HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-04-12, Page 2.
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i%e Halt ixt i`9onrlY•
1P I I I Cat:.on Land' I8 Neither ca�y'���! Def ��,
D� I I . 1; �
NEWS 3d �;0 7ldnrado, ]Can._ real :curlo'ilt.y � A.4 ,� - `4��
1 "N
'�" -, is b6ind. displayed ;here in the bjtsi .i, i , y '� h-, t
Ct iN I ONYARI6 ,:,, - �3dd•�.Ial spa s,ao-F''akile in /hlchs,''ttt,iv> tern .ta:,of is.nzc1 ,r"�,I 4'
uosat dixtrict. ., a1 <ineei t•i eatuia i? - d4 Yt ��I 1�
-.Terma"'i, 111,tlon $'x'00-'mior,.Soar '':. 'd ,. i
<0 i about ,-ono foot long, wltic•h was prig Tral,e stn lad h P
ln�advunco Co Canadian .-1dressos; y ff Ike!
,,- � ,. r � foultd in a pond hoar heve,,`appoars' ,, I
2.6q t the U.S at. other foretgri ! ,, I
: I, 8Fi
$ o ^ :. Iwo zeeemt' airplane aoe d ntsy arra when a•,cortaln el:enr 'ilot'toot of i `
.Con No paper dtscotittituo:l to he half,, and half .animal,. y , -.
a ,���I�g .i s.
es 1 p.. 'T`1 i•reat ' body •'...hat. f:iu'.heu±,aiid.Qr.,oin"Soul};:.A1xic?atbaingto at.n'.tg�h.t oilu.hcnvy 7:<;•.n`>ax. Lox (. .t '
�nntlta l rbears aro aid unless'oat e oro FlA., o YSs t a
llie . ,, fish aiavlu ^ lllr tea 'and:.tail ntind,n. uun.be,t oC qui t ml h ps that raid aerp_,s aha' Imes. Tho i tacb.iitc p i,+11
the ..option • of � the pmtbilsher. � � €, _s 1 d , � -;�� j( It
:; a Is 30'8' g have cecrari•ed in the ;laoi•L h;is`,i,I� c,z innstead 'of ridumf•ot tl f":•rcit r,L ,�
date .to wh[Ch �etY subsctip..o ': ., r n to ,' y10i1it0a
lil.o a channel.uai.. Lai do ,bnnchos e Y e, In Hit EYl .",.0 tTP�
pafd.is denoted on �ho inbel.- of tend:mils are basic of eacli rill'. aviation, espec_aniy d}tt.�f,tig thy_ vest tatvI rite e.iid of the fiats path, ran �;II. w:,,, ^ ��
- ,. •� •' o f c' e. , I :through- i ro
Advett•leln8 '{fates Translont: advar• g It hagfour stroatg foga"with reef p�rind. liauvol the n. trate never sbza ghit thtowgh tt,,-off aha flr_n ,.
first >ta�f ��� ®�i�eoled, ff
- rola r nt linofor �Of9 YL'R3819�@ a"9Q1Q� dis. a ,l o .. icaid fieri 1[r
t S. 12c po sou . _ eimiIar, o a frog s. It naovea free, be it o'. p at7zul;--=home we ttag t d proper on •a soft fiel l :at the
subsc neat 84-481 of e1I�91: ,��tC g®8tll $�IQaSG'��iS
Insertion, Sc :for each q tl`Ca�S ?dill 9®8IV �i .; 1 Lilco a lizard when oil the athdrb provided a comic relitf from e-1 „vrhere it gradually 0owsl down
Heading counts 2' lines. td - f9- y' . •, •�,
g' irk i'�C6IRg&� X819' � �®A �i��S9aa. The best the round. Whew iu fife water oc. lh-a-2n n,tony of ttaritvmrg e.mhtyo an ,fine ly turned on Liv none to an �•q
Small advertisements, not to exceed p ., g �1
i,4d vt gentle motion ntleast so it a - alke.A Baehr i
one Inch, such ss: Wanted, Last. 4Af®1'OQ� Yiet$tlEt'fl.9S S®A8� 119tt1G91P�AL /®� dlDt'�. casioitally -fit swims to the tip, aviators or fratn the itervr^as tenvugn easy, A
N ,,. e' red ' u -
Strayed; eto:,• tnserted once for iJ ►r p ,' caeeltiag flies and snapping like' a of flying inwatthire, p a• in the ncettai,n light of dusk.
