The Clinton News Record, 1928-03-08, Page 3' Did you know that a fifteen -Cent en- velope-of Diamond Dyes -will duplicate any delicate tint that may, be the vogue in; dainty underwear? Keep your oldest'1ingeiie, stockings too, in the shade or -the hour. It's easy, if you only nee a,trnce dye. Don't streak your nice things with syi thetic tints. Dye or' tint -anything; dresses, or drapes. You e'an work wonders with a "feT inaxpensivei,";Diamond. Dyes (true dyes). New colors right over the olds Any grind of material. FREE: Call at your druggist's and get a. fi ee Diamond Dye Cyclopedia: Valuable suggestions, simpledirec- tions. Piece -goods sameeeee Illustrated book Color Craft free from- DIAMOND' DYES,' Dept. `N9,':Windser, Dianiond .Dyes.: JustDip 'toTINT; or Boil to DrE The: Perfect Brownie ,The perfect brownie always knows That he must bow on tippy toes- ' And wast his wings out nightly; When mortals coma on fairy green He should' be heard ,(but never seen) Then fly -away politely. 'And he -will never :stick hits tongue -Oat • at his queen, or anyone, '4Vlio' ties her shoe strings• neatly, And just before heg oes to bed Of course he stands upon his head Or somersaults completely: The perfect brownie '11 never stoop To gurgle up his spinach soup Or gobble his bananers, And ever' 'week and day and hour He flits along from Rawer to flower .And uses, all his ream1erst, —Mom. Ghild Lige Magazine.) Minard's Liniment kills warts. ��x 0. w. L (Oa with Ltet,aglatei) • When an unpleasant_task.lies ahead of you get it behind you without' de - Some - men'Ietsa m wisdom ley. their mistakes; others commit bigamy, MCI!, RED BLOOD A REAL NERVE TONIC Tie "Source°'of Ali NervotlsneS " is"Weak, Watery.Blood. Many;;peoole, both 'ben and women, find' themselves . run down through oica'vrorit, or anxieties, -Such suffer - ties 'find-�themsely os tired; low-spirlteit and depi'essop.'''Their nerves neem to' be, worn out and they, -suffer- from headaches and other nerve pains. All this comes from starved nerves. Doctoring the 'nerves with Pelson. - bus sedatives is a terrible .mistake: The only real" nerve tonic is a good supply'of rich: red blood'. Therefore to relieve nervousness -anis a uu down health -Or. Williams' Pink, Pills slreuld be taken..\ These pills enrich... the blood, whish tones the •uerkes; en - moves the.. appetite, gives ne1v strength' and spirits and makes hith erto despondent' •people ..brigllt and ,cheerful, Miss Irene Denim, R.R. No. 1, Wasilago; Ont., tells what Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills; did for lrer as fel- , suffered for a long time with' my nerves and a generally 'r'un- down condition, ' I grew so weak that I had to lie in bed.a part of every day., I could not do any work and was taiffi g medicine, ail the time; ing one medicine after' another. I was,edvised to try Di'. Williams'Pink Pills ,and I have reason to be tha.nkful. that I acted on this advice ,as this was the first medicine that gave, file any relief, and in a comparatively short'tinte•restored me to the.biess- ing-of-geed health, When I thinkof. the marvellous good these pills did roe, I can most highly`recommend' them to all' weak,! nervous people." If you are 'at all run-down, or weals, you, should begin at once to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and youwill soon be well and strong. These pills are sold by all medicine. dealers or will be sent by mail at 50 cents a box by The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Eve's Daughter. r; Woman (In crowded car, tie her friend) -"I wish 'that good looking magi would give nie his seat." Five men got up. Wouldn't It be grand if; a man, whee.. in'a rhurry, • caths -hold up" ,hl orate'. and like a woman,' drop nearly all of his clothes on pini? Who remembers 'way back when all. good hoisewives made shit; soap? ' Those'.who .Gary. no burdens are 'burdens carried by, others. Heinke—"There are several 'things I can always count on." Bine-"Whatr are' they?" Heinke—"My fingers." ,Table Manners. When eating corn on the cob, ad- just it as you would a mouth organ; but do not run the scalp so rapidly: Never display the napkin at.half mask. Place it in your -lap, as that is where nearly everything 'falls. I£ you are obliged to yawn, wait un- til there is a gap in the oonversatlon. Syrup should be used for nourish went and, not as a liniment. Never force soup from your spoon by suction. This might cause all of the guests to look startled because it sounds like a flat tire. When talkingdo not wave - celery around -•to• emphasize :what you are Why do sb Many, manyjialfles of to, day escape all"the little fretful spells ,and , iefantire ailir`i'onts: that used to. worry nihthers through the day, and keep thorn ullialttii.e night? If, yolidofet know the answer, you