HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-04-05, Page 1, '.gNIreoPtic=..' • NIZA41,1%';„'171,14.fil$,PArTi4.1P.A.j .TSE,--1V.IA-RICTS. • : ' ..' - '-• .'..-"...W.heat; 3.2.,$, to -34y.' ,_ .= .... ,..Anbnee. ,Oats,- 65e..4° 7Pe.' ' , ., e• ' ,,,, ' - ...BaetYei:89,e:te,o,L35e• • ' . ' '-' ' ' 1,11u°".'"a"). '• : ' ' : ''' ' ', Jggs,22c to 27c. • .. „, . Aise -eer-ADviesesENct. • ' . ..--_ - - Mr. 'NeU, driver for theecanadian Oil dollitlanY7 las ;taken the 'Becker cottage- in Marystyk.et, 61'4 ...ha.s -al- ready taken poeseSpion.. It Was stet- ed last week. that Mr. Neil was local ,manager of the compaily, this was an inadverteace, as •Mr. M'eDelialcI, --ho has . been manager since the branch was, opened Ilene remains n'i , charge. - ' ' - " - • , - e- eee •a. ' ' .. - _DEATH OP JAMES MacklURCIIIK -ethe ' • ' • - , . - The .death oceurredeon Friday 'af. ternoon last after a short illness, of , .. . • . James MacMturchie, only eon a the late Alex., M'acMurchle; Itged 'fifty- __ five years. _ :. . .. , ' Mr. Maeklurchie, was bore in Clin- '' l'IO 11;-.0°.ri T•IEAE• ' '. " 'eqeesieetie.ene ea.- a ebunty contemperary Iasi- Weelc said that "Owing ',to, the'llood.:*, Clinton there ' was ne ' service. ine the- Baptist I.,: ;--1 c or t ,0-.th -...,:iotis Sun- e ui..?,..i, in ..in o e le . . ; . ,.. dey,' . The . flood was . in ethe cellae. of"the church. Which stands .onelciev .groend, which prevented. 11* : ig tine of the furnaee. ' Clinton never really suffers from floods. ' . ., . ' . . ' • ' ' ' .. .... ' •: :-' ' DIED Ite TORONTO • ' ::': . - " ', - •• - ' - - ' ' - • . Tuesday's Globe. had the:••-follo.wing• obitnarY notice, which may -interest manY .News -Record 'reader/is, the lady mentioned being,' the Wideev. Of _ ,:the late Re. . R. T, Oeurtice, ea former .. - Minister of the Bible Christiem'Church who was pastor of the:Clinton charge • t Q t a t • t IJ ' . when e Plesen n alto s lee 111- ted .formerly Methodist beftre that, Bible ,....n. . • • , - , Le estan church was built. '-"•'-' , . The Rev. R. T. Courtme yms a bre- ther of Me, A.: J. Courtice.cf Ilelmes,.- vine. , ' ' .Chairman 7 . ' ..1 "The death took place YeeterclaY ait the home• of her „son-in-law; Rev. S d •• Lambert,, ' Mri B • of s. essie ny e.i... . . Courtice widow of Rev. Richard Themes 'Courtice, for 40 yeaes a min- ister of the Bay of Quinte 'Methodist Conference. The 'deceased, whn was 77 eare of a e 'was a daUghter of „ Y, _,- _ J g ' D• ' f Whitb 'me mse ' ames mils °. . • ..Y Township and leaves three cheldren, „_. , , "I• Jena '-'°artlee an la. 2a neY d II:- S d Id Id Lambert of c Torento,inand wo ro, Courtice of hicago, . thers, Sohn and William Davis, and three sisters, Mrs. John Lender and the Misses Annie and Elba Davis, all resident at Oshawa, also stirvive. - The funeral will be held tomorrow _.„. e etnoen a ie m . ' t tl ho e of Rev Syd- 01 Rusthten,Read and ney Lambert!. 5 „ ,, interll. ment witake place at the Un- ion Cemetery, Oelicieva. My. A. j. t the funeral Langftrd will condue . • „ ' DEATH OF WM, STANLEY ,, After an illness extending - over, some time, William-Ste/110' died 021 Wednesday of last week sethe age of • ) f ' ' ' eig Ay-. our. • . Mr, Stanley was born • in • Goderich township on November. 24tle, 1844' and ,was married to Annie Eleeat, March 51h, ,1872. To this union. were born three children, Fred E. of Termite, Mrs. George Wright, MeConeell, Man- toba and Mrs, Duncan nide)", ton- stanee. His wife' died- in 1611 and in 1913 he _married Mrs.- Connell of Clinton, who survives bim. For. sev, eral years they have reeided. in Olin- ton. . In religion be. yeas a Methodiet tak- ing a very active pitet in cher& worli in lielmesville for inany years: In politice he wag' it 'staunch' Conserve- tive. The funeral; which Was 'held from WIesIgy-Willis United church on Sunday, April let, was very largely attended by old neighbors and friends from Ilolmesville and Goderich town- p The servieeewas conducted by sine. ,the Rev. j. E. Hogg, assisted by the Re•v. 'A. A. Hohnes. 