1�tflllon9 lkno491 the iatis$ACtion S��„ADA i*,.,s. t, When J. -Lente, -,- R. H. Iiicks's When the mlaehi -a was;. reached a bre-ad
36c,.'esch subsequent Insertion 16c , , tog,
- .Ash our r f . _
dt;dvertisemente sent In without In- ��- -- -- � plane took c�ft' ca its own accord from inI ox bo hater it Nk% found that _- Y g QCer for ;�
structions as to the number of in• Mitchel field air_rnrt recoi4tly it ways the obs �ve2'.triad lhem`tltrown head
Eerttoas anted will r in until order• " 'ROYAL
w 1�� There was no help for Dorothy, here•
ed. o i char sd accord- '`, - �+a foot the flrs�t tune that: •suelf. an event first into a mu•dhole, said• was in the
out, and will 1 be gGhe IIs seemed to farce this Strange situs- : rY lin ilio mud
iagly.' "Ratosfor' ilsplay advartising -n just has taken place. Several years ago comical process of aF B
ad tion wholly as a matter of worse, j
miada known on ainlicatirr.. ! m a pilot landed an a, flying t%ld in from his face wheat the renetums, ar-
Ivan, -_ad renown' he would take it
Communications intended for publl- i -� y as I England to visit a friend, Taxfituglrived:� The pilot, however, was dead 1
cation mus as a gltarantoo 4f good " TT IN ME and Dorothy glimpsed' again the great ,
t, • • pig , up to,thie hanr,•aas, ho jinnped out"sing with a btokeic' nzek, and yet the plane
faith; be accompanied by the name of / 0 universe that separates the races.
qi left his engir_e runniing; intandiiirg to was oat in tine least damaged, and lues
rho writer. . �, Ila p n ,Course.I can depend on you• return almost iurtnediately This was f!own:that very might across the lines, STANI)ARD FQUt4L1TY
G. a. HALL, M, R. CLARK, ' � 7. jj, ��g� � . /j/ljJ �/C]y �y ] % Ivan asked. a dbublb itufr uctien of the t eigu'lat5gtis'.FLEW' I KILTS, fOR-0VER 50YEIlFt5
Proprletor. IMilo,. r' ilJ d � lV1LE�W4Y!4✓ "Sure. She's your wife. 'What you N LTS. '
xa m_,�Y _ ., ,- „�- _.._ - .__,. .,._. say Deal, In trio flxat plaao, he shoul�dl not Have -
� I
' ' left life eineitte runnin and; in the! ,More humorous was the case n .
. ! ei g" "That's all for now. She Wright g pilot ,who was lino vtr as the Mad-_--.�_-_�--____-_�_-
`- "* '+ - . even attempt to, escape from my tent second inutateo;Qha should not havoaI Ighlander," partly because he a1-
� off tonight;, but I,: do 't think I'll hoed left the control lever.,uniutched, whrtlt waI flew in kilts: and parol"I because
i< D - T BE .IN HERE T'OD.�:Y.,, tuxes of..tha camp; and, farther..'off, , ..,, ;R - he dud. - - .
s eTAGG t t with outstre'tebod your, help, tie paused,'waiting till, t was�he leas intrepid to the point of idiocy. . ,. ' ® ^
(Peter NewhaP, Augusta, Ga., .flees a thin white 91 os ,w What happe_ied, appal,'viv ly, . ;
cos arkod with rho ;man moved, back to his dugout: Ono day,°havisug lie
for •about: ten ,�" i
to Alaska, after being told by Ivan arms that was the axes m .. " that a smdden pull of wind got un x. c p®�
Ishmin Russian violinist he had Peter Nelvdtall's name; and it showed "You'll find the other breed's point of tiouas all told, he task up an Avro I i
BANKER d - en's see- d re_ view just the same, Dorothy," he ex- rife �arbaard site ^easy. foaei.ag the' about 5,000, feet, where ho put it
rowned Paul Sattchef, ,shin faintly the alternate charge an „. control stick, over to ane side, thus II ,a spin ,said s.