haven't - discovered' pure, harmtess Castoria. It is sweet to the taste, and sweet In the little stomach: Anil its gentloeinfluence seems felt all through the tihy systoni: Not even- a distaste- ful dose of castor 'oil does s0 much good. Fletcher's Oastorla is' purely vego. table, so you may give it freely, at fist sign of colic; or constipation; or diarrhea. Or those many times when you just don't know what is the mat- ter. For real sickness, call the doctor, always, At other times, a few drops of Fletcher's Castoria. . The doctor often tells you to do just that;, and always says Fletcher's. Other preparations may be just al. pure, just as free from dangerous drugs, but why experiment? Besides, the book on care and feeding of habies thatcomes with Fletcher's Catstoria is worth its weight in gold! Do not put cake, roast beef or gblck en lege in. your pocket. If you want more later on alit the hostess to wrap Do not use a fork as a toothpick. You mightt bend the prongs. , Do not drink front the finger bowl. Landlady ':I think you had better board elsewhere." - ' Boarder 'Yes, I often had." . Landlady -"Often had what?" Boarder—"Had better board else- where." A word. to wives is sufficient. The trouble with advice is that s'o much of it is bad. Some. of tato motorists that cut such fanny capers on the streets with their autos aro merely jaywalkers bo hind the wheel. OgOtOOKItil Hawks and Owls And the Farmers Accused' of Being Barnyard. Pests, They Are Proved to Be Interested Mostly in Rats 19 x9 25 Railway Ads. Wins Prize • signal tribute has been paid by Harvard University to the equality of Cauadie 'adveitlsing l y- tee'selection of the Diamond' Jabilee''Compalgu,of the' Canadian ..Paeifle``Railway asthe best institutional campaign in. North America for the, year; 1927. • An award of this nature is made each year 1y'the Harvard Business School with 'the -object of raising:.the standard of advertising, and includes a cheque of two thousand dollars to the advertising agency which handles the campaign. The fortunate winner in thee case is Ms. W. 'P. Tuttle, President of the Ronalds Advertising Agency of Montreal. This is the first occasion which a Canadian •campaignr,has• been so honored. The announcement was made at •a banquet held, recently at the Faculty Club of Harvard. The Cana- dian Pacific Campaign was unique in the fact tibat it was bilingual, the adver- tisements, being in both French andilaglisb. It' illustrated and described the part played by the railway in helping to build up the Dominioti pf Canada duce ing the sixty years of Confederation, and was cleverly built up on the idea of the open pages of a hook. A sample of this. advertising is reproduced above, clearly depicting trans- portation methods• of Canada's childhood and -that of to -day. rang Pekoe Pekoe is e In dean, bright Aluni That Congsesdln n Who says Am -1 erica hart' no trained• propagandists a fool of,) Hasn't seen the. ae�v sped catalogs.- impressio' Puhlislleis Syndicate. .b Class' Keep- Mlnard's In the Medicine Chest. Speaking of world menaces, won- Ai W der what would have 11apPened if ;ls,o0p per Mussolini had been.b8rn GammenGammen?.12.00.1 01 '- a -.Memphis Commercial Appeal, dted ,ejei NOT ALL SAO Few persons realize .the value of hawks and owls. - Even farmers who reap the greatest benefit-• front the food habits of: these birds seem, in large mamma, •to be -ignorant of the good' they do. Boys, reared on farms, learn early to shootthem, having con- ceived the ideathat they are pests, and the'habit persists in -manhood. Waldron De 'vitt Miller, associate curator of birds in the American Museum of. natural history and Vice - President of the New Jersey Audubon Society, in a recent bulletin published. by the society, discusses .the value of irawite and owls. The object of the buletin le to inveigh against the use of the steel "pole-trap"—an unbelted trap atattachedto the top of a pole, post or 'stub In an exposed .situation in a, marsh or 'meadow, its purpose being to,;captere hawks "and owls. "There are accumulations of defi- nite and•,exaet data concerning the food ` .ot the so-called "hen-hawks,'t whielr positively establish their value t0 man," says Mr. Miller. "The marsh - hawk, which has been generally con- sidered by sportsmen to be one': of the Worst ,enemies of game birds, was, par- ticuldvly studied by 'Herbert L. Stod- dard, biologist, of the United States DePar'tment of Agriculture, in his quail study, in Georgia, jointly spon- sored by' the Department of Agricul- ture and the local sportsmen' of . the region. Eir. Stoddard. found -in more than 1,000 Meals of marsh hawks only two quell, 'but fully 1,000 cotton rata, which rodent in turn was found to have taken 15 per cent. of all quail eggs destroyed: " Mr. hiller gives