HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-04-05, Page 6.• • ,•," .• .••• • ,, • ,
• • „',• • • • . • • •
afteiI:31,Mo ment plan— h on the inst
2 • I
woa must
: •
, hispecLo
a Barik• -tan '§'0011 "buyif'•You.tre4t-...•••.!
• . your savings as a monthly --b111---an oblige- ., Mrs_. 1;14M., Stanley and.ftgai?Y, wish
- non that must be met1 tJlafll theit kin filen s and neigh
bere"".for the kindness; and sytripathy
Ask for a copy of our Budget seek shown in •their recent bereavement.
It will help -you co save, .
. - •
h It() al B k•
'137°C) of Cnada'.
Clinton,trancit E. Manung,1VIanager •
Mrs. Thos. Baird,Sr IVA'. and Mrs
1.3-. Baird and Mr. Geo, T. Baird.
inttended.the funeral of the late Mrs,
.Jas. Wilson, in Goderich last" Thurs-
Mrs. Angus Gordon of Shepperton
„spent a . few days visiting her sister,
.Mrs. - Thos. Baird,, Sr.
On Thursday afternoon,, March
:29th, a goodly number of the -friends,
of Miss Grace McCowan, met at her
home and presented her . with a mis-
cellaneous shower of useful gifts,
-prior to her marriage 'to Mr. -James
"McDonald of Tuckersmith, after
-Which a dainty lunch, prepared brthe
'ladies, was served.
Miss Betty Stewart of Hensall was
home over the week -end.
Miss Margaret McGregor of Mc-
Donald College, Guelph, is home for,
•-a ten days' -holiday.
Mr. John McFarlane, Jr., left
Monday afternoon for the Peace
-River District.
The Leap Year Box • Social, which
'was held last Wednesday evening, at
the home of Mr. .and Mrs. Edward
Glen, was a decided success. A good
pregram, prepared by Mks. Hender-
son and Miss 'Pentland, - consisted of
Piano 'duets, solos, readings, and a
chorus by - the school children. The
ladies did ample justice to the good
lunch provided by the gentlemen.
A-fteu lunch a spial hour was spent
in dancing. • •
Messrs. Whi..and John Armstrong
were the guests of- friends in Goder-
ich one day- last . week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee McCennel were
the guests of the latter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. David Stephenson, last
week.. •
Mr. Geo. R. Johnston had a very
successful auction sale last week,
Mr. Johnston intends moving to God -
midi 'to live. •
Mr. Elgin McKinley was in Clinton
one day recently on business. •
Mr. Frank Boyce was the guest of
his brother, Mr. Victor -Boyce of
• Goderich one day last' week.
Mr. William Scotehmer was the
guest of Mr. Ernest Townshend of
the Huron Road on Thursday last.
The following is"the report of S.
S. No, 1, for the month of March:—
Jr.4th—Total, 570; Norma Shipley
386; Karl Stanbury, 331; "Flossie
Stelck, 278.
Sr. 3d—Total 570; • Nora Stew-
art, 413; Stuart McEwen, 327; *Dor-
othy Stelck, 277; *Joe Corey, 267.
Jr. 3rd—Total, 570; Clarence Le
Beau, 324,
Sr. 2nd—Total 370; Ruth Rozell,
yr. 2nd—Total, 370; Jack Hender.
son, 247.
1st=Total 320; Bobby Glen, 228;
Afford Henderson, absent.
Primary—Total, 320; Helen Roz -
ell, 232.
Highest in class work, Bobby Glen.
Highest M. exams, Nora Stewart.
Highest in conduct, Norina Shipley,
Jessie Stelck, Joe Corey, Stuart Me -
Ewen, Sorothy Stelek.
Highest total, Nora Stewart
Perfect attendance, Stuart 1VIcEw-
en, Jack Henderson, Bobby Glen.'
Banner Class, Jr, 4th. .,
' Number. on roll; 13, average 'at-
ndance,- 10,76. ,. •
—Margaret A. Pentland, teacher.
'Colborne TOwnship. '
" A "
Mr, Lie Potter of Detroit spent
several faays with: Mr. Tom Wilson,
Mr. Verne Mpealieghas taken over
tbe farixi- thatlIVIr.,Potter left about
a year ago. • ,,••
• Miss Amelia,. MeIllwain spent Tues-
day, Nitednesday and Thursday with
Miss Winnie Marsh.
