HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-04-12, Page 4DAY , APRIL 12th,
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E. !L . 1M.1■ A 1 ELL
Stanieij To®,Wnship
• Mr•.,acid Mas. W rs Baird motored
:Iron Toronto and spent the Easter
holidays with his mother, Mrs. deo.
Baird, Sr., who celebrates her eighty-
ninth birthdayon Thursday, April
12th. •
Mr.' and Mrs. T, J. Wasman and
Miss Helen of Toronto, motored up
end are spending the week with IIr,
.J6hn Wise, and Mr. and Mrs. John
Miss Edna Alexander a. Toronto
;vas a week -end visitor with Mrs.
John Innes.
Miss Alice Corey of_London was
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har-
ry Corey, over the week -end.
Miss Marion McEwen is spending
a few days t aher home.
Miss Eleanor McEwen. of Londono
is holidaying with'Ter parents, Mr.
• and Mrs. Alex. McEwen.
Miss Margaret.' McGregor left Mon
day for Guelph to resume her stud.
' ies. •
Miss' Pentland went to hor home
at. Dungannon •for the Eatter vacat
Miss Agnes Glen > of Glen Williams
.,stoned up" on Friday to spend Eas-
4 er . with her. parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Edward' Glen.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moffat and
family- of Dashwbpd are at the home
of Mr. Will. Sinclair for the vacat-
Miss Kate McGregor of Newmar-
ket it at her home for the week.
The hydro men have started this
week to' wir i. the homes along the
second concession and ,expect to havo
everythingcompleted by the first of
June and light turned on. IIurrahl
The following is the report of • the
Easter examinations held. at S. S. No.
4, North.
Sr. 4th --John Armstrong, °76%;
Gladwin Westlake, 71. - ,
Jr.. 4th—Bert Dunn, 72; Maria
Rohner,, 60,
Jr. 3rd—Beatrice'' Houston, 71;
Gordon Scotchmer, 67; John Watson
Second—Reith Westlake, 64; Don.
old Paterson, 64
Firsts -Bert prem.., Greer•, 88; .Antioiettc
Rau, 80; Stuart Watson, .77.
Primer—Wilfred Ran.
Best 'spellers. for Mnr•eh Maria
I-Tohner;` Beatrice hiouston, Belli
—V, Herbert, teacher.
-11 and Mr Vi'in 11. 'Jewett and
daughter, Grace ' arrived 'homo on
La sday after hawing spent the past
fico months 111 Florida, They
by motor' and visited many Southern
('1110s and. places of interest, •
Miss Annie Dewar of Toronto is -
'home Tor tithe Easter vacation.
Mrs. E. Fisher of Kitchener is the
guest: ai'. her sister, Mia. S. A, Pd-
Mr. and Mrs, Erie York of Toronto
a11(1 Mis.°Victor Burt' and family of
London returned to their. homes ;on
Monday after 'ha'vin spent East
withtheir parents Mr. and falls. h`.•
W Baker.
Mr, and Nlrs. .:i,, -Ford King and
babe of Toronto spent Easter with
their parents,
Miss J. E. Whittaker of Toronto is
the guest of Mrs: J. Ir: ArcLeod.
Mr. and Mrs, J L. Dixon accom-
panied. by Miss Cai'rie Dixon of Gait
visited their daughter, Mrs. F. 13;
Paull, on Thursday and Good Friday,
Miss Ruth Houston spent Easter-
tide' with her' parents, M'r, and Idrs,
S. Ilouston,
Miss, Ruth Higgins rteturned. front
London to spend Easter with her par
Miss Nina Heard of -Kitchener i
home for the holidays, .
Miss Alma McKay 01 Toronto
spent ' the Easter week -end with her
' . Miss 'Izetta Merner was home ,for
Miss -Thelma Ritz is spending. the
Easter holidays at her home here,'-
John `O. Doyle of Detroit was nm..
Easter guest at the Ritz hotel.