the following data oil stomach contents of a few of these supposedly harmful birder "Of 562 stomachs of the red-tailed hawk, from all. sections of the con - try, only 54 examined, contained poul- try or game, only 51 containedother birds, while 278 contained mice, 131 other rodents, .and 47 insects. "Of 220 red -shouldered hawk stem - eche similarly examined, only 8 con- tained poultry or game and '12`tmall. birds, while 102 contained mice and 40 other mammals. Insects were found in 92. "of 65 stomachs of broad -winged hawks examined, none contained poul- try, 2 contained. small birds, 15 mice and "13 other,:.niammals, while insects 'were -found in 30. "As to the long-eared oVii, of 107 'stomaeee examined "only 1 tontb.ined a' game bird' and 15 other birds, while 84; contained mice, 5 other Mammals and -1 illteete. In 101, stomachs of, the short -eared owl, only 11 contained small birds, while 77 had mice, 7 other maihmals, and 7 'insects. "Tho foregoing examples: should satisfy the most exacting that the, food habits of hawks and owls as..a class are such as to "maths them of the greatest behefltet'o man." "Wiry do you call your chauffeur a leaky Vessel:? Does he,gossip about your. affairs?" "No, blit I ani always bailing the fellow out." . Ude Minard's'Linlnient for Corns. An artist -designer is reported ea haying that women like their, attire' •"to be witty: • Theyhave certainly jtcaile brevity the soul of,it.-Punch. Good For Neighbors. "Was your garden a success 111is year?" I .Should say so. My neighbor's chickens took' first prize at the poul- try show," • Well, our bank balance lookslike it has been on a diet. ' If you have faith, preach it; if you have joy, share it; if you have sorrow, bear it. • -Two Kind Only There are only two !rinds of bears in the United States, according to David Newall, the artist -naturalist writing in the March issue of "Child Life Magazine." • These are the gt•iz- ely and the black bear. The brown bear, the author of "Cougars and. Cowboys says, is mere. 1y a :black bear Obat forgot to turn black. "Most folks;' he points out, !'think that the brown bear le a dif- ferent kind of s, bear, but it is really just a brawn -colored black bear. Au old mother black bear will often have brown •cubs! And when these brown cubs are grown, they may have black babies of their own. Sometimes the brown bears aro dark, dark' brown and sometimes light brown." However, brown bears are only found in' the west S eango to 'say, the'blablt:beets. in the-eastern'states. never have brown cabs!" - ,y Oe' fishing .trips take Minard s. -• About ,the only, frills ,and, furbelows now 'extant are those pentalette- ef- fects on lamb chops' and roast chick- en legs.—Arkansas GGazette. • MISTAKES MOTHERS MAKE IN DARE OF LiTTLF ONES Many -mothers give their children solid foods at too early an age and say proudly that their babies "eat everything that grown up people do." Such a course is almost certain to firing on indigestion and lay the foun- dation of much ill -health for the lit- tle one. -- . Other, mothers administer' harsh, nauseating:purgatives which in.real- ity irritate real-ity'irritate and injure . the delicate stomach and bowels and at the same timeeaueo the children to dread all medicine. Absolutely no meat should be given to a chill until it i'eaclies the age Of 18 months, and then only if approved bythe doctor. For medicine, all strong, disagreeable 0110 and powders should be abandoned and Baby's Own Tablets given instead. Baby's Own Tablets are especially made for little ones. They are plea- sant to take and can be given with absolute g'afety to even the new-born babe. They quickly banish constipa- tion and indigestion, break up colds and simple fevers end make tho cut- ting of 'teeth -easy -They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from Tho Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ontt. JPNILUPS FI "vutoyF.s, el For Ti lee due to Acid. INOIGITSrI.tG Otl loAAT.ED�((jjf1tRAA�1l ? ACIOSy I' Asko niausF Many: bIople, two hours after eat - g, sniffer nitiigevtion as they call, it is usually excess acid. Correct'it With an alkali. The beat way, the quick. harmless and efficient way, is Phillips' Milk of lvIagnesia, It has remained for 50 years the standard"•with, physi- Man.s. One spoonful oil wotler neutral- izes many times its volume. in stone rtch ;acids, and at oboe. The symptoms disappear in five unnuteee • Developing Canada London Dancing Shocks Minister. Each Kick and Wriggle Has as Horrible Meaning CURSE OF AFRICA London.