The Clinton News Record, 1928-04-05, Page 4URS7)AY, AT?TtIJ a", 19
C• ab
the as -so
+e Cas.
eases e ,.
color s`
i tithe- newest r. n
eoncePtioiis n ., . , g
Bund niaterral: The. quahty;sand w c
`n?anship. are excellent and'the prices
are most °irroderate.
That cap leave nothing to be 'de.
sired by the rest fastidious woman,
•Our "prices will'surpriee y8u',as "theey'.
are all being 'soul at "Popular
Prices." Children's hats ' es lowas
49e' and 7$c.' Ladies, Hats,` $2,95' to
On account, : of the- bad roads, our
Easter Sale :will'' be 'continued for
another week.
Complete Outfit
Clothing for.
and Men``
New Suits and
- Shirts just
A. T. CO
Sherlock -Manning
Three More Carloads. for
The' West,
How about .Treating Yourself
to a New Piano: '
TMs Spring?
Clinton's Musical Instrument Representative
Always at Your Service Box• 113 or Phone 273, Clinton
Cil *&LIII 'o ittry
Gunn, Langlois & Co., Limited
=iturou Street
Store • Phone 213j
Greenhouse Phone 66j,
Goderich Township
After a prolonged illness of sev-
eral mouths, there passed away on
Friday morning, March 50, at his
home on the 4th concession, 'John
Woods, a pioneer of this township, in
his 82nd year. The deceased was born
and reared on the farm where he
died and except for two years in De-
troit and ten in Goderich,' his entire
life was spent ,there. He, was a life:
long member of the former Bethel
1llethodistchurch, and for over six-
ty years, was a member of the Or.
ange Order,
In the year 1876 Mr. Woods was
married to Annie Jeinima Banting
of $eeton, who predeceased him nine-
teen years ago. He leaves to mourn
his loss one son and two daughters:
Thomas Milton, on the homestead;'
Mrs. II. C. Cox, and 1VIrs, W. J. Yeo,
all Of Goderich township, also eleven
'grandchildren." '
The funeral took place on Sunday
April 1st, the service being conduce
ted by Rev. R, M. Gale, pastor of
Grace United. Church, .Porter's IIi1L
The pallbearers were: Messrs. N. W.
Trewartha, John McClure , George
Cantelon, and George Falconer. In-
terment was made in Maitland cem-
etery,' Goderich, where the burial
service was conducted by L. 0. L. No,
145. The funeral was- largely at-
tended, friends .being present from
London, Ripley, Clinton and sur-
rounding districts. •
The council met in Holmesville. on
Monday, -April 2nd. The' minutes of
last meeting were read and adopted,
A letter from the Soldiers' Settle-
inent Board, re settlers taxes, • was
read and filed. A letter from the.
Dept, of Public Highways,- showing
the 'amount of grant, was very grat-
ifying to the council, as was also the
report of the audit of the Road Ac-
cotints for 1927 by Mr. R. L. East-
man of the Highways -Dept. Although
disapproving of last year's methods,-
the accounts were:passed in -full, ow.
ing to the very satisfactory methods
adopted for this year's accounting,
which Mr. Eastman heartily ender
des as meeting all the requirements
of, the Dept. As a result o£, this, the,
grant will; be received about` four
months earlier, than formerly, , which
Will net the., township a nice sum in
interest saved. The total subsidy for
1927 is $3484.80.
The following accounts . were or-
dered paid:— II. Sturdy, error in dog
tax, $2.00; Supt., pay voucher No.
3, $277.63.
11Tr. Howard Sturdy again reports.
a clean sweep 'of the taxes.
The. council deeply regrets the
death of the esteemed' Chairman.' of
the Board of health.. Mr. John
Woods,, an, -,office which he'had Wrest
ably filled for the past ten years,
'Owing• to the -next regular Meeting
being next month the council ap-
pointed Mr. T. m. Woods, his on
to fill tiie'vacaney. ,
The council then adjourned to meet
Monday,..May, 6th, at 1.30 • p"m.
