISOD Rrucefield Ddr. C. Simpson and Mr. Will Mc- • Intoih -1,eft, for.. Loring -this . week 'where they expect to spend the sum- ' _mer months. - Hey. W. A. and Mrs. Bremner and . Mr.- and Mr. Mbody 'visited friendzi in Goderich this week. ,„ • The many friends of Mrs. Hastings -of BelgraVe formerly. Miss Margaret -Ras, will be sorry to hear -she is at -present in Winghain hospital, where Labe underwent an operation for ap- :pendicitus, last week. Her nother •• Mrs. Janet Ross of our village, is caring' for her children at Belgrave. -The Oddefllows will attend divine • service. in. the United church, May • 20th at 7 pan.. . Mr. and Mrs. Will Deitz of the London road have the sympathy of • their friends in Brucefield and vi- cinity in .the loss they sustained this week when their house was destroyed 'by fire. 'Cause of fire unknown. Mr. and Mrs. John Rattenbury and . family of Burlington spent Mother's -day at .the`horee of the former par-• ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rattenbury. Mrs. Ross Scott and son are, visit- ing at the home of her•brother, Mr. J. Rattenbury of Burlington this *week." Mrs. Riley of Brussels visited at • thhome .of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, C. Wright . this week, Mr, Wright's many friends will be sorry • to know that he is ill. -The W. K S. of the United church 'held their May meeting on May 9th •with the vice-president, Mrs. Hugh Aikenhead, occupying the chair. The meeting was opened ie the usual way 'and ^ Mrs. T. Dayniond led in prayer. 'toll call wits answered by twenty- four members, each member answer - ling. with a verse of scripture. Mrs, 'Robert Watson, secretary of christian •-stewardship gave a very endouraging ''report of the givings of the year. Mrs Jas. McQueen gave the report of the Associate Helpers." Interesting 'leaflets on the Stewardship of Life • were read by Mrs. Addison,' Mrs. T. Baird and Mrs. J. P. Cole. Mrs. R. D, Watson, delegate to the Presbyterial held at Wingham, gave a splendid de- tailed report of the 'meeting. Mre. Jas. McQueen closed,the meeting with yrayer. • Auburn Mr. and Mrs. .Stanbus of Detroit spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and .1\fts..H. Wagner. Mrs. :E.. Moss and son Elwin of t*Gleneoe is visiting her parents, Mr, :and Mrs. W. Cuningham. Mr. and MTS. Wm..1Vlutch and fam- lily of Clinton visited friends here on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. E. Erratt visited "• 'Clinton friends on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Reg. Hamilton returned to De 'troit on Monday after spending a couple of weeks at liis home here, Mr. and Mrs, Milton Plunkett 'and • family of Toronto visited over the • week -end a KT. Wm. Plunkett's.„ Miss Levens 'Robinson of Detroit was the guest of her parents on Sun- day. Miss Elsie Lawlor was hoine for the week -end from London. • Mr, Jos. Lawson had the misfor- • tune of having a horse break its leg on Monday. Seeding is practically finished in •'this vicinity now andespraYing or- chards is next in line. Mr. and Mrs. J. Allan of Colbonpe -,township visited their son, Mr. Mait- ;land Allen on Sunday. ,Kippeta.. ,On Monday forenoon a very. serious 'fire occurred on the.fian of Mr. John .Dietz, one .and a quarter nines north . of the village on the London road, in' quckersmith. It Would appear that W'n. Dietz, his son, who works tate farm, went out with his wife and '.;411e children to the chick -en house and when they returned to the house tlie kitchen was all in flames end the ihotage being of frame construction !Mimed very rapidly • so mach so that very little •of the contents were say: ed, There_ Was, 'insurance on , both Mouse and" toritents but not enough 'to .enver the loss. The erection of a ' new house Willlbe'pushed forward as. _rapidly as possiMe, • • . Sunday last 'was observed • in. St Andrew's United church ;as Mothertie •day. The •phoir.,WaS • composed of lroys and, girls of .the Sabbath schbot aitd the program 'lwas carried out very' •^nitely, the Rev..' Mr: Connors