Mrs. A. afelllwain, who -has -been
visiting:With friends in Detroit re
turned home this week. - • '• '
Detroitpapers publish the news of
the marriage of. Miss Lucy 'Walters,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William
Walters; Of the 4th concession, to Mr,
Arthur pprogg of Wiarton, on Sat-
urday, March 24th. Mr. and Mrs)
Sprogg will reside" in Detroit.
•with Mr. -.-and Mis. R, M. Young. •
IVIr. Fred Claris, who has been em-
ployed for some tipie with Mr. C. A.
Robertson, has hired -with Mr. F.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Westlake and
four children have, moved to Goder-
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cory spent Sun-
day with the latter's- mother, Mrs,
Rob. Bean. ,
Parties continue to be in full swing.
One at Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hortons,
Wednesday night, another at Mr. Ar-
thur Jones', Nile, and one at Owen
Moores Friday night.
Irlias Ennie McDonald. •spent the
week -end with friends in Goderich.
Rev'. E. A. Poulter has announced
-a continuance of special services at
Berimiller: His past addresses were
,very much appreciated. His subjects
Sunday, "The Ilnpardontible
Sin," Monday, "Is Heaven Interested
in Ille?"'• Tuesday, "What is God
Like•?"; '"WedriesdaY, "Are the "Un-
saved Lost"; Thursday, "Mothers Re-
ligion"; Friday, "Young Peoples'
tigiou" Easter moreing, "Hew to Be-
come a 9,mistian,"- Evenitig,". Today
and TopiWow.'f
Miss 18001 Young of Overph Ag-.
" It I - arid•;.•• two
friends are spending , their holidays
MARTYN--JUDD—In Detroit, on
March 29th, Annie Josephine,
• youhgest daughter of 1VIr. Tkes,
Judd of Clinton, to Maitland
ald lVfartyn of Detroit, formerly:tat;
WENDORF—In Clinton hospital,- on
• April 2nd, to Mr.ana 1VIrs.
Wendorf a daughter.
• Deaths
MadMIJRCHIE—In Clinton, on lVfar.
30th, James MacMurchic, aged 55
CARRICK—In Clinton, on March 31,
Dila Davis, widow of the late Hen.'
ry Carrick, aged 77 years.
WOODS—In Goderich township, or.
March 30th, John Woods, aged 82
yetrrs. . •
SNYDER—In memory of Harvey B.
Snyder, beloved husband of Joy
Lobb, who passed away on April
4th, 1027. .
. "Death like a narrow stream de -
The Heavenly land from this
There the companion ,of my soul
- abides •
In silence, bis life I miss.
- May he go faring 'on as dear
In the love of there,. as the love
of here."
MOFFATT—In loving memory of
our dear husband and father, John
T. Moffatt, who died one year ago,
April 2, 1927.
gone, dear husband and father,
gone forever,
How we miss your smiling face,
But you left us to remember,
None on earth can fill your place.
A happy home we once enjoyed,
• How sWeet ' the memory still,
But death has left a loneliness
The 'world can never fill.
—Sadly missed by Wife and Family
Will Take Cattle to Pasture
• 20 head of yearling and 2 -year-old
cattle will be taken for grass this
season. Pasture on farm formerly
owned by Robert Cant, Summerhill• ,
Good -pasture, plenty of shade and
water. Rate reasonable. Apply , to
Jackson Bros., R. R. No, 2, Kipped.
• Phone 134r5, Seeforth central. '
Agent with- auto for the W,atkins
lite'for. townships of. Hulletc-Mc-
Killop, part of Colborne and Geder-z.
ich township. Apply to Williard An-
drew, Exeter - • . • 56-2
fer 'Sale
A nirrairer Of•goodyoung.fillies ,and
geldings, fiona,1200..to 1660 Ibe.. Ern-
est Townshend, Huron Road, west
Phone_ 601r15, Clinton Central.
Firemen's -Dance •
The. annual_ card party and deuce
of the Clinton i'ire Company Will be
given in the town hall on Tuesday,
April 27th, at 8.30,, •, •
For ,Sale or Rent
Town lot; one acre in size, good
garden soil. Immediate possession.
