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Ar'Coluinu Prepared Especially;ifor Women—
But Not Forbidden to Men
"The day's at the morn, the year's
at the spring, God s ih his heaven;
. all's right with the worlil."
In spite of the tardy spring the
birds are busy building their nests
and getting ; ready for their sum-
mer's work of propagating their kind.
T had to do a very disagreeable
thing the other morning, that was to
brush off a partially built robin's
nest from the windowsill of my room,
This: robin, I'm not sure that it is
the same one, but anyway, a robin;
will persist almost every year in try,
ing to build a neat on my windowsill,
It will stand on the sill and watch
me dress in the morning, almost dar+
ing ine to interfere with the home
building,too. This year, however, it
took . the other window one, withina
couple of feet of the head of my bed,
which is not opened so much when
the weather is cold, and it had the
hest pretty well on the way before •t
was noticed, It is not a good place
for a nest, the window is being op,
ened and closed daily and with house,
cleaning coming on it would-be a very
precarious place in which to be rear-
ing young, so when I saw what was
going on I tossed the nest off. I hat-
ed to do it /for that robin sat on the
limb of an apple tree four or five
feet away and .watched. Why it
didn't choose the tree, where it would
have been undisturbed, instead of
the window sill, I cannot tell, not be-
ing a robin. But_Ithere.-the poor bird
sat, with bright eyes turned on me
as I tossed the makings of its 'home
to the winds. I apoligized, right out
loud, r sjtid; "You mor birdie, I'm
sorry to have to do th1g; But this is
really n5 place for a nest. Why not
build, it in that tree you're sitting
in?' But I'm not at all sure it un-
derstood me. It probably considers
So easy to cook; so good to taste;
so satisfying and lae,ting
in its nutrition,
h l
,A,Hands • tri 13.orokiet.
on:Horne .Co . "ruction
• Containing valuable suggestions on home planning
with Gypiloc, Rocboard and Insulex. Write for it.
1 reproof '"Viral board)
For Sale By
e Thomas McKenzie Estate
Geo. T. Jenkins - —
• Clinton, Ont.
-• -Clinton, Ont.
me 0 horrid big monster, But, would
you believe it,' t}ie next morning,
there 'were some "more preparations`
which I again scattered and Bin hop-
ing it will realize; the unwisdom of:
its •course and go and find a better;
place. But I wouldieally like some. -
how to convey to that' robin's mind
the fact that, 1 have' no 111 willtoy
ward it.
"' There' is something wrong, i s
the belief of a recent newspaper par-
ag•rapher, "with the: man . who does
not secretlylove praise."
It is myop inion that the man or
woman who does not enjoy. praise,
whether secretly; or openly, does not
exist. We are all, like flowers which
open their petals to the due, looking
up • with open maws,' ready to drink
it in.
Of course, many are so busy doing,
Worthwhile things, things which take
up their time and attention so com-
pletely that they Have little time to
spend thinking whether their fellows
are approving' or not, :and some of
us do so little to merit praise that
we really do,not look for it, we know
we deserve little... and expect little.
But still, thebusiest and the most
self-sufficient of us will; respond tc'
a well=directecf`bit of congratulation
on sone task well done. While those
of us who deserve little in the way
off, praise might do better 'if some-
body would take the trouble . to
search out the few commendable
things about . our accomplishments
and give us a bit of kindly commen-
dation., A friend of mine putit, rue,
'ely not long ago. He had been coni,
mended above what he thought he
deserved, (although those who knew
him did not think so) and he was
acknowledging it, with thanks, He
said; "We sometimes say that all
Soaks Right in and
Limbers up ,„
Pharmacists Call it "Joint -Ease" Be -
Cause it's for Swollen, Sore, Pain-
ful, Creaking Joints Only.
It took a good many years to get
together arcombination of pain sub-
duing and swellingreducing agents
declared to he the one remedy that
almost instantly penetrates through
skirr and flesh and starts right to
make swollen, inflamed, creaky, pain
racked joints as good as new.
They cell . this' new and Wonderful
preparation "joint -Ease" because
the medical - man who • turned the
trick, worked for years to perfect
seine- low-priced remedy that would
really benefit the millions of people
who have a swollen, painful, ereaky,
distorted or stiff point, whether it be
in knee, elbow, shoulder, ankle, neck
or finger and whether it is caused by
rheumatism . or something else.
Of course, it can't help, but quickly
put an end to such superf#cial ail-
'inents'as' luiiibago,•''ireiiralgia, neurit-
is, aching 'muscles, stitch in the side,
crick in the neck or sore feet because
of its penetrating action, -but what it
is really recommendcid for is joint
ailments of any nature whatever.
Ask for a•tube of "Joint -Ease."
