The Clinton News Record, 1928-05-10, Page 3ow/PluchlWateP
houi , a r%et?.
Famd sAut or tyskile
Ruth Brittain
B8by Specialiste agree nowadays,
that during the -first six months, babies
)must have three. ounces of fluid per
'pound of body weight daily. An eight
pound baby, for instance, needs twee-
ty-four ounces• of fluid. Later on the
rule is two ounces oP fluid per :pound
of body weight. Tire amount of fluid
'absorbed by a ,breast fed baby Is best
determined by welgbing Wm before
and after feeding for the whole'day;
and it' is easily calculated for the bet -
tie fed one. • Then make up any de-
o-fielency with water.
Giving baby sufficient water often
'relieves his feverish, crying, Upset and
Restless spells. If it doesn't, give him,
a few 'drops of Fletcher'a Castoria..
For these' and othler Ills of babies and
children Buell as colic, cholera,
diarrhea, gas on stomach and bowels.,
constipation, sour stomach, loss of
sleep, underweight, etc., leading
physicians say there's nothing so ef-
fective. I•t 3s purely vegetable—the
• 'recipe is cantina wrapper—and millions
of mothers have depended on it in
-` over thirty years of ever increasing
use. It • regulates -baby's, bowels,.
makes him sleep and eat right, enables
him to get full nourishment from his
'food, so he increases' in weight as •1(e
he should. With each package you.
'get a, book on Motherhood worth its
weight in gold.'•
Just a Word of caution. Look for
the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher on
Ere peekage Be - you'll be sure to get
the genuine. The forty cent bottles
contain thirty-five doses,
The practice people get in working
cross -Word puzzles should aid them in
malting out tax returns.
Red Rose Tea is guaranteed
in every way. Order a pack-
age to -day. Use any portion
of it, and if you are not en-
tirely pleased you may return
the balance to your grocer
and your rnoney will be
refunded. q_E
GT.W. 1... '
Ask me another:' What smells the
Meat in a Packing house?` Anewer:
Year loose..
Maoagor—"How slid you come to
leave your last Flare?"
Olerk - 1 it as' discharged,"':
Discharged What for?"
"Doing -Well.
"Impossible.)niters -vers yon'?"
"Ina Hospital,"
Smart—"Wbaf'a 'the (Mei:euee be-
tween a hair -dresser;; and a -sculptor?"
Slow—"I zlnnno; what?"
Smart—"A hairdresser curls up and
dyes and a sculptor makes''faces and
Most people' are willing to take .all
rhe credit .when they are successful.
and blame fate for all the unlucky
breaks. -
Teacher --"Johnny, , can you tell me
what a' hypocrite is?" '•
Johnny—"Yes, main. It's it boy
what comes to,sciool with a smile on
his :face."
When one is too good lieea good for
You cannot get anywhere quarrel-
ing with the public. The thing to do
is show them,
If happiness be the aim of life; of
what use Is education unless it makes
for happiness?
Don't guy the fat man who wears
a belt and suspenders. He is an ar-
dent advocate of safety 'first.
"Dad, I've decided to become au
"No objection, 'provided you don't
dr'a'w -on me." - -
When we commanda n
S to to get
behind us it's often with the hope that
he'll push us into doing something
we want to do but shouldn't.
"Before we were Married, yon called
me an angel. Now you don't call me
anything." .
"Well, that evidences my self-con-
.A determined man can do more
work with a rusty monkey -wrench
than a loafer can with a whole hard-
ware store.
Minard's Liniment for Insect bites.
eCNUiA'� ,,•
For Troubles
due to Auld
jtjg6rItis ,7rr'*''
S ek stomachs, sour stomachs 'and
indigestion usually 'mean excess acid.
The stomach nerves are over-stimu-
latei. `loo much acid makes the stom-
ach and intestines sour.