'The pallbearer's were six ' nenhews, Huniphrey and Howard Snell; 'II. W. and Harold Graham, G. H. Elliott and It. D. Stan- ley, t,he latter of Terento. • 'Those from a distance who attend* ed the funeral were: Mks, (Dr.) Ire Archer, Myth Baltimore,•01110> 1, • • Howard Bell. anrMiss,Ruby IIanna, Port Huron, Mich„ vred Staeley, R. D. Stanley and Thos. Stanley, Tor. • d Onto, Mr. and Mrs. Tudor and. Mi. an Mrs, Robt. Clark, Constance, and Yfr. arid 1VIrs, Win. Green, Goderieh. 1Vrany very `handsome towere -were sent hy friende. • AN' INTERESTING PAGEANT - The school room of Ontario street United church. was beautifu,llY and .appropriately decorated.. last. • Wed, nesday evening, Mar. 28th, when a large crowd assembled fee' the :pre- S'Canada of ,the pageante: e' Itesponsibility and Opportimitye giv-. en byemembers.•of the W. M. S.. .Thes: 4'kearit Was well presented, all taking part very creditably: ,o Canada" --.":. „appears in all her splenclee•Mitd-telle her wonderful • reseureeee, develop-, neents and'.National,'-gfqatitees.--ezTlie. • f ment peoples lone . nye 1 di .'t • . f "' '' 'ina, '-'-'1,gn • LA . , ., . ,g.,.. - :..,, ,... ,„.. -a-re presented to 'Canada eeirenative• • e-. •-• .41,,,-, 't. costumes and in esnyi wor ,We 'Ire '. seek- lei impresseler„ - 0.....p ,.theye. aee her reap° nsibility eVen . morCtliar• - . • ,„ • ' .. ,, „ "her prosperity, Op.norturety - and -` . ' d ''' "Evangel" - also. Fina .3r 411- acla teentS the Cross 'as- tr•syMbel'of . - -- - - , -.. ''. - • --•' •-e - _ Service and. Sacritice and ,133.4Ys ler , ,. - . • . o e veness . The entire company •-: ' ' . ' - -• •-• esserebte -HY . the dosing' tableau' ' • ' ' , - • e---- gren-)e mean 1 cl • d 'C ' d • th aim a as sang ' ".God Bless Our N. _ative L,• an.u,e;7,:. The challenge, of the W. pi_ S. is.giv- en and .all Sing, .."Bleat Be the 'Tie. that '13incls' and "Talce.,10 Life and . ' ' ' • . ' , .` • let 1t .he." ' The following tobk Part' "C 1' d ' M-%. Vt' IVI, Ail-aii , Lead.: ' , er Mrs. 4-, 11. :Doan; •First Settlere. Mi',s. H. P, ',ringleted; 'Indian W,Csiesen. Mre., Meteitytel.Pateiet, Mrs, Re 'Tin- lady; Wily Tke.,,:::bizine,, igii,. 4.1., Peaeocke" , -Prayer, "Mrs, W:1Walicere 'Ukrainian; Mts.' W.e. Downsr Italian Ii'tilIaridev,;borrowers.. 111re.' E. Fines; -Greek,' Mrs,. E.•.gen-• nedy; Dane, Mir. R,..Plunesteele, lee- lender, ..'.Mrs. . 'Ilawket *Norwegian, IvIr$,,,A.,pio.p; .s-sveaoi.mr.$:...1,7, ,S.'"R., Ilblniesisi,"Pelnee MiSs E.. C.OinishI,..Bille, ,v-41.1.4,;.;,, -,:iviio., ..t..,..,„.pisof ,,-,:i.40,,ech9,,,.., 'Slovaks'' ..ltrS.."'0;'Serv'S'' 'Asia' IVirg'.:., , Beaton; e Hebrews,- Mrsee V eR07,01 „I' :Mrs.' W. '.1i114', thilleSck ' '. • ' Er'''JJ tekeride-• ' japan e.,0 nlikra '' „ „ s, ,, , • r ... , - . l',11,4 ,. ' P. '''', .. - A; 'McCartneye..0 set= • Mre; W., ' l').p, .,, -t377...„, , ... ,, : „„,.._.. 1 iv g NI r) ,,,„rqins " • Evarige e"'• Ise' "*".-eane Ietliefliieliaiirente;.41a*.&,' RO,Sell", and' liOle''.ktirV1 blit 'airTP 13 ,...'3".'•Gib' ,bingt,.... Ay,:,--,,-, WIrsor o4 .*bitlerp 'Pianist' 'and 'reader'. MisS"' 0.-,PlninI• '•Iste017•', " 1: e.."1; ' . - „' :,7, .: • ' e e - ' ' ., . :,',., LITTLE LOCALS • ' , - ' . - - ''-''' ' `' '''" ' ''...' , The -Paving •contraotol was Id t'svIrn • otherthe 1 • -•''' d tne-probebility. is..., 'thImeing'"WIll-staTt very s°°,11. . '-'',,,eil a• Psif'1•-has-Yee't 'I)e'sn lo,r(Vided; - ° ' a".- ' °'• ''' ' '. . 1' •' t• " ' Surely we shall that po e m . nrie to: rup .up a• 'flag on - the town, hall on , -AI • -24t1 • ed I n 8ed , , .. . . .. . . . . . ... . .".tile__.exce.Ptieon„....of .1V/ise. Marion , Gibbings," -who with ,other.nrusicians will give.a. concert. in the 'Clinton town hall on"..,Thursdae evening next, will also endear 'in- Exe ,eter on Tuesday evening and ie Wing'haill• on Friday evening., ' . . , ., . . , . . : . • . , A civic banqiiet wee. tendered .to Mr. John Walter; joint -owner 'of The Lenders Timea, send, the fourth.John in succession to hold such a Walter. • • ' • f Stratford position, by the City o ..ou Friday evening . last to whi,e,h The News -Record together with - other . , . publisher% in the district, was irivit. ed. Mr. 