retary. I•Ie joins Big Chris Larson in: treat of the ocean's white -maned cav- Plained.' If ,you hadn't married me pun diown From that
response to'n drstretis'srgnal at sea, needed to. he'd re glad to"fight •for you. Now shatirly sLrtltirrg the, throttle lever, g •g g 'und, The �:
A general, Banking Business traasaet• giving Larson his sea jacket. Their lry on the beach. Pete held
b m wire He'll ore me. Of which was fixedr to alt., side of the fu- en n straight into the ground.
ed. Ho g g - J , Isoorc .l5itt once at the slight, cowering Y Y. y engine was buried nearly three fest
fes Discounted. Drafts leaned. launch, hits root.,. Larsons bodyeel's e. The next instant the latus
d • r�ixr'a of rho girl ieadin with -course Sarichof is my faithful servant
int ? ,deep, while the fuselage •site wings
Interest Allowed ,on Deposits: Salo buried as Netvllal,.s. Peter, rescue „fes g P g _in everythin .Axe you convinced?" etugtne full on, was careering madly worn reduced almost to splintxrs -but
Notes Perch finds injutnes have completely changed bands and "sye3, broken with terror g y dpwn the field. Being :noble, it rase I
ased. his appearance. and despair -to know that the affair There was no help' here. Likely fro urine midst of the wreckage- the
Doloth a d lsh nfn to Alaska; P even Pete would admit the Mongol's rf %ts own scooter and was sewn lost' to uMnd Iiighlainder emerged, complain _ - t
" y n , go was swiftly reaching its inevitableview. Eventually it was found, more
ling to return Peter's body They do not chinas• An ,instrument longand 'ownership of her, body and soul. A �tng loudly that:he Izad�cut'his knee:! f
- recognize Peth't• in their head guide. A single t p than •a mile away, a• complete crash••
rave• dark, on. which occasionally the fire- g d 'y 'sib .res ad at her throat Still uadw n was the ease. of a ver- 1
T stoim'strands them at the g tress reflected .loam The cause -of a,stimlar acetdent: is }
Hr T. RANGE Ishmin ces for supplies. Petei falls. light foun, da res g ,and she jaglit i . o if about to dart tarn. sgnt twice
coinear to who never
Notary Pu g the wall of the dugout, mush ntoei mystnous: A Niue of I
Y blit, Cenveyanc_„ to a u11 on a humping tri Dorothy. stood against a -away in fl4ight into the and the eve ercept..tmce a year to gtnaIiiy for _
g y trip.. g storm. .But even this doubtful facie seven or eight heavy bombers of the ,his flying' pay. No one so fax as is
Elbandal, Ileal Estate and fire In• 'finds,her,greatest hal.piness to xesen- and . moving quietly, he took it into y T !r
euranee Agent. Representing 14 fire.' w s note ouchsafed her: than moved Pusher type were being loaded on an known, ever encouraged him to go up, g ung him. Ishmin returns aey are
liis. ou -w aerodrome m trance, preparatory to
Insurance Companies. accepts his proposal and. they are mar- "You wouldn't take mo against my towardater,'a !notionfastas the leap , one sid+a of .the bine an- ,for when he did he Invariably crashed, ,
4tvlslon Court Office, Clinton. Tied by a native zaest. Pet goes to „ of a ti er, et i a raid.. .At
p Pani Satichef will, Ivan, "Sbe pleaded, trying to S Y giving no image of otter machine was being whoelled out On one occasion he discovered that he ,1 -
__`' gips them best wishes. neat exeit!otm, afld his arms
a pears on the scene, TGorothy ra egnvince herself as well as the obdur- g' pinned of the Tian er. Foti Bonus reason or inustsi immediately or forfeit a not s:
om' s to marriage anti .colts Isla- ate figure before her, "Ivan,`you have her to her .side. Then, with .no show g ineonsiderabla part of his income. A
1 nee tl ag other it was left. fnciru this ends of the- �i
BRYDONE' min lien husband's murderer. forgotten wbo I am -who you are, of effort, he lifted her bodily and • g machine was wheeled out far him, the w k.