' .Mi .' R, T. 'Orr and son Jack of
Stratford were in the village on
-Tuesday on their way home fr•cm
Goderich. :
Miss- Jean McLeod of Orton -is,,
spending the vacation wtih her par-
ents, Dr." and Mrs, N. W. Woods.
Dr. .and Mrs. E. 'P. Lewis of Tor
onto were the guests of Dr. and Mrs,
Woods over. the Easter week -end:
Mrs. J. L, Buchan, who has spent the
past two months in Toronto, accoin.-
parried thein home.
Mr. Wm: Parker was home for the
Easter weekend. ; He returned by
motor op Monday to Sarnia:
'Mr: 'and Mrs. J. M. Stewart of
Hamilton visited their parents, , Mr..
and Mrs. 'John Pollock, over, the Eas-'
tertide. :Mrs.' Stewart remained -to
make a longer, visit.
Miss Anna' M. Elliott is home from
Toronto for the Raster vacation,
Miss, Rtiiel Jowett of New Dundee -
it spending the vacation at her home
hi ,the village.
Miss M. Helen Gerrie left on
Thursday last for her home' near In-
-Mr. Norman'. Tilker returned on
Tuesday after having spent the va-
cation at his home in' Harriston.'
Miss E. M. Bryan is at her home
in Harriston for the vacation.
Mrs. W. H. 'Brandon of London
spent several days last week with his
mother, M.S. C, E. Brandon..
A large number enjoyed the mask-
ed carnival and dance ' in the town'
hall on .Tuesday . evening, 'given; un-
der the auspices of the Bayfield Ag-
ricultural Society. The greater per-
centage of the people Were masked
and many and varied were the beau-
tiful and comical costumes. After
.the grand march the judges awarded
the prizes to the following: Ladies
fancy, Miss Lucy ` Woods hi' it, cos-
tume representing Bayfield Frill Fair
in' its different departments, Miss
Bernice ,Seeds as a- .Gypsy. Queen.
Gents fancy—Miss Jean Me W-0ods, as
Uncle Satin, and Mrs, ` Geo. W.
Woods' as a :Chinese -mandarin, Both
the above masqueraded 'all evening
as gentleman and carried it off so
that the judges awarded them ' the.
prizes, Ladies comic --bars.'' David
Prentice as a nineteenth century
lady. Gents Comic—Ivan Steckle as
a clown, Girls—Miss Edith Merner
as a pansy. Boys—Laurence Johns
as a page. Dr. Win. F. Metcalf, as
'the inumified King Tut, in his cas-
ket, created a great deal of interest -
and amusement and was recommend-
ed by the judges that he be awarded
a special featugg prize,,,
To vary the claim program there
were comic songs by Albert Dunn
and James R. Sterling and n reading
by Miss Jean M. Woods. Lunch was
served in the basement, •Mr.' Jour
1\fCClure, president of the Society act-
ed as master of, ceremonies. Mr. Sett
Westlake was floor, manager while
music was supplied by Messrs: Bei,'
Marshall, George Weston, and Jas;
Lindsay, the`Owatan Orchestra. and.
others. The committee is to be con-
gratulated upon the splendid success
of their efforts. They wish to.thanl
all those who in any way contributed'
towards -the success of the evening
The proceeds. amounted to over
eighty-four dollars.
Hullett Township
Mr, Clifford Tyndall returned the
first of the` week to Toronto, after
spending Easter, with his parents,;
Mr, -and Mrs, Loren Tyndall. Kr. Lor-
en Tyndall returned to Toronto with
his son for a little visit. •
A notable and well-known resident .
of this township passed .to, her re,
ward on Tuesday afternoon: when
Susan Johnston, widow of the: late
Robert. Crawford, quietly -"breathed
her last at the home of her son Mr
P. J. Crawford of the 13th conces•.
"Granny" Crawford was 'known to
old and young in the community it
.which she lived and was loved by
all. Staunch and sturdy, of an., in•
dependent spirit herself, but ready
at all times to lend a helping ham'
to' anyone, who needed it, shewas
welcome visitor in many home
where illness or trouble came. Shc
was of a most optimistic dispositior
and always could be depended upor.
to see the bright side o1 any pictux•c.
