HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-05-03, Page 8E CLINTON-NEWS RECORD CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELERY STORE NEED GLASSES -If your eyes feel tired, weak or strained and Johnston's Jewel .cry Store is the place to get them at the lowst possible price. Protect your eyes now=' -and enjoy perfect vision all your life. Bad eyes are responsible for innumerable ills. Don't neglect them! We will "examine your eyes and tell you whether or not you 'should' wear glasses. Glasses repaired promptly—changed—or reframed. R. 0 X1\1 0 Graduate °of Toronto College of Optometry' Fine Jewellery and. Repairs' Next Hovey'sDrug Store Substantial Price Price Reductions on, Men's; NEW.OXFORDS If you are seeking real comfort, plus the last wordiii style, you'll find these new oxfords will satisfy you in every respect. And besides you'll be more than pleased with the qualityand price. All the latest and smartest models, speciolly priced at $4 50 to $7.00 MEN'S WORK BOOTS The kind that give real service and satisfaction. Heavy solid. leather for out-of=doors wear. Made to stand -the wet, $3.00 to $4.50. For factory or summerwear, lighter weight soft and comfortable but durable, $2.75 to $4.35. • lumsteel Bros. BETTER VALUES LOWER PRICES Be ready for; the Paper Collection on Saturday, Have bundles securely tied and placed outside by ten o'clock. Early' pring is the 'hest time to do your painting. We carry a full line of the highest grade paints, varnishes, brushes and everything for one who wants to do their own home painting. The quality of our paints and brushes is the very best` obtain- able at prices that are the very lowest. TRY OUR.BARRLED SUNLIGHT—THE WHITEST PAINT MADE Sutter -& Perdue PLUMBING HARDWARE ELECTRIC WIRING Phone 14'7w sawailiaatealitilM. 1 Arosammumw i-i:.rve Your New Spring sV� --Made to lta':Tier A m,,n's business success—as well as' his social success—is often promoted P by his neat personal appearance, Nothing equals the effect of the custom tailored suit. Arrtlat coss,ts,��,�no more than a ready-made one—therefore, . it is within easy reach' df all. We have a wide assortment of new spring materials. Come in and look at them --then make your selection. Our prices are reasonable and we will give you quick service. Davis• & Herrna Custom Tailoring Cleaning and Pressing Rapid Delivery y Our rapid delivery service is only one of the reasons you will enjoy trading here. You get whatever you "need in grocer- ies in a jiffy. Our prices are always low for the High Grade Groceries we carry. Very Best Fresh Butter, Strictly Fresh V ', ' ,•,fi r " ,: ' Eggs, Best Quality Coffee, Pure Maple Syrup, Choice Bacon. THE C. & S. GROCERS Branch 125j Main 125w SUNDAY. TI7tJit,SDAY, MAY 3, 1038, ev r eery To some It .'win ;just be another Sunday but to many who are thought- ful and make ,practical advantagd of the revolution of the earth uponits axis it will , bo observed- as Mother's Day. It is a: day on which all the sons and daughters of the earthmay acknowledge a debt which can never be cancelled or fully repaid. So why not greet your -mother with a suitable card expressive of your thought and esteem, She will no doubt have ap- preciation for sweets or flowers, but they make it a matter of twenty-four hours while an appropriate greeting card may hold the : day in reiriem- brance until the season brings it round once more. Euclid, who was guarded in his statements gave us the axion "that the lesser cannot eon tain the 'greater" but we opine that the sentiment contained in a cheery greeting sent 'to mother on Mother's Day. is a greater thing than the. 'card expressing it. You count it a.point of honor to honor your debts' but fig- ures cannot show the debt owing to mother: You will need, the arith- metic whichcalculates love, loyalty, sacrifice, devotion, self -forgetfulness, forgiveness—the arithmetic of long suffering and tender mercy, .and ev- ery kindness- Greet her on Moth- er's Dayt with a card. Whistler's "Mother" picture at 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c. If a song is wanted we have "Baby Your Mother" at 35c, Tile* D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best w ' mmim� n oioio lam Miss Isabel Draper of Brantford was home. over last week -end. Miss Ida Walkinshaw spent the week- end with Hamilton friends. • Miss Marjorie Beaton of Toronto is spending a, few days at her home in town. Mr. Joe Higgins of the Toronto Uni- versity is home for the long va- cation, - Mrs. Cranston of Port Arthur has been visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Torrance. Mrs. Win. Higgins has been in Sea - forth this week owing to the illness of lier sister-in-law. Mrs. Hughes of Fort William is Visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Lucy