OW CO ON WITH THE STORY. -You aro not a beast" started into the tent. lois of planes,. about 100 yards fur-inomunal Diviner looking iuefiitlly on. % ,n,
6'arrtater, 5oltcitor, Notary Publlc,eto, N ` - _ +'We don't consider it reastly among Cher along the field. A moehanicl eo The wind was blowing d _ - e;"'
Pete the • guide stepped into the g across warm _. , -.
circle of firelight. His rifle rested in he said afterwards, thought the •switch! greenhouses to ono side of the field, a - v'
Office: CHAPTER XIX•-(Cant'd,) the Mongols to bend our wive-, to aux g was on and Promptly threw itaut• It -E '
The slant of his smoky, shadowed ,will. I know what you were, if that's the hollow of his stain. His rugged, p' and there was not a Worn present who �' a x
, &LOAN eLOGf{ CL1fvSON a list imagination, ed what you mean, and. what you .are -weather-beaten face was stark whitey Appeared that the Switch on this par -I die! not feel -exactly wbat form the in -
seemed, m g Put her down" he said slowly ticular, machine was •upside d%Vu, and l evitable, disasber would, take -so much
centuated; she felt that the dread now. You were an. American lady, Ivan turned inJilfinite scorn, as he the mechanic, instead of ths�e he'go, indead, that the flight comnt�nder q
' apix!t of sleeping passion that was rich and great, spolled by the weak- set the girl on her feet. Ho met the out, throw it my but them + some mecitrtiiics to the edge er e
DR. I C. * GANDiER the soul of this strange, far -western rens you Americans know as chivalry ,
Ottfce Hours: -1,3U to 3,3o p.m., 6.30 night had passed to him, ^and was but now you're a Mongol's wife, an titans quiet, unfaltering gaze, He ddd so urs engine started np in some the field nearest the glans houses. ` F. M .
saw, dimly, that -'the hand that held mysterious way, carrying that plan's 1
to 8.00,6:m Sundays, 12.30 to 1;30 p.m, coming to life within him, The, cul- therefore a Mongol's property, You + Y+ The gallant major• tvalkel breezily
g the weapon was steady as a vies of straight far the ons of inion t s, out of ,his office, clad like an Eskimo,
Other hours by appointment only. tared gentleman, .the distinguished, are not supposed to have a will from iron. With almost meticulous recision the
Office 'a gracious social favorite that she had this time on, Dorothy, except as you „ , P though it was a warm summer day.
'and Rcsidel -- Vtctorla St. known in the South had passed away, reflect my will." , "You're taking a dangerous risk, battoiii part plane can each of the "I�Tonlinal Owner"'shook hds hood pada '
s ' "o this des egan lie .spoke it his usual rather quiet Pete," he said evenly, "Put tip that vadders of the waiting machines, In threw a parting kiss to his cherish- - 'i
_ to the fierce pa,smon f R grin and close your eyes if you don't causing them to .fall heavily backward ad lane and walked hav awe
. DR. FRED G, 'Y HOMPSON hour, and only the Mongol was ]eft, voice, yet, $he knew that the firs th tt p y yin )
Q':illee the.'ravisher' out of Asia. consumed frim was :at a desperate like What you see, and most -of all upon their tail bcoina,. ,the direction of the officers' mets. Be -11
and Residence. don't start anything that you can't \ PAINTS IN AIR. fore taking a# the major instructed
Ontarlo Street. "I dare,to to nnythhtg-that is my ,
Clinton, Ont. „ c carry through. I'll do what. I like
_ r< y, 'encs in a mechanic to riots nig time in, the air
One door west, of, Anglican Churcjr rtglit; he,lold hex simply, no longer ��2 Lad Heaths revert exgeri
carefili to lower his voice. Dorothy, with this woman. She is my wife, fainting in the utr from an attack of i with a stop watchs-•it was only nee
- " Phone 172, I ,,Pete's quiet gaze did not waverl allostroke and yet landing safely but ess'ary'for him to fly twice a year; the .
Eyes examined and glasses tilted. You •are my wife. You are mine, and The ruddy light poured over him. unconscious tvexo delightfully vague
` Qlt. PERCIV 1�L those kisses are mine. What I avant unconscious aIn the AfII veldt was • xegula a y g
"She is not our wife," he said^ clear-
H'11j I will take." Iy. Y one -that had several parallels in wai- •concerning the length of each flight. 8397
Office and Ilestdeuce; ,,But I told you I renounced that bine attiatron. In the Daily part of Finally the chocks veers taken away -..