'Walter. in the afternoon ad- dressed a gathering of newspaper.in. people and others in the auditorium of the Collegiate, giving a most in- t• t • f the V • t • t terestin s my o a ery in cue - . . e mg, history of that great journal. At the banquet in the evening which was presided . over by Mayor 1VicAnd- rew, Mr. Walter spoke, and" several others, among them 1VIr, Kennedy of the Beacen-Herald, 112r. Hood of the • Woodstock Sentinel -Review, e eview,. r. ac- S ' 1 R • M ' M B th of the Milverton Sun and Mr' e . Robertson of the Goderich Signal, . aye short addresses. _ Mr. Walter expressed himself as greatly. pleased with all he saw in Canada and with the warm feeling he found here for 'the "Mother Come- try." I.u.. giving the history', of The Times. 1Vfr. Walter ga*ie instances of 1 d f• f b th King and Par- t ie e lance o e tarnent on more than one occasion 1 ded•by is ancester„ by the paper foun h . • when 'the good of. the commee PeoPlo . Was concerned. The euccess of the enterprise is, a tribiete to -the inde. pendence of -the press: It evae a pleasant affair and the newspaper 'plaiSherS are under an obligation to Stratford's mayor and eotincil for the opportunity of attending go intereet- lug a gathering. • ,. • DEATH OF MRS. CARTi.ICK ". The death occurred•-mt her' home Albert street, north- ".en Saturday last of Ella Davis) widow of the late Henry Carrick, agede.severity-seven ...,...,_ne. . .• , .. . 6" .i..- : 1VIrs carrick h'cil been a reeident of tl 's 1•:cality for many years, having . 9 S'ilirie °u fi...oni. Pickering with, her 1 b di) ' ,13, sh, ith, „,... . us an in eal life. y vived by five sons and two daugn• taw; Will and Albert of Wihdaer Thos. Goa:rich; Robert and Jelin** of Clinton add Mrs. E. Haggitt of Blyth and Mrs. F, Gorbutt of Port Iiuron: Her husband died some years ago. The funeral 'took place on Tuesday afternoon, the ReV. A. A. Hohnes conducting the services at house and gra.yeside. The pallbearers were 1005 sons,' E. Inggitt and- t. Hesk. - • . • WILL •IMPROVE PARK' It is encouraging to know that the earls committee is contemplating im- provements in the bancletand • park. The planting of some lreet, perhaps also, sorie flowers around edges, and e erection of seats for the accom- the . . . odation of citizens who wish to sit r s d 1' t t the bend conce t down an is en co, . y . , Will be a great addition to the arenear• 'n' ance of the park, which was anythi „ but. a beauty spot. last season. - lied thie Could the ground nothe ro d sprieg, before it becomesootoo breYsrlaile, that the power • mower 5: Id_ over it at intervals during the stnn- mer? A • horse-drewn mow& makes a ragged job of it and cannot be put on often enotigh to keep it in good trim, It 'would take the combieed: efforts of Town Council and Her -twill- tural Society to convett this parlc itito 'a beauty spot, but it could' bc deem and would be Well wath the ef- feet. ee ' s ' . VIE IVIAXIBIIIIVI GRANT • - , - at Clintoas a very fine Pub- ThClinton h ,liceLibrary eis a tact which is very --,e411, known in -Clinton, but weetrempt -;tet,take it very much as a matter of •:.• coinse, being,. so aCeusttaned,.- 'to it. -, ."` r 0 ' • Visitors howeve do n t take it that . . , , '1. 'end frequently exclaim :about its . excellence when. they have .oceasiond ' •• '''•- ' T1 ' '. ' t • f Public Libraries le Dispec oi, o does • not consider -it-comumnplace by . f 11 ' any moans either, as tho 0 owing, ' ' • • t • .1- sent the , extract frees. a ieeen lapel • secretary will, shoW: - - ' . . . "I have -*list -signed recommenda- • 3 t•-• ' f q gient of $260 for youe ion er , •,, ' • ', ' • T1 rit '''s the' bI .thlein.kan'ani,tis1 .very maxinluin creditable ±or your .1themy to,: leac h the Maximum; , I . like weer import o.- • l "I . Mild like -to, hold it y ery muc 1 . w. , . f 2900 •up to, many of the ' towns o ,, • 1 't• , i.i' ,,,,,,,ipie,1 • • , , ..:, , ,. •.. ' 421:libelee-Neve:added:dating 1'47. 