She was possessed • of a wonderfu'
eonstitution and lived out her ninety
years with very little' illness, At
the end at warm not disease, which
brought her down, but simply the ,'
wearing out by' weight:of 'years of a
sturdy body. SI
ceniixied to bed,
as only .'week
1tirs. CrEtiv.rord was. :.4 native o
County 1, or man• h Ireland, • and
me i;o Canada da ae a girl of eig7lt-
cui,' A1tor spending .00x1 yeax-s in
Chingnacolnsy, W11,111-(1 she was; mar-
ried to the late Robert Crawford, sho
cane with her husband to Huron,
totaling on the t3th of-T-Iullett,where
for many years they lived and farm-
ed, 1\1r.'Crawford died' twenty-two,
years __ago. -- Hour sons, George p1'
Goderich; Janes of Colville, Wash.;
David; of Toronto and E. J, at ;whose
home, she died, and three daughters,
Mrs. Pickrell, Spokane, Wash:;" ; Mrs.
Mary .A. Brown, Cochrane and Mrs,
I., J.:Johnston' of Clinton survivo
their mother.
The -funeral takes place his":`after-
iroon front the home of' Mr. and Mrs, -
E. J. Crawford of Hullett, interment
to be made in Oaic Chapel cemetery,
Tuckeystnith Township
The following) is the, report of S.
S. No, 6 for.the month of March and
the Easter exa3nii.nations:
Sr. 4th—Ebner Hugill, 83,
Jr. 4th—Isabel Ashton, ,85; Evelyn
Nott, 83.
Sr. 3rd—Fletcher Whitmore, 94;
Warren Whitmore, 89; - Raymond
Townsend, 87, •
Jr. 3rd—Sarah Whitmore, 91; Pearl
Hugill, 89; Harold' Hugill, .80; Myrtle
Ashton, 71; Verna IIugi11, 68.
2nd—T-Iazel Ashton, 79; Leola
,Sr.ott,- 75.
Jr. 2nd (a)—Arnold 1lugill, 82.
Jo, '2nd (b)—Florence Whitmore;
87; Velma Ashton, 75.
Sr. Primer—Wesley Hugill, 89;
Iona Hugill, 82.
A'"Clean Teeth Contest" was held
during the month between • "The
Bluebirds" and the "Busy 'Bees." : The
"Bluebirds'--' won only by .2 points.
Average attendance, 16, number on
roll, 18.
-Edna M, Jamieson, teacher.
Raster visitors in Brucefield in-
cluded, Dr. Will Swain of Hamilton;
Miss Irene Snider, of London; Miss
Laura Swan, of Toronto; : Mr. and
Mrs. J. Rattenbury and family of
Burlington; - Mr, Sydney Thompson,
Miss Emma McDonald, Mr. and Mrs.
R. McKenzie and baby and Mrs.
Zapfe of Detroit._
The many friends of Mrs. John'
Johnston of the. London''Road will be
sorry to. hear that° she had the mis-
fortune to fall and . break. her leg.
She is now in Clinton Hospital, It
is hoped she* will make a gbod recov-
ery, : r
On Thursday of last week our
village and community was shocked
to hear of the•sudden death of Mr.
William Collins .of Stanley.. Mr. Col-
lins had not been in the best'i f health
for some time but the end came sud-
denly.Internment was made in
Baird's s; eent'eter ys on Saturday, Rev,
W. A. Bremner officiating. • The
family has the sincere sympathy of
their AaanyiI friends, Just a few
months ago their mother passed
away after a lingering -illness.
Colborne Township
Wood -buzzing is in full swing a-
round Carlo*, at present, T. Wil-
son, John Young, Melvin Tyndall,
Vere Cunningham and Bille Cant.
well having' their summer supply of
wood cut, -
We are sorry to hear of the illness
of Mrs. John Treble. Mrs. Will Clay-
ton of'Putnam came up on. Tuesday to
wait on her mother. .