Huron Street Ivan opened ,his ripen and his arias the twat some British pilots saw a from the wheels and the major rush -
Clinton, Oat. marriage-" ��, were limn at his ,ids• Dorothy uttey- y `
Phone 69' Ivan smiled, as if in perfect self- I British plane corning away freta the ed away to u dust to the centre of the j
,i1i'ormerir occupied by thN late Dr. confidence. "You car."t renounce itl ( ' i - ed one long -drawn gasp that whisper- linos in a long, ateady glide. It pass- field,, tine plane swaying to part and -
C. W. Thompson), A ntartia o .fasts forever from our I ad strangely in the silence. For her ed logy directlY aver an aerodorome,, starboard like an angry cat's tail, iJp SCHOOL SMARTNESS POR'TIiE
Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted, g ( the veil still. hid the truth, but it was
point of view. She knew that he was and yet the pilot made no attempt to i he went --straight into the green- YOUNG GIRL.
being Swept away Mice mist before the
speaking -not alone of his particular jV l: t f the le. Sh ret 'us aC the circle and, land Suspiaioua that a houses. The pd�ne- as, -enol, wash The frock illustrated gives you ae J
Did. H•. A. MO:INT�KB � ro' b is a gn e l j t
DENTIST tribo and country, but of the whole German find got hold of n British dna t most ti complete write; w but the idea how smart a school ith can he
eve of some profound climax. !china and twos attemptin a landing s major, cheerful as ever; wai also a<
NTIST East. ,,you are my wife, legally and ' g • j when made from flannel, with just the ,,
Ofllee hours 9 to 12 A.M. and .1 to definitel • and never, for, a moment „ Ivan fought away an mexplFCable oil their side of the 'lines, the affiCars usual, unhurt Tearing back to the right touch of contrasting colon utsl" i
!; P - AL, Y> \ sense of disma a vague, creepy ter- that hapi- m safe lvith the oto watch he ell• d belt. Thera as an
aL, except Tuesdays and wednes• believe that this is a Western mar- , Tor that had penetrated to his heart. tit que^tion seized a tender tl F I oeh R c + "Y for collar, .cuffs an
days. O81ce over 'Canadian National ria e. Please don't confuse me with , „ P „ ened to be at hand and' ,drove off at ed "Did you get the time?" Yes, inverted plait at each side of the :,':cart
press, Clinton, Ont. a Vtestdrner, or think that the will a Are you a foal'] he asked. ' You saw 1high speed In the dlareetion in which t.sir," 4+esponded the meehanic, dryly, front, and the back is plain. The nar- !i
Phone 21. live by a Western code. I fancy you me Mary her. Th, marri�e was thp,. lie had di_,aplieared. I "forty -free secandu." "Good!" said rote belt fastens with'a button at each i
D�. - will find that we of the East look on I Tcu minutes later they came across the major,-(N.Y. Time .) plait, while the long sleeves are Bath^
F. A. AXON - womanhood a little differently from Pete shook hi's head. "It was not i
legal. It couldn't bo Legal. She is the tnacliitas ire the noddle of a largo! Bred to anis rands. No. 1307 is in sizes
DENTIST the men to whom you are acct;siomscl, 6 Peter iVswhall's tvite!" field, its prop Iger stopped, and the Cosa Much oney 6 F,,19, 12 and 14 years, Size 8 ra j
Clinton, pati but you'll get' used to it in time, x "But Peter Newhall iai dead!" pilot and obssrvea• Still sitting in their quires 2% yards 39 -inch material, and
Graduate of C.C.D.S., Chitin o pleaded with you at first, which s I-ot ++put her dawn," he. said stover , respective cackp1w. The Officers, ►�+ y� y rix yard contrasting. 20c the pattern; i
Y• Ivan s voice was shrill and strap a dl ® Replace Barn '
Chicago, , and in the code; but I don't inte d strange, stopping the tandem, shouted to theta, !a Many styles of arft,rt apparel may
RX.D.S„ Toronto. not his own. Ali lit grew on Dor- F �be found in our Fashion Book. Cu
Crown' and Plate wa •k plead with. you any more. You are heigut. He no longer attempted self- othy's stricken face un it it was a''but thero was no res •ansa Still thor- .