1.9g ,aclul15,,sclid:',228,c,,iwi,onile,,,m41tirw, 7a. totar,q, 1899 ,adalt,'anci .2861,:jevenr iie 1;o04.,- Dtering 'the -year tho Pate rene`ge Ofeadpitl•books• ' ineennted to '12717,- •,Itive-hilfe, ••49413,, ,grancletotal of 186 :new paines Were, registered chne I Mg teio„yearee There, erce„..,$3.... maegaNreeoers lees:in the ' reeding redm. -aricl.'t . w.(): daily paperae.F.'"OpeweeklY neWsPal5ers' are ' dbiihted: •..":. , ...,,Seireii:Inindred 13411.,,,),,o.,5 in a 'town f .2000 •witleeetline7.papulation'4V-ili: :the,' Siu:fiutithrig' . , eoMuMnity• . , 1.5 not '0' o' 'd•ti''.'t 1,928'ionglIt'etee.seethat Mien, beeeeiliereased t '1 est. 1000.- -. A ..., .. 'P. ,. P.' P . . .• P... ',, . 7 i , . le . • V. ,,, , ; .. ,, , etl.01,1,e , I'libl'c- Li 'tar , Is'a line adaea ,'date d h b inatitetierime -.the- heat- ,t, nig :a, eel', it: ,ie "that., -ile'ia,4the, .te,h11:71,.•;•,,AXperel• 0' pied of de:Package' of.-gahi -on.' )'. ,egitvraitd,-*,6w.,.,41tam6.' .yo•dtiehoteee.of • ' aver ' ten",thouaajiti,.-.641CS,'.' ,Thinie 'of ethe.pievilegettatial,',- ' ,''' .. •.-. , „ :', ' Ciititen.-Tai,',,Rate-.Struek:at:IWOliday's- Miet%. . . . ' ' • '.... , ,•., ' ,. • ' - , ' • ',, ' ' ''' ' " •.- . ". ' . - '' ' - ' ' Ma' led. -64):;., etere •'0,:ed.hring;:along y'onr . ., - .. ,, .. 'oriethat clay.' - : ' et • •.,, SPECIAL -. :....:,- . - ALARIVr ''''' - •. ... . .., '011)tit‘ • , ,-., '. _ • , '. your ehapid.).4.•p..la' ee:for 'repah,,..4nd as fat as possible', , • - . • , ' . . .. : . , ' . . • -' ; ' ' - ..e.' Cli ' . .. Weee'hea. and I :will .- , , ' • . ,:e: . • - . • , , . '' • ... . ewe ell, do- them '.. . • ' : ..... • . , ' . . ,. ".;.• ,', ' • , . ' --- . ' . ".-• . . : , *re--- , ' - , . , , . • , 174j .-.........m..... • . - , ". '., , ...," . ' . ' ' ' , '7- ee''• ' - ' ' ' ' --- 1.928 -Rate.' •‘ . • '' "•' ' ' ' ' : ' ' ee ' '' '' . The. .t.own council met on iwondciy . n , b . - e . ' ••• , , i." evening', a ,mene, °IS ,leerng . plebe t , 1.fd. ,. Ceniincillar., Elliott, .11daym. Qombe was in the chair. - - . - , -e. ' e ,„ .A eenepenicatieje: eyes. read free.) .-.11oeve the se. cretaty-'etief the.ltbeen.1 betide...give ing.outlays,diteingethe year so,far as ; .$1.77.00' amt,asiting. 'Cho conned. to. EIS-, sume .payment of eame.. On. inotion of Cenneellors . Cooper , and Paisley the uenal, grant. of ,3500 Was voted to , the band,- tlie- members of thq special • coimnittee being eitinoweied to see the 'band. and "'arrange about .COD, mnits etc'. " ' , 7 . . . . The omen's Institute wrote ask._ ' f h 1- h b • f mg use o t e • council c ain el. or their .menthly meetings, pi...remising to leave the room in as good order as n mo io o ..ei , found • 0 t: n 1 C t neillors Cooper and". Livermore the ceunci • granted this on the organisp.tiun's own conditions. ' Two communications were received from Ed.- J..' Smith, the first stating' that he would straighten up his ar-: rears in taxes, as soon as possible, the second asking that his, property ,be assessed atlowererate, as he has none • h"f the t ' O • of t e privileges o e own. n motion of Councillors Livermore and Cooper this was referred to the Court of Revision. • A eommunication wae read from Assessor Rorke, referring to the re- quest sent in last month by J. Beck- er asking that his land be, assessed as feria proerty, vecommending that the acre . of land on which his build-. in s are be assessed ' as at --pre- sent • the remaining portion, _eleven • ' . tames ei so, ai Tuckersmith township rate plus ten per cent. On motion of ' Councillors Holmes and Livermore the recommendation of. the assessor was adopted. , . f - • 'It .• . .e re - Estimates o eepenc 1. -me, weci . ceived from the Collegiate I. Pub. , en lic school boards, the former amount etown, being 08,450.00, 'the latter 3107i15o•-• 00. In regard to a detailed gatemen- as to expenditures on the new. Colleg- late, the secretary, Mr. Ransford, sci such a statement would be presented h achool at the next meeting of e . t . beard and would be available. Item, • The Horticultural Societl, t Wr.