.A kali kills acid instantly.a'rhe best
form is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, be-
cause one harmless, tasteless dose
neutralizes many times its Voliimg in
acid. Since its invention, 50 years
ago, it has remained the standard
with physicians everywhere,
Take a spoonful in water and your
unhappy condition will probably end
in five minutes. Then you -will always
know what to do. Crude ands harmful
methods will never appeal to you. Go
prove this for your own sake. It may
save a great many disagreeable hours,
Be sure to got the genuine Phillips'
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi-
clans for 50 years in correcting excess
acids. Each bottle contains full di-
rections--any drugstore.
o11 get better vat re
this 'wrapped roll of
jd��n(r"�'��''D .GLS "S 1��
VV 1.i11U. Lt,A N
&CAUSE the rissue,icself is so superior'tee
• wbar you get in the ordinary roll.
Snowy -white, velvety sofr.;even'ie texture And
.el;irrturlrrfety rfert5because'the big White Swan
Roil Is ranpletely tornpped, absolutely dust -proof,
guarded against all unnecessary handling:
'Nor only is Whitt Swan Tissue a bcrrcr
tissue -it rn qne of the most economical
rolls .you .car. bay' You 'get bigger
Weight, '150 stiecrs full count -•a strictly
-. 'COTiaeE° "gtluwo ' . e Nnvv „ nanrter/ Tvsne,' a. paper worthy of its,,
The Anent heat ha ,A roil gnod place m the wall -appointed bathroom.,
Venue that r m onr, 1t ll, fail
money. can. 1001 lir; : i ,r '641• 70 -Ask your dealer for Whirr Swan, tie -
ince graaec.::i , sheet:, sanitary, bi value tissue Kali
hems, server vo rY g
Jheete at
THE C. EooY 00, LIM!TE;CO3 NUlI, ♦;'A NAoh,
Germany I3uilds New
Pol-tp for Air Traffic
13erilla:--'ihe month of March saw'
1,30 airplanes start from ;or land. at
greet airport in Beilin,
carrying `3;219 passengers and •aliuoet
titlrtY-four tone of, baggage, freight
and post. Air travel is mereasing'
steadily from all German stations,'
compelling everywhere a correspond-
ing enlarging of existing ports and the.
creation of new .ones. The present
landing place °en the Oberwiesenfeld`
in the northwestern part of Munich,
comprising about: 200 acres,` is being
transformed into a modern airport.
Air traffic inSilesia is also xnaldng
great strides, an tithe coming' summer
will see eight lines In "operation.
Announcements of participation in
the "Ila," the great international air
traffic exposition to be held' in Berlin
from October 7 to 28, have been- re-
ceived from so many countries, in
eluding the' United States, that the
two great auto halls on the exposition
grounds will not be large' enough to
contain all the exhibits, and it will 'be
necessary to nee a thlyd great .hall
which is now being ,built.. The'exposi-
tion will be by far the greatest of its.
kind ever held.
...Nate for Peers
At High Level in 1927
The ,year 1927 was a fatal one for
mole Bi'it18h peers and Peeresses than
in any year since 1878. Thirty-seven
peers died and thirty-one peeresses.
The new Debeett for 1928, in record-
ing tlie high death rate among the
peers, states that forty-three baronies
have' been called out of abeyance since.
1664. The title which remained long-
est in abeyance, 547 years, was that of
the barony of Strabalgi, the heir to
which is T, .IDI. Honworthy, member of
Parliament, and the shortest was the
barony of,.Burnes, thirty-seven days.
The average for the whole period is
one title called out in not quite every
eight years,
During 1927 upward of 400 honors
Were bestowed and seven new peer-
ages were created. It takes 8,360
closely packed pages to list Great Bri-
tain's various ranka of titled folk with
h it dignitiese
t e and honors. .
Youth Win Prize
Arthur 'Cleland Lloyd,.nintoen-year-
oid Vancouver youth, who won the
prize Of $1,000 offered by E. W. Beat-
ty, Chairnian and President of the
Canadian. Pacific Railway, for orches-
tral suite open to ail confers. This
prize is given in connection with ethe
Quebec Folk Song and Handicrafts
Festival which is to be held in Que-
bec May 24.28.
Mr. Lloyd has been under the tutor-
ship of Percy Grainger in Chicago,
and is at the present time studying
under Harold Bauer and Nicolas Med-
nikoff in New York. Ile won the dis-
tinction of Associate of Toronto Con-
servatory of Music with full honors
while at the age of, thirteen.
