HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-05-03, Page 3Cuts. is ,'a i
'Awful t lee
and it.^S #:1 ';
by' ?iutlrErittairt
Thumb sucking does look sweet in a
baby, but it is disgusting in the three-
year•o1d'.;anat 'sometimes.- it hangs 'on
until fifteen or . sixteen! The habit
may cause au i11?formed mouth err, in-
duce solenoids;:sand it always inter-
feees with digestion, Pinning the
sleeve over the hand; attaching,:iiit-
tens, or putting' on cardboard attire,
:which prevent bending the arms: at
the elbows, are ,some of"the 'ways • to
stop, the habit.
.Another bad habit—eirregularity -in
bowel•aotihn—is reaponeible for weak
bowels and conativatlon in babies.
Give the tiny' bowels an opportunity
to act at regular periods each day.
If they don't act atfi1'et, a little
1Pletcher'e Caatoela, will soon regulate.
them. Every mother should keep a
bottle of it handy to use in case of
colic, •cholera, •diarrhea, ,gas on stom-
itoh and bowels, 'constipation,' lose of
sleep, or when baby- is cross and
feverish. Its gentle influence over
baby's system enables.' him to get full
nourishment from his food, helps him
gain, strengthens his bowels.
Castoria is purely vegetable and
harmless—tile recipe le on the wrap -
per. Physicians
r ove r 30. yeas. With18scribed each peek -
'age, you get a valuable book on
Motherhood. Look for Chas. H.
Pletcher's signature oh the Wrapper
so you'll get the genuine,.
Chinese Armies
z a �n -epo i
F`indii' :t1 >.tstis ..
:. adary Land
Plato's Description:. Declared
Borne Out by Remnants
of African ,Settlement
Region Covered by Relics
French Recognize Discovery'
by Dr. Borchardt
Bea'lin;—Paul Borchardt a 'Gelman
scholar, believes that he has found the
Lost: Atlantis, .of which Plato wrote
and which is thought to have disap-
1ae cared about 11300 B.Q.
Bea. hundreds of years scholars have
argued as to . whether this country
really existed or whether it vis mere-
ly a myth started in ancient times.
Plato got his account of the destruc-
tion of ^Atl'antis from Solon,• who was
told of it by the prreste'of Neith, the
guardians of the veiled image -of Saais
in Egypt.
Open Offensive
'Yenhowfu Invested by the
Nationalist Troops, Says
Gen, Chiang Kai-shek
Nanking, China,—The spring offen-
sive of the Natiohalist armies,? with
'Peking, ancient capital of the Man-
thus, as its goal, has got under way
with n rush.
From the theatre of war stretching
fro mthe southern tip of the Province
of ,Shansi' tie the coast, 'where almost
throe -quarters of a million men are in
arms, has dome the first word of flght-
•ing—an official communique from
Ilsuchowfn, Nationalist headquarters,
reporting the capture of two import-
Rut key eltiee in southern Shantung.
The communique, cent f??'om. the
headquarters of Chiang Kai-shdk, Na-
tionalist Commander -in• ]lief says that
kenchoWfu on the Tientsin-Pukow
):railway line„ and Ichowful, on the Li
elo in southeastern Shangtung, have
been invested by the Nationalist arm-
ies. Yenchowfu is approximately 70
Mlles north of the battle line which
,existed at the beginning of the spring
Offensive on. April 7, while Tchowfu is
about e5 miles.north of that line,
Shanghai, — With the advent of
spring, the long -talked -of NetIonalist
ffensive against the -north, in which
probably 760,0000 men will be en -
aged, has opened on a 400 -mile front
'Ind is rapidly advancing.
Dr. Arthur Berger, in the "rage-
blatt,ti gives the following account of
Dr. Borchardt's discoveries:
".Scholars have tried in vain to de-
termine the place where Atlantis sank
n camounts
ea. Trenre Tremendous
inlet the h
earth^ -were' dug up, and the ser 'was
sounded�-in vain. Till finally the Ger-
man savant, Paul Borchardt, put forth
the hypothesis some years ago that i4
lantis ought to be looked for' conte --
where' 'near Gabes, in the north of
Africa.. Again the quarrel of scholars
flamed up -arid now came recently the
report that Borchard't's 'hypothesis
seems true. He. hbnself writes me:
"'The sun' stood .low on the sky;
with my glasses I was able to see dis-
enittly a fiat hill which was surround-
ed by a big .circle which plants had
formed in a shallow valley. I started
immediately for it, and twenty min-
utes later I stood on the hill. It was
undoubtedly an old settlement, as the
remnants of walls which peeped out
of the ground proved: Around me was
the above mentioned circular valley.
