The Clinton News Record, 1928-03-29, Page 3FOR SAL NO MEDICINE LIKE
or tii,herlle Ne`vvbtiii Babe or
the Grow(11lti< "You it l'e nude your•"hero
Theis ie no other medicine to equal too ` hot headed, I m afraid."
13aby's'„Own Tablets for: little 01101- Sl
'pudding/ Author ,— "ow do. 'y'1u
whftdler it, be for the new born babe mean?'
tl n ravvin Child (o WITH LAUGHTER)
0r the gileWing chilli the' lablete',al- "Nell; he•has a lantern jaw, to be-
X116 'goody They are absolui;ely, gin, )yith. 'And so his iilrole,fitt:o lit
free” 1roin', opiates 01: other li001n 11 :up! IJi6,ebeeks flamed, and' he gate
dings and the'niotirer can always feel a burning; glance, ,0,111 then; blaring
with' wrath and bolding with rage, lie
adminietered-•a acorching rebulte."
sato in tieing them. ;
Concerning the Tablets,. Firs. John
Armour R.R. ',1, South Monaghan,
Out.,. says:—"We have three' fine,
healthy children, to whom, when a
medicine is needed, P11 have. given
only. Baby's .Own Tablets. The Tab-
lets are the beet medicine youcan
keep in any 110011e where there are
young children."
Baby's Own/Tablets. are a mild 11)1t
thorough laxative whi&h r'egulnte,„the
stomach and bowels; banish conetiPa
tion abc1..Jindigeation; "break up colds_
and simple fever and make teething
easy, They are sold by medicine, deal.:
ers or direct by:mail -at 26 cents a box
from The D'i Williams! Medicine CO3,
Broekvill'e; Out;
Britain' Calls a Halt
holy s war ;directed'
h, protectorates
dinla; k3gyPf
• pbpoaed 'Ang
and in Levee
Cominisaion "to7
Indian' eery-gOye
the 'significant and
ems; in each c
ser or greater'
to BiRtish anther
only sprang up
eters of Great Bri-
tain's East. The con
'not always
minatory note which
ed do Cairo, demand-.
plianee with the
unser the declara-
tion the
as the British Govern-
ment is starttling
he i10 further
gYPtian National
treaty represeutod
amount of inaepende
to grant to Egypt.
t, that country m
consequences of her int
a further, however,
the immediate aim
law of ;Egypt.
the Eastern
ervos notice befit
the desert and upon
India that the isle
'entirely divorced
Commonwealth of
uouncemeut that
es "reserve the i
s as in their view
demand” there
that inisde the v
inns and self-go
lug is still an
cl to uphold Bi
eia117 there has
the manner in \v
would treat with
!ms of Egypt-
araj have Pointe
signs and Savo
d make her item
Egyptian Nationalists,
meekly eo•opetate w
which no Iuilla
e allowed to sit.
answer: CO.071e1'atl
hod of achieving
beyond a certain poi
n must take or
Fruit `ranch, 30 acres water frontage $4,000 cash or $4,500' on terms. No
on beautiful Arrow Lakes, half, clear-
ed, fenced and planted, about. 1000
trees, good 'buildings, garden, lawn.
and flowers, close to church, schoo
and store, good hunting and fishtnt
0. S. Ball, owner, East Arrow Park,
British Columbia, or Mrs. S. Frank
V!Ison, 5 Dale Ave., Rosedale, Toronto.
:eiephone RAndolph 1830.
Parents are not always'. careful
about who htieobe .the. girls when . they
are babies, but 'When they grow up
some et them are even more eat: lean
about that than thein parents were.
In 'Arabia a ted•
against tbe' Britis of
Irak and Transiol, the
rejection of the lo -
Egyptian treaty' a tts
hgailtst the' Simon an
investigation of rn-
ment—these are
inter -related problems, ase
implying to a les de-
gree a challenge authority,
which; have suddenly to
confound the `dire policy in the course
of empire does run
Smooth. ich
The -sharp and )
has been dispatch nd-'
ing Egyptian com ob-
ligations assumed ara-
tion of 1822 and r right to
take such steps ern-
mont finds nese ling
proof that there willcon-
cessions to the E Nationalists.
The proposed the
maximum lice
England -is preparedpt.
