The Clinton News Record, 1928-03-15, Page 31NIN @R1V STN.
For Reliable Information
Write= 4Jo
9 Adelaide $t. E., Toronto
'Alberta:Coal ;
]id 1 hien Union-`Z+}nd.) :.The n1evvo
WAIL tg gel Alberta- coal- on -.•to the
markets of the East aliol thus to ell •
Minato America!' coal 11 in•a1oeivortiiy
hitt difficult:' . Without taking into
. consideration 'Nova' Scotia coal', whirl
will look on thismovement with sonic^
jealousy, but which will; Ito'' dournt;
be ready 'to' come itio, tern's, : the fact'
reelain1 that for. Allberta coal the
Western producer and the Eastern
consumer are 1.,500 miles or more
away from each other, and must defy.
on the railway asithelr only 'Means 'of
transport. Yankee 'coal;' on'the other
hand, is eight to ` ten times nearer
and can be, carried by water, 1n con -
Sequence; supposing a fight_ to the
• death started, Yankee coal could al -
Ways reduce its sale price lower and,
lower and in the end comeout on top.
There would only be. one way out.---
ut=to .pilt' up a prohibitive tax on A,mori-
Call coal... -
nrurnnrec ries
h•litci io0 the schools; to- keep
turn Pett -on the gigeund there ,(111$8, -
days i`b is to he tllcon,llte;'ally Digdtr
.ilpe1inteil110Olts .were te.:ently sum-
moned into conference by the Gug:.
genhciul .bund for prolnOLIon of
aeronautids to devise a program' or
air oehtcation
Tho Amerloan ,public alas not pro-
gressed -rapidly eno11g1t til. t:?e dirootion
01 siriniidedness-tA 'satisfy ',the avla
tion enthusiasts, so they are';going 10
start With the -clildren: 'And only
oilo•, superintendent. out of eighty in
the larger cities o1 itheq ountgy made.
:ally , objection. So reacts Mlle . an--
11OtaCevlent'`11'o14 the 'fund headquar
Again the three Rs Swill be ,asked to'
stalfclIn 3 corner while', -past of their
'allotted time is taken -away from
them.' When railroad trains were in-
irdduced-or again, when ]zorrseleeo
vehicles>'runnin on rubber 'were of.
fere& to the public—no organized_ pro -
5 autla sought to 1ncu1'cate-tile truth.-
about these new modes of,transporta-
Lion in lie maids of boys and 'girls.'
Aviation's „not held hack by any
tiling more serious than tido "Git a
boss" prejudice of the pito '90s. The.
apostles of the new art are in a hurry.
Every schoolboy knows the essential
facts, of Colonel Lindbergh's ,demon-
strations. More ,performances' of a
similar nature will turn the tricktof
making .the Next genez tI0 n ait ll
Without : any studiousl;f devised addi-
tions to an 'already, overburnedecl cur-
riculum. -Journal of Education
A daily gaper remarks tihat there'
are too many burglaries 'in this
country,' It does not state, how-
ever, what is the ideal number to
i ave: Punch: •
No mother in this enlightened age
would give her baby something' she
did not know was perfectly harmless,
especially when a+few drops ;of Main
Castorla Will right a
baby's stomach
and end' almost any' little ill. , Fretful -
'and, fever, .too; it seexifs no time
until everything is serene.
'Tlzat;s,'the beauty, of Castorla :-its'•
gentle influence seems just what is
needed. .It does all that castor oil
might accomplish, without shock to
the system. Without the evil taste.
It's delicious! Being gully vege•
table, you can give it >s'often as
there's a sign of colic; constipation;,
diarrhea; or need to aid sound, natter
al sleep.
Just one warning: ft is genuine'
Pletcher's Castorla that physicians
recommend. Other preparations may
he just as free from all doubtful
drugs, but, nq child of this .writer's is
going to "test them! Besides,the
book on care and feeding of babies
that conies ,with Fletcher's Castorla
is worth its weight in gold:
Children Cry for
Assam;,teas• are known by
experts as the finest teas
grown—a fact which explains
why Red Rose Orange Pekoe
has become so deservedly
popular in Canada. For Red
Rose Orange Pekoe is chiefly
composed of Assam teas,
which accounts for its dis-
tinctive quality and value.
Every package guaranteed.
d Return
®til. '
Perfect comfort -low
cost. BIG Ships,
famous for cuisine, lux-
urious appointments;
serviceand satisfaction.