°:e iteking for a grant of $100 o aid _le the beautificatem of the town the -coming season. On motion et Coin- , eillers Livermore and Holmeii t iis t: , was graned , . Mrs. Grosvenor wrote- asking tho council to pay expenses amounting' to t . t of a fell $110 incurred as he iesul . on an iey walk. , This was handed to the street committee. • Bylaws No, 6 and 7 were read ene• passed. The former was foe the levy- ing of $38,272.00 On the ratable pro- perty this year for current expenses, which will mean a rate of 46 mills, and No, 7 was .1 or the raising by de- benture of $7,639.30, which will mean the raising of $587.31 yearly for 20 years, to,epay for the paving of H llr- on street from, the Royal bank to the town limits last year, . . . . corn- . Chaim -Ilan I-Iohnes of the park co mitthe gave a verbal report to the effect tha t 310 WOrk had been done so f ' b t 't 1 d • st t uld mi. u i was lope a, ar we it wee the soon be made. • He .rid . intention to improve the newly -ac - . . , . gamed park in Nary- street where trees evould be planted at east and . .d end some maples along wesit sitiee ,t alsosome 11 1Vla •y s -le , a . seats %you c be ereetec. Reeve Langford, head of, the street committee, made a verba report and . • ' -7, . . ' 46' Mils. - ' ' 11 ',_ ''''•• . ' ''' ' ' . - ''''''' ' - ' , . - -:). • : ' " ' - . ' Conned .or Paisley and Re,e,ve Lang, made ' a. o.thaet. ilfuree street, east; should.. :be, paire „, .ales Victoria frinn the postoffice to tire bridge. Mayor Combe asked. the to ox.plaio regarding viebeniat .w.bieh he eje. by .ea,,,ie.g. that .vieeerea'' street neededa lot of repairs and .. ft wee thought ,it would1„)0,:g,,ped, ina-1,- nos to ,pave it, new: ii.istad...01t. wait.. mg- tevo or thrie, yeaes, saving' in 'dee eeeeaertjele a substantial sum for re, pahte,. The Motion passed: . ,, Reeve Langford, -elialrinar1a of the fire and water committee, recent 'mended the purchase of a meek; • • • - ,,, - - , mask, two fnemen s nees - anti 5 length of hose, such as was Phichasee last year . , ' * Coo or of the prenettN .- , . committee repoited most of the wort tithe • d 1 ' rize at last two meetings of a , , , . . . council finished, and recommendee that one police cell be taken out at • back of hall and the lavatory enlarges" and put 'nto roper shape. . e 01•11.3 meltion P of Councillers Cooym d L' • • h t • • -as an . ivezmoie t e eensiner w • enthored to pay the Public. Iftilie ies six months' hydrant rental, thin . . .. obtamme the ten per, cent. discount . At the request of the mayor Colin. miler Cooper read a summary of ths town's finances, prepared by the fian ance committee, which received tie • ', e d tion of the mayot am con= n a . members of the coulmil. . - A .request ft•om .a citizen for per sloe to cut down a -tree wind was s a mg ier gar en was ernes down. " It takes sixty years to .grov a tree,' remarked the mayor. " I ce not like to see them cut down. Om beautiful tree has been cut down 01 , Mary street, Iv lac legre e . 1 • li I • tt d ' On ,motion of Counefflorsi licilinci d to •olitrit and Cooper 'it,...was7 decide „ , ,g4' siges lettered 00 botl some lai _ , , ,, • for the four entrances to tie sides, . . - 'le .11r one 1 • a , e . sma e . s . or the -post office gore and the dare :north of th, town directing _to Linden and Bay field and .te. Blyth and Auburn, Reer Langford explained that the Moto League was to send some signs, lei the coneluaien was that larger, sign were necessery for the entrances t Clintee, and it was decided to pine five. ; . On: motion of Councillors Flame and Livermore it was decided to ob tain an estimate as to the cost o putting hardwood floor ill the tow hall. , On request of the mayor Council: lor Thompson spoke of garbage col lectien. Ile said a plan had tot heel fully worked out as yet and whe complete would .be submitted to th. council. IIe thought a system rnigh be introduced 'which would not b. very expensive but; would be eeatis factory in. disposing of refuse. Councillor Paisley of the finane eenunittee reported $604.06 in bed taxes paid since the beginning of tie year, and submitted the following re „ort: , e . . ,. Street Account Paysheet . • $ 24.81 Eleatic .Light Account P. U. Cole. street light,. 