Having refused i must
face the consequintran-
This;, nota ' goe ver,
than achieving of
laiMig` down the It is
fail ' warning toworld
that Great Britain feud
her rights. its up-
on the Arabs et a of
the Hindus of
empire is note trove
the British Co Na-
tions. In the anthe
British authorities right
to take such step the
situation may is a
clear indication velvet
glove of concessions cern-
ing privileges tl Iron'
hand determine British
authority and
In India espebeen
been interest in Bich
Great Britain ttthe
nationalistic claims Pro-
ponents of Stv Pointed to
Britain's concessions advocated
that India should ands
felt as have the lists,
rather' than me with a
commission on n re-
presentatives are This
is England's ani on is
your best met your
Mins 'aiid fit we
will not go—yoleave
what„we offer
If we adults are a sample of what
spanking will do hi forming character
Perhaps it's just"us well that parents
no, longer do It.
On fishing trips take Minard's.
Any. flyerwhohas 110,000,000 with
him in justified in saying "We.'
01071 OCT?
If YOU aro bran
inn reiatived 01' '
friends to Canada
!n the Spring, let
Albert Chamber-
lain, ops President,
look after thong all
the Pay to TO -
mato. He sails on
the firflt elaip up.
the St, Lawrence.
AAVauood llaabagen
British 'Welcome
and welfare
Corner Gerrard
and Pembroke Sta.,
A. Cliirnzberfalu Toronto...
our breeders are bred foe hleh
egg production. White, Brown
and Buff Legherne. Barred and
White Recta 11,1. Meda An'
coins, Buff Orefestene, White
\Vyandottea, l2e and (15.10074
live delivery guaranteed. \Vrue
today for FRES clitrd1 BOOK.
$CBWEGLEIr3 N8TG110)055"s antexi rlat.2Brnen.f .10
*100 Per Week
Whole or part time selling high
grade subscription publications,
Write for full particulars to
73 King $t. West, Toronto
vox; can arrange for your rclacivea
and friends this low ocean 'fare
greatly reduced rail rates, children
under 57 carried FREE,
Ask at once for details of the
Pettish Nomination Bob eistc
from any office or agent of the
113i �iaLnci �tidS0 8
Jf13',y13°uprJ3 LINES
Mary had a little goat,
The goat frail halitosis
And every place that'fiiary weiie
The people? Reid their '1101105.
In the spring a young man's, fancy:
fondly turns. out scheme ' to loaf;
Puzzle: Thal tho;:easy in easy pay -
,Spealcing,;cot- -degradation, •thi4 o£
the puneh bawl'convertetl:info an no--
'This '''fl:otlble Cvres T'hroi
Weak, Watery Blood
•l+iany^people stiffer rlleumbtie pains'
that could be avoided -by building up
they blood. 0111et1matisin coined 'yit!1'
thin., watery -blood, and can only be
driven out,of the,syslem by pnrioliing
and purifying the • Mood, ' To snake
rich, real blood no medicine 0eluals 1)i'..,
Williams' Pink 'Pills, these pills ac-
tually make, -new ,blood",'driving but all
po1sonous sec etions ,and creating a
1011(1111011 of 101)051 ;he trill, ...Thous-
anils of rheumatic siitferers. can tes-
tify to the value of 1h•. Willianiel P11111_
Pills. Among them' is Mr. Jos. A, Pur
1y,' Bo17caylaon,_ Ont., .who says:-
"As a worker in the woods for years
I Was exposed to all kinds of rough
wintry weather. The result. Was that.
I,was finally laid up with rheumatism
I could 11(10dly stir, and. leas confined
to bed...Medicine seemefrto have lit-
tle or no effect and trio best 01)1}011.1
agement the doctor'ga)eme was that
with the coming oS warm. weather• I
`would be' better. But instead of get-
ting better,'1 -grew worse. My joints.
were badly swollen and my legs so
stiff ,they would,. hardly supH4nt-.m3
body. At this 'stage I'read, that. D1•..
Williams': Pink Pills -were recommend
(idfor oheumatiam and decided to'try
them. The results Were beyond. my
expectations. After ,a Yew weeks the
swelling had disappeared and:; the stiff-
mess gradually were away, and much -
sootier' than I expebted all traces Of
rheumatism had disappeared. The
next winter when I -went into the
wood I took a supply of Dr: Williams'
Pink with me, and they kept me
ho the hest of .condition. My expert-
'ence should give encouragement to
ether'rheumatite Snfferei's."
Yoh can get these pills through any
dealer in medicine, or by mall at 50c
a box Froin The. Dr -,—Williams' Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont.
giiariuIIl • for' gold' ifsh.
Their'Geed. Work.,
The wild flowers, blooming all around
Seem desperately tryin
To; cover, lip with radiance
The pesky dandelion.
Anger is an expioaion In the human
"boiler, and who ever knew --an explo-
sion. a boiler any good?
' The man who can be stepped 'isn't
going anywhere.