Travel Whits }Star
All ExpenseTeurs•$295 up.
before—up hotel necessary.
Consult our travel eirp ertd—
Noobligarlorl. Call, phone
or write:
Ell 5Ci11g St. E., Toronto
7YtoG}31 Bldg., Montreal
erLocalSteomehip Agents
+pv t,meNES
For Troubles
due to Acid,
What most people call indigestion
is usually excess acid in the stomach.
Tho food has soured. The instant
remedy is an alkali which neutralizes
acids., s But don't use crude ltelps Use
What your :doctor would advise;
Tho ,best help is Phillips' Milk of
M0gn08011; i .For the. GO years.sinco-its,
invention, it has remained standard
with -physicians. Yeti will final noth-
ing else do quick in ifs effect, so harm-
less, so efficient.
,5? yq
Q. W. L.
flOn With
h Lai(ffi liters'
No malt . 7
over e
an oc0itlfst to
neighbor's duty:
The man who
of it.
There is no substitute In the round
world for being square.
Ile -"Do you really - think there is
danger in kissing?"
She -"Wait till I go VI the stairs
and listen 1f papa is asleep of n0t7
slick' 1' man attelnits
When the, clic c sa es I.
to' sell you some: get -rich -quick stock,
it night be well to remember that
really good investments; do not'havd'
to be peddled.
needed, the services
enable him to 300 his
made Time oracle
Limes I rein the Melt; Red
Blood lylade by - 'DL. Wil-
liams' Pink. Pills.
There mult'6e no 0tieeswork in,ih0
treatment' of pale; • 11310011 gi'rls and
children; If your daughter i5 languid,
,!las a :Pale,-eallow coniiilelfion', is sliest
of breath aft 1` slit ilt-'exertion or on
going up stairs., if shothas palpitation
ofAice:heart, a poo ,appetite, or a' ten-
deney'to faint, she ,has 'anaemia -=the
medical .name for poverty of • the
blood. Any delay 311 ;treatment may
leave her weak and sioltiy for the rest
of her life- When the blood is thin
and' watery give Dr,:Williams' pink
Pills, coupled - with nourishing food
'Mid ';gentle out-of=door exercise.' The
.moan 'Ulnare
Thodews, 01 disaffection, ,m
sonie of the 01111)05 " papulation 1hy
Saziiol sufllcielltly' grave to Cause .)die
Nov,. Zealand, Cabinet to sena two
cruises to thie mandated territory, :.
.carne not xpecltedly ,X o while' Aus`-
lralia appeared to be thaying t7' good
"dealof, tboubl 111-adminletering- ox
Gelman Noy Guinea under the -mans-
date,,;Ysiem, New „Zealand was credit-
ed:pli'y lndepeiident,evidence with do-
'ittg 'very we1L in western Samoa.,
, :`Tim appointment o1' Gelieral_Rich.-
001110n, the most popular officer in
.high command In the New Zealand
Exliedit.icnn1ry'Forces during - the
\Vol?1d War, proved a decided success.
For a time"restticticns Cit the.ilse of
liquor by. the Rui'opeans 111 1130 later
es'ts of the natives tended to make the
authorities unpopular, but thatdif-
ficulty seemed to have passed away.
E'c1u0a11o1i Ilius ;been progressing
on' theii¢ i s ��1 :'
lien; hfe-g'lving'i' bloodi:':'which conies g t ve„ tiv'lie are bola„ n
from a lair' use of Dr. Williams' Pink etruoLetl in their own language :is
1. well as In English, The native-vil-
1111s,.increases elle appetite, stimu English.
plates the nerve and •bi'in s ,s1 glow o1 logos under the mandate have been
health to 'Pare' cheeks. Mrs. 'Robert '!rept in 0 more 'healthy ,condition than
Jackson, R:R,, No. 5, Shelburne, Ont„ those in either Fiji' or Tonga, and. the
praises this ntedi'oine for restoring niutive population ttits actually been
her daughter's health. She sayAti;— on the increase. Yae, a disease
,"When my daughter was nine years endemic in Samoa for many:, years,
old she was so weak and thin that we
feared we would lose, 110r. She was
very` nervous,- and going to .0011001
seemed too much for her. Often she
Would halo'to: stay. at home for c v
at• a': time; fit"-tlmes,slfe !would ,liay ,
14'. yery high fever, andthe doctor's',
treatment did.. not help her. I 'tried
several remedies,',.—but with 710 good
results. One day a'frielfcl advised,nzo
to give her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
and I did so. It was - not long after
"What did mama's little baby learn she began taking the pills that I could.
at school to -clay?' see n change for the better. She kept
on taking the pills forseveralmonths.
and through them grew into a strong,
healthy. girl.. ,:Since then 'df , a :tonic
has • been needed at, any time, it -has
always\been. Dr. Williams' Pink Pille."