Tireathing aernion suitable to the ciecasiori. ,,• . rliff, T. R. Riddel,"ivir. Robt. Magee, Mr:John Doer others front Aub•,' `rn were in the village , on .Tuesday "ailing enMv. Alex141eICenzie an old- Birth6 VODDEN—In Hullett, •on May 14th; to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Vodden, son. ---Kenneth Ball.' PARKER—Li Hayfield on May 2nd, ' to Mr. and -Mrs. T. C. Parker, a daughter. ' • Deaths TORRANCE--In Clinton, on May 13, John A. Torrance, aged 78 years. JENIaNS—In Clinton o,n May 16th, Sarah A -nn -Wise, widow of the late 'John Jenkins, in her 77th year. ' BESSO—In Toronto, on May 14th, Isaac Bezzo, formerly of Clinton, aged ,67- years, SNELL—In Clinton, on May llth,. William Snell of Hullett, aged 71 years.• COLCLOUGH—In Goderich town - sip,, on May llth, Joseph Col- clough, ,aged 76 years. S1VIALLACO1VIBE—In St. Catharines, on May 16th, Mary Shipley, -wife of Mr. Thomas Smallaeombe. Last Warning CORN BORER ACT All Corn Stubble must be • disposed of by 21st `of May, 1928, or. prosecution will fol- OSWALD GINN, INSPECTOR,, 62-1. .0" CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Jas. Finch arid family wish to thank the many friends for the beautiful flowers sent and kindness shown in their sad bereavement. ' CARD OF THANKS ' Mrs. Joseph Colclough and family desire to extend their thanks' to the friends and neighbors for their kind., nese to them in their recent bereave merit. Umbrellas Exchanged , Exchanged at postoffice Clinton, lady's short, black and white handled umbrella. Will the person getting same kindly leave at The News -Re- cord office and receive their own. • 62-1. Watch Lost , Lady's gold watch. Finder kindly leave with Chief L. Stong and re- ceive reward. ' • 62-2, • Don't 1-t thS Martins get away fryna yo sorry the 5iartins are moving away;" said Mrs. Drummond to her husband, "It will mean that. we are going to lose track of some .,, very nice people 1" "I don't see why it should, If a good customer of mine moves away we follow him up,by Long Distance. Don't get a little thing like dis- tance,separate you from the Martins I" A great change has come , over Long Distance tele- phoning. Now it is almost as rapid as local telephon- ing. You give Long Dis- tance the distant number and, in tti great Majority of cases she is able to make connection • while vou hold —the• /ins. The •Long Dis-- tante operator will look up the distant number for you, • if you don't know it, and tell you what it is. - Still better, give us a list of the friends or customers you are likely to talk with. We will add the numbers and nth:en. the list to you. • CIAO - 84.5 ,c44onitaflCe mammaa'znEtm2zwAy°.°°81'''''''"'&611.11i Marnioth 44 pe 'f'd$*•, yertir.',eggsl are., fertile'."yett •.are-,Strei Siunik .Phone "Pastnrel Pasture!' Cottle takenisi b-postu'e Ior' sea - San. Gadd Water and grasi •T ft McCindy, Eayfield, , • • • 62-1, , • 2, China bedrooni sets, sot dishes, 95 'pieces 2 ;stone eracke galvanized • tub, iron -atove, pet, 2 •eaaets, tenni,' 4 window saShes with' glass. Mrs. Hir- am Hill, Phone 150. 62-1, - . Oil Stove ,for Sale • Detroit. Vapor • oil stove, good 118 new. Inquire a News -Record office, COURT 01? REVISION Tluilett Township • _Notice is hereby • given that the" Ceurt of ReVision .of the Assessment Roll for the -Township of Ilullett, for the year 1928, will be held in. Com- inunity Loadesboro,- on Thins - day the 31st day of May next at 1 ja.m, for the purpose of hearing and settling complaints against • the, ass-. essment roll. Persons having business' at this court will. attend at the said time and place without further notice, • JOHN _PING/AND, . Clerk of Hullett ToWnship Hullett, May 8, 1928. 