League to Get Report
On Unrest in Samoa
Auckland, New Zealand.—Sir George
Richardson, formeradministrator of
western Samoa for the New Zealand
Government under its mandate for the
League of Nations, has arrived here
to confer with the government before
proceeding to Geneva to appear be-
fore the mandates committee.
Sir George; who was adnlinistratoi•
of Samoa for five year's, will give evi-
dence to the coinmittee, as reperesen-
tative of New Zealand, about. tine re-
cent condltions of unrest there. These
caused the government to send two
cruisers to the island with the result
that 400 natives were arrotsed and,
several Europeans alleged to have
been their leaders' wore expelled,
"There never has been any desire
on the part of the natives for a change
of the flag which flies over Samoa,"
Sir George says. "I regret that there
has been any such suggestion. It was
invented by conspirators on Apia
beach who buttonhole• tourists and
talk this way." •
Many mothers give their children
solid foods :atop early an age and say'
proudly' that thaw. babies- "eat every-
verything that grown up people do." Such
8 course is almost certain to bring ion
indigestion and ;lay the, foundation of
much Ill -health for the little one.
Other mothers administer harsh,
nauseating purgatives which in reality
Irritate and injure the delicate storm
acli•and bowels and at the same time
cause the children to dread alt medi-
Absolutely no meat should be given
to a child until it roaches the age of
18months, andthen only if approved
by the doctor, For medicine, all
strong,' disagreeable oils and powders
eliould be abandoned and Baby's Own
Tablets given instead.
Baby's' Oven Tablets aro especially
made for littlb ones. They are pleas-
ant to take and canbo given with
absolute safety to eveh the new-born
babe. They quickly banish constipa-
tion and indigestion, break Up colds
and simple fevers and makethe cut-
ting of.. -teeth' easy, They are 'sold by b
Visitors to Jasper National' Park,
which 15 Canada's largest and findet
national playground, situated in the
heart of the Rocky Mountains,' have a
splendid oppdrtunitY of studying the
habits .e wild anima s. Por Jasper
National Park is a game sanctuary in
the finest sense of the -word, and81guns
and hunting dogs' are,: forbidden with-
in its boundaries. It is of 'Interest to
observe the manner in which the ani'
mals recognize this. Though it is
only comparatively few years since
this great sanctuary was set aside; the
shy deer and mountain eheep are no
longer shy, the black and brown bears
have -become daily visitors to. village'
and to hotel grounds, and the animal
population of the park is increasing
by leaps and bounds.
However, it is Bruin who demon-
strates perhaps most forcibly, how the
animals have come to regard .man as
their friend instead of as their enemy;
Now it is a daily event to have one or
more bears visit the Lodge grounds
in search of the titbits which they
know tourists love to feed to them.
Nor is it unusual :fora golfer playing
over the nmagnificentscenic course
which has been Iaid out in the Atha
basica Valley, to meet a bear at the
turn of the fairway, or to find a shy
deer viewing•'hihr with interest as he
gets down to line up his putt on one
or another of she greens.
A short time ago, it was estimated
that the mountain sheep population• of
this 5,300 square mile national . perk
was over 10,000, with an equal num-
ber of door, while the bears are num-
bered in thousands and are seen at
almost any turn of the road. And
when once a boar cub has developed
a taste for sugar, he is a confirmed
visitor to the Lodge grounds.,—Cana-
National itailways photograph,'
J 1
Relief Coshes Through the Us
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
nd Sweetness
The mere thought of clover, in some
unaccountable- way, suggests sum-
mer. When the hum of bees is heard
lin a" monotone of buzzing rhythm,
e when the warmth of the sun, when all
is peteceful under an azar sky, ky, there
is sure to be clover growing close by.
Clover makes for busy contentment:
an endless round of honey -gathering
for the brown and gold bees, clipping
into the seeks of the white clover,
emerging tinged a dusty yellowish -
white with pollen. A drowsy monot-
ony hums—only the bees are working;
for all else is hot and golden—asleep
In the sun. .