t a apsejalty a Mongols wife, and flint means you oughly suspneoua, they approached Destruction of Building by designers originate their patterns ,
twill give what he asks, think what lief restraint. Asia was in drininattct, wltita flame, surpassing bel;ef, the silent machine -Dein pilot and Ob• Fire i9 Bi Loss t0` the heard of the style contras. au'.,
D. H. Mc .-----7- 1 •int' he :lived toward iter tike a q!or, "He ivas dead to the lilting world, g
Chiropractor-!=tectricat says far you to think, and d., what he g R , server were stons dead- Closer friar th observer 1 y their creations are those of tester'
nous ti er-thu very spirit of Asia- lint he has risen' was fire answer, owner To -da brought within the uteans
Treatment. says to do. In time you will leant it „ » vestigatian bowed - popularity, g ,
W Inn, be at the Comuier• is the best way -to let our husband toward its old I am Peter Newhall.
• tial Inn, Clinton,Cil.a, an'A4o day, Wetiva - y i " " had bean s'hOt and instantly killed; +'1 went around to inspect Dame of of the average woman. Price of the ii
s decide all these hard matters. Dont !f you hold oto again, III cry for ,� (To be continued.) i
day and Friday forenoons of cash help,' she told'Stim, half whispering- whi• s the pilot, mortally wounded, our risks the other. day and found a $book 11c the copy. r 1i
1. weela 'tet there be any more talk of renin „Cly for help if you want to. ' I'll ; . had had presence of mind before het barn which would cost $4,000 to re- HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS.
D!f eases of aiat on -of lyiiat you will do andtlthat The french Senate has r,,jeoted a lost consarausnesti to head leis, plans' ,p;laco with an old shingle roof to
all kinds. successfully > shear Pete down like the WoAora cur, last to conscript women in time of Writo�your nano and address plain -
handled, you will not Ito. Tie paused to steady R p homo and switch off the eng!rte. He ver p vin number and size of suc`i
„ he b if he dares to interfere, But I y had shake; Harry sc a er, nacre• ly, giving
his vibrant; tremulous voice. Dor- dons Anybody who has ever erred to i probably had died on the way drown. ,tart' of 'the National A �actatlott of p r
GEORGE ELLIOTT judge lie's lived at this edge of the 1R I atterns as.You want. referred 20c in
OTT oth we of the East do not worship East long enough to learn not to In Conscript a woman will understand II perhaps one of the queerest acyl- r Mutual rite Companies in Indiana, I stamps ox co"�'t (coin preferred; wrap
the beaut and the ra lure we et why- 1 r^ its that ever happened scorned `€or each number and
Licensed Auctioneer for the Count Y p g terfere in a man's family affairs, c t RR told the anuuat meeting of the On•'it carefully)
of Huron. Y .out of womanhood. Such is woman's triose men know I'm in my rights- tarso Mutual Fire Unds�rwrlI As•� address your order to Wilson Pattern
. Correspondence piotuptl;- answveed, place -to give us that. When a we even our chivalrous Southerners 'g �j Service, 7$ West Adelaide St., Toronto.
satiation fat Toronto Ciro other etas.
Immedlate arrangements can be made man marries a man of my bread he ever Y Strange Friends & "I asked this •man whait fusuranas xs Patterns sent mail.
for Solos Date at el he News•ltecord alvns hemi -booty enc soul!'^ ' Iwould know that, whdther they pre- ( --
Clinton, or by calling Phone 203, n sudden upward -flaring: of the1. tended to or not Allo* me to con -
Charges 11loderaW sort satisfaction Ivinee you just what good calling for
. Guaranteed, .� camp fire showed the strange scene in
would do.."'
vivid detail. It showed Ivan, his thin, Iia half turned and called quietly '
B. R. HIGGINS . ' almost beautiful face strikingly pale to e halff. His tone was utuni sled-
Cttnton, Ont tittd drawn from the devastation of his ably that of an imperious master to
•General Fire Bud Life ladnrance.'Agent passibns, his white hands tremulous his slave; he might have been an
for Hartford Windstorm, i,ive Stook, with restrained power, standing be. Oriental sultan calling to one of the
Automobile and.Sickbesr and Accident) side the fire confronting the girl; it eunuchs of his harem, Yet Pavlof
insurance Huron and Erts and Cana- showed Dorothy, cowering from him, did not take offense. He hurried;
I Trust Bonds. Appointnents made her beautiful hands clasped at hat
" to meet parties nt B`rucogsid, Varna, fawning into the circle of light.