R G. Thompson, -Clerk
Dealer for the
ShoWroohi5 at I lliott's Gazage,
' Cars ,serviced Ther e
W. N •
VIr Geolge !lebbutt kris rented hr
m on .the M lltland cpneessron to'
N W Trewartha anti 1VIr and'-
s Teblr'irtt intend maviiig to Por
fess Tlrll in the nevi futrir,p They
wail yery nisch missed. by then•
'many friends On' Tuesday;; evening'•
.the members of the Vnited church,.[
7lolmesvillo, with faiend •and teighcx;
l p e, g'atlre;eel at
theL Home of Mr,
Mis. Tbliutt and presented themei
With, two' handsome; chairs as a part-,
Trig gift and a token of .their good
will 1 5v; Ma Tfilpatrrek, ;acted pe
c airman dining a shoat program::
a inst'urent"ls duets".
and speeelies, after whie i games of
ciifferent.'ltrrids° we1e played The;
fpILoning;'a4 less" 'was; resit to .Mr:•
and "Mfrs.:Tebbutt:;
- "Dear ; NTa . and '' `Mrs. Tebbutt:_.
We, your nan' friends and. neighbors
and 'fellpw associates, in the church:`
having learned:that you have leased;
• yobx faint and intent. to move bo, a
new:bake 'on the •Cut Line in the hear.
future, have. asseinbled in your home
this evening, to Spend'a sociable tirire,
together with, you before your de-
parture. it brings to one, and all:
feelings of deep' regret to'know'that.
you who have spent around fifty
years 'in'this vicinity, are about to.
Immediate ii i ate conn it but"
leave the un y,
R e, are glad ,to • know: also; -that you
are not ghing fa away and'tlia`t we
shall still have the pleasure of 'your.
conzpany"'ancl fellowship.
You have both 1iaen zealous. and
faithful members ` of, our Church, in-
terested. in everything that pertained
to it's advancement and welfare, help-
ing on its work by your regular at-
tendance at all chureh.gatherings and
'diligently and faithfully striving •tc
fulfil the responsibilities entrusted'to.
you by your fellow ;members in the
ehrirch. Although, because of your
removal, you, will be farther, away
from our Church, we :hope ,you will
not think -it too farms to still come to
Holenesville, and we shall -.ill be,glad
to have you,still retain you member-
ship and 'official relationship with -us
as formerly and as' at present.
Even though you are not going far
away; we felt that we could not alter
you to depar•t•at all, from our midst
without expressing .to you in some
slight measure our appreciation of
your friendship and, value to the
community where you have spent al-
most all,your days, up to the present,
We trust that in the Providence of
God, . who has overshadowed and
blessed' -your lives in the past, '.you
may still continue to enjoy the bles-
sings of health and happiness for
many years to come. May the Rad-
iance of His presence add brightness
and joy to ,your future days. May
you both enjoy more and more a well
earned respite from the toils and lab-
ours in which you have been engaged
We know it will mean much to you
both to be nearer to the Members of
your family who have already de-
parted from the old home, and we
trust that God's gracious blessing
may rest upon you and upon the
members .of your family in the days
to come.
behalf`; of all your friends' we,
ask you to accept these chairs, hoping'
that you may be previleged to while'
away many pleasant hours therein,
enjoying to the full the restfulness
that is your due.
We know that the bonds of friend-
ship formed during the past will re -
unsevered in the days to•corne
and that we shall cherish' golden
Memories, each of the others, not on-
ly tonight but forever. •
Signed on behalf of your friends
'I. W. Kilpatrick, John Potter, Lorne
Jervis, Edgar Trewartha,
Mr. and IVIrs. Ross Beattie and
daughter Russella • of Girvin, Sask.,
visited relatives and friends in the
village on Saturday. -
1Virs. A. R. Seeds left on Friday to
spend a few.days in Detroit.
1VLiss Ruth Higgins is visiting
friends hr London,
Preparations ,are going ahead to
make the masked carnival and dance,
to be held in the town hall on Tues-
day, April the tenth, the biggest ev-
ent of the season.
On Wednesday of last weelc over
sixty friends and neighbors gathered
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Turner, Blue Water Highway, Stan-
ley township, to enjoy a sociar•even-
ing before their departure for Exe-
ter, and that of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Turner and son for Goderich, where
they will .make their • respective
houses. During the evening, which
was spent in games and dancing the
following • address was > read . and
parting gifts given: ' '"Dear Friends:`
We, your, friends and neighbors, have
heard with much regret of your pro-
posed departure from our midst. We
have all learned to love and, respect
you, not alone for the high personal
qualities you all possess but on ac-
count of your thonghtful kindness .as
neighbors and friends." The only
corisiderati6n that leads us to submit
with any : degree' of willingness' to
yourleaving, us is the fact that the
neighbors. to which you will ' go
will experience a gain which will to.
some extent? compare with our loss.
We all desire to assure you that curl
best wishes will • go with, you to your.'
new home; and still follow you while
life shall last.