Even scurrying wasps, a black and
shimmering blue in the glinting sun-
light, hover over the .sweet smelling
clover. Slender striped yellow -jackets
glance and hesitate; dash away to
their homes in a hollow telephone
Endless green. stalks, thicl` as pen-
cils, 'rise to the height of a man's
waist. Clover leaves make a forest
of light green' under the nodding
white cylinders of the clover blossoms.
Tiny flowers comprise these cylinders
of white sweetness, whose sent has
a delicious tang. Not a cloying over-
powering scent, but a mild, pleasant
aroma, reminiscent of summer's own
V fragrance.
On the lawns tiny white clovers,
close to the ground, their long- petals
curving to form diminutive clover -
heads, perfume the atmosphere.
When they are not fullgrown, green
tips the petals—petals almost like tiny
chrysanthemums; when In full bloom
pink floods the tips,. emitting. a sweet -
noes that is the very essence of sum-
mer. When dry and powdery, a cop-
pery brown tint changes the fluttering
petals, but a faint scent above the.
dryness still is easily recognizable,
Maroon shades claim the larger red
clover that covers the field which Iles
fallow. On the wind the sweet clover
scents come flying; even far away
from the field one can picture the
maroon -colored clover blossoms; their
pointed oval green leaves that have
deep centres veins, their pliant light
green stalks. In the wind • the blos-
som° bend; the under surface of light-
er green spreads as it follows the
wind's course, hiding its soft 'red
blooms under its obeisance to the sum -
16.01' breeze.
Spice and sweetness; white and
green and maroon blossoms in the
warmth of summertime.
The most a rheumatic sufferer can
hope for In rubbing something on the
swollen, aching joints is a little relief
and all the while the trouble is becom-
ing more firmly rooted. It is now
known that rheumatism is rooted in
the blood, and that as the trouble goes
on the blood becomes still further thin
and watery. To get rid of rheuma-
tism, therefore, You must go to the
,root of the trouble in the blood. That
is why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have
proved so beneficial when taken for
this trouble. They make new, rick
blood which expels the poisonous acid
and the rheumatism disappears.
There are thousands of former rheu•
matic sufferers in Canada,. now well
and strong, who thank Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills that they are now free from
the aches and pains of this dreaded
trouble, one of these, Mrs. W. F.
Tait, MCIiellar, ,Ont., who says:—
"I am one of the willing ones to tell
you of the great benefit I received
from the hese of Dr. Williams',Pink
Pills. After lying In bed for avers
weeks suffering untold agony with in-
flammatory rheumatism, relief dually
came through the use of this. medi-
cine. I. could not move in bed only as
they lifted me, and I could only sleep
when opiates were given me. Tho
medical treatment I was taking seem-
ed of no avail. Then I was advised
to try Dr. Williams' .PInic Pills, and
soon I began to get relief. After tak-
ing six or eight boxes the rheumatism
was banished and I had never felt bet-
ter 'in my life. It is several years
since this happened and I have had no
return of the trouble since. I may add
that I recommended the pills to two
of my friends who Were suffering with
rheumatism and the pills were equal-
ly effective in both oases."
Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
anaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia, indi-
gestion or nervoueness. Take them
as a tonic if you are not in the best
Physical condition and cultivate a re-
sistance that will keep you well and
strong, You can get these pills
through any medicine dealer or by
mail at 50c a box from The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., 13roekvalle, Ont.
English P :ice Get
GIo'hhg Tributes
With Only a Shred of Evi-
dence, Two Malefactors
Are Brought to
London.—Remaritable telbutes to
Eng1(sh pollee efficiency and the
speedy detection and apprehension of
criminals was paid by the press, fol-
lowing Mr. justice Avory's sentencing
the two slayers of Constable Gutter-
idge, who was shot down in the per-
formance of his duty, The crime was
committed by motor -car thieves in the
darkness of a lonely country road on
Sept. 27:
No one, was arrested for many
month's. Scotland Yard,with only a
shred of evidenceto guide them, ar-
rested the suspects on Jan. 20, anci,
step by step, built up .a conclusive
caro. The 'jury quickly, found them
both guilty after a five-day trial and
the court imposed the extreme pen-
slty, thus ending what The Times.
leader characterizes as "the moatre-
nmarkable trial for murder in recent
years.. , In no case within 'living
memory have the police shown more
ability in the detection of obscure and
apparently inexplicable Crimes.