Apply to Wm. Rutledge, or phon• e
115, Clinton. • 56-1
Also to the ;km . friends w o loaned
their-qictba- for the funeral and those
who 'marked'theirn.respect by, floral
• The family of the late Mr. John
Woods wish to express theft. appiee-
'att.:Pr-for 'the kindness shown -during
the illness and death of.their father.
They are also grateful for the kind-
ness shown -by. .the Members, of . tho
L. 0. L., and for the many floral tri
: -
butes. 11fr.'s..1-1. C. Cox, R. R. No, 2
Mr. Walkinshaw and fam-
ily desire to express their sincere ap-
preeintion of the kindness shown by
friends and neighbors in their recent
•Tire and Rim Lost
- On Cut line, between Holmesville
and Porters Hill, a new 31-440, semi -
balloon, Goodyear tire, on rim. Fin-
der kindly communicate with J. R.
Torrance, R. R. No. 2, Bayfield.
Phone 600r24, Clinton central. 56-1.
Hatching Eggs for Sale
Silver grey, Dorkings, $1.00" per
setting of 13, $7.00 per 100 eggs. Ap-
PlY.to Mrs. Edward Glen, Sr. R. R.
N. 5. Phone 620r15, Clinton con -
56 -2-p,
•Paper Collection
,•Er:The Home and School Club will
slake their annual collection of old
'Papers,' magazines; ete,r the first
week in May. • 56-4.
Fine Sturdy Chicks
On IVIarch 20th; we shiPped,Mr. W.
Gbodhew, Halifax, N. S., 150 chicks.
These chicks were 24 hours old then
shipped; and were 52 hours on the
way. • We have since received a let-
ter from 1V'r 00°dt:ow stating tha't
they were line 'sturdy elliclt-s, all a-
live and giving us an order for' 50
more. We 'ire booking orders for
May now, order early not b b •
'disaPPointed., 12iiNi. Scott SannY,
• Crest Farm; Seaforth, Opt,
--Eggs and Cedar Posts -for Sale
Hatching eggs from Barred Rock
hens, pure bred -to -lay strain. 3e per
egg, Also some cedar posts. Apply
to Brown Stewart, R. R. No, 2, Bay-
field. Phone 606r5, Clinton central,
. Seed Oats and Barley
A quantity of .improved Banner
oats and No. 21 0.A.C. barley for
.sale. $1.00 per bushel. T. R. Jen-
kins, R. R. No, 3, Clinton. Phone
610r23, Clinton central. 56-2-p,
Cooks Stove for Sale
Cosy Home Quebee cook stove,
burns wood or coal. Good baker,
Mrs, J. Armstrong, Orange. street,
Clinton. -• 56-1-p,
For Sale
Power spraying machine, London
make; 3 -horsepower engine, 200 gal.
tank:. Net large enough for present
owner. Apply to R. S. Sinith, P. 0.
box 344, Clinton. Phone 114. 56-1
Clover Seed for Sale
A quantity of No. 1 Government
tested red clover seed. Can see sam-
ple at Andrews' chopping mill, Clin-
ton. J.. Butler, R. R. No. 2', Phone
604r23, Clinton central. 56-2-p.
Seed For Sale
A quantity of timothy seed and
yellow blossom sweet clover. seed for
sale. - Apply to J. J. Biggins, 11 R.'
No. 5,- phone6191:13, Clinton .central.
' 56-2.
• . House For Sale
A very desirable 7 room house in
splendid loeation, corner of Ontario
and East streets. Large cellar and
modern conveniences. Garden- , with
fruit trees and shrubs. Apply to
Mrs. W. Shipley , 56-2-p.
r, . • " -••• ' •
• '•,`„1•41-'4.•-,',.•',,..,•••;,"•-..*„•••.,
i. •st,Tiresil „.P, Tilb6daist- '" ' ,, Alb:Ice rsi9b6 Pr :)1 .1-1dsy ..elgtek:::- hot
a, ,A,' Dri131.'flf,' '61Y it.g'`146,°' 1)'(11Itorlrit 16i' Y9I'ile '
eohinciO1S-13-'). - 11 be, evet'Y hoe, ain't; t rkes• Ser. q' ..byere• now,
IS-Int.,11'Qo311U'f, 1'111'•C''IlIt11 5 )"111.' .tI' 6,1annlis- et - 'Ill.rk9 I). dYrn 1,6 6 ') ' to.