•:. No words of ours, nor anything we
can bestow; can adequately express
our'love and -esteem for you: We wish'
you, Mr. and .Mrs. Turner, Sr.,
to accept this electric 'reading lamp,
and you, 111r and -Mrs, Fred Turner,
•'this slyer brea.d tray and Grant this,
flash hght just tekeep you in re-
membrance of your 'old neighbors
who .find' it necessary on this occas-
ion to say. `farewell.' We are:all glad
to know" that you and not going far
away. We will be able to see you in.
our, midst when ,opportunity presents
itself• and We desire to "assure you
that any or• ^all of you will"be accord-
ed ainost hearty welcome -when you,
can Male: it convenient to pay Us a
visit "
In a few: well chosen words the re-
cipients thapked .those ' present for
rale $rl:ts and ,the„ kindness shown:
tatem assu•ipg -then that' they, would,
alwaSrs �;
hAartf .:'
S arin glint rrr,t their
r: iraetl<ls ;and Teigh
Mir rind Mist Angus lampbeTl 'o•i
Sarnia .leo the t nests oP Targaret
JIiss 'Alice , $thisonl-.R,N, ,1'eft •, on
Friday 'last to 'resume lrer diitios ip
the Ien>. sial, Hospital, :,1c]ew Xork
Mm Str icon r no,w able to io,!1,11?:,.for
a short:time over day r'c
W are sorry: o, report -that . Mrs
N%aiy `H&rley is • ill, at'.the .home of tier
sari T''yC Bailey,
Commencing on Easter;tho service
rp Trinity eiiur h will lte held at 11
a m and continue to be"herd at that,
hent • during thfo;:sun?rner'•months, -'A
reelebration • of. the holy^;Communion
,will he held at'that service, Sunday
school curd be held as usual at tee
Mr::J;. _F, Merner was called:' to
Zurich ' do Tuesday morning owing.: to
the death of:111S-,Mother; Who passed
away in the night ,
Yfrs, .
Walter Or..le ce and Miss
Susie - Wlestlalco went to . St, Thomas
on Saturday totisit friends;
llir-. P H Elliott had another stirs-
fortunte in the ,loss of a;fine cow. He
found the animal dead in the stable
when he went_: to do'the chores on
Tuesday 'Morning . _
Mrs: John Fraser returned home on
Wednesday of last week after having
spent a month in Goderich and. two,
months'; in Luclrnow, ' '
Io YAL 14,4
AStox� considerable depate, dating,
which remberis :on both sides of the
11priSe admitted the • meirt of the• bill,,
Prewirer 1'ergpison,hat withdrawn his
,To`Wdship,School.Board.bill, , In doing•
se,.the Ere}nier' announced that dnr-,
the.i•eeess'oi;• the'House he Weidel
eircleavor to eseertain 'What the lar-
ges unit meant' to the individual. coum.
ties in a financial way:, He -will also
di c'"9sthe"'. us . pleasure before the.
erio .:'Educational Ass:ociatiob'.at its.
Easter convention, Tri withdrawin i
the• Bill, the.l remier stated that :there
was:every.indication that the bill was
gaining .favor' and that it would not
he 'long before it was'generally re,.
ceived by educationalists. 1Ie ex-
pressed the hope that during • the rm.
cess 'the bill •would find further fav-
or w•itl,. the' pi}clic.
SELL IN 1849
The following, a list of a•farmsale
in 1849, may be interesting in con-
trast with -.the lists of many faire
sales published in The•News-Record
during recent weeks: •
hrueefield -
The many -friends of Mr. Duncan
11IcDonaid will regret to -hear that he
has been confined to the house for a
number of weeks._ We hope for a
.speedy recovery,
Mrs. W. Stevens returned- home
last week after spending. SIX. weeks
with her daughter, Mrs. Thompson of
Mr. Jas. Boyce is, spending 'this
week in Goderich as his father, Mr,
Thomas Boyce, is 'very ill.
Service will be held in St. John's
church on Good Friday evening at 8
o'eloelc. 1
Miss Welsh of Auburn attended the
Library dance on Wednesday night
of last 'week.
Mrs. A. Robinson has returned to
her home after spending the past few
months with Hespler friends.
Quite 'a number froin the Commun-
ity attended the Seaforth _Spring
Show on Tuesday,
Mr. J. Mossop of London has been
renewing acquaintances in the village
and vicinity during the past week.