and Bayfield: 'Phone 41. breast, her red' moyth ugly and hag- „ ' „
gard front the extremes of terror, and My bride here is a little unruly:
every trace of her lovely, dull -red cot, Ivan said easily, You know hots it
1 r 1 ' t w ' oring wiped from her face; it showed is, sometimes, Pavlof. She's just a
`°-�-�•+ little nervous and .rebellious -unci -I
TINIF TABLE -'the dark forms of Sarichef, and thei:might need a very small.amonnt of
Trafns.wfll'a;rlve at :and depart^irgmo'.packeistiat the shadowed mouth�hel ."
- Clinton as follows:' of'tlte dugout, arrd Pete, at his watch Pavlof bowed. slightly;, -but he did
Sufralo'and Goderioh Div. at the far edge of: the ,circle p of fire- not speak. The lines seemed to deepen
Going East; depart 0.44"a.m, light; it sbowed trio commonplace fm
�� " " 2,62 p.tn. _ \ and strengthen on his dusky face as
Going 'West, ar. 11.50 a.m. , r lie waited Jor his orders.; otherwise he
. •• ar, 6.08 dp• 0.53 p.m: V �/i ! I v j i aVe no sign.
. •/ „ ar. 10.04 p,m: it ,jr y�i % Were going to change our plaits,
Condon, Huron & Broce Div, Y �� ��/ , /i " Pavlof," Ivan went on. "We're not
Going South, ar. 7.66 dp. 7.50 a.m. %r v I
4.10 p.in �/'/r � %j going _to. the 'outside, after all. 1
.Going North, depart 6.60 pian. . V11 y i+, �n ifs watit you to be the head guide front
ST. 11.40 •' 11.51 a.m. (/, -•,y -, now on, and I}va>ht ,you to guide us °•
to one of the Esquimo villages-avoitf-
ing carefully all the white. Settle
The IfIdi op MutuM I i ments. This ladyarid I,are going to
it / / lose ourselves among the natives until
�i �%� she learns to'think differently along
Fin Insurance Company` certain lines. She objects somewhat
fir `i ��
i� it -`•to going, and . lint . afiiaid,thatfor a
Head Office, 5eaforthy E7!nt<11
DIRECTORY: : few days, until she gei;5 the right.
PresitTetit oa es Connoil G ri%' " �� point of view, we'Thave to treat her
cathed aria he batrl $1000. He did Canadian R�G$11$ Dates List 'i
But s -cm veslt koen.Fn ,puutting on a t
• new fire proof root unid-I. I to,14,11am Fort Erie and.Halnilton Tracks !I
ten tate 1 OO runcaffe Campaiiy aarild bat- him Che Toronto, Ant. --The chid lel af' the
in as o fire than he could to I first 'cries of race nle i -s t:,r„_M the I
$1,200 t urisdietion•of the Canadian Racing
Put up the other, $2,800 which'] :
Nmulld: be necessary- to replace tiro Assaciatnon as announced by that
building. :Ho saw the Point the. and body shows tl FiI Erie and Ham:l- i
ordered a new root:" ten tTAC10 119tod despite repots t'I""'t .
iRlr, I•ioopSr Waged that all farmers , bath of these jockey clubs might drop
" shoold keep their butldthgs in'a, good cut dine to los as laver sense ct•
stn,te� of repair wan non-combustible The olledille fol'NAVS:
woofs and llghtrrhig rods litstall 1. "It May 19 to May 2G, Ontario Tr,%le3y
el' Club, at Wo ;bine Pa lc Toronto.
a sts,m-oney to replace buftdhigs nowt. MI 2s•to June 4 Th-ti.cliffe Par'.c
a-daY ," he Sta•ted.. "biome money by a
> • od deal ;then inter fanriters -can af- "Racixu t and Brcedi1 . A s ,1ciation, 7o- ;
fog�d " . A,. delegate pointed out that rOntO'
muni? farms, valueal ` at $16;000 had Jtnte 6'to dune 13, Connay.1lit Park I
buildings• which co,iid not be repia i Jockey lig to Ottawa
ed at modern cons,tructton' costs for J -one 16 to June 23, Montreal Ja:key
rlu�h, Blue Bannete, 11Ienbreal•
leve than two-thirds, of t'he,value ;of " June 25 to Silly % Hanham Jo, -key
r ore
the wh�cds fitrm. He Tulsa urged m Club.