1.17°''' ' ' b daer" aplic) cgl -leased llige.1.11/11(1,t5rte14.- .1".diet.F l'OgI-CIrradi'
to.grks you, - kiee..,..Wo .... , , , . -
ree,e'priabt-11 - $.0 yoll. " " • - . ... ', ..•, • '' ........, , -, . , .
<::kt. e: Bi 1 1.1 Togi re' ;' SL: 17, AND CLINTON - 11$4 Own' Tre :sly'.- attii°a
'' tts ' hayep .
'f h"--,.-- we 1;1-4.Plet 1 fl, use
,., 1 po_ _ S • „ ci • • t ,.... pou. try ,•-•
uttejc, FactorY
e-Qtrelliiff',- ' ileOP and-,',„r4ones,- ffice; .214j .Residenee1",21:4w
".,44r4 , • ' • • 1. '' ':, `,‘ .-.• _ • , • , ,
'. And Ct H li.
it y ChlaCtkc Sing
Cheese: aull"_)311.06.26111,1)66Y- will re- l'
oppl:.,-ett:041:•1:a11:6O;:ijoil'I '''''CI °-°P• eratiTe . -:''li S :0m
APRIL 9th,,,
t-,;ii,,..et. the ..,.. , ,_, ,,.., ,,,. • -•-...,-., A ;:. S. C. W ,Legh,rn chicks 15,
price raticl, for -milk anrcreare, Check_•.1 ' ------ ,,,.„,4,-,t.',„, _., •
ties ' issued weekly. Your patronage -
'end Cheese. Highest min.:lie-if - , CUSTOM liATolt$,6,,,::;,,
, antliadfuVgek both '14ii.t., ,'. '' Barred Rock chicks 17c
-1cts. per egg for50 egg trri-ylor nore
• A Sacred Concert' '
will be held in.
• at 8 o'clock.
The augmented choir will sing
"The Crucifixion"—Stainer
4.11 are welcome. 25c Collection
- . 55-2
For Sale
The reSidetiee,• property of the late
Jairies Walkinshaw., comprising lots
.608,604 and 606, Maple .street,, Olin -
ton, ,n1,SraStaritial.
btick building,:eentairilng Ifkro,onia,
living dining raom, ' pantry,
,two Ittteheris;, 4bed rbeime ad batli
rpom, with!furintee, electric lighting,i,
town water and cistern, There .are
also a "st'ahle ,and 'ether oUtbitildings.,
Furthee•Padifettlars and feriiiicorsele
nreibe, had ,from Mrs. Walkinshaw,
Auction Sale
Of 45 head' ef..cattle to Ire•lteldat
the farm - of :the ...tindersignedjpst
west of Relniesville,'on-..Weatiesday„;
April lltli, irt 1.30 sharp, as jielloWs
CATTLE -12' fresh ,,etiws; '3 cow$.
to freshen in April; heifer .te-"fresh-
:en in',1Way;.' heifers to frePlien in
Aughat; 6'4161 -stein. heifers to -fresh-
en in. Oept, .and,Oct.; cows rising 4'
years, dry; ;heifers Tieing 3'•''.1spersf
Year-old Durham:, 2 HolStein, heifeis
8 weeliS old; 7 Aberdeen ,and Thirhain
calves, 1".niontli; heifer rising 2
• partly fat.',11ORSES---,Nicelf'iturnee
grey PercIteron 'mare; rising !-',5,'.1.500
• bay 7 aldjng, rising about
1506 ; lbs.; PIGS,--••Spw. with:: litter ;
Sow, and to fareow July- 201 ---York-
- shire hog, 2 years
• PLEMENTSNew .7 ft. gilt leering
binder; "Maesey,Harris..moter",',6 ft.
cut, :nearly net ; 'Horse rake; nearly
new; 10'. "ft ..na*1
,TudhOPS an(14"41e.bs61"10!...iai/Ili*haib;
enantity;',,,y Banner ", Cats;
-"Monthe,...etiedit,,,vill,:"...be 'ayiY.en en.