The man who can't World 'without
a motto about hard work over 'his
desk won't' work hard with one.
It's taking the "1” out, od "shirk,'
and putting the "will" into "willing-
ness" that locates the "we he
wealth,' ' •
Science has done practically every-
thing for the modern home but make
a home of it.
The man Who broke • the record
driving a stock ear from coast to
coast probably was looking tor a -place
to park. •
The softest. job would be that o1
publicity man for Benito Mussolini,
We awaken in others the same, at-
titude of ,mind that' we hold' toward
In ethics you cannot better the
golden rule. - are
Most mel who have succeeded
men who have chosen one lige and
stuck to it' ---Andrew Carnegie.
To have a Share in the company's
progress to -day is to draw diviidends
from its resources . to -morrow. ,
Some people wash their' aces'
Each morning hl -the sink;
1 1180 a drinking fountain
And clo it While I Veit. .
Minard's. Liniment kills warts.
A scientist says the vocal cords of
it woman use less energy in talking_
than a man's•, It would seem the t
talk always follows the line of least
Gabby Gertie
"A girl shcips the dancing stage.,
w11ent she leaps into the limelight:"
Try a Beanshpoter.
Clerk—"Diel you get rid of any
moths with those moth -balls
Mr's, Dttn—"No, I tried for five.
hours, but I couldn't hit a one."
Time to Retire:
Freddy hasn't been out at night or
Played poker for three weeks:'
"Turned over a new leaf?"
"No; turned over a net car."
Keep Minard's in the Medicine Chest.
Objeots fade about teventy tines as
fast lit sunlight as they .010 under ohm -
trio lights, 11 would be well to ex'
•is. )lain, however, that the reverse lot
Ei'uo of young men and won1011.
• Gabby Gertie
"Whenthe first: story is' barred a,
salesman is apt 10 become a second
story. man." ,
The Soviet policy is said to be mov-
ing toward the Left. ' 'Weave never
known it to turn to the right.'
Use MJnard's Liniment for Corns.
Our 1928Oat :1 gLe
listing a good assortment of Fruit,
and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs,
Roses, Perennials, etc., is now ready ,
and willbe sent on request..
I3roolcdale Nurseries
p' ftdIPS
O; MAG1yg. ,
For Troubles
due to Acid
About two hours after eating many,
People suffer from .sour stomachs,.
'they call it indigestion. lit means,
that the stomach nerves Have • been
over -stimulated. There is 000085 acid.
The way 10 001rect` with. an alkali,
10111011noutaal zes many tulles its
volume in acini. •
The right woo Is Phillips'.'ivlilk of
Magnesia—just a tastel16ss dbse in
water, 1t is pleasant, 'eiflcient,{tint .
Marooned Lawyers+
A tinsmith after repairing a root of
a lawyer's home itemized Ills bill as
For bringing ladder and tools ,,,. $1,00
For putting ladder against wall .50
For cliln'bing and taking tools on 2.00
root '
For repairs ' 4 00
Totes 11 $7.50
The lawyer, after looking over the
bill, spoke up: "Go alta see it the tin-
smith is still on the roof, for in his
b!11 he has no item' which says an7-
thing about bringing 'down the tools
and taking away the ladder.'
Cut Crop Costs
your proat ? °•Signe 0)boverhead)1011100
to grow—get Unmoor °rope by using
9110 1'00
12'`W 4-24-4
Two Tons
200 Vine Ave., Toronto, Ont. Il
My doctor told me it was only my
strong constitution that pulled me
"He shouldn't send you a bill then.",
When will warfare end . We11, coir•
sitter this: It's pnly in hide communi-
ties that men still settle arguments
with their lists.
Iain me stand-,
•r th si remained harmless, J, a 0
ftrd with physicians in tine 60 years
since its invention.
It is' the quick method. Results come';
almost instantly, 11 is the approved
method, Yoh willlimier use another•
When you know, '
13e su1'e';to got the genuine Phillips'
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi-
ciansY for 50 earscoftecting 001050.
acids. :Bach. bottle eonta1111 Dull direc-
tions --any drugstore . -
Somebody suggests that the Army
could enforce Prohibition. Always•
fipniink out some scheme to stimulate
Do You Get Up
Ocean Fare £2
Under the British Nomination
Scheme, your relatives and friends
can travel at this low rate from
Illriitaia1 to Canada
aloo' reduced roll fare—children under 17
free. -For complete information, phone,
write or callpersonaliy atWhitester Offices
in Montreal, Toronto Wilnripeg, Calgary,
Edmonton, Saskatoon, Vancouver.