62-2. - ' NOTICE TO , CREDITORS' , • •In the Estate , of William Cantelon - • Deceased NOTICE is hereby given that • all persons having Claims against the -estate of 'William Cantelon late "ef thelown of Clinton in the County of Huron, retired merchant deceased. who died on or about the seventh daY of -May A.D. 1928 are required to de- liver to David A. Ca.ntelan and Wii Batu F. Cantelon, the executors, if the said estate or W. Brydone, solicit- or.,7 on or before the second day of June A. D. 1928, a full statement of their claims together With particul- ars thereof, and the nature of the sec- urities, if held by them. all duly veri- fied by affidavit. • AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the said executers will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased a- mongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to such claims ns they shall have received due notice and in accordance thirewith. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 16th day of May A.D. 1928. W. ERYDONE, Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for the said. • 62-3, 1' Clinton Flour Mills Just received i car of HIGH 'GRADE WESTERN OATS • and another of FEED,WHEAT re -cleaned for chickens JOHN SHOENHALS PHONE 8w 62-2, 1",,HIJASDA-11, • 7iecayHeilr's"'-';fron•9:902ka,M,""t5: prn"'Yentahe..);Pleaeed„te, 'ncree'reel•:"Oeed,.,4,4"408i!npli• fira''''Yer0 nke a;" Cial•tY. eit",'Weddirtg: "..,d,SO161.1, R011"finynintkaler'"atinetearit, Lev3o-filaPS;;With "L11,.t#•:.111:411; ,•• . 'tt . • urgess., .or rat u los •.-, mTpcggtr„, 4x3 rquIP';,Vtlih„e.at We Italie Settle: Marqiii; alncl Gohse "Wheat for seed. AlS9 SOrae tilt./ and six lleeweeBda•',. rieY. A good Price 7 . 7'111- hYiistoritarith 'Chick Feed • Chick Mash $4,00 per 1.00 lbs. Chick Feed $3.50'. per 100 lbs. ' taking lVfash $3.00 per 109 lbs ',Seed,' Potatoes .• • .Some -Irish Cobblers on hand for seed • Baled' Straw for • sale.;, _ .• H. W. Charlesworth -F. T. D. Member • ' Flowers and, floral designs of all kinds sent anywhere.. Special atten- tion to out of town orderS. • We have a large stock of. plants in readiness for hanging baskets, •bal- cony boxes, bedding-, etc.`- Call and see stock at Greenhouse.' Ch V; Cooke Two Phones -16w ,and 66j Cattle Astray- _ Strayed from the premises of the undersigned, Lot 28, Can, 8, Hullett, on May 9th, 2 yearlings and 1 two- year-old, Trio black and one red. Information regarding same will be tral.s -rt.- thankfully received. Bert 6N2o-tftt.., Londeboro. Phone 28-18 Blyth ce Afro THIS SPACE FOR FIRK":NEWS ABOUT THE NEW • LOW-PRICED SIX jiieiftt".• fei,""yeiiire.01." tliotOR y Hottse rL W. reWarta Phones—Office, - 214j Residence. 214w ,1tr• a:by Chicks •And Custom true„ iteogiitorentlicchicisckls5e184 stom- Hatching W. L cuwrom HATCHING egg t9)." 150 egg tray 01* more A limited number: of Incubators , • INGLENOOK POULTRY YARDS E. J. TREWARTHA HOL1V1ESVILLE Phone 611r22, Clinton Central. 54-tf. Grass Farm To Rent 100 Acres *2*., miles North and 1 mile East of Clinton. Never failing supply of spring water all season. A. D. Sutherland /kcal Estate, etc. Seaforth, Ont, • 61-1. CHOOSE THE' NEW PONTIAC SIX For it's beauty and proven depend- ability. The new ease .and comfort of driv- ing with Lovejoy Shock Absorbers; the new Fisher bodies and the new safety and security of positive four- wheel brakes. W. N. COUNTER Pontiac and Buick Dealer Baby Chicks and Hatching Eggs Bred -to -lay Barred Rock baby chicks, **from free range. Breeders selected for high egg -production, $15.00 per 100. Eggs $4.00 per 100. _ D. M. Lindsay, Hedge Row Chicle Farm, R. R. No. 3, Clinton, • phone WITH 7 BEARING CRANK SHAFT 610r1, Clinton central. 54-141 Bert Langford CLINTON ' Examiner for Chauffeur and Driver's Licenses. Phone 261. • • "1,1 • • . Sherlock -Manning • Pianos Three More Carloads for The West. — How about Treating Yourself to a New Piano. This Spring? T. J. McNEIL Clinton's Musical Instruinent Representative Always at Your Service Box 113 or Phone 273, Clinton ggs CIBOalit • Poultry - WE RECOGNIZE QUALITY and DISTRIBUTE, THE CASH ACCORDINGLY CLINTON CREAMERY, CLINTON PHONE 145 • SEAFORTH BRANCH, SEAFORTII PHONE 162. CLINTON BRANCH, CLINTON, •01s/I'.ARIO • . • PHONE 190 Gunn Langlois & Co.Limited.' HEAD OFFICE "— MONTREAL; QUE. Motor•Coah -Service STRA'rFORD AND GOI)ERICII . • • Godericli to "Stratford • Stratford to Goderieli • Read Down • _ Read Daily Except SunelnY Daily Except Sun'clay • 730 a.ai2an m. 2,00 p.' GODERICH Ari;12,00 pM .. 