HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-05-03, Page 7td A Column Prepared Especially for Women --- But Not Forbidden to Men • The swallow hath found an house and the sparrow a nest for herself, where she may lay her Young.— Psalms. The robin is now sitting on four pretty little blue eggs, :on the nest which she insisted upon building on my window sill. She seemed to be It creates and satisfies keen morning appetites. Makes children better at school and more active at play. ineerleararrelereeeentedree 151 "BAKES SPLENDIDLY" "garb a cPnfotion youdon't hare to scurry around and get wood to build a fire. Simpply touch a match to it and yyouhave a t p hot once. aYalt ran hare a tiu(e heat or medium at, and! fyouare behindband, en intense heat! ff never had it fail me Yd." yelirs. T. gi.,'OiUsonburg, ant. a OUR Perfection Range is instantly on the job for quick, clean cooking! Each burner has a patented wick stop which positively does not allow the wick to flare or the flame to rise above a set point. Clean, intense heat strikes the bottom of the cooking uten- sils,which never become soiled with smoke or soot. Have you seen the beauti- ful new Perfection models? Modern... quick... convenient. Finer than you ever dreamed an oil range could be. Perfect- ion prices run from $8.75 to $212.50. Zea r——i 0 1 Burning Mail TODAY Dept. General Steel wares Ltd., Toronto. Please send me free perticulors of the Perfection 00 Renee. Name AtEdress Prov THE CLINTON PTEWS-RECORD worried when'I raised or lowered the blind, so I'm leaving it up, and the window clown, in deference to her ladyship; and she turns a sharp eye upon me as i move about°'the "room, but does, not al10 herself to be dis- turbed. Our little ' eighbor boy is greatly interested in the -nest and its pretty occupantand when he goes up to see the nest, goes into the room very quietly, whispering, so as not to frighten the birdie. Ile was excited when he saw the first little blue egg and. as they 'appeared, one each day until the four were there, making a nestful. -But now there will be noth- ing of much interest until the eggs begin to chip. 'Does it take a robin's egg three weeks to hatch? News comes from Tobermory that a doctor is to take up his abode' there. So far no medical' man has been resi- dent there and the people have often sufferedfrom the lack. The Women's Institute, which has to its credit many humanitarian acts, has made it possible for the residents of this put - of -the -way portion of Ontario to have a resident physician, having provided a special fund to assist in paying the salary of ' a doctor,.. lie will be em- ployed on the Public Health basis, being .required to . give' medical' ser- vices to those 'who' cannot pay; while colleting from those who are able to do so, . The Royal Academy has decided that short skirts are in -artistic. We agree. • There is nothing of grace .or comeliness about a woman, or a :group of women, sitting with skirts tight and short, showing stretches of un- gainly legs. What artist would wish to paint them.? The flowing, billow- ing folds of 'the old time skirt, with a little shoe, perhaps, peeping out from beneath, was much more likely, to catch the eye of an artist. But we must admit that the short skirts ars much more convenient " for getting about and, after all, few of us are likely to attract the eye of an artist anyway. .But even for utility some- times the skirt is too short and too scant. A young, slight girl, with e willowy figure, may wear them short and scant, but when 'a woman gets past her first youth, developes a full figure, and underpinning to match, she will make a , very much smarter and more pleasing appearance if she adds a few inches to the length of her skirt and sees that it is ample enough to shield her figure properly. To keep lettuce fresh place loosely in wet cotton bag, then slip inside a large paper bag and tie up and hang in cool place. When. the bag becomes dry dampen with cold water. The which appear on every warm day, for i these aro the ones which will rear big families to annoy later on: Swat. early and :often, screen all >windows. and doors and clean' -up' all rubbish where theywould be nicely to breed\ Flies are not only annoying but are positively dangerous as carriers of disease. REBEKAH. Colborne Township Mr. Wm. McClure of Dungannon, who some time age; bought the mater. iaL in Zion church, noi.th,- is tearing it' down and hauling it to Dungannon this week. Mr. Arthur Clark bought a new, Chevrolet "sedan 'on Saturday. Several from ''here attended the play,' "The Road to the City" pre- sented at Auburn: and report its inter- esting merits. The Riflemen hold another, euchre and dance at the hall in Salt -ford. We are glad to report an imjirove meat in the ' health of Mrs. John Treble, who has had double pneus monis. Mr. Andrew Johnston, who is known intimately hereaboutsis with hi$ son -hi -law, Dr.' Weir, and"is not 'feelig as well as'.his- friends