,;, rrugated i r
"Council Standard"
A thick, even, heaVY spread of
galvanizing over every inch of sur -
time. Deep corrugations. Agencies
stiltWrite hius,stating b 1 size of
barn you want to e�g�
WE PAY Mill 514T
Dept, W, 108 George St„ Toronto 2
F0R,A4)rO EN 1' BS"U,S
STATIbNAllY Oi4:P000t t1 LE:'EN0ON
J.,.0 -B, Gov. Co., St. Cdtharinee, '0511.
W °
.-r��ard o �.0 0
117.9,11,4 Plleurn.onia
Neglected bronchial colds 011 dan-
551000. Stop them iaetatrdt/ with
Uucidey'o Mixture. Its action In re-
lieving the cough and clearing the
tvbe010 amazingly swift -and sure
All dru nieto.sell "Buckley'b under z
'a positive guarantee. Buy a bottle 4y;
today, and bo+stile.
W. N. Buckley, Limited tis
142 Mutual St.,Toronto 2 t
520 AcU Iiltc a f1a3h-- CFS
a single nip proves It
TirecL Cross?
Look out. It may be kidneys.
'ITy Warner's Safe Kidney
and Liver Remedy
"Yoe," • Soya the kindly doctor, ',you
need a stimulant diuretic:, And for more
than 80 yearn the boat known remedy in
this class leas been warners Safe,xrid-
ney and Liver Hemecly, originally ' o
physician's prescl'115t1011, made of Na -
=WS herbs
,Safe, of courao. But better than. that,
it. helps to preae1ve your meet preei0us
Asset, your health.. Gently it stimulates
ki10(1(1 liver tdo 61015 p0 k
creakindneysg.. out body pers0ons, Witll ,you0fr
blood -stream 01010110015• and all 01510511
functioning as they should, you awnk0
from a sound might's sleep refroohed,
invigorated, ' otxoeg•. Life tabes oskin.
new :joy. Yong eye clears. Your skin
gains 11 healthy color. ltOlSO walk with
aastiral100. You isplay an -air o1 smiler:
ity and' -11)00005.. , -
£vary ,li ggist' knows pleasant tno'tiito'
W041•ilor'b Safe 31icln07 and &11(00 I4oni..
cavi It costa little, but it; is worthInv.u
'Fold amounts to tellyone 'Wlid needs the -
heap .it gives. Ony Your.. `bottles today..
Get hookto. 1102101, Wa01500'0 Sara Dont.'
(idles Co., Toronto; Ontario.,
--•Warner's Safe Kidney a4nd'-
LiWel' er,edy* , ISSUE N°. 13—'28
You got this GEM Razor. and
2 extra blades xoldborrt cost
with a package of 10 GEM
Double Life Blades for $1
If you, are not deliglited with
your shaves,—return the pati.: -
age of 1,0 blades intact and
we will refund your money!
I3athe the, foreltea1 with Mi(1
aril's. Also in11a10, )30 lugs
soothing' relief.
t s.a•
Does the work eta larger,
constructed, serviceMore costly machine. able,
Walled allietime.
°' Wonder'COnCrete Mixer
The New Brantford Woader'MIrer
sensate prices° low that no farmer can
afford to mix concrete, mortar, seed
grain, fertilizer, feed, etc. 8y lend.
Write for descriptive folder 170.16
GOOLD, 511(17LE715 Iv1UIR CO,Ltd.
Branllsrd Ont. 8
� A
Clasuifled 'Adrtertisenerat8
PY.O W 731113
UI01 (.1 5,^ DAHLIA 01 AND 01:'11108.
2;7 L kl)LC)1;11S, RA0011 1 ANT) 00E0112
roses, 11, delivered) 12.00,Ca lalog Tree,
Al. ,4 Q. Dodds, Sortcnte
y QUA I,r J."x.. 11001{, ' z l Gr1011N,
J!- -Wyandotte, lied Baby Gli14lce,
.010.00 per 100 and up Hatching. eggs,
d.04 per 100 and pp. Pedigreed f ocicer
el0, 04,40 each, and up 30 rage .Ilius-
trated Catalogue Free, T,. 11. Guild do
Sens Dom 0, Rockwood, Ott..
and Full -Information Bent Inventions"
an Request.
X273 B k�.,, Otttawa, Ont.
you ' can arrange far your relative
and friends this low ocean fare --
greatly reduced rail 'rates, children
under 17 carried FREE.