Mrs. 1', McAsh of Exeter• is visit-
ing at the home of her son, J. T. Mc -
SEAFORTII: The death occurred
after a painful and protracted illness
at -the home of his son, Ross Beattie
in Girvin, Sask., March 24, of James
Beattie, formerly of Clinton. The
deceased rnan is survived by his.,wi-
dow formerly Miss IVfargaret Ross of
Tucicersmith and two sons, Ross, of
Girvin, Seek:, and Robert of Bridge -
burg, an only. daughter Mise Bessie
Beattie of Bridgeburg, died a month
ago. The remains will be brought to
Seaforth for interment in the Malt,
landbank cemetery.
"Having sold my farm and: as I
am leaving for"ljregon territory by
oxen team by March 1, 1849, I will'
sell. all my personal property, except
,two oxen teams, consisting of the fol-
lowing: One pair oxen, one 'baby
yoke,' 2 ox carts, 1 iron plow with
wood mole boards, 1,000 three-foot
clap. boards, 1,500 10 -foot fence rails,.
1 60 -gallon soap kettle, 85 sugar
troughs niade of white ash timber, 10
gallons of maple, syrup, 2 spinning,
wheels, 30 pounds mutton tallow, 1'
large loom made by Jerry, •Wilson,
100 empty barrels, 1 32 -gallon : of
Johnston-14ii11er whiskey, 'seven years
old; 20 gallons of apple brandy; 1 40 -
gallon. copper still, 4 sides of oak -tans
ned leather, 1 dozen wooden pitch
forks, 1 32 -calibre rifle with bullet
molds and powder horn, 50 gallons'ef
soft soap, 6 head of fox hounds, all
sot ranched bjit• oris At the same
t rine I wiXi' eU 6 n6 -gra' 4lavos ;men.
30`years olcl, 0 bays 12 .end,18 years,
(x01?F RlU"FI There ' passed away
,on lipdndtiymorning, •April -,2, a highly
respected citizeo'in the person of • Qs-
w #Lld I4e1th;r;51ui•dy, 11 r•, S'ti,1 •dy was.
the son; of '1VIi, and; Mrs.' 0: 'Sturdy,
and wad b'otn xn "Goderiph township.
Ike; wax a. merchant .but' retired sew-
e al ,year's;ago ; Deaea ed man was 'a
member .of ' St GeorS e s ` An hca
.� ,,.,.wig . n
Chu ch "Besides hr o5 ong widow
he?:leaves:°bile daughter; Mrs. T. M.
D4nrs, of 'W'inona, .' Qptario; three'
sons, Harry" O , A 1fred_ :II„ and Wil -
all' of . this. -fawn, and one
brother,: George W. Sturdy,. of •Gode
rich township, and . one sister, Mrsi
Elizabeth 'Cox of Goderich, The fun-
'eral was held from. his late 'resi-
dence, on Churelr,street to :the Mait-
land -cemetery, on Wednesday, Afiril
4. Rev. -J...11,-,H. mills, rector of tlie.
Anglican Church, '•' conducted ' the
Outdoor taste is well catered to in.
the April . issue' of . Rod 'and ,,Gun and
Canadian Silver •Fox News which is
just -published. • nye latest issue of
this sporting magazine contains • an
interesting collection of storiesof
hunting, fishing and camping as well
as many useful and informative ar-
ticles concerning the various phases
of outdoor life,
Helpful` articles on the special sub-
jects are included in Fishing Notes,
edited by G. P. Sladen, Guns and
Ammunition, edited by C. S. Landis,
and Kennel, edited by. C. G. Hopton
and. L. E. L. Taylor. The Canadian
Silver Fox News section also contains
useful' articles both in English and
French on the latest d_evelopements of
the industry and the care and man-
agement of foxes.
Rod and: Gun and 'Canadian Silver
Fox News is published monthly by
W. J. -Taylor himited, Woodstock,
Ideal Incubators and Brooders
E. Le M1A lELL
Huron Street
o -Price
A GOOD -used car is the lowest cost transportation you
.tt9��can buy. The unused miles of dependable service in
the used cars we have ton our floor at the present time offer
remarkable opportunitiesfor money -saving. The distance
these cars have travelled is insignificant when compared to
the thousands of eniles of Unused Transportation which they
•.represent . . and -the prices are far below what you
vrmuld expect. Let us demonstrate to you how easy it is to ..
own a good used car.
1926 Ford Sport Roadster Ford Coupe.
1927 Chevrolet Coach $125
1926 Chevrolet Coach
J:13. Lavis, Clinton