The pills are sold 'by all • medicine
dealers or will be sent by mail at 50
cents a box by The. Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.'
"I' learned two kids not to call me
mama`s baby'."
"What did' your hiisband think of
your. new • frock?" -
"My dear, he eloped his hands—"
"Splendid!" ,
"—Over his eyes."
"Dad, you remember you promised
to give 1ne'iive dollars if I was a good
girl at the party?"
"Yes, Mary."
"Well, dell, you won't have that es
What's His Due?
Give" the devil his duo—very swell
then, but who
Can be- found' 'who , can 'clearly. define
it? -
Should I give him what I think '15 duo
the vile,guy ; ••positive lib would' decline:it.
A Scotsman was missing for three
days,- before- the',.! police department
finally located him in 'a 'Pay -as -you
Leave" street cat'.
Asylums have To be maintained be -.
• ,90 many folks aro, just what
they're cracked up to be.
• A man was smashed up in a rail-
road accident The family received a
wire saying; "Mr. Hess in railroad
wreck. Both logs, both arms, bank
and neck broken and. skull fractured."
And. a few hems later a seconddis-
patch arrived: "Not so bad as at dirst
reported One arm,was not broken."
It was in the good old clays that a
woman could hide a good sized bank
loll in her stocking.' But with• the Director of the Department of Univer-
coming of silk hose and short skirts city Extension and Publicity.' Tho
the brink' rolls have passed away; so' subjects have ranged from "The Ire
there is to need to weep about it, Age of Ontario" to ;'Peculiar Peoples
• ' of the Canadian West," Those who
• 'There are two sides to evory ques- have missed these brief but instrue-
tion"''procheilned the wise, man. tivo and interesting addresses have
Yes; " said the fool, "and there are a chance Winne in on the March pro-
gramme. On March' 2ntl, Mr. W. J::
Dunlop, Director of the Department
of University Extension and Publicity
spoke on "The University as a Public
Servant"; on March 160h, Miss Gladys
Wookey, one ff the 'most popular mem-
bers of the English staff at University
College, will put Iter radio listeners
into the proper mood for St. Patrick's
Day by readings from Irish poetry;
ole ager and for March 30th Mr. W. J. K. Hark-
the rotary habits of the aces of:tho Department of Biologl' has
underjaws of Danish, cows chewing chosen for hie subject "Tile Consor-
their curls llnd 55, per cent. used the vatldn of our Fisitsrfes." ',hese
right-cirmtlar motion and the rest toe broadcastlugs from CNRT begin at
9.$0 91.01.
Breaks World Record
With 1,1111 Loops Aloft
Paris.-••-,Fronval; one: of • the most
daring'atrmen of Frame, in a drama-
tic effort recaptured the continuous
looping record when he made 1,1111
turns in 4 hours 50 minutes.
'1e held the record' for seven years
with. 902 loops in 8 hours 52aminutes,
but several clays ago au American
aviator beat this with 1,093 loops in
0 1101118,
Using a Merano plane with a 180-
hobsenower Hispano, - Seize, motor;
Fronval flew -in, ported weather from,
the 110131one airdrome at Velizy,, near
Paris; A large group of friends -aud
aei onautical, experts '•' witnessed the
M. -off and remainod at the air Sta-
tion during the attempt, e '
Two officials of the. Aero •Club of
Franco, accompanied. by a notary pub-
lic, verified the number of loopings.
As each loop was Made a,' table was
struck; with a large hammer; When
Fronval lowered the American record
the crowd cheered wildly. .