"donvictions obtained at a Gong in- ,
ervai after a crime has been COM-
nittod are of special value for the
protectimi of society. They bring home
o the most undesirable driminals
hat the arm of the law is long and
ecape from arrest and from suspicion''
or many months 'cannot free them
tom the haunting• dread that retri-
ution will roach them in the enc'."
dealers or by mail: at 25
gents a box;'front;' The Dr. Willifams
Medicine cru
Co; Ba'o IcV 11 Liniment c i e M n r 's L nllnan for Toothache.
,Ont. 1 a d he.
Mr. Solomon went for a tram aide
one day, and bad to stand up. Pre-
sently a passenger got in, and the con-
ductor shouted: "Wtlll you move up
a bit, please?" "Certainly, with pleae-
ure," said Mr, Solomon. This, 11alhpen
ed again and again, until he reached
the end of the oar. Then the conduc-
tor •came up for his fare. "Vat," cried
Solomon, "you vont my fare? Vi,
I've Walked all the var."
A rellabto antiseptic'—Minard's.
Somebody says there li never be a
monument to an unitnown ,politician.
Stili, if they ever fled a politiaian'ac1-
matting he's unknown, he'll' be worth
a monument.
use Orange Pekoe is
the best tea you can bray
In dean, bright ,Alun -num
Poinsare' Loolie to U.S.
- For New Wine Market
Premier°Raymond Poineare, who is
reputed to be reasonably dry and us-
ually drinkerwater•, is nevertheless s0-
lioitious of the prosperity of the
French wine industry and does Rot.
despair of Amerf-Ca changing her ways
in respect to prohibition,
"All countries have the right to leg-
tehfi,"-han audi-
051isla00 inas thteey southseaerntFrenchetold wine're-
glen, but it ien't forbidden to hope
that some clay avail, America Will'ad
mit there is truth in the saying of a
charming Anglo-Saxon poet concern-
ing wine: 'I am health; i am Heart;
I am Lite' which he quoted in good
Ito went on to say that "if wine
were harmful It would be known. One
would have known it long ago."
He said the n-ecently created Inter-
national Wine Bureau was at work
and "we will continue to defend wine
of t," seek'. to convince those who speak
ai s/fied Advertisements
8ttovXNG 4[FB 8TORn4E.
7gr ILL TI-IP.v MOV3!lt--PION.'p.ER 0161
F6ite TANC,TI movers of Canada. Large
a0oody padded vans: New lilquipnlen
latest methbds,, Two experienced -me
ovary trip. All loads insured, Beyo
ppompare for 41111 and care. Before y
hove, write us orwire an r v
(Maigo. Read offlod HamiltonOntiriet
Canada. IiJll the Mover. Strange to relate, the shortest waved
are the hest for long distance radio!!
Mlnard's Liniment for falling hair.,
�G1'ab7z'swl' IQ�'s�d '�Irf• t#`pfHu'
'ci .vexstt Olty
Our breeder. ate .rid, ur al `�
1.a�`: ,::y,`•, dtgrrap
White aoekt 1.Rita4, Boa
oka;4ebnd5upp.i0oconte,y^ti brsin&tens,OodeNe Neer ensr wafoe SCSI ONION BOO6p)YpEGLEaS MATrt7lY.uu rroanGa,NeUrAho,H,
'The Harley-Davideon Single Cylinder
Motorcycle is the greatest little ma-
chine that rias been made. Safe to
ride, easy to centre-, and most econ-
omical. Stands without a rival. 100
Miles to Galion of Gasoline. Down
Payment $105, Balance $22 per month
,for ten mohthe. Price $305. Walter
Andrews, Limited, 346 Yonpe St,
Toronto, Ont
FOR 1928
See "The Canadian
Beauty" and other designs
at your dealers or write
us for illustrated list.
Their teeth are of a tough-
ness which makes themhold
their keen cutting edge un-
der every usage.