I' y surprise was still greater when I
suddenly discovered a second circle
which 'ran concentrically around the
first' one. This was no doubt the cir-
cular plan which Plato had described.'
"But then came the spectre of doubt.
Was he not perhaps mistaken? Wasn't
this all his own imagination?
ardt's discovery unreservedly; and re-
ported to the ithorube In Berlin than,
lite excay ttions cotd st' i t mkt: fall!
"Thele is no doubt Borehatdt foud
the, plata lae2'e once augn city stood
perhaps; -anti'_ tire: shall hope so, the
fifteenth of 'February; 1020, }till be"
i'O0410 rtllc day;jvhen Boatieedf
stood•for the first tnizeeon Plato's air:.
ruler burg; it. •will be' a day of glory
in the historyq. arehmelogy; and'per-
haps it will become possible to bring
Atlantis brick -to daylight, just as the
German scholar •Sehlleinann brought
Troy back to our eyes some decades
•"And again he went out on the next
day; this time the rector of a French
school -accompanied him. The circular
valleys or ditches were 'known to him;
a native shepherd knew even the name
for the hill in the center; which he
called Kair Gurllal, which means 'water tarn Wilkins's expedition thus had
pitcher burg.' Plato wrote 'water strictly scientific objects. At no time
burg.' Is it a coincidence or a change
did he plan to fly over the Pole, tin-
ed the old name which nowadays does
not fit any more? There is no water
any more in these ditches. For thou-
sands of years the earth has invaded
this region, where formerly the sea
and the canals and the harbor were.
Around this hill one finds huge masses
of old broken pots, stone spear points,
broken fire stone knives and now and
then those bits of walls which seem to
indicate that once a big building, per-
haps a telnple, stood on this place. At
many places the wandering sand of the
desert has taken away the marks of
a former civilization; but at other
places there are rather numerous rem-
"Wherever Borchardt rode he met
with such traces of an old settlement.
Disc very t f Land..
Flight's Chief Object.
Wilkins Sought to Reach Area
din Which Crocker Land
Was Thought to
Dr. Isaiah l3owinan, director of the
American Geographical t Society of
New York and ecientiflc' sponsor of
the Wilkins :flight, made the follow-
ing statement on Captain,Wilkin's
"In Captain •-S.(Tilkin's third Arctic
bkpedition,now brought to a ,brilliant
conclusion by his flight from Point
Barrow. to .Spitsbergen, it was sought
make crossing- o
the polar se
to ft a a g
by the route that would be motet like-
ly to lead to the discovery a land,
Captain Will'cfn's, .flight of . last Year
northwest to Point Barrow, as well as
the Iiight, of the Norge ' aeross. the
Pole, had eliminated' any possibility
of land being found on a direct route
from Alaska to Spitsbergen.
"Captain Wilkins therefore planned
to swing to the right on hie crossing
of the Arctic. Ocean and thus pehe-
tratethe area in which 'Crooicer Land'
was thought to exist. This was the
land that Peary thought he saw from
thenorth end of Grant Land. It was.
the region which MacMillan sought
to penetrate some years later. It is
the area into which Nobile has an-
nounced that is intends to take' his
dirigible. It is popularly known as
the 'blind spot'. in the Arctic. The
scientist would call it the unexplored
border of the Continental Shelf north-
west of Grant Land."
'Here !n the relatively shallow bor-
der of the Arctic 'Ocean, the chance
of finding land -has been thought to
be greater than In other parts of the
Arctic where deep soundings have
been reported. Wilkins's flight has
at last cleared up this area as . well
as several other areas north of Green-
land. Except for the shallow border
of the Arctic off the long const of Si-
beria, only land of small extent may
be expected to be found In the Arctic
Basin by further exploration. Cap -
Ontario's Popular Ilolid'ay Resort
Highland Inn, : situated on Cache
Lake, Algonquin Park; will again be
openfor the .accommodation of tour-
ists who wish to upend their holidays
at this popular Ontario playground, it,
Is announced by A. S.' McLean, Gen-
eral Superintendent of Canadian Na-
tional . Railways Hotels, Montreal,
Some time ago it was announced that
the Catui:iliau National Railway's would
.not operate the Inn this season, but
there has: nevertheless: been a steady
demand for accommodation at this
popular su1 imer resort. A_ e. agree-
Menthas ilbie been made' wherebi'
N♦ T; Clarke, for several seasons man-
ager of the Inn, will this year operate
on' his .own account snd the open-
Minard's Liniment for insect bites.