9.10 p.m. a. n. .35 pan. CLINTON 11,35 a.m. $.40 p m • 831 „in. 3.05 pm. SEAFORTH 11,10 aan. 8.15 ,,.!.,, ..' . 1 P,. . ' _COLMITIAN• am. P 1 " rST. COLVUBAN • ah-,• • P:1: • _• 9.19oni • 1050a.n-755Pan 100 • „1 m, • MITCHELL ' 1035 aan, ?40 pre. 92: a:m. 3.3a panSE3RINGVIDLE 10.10a,M7.1551,02,. Aar, a . •-",•' • 4.05 p,m. STRATFORD • Ly .10,00 a in. 7.00 p m Sunday afternoon, Coaeli 'leaves' Goderich at 5 p •i all ntermediate pi,ts 3' taints latef'" th week -clay, ..sdheclule Stir dal',evoning leaves 'StratforePi\t 8. pari".•,.' arriying 1•.' hour . later' than• • .),m,,y349.1.-4-11•,(1.0[1e... • Stinda,y Inormeg Coach .sarne time as,week'days ' • Goderich to Stratford 25 • • . - For Sale • . • 10 little pigs, bacon type, phone 28-14, Blyth. Fred McCool, Londes- boro: •61-2. COURT OF REVISION Township of Goderich Notice is hereby given of a Court of Revision tollear and determine ap- peals against the assessment roll of the Townebip of Goderich for the year 1923. The Said court will be held in Mulholland's Hall, Holmesville on Saturday, Mny 26th at 10 o'clock a.m. All partieshaving business at said court will please attend. All persons having destroyed their dogs and not returning their tags will be charged in taxes. R. G. Thompson, R. No. 2, 62-2. • .601..TitT OF REVISION Township of Stanley Notice is hereby given that. a Court 'of Revision will be held in the Town- ship Hall, Varna, Monday, May 28th, 1928, at the hour of eleven o'clock, for the purpose of hearing and deter- mining complaints against the Asses- inent Roll of the said Township for the year .1928. Persons having busi- ness with the said Court will please attend atthe said time and place without farther notice. T. E, Horn - welt, Township Clerk. Dated at Var, na this 9th day of May; 1928. • Court of 'Revision On Black Creek Drain, • Stanley 1Zrownshii, will be held in the Town- ship Hall, Varna, on Monday, May 2811,, 1928, at the hour of 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Persons having busi- ness with this Court will please at- tend at the said time and place with, - out further notice. J. E. Harnviell, clerk.' Dated at Varna this 9th day of May, 1928. • 61-3. Auction Sale Of Household Effects on Princess Street, west, Clinton, on Saturday, May19th, at 1.30 sharp, consisting of the following:— Parlor suite, 3 bedroom suites; com- plete; , springs; matresses dining room suite; sideboard; 9 rocking chair; Bell orglm; • kitchen range, good as new; heating steve,•hox stove; coal oil stove, 3 burner; centre table; hall. rack;. Singer sewing. machine; glass cupboard, 2, rugS; quantity of •carpet; , • linoleum; •ydgsquare; lounge, 2 -lamps; Aladin „lamp; ' 2 hanging* lamps;. pictures; Inwn mow er; window eartains; .blinds; qtantity of -coal and wood; about 1„ton" hay; fortes, shovels, dishea, Pots, pans and other articles too numerous to men- tion. Everything" to be sold as prop- rietor _is giving ap house IreePing. At the same time and place the .property • wilrhe offered for sale if not sold he - fore day of sale, House tensisting of 9- roOlTIS, 2 story frame house, with good cellar and in g6bd renair,"with % acre of good gardenland. -Orr'the • property is erected- good frame' barn, with pig pen and hen house. • Terins:—..flouseltold effectsy Cash; -•Fersdson propeity 10 percent, of put - phase price pitid•dOwn on day of ,40, Perceni t n 30 daYS, laalane1111 re-, main on" mortgage' at'••• reasonable rate of , interegt. A. Hearn, ,Prep- rietor G. Elliott, Auetioneer, ,'•VELDPRONE., 88, ' , • CLINTON TIIE WL CARRY I'OR „., . • „ . . • '. ; YOUR , NpEps,., 11P9P.t'sl•Per ' "'" •`• • • . Pute, N'eatfeet ", • ,_ • . • ,-. Old English ''*ax ,anci Brihtior,, • • • Simonize Autp:" . eater .an, , • • Colenien and, A addin Mantles. „ • , Valve Grinding. Compound. • ' Pei-fectien_ 011 Stove WickS• • O ren Steamed Eerie lVfeaFertilizer, I Cello Glass.• .•.