Fronval descended, smiling from his
plane and said he enjoyed itis thrill-
ing experience,
Income Tax
Le Devoil• (Ind.): (The ,GoVe n-.
meat -persist In refusing to see a - f -
U. of T. Uses RC dio
Series of Lectures Are Broad-
cast by Arrangement with
CNRT by the Univer-
sity of Toronto
l may not. be known to the public,
generally that the University, -01
Toronto, the Provincial University of
Ontario; is seretng them through a
new ;medium;' namely, the :radio.. ,In
conjei etion-with CNRT, which broa.d-
oaets -on a wave length of 356 metros,
a .regular series of short talJcs'-has
been arranged. These regular pro-
grammes began two years' ago and
among those who have spoken during
the present academic year, which be-
gan last September, are Professor
Davis, of the. English Department,
University College; Dr. Martin, of the
Chemistry Department; Professor
MacKenzie, of the Law Department;
Professor Coleman, Professor Emer-
itus of Geology; Professor MclIwraith
of the Royal Ontario, Museum;
feseor Sissons, of Victoria College;
Professor Parkin, of the Department
of: Mechanical Engineering;; Professor
U. C. Wright, Department of Arcbi
tecture; Mr. Illffe,-Department -of In-
dustrial Art; iliid Mr. W..1, Dunlop,
One tasteless spoonful i11 water neu-
tralizes many times its volunl:e in
acid, Tho results are immediate,
With no bad after-effects. Once ,you
learn this fact, .you, will never" deal
with: excess acid. in the,. crude ways.,
Go 11ea,rn—now-wily this method' is
supreme '
Bo; sure to got 1100 55151.1100 Phillips'
Milk of Magnesia' prescribed ilio Physi-
cians for 50 years in correcting .excess
acids: Each bottle contains full rinser
tions -any drugstore. ,
has been almost. wiped out by in-
It was to be expected that New Zea
land would be successful in Samoa,
for 5110 has. had expelien0e in ad
onini, ell
st -ilei 'own :native race *the
i4iaolis.lvno.are'Closely' allied: with
the Samoans, and who live on the
most grlenllly 'tern' . Wibltl the whites.
Most. of the;trad,e has 'been' Captu'red'
by Australia and America, and New
Zeaiand has certainly, note bean pro-
fiting by the admini'stra'tion, but has'
been doing her hest.,as a matter of
Subsequent dispatches indicate that
;white and native Samoan police,=e'ov-
ererL by naval parties from the two
cruisers, had arrested 150 members of
an iltgal'.police force Who been
parading about carrying big sticks
in an eifort to prevent natives buy-
ing the stores of Europeans.
It is to be hoped, that this will put
an end to the disturbance.
• ose, Orange Pekoe is the finest
k 1` `•
tea . in; the =bestpackage--,1
Canada a Nation
Three Rivers Nouvelliste:'„(Cons.)i
School persecution has caused great
disturbance ill more, thanoneFrench
Cup in Canada.' - .Et::has succeeded in
eizing a Drench —fragment here -and
here, but the bloc_. remains intact.
And if we take into consideration, the
Anglo-Saxon fragments which have
been absorbed into our group`wo have:
probably loot nothing. .
two sides to a sheet of flypaper, but
it makes a difference to the: fly which
side he chooses."
"So- the judge fined you :fifty dollars
for Bitting your wife with a golf
club?" "Oh, he' said it wasn't so
inuoh for hitting her as it was for us-.
Mg the wrong dub!',
Copenhagen biologists who have In -
Our Canadian March weather—one
day,brfght, but sloppy, .the next blus-
tery and cold—is extremely hard on
children:.. Conditions make it neces-
stiry for', the mother to keep,, the little
ones indoors. They are often -confined
to overheated,• badly ventilated' rooms
and Catch colds which .rack their
whole system. To guard against
these colds and to keep the baby well
till the better, brighter days , come
along, a box of Baby's Own Tablets
should be kept in-tbe house and an
occasional dose given 'the' baby 10
keep his stomach and bowels working
regularly. The Tablets are a mild
but thorough laxative which never
fail to regulate the stomach and bow-
els and thus they relieve colds and
simple fevers and. keep the -baby fit.
The Tablets are sold by medicine
dealers or by maid at 25 cents a box
from Tho Dr. Williams' Medicine 'Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
left. Now they ask for observation
of American:cows,
15n fishing trips'take Minard's..
The teacher wits.givihhg,a lesson on
the seasons.: "Now, tali me, Johnny,"
he said "which, is, the proper time to
gather fruit?'''' "When' the dog's
Chained up;' repllsdwJohnny.