would like to-, see. Mr,' Johnston' is- eighty- eight.. Wa must congratulate him on reaching this age. Mr, Albert Glen, who left for Leamington, surprised his friends by taking to himself a wife on Satur' day, April 21st. The bride is Miss Elsie Vicoroy of Essex. We extend our heartiest congratulations to the young couple and wish -them a happy journey through life. Rev. C. A. Sinith of Elmvale oc, cupied the pulpit on Sunday in the absence of Bev. Mr. Poulter and de- livered an interesting message. Benmiller circuit club have engaged the Hen -gall young people to stage their play "Eyes of Love," on Fri. day evening, May 4. Miss Josephine Weir spent Sunday with her cousins, the Nxisses Dorothy and Christine Robertson. Miss Dorothy Robertson was not able to go to her High School work last week on account of a bad attack of the grippe. Mr. and Mrs. Manning and little daughter came up on Saturday from London to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Marsh. Mr. and Mrs. David Bean spent Sunday with the latter's parents„ Mr. and Mrs. Addison of I,ondesboro. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Fnegan and little son have moved to the Hamil- ton farm on the 7th concession and have the Municipal Telephone instal- led. lettuce comes out firm and crisp. We are glad, to hear Mrs. C. A. ' "Robertson -is one - of the lady' direc- tors irecttors of Goderieh Industrial Exhibi- tion. Many " poonle, interested will ensure better work. . From Prince Edward Island conies this delicacy: Cheese Crystals—Mash a cream cheese with a fork and add to it quar- ter cup of shredded pineapple. Shape into little balls and roll in chopped parsley. Do not. throw • away the liquid in which pickled 'beets are canned. When you use the beets heat the vin- igar and add enough gelatine to make a not too stiff jelly,. It is very nice for using, with cold meats or with anything with which jelly is approp- riate. The same method can be fol. lowed with any fruit juice, which is sometimes left when the fruit is taken out. This can be used as jelly with toast or . used 'with dessert's which call for. fruit. Housewives will be well-advised to swat the flies which have lived. through the winter • somewhere and "Establishing A New Standard. in Automobiles" T H E DU RANT Passenger Cars Pmol tool Sixes frod. $725 !" $2195 J.0 0. Lcmidc, Ont Toe.. Uatra ,0065.77(7.07.7076/06 -- • ati1y and P ower fgrenIed b y eau$y AFTER a ride in the Durant '65" .. , after a Cthorough demonstration on a straight-away run, on a curving, steep hill, in traffic ... or under any road conditions. you may choose .. - only then can you honestly express an opinion regarding this well built automobile. Stability . to stand the strain of everyday motoring with ease. . . . Power, ... to meet every reasonable demand with certainty.'.: . And in addition the beauty that is so'charac- teristic. of Durant built Hayes Iuht bodies.. -. The opportunity of, proving to your own satisfaction that the new Durant Sixes have: these vitallysunportaniqualifications awaits you . at lour' .kcal Durant dealer's .. . without obligation! ... bone br Durant Mortars of Canada, Limited Toronto Canada :.,-zo,'.... 55;!x,•:; TIie, Durant "65" Six Cylinder e t1,, any i 1. rnol pear1 I (igualralp0 0 41,W1 11 I t l,,. POW Un , 11 5 1 t. 1. ietel. ooh Rumb"le Rugby Tr Kits, Four and Six Cyfndcrs; Capacity 1 ton and 1 t i tons C878 VilinnoffetiffasemOississississaiitiiiiassussamenissossamirsaasairssa Vlll'i s LANE :. Ld11NTO' EXETER: Frederick Green, of Exeter North, died on Saturday in his 83rd year. He is survived by Mrs. Green, two sons, Joseph of Ex- eter and Henry, at home, four daugh- ters, Mrs. Joseph McDonald, of Exet- er; IVlrs.Hilton Ford, of the Lake road; Mrs. Edward Hughes, of Wind - set and Mss. Roy Que, of St.' Thom- as, There also stirvive a brother, James, of Exeter, and a sister, Mrs, Prouty, of Hay Township. The fun- eral was held Monday afternoon to Exeter Cemetery, the service being conducted by Rev. W. Jones: MAY RDD AND GUN Another interesting article on the practical planting of trout fry by John Gall of Toronto, is one. of the features of the May issue of Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News which is just jublished, Besides this there is the usual full comple- ment of fishing and hunting articles and stories by popular authors of the magazine and in the regular de- partments on angling, guns and am- munition, outdoor talk and kennel, Bonnycastle Dale, well-known out- door writer, contributed an interest- ing article on where to fish in the niaritimes this year. The approach of the fishing season also occasions the appearance of much interesting material in G. P. Sladen's depart- ment. The conservation campaign of the magazine is supplemented this month ley a worthy article on fish and game conditions in Alberta by C. A. Hayden of Calgary. The Canadian Silver.Fox News section also con- tains several practical articles. Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News is pubilshed monthly by W. J. Taylor Limited, Woodstock, Ont. JOINT -EASE For Stiff, Swollen Joints; RHD+UMA'CIC-AOR OTI- EsAvJSE' Says: `When Joint -Ease Gets in Joint Agony Gets out." It was a.' high-class,, "pharmacist who saw prescription after prescrip- tion fail to help hundreds of his cus- tomers to get rid of rheumatic swelf- lings and stiff, inflamed points. And it was this same man who as- serted that a remedy could and would bd compounded that would make creaky, swollen, tormented points work with just as much smoothness as they ever did, Now this prescription, rightly named joint -Ease, after being tested successfully on many obstinate cases," is offered through progressive phar- macists to the millions of peolii'e.whc suffer from ailing . joints that need limbering up. Swollen, twingy, inflamed, stiff, pain -tormented points are usually caused by rheumatism, but whatever the cause Joint -Ease soaks right in, through skin,and flesh and gets right, to and corrects the trouble_ at its source. Remember Joint -Ease is for ail- ments of,toke joints, 'whether 1nankle, . knee, hip, elbow, shoulder, spine or finger, and when you rub it on, you Xray -expect speedy and gratifying results. • Nis' now on sale at druggists ev- erywhere for 60 cents a tube. GODERICH: Magistrate Reid is now occupying the offices next to the Signal office. The offices have been handsomely fitted up, and have the advantage of a large vault for the. keeping of records. IIr1tSDAY, MAY 3, 1926 "I.:- fl Yid Cottnttj News GODERICH: The town council struck a rate of 437/, mills at its meeting last week. GODERICH: The. town council de- cided at its last meeting to furnish free water and light and pay 00.00 per year for the use of the MacKay Balt rest room, GODERICH: Two fires occurred here on Saturday. About 3.30 in the afternoon the fire brigade was sum- moned to -the home of W. F. Corbett, Mill road. The house was completely destroyed, but the greater part of the . furniture was saved. The brigade was greatly handicapped in fighting this fire, as the firemen were unable to use the hose, the house being situ- ated in the outskirts of the town and a great distance from the nearest hydrant. A second alarm was turn- ed in about 12 o'clock at night, This time the fire was at the Blue Water Golf and Country- Club property;, Bayfield road, where some brush and lumber were discovered on fire. There was no serious damage. R.- ILA P House roofs-Lasting,inex p ensive n ROOF your house or cottage with Sib -Roll. Handsome to look at increases value of 'Ireperty, - beatingH...: col- ectaclewater, banishes leake...idealshds, for houses, barna sheds, warehouses,. schaole, churches, public buildings. Give size ofroof for free eotimate. Write CaSitira . tee!PiNXIIIICtS imied, PRESTON'ONT. Successor to Metal Shingle & Siding Co. Limited. This Great Healing Oil Nitta Banish Eczema and Skin Troubles Make up your mind today that you are) going to give, your skin a real chance to get well. You've probably - been, like a lot ,of other people, convinced that .the only thing to use Was an ointment or salve (some of them are - very good) but in -the big majority of cases these sticky salves simply clog the pores and the condition primarily remains the same. Go to any good druggist today and get an original bottle of Moone's Elnerald0il, The very first applicationwill give you relief and a few short treat- ments will thoroughly convince you that by sticking faithfully to it for a shortwhile your skin troubles will be a thing of the past. Remember that Moone's Emerald Oil is a clean, powerful penetrating Antiseptic Oil that does not', stain or leave a greasy residue and that it must give complete satisfaction or your money cheerfully refunded. AN unusually good selling season in the new car market always reacts to the benefit of the Used Car buyer. That holds true of the present situation ." On account of the exceptional sales volume of the new Chevrolet, •we find ourselves with an extra number of really good used cars on our floor. To reduce our stock without sacrificing anything of the reputation won by our new car dealings, we have put all these cars into sound condition and are offering them at prices that compel public inter- est. Now is the most advantageous time to buy a good Used Car from a reputable Chevrolet dealer. et us show you some extra attractive values. CU -62811 1925 Ford Coupe 1925 4 -door Ford 1926 Essex Coach 1926 Chevrolet Touring in Excellent Shape J. B. Lavis, Clinton ;It Pays to use Off% PURE PAI ' .special product — ,r' rte 5@�1�U o. woo onheal rift " alk PAs G 0000 r I00%-PLIRE PAINT or ek1e i4r or Inferior T AND VARNISHES f o r every purpose for eery surface MARBLE -ITE kr hardwood floors frrSakby Itiv T. NEu-TOILE the flalivash- _a6/e pain,. •king °C 11nt latetteePOIMIZEITIoet VARNOLEUM for Oilcloth &Linoleum n WOOD -LAC slain for floors and furniture