157.0i e Property Account . P. U. Com. light Town Hall8.2 , ei ceilin eta e 6a 'A L Hunter gravel & "teerning 17.'51 Paysheet . . „ 48.6. D. A. Kay, decorating hall. , 100.01 P. U. Coin, rent of Rest room 45,91 T. Hawkins; oil & haedevere • 7.2: ' D. E, Closet Account ' 3. Steep, salary .1 or March,. ' Cemetery Account C. V. Cooke, salary fel- IVIar. 50.01 Salaries Account L. Sthng, :salary for March. . 70.81 E. Grealis, salary f or Mardi 58 . :3; Insurance Acoculit Wellington Instil:. Co. prem. e on hall: . , 18 .0s . Guardian lbstir. CO. premiuni., • . . ,, en hall , . . . :120,..31 Stationary Accoent L..Stong, stems and•statiom ' 4,5( ee unicip o • , • • 1 tes. ' '' al WI eld roll statues 23 8 ' .--f' Aceoent ' . • , Gran P U Com. light, water • ' , X. -flay,- II.ospital . .42.1( Fire and Water Accounts Olerls & Till insur for firemen • 79.51 ` ' • ' . • • - • ' Done Rubber Co, Coats, 'Hats -23.3c .. Incidental Aceount . P 11 Tel ent account. - 6.01. 7e . Co,, ' " t hone • ' I II Doni. Rubber Co, ,Coate, Hats 12,11 fjliton Mfg. 00. suits, caps'74.51 ' - - ' ts ,- • '' ' Es"'1" . , .,., ,,,,._,..,. market seeles 11.40 i : , 't • - 10 00 • - , IThl. ,,ten, • ., , , .. , .. , . ,. . D6,,, ..Tax, ,. .., ... „....... 81..00 102.41 '...., e , o . . _ , in P009 ,., , ..„. ; , , yo. 00 . . .. .... , ......:,,....51,9e....,1 ,-,-,,, .- , J.ti weals, :stocl,' scales .11,-89 ' . .. , , .. ' .. . ,, , ,-- . • •••,' FOR THAT:DAY:OPILY • - ' : e., . • se • CLOCKS •IPOR • ' 85c - • ' • . . - - e ',.-, '- .-: - • . ' -- ' _ . . - g a - e ar_.. ) if • . . JEWELER:vaed OPTOMETRIST . 'Phone 174w ., . Residence ........-... 11110,1•0•11•11.. e . . - • • ... . ton and was educated ett the Public SO 100 and Collegiath here. In early. manhood he went to Blyth and, in partnership with . -Cil, IL T. Rweiciiceel; established a priva e _ a lc, they conducted, for several years to- gether and. which he continued after 001, Rance had withdrawn from the partnership. Of late years he has , been also interested in the flax, in- dustry. ' In 1918 he removed to Clin, ton, going back and forward to Blyth to his business. - In 1899 Mr. lVfacKurchie was inii- ted in marriage to Miss Edna Curtis, Blyth, who survives him,with their two• daughters, Mary and Jean. An only sister survives, Mrs. W. Bry•s doneMee. ' of Clinton. Another sister, (Dr.) ,AgneW . of• Vancouver, B.C., died saddenly m December last. The funeral took place ,from . the family residence, King street, : on "Monday after:teen', : interment being • Mane in Clinton cemetery. The see. vice e were condticted by the Rev. A. Maeftelane ' of 'the Presbyterian- church, With -which Mr- Maelifurchis was connected, assisted, by the EV. A. A. Holmes. The pallbearers' were: Col.. H. ,7: Rance, G. D. and M. D. • MeTaggart, A. J. Merrisli., W. D. --Fair and Dr. Shaw. • friends and business assoc. • iates from Blyth and vicinity attem ded the fimeral, besides the friend: from Clinton. and Community; - • , . AMONG THE CHURCI-IES Pieebyterian Church ' The Rev. A. A -Holmes will preach he the Presbyterian church on Sun- day next. Iris' morning sub.feet .will be: "A JUbilent Messenger." EV- ening: "The Road- to Emmaus." , • ' Ontario 'Street United Church ' The W. M. S. Thank Offering - - ...7.0-......... 11011.•••10111111M ,.........-..... EASTER WEEK NOVELTIES ... , .. ' • , . • • ' . . L d ' ' G - The _Tailored arment ea s - • - . - . . -.say _ . . - . ' Paris and New York , , . .. - . . We h . 'n repleted our - ave agai ' . . • . „ stock wit the very newest num- ' h • .• . bers rom Fashion Centres_ . f - We are also sh,owing:-- . , . - NEW TRIANGLE SCARVES; : , , .. . NEW GLOVE'S, , . ' NEW HOSIERY - , • . ..NEW UMBRELLAS '• NEW FLOWERS •Many NEW BELTS , , ' ' , , . . . ' • and other accessories which go to complete yout EAS`PER TOGS . . . ' ." 7" ' 7 I 9 . N: S ' . " l'''',' • I 1 ' ! ... ...-....