You can use it several times in one
evening for quid:, results, because it
goes right. through the skin with only.
a for seconds rubbing. It surely is
a swift penetrator and when it gets
under the skin it starts right in to
clean up all joint trouble.
All druggists dispense it daily for
about 60 cents a tube, as do first
class druggists everywhere.
_... ,. ION
Midland Securities, Limited,
serve Western Ontario with
an. unequalled Investment
service. Government,
Municipal and Corporation
bonds to yield , from 4.40%
to 6.50% .
May we place your name on
our ,mailing list? Complete 2
detailed information rega>d
ing all classes of investment
securities is readily obtain-
BO,L 'rS
Ci 44
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114 Royal Bank Chambers ', London, Canada
we want is Justice, but justice }s, not
what we want fataU, What we want
Is kindness We want people to ov-
erlook 'our faults, as: we ourselves
overlook" them and praise our,
Ines "
,And that ie so. .IJsuhlly ,.we
are conscious "i Bough of. our faults
We may be giving theme geed deal,
of consideration`„ ourselves without
other people taking the trouble to
point thein out to us. What will rea-
lly- make us buck up ancl, do our besi
is for "somebody to come "along and
,tell us with a ;bit of heartiness that
-they have lighted upon something
we have \ achieved that is worth
while, and coni mend us .for it, No;
there's not a bit of "danger .of spoil-
ing ,anybody by praise. :I've known
far 'more,'people to fail for lack o't:it
'than on account of too much praise,
A judicious word of ,commendation
warms the cockles of the heart as
tilething else will and helps to settle
comfortably upon the shoulders
the burden which most
of us are bearing, so that we ntay
walk off,
with it.again with a jaunty
We are ,Profuse with our w.ords of
praise of those whose ears are for-
ever closed to Such words, a few
spoken before that time might make
a world of difference to a weary
fellow -traveller,'
Ilenssll Spring Fair
Following is the prize list of the
Hensall Spring Fair, held last week:
Aged Clyde'staliion—lst and 2nd
John .Miller, Exeter. ,e
Sweepstakes --John Miller.
Standar bred stallion-Ellering-
ton and, Stewart, Exeter.
Heavy draft team --James Scott,
Cromarty; E. Wilbert, Hensall; C.
Truemner, Zurich,
Heavy draft mare in foal—A. and
3..Broadfoot, Seaforth Isli and 2nd.
Three year old filly or gelding
Alex. Sinclair, Kippen; John Hen-
derson; Kippen.
Two year old filly or gelding -A,.
Wright, Brucefield; H. C. Soldan,
Draft or agricultural, foaled in
1927—M. Tinney, Hensall! B. .Ed-
wards, Hensall; D. Kilpatrick, Hen;
Agricultural team — R. -3. Scott,
Cromarty; D. Fotheringham, Bruce -
field; A. McBride,' Kippen.
Agricultural mare in foal — Alex
Wlright, Brucefield; -Dr, Moir, Hen
sall; Clarence Smillie, Hensall,
Three year old agricultural ,,filly
or gelding;—ii, Broadfoot, Kippen; J
Gelinas and Son, Zurich.
Two year old agricultural filly or
gelding—Thos. Butt, Kippen; Dr,
Moir, Hensall.
General purpose team—W. Decker
of Zurich.
Single roadster—R. McLaren, Hen-
sall; J. Decker, jr.; Dr. Mackay,
Seaforth; Thomas Reid, Bonsai'.
Grand championship, draft or ag-
ricultural mate or gelding—A. and 3,
Broadfoot, Seaforth; R, 3. \Scott,
Croinarty; A. Sinclair, Kippen, R,
J. Scott, Cromarty,
Township prize, best three .horses
from one township Tuekersmith
Township, .Hibbert Township.
Burnie Silver Cup for best Clyde
mare or gelding—A,,_ and J. Broad -
Geiger special for best draft stal-
lion—John • Miller, Exeter; sear
Kropp special for best draft to e, 3
years or over—A. and J. Broadfoot;
Commercial hotel, Bengali, special
for draft or agricultural. team com-
ing greatest distance—R. J. Scott
Cromarty; Mrs. Bertha Bell Spec-
ial, for best lady driver—]1frs. Ira
Aberdeen Angus bull, calveed in
1927—B, Ilopp, Zurich; heifer un-
der 2 years B. Klopp let and 2nd.
Shorthorns—Aged bull, J. Wright
and Sons, Hensali; bull calved in
1927-1/1: Crich, Seaforth, lst and 2nd;
Cow—M, Crich, Seaforth; W, Pep-
per, Hensall;' M. Crieh.
-Butcher steer or heifer—William,
Pepper, Hensall.