�C&,ro in .protecting .these structures July 4 to July 11, Ningara R•ueina
Bud BdvoeIated frequent insgasctlon on Astaciatiarv, Fort Erie.
t4to pent oE. the •;St Stuarice campantas July 14 to July 21; DaryaI Joci.e•Y
by experLs, who w=.Id point out ex 010 Montreal.
cessive riatts and Suggest remedles. --;i --
% At a; cc if -pence on agriculture o.t
Witti' ampa aie the last things onrl the Lontdon rchoo•l of Economics, Afr•.
expects to ftt,d in dictionarlei:� But
thera is a'r.',•c lei:.d Isv!ty about a mod- G. X. C'liestertoti gave an addtcati ort
ern taruard w'ork's definition of n "Tto Fallacy of Mass Production."
Van serpent as 'an ene,rnious Marine Still, England has t o oaus'e. to lege of
animal of seep it•like form, frequent- having p,yoduced Mr, Chesterton.
__., 1
ly `tent and t ..rtbed by. credulous' J _ .
y, 0 erich, ;,Z - �� like a rFsoner.. I mi- itt- need ou ,. - 'S.GOAT asailors finis' n•atiyC landsiren,. aitd aP'-"I anF�pa••se pau'ra
Vice, James Evans, Beechlvood p. g Y ' YOU CAN T GET THI&DOG gt Mrs. Iiau •duo
See, Add to. the. joy of aha look nig out pretty sharp for work." w
Treasurer, Thos. I9. H • from tune to torte, to help guard:' ' 7iti i conmxon har'a•'° :h -"Walt lady, I ain't
Boys, Seaforth; open road=this pleasure. PIN ; This eriauiei h,avappointed Himself official gvas,ill of rh,.,s i.id on Lata Tired Tirnot y
bireetois. . George McCartney, pea.
Pavlof nodded, but he showed no ees of rumuin upon it 1
` giving refreshment. p :, r, . ,i,tt `s of made $amouas b� GaotS e fenny, said falces Lkie beset cats of Tn rheas d•ays:'a murder -i is crazy tal.ut no croon
1. I
>, .forth, D. F. MOGregor, Seafarth, J. 4. � u eco` ted urn ' � ,disrespect to, his master bY, oven the I_laiial, 1 a - • . .dioesai't lead insanity.: unawares." '
A.s gar a g that shgbtest•.glhnuier of a leering smile. hts 461tle pga-Salat,e• F of ha P I
Grieve, weii, Cl Wm. Ring, beaforth; affords double value: Pep. -:• - '
X. iMeEweir, Clinton; Robert ferries _ -
r Harlock;'Jolhn Benaewetr,, BrodhagaI ' perimint flavor in the gugar 0' - -- _ _ _-___-_..--__--�. �-
Jas, Connolly, Goderich, 1 coating andpeppermint fj/' •I 1.
,. 1
Agents: Alex. Leitch, Clinton; J. W, " flavored gum y(', ' ' `
i' Yeo, Goderic(t; Ed, ITlnchray. Sea t,
y inside.
Toth; W. Chesney, Egm4advtl!o; ii 7!'- 1t ,
O. Jarmuth,'13rodhagea. ,.. r
�d�pS41M l r r.
Any money to ire pard In may be itis y itfS�` rr
pald to MoorL,b Clothing Co., clintan, St1f't' j rw°�p I '
�' 0`
" pr at Cult's Grocery, C?odorlcli. q i % ' `'
Parties,dosiring to affect Insurance
or.'"transact other ru#Iness ,Hill ba. . ta,i. Between PONg� �a
promptly attended to on!1PPlicatlon to: CID $1nrlresi �* i �@ y g' u Y , �a OU. j��jd�I ,7�S
any of the above oMgers addressed to Com, 0 W. 0, W / . °8 lI'°by ,¢ L I e'`f,dte&LV�SS °0�"' Pies, Cakes, Bans and _Bread r.� OES ��� 1.7�A.
eaxect i e y IthepDJre,st 4tor iVbLosses
a es • _. ISSUE No 16-'291.
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