--....... -- meeting in the lecture room on. Tues. day afternoon at 2.30. The playlet, Diana and her Bill" will be give* al- so a special program consisting of -- music; readings, etc.,. followed by • a social. hbur. Miss Gibbings and the Mises Evans will assist in the mus- ical prog-rarn. • • , - ' Baptist Chureh , 1 Sunday ,Sunday services as usua . school and Bible dasses at 2.30. Song and preaching service at 7 p.m,. Subfect, "The Itesureectioe, or "Did Christ Rise from the Dead?" Monday evening the B. Y. P. 1.1, will meet in. the church. All mem- hers are asked. to attend as there'is something. of especial interest. EY- erybody Welcome. ' Prayer , and fellowship meeting each Wednesday evening. - : • • , Ontario Street, United Church Fellowship service at ten. Minis: 8 morning subject., e is R iten," Evening subject: "The Appeal of the Easter Message." Sunday school at , usual hour, The choir- tvill render ' special musit and beautiful' floVers will bring their messagee on Easter: Day. A hearty •eveleenee to all who ' .- . come. Make Eietee Sunday a great. day. . 1: , .., - - •Th.e evening -services. 7.4enting- this , week are Well attended and:yery h,e1pe..1,O1' ful. , An invitation' eistelided', to ;41', sei.,,e. • • , . - ' ' "-. '. ' .-1* .' ' • . - . ,,,,,,,. -.' ' '' ' ' -.:•,- .' ' • ' St. -Good. Friday. will' be ebserVed--.by service' a . in e morning; : , .., . t 10 30". the ' • "'At" 8 o'clock le the evening the augmene.1..""` • .., ,-. .,„ .- 1. ,,, tea choir will sing "The ,.,ruelitla.en • • ''. . - '. . - Oil -Easter Sunday ' morning there' Will be a celebration. of 'Ho y , o ri., 1 C' 1 - Munion at 60••••1 . ' . " ' ' ' ' - ' ' 1 h • - o clock service ull 'e oral : ecarremn- ' d serino-n and •at •SeVell 0'01.001t ion ars . , . , evening prayer, , serviee of. song arid amnion Speeiel mimic for Easter ' .. .. . ' :4 • • ,, imll.,' include,. ' Comtritimon Offine. ' SimPer "Ilalleltriah Christ iS "Ms- ' .• 1, ' ' • „Simper and, 0, Death Where is ' They Sting?" Turner ' ' ' ' • ' ,. • , . WG$ley-:1AVii.$.. United , Cheireh, , .:cieratitelit , of the e Leed's Supper .'.' pin be admiiiisterecl at the morning service . on SimetteV: 'On' •Sunddy Let7 ening the. choir _will render the "sac; Preeeenimunion service on Frideee -evening, at:. beven-thiety. . Service.s, are •Ii.eing held ogees .evening this week,' Tonightethe ..Itev. p-N.,xd,.. , .cenieje-0.3:.„1,ceederee thriller vaietor of • wesly-uong.regao.A...', win- be ±1i ' 1 '' ' - •'''''''' 1 ' • - '..- • .' ' : ,, The Nee . M; a..will,hiilii th'eir Eaatet ..'lhankoffeci • ' l'ieg'• in the 'cliiireli'e•AvnierilanS' 08 .mee i . .. ,. : 1:11i,''T.lit.iislia ' ' y t a terns:ion, . April ,,t2th. ' 'sv14'ii",i)Ili ,''(' . '')•Gie ' 'e • ' s . Rev. Dr. lull r pm be . .„.:,..... . ' the-specilsoi: • - , ,.. ', A ....." • - ',. - ,1 : :,, ''Tlie ,•OftiS';!Cliiir,Vili.'xiieet.• On)the 1 ,ti..a _''Pix -44 i, ..\i'd' '`' ''' t 'a ' it - _ 2fgheoifd,4s" 4.g.,igie,tigtota,;41.16.1ite:et;, ' at. th ''In:Mi ' 'of lir' . (4a6 ,; je le ' ' on•- Alai:1'47th; - e:r• -:',:,., ',, ''''': 7 -7" :•• ,', - - , • • - .. BORSA.LINO HAT $7 50. . ' •BROCK HAT . • ' . • • $6 00 - Spring For , - - • We take pride in , . new spring styles. ' about our Spring Stock largest and beet assoiteci .. 'VIE ITS ND W'S SUA . SWEATERS,..SIiIRTS, , ' Styles , ' . - -Merl . an d ' s ' • Boys ' . • • invitation to see the -as to feel enthusiaefte , we con show you the 'ter ' ' shown in:- HATS, CAPS, , : BELTS, trc. ' : . extendieg you a, cordial And is itenot natural for ?-particullarly when • stock we have ever . OVERCOATS; SLICKERS, • HOSIERY, 'I'IES, • DEATH OF 1VIRS, HIBBS • _ Mrs. H. Hibbs died early yestere day morning and ,while ehe has been an invalid f or soine time, her death came unexpectedlY• .. - -Tire funeral -will' take place tomer- row afternoon, at the residence, Princess • steeet, at hall.past elm. • • .. - ,• WHERE THE MONEY GOES . • , • On m 'e sevet i of this issee will be 1 g , . . , f • the finances o f found a seminary o . 1) tte the town of Chn•ton,.prepare. y 1 finance committee of the town come. d read et the monthly meeting. cll an . ., f the ciiiincii 011, Monday evening. It 0 e ..,, ,,, , , , is "concise and' easily- andersteed and , . _ , tl ' no donbt Wall -be of7mterest to, ie ma- jority of the .ratePaYees.,..„ as showing .. nist- how the tavies":are epent. . • .. 7 - • : • o."'