Mother (seeing her daughter off to
Service for the first time) --"Now,
mind you, do as little as you can, eat
as meth as you can, and if yeti don't
tike it come home,"
The Harley-Davidson Single Cylinder
Motorcycle is the greatest little ma-
chine that has been' made. Safe to
ride, easy to control, and most econ-
omical Stands without a rival 100
Miles to Gallon of Gasoline, Down
Payment $105, Balance $22 per month
for ten months. Price $306. Walter
Andrews, Limited, 346 Yonge St,,
Toronto, Ont: •
There is a fountain spring which, ac-
cording to the tales of the natives, is
supposed to date back to the dais"
the Romans, and everywhere there are
fragments of pottery in the gardens
of the oases; an entire region is called
after these pieces of.pettelir: Dahret
ech Chuga, the 'Hill of Brnken•PieceS.
The entire country is literally covered
with ruins and broken fire stone in!-
strunents. These could not have been
carried here by the winds in the course
of the centuries; they rather must be
the relics of a time when many people
lived in this region. This was not the
ease in historical days, since there is
nc repent whatever about a town in
this district. Everything else makes
one believe that Professor Borchardt
actually found the place where once
the world -governing Atlantis stood. It
is a huge spot, circular, and about five
nines 'wide.
"And the scholar concludes in the
letter he wrote to me: .
"Plato's Atlantis was not a mere
fairy tale, his report did not hint at
Southern Spain; but the 'Sea of the
Atalantes' is the 'Bahr Atala,' the Tri-
ton Sea of Diodorus and the nowadays
almost dried up Shott-Djered. •
'New there was still one question:
Would the French, in whose colony
this plate •lies,'recognize -the discov-
ery? Those were days full'of worry
for the explorer. till the director of the
archteoiogy department of Tunesie ar-
rived. Borchardt explained to him his
view of the matter, showed hien every-
thing, and—the great moment came.
MOST people know this absolute
antidote for pain, but arc youcareful
to say Bayer when you buy it? And
do you always give a glance to see
Sayer . on the box—and the word
,genuine printed en red? It isn't the
genuine Aspirin without it? A drug -
Store always has Bayer, with, the
Proven directions tucked in every bora
a rho trade mark
• �
reglater 5 in Canada)
111ndtea,05 Bayer Mamaraoture. while' It 10'
known nown that Aspirin mane nater mann.
facture, to %enure the ;code against Imitations,
"the'Wehlate will be stamped with their parer
Cress" trade &nark.
less he drifted in that direction as a
result of quartering .winds.
"By a series of code messages pre-
viously agreed upon, Captain Wilkins
was to inform me of the position,
character and number of islands that
he might discover along the line of
his flight. In a message received by
me Captain Wilkins reported no land,
ing date has been set for July 1. The
Inn will continue in operation until
September 30. The opening of new
secttone, of the' Park as canoeing anis
fishing grounds by pioneering parties
during.the,past few seasons, has done
much to.attract attention to this popu-
lar Ontario 'resort and Algonquin Park
leas developed ilia a summer resort for.
grown ups who llro7ve,the Woods and
waterways. .k LAe sante time, the
Park had developed as the 'site- of
boys'- and girls! camps, several of
which operate in the Park each
With alt aggregate attendance ,01 ap-
proximately'one thousand ,boys and
girls.=danitdian' National Raliways'
.Ver. `, r,,
First Twin—"What's the, big idea?
Setting on my husband's lap and neck-
ing with hini."
Second • Twin—"Don't blame me,
Sts. I told him I wasn't you but; lie
wouldn't believe me.'
Sweetly Mated.
A license was issued for the mar-
riage of Ebenezer Sweet and Jane etching and bleed -making properties
Lemon. The inquiring reporter' who that '1)r. Williams' Pink Pills have
got hold of the copy had a rhyming as
well as inquiring Instinct and he
wrote it up:
"Behold. how great extremes do meet
For Jane's no longer sour but sweet; sent good health to Dr. Williams Need of Forest Policy
And Eb's a lemon squeezer." Pink Pills. One of these, Miss Katie Few. People realize the urgent aced.
ldcEacltern, Port Hood, MS., says:—
Tile only time a horse gets soared "I praise the day I began the Use of which exists fora 4arest policy In
nowadays is when he meets another Dr, Williams' Pink Pills.. I had not i Canada. The economic foots are that
y Ithe forest is sscend only to agrl-
horse. ;culture
Often Leads to the Most Serious
In no disorder is delay o]' neglect
mora dangerous thane in anaemia.