Atirnishinfrappreveit.jpiet not.4 • or a
discount ef 6 pei dent per aninire al.
Mitth;•Piritirietor•;•Gi,•••'0, Elliett.•Aue-
tioneer., • ir., . 564.,
We have a full line of Grass Seed.
Timothy, Alsike, Red Clover, Tel-
-low and White Blossom Sweet Clov-
er. Priees Reasonable.
Chick Mash, Chick Feed, Laying
Mash, •
Seed Barley, Seed Oats
„ ” •
• For Lighting and Hot Beds
H: W. Charlesworth
Truck will call twice a week at
our store, Huron street. Patrons
were well ..satisfied last year with
results. Give it a triai this year.
Huron 'Street, Clinton
Cottage For Rent
Furnished, cottage, to be rented for
six or eight menths, commencing in
April. Good location in residental
street, convenient to postoffice and
business section. Apply to .John
-Ford, Ontario street, Clinton; 55-2-p
Auction Sale
• Of Farm Stock and Implements at
Walker's Barn, Brucefieldron Mon-
day, April 9th, at 1.30 sharp, consis-
ting of the, following:
Cow, 4 years Old, due April 19th;
Cow 4 years old, due April 19th,
Cow, 8 years old, due April 20th;
Cow, 10 years old, due May 5th; 2
heifers, 2 years old, due in May; 2
yearling steers; 2 two-year-old heif-
ers; 1 yearling. heifer. PIGS -6
store hogs; 2 brood sows. IMPLEM-
ENTS—Deering binder,7 ft. cut,' in
good running order; Mcormick mow-
er, 5 ft. cut; Massey -Harris 14 hoe
seed drill; Manure spreader; Land
roller, almost ' new; Oliver Bean
scuffler and harvester; root pulper;
Fanning ,mill; seive.s for. cleaning Al-
sike .and Sweet Clover;road 'cart;
set log bunks; one section harrows;
crosscut saw; set ,steelyards, 400 lbs.
capacity; set .g inch cultivator points;
water tank; 2 sets single harness, one
rubber mounted;. set teem harness;
number of horse collars; iieckyokes;
whiffletrees' and other articles. No
reserve : •.
Terms; All sums of $10.00 and tin-
cier,.eash; over thatamount 6 months'
credit 'willhe given on furnIalling
bankable 'pater,.
percentner annum allewea for ,Cash
,on credit amounts ".".• ' -
= *. Gib••
-ton and W. 4.;;$pInburi;:roprietors.,
, .1
Eggs For Hatching • '
Barred" Rock egg e centg each
orn 2-Year-eld hens ' mated witli
cockerels frern Guild No: .A :Pen. Mrs,
IIirain'Hili;.'Pliene 150.,
'Fine j brielcs house' on Henry Farm
*se lo ten." ' Garden,' 'telephene,
hath-atirtoWn Water• Terms reason-
able. Immediate possesSibir: -AlSe
slnantity.of'hay, eats, b9... -g*, end for-
ty, White Leghorn hens for sale,. Geo-.
Faleenef, Phone 61904; -
Here's A Chance "
Atisur,risk use Mrs. Sybilla Spahrs
Tonsilitis for Cough, Bronchitis,
Oforip, Catarrh, WhoOing-Cough„„
Quinsy, ' Sore Thrpata" arid ToriSil
troubles. Results 'goad or, money
bacic. Clinton druggists, '55-2,
Seed Grain for Sale,.
0. 'A. C, No. 21 bailed, also.; some
pea; clean , and suitable, -.for' seed;
An/Ay:to 12. G. Cartwright, Londe
bore. ;Phone Blyth c;entral, .
• --- House For Sale , •
Large red,hriCh house, corner
ane, anil'ilrelliegton streets, tzopne
all -modern conveniences. •Possessiop
lin-desired. Alscra hailf an 14 licit,
lot on Wellington street, Apply, to
Mrs. W JbOkiOS, ' *
A limited ,number of Incidratoi:s
• for sale.
.. • „. • , ,
Phone 611r22, Clinton Central'. 54-tf.