` ' ` .1 ' t cl i One thing whielt may. be le e• the fact that the"Collegiate /netitute build• ng, e1'e'h, cost. 7e11 large eu'm ; to breild. oniyeiiosts• the,teWn, l'Ite. resells , .., 1' -Pielil'' '''. ' I .1 e'l 'eh more then et ie. .., _ ie eceeo , v 13. was remodelled ••Sense. yecete ago.- The C ' I` b' '11..'eeesle 'It mills' annually , .s Ill Clng. „ ; ... . Mad the ' Pend:le-Scheel budding .2.:7.. ... . ,,„ . emus,. • „ee ,. , ere, ...,, ; -) „ere , • ;Coo ,TOWN ITALii.RliPeti4S.,,1",:s:.',:,..-",..,;.,,ikielt .., ,. . , , . . , . ' . ' :spbe stage (i.c4i,i'6. ,tb*Ii 1.1'alt-arifdit•-• orita 1.0 ende,egojeg.,Alteeeeitlees. deer • eeeeeee .reedeie, is b'oped , wile be ,fin,, ' idled -ire' Hine : foe the,' concert -nett Thursday eVenieg .' Ilew tot-1111gs' and are being e put in in Stage"' a,nd. 'iings anti the 's,cenery is beinerek, eorated; New':volour, dnipins eie ,,in- , th e Plaiih' Mit' they '-inay'inot come , fie. a little titia'Yef.T.''.!rlid,iiiX46' Ok' re. - • • • . h .b, t ,,.. ...,,,, ..-. . ,-. palriek ti C.i 8 a .e• ...W44.•• taken -W --"Y. the Women's1.,Inatittithened;the,emin-• ' '• ' -'• ' • ' Vt. . ':16'.', '11.15O,:f• '';..,.66.4 . ' i 2 id -h. ').1' 1,.) t "2 . 'tit • f - t° P" e". .th a -- old , a stage , u , . . . ,• , • , ,, - etyle : end": the' 'W. - I.' deeetv,eie "eoine. orodit,efoi., etaiong., the,. initiative; ';i•x• ' eegaee ,;i'm ire , ' ....", e7:',', : • ' : 7, : .. 1 ,", ,. ' '. '..- - •-. i'- ' .. .'( - .-- -. . , : ,Tbe domicil - e, ant ,er, . ahe een,'rse.. •-ilethrited. and : looks ..'!,,,,,ei•Y. riidei -and. - • ' •-,--' - • ..... _ . MEN'S. SUITS • - , - . • , , • - ' .: ' 'b. ' • ' '' 2 50 35 00 41,15e. 1'8000 , 22. 0., 2' .00 3........ . . . . . ..., . . .. • . , .. , '' - • ' ' - • - ' ' SUITS -wiTu Errii,A TRot stAs $25 00 ' ' ' ! ' • 7- ' ° • • , . . . . . ' • : ' SPRING 01,rtitclOATS- ei... .'il •••• ' - , ' e ' ' eV • . e . - ' .i .. • ., s , . . ,---- : BOY'S FIRM.' LONGS ' ' ' • t 00" ' • . - .,, - . ., " - . , „ 0 . „ 1 $10112 00 '15 ' .; .. - , .. , .. • . . • " - " ." '2.-- ' ' ' • . • e' ,...' ' • • ! BO'k'S Villa. -LONGS' WITH EXTRA TROUSERS $15 00 • ' • • • . 7 • • _ - '''' - • . • 1 .• e-, . , . ' ) • ' - ' ' ' _ • ' ' '. y •• -.• .'",' ' . '..'' BOY'S KNICKER • SUIT s $5 00 $7 50 $10. $12 50' ;,2.1-i-, • ' . .., • 7."'. ' 0 ' • • ' ' 1.7• ' '-''' ' ' , c' ' . ' Z'.;:.'-' ' . ' ' ,L.,,, _ ., . . '' ' .,,;.." , ',, , '. : ,,:'• : ', ',, Bbrs ' CAPS ' 75'. $1. 00 -'11 25 - . '$1,50: '''' '' . ' . ''' ...• ' . . . '' -- ' '_' - r..., ' ''' 7 .. •.:-., 4 ,:_,/, • ; IVIEN'A CADS,•A WONDERFIlleSIIL . ,, .2:, • .. - . . . .. ,.' ; ' ..' , .. . '.. -.. - .. . . . ... - .. -, ..,... , : ' ' . ' - , , ' ' ' - • ' , . , ,... • ' • , .. . ,. .' ,... ....,_ , ,..-.--!' , . , , ,',,,,,, e, ..,"7 .•"..•:, 'Efull'ett - Tovvintslitip .' '. . 'Me ancl.Mrs.. • S,. H, .Mecld of tut ,'`, '1. b ' t 'd, th • • l• -ft ninth wed el: ge e ia, e . en . Y.-. . • _ _ ding annitle,ree•y, ore IVIale.e.... the tr,t7 tY:73'*•.S. . - ,ie?' ,were, inain.eci ite... Je townehm of peetwright • the, lures first of-Iderch 1869.• They came vim • - • • 'e, • ' "tt all& locatnv ,en t e,,,siath concensi , i of' Hullett,tlitY lived there for fittlf .--- .-- ' • . ' - ., , - • ' e ' years ' then •-ro.oved te Mane iSt: en ...,xe • ..' '- • - ', • •• '''' ' ' : ' ' • es ter 3ght ais ag . , . .. ,.,_ e . ,, .31e, ... 0 . .. ,. - '1.-'Tliebiefrimids.. in ' the . old, toweehli Meteiid congratulationt,to them on Vs: attainnient , of , is, ,annreferearY ,.., Iiiipe, 'they,' .will thlehrate their Da , • • • • - . :, . • ,••.- , , ,, , " ' • ' . 'ST. LAWRENCE,HAT , 05'•, - ': . - ' . ••••• , ,. . , : • .1 :. •,- - . .- : , •"' .", -, , ' HOIMOII HAT '' , , . .." • ••• eeeee'.:, I, . ' , -. ., ,, , . ..,.-„,?..: ---;,. * ': , ' . 11 • ' .. ' '"; '' '' ' •' - ' . ' ' . ' _ . • , , ' • ,• ' • • • '' '''' '' , . ' • , ' ', •: ', ' . • • , , ,, •..,.,,.,',. • ' • ' ' , ' ' , , ,,,e 1 ' ' ".• ' '' ''' • • . . , •• - ' ' : ''' .. . .• .., , Every:, _,,,_ ' . :". .1 '.' ' - ' , • , _ , _.,, . ' '' 1 . ''' . . , . . F......,,,..„,.„...,,,,,,. '' . ' '' . i , ,...' ' . . '. ' ,. . - ' '