..:,.011111111GNI , ��'"Itur.da -- L
; nt191omt11: t I -ill'
ysl ilii I, ;YL I "F i.ri Ir. I WNR
d_Sj,-i�9t t-=thi4,'�
�:iiauumollilmlll ilhllulnuulnllnlmuru�lmluinluuuuollilia-.,.ice
,1015 •
Silk S t &.lags
1 would' much rather that posterity
should inquire wfa'Y no statues were
erected to me, than why they' Were.—
Keep Minard's'In the`'Mediclne Chest.
What kind or a government ,is it
1 birds
r f1^es fore w1 d
that provides o •t
t t P
and none for tilehard-working politi-
clan who !hos -been asked to explain in
full his attitude on Prohibition? --De-'
troll- News.
Only Under Pressure." "
"Did she finally consent to lot you
kiss her? . -
"It took considerable pressure to
make her yield."
Dave stockings -fn the very newest
shades you'• -old -or' faded stockings
given any tint In the: rainbow in five
nitrAites; with fifteen cents' worth of
Diatnoud DYesl but use dyes, not
`syn.tlietic 'tints, ' And be sure they're
Try a p1111 to -night', 1:.' Use 'Diamond.
D,y es, slid • rio ono will dream they
were tinted at home, 'Ikea you can do,
real dyeing. }lith just as perfect re' -
its if you will just use the,true Dia -salaried man, lie 0,, treated b7 the
line"De lartnient as though he
- mond !Dyes. R:,ve i
PI0 S: Why not ask your druggist
for the very 110011}l' Diamond Dye
Cyclopedia? Valuable suggestions,
easy' directions, and' pioce;goods salty- practically every case, cease, as soon
file 00101.0.. Or write fol free cony of as they slop, work; whilst taxpayers.
Geier Craft,: a big 'illustrated book
sent postpaid address D1A.IV OND
17US, Dept. NT , Windsor•, Ontario,'
Are again rising, end now is the
time to buy, In. our opinion. Send
for our -recommendations or any
.Information without obligation.
Orders promptly executed. Write,
wire, or phone.
Mining Brokers
List of "Wanted Inventions"
and Pull Information Sent Sree .
on Request.
273. Bank St., Ottawa,Ont
sDnweeLtielis' I,I OR No,. EDC MIC
,. !!uvE eiNo.t:A.Y,^r CHft:
Our breeders arc bred for high.
egg production, White, Brown
and Duff Legborna, Barred and
White Item a. 1. Rede. An.
cones, Buff Orpington', White
Wyaodottes. t Zoned up.105 5
c" live dellvery.yuaranteed. Witte
today fol FRES. CHICK -BOOK:'
ECHWEOLER'S IlATCHE lteeo aeare0,nel,DUFFA1.0.H,Ys
p y :000ALITX” ioocK, 1,150511ORN,'
-"Wyandotte, Red'.:LabY :Chiekdr.
il1.00 'p51• 100 anti' up. Fla.tching eg5s;
6.8:00' er-100 and u , Pedigreed Cocker-
ai P g
els,.. $G.OU each, and vP.. 9�6 Pagq'. T11uS-'
trated Catalogue,;. Tree. L.' R. Guild: Sh
Sons, Box'T, Rookwood,. Ont,
Use Minard's Liniment for Corns.
Helium a while ago. cost $1,500 -a
cubic foot and there was little of, it.
Now America makes it at 2 cents a
cubic foot, has 0110511 for national
defense and some for other uses.
ference between revenue earned,' by
one's..own efforts and family inherl
tance) Surely this is unjust: to the
Were a sort of capitalist, whereas the
'tnajority,of tiro ,salaried ala0ges 1taVe
no capital .r tall :Their salaries, in
�^p Dyes
1 J.
Jicsl-D td TINT, o;: to D 1E
Corrugated iron.
",Council Standard"
A thick, even, heavy spread of
galvanizing over every inch of sur-
face. Deep corrugations.+.Ageueies.
still otien in some localities.
Write us, stating- size of
barn you want to cover.
Dept. W, 108 Gooroe St„-Torento2'
CANADA c -t°
'�OU Cao arrange £ot your atireg
and friends this lore oceann fare--
greatly 'reduced rail rates, children
under 17 carried FREE. ,
Auk at. 0310e for details of the
British Nomination Scheme
from any office or agent of the
tl wxr Sgt 'and
One Ton D W Fertilizer 4-24.2
Two Tons of 2-12-2.
Food Instead of Filler.
'who have incomes front estates or in