Usually the first, noticeable signs are
pale lips and cheeks, dark rims under
the eyes and- a feeling of weariness.
Then follow headaches, backaches,
palpitation and 'breathlessness.' The
only way that anaemia can bo over-
come is to enrich the blood, and it is
because of their wonderful blood -en -
won such great success in the treat-
ment of this often most stubborn dis-
Thousands of young girls who were.
gangs ek u e
is supra erne
dean, bright Aluminum,
Classified Advertisements
Gabby Gertle
JL.J. LANCE movers of Canada. Largest,
Speedy padded .vans. New Equiy meat,
latest methods,. TWo: eiaperleneod men'
every trllf, All tootle Insured. Beyond. Compare for skill and care. 13ofore yet
move; wrlte .us or wire and rowerso tJse
charges, Head. 05100 Itnmllton, OntiLr e.
Canada. Hill the Mover:
JIJ gdpd . money in Your sparo time,
selling Hosiery.and Underwear. ''Wri'to
Paragon E. &.T Millis, Dept. W., ,Toronto
fine yearling Toggenburg Trade
does, -ready for 'breeding 1n the < rant
Write for prise ilat. 0, B• Ransom,
Cooksvilie, Ont." - .
1J and'iigbtsewing, at home, Whole
or sparo time; good pay:' work sent any
distance, charges Paid. • Send stamp. for
Particulars. National Manufaotaring
Co., Montreal.,
i: Sir Austen:Chamberlain flays that
war between England and America is
�_.�_.. unthinkable, • 011 of which may true,
"It's lucky a man doesn't have a but then both England and America
change of heart 'every time: his wile have some of the greaters untlsinkera
changes her mind.'
Value of Shelterbelts
the world has ever known. -New York
Evening Poste
Theplanting, of sllelterboits on A Negro preacher had pestered his
prairie farms it Western Canada has bishop so ]much with appeals for help
given appreciable results from an that the bishop finally tolfi him with&
agricultural standpoint. The water- tone of finality that he didn't want
conserving power' of the soil has been . any more appeals from him. The next
inoreasei; 'better -crepe have resulted; week came. another letter from the
and the .protection from extremes of preacher:—"Dear Bishop, --I assure
temperature and wind movements has you this is not an appeal. It is a re.
enabled the introduction of the port. I have no pants." '
hardier fruits, inmanylocalities. Of
particular importance is the eddl-
tionat moisture secured through the
formation of snow drifts which, melt-
ing gradually in the spring, provide
water after adjoining treeless areas
e have largely :tried up,
In Jane and Ebenezer; in an anaemic condition owe their pre -
"What's the difference between a
Scotchnian and a cocoani'tt?"
"Pon can get a drink out of a cocoa-
A shapely girl's idea of having good
Mate in clothes 1s to have as little of
herself in them as the law will allow.
With a million or more laws and
ordinances on our statute books now
and with all the state legislatures and
other law=making boldos busy grind-
ing out more, why not adopt the Gold-
en Rule, and scrap about half of the
There may 'be splinters in the lad-
der of success, but you aren't likely
to notice then] until you're sliding
Don't throw itivay your old necktie.
Possibly the Missus may want to
Play Bali. snake it over into a modern skirt.
Bhd—"A home run! Now I know
ring is hare!" "Ton -year -Cid Richard had nettled a
pal who had fallen through:' the ice
been feeling well for some tints. I
was very pale, had severe headaches,
dizzy spells, and occasional fainting
spells. The least exertion would
leave me tired and breathless. In
this condition I began tektite Dr. Wli-
llama' Pink Pills, I continued their'
use until I had taken six bOxep, by
which time'I was again enjoying good
health. I hope my experience will
lead other sufferers to give this medi-
cine a fair trial."
If you are at all run-down, or weak,
You should begin at once to take Drs
Williams' Pink Pills and you will
soon be well and strong. These 'pills
are sold by medicine dealers or will
be sent by mall at 50 cents a box by
The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
Large Area of Forest Land
01 the total non•ageiculteral area of
Canada about one'ltatf can be made to
produce timber crops if permanently
�ttedicated, pi'oteeted, and managed to
that end, Investigation show that the
Only economic use for one-third of the
land area. is in the growing of wood.
tltur in production of commoditY
values, and it contributes' foday one-
quarter of Canada's total export trado.