• Garden Seeds in bulk. Bicycle Repairs •, Men's 'Wei* Show. • C. VENNEIR, Electrician Efectric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other Appliances king and Repairs. • 'C Baby hicks Barred Rocks our specialty.. We are booked with 'orders up to May 9. Chicks, $17.00 per hundred for May, $15.00 for June. Get your •or- der in early. James M. Scott, Sunny Crest Farm, Seaforth. House For Sale Large red brick house, corner Or- ange and Wellington streets, 8 rooms, all modern conveniences. Possession when cleaned. Also a barn an 14 acre lot on Wellington street. Apply to Mrs. W. Jenkins. • 06-tf-6p House to Rent A comfortable house on Queen St. lately occupied by Mrs. Wigginton, Possession at once. Apply T. R. Wig- ginton. 59-11, We Want Your Milicand Cream We are manufacturers of berth cheese and butter. We want your milk or cream. We pay highest mar- ket pride weekly, 'Satisfaction guar- enteed. Phone your order for finest cheese or pasturised butter in prints or sol- ids to W. H. Lobb, Clinton, Ont, R, R. No. 3, Phone No. 605r32. THE HOLMESVILLE CO -OPERA. TIVE CHEESE AND BUTTER COMPANY, LIMITED Farm For Sale 100 acres, good soil, good buildings; fine sugar bush; 41,4 miles from Clin- ton. Will sell on easy terms. A. E. Matheson, Seaforth P. O. Phone 614-33, Clinton central.. 38-tf Buggy for Sale Top buggy, rubber tires, in good condition. Ap-ply to Mrs. J. Cornish, Rattenbury street. 60-tf-lp. To Customers ...---To-lerinferastomers know that -P have installed a telephone. My num- ber is 640T 14 Clinton central, Ever, ed L. Johnston, Decorator, 61-11, Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and "re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms tver Heard's B_rber shop. W. J. Jago. . 2283-tf Clinton's VIA114804 MARY HAP A LITTLE COLD SHE ALMOST HAD THE "FLU'' 614E. GOT THE: HEAT FOLKS TO PRESCRIBE NOW sHav GOOD AS NEW. --*/) , d Cold, rainy days come in the sum- mer time. I. - They come even in the best years of a man's pn.-Osperity, too, , 11 is best to be prepared for these rainy days, If. you'll make a habit' of ordering youryear's •supply • of coal in the spring, you'll be ready for any wea- ther. And. you'll have a neat sum in the savings bank against any,,emer- gency. ' Call the iNtIttfafRI for good, clean'coal -, Phone 7 • SPRING TERM - In each of -Shaw's Twelve Schools' merges into the Summer Term with ' no forced vacations. Enter any day. Booklet bee. Write 1130 Bay St.,, Toronto, W. R. Shaw, Secretary. Eggs and Poultry Eggs handled at residence every day—graded by, an experienced grad- er, for which 'we pay the highest mar- ket price. • CREAM Purchased for Stillman's of Strat- ford. Agent for the Viking Cream Sep- arator. A. E. Finch Victoria St., Clinton Phone 231 •27-tf Alberta Coal (Government Standard ) A car of Alberta coal expected this week. Give us your order now. HOWARD CLARK Phone 182 Orders Taken at Lawson's Grocery Phone 111 WOOD' FOR SALE A ,•quantity of good hardwood and cedar for sale. • , E. WARD Phone 155 ' Huron street Singer Sewing Machine Leased on Small Monthly Payment. Big Discount on Cash Sales Now is the time to have your ma- chine repaired and cleaned. Repairs, Needles, Belts and Parts1 or all makes. ' , W. GLEN COOK rum, 171J P.O. Box 201, unto* RADiO KOLSTER -KING Buy a radio for the family in doing SP • you will be giving them something which they ean enjoy the year around, We are dealers for the Kolster and Kings sets and will be pleased to give - you a demonstration at any time. Batteries charged and stor-2 for the winter W. J. Nediger Prop. SEEDS • Have on han,d a quantity of Alfalfa, Timothy and Alsike , We offer these at a special price through 1Vfarch for cash Our Alfalfa is the Ontario Vare- gated strain direct from Peel County. This quality of seed is very scarce this year advise buying early, Are aec c ting ,ders• on Kabanko ' Spring Wheat, Oats, and Barley for seed. I.,et US know you).- require- menta So We earl nutlee our" purchases II•accordingly. J.A.-FORD & SON • COAL COMPANY] PHONE 74 CLINTON F louf,and Feed Merchant° Grain , , • ' ' . „•-• - •