Spring Muskrat_
Skins Wanted
Eggs For Hatching
Eggs from brdd-to-lay S. C. White
Leghorns, mostly all 2 -year-old
and 3 -year-old hens, good,
large type culled and blood
tested. Price $5.00 per 100, 75e per
setting of 13.
R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 607r3,'
Clinton central. 54-tf.
Eggs for Hatching
From.heavy-laying strain of Bar-
red Rocks, mated with male, grand-
son of..316-egg hen, and 0.A.C. Cock-
erels. Also a lhnited number of eggs
from a pen of choice, selected S. C.
White Leghorns, All birds have been
culled and blood -tested. 75e per set-
ting of 13, $5.00 per 100,
R. R. No. 4. Phone 636r33,
Hatching Eggs for Sale
Single -comb white Leghorn bred -
to -lay hens, 4 cents per egg $3.50
per 100. Rev. E. Parker, Clinton,
Box 227. 53-tf.
Administrators' Sale
Of Farm Stock and Implements
The administrators have instructed
the undersigned to sell by public ELUC-
tion at Lot 48, London Road, 11/4 miles
south of Clinton on Saturday, April
7th, at 1.00 o'clock sharp, the follow
3 good livery horses, suitable for
farm work; Set team harness; single
harness; several good horse collars;
open buggy, steel tire; top buggy,
steel tire; Massey -Harris hinder, 7
ft. cut; Massey -Harris steel rake:;
Frost and Wood mower, 6 ft. cut; 3
drum steel roller; cultiv,ator; disk
harrow; hay tedder; Massey -Harris
seed drill; set 4 section harrows; sin-
gle walking plow; double waking
Plow; farm wagon; hay rack; gravel
box; stock rack; set light sleighs and
box; set bob sleighs; Clinton fanning
mill; two 3 seated carriages; good wa-
gon box; scuffler; 3 sap kettles;
wheelbarrow; material for hay rack;
extensioe ladder; logging chains;
quantity of lumber; forkg, whiffle -
trees .and numerous ther artideS
•Evel`ytaillg' tOs 4, sold in order to wind
.up,estte.. ',• • • .
'Ternisi•All sluts of $10.00 and tn.
-der, cash; 'ov0 that amount 6 months'
credit will be given on furnishing_
bankable., paper or h discount of 4
pereent; straight, allowed for cash on
credit amounts . G. M. and 3. M. El-
liott, Administrator's, G. II. Elliott
Auctioneer,. • • • 55-2.
'In the Estate of George Longman,
NOTICE is hereby given that. all
persons.baving claims against theea-
tate 'Of George Longman, late of the
township of Hullett, in the County of
Huron, gentleman, deceased, who died
on or about the 20th day of Febr,pary
A:D., 1928, are required to 'deliver' to
rank Loegman, and Mary Stevens,;.
the executors of the taid estate or W.
Bisrdone, solicitor, on or before the
1-4tiv day -',of April A.D. 1928 a full
statement of their claims together
with particulars thereof, and the nat-
ure of the securities, if an held by
them all duly verefied by affidavit.
• AND .TAKE' NOTICE' that after
the said last.mentioned date the said
executors will proceed to distribute
the estate of the said .deceased a-
mongst the personsentitled' theretb
'having regard only persons -
such claims as
they shall have- received due notice
;anrin accordance theretith, •
Datod at Clinton, Chitario,'this 20th
-day of March. A.D.,' 1922.
' W. BRYDONE), Clinton, Ontario'
' Solicitor f Or the- Said Estate,
•' 53
Sole ago: ts for the BISSET, LINE in-
cluding Stone Bate; Land Rollers, I'm
rows, lyfuleher-Paelcers, Titacter "'arrows,
• -
'"t/1,1so'.. the MeCermiekteering"T,ine-
Lomplete.• ,Repairs fob all makes", of lin-
plements, Plow Pointe, 'Reneing, etc.
• See our No. 121 Wallcirig •
Plow Hangipg Coulter at a
special price for Cash'A Mas-
sey-Harris 6 foot Mower .
first class condition, als'e at a
.special price for CASIIronly.
G.-1-1. VENNER, ElectriciaA '
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other
Wiring and Repairs.