The several school teachers are
taking their Easter vacation. Miss
Hogg of No. 8 went to her home at
Seaforth. Misses Margaret and b-
elie Jefferson went to Donnybrook,
Miss Anna *McDonald to Goderich and
B. Orr to Goderich township.
Mr. Chas,q Robertson is the first
reported to 15e on the -land this spring
Miss Lucy Hardy, Dorothy and
Christine Robertson and Howard
Young are all home from Goderich
Collegiate, and Ewalt (Curly) Young.
from Sterling Eank, Auburn, was at
his home, that, of Mr. Gordon Young.
for Easter. . -
Quite a number from around here
attended the Clinton Fair on •Thurs-
day. Among thein were: Mr. and
1ri's. David Baan, Mr, Fred Quaid,-
M',', Harry , Shields, Mr, Frank
Shields, "Mr, and Mrs, John Robert-
son, 111r. Robt, ,Scott and 'Mr, Telford
Nixon.. '
Mr. and Mrs. Vere Cunningham and
children spent Sunday with Mrs. C.
C. Brown.'
.Mr. Allies . Stoll is jacking up .the
back part - of his house on -Wednes-
day. • .
Miss •Isabel Young and :two 'girl
friends spent. Saturday 'with Miss
Young's friends, Miss Florence Moon-
ey, of Goderich.
_ roof this Year with
the Perclriattent Roofing
for Barns, houses, Sheds
LOWin initial cost... comes in
big, sheets--easyy and quick to
ay..permanent.leak-proof...handsome in appearance. Pre-
vents fires ... increases value
of property. Made of famous,,
"Council Standard" galvanized
sheets. Give size of roof for free '
estimate. Write :to:
Eastern Steel Produ.
imsiea, \O i
1" Succeusor to
MetalShin8le and
- Sidistg Co. Ltd.
The iollowing teacher 0 - spend -
'hag their.vacations at their respective
homes here: ' Miss Minix Rutherford
of ,:Timmins, Miss Clara 'Woods,
Gulelph; Miss Irene.:lvoods. Golden
Valley and, Miso Mabel Woods; ;Nile.
Mr. Wm.- Culbert is spending his
holidays at his home near Ripley, anti
1Tr: Archie McKinney at Mi home
near' B1uevaie.
We pre glad to report that' Willie;
Pardon has so fat 'recovered from his'
recent serious operation as to be able;
to come home again from tlie,hospit-
1VIr. Losse Webb of. Seaforth wa•
home for Easter, •
The I:uneral of the late Mr. W. C
Webb was held from the Presbyterian
church, Lucknow, on Monday, April
9th. The deceased underwent a ser-
ious operation at London on Monday.
April 2nd, but failed to rally and died
Wednesday. Much sympathy is felt
for the family, as his wife, who has
had pnnemonia for, a time is very low
at present: Mr, John' Webb arrived
home from Alberta in time for his
father's funeral. 1Vfr. Webb was over
seventy years of age, and had lived
here all his life,
Miss Lula Weatherhead of Wing -
ham is hone for the holidays. .
' The urock parliament field , at the
meeting or Y. P. B. Class in the Uni
ted church proved quite a success.
Rev: i4Ir. Whitfield occupied •the
speaker's chair, Ni. Willson Woods,
the Prince Minister, introduced a hill
(3or the establishment of Township
school boards, which was seconded by
one of his members, . Mrs. W'allac,
Miller,- Mr. Cblbert, as leader of the
oppositions his meshbers,' Mr. Wallace
Miller and Mr. .Lorne Wo'nds, strong-
ly opposed it, while Mr. Jaines Ram -
age for the Government, spolce•in its
support. On being 'put to the vote it
was turned down. The bill proposing
a tax on bachelors inet e: better fate.
Mr: H. Webb, -member of the Gov-
ernment, who was unable to be pre-
sent, sent his, arguments for the Bill
and he was seconded' by Mr. Gordon
McPherson, The Prime Minister also
spoke for the Bill and in spite of ar-
4nments presented by alI' the '"mem
hers of the Opposition the bill was
carried.. Consequently a tax. will be
Placed .on ,bachelors over thirty with
few exceptions, such as those who are
supporting: a another or invalid .bro-
thers or sisters. We are looking for-
ward to many June weddings as a i e
stilt of this action on the part of the
Government. ' -
News of Happenings
in the COUnlij and
BRUSSELS;' At a meeting of the,
shareholders of the Blyth Telephone
Company' recently the purchase of a
building to be used as a central by
former commissioners was confirmed
by the shareholders.