Ask at once for dettale of the
British: Nomination Scheme
from any office or agent of the
DesiADiAN Cd3
Mother of Eleven Children
Praises Lydia E. Pinlchaan's
Vegetable Compound
Her' Interesting Experience
Buelcinghant, Q " I am the
mother of elevenanvi ngmy baby ois
five: months old.
I am only 33 years
old and 1 have
taken Lydia E.
Pinkharn's Vege-
table Compound:
for wealness and
my nerves.6 knew
of .It from my
sister, Dame Ed-
; 3 �'',Iouare Be11"(etijlle
as an kor five ,years dyI
pas in,misery and was ahvaya rea
to cry. N;o, sj am Bo' happy to have
1 good health. My daughter, -who 1d
18 y0a>;1 old, has alto taken 11 an
will be happpy to )10conimend it lis all
"young girl0, i' --Dame WILLIAM'PA
Box 414, Bucltingham Quebec,
suffer for ears with back
Why h 0t y
l nc
• •tn, •I
ache, net t o. a
common to women from 0115013' 1110 to
middle age, when Lydia EPin1:11am's
Vegetable Compound will give you
relict? -wide canvass
In a recent country
of purchasers of Lydia L Piirltham's
Vegetable Compound, over 250,000
r. rie)lies dlere received, and 98 out of
1 e rted they Were bcne-
every I •
fited by its use.
h 3 ,
�-.'�y1••�a�•��1 ,,me�qq�q
(3 hours to Paris).
Also Direct to Great
Travel White Star—Un-
surpassed accommoda-
tions, cuisine, service
and satisfaction,
Daybreak Sailings from
fore,Mno hotel necessembark
Return Rates ro Europe
Cabin 02'10 up
Tourist Third Cabin 5184.50 00
Third Class 8155
1r11 Espenso Tuurs 5275 up
Consult our experts—no obftga•
tied: Call, phone or writer
aS 51issg St. Hast, Toronto
3100811 Building, 3005101)0101
or Local S.S. Agents
�AB7:. 0111C\•Ige—WE HATCH POUR
atlettes 01f..Baby. Chicks, "11rite Sore
free catalogue. Price 100 Ind up. A. Ila
Switser,, Granton, Ont.
19-BIi.,I.`SI-I 1; 1SOV7 rt-rzo0 BLit.:'PgIe's ,
.1t 1111 '7.`314011 movers of Canada Lat•geet.
speedy padded yaps. New •Lgttiprn•ent,
latest. methods Two expe'r1800ed )nen
every trip. ' A11 loads insured Beyond.
ethopare, it,r Stein and care:. Before yrou
move, we,us or wire And 1CverSe the
charges. Bead office. llamilton, Ontario,
Canada, . Ball the Mover. - _
No mother In this euliglltened age
,would give her baby something she
lid not know was perfectly harmless,
especially when a few tdropsof plain
Castorla will right a baby's stomach
and endalmost any little i11. Fretful,
gessand fever, too; it seems no time
until everything is serene.
That's the beauty of Castorla; ltd,
gentle influence seems just what is
heeded. It does all that castor 011
might accomplish, without shock to,
the system. Without the evil taste.
It's deliciqus! Being purely vege-
table, you can give It as often as
there's a sign of colic; constipation;i
diarrhea; or need to aid sound; natur-
al sleep.
Just one warning: it is genuhse
Fletcher'a Castoria that physicians '
recommend. Other preparations may;
be just as free from all doubtful
drugs, but no child of this writer's is
going to test _them! Besides, the
book on care and feeding of babies
that comes with Fletcher's Castorla;
is worth its weight in gold.
Children Cry for
Grade Holstein Heifers 'k
Client wants to purchase now
fifty grade heifers due to freshen: in
Autumn. What have you to offer
and what is your price. •
Tlle':whole world knows Aspirin as an effective ant dote for,
pain. Boit tit's just as ian. wrtolit `'to know that there is onI' ono,
900100ial.e Aspirin, The name Bayer is oi1,every tablet, and on#be
box. 'I`2 the name Bayer appears, it's genuine; and if it doesn't,
it is:rot i Headaches are dispelled by Aspirin. So are colds, and
thepain that nes with them; even neuralgia, neuritis, and rheunait
tislu a promptly relieveel. pa Aspirin --at any drugstore ----with,
?''oven d1, cc limb.Physicians prescribe
lt does NOT affect
the art
'toe Wwoe1p Is th•re , trade
,... owl: n(. cm061s111•nIn Omn,nnnAl11lnIndicating "Ray•er )t i01f
iLtns,ltth100.e10 trallbe" 'stamped '11ilybrtbelrelatyel. Otor saa5urteratflaNNprnkb,lle '4145'4 wbLiol5IlIlrt