Baby .beef—Bert Peek, Zurich;
Bert Kropp, Zurich.
Dairy Cove -111'. Crich, -Seaforth;
Wm. Pepper, Hensall; M. Crich; 112.
Love, Hensall,
Dr. Peck's Special for best Short-
horn female—,M. Crich.
WSNGHA.N2; Fire broke out in
the rear of C. Tempieman's dry
cleaning shop _ on Victoria street,
Wingham, one morning last week
and completely wrecked the interior
of the building. Mr. Templeman had
Nervous andMiserable
Through Constipation
"Fruit -actives " Restores
Vigorous Health
The drowsy, fatigued condition that
usually goes with constipation is a serious
handicap. Overcome it. Be .healthy by
taking "Fruit -a tzues", Read this letter:
Maxvillc, Ont "Phe results are- mar-
vellous. That neryous, tired feeling has
completely gone. `Fruit -a -Lives' has
made a new man of mc.".
—Mr: Donald Duperron.
"Fruit -a -lives" is the intensified juices
of ripe, fresh: frdit, blended with stifnu-
lating tonics.' It is the' stoutest' natural
foe of constipation. Gentle, natural and
positive in its action, it builds the sys-
tem to function properly without the
constant use of laxatives, 25c and 50c at
all druggists'. Try it-to-day.sesomoommonasameasturapieweemosamomssaeleanzaffelresfoom
just `cone to the workshop at the
rear, and talking to a traveller, when
without warning the place burst into
flames. The traveller got Mr: Tem.
plemaii cut, who is'a cripple, but he
insisted on going into the room
-tor several' suits of • clothes, and re-
ceived severe` burns on the face. MT.
Templeman' had• no insurance on the
contents; and as a result of the cal-
amity was left -in a most unfortunate
position. Scarce had`the smoke and.
steam from the fire died down than
large -hearted men of, the town sized,
up the situation, circulated a sub-
scription 'list,; and early in the af-
ternoon were able to offeie Mr. Temp
lemon fairly, comfortable 'quarters,
furnished and ready for occupancy
that night.
Powerful, ' Penetrating ' Antiseptic Oil
Eczema an
d' P
tither Skin Irises,
MUST GIVE RESULTS IN 7 DAYS get ,an • erig•Inal bottle of
OR MONEY BACK' Emerald 'oil
Make up your mind today that
you are going to give yopr skin a
real chance to get well.
Like a lot ofothe z•
people, you've
probably been , convinced that the
only thing to use was an ointment
or salve (some of themare very
good) but in the big majority of
cases these sticky salves simply clog
the pores and the ' condition prim-
arily retrains the same.
=Go to any good druggist today and
The very first application will
you relief and g few short tr/
meats will thoroughly convince
that by sticking faithfully to it
a short' while your skin troubles
be a thing of the past.
Remember that Moone's Erne
Oil is a -clean, powerful, penetrat
Antiseptic Oilthatdoes not stain
leave a greasy residue and that
must give complete satisfaction
your money cheerfully refunded.
BECAUSE the 1928 Chevrolet is the finest car we have
ever bad to offer to the public, we;have received -in trade
some of the finest Used Cars we have ever had on our floor.
The exceptional value of the new Chevrolet has brought in
many used cars that would not ordinarily have been traded
in for several years. And the Used Car buyer benefits by
this situation . not only by getting a better par, but also
by reaping the advantage of reductions in price.
You can buy here with every confidence. The reputation of
our Chevrolet dealership stands behind the Used Car we
sell. Come in and let us show:you some outstanding values.
1927 Chevrolet Coach Ford Coupe
1926 Chevrolet Coach $125
J. Bo Lavis, Clinton
Sz d•'G
"Establishing a New Standard in Automobiles"
C*INER , , , because of the exclusive design
j of the Durant built Hayes•Hunt bodies ::
the :superior grade of upholstery materials , . .
the roominess of the interior and its easy riding
qualities . .
Faster .. , because of the studied refinements
of the already famous lied Seal Continental
"Lrr head Motor . .
See the new Durant Sixes ... go for a ride iii
them... ask your local Durant dealer why they
are "finer and faster" .. , ask hint to compare
the specifications with those of higher 'priced
automobiles ... then judge these cars for
yourself . on their merits!
Bach by.
Durant "S'5" Six Cylinder Special Four Door Sedan:
E I i nr nmd u s/ I t Fru A r 1,4,. (Nie.,, • Fb.e
UunrS,»rt Bro„yhcmtSpeclai Two-Aao,Scdun arulSps I,i Cnupa.
'Rugby Trucks, Four and Six Cylinders; Capacity 1 ton and I/ tofu 0112$
A. . LANE,