Phone 7
Everybody Is Doing It
We can give you any line of in-
surance you need, on
ize at this season in AutomoSbpileeciiani:
surance and will be pleased to quote.
you rates and coverings. The mot-
oring "season is right on. Do it novi.
My agency now comprises twenty of
the -strongest Canadian, British and
American Companig.
H. E. Rorke
Phone 253w.
Farm Wanted
Wanted to hear, from.' owner of
good farm for sale. Cash price, par -
D. F. Bush, Minneapolis,
Minn. 5374.
Farm For Sale
• 100 acres, good soil, good buildings;
fine sugar bush; 41/4 miles from Clin-
ton.. Will sell on easy terms. A. E.
Matheson, Seafoith P. 0. Phone
614-33, Clinton central. 38-tf
Baby chicks and Hatchin"g Eggs,
Bred -to -lay Barred Rock • baby
chick's; from free range. Breeders
selected for high egg•-prodtiction,
$15.00 per 100. Eggs $4.00,per 100,
D. M. Lindsay, Hedge Row Chick
Farm, R. R. No.. 8, Clinton; phone
610r14, -Clinton central:- 54-8.
Farm For Sale
Lot 67, Bayfield bioS and corner
7th con., Goddrich Township, consis-
ting of 92 notes, clay loam 'and in
good state of cultivation, fair build-
ings, good water and orchard. Will
be sold on easy terms. Apply to Er-
nest Townshend, R. R. No. 3, Clinton.,
• 51-tf.
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned, pressed and re-
paiAd. Woollen goods dry cleaned.
Rooms ver Heard's B-rber shop.
W. J. Jago. 2283-tf
ezaiZ ,
Remember the tanks during • the
World War, that vent up one trona,
and down an -other, through No Man's
Land, into the enemy's ;country, nev-
er stoning until they reached thein
You'll find that the 1-leat ,Folks
have the same persistent method
of -combating the cold.
--Their objeetive is a warno house
and it busy kitchen range; and they
reach it with prempt deliVeries of
good coal. '
Call the wirtt9titi
for good, clean cool
In eaeh of Shaw's Twelve
Saoole merges into the- Summer'
Term -with ne forced. vacatiens.
Enter any Booklet free.
Write 1130 Bay St., Toronto, W.
R. Shaw, Secretary.
Eggs and Poultry
Eggs handled - at residence every
day—graded by an experienced grad-
er, for which we pay the highest mar-
ket price. ,
- • CREAM •,'
. Purchased for Stillman's of Strat-
Agent for the Viking Cream Sep -
meter. • '
A. E. Pinch
Victoria St., Clinton Rhone 231
• Coat That Satisfies
We sell the cleanest, safest and
most economical fuel and always at a
fair price. •
A telephone call will receive, our
,prompt attention.
You can feel absolutely sure that
every shovel of coal will be of the
same uniforinitY of quality.
Phone 182
Orders Taken at Lawson's Grocery
Phone 111
; •
A quantity of good hardwood and
cedar for sale.
E. WARD, -
Phone 155Ilitron-•street
• ,.
Singer Sewing Machine
Leased on Small Monthly Payment*
Big Discount on Cash Sales
Now is the time to have your ma-
chine repaired and cleaned. Repairs,
Needles, Belts and Parts for all
Phone 1713 P.O. Box 201, Clinton
• Buy a radio for the family
in doing so you will be
,giving them something which they
Can enjoy the year around -
We are dealers for the Kolster and
Kings sets and will be,pleased to give
You a demonstration at any time.
Batteries charged- and stoi;i1.
for the. winter
.i. Nediger, Prop.
dlave on hand a quantity of Alfalfa,
Timothy and Alsike . We offer these
at a special, price through March for
Our Alfalfa is the Ontario Vare-
gated strain direct from Peel County.
Thi quality of seed is very scarce
this year'lidvise buying early.
Are- ficeePting orders on Kabanko •
Spring Wheat„ Oats, and Barley for
seed. Let u.e know yonr,requu
rrinte so we can Inakc±nr Pmellases
ORI) ,,81„ SoN
12111* ZUI ,
Fleur Feed MeielOtgfei I •
CLINTON ' ' • Grain /31444*i
1 ,
• ,