Therefore, continued depletion of
TRW materials essential to the well -I
;being of the forest Industries is a
direct menace to our national pros-
Uses Made of Our Timber
Of the total of 2,it00;000,000 cubic
feet of standing timber cut in Canada
annually during the peeled, 1922.0, the
proportions put to various. uses wore
approximately as follows: fuel -wood,
85 per 'cent.; lumber•, etc., . 29,8, per
cent.; pulpwood, 21 per cent; railway
ties, 7 per cent.; shingles•, 2.5 per
cent,; posts, poles, mining lumber,
logs, and square timber exported, 4.7
per ceht.
while ekattng.
NO MEDICINE LIKE "Think what would have happened,
Richard, if you had not had the coot- The forest situation throughout the
1� age attal the preeeuoe of mind.to pull Dominion is undoubtedly eertons but
TABLETS lrini out!" exclaimed the rescued lads within the • past two Years Public
99s l/ 7 f 11 t mother gratefully,
opinion has given evidence of a grow-
- "Yes;' replied Richard feelingly, ing appreciation of the • factors and
For Either the Newborn Babe or "I'd have lost my now skates. He had
results. involved, which is reflected
the Growing Child.
There is no other medicine to equal
Baby's Own Tablets for little ones—
whether it be for the new born babe
or the growing. chill the Tablets. al-
ways do good. They are absolutely
free from °plates or other harmful
drugs and the mother can always feel
safe in using tliem.
Concerning the Tablets, Mrs. John
Armour, lt.R, 1, South Monaghan,
Ont., says:—"We have three fine,
healthy children, to whom, when a
medicine is needed, we have given.
only . Baby's Own Tablets. The Tab-
lets are the beet medicine you can
keep in any home where there are
young children"
Baby's Own Tablets are et m u
Forest Situation Improves
'em on." in the better 'protective•measures be-
ing taken and a decrease, on the whole,
in the reported fire losses.
Son—"Daddy, who was Hamlet-"
Daddy—"Aren't you ashamed of
your ignorance? Bring me the Bible
and I'll show you."
Experience has taught many a man
not to wake lip the baby to see it
Over $1,500,000,000 is at present -in-
vested in the motion pictere industry.
Where did all that money come from
From Som• pocket and mine, of course.
Grocer—"Who broke the window
when I was out?" •
Delivery Boy. -•"The butcher did, sir,
He ducked when I threw a potato at
ill but hinn:'
thorough laxative which regulate the '
stomach and bowels; banish cons tpa- YES OR NO
tion and indigestion; break up colds' A parliamentary ORlicNdate ilk a rural
and simple fever and, make teething district made the following remark in
erey direct
are mail byt medicine deal- the course of .hie address: "There is
ere or dieeD Uy mail at 25Medicine
from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co:, no question w the world which'or' 0.."
not answer With just 'yes or 'n0':'
An old farm laborer jumiled up anti
ti •
Professor ' Poinsct recognized ,Borth- Brockville, Ont.
Unable to support properly hit wife and nine children on the wages' of a
blast furnaceman, and discouraged by conditions in the Old Country, Thomas
Booth of Scunthorpe, Lincs., loops to. Canada to give him a return more ,com-
menstu'at.o with his labors. having had eonslderable farm experience he
decided to erigeate and he arrived in Canilla this week on the White Sear
liner Calgario, Ile will work a farm at. Lmq Ont.
Minard's- Liniment for falling, hair.
At a recent examination of gitls:for
the rite of confirmation, hi answer to
the question, "What is the outward
and'visiblesign and fotin in. bap-
tism?" tite reply wee, "The baby, ell,"
sale: "Please, matstet', might I ask 'e
a question?
"Certainly, my good follow," ; said
"Well then, moister," sgld the old
farm, hand; "what's the tune?"
"Now, tell pie, whatis the opposite
of ipieely?"
"1-lanpines0," staid the class in
"Anti sadness?" she asked.
, "G1aelnces,"
"Ana ,the opposite of w•oe?"
,"Giddap!" shouted the enthusiastic
Corrugated Galvanized
In the days of Cromwell
fine quality tea coat as much
as thirty dollars a pound.
To -day, you only pay a few
cents more for Red Rose
Orange Pekoe than for ordi-
nary tea, but you getthe
highest quality and greatest
value. "Tut up in clean,
bright aluminum packages.