C e+'F'1
When Firestone engineers worm
developing the Balloon Tire they
Found it necessary to design a tread
altogether different from that re-
Iluired by High Pressure Tires.
The Firestone tread was not de-
signed with large, massive projec-
Nona for appearance or to make
plausible sales argument. On the
contrary,the projections of the
cross -and -square tread are small
and the rider strips narrow, permit-
ting the tread to yield to irregulari-
ties and cling to the road, giving the
greatest non-skid surface. This
tough, pliable tread has the wear -
resisting qualities that give thou-
sands of extra miles of service and
save you money.
Your nearest Firestone Dealer
will gladly supply your needs and
give you the better service that goes
with these better tires.
H°amltton, Ontaeto
GUM -DIPPED .'rims
Fireatene Builds the Only Cum -Dipped Tires
After Shaving.
Mix Minard's with sweet oil
and rub the face. Soothes
burns of a dragging razor.
. 9ts�r' 6'ia cry a
eels This TEnso
lo di T 21
NOW—in the Spring—most people
need a tonic.
Men and women of all nges are bene,
fitted by taking TRU-BLOOD, a safe and
proven tonic for the blood.
First successfully used as a doetor's pre.
scription, TRU-BLOOD is wonderfully
effective in bringing back, health to all
whose aliments are caused by impover.
Ishod or impure blood, And while corrects
ing blood disorders -of which disfiguring
rashes, eczema and painful boils are the
outward 'evidences—TRI--BLOOD gives
you a clear skin of velvety softness.
'The tortures of any form of skin disease are
more quickly overcome by Using Buckley's
RU 3LOOD Besidesohealing thlsI. agiRca0lNT--
%tfENT softens and beautifies the skin. Get these
Buckley products today at any drug store,
Tines the Blood
Size Priori Tubes.
30x31. _ $.4.95...01.50
30x32 oversize - 0.95 1.95
31x4. . • 8.95 5.75
32x4, 33x4, 34214 ..$9.86 -- 2.75
32x42, 331141, 34x43 -12.00' 0.96
3005, 33e5, 4215, 358:15.00 3.75
31x4.45 6.15 5.95
2924.40, 28o4.40, 2721-
4:40 29x4.75 ' 8.90 1.98
28s4,56 30x4.75••3.56 2.75
31x0.00 3,3,05.26,' 31315.25 9.95 5.95
3085.77, 3286.77, 32.t6.20 12.00 3.50
Other. sizes. Prices eta request:
Wo have your size at ` equally.' low
prices. Alt prices f.o.b. Toronto.
Owing to the anaazingly ley prices`
remit Lull value of your ardor or
enough to guarantee carrier charges,.'
rind if for any Tolson You find our'
goodsare not satisfactory upon de-
livery prepay' express return immedi-
ately' and we •will cheerfully refund.
-^. ortinm NOW.
QueenandOntario Sts., Toronto
153ue Nu, 19--'2$-
THERE i8 nothing quite equal to
.Aspirin for all sorts of aches and
pains, but be . sure it is Aspirin. The
name Beyer, should appear on every
tablet. Bayer is genuine, and the word
genuine --m red—is on every box.
You can't go wrong if you will just
look at the box when you buy it.
la the. trade Mark
(registered In Canada)'"
bultealinn nnyot Mmtraciurn. while it fa'
tent kuow,t that Aspirin mean, nnpper
ftrwTbto 5,nl 1.Unh¢lOnpd 5g151nhoa`coor
iue5l" trent)
Clew's the Skin
"Pitt 9S
i°it s 9'1
Read This Letter from a
Grateful Woman
'Vanessa, Ont.—"I think Lydia E.
l'inkhaln's `Vegetable Compound is
twonderful. T have
had six children of
which four are liv-
ing and my young-
est is a bonnie
baby boy now
eight months old
who weighs 23
pounds, I have
taken your medi-
cine before each of
them was born and
have certainly re -
calved great benefit
from it. I urge my friends to take it as
I ilei sure they will receive the same
help 1 did." --Mils, MII,'ro8I ivlc<
liTuLI;1IN, Vanessa, ()curio.