Thompson and other members of her family hereabouts. Mrs. C. C. Rance of Toronto spent the week -end calling on old friends in Clinton She motored up with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kilty. Mrs. Kay of Strathroy has been the guest of Mrs. Akam this week, coming up on account of the death of her uncle, the late D. K. Prior. Miss Lottie Sloman returned last week -end after a visit in Toronto .,and with her brother, who has charge of a C.N.R. school car in the north. - Miss Harriet Hawkins, nurse-in- training urse-intraining at the Stratford General Hospital, is holidaying at her home in town. Miss Hawkins and her mother spent a few days with Ham- ilton friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kilty and babe motored up from Toronto and spent the week -end with the lady's par- ents, Dr. and Mrs. Shaw. They were accompanied by Miss Rance who had spent a few weeks with them in the city. Mr. and Mrs, John Moon and Master Jack and 'Mr. and Mrs. J. D, Guy of Toronto. who recently returned from spending the winter in Ariz- ona and California. motored -un last week to visit relatives at Sebring- vilie and Londesborn, Mr. Moon at- tending the. funeral of his grand- mother, the late Mrs, T. Moon of FT;lictt- Thov reuort a very eniov- ahle t'rin to +he south and a pleas- ant sojourn there, •Londesbo re Quarterly services will b e held r ' n the United Chtuch Sunday a.m. there will be no service in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hooper- and Master Gladwin of near St. Marys visited Mrs. Hooper's parents, Mr. and Masa J. Easley on Sunday. Mr. and. Mrs. Ben Tyerman of Sea. forth visited in the village Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campbell, and Miss Winnie and Mrs. J. ; N. Camp- bell of , Westfield, also Mrs. Roy Stonehouse and son Donald of Goder- ich visited Mrs. Elsley and Mrs. Tam- blyn Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Kerslake and little daughter. Phyllis of near Exeter spent last week at the home of her father Mr:" H. Lyon. She returned home Sun. day.' Mrs. Bell, who spent, part of the winter in Blyth, is home again to the village Rev. B. and Mrs. Snell were in Clinton on Saturday. Mr. H. Brundson of Blyth, motored to Kitchener on Sunday. He was ac- companied by his parenth, Mr. and Mas. W. 'Brundson, They went to visit Mrs.'Brundton s sister, Miss M,, Mason. tvho we understand is 'very ill in the hospital there. 1 quaker 'Cake Flour SaTurda afternoon ,.. y ®i1 and. eveningMay5th Free' Receipe Book. You are entitled to one A Big .Special in Comfort Soap this week. 15 bars and an aluminum Roaster for $1.68 Still a limited number of Dish Pans, 5 P.&G., 5 Gold 2 Guest est Ivory, Chipso and 1 Ivory bar for $1.48 OTHER. SPECIAL VALUES Aylmer Tomatoes, 2 pkgs. ... 29e 2 cans Pork and Beans , • 19e 2 lbs. Prunes . , . , , , , . , , . 25c Sour, Pickles, per bottle . . ........ ........... .....,25c Sweet Pickles, per bottle Betty's Jam . 25c 35c Large Marmalade . 350 12 bars of P. & G. Soap 40c 2 cans' M. L. Corn . 25c 2 caps M. L. Peas . 25e 3 Corn Flakes .. 250 4 Jelly Powder .... 2550. 3 Corn Starch , . . c Brooms, Brooms, Brooms! 5 -string for 33c Do Not Miss These New Sandwich Mixture ---India 'Relish and Peanut Butter Pineapples; Lettuce, Green" Onions, New Cabbage Celery and Tomatoes . We will be closed Wednesday afternoons during the months of June, July, August and September, except weeks containing a holiday. . IN THE MORNING FIRST DELIVERY 9 a.m. IN THE AFTERNOON FIRST DELIVERY 2:30 pari. Cash and Service to 9 eat WHERE "SELLS FOR LESS" PRICE PREVAILS ORDER EARLY Phone 48 'Cranberry. Corners" A -Comedy in. Four Acts Will he presented by' the St. And- rew's United church Choir, Bayfield; under the auspices of the Ladies' AW. of the Clinton Baptist church, in TOWN HALL, CLINTON' Friday Evening, May 4 Owatan Orchestra in Attendance Admission 35c. All seats reserved Plan of hall at Fair's Store. 59-2, Home Made Sale A. Sale of Homemade Baking Will be held in the COUNCIL CHAMBER,, CLINTON by the Women's Institute on the afternoon of ' Saturday,: May 12th Commencing at 2.30. 60-2. Miss Gibson a Blyth was the guest of Mr. and,Mrs. J. Carter re- cently. Mrs. W. Mair of Clinton recently. visited at the home of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. H. Riley. Miss Elliott of Wingham called on friends here last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brigham were guests at the home of Mr. H. San- derson en Sunday, • 'Mr. Fred Shobbrook treated 'his family to a new Essex ear last week. Mr. W. Brown of the 13th conces- sion has bought the farm of Mr. J. Lamont just across the road from Mr. Brown's own 'farm. Miss Stalker teacher of S. S. No. 8, spent the weekend .with her par- ents, -Mr.