A reliable, antleeptic—Mlnard'e.
Labrie—"My f itd, at about how
much do you value the cow I saw yes-
terday to your field by the railroad?"
Farmer—"BO you the tax assessor, or
has she been killed by the electric
Direct from Manufacturers to
W. E. DILLON CO., Limited
189 - 191 George St. - ' Toronto
racxwsststekt, HOR'D URE aria: r'
1ay`ttiOneANn VV,adiCIS
Our brSed"e are bred for high
egtl productlon. WIite, mesa
and 501 Izgkomr, Bsrred and •
White Rake, R.1. Reds, An,
conal, Buff Orpington, whk}
tlottaa;; : aad up. 100yb
Eve.delvcry guaranteed.
today for FREE CHICK 5005,
ICSWEGS.iR'S BATCUERY,-su immaterial. BUFFALge.fy.
Corrugated Iron
"Council Standard"
A thick, even, heavy spread of
galvanizing over every inch of sur-
face. Deep corrugations. Agencies
stillWrit in some
stating opn olisize of
barn you want to cover.
Dept. W, 108 George St., Toronto 2
Fill cavity with cotton soak'
el in Minard's, Also bathe
the face. Quick and auto
Minard's Liniment for Toothache.
"How do you spell 'graphic'," asked
the youug man, "with one '1' of two?"
"The old man sighed. "Well, he said
at last, "if you are going to use any,
you might as well go the limit"
"Save Your Old Carpets.
We re -weave them Into
Writ for circular
Baker Carpet Cleaning Co.
178 Harbord St. Toronto, Ont,
Eloatria ratlways, public utilities
water, timber. on, industrial and
mining enterprises promoted. Ap-
proved bond and stook issues placed
With European bankers and brokers.
procured aherr corpora-
knownaengiiieers. Esports tablish by 1807.
Agents wanted.
Leeson Street, DUBLIN, Ireland,
A Clear
Healthy Skin
blamed by Eeory.dar
Uof Cuticura Soau
g syn and
Women Need
This Tide
Poets sing of Spring, but practical.
minded people, everywhere, turn at this
time to the Doctor and the Druggist for'
help to build up run-down constitutions:
And no better remedy can be taken than
Buckley's TRU-BLOOD.
TRU-BLOOD, as its name implies, is a
true blood tonic and a safe, sure, power-
ful corrective for all blood disorders, and
rheumatic conditions as well
But "TRU- BLOOD" is more than td
blood purifier—its use eradicates the out-
ward evidences• of impoverished blood,
such as pimples, bolls, eczema, blotches
and all other skin affections,
Buckley's OINTMENT, used in con.
junction with Buckley's TRU - BLOOD,
heals magically and leaves the skin smooth
and soft. .
Especially during the adolescent ate, pimples
and various forms 01 skin eruptions are likely to
appaar. The mar the complexion and cause
Untold anguish, The combined TRU-BLOOD end
rects the condition andtrloa cant the akin clly eat,
smooth and colorful.
Most druggists can supply you with those
proven Buckley products.
Tones the Blood
aear'&the Skin
Aner oil of great. benefit, in rases,
of Catarrhal Deafness and Bead
Noises. Simply :Insert in Nostrils and
Ruh in gentiy back of Ear's.. Soothing
and Penetrating, On the market since
1807, and many thousands haVe widt-
ton of the relief obtained This.treat-
ment is, recommended by Dr. John/
Bergeson, the eminent Ear Specialist.
].'rice $1.20. at drug, stores. holder
about Deafness" on re,iuest,
70 Fifth Avenue, New York 'City
ISSUE No. 18—'28
What most people call indigestion Is
usually excess acid hi the stomach.
The food has soured. Tho instant
remedy is an alkali which neutralizes
acids. Butdon't use crtule Helps. Use
what your doctor would advise.
The best help Ie ilirllllps° Milk of
Magnesia,; For the 50 years shite its
invention, it Inas remained standard.
with physicians. You will °find noth-
ing else so quick in its effect, so harm-
leas 80- efficient, ,
One tasteless spoonful in water nett.
tralizes' many times its volume in acid.
The emits are immediate, with no
batt after effects. Once you leant tills
�fact,.you will neve,' deal with excess
acid in the crude ways. Go learn—•
now—•why title method is Ntipreme.
Be sure to get the genuine Phillips
Milk of'Megnesia prescribed by physis
cions for 10 yeses in correcting excess
acids, Each bottle contains ,full direr'
tions --any
drugstore, tngstoret