GODERIICHs. The. Collegiate, In-
stitute Literary Society celebrated the
fiftieth anniversary of its organza
tion on Friday week, with a fine gath-
ering of old -tine members and an ex-
cellent program.
GODERICH: The comtnunity was
startled last week by the .news that
Mrs. Chu, Bing Chong, who only ten
days before had been wedded at Wind -
tor, had injured herself in an attempt
to take her own life at the .rooms al
the British Cafe in which she andher
husband hind taken up. their quarters
after the brief honeymoon trip. Dr,
Emmerson was called th and the.
young woman was taken to Alexandre
hospital, where it was found that the
wounds'` evidently inflicted with a
blunt knife, were not serious. It ap-
pears that the young bride had been
ill for several weeks before the mar-
riage and there was some suggestion
of a postponemnt, but this was put
aside because of the superstition
about bad luck following the post-
ponement of such an event, After
her arrival in Goderich illness and
loneliness Combined evidently induc-
ed a state of despondency in which the
rash act was committed, At Windsor
the young woman was a member of
a well-to-do family with many friends
among both Chinese and Canadians
Here she- was the only Chinese' wo-
man in town and knew practically
nobody outside her own rooms. At
the hospital she is being given every
attendtion, and it is hoped that her
health will be quite restored.—Goder-
ich Signal,
GODERIoIZ: The annual meeting
of the Goderich Homing Club was
held recently,tivhen the following of-
ficers were elected: President, P.
Johnston; vice presidents, W. Pit-
blado and N. McKay; secretary -tress
urer, d,` E. Mutch; executive commit-
tee, S. McKay, J. MacVicar, J. Webb.
J. Fellows and E. Laws. The follow
ing dates of flights has, been drawn
up: For old bircls=May 5th, from
Stratford; May 12th, from Kitchener;
May 19th, from Georgetown;. May 26,
from ' Toronto. June 2nd; from. Port
Hope; June 76th,--fr'onr Napanee; Juno
8011 , from'Broekville; July;'74th, fibals
Cor n va11; `July 28th, 'h -ani Montreal,
For prong bids—Aug. 417;, iron
Stratford; .41119. 1'1th, from 7Kitchen-
es' Aug., 18th, from Georgetown;
Aug 25th, from .Toronto; Sept, lst,
firom Port Hope. An invitation dance
in Oddfcllo'ws',Hall for April 12th was
decided on:
7 XLTJIR . All the churches in
town observed .fitting Paster'services
on Sunday.- -James Street choir ren-
dered a cantata which Was appro-
priate to -the occasion.. The young
people of Main Street United' Church
gave a concert in the opera house on
Tuesday night, at which Miss Jack-
son, of Detroit and. Miss Gibbings of
Clinton 'assisted,.:
WINO-IIAM: There died suddenly
in Detroit on Saturday, Elizabeth' Ag
nes Pattison,' widow of the late W. J.
and Mrs, Pattison, of Winghani. Sur-
viving are 'her mother, two brothers.
and three sisters, Mrs. Thomas Leak
ey, of'Kincardine; ';Mrs, J. Johnston,
of. Toronto; Jack, of Port Elgin; Ir-
win and Mary, of Windham. ' The re-
mains were brought to Windham and
services were conducted at the resi-
dence of her mother on Tuesday af-
ternoon at 2 o'clock, Interment was
made in Windham cemetery.
HENSALL: ; At the communion
service held on Sunday last at the
United Church, the membership Toll
was added to by- profession'of faith.