- and Mfrs. Stalker,, near Blyth. Miss Parrott, teacher of No. 5, re- cently visited Blyth friends. Mr. W. Mills .. of Blyth visited friends in the village g lastThursday, Mrs. E. Adams and Miss Brigham visited Goderieh ffien dslast week. Mr: G. McCall, .!who has been un- der the doctor's care for the past three weeks, we are glad to report is improving. '1 Mr. and Mrs. J; Moon of Toronto motored up last week and spent sev- eral days withrelatives here. The choir of tondesboro United church repeated tit cantata, "Easter Angels,' ,on Sunday ' morning' last, to the delight of(the congregation. Muchcredit is due. Mrs. Snell for the splendid training T2eing given. The evening service is withdrawn next Sunday evening as the choir is to, sing the cantata, at Constance church' at 7.30 p,ni', Miss Rosalie 4'Crawford has retun- ed from Mitchell, ' , Mrs, Wm. Morrilt and little Miss Maureen of Blyth( spent over the week -end with Miss .Margaret_ Ad- ams, near LondesbOro. Will Persent Play The A. Y. P. A of St. Tames' Church, Middleton, presents "His Uncle's Niece" A. Rollicking farce Comedy, under the Auspices of the Orchestra of Bayfield, in the TUESDAY,TOWN HALL, BAYFIELD p MAY gth at 8.15 To be followed by two hours of dancing Music Supplied by the Orchestra Admission—Adults 35c Children 25e Dancing .15e extra 60-1. LET'S GO to the GRAND MINSTREL SHOW Under auspices of Varna L.O.L. Presented by Clinton Minstrels in VARNA HALL Thursday, May 10th commencing at 8.30 pan, The Gayest of Choruses The Wittiest of Jokes and the Blackest of Niggers .A. Show Worth 75c for 25c 60-1 Alberta Coal SCRANTON BRAND LOWER SEAM DOi:1BLE SCREEN This is one of the hardest and besi Mined in the Drumheller • District. GET OTJR PRICE' W. J. MILLET & SON Orders taken at residence, Ontario St, PHONES: 46w and 46j 0 ns t 1%aw The Pinniber "While you are in the Clean Up and Paint Up mood, why not give a thought•'to this Fix Up idea? It ex- tends to the plumbing in your house, Have there been leaky taps, stopped.. up drains, rusted ,:gutters? The plumbing in a house can't, go forever without expert .attention, you know; it wears out in time or at least comes, in 'need of a good look -over. And we are ready to do ,this work for -you thoroughly and eonomically. Country Policeman (at scene of IF um T Ila murder) You cant come in here. Reported—But I'pe been sent to do • °aese Cleani g You may run across different bits of house furnishing that have seen there best days, in that case we would advise you that as usual we have a wonderful new, stock of Linoleums.and Oil Cloths, by the yard and in Rugs. Some of great patterns„ Congoleum Rugs in all sizes. The patterns are better than ever this spring and prices are low- er than ever. In carpet rugs we can supply anything you may re- quire. How about your bedding requirements. We have some real new styles in the Simmons Steel Beds that will surprise you and big stock of springs and Matresses. A good place to store your furs, etc. would be a cedar chest. We have them in the natural Cedar finish and solid Walnut with cedar lining, See our new stock of baby carriages, strollers and collapsible sulkies, children's chairs and rockers, Clinton Hardware and FurnitureCo THE STORES WITH A STOCK FUNERAL .DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195 Canned.1k. FTomato Wee , '!►OtW,&a'y5�h'; ) a,4' Can Tomatoes, 2 for .... 25e Can. Tomatoes, Aylmer, tin 15c 2 cans Corn, Aylrner.... 29e 10 lbs. Gran. Sugar .... 69c 2 lbs. Ginger. Snaps .. , , 25c 2 lbs. Seedless Raisins .. 29e Cooking Figs, 2 lbs 25c 3 pkgs -Lux . 29c Matches, 3 pkgs: 25c SPECIALS FOR. TOMATO WEE Ammonia, 4 pkgs. . 3 lbs. Broken Sodas Shaker Salt 2 pkgs. Choice Prunes, 2 lbs. . , Corn Syrup, 5 lb. pail . Mix Cakes, per lb. Cottage Roll, peameal lb: piece 25e 29c 25c 25c 330 29c 22c LOOK !. 1 Chipso Large, 5 P. & G. Soap, 4 Gold Soap, 2 Guest Ivory, I Ivory Med., 1 Oval Dish Pan $1.48" FRUITS AND VEGETABLES IN SEASON L. LA WSON ' & CO. PHONE 111 PROMPT DELIVER? Building Beauty and Comfort in the. Home Beauty and Comfort are demanded by men and women seeking,• a permanent home. Their demand'nray be satisfied by using more .and better Woodwork, for well designed carefully planned woodwork has an irrestable appeal. • We can supply you with stairs, mantels, China cixpboards, kit- chen cabinets, breakfastnooks andother built -in -furniture, in short woodwork that adds beauty, and comfort to the home. Thomas McKenzie Estate' Clinton the murder. Separa9 Country ';Policeman—Wen Agent for von'ro Call andRenfrew• getCream Priees. tor». HARDWARE, and PLUMBING Shingles, Gyproc, Ten -Test Fibre Board, Lumber and Builders' Supplies '- ate; the murder's been done.— Chatham Newsy ' Phone 88 Phone. 244 Residence, SIa