18, and by certificate 14. The Sac-
rament. of the Lord's Suppe/ was. ad-
ministered to the largest congrega-
tion on any such occasion, which was
very encouraging both to the •eon-
gregation and pastor, Rev, A. Sin-
clair. W. 0. Goodwin and. Samuel
Rannie gave a very pleasing --duet
very fitting for the occasion. At the
evening service, the large' choir sang
stirring anthems. Those taking spec-
ial parts were Mrs. ,&1E. Clark, Mrs.
A. Joynt and W. 0. ;Goodwin. A lad-
ies' quartette, composed of 1VIrs. M
Drysdale, Mrs. Linderfield, Mrs. G
Hess, and Mrs. Ii. Phile, 'very, pleas•
ingly . sang. Rev. Mr. Sinclair -gave
a most interesting and impressive
.,ern101 approprltite to the Laster oe-r
WALTON: The runeral of the
1 arm- Mrs. Theodore 1Iulland was lar-
gely attended. :Mrs, holland ins' a
1'ornner':resident or Morris township
and a daughter o . Richard Stewart..
She was bons in Morris in 1870 and
moved- to . Eg'mondville while quito
young, I11 7902 she was united in
marriage to Theodore Holland and re-
sided in Winthrop until her death,
Mrs. Holland suffered from a stroke
about four years ago and has been
confined to her bed most 'Of the time
si9ce, She leaves to mourn her loss
a husband and family" o1 two,
daughter Jean and son Moody. Two
sisters Mrs. McNichol of Oregon, and
Mrs. Knight of Cypress River, Mani-
toba, one brother, Samuel Stewart
of Rokeby, - Sask. The pallbearers
were Moody Holland, Edgerton Rae
John ' Campbell, Joseph . Dalma:go,
George IlticKee . and John Shannon, .
We News -Record
It's pretty hard to dislike a man
who likes you even if he hasn't any
thing else in his favor.—Kitchener
Record. '•
ENGINE Improved motor—the valve -in-head
AC„oil filter.
AC air cleaner, -
Fully enclosed motor.
New crankcase breather system.
New two -port exhaust.
Invar-strut” constant clearance pistons.
New hydro -laminated camshaft gears.
New and larger streamline bodies by
Fisher—combination wood and steel
construction—the type found on
highest priced cars.
One-piece full -crown Lenders ofheavy-
gauge steel.:
Neiw Duco finishes in striking colors.
Clear vision plate glass windows.
Ternstedt window regulators.
Improved automatic windshield wiper.
Fisher "VV" one-piece ventilating wind-
New non -locking -four-wheel brakes--
rakes-189 square inches of braking sur-
face. Positive brake linkage.
Independent emergency brake -70 addi-
tional square inches of braking sur-
Semi -elliptic shock absorber springs —
84% of wheel -base,
Easily operated single -plate dry disc -
Completely enclosed instrument panel,.
indirectly lighted.
The "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet,
with every fine -car feature, now
selling at
Roadster 4625.00 Cabriolet - . - - :$35.00
Touring - 625.00 Imperial Sedan • - 890.00
Coupe - 740.00 CommercialChassia • 470.00
Coeds - 740.00 Roadster Delivery 625.00
Sedan - 835:00 Ton Truck Chassis - 655.09
Roadster Express • $650.00
411 prices e6. Potton'. Oshawa --Government Taxes,
limpets and Spare Tire aro.
The following letter is from one of Canada's leading poultry
firms:—Rockwood; Ont., April 6, 1928, Gentlemen: We are having
wonderful results with your, SUNBEA1111.GHICK STARTER, in one
case a lot of 850 chicks got chilled' when the Brooder got low one night
and I am sure that if it had not been for your Sunbeam Chick Stainer
that we Would have lost a large •percentage. This happened three
weeks ago, and to -day they are the finest, and largest lot of chicks •
Cor their age that I -have ever. seen,' Their growth has been plienom
inal. We like your mash so :well that we are stecoinniending it to all
customers that we -sell' chicks to, and as our success depends on our
customers success, you may be sure that we would not do this -if we
xt,ere not satisfied that there: is none bettor than "Sunbeam?' Yours..
very truly, L. R. Guild & Sons..
1 . rc�Kaz�t°rw d