—Rev. A. E. Guest,of 'Qui; bocolo, West Central Africa, has spent a lifetime teaching natives of Darkest Africa to abandon certain suggestive dances. He has just come' to London tolearn that 'civilization is doing the very steps which he has asked the me tives to omit from their repertoire. "Each kick and emelt wiggle of these dances has its own particular meaning," Mr. -Guest explained, "and I feel cortaidi that if British dancers had any idea of these meanings they would never dance the Neebee-Joebie or the Black Bottom again." Canada's need of men to plant and harvest Crops,. work, in tyle, mines, e11 the manufacturing • plants and'inain:. lain the,-allways' is, so. groat' that President E. W. Beatty of the Can- dian .Pacific Railway " urges that something be One to attract deslva ble immigrants. IIe hat found in ally in Henry Thornton, President of the Canadian National, who pro- poses that freight rates be advanced 5 per cent. in order to raiste $20,000,- 000 every year and use it in ptoseeut- ing• a Vigorous immigration policy. Sir Henry offers to be one of three ;trustees, the others being President Beatty and a mother ofthe.GGoveen- ment, to administer the fund. It is "Ibis opinion that if and were reclaim- ed and prepared for farming inl,West- ern Canada 300,000, Americans in the prairie States could be induced to !novo over -the border to Canada. Sir Henry Thornton also desires immigration from Great Britain and Northern Europe, ,fie mediate that his plan would ultimately lead to "a regular stampede" -of homeseekers Iminigrants from Europe have come in slowly,, in many cases dreading the severity of the climate, Ono cause Of slow immigration to Canada has been lack -of funds to advertise its re- sources and ,opportunitie•s. Tice cli- mate is really one of the !healthiest. in ths.world. Ample grain lairds are still available, In the Churchill River country alone there is room for 250, 000 faireers. , From Hudson Bay 'to the Rockies the Garnet wheat, de - *eloped by the _Central Experimental Farm of Ottawa, will ripen ten days earlier than "tate, Marquis. Canada .now. exports wheat valudd at almost $400,000,0,00 annually: Manufacturing, and mining would support great num-. bees of people., The, mineral belt ex- tends for many hundreds of miles. Canadians. may nee take kindly to Sir Henry Thorntou's proposal of an increase of freight charges, with its consequent effect of retarding the de- velopment of industries in this north- ern country. The argument that no - Cling subet'autial can be done for im- rfgration )Yithout.-a • largo tune aril that Canada wofildeventua1L' benefit' by tee opeuipg et BOW lands 'and the coming of mote f You will never use e ude methods •wlien`you know this ,better method. And you' will never staffer from ex• cess acid when you prove out this easy relief. Pleaeo do that—for yaut own sake—now. Be sure t0 get the get nine Phillips' Milie•of Magnesia Preece bed by pliysi- ciane Ver 60: years i11., correcting -'ex- cess acids. hath bottle contaius:full directions any:" drugstore, Shocked Beyond Words. The minister was "shocked beyond words, he bald, • at au Islington Church. "This is the most sellouts problem that confrohts • the missionary in Af• rice',today One of' the chief reasons for the prevalence of this immorality is the performance of dances similar to the Black Bottom," he declared, "Tho Black Bottom which I saw Per- formed by snores of young people at a London dance hall is nothing more nor less ,than an adaptation of a na- tive. African dance, the meaning of which is 'too horrible to 'describe."' Mr.. Guest hastened t0 explain' lila theory. "Until he becomes of a certain age an African boy is not allowed to mix with girls. "On gttaining what, the tribe con- siders his manhood, ho goes through an initiation, "This takes the form of a dance exactly like the Black Bottom, which is performed by men wearing gro- tesque marks. Its actual meaning must be left to the imagination. Gives Right to Wed. "When this dance is over Who youth goes and takes as many 'wives' "aahe wants, 80 being about the usual num- ber." To dances in general, the minister said, he had no objection, but he knew from first 'land observation that the Black Bottom and the Heebie-Jee- hies :were nothing, lass than exhibi- tions of primitive animalism. "At Quibocolo," he said, "we sus- peneed native Christians for even watching the Black Bottom; yet I conic !home and find my white breth ren performing' the same humoral danoes that are the curse of darkest Africa. "They must positively be stopped.", MINI' KR- INVESTORS varlet t s free sofas Switzer, G bw x For Relimbla"Information Write Us GdR'RIE,-MACDONALD AND ROBERTSON • 9 -Adelaide St. E. Toronte Red Rose Orange Pekoe douses as 'near "to.perfection, ,, as any tea cttn.. Everything that tea experts exPerts can. doo to antike Red Rose Orange Pekoe superior in quality, flavor and'value is done in the great Red . Rose blendirtfg', 'rooms. • .Try it'to-day., 'Put ;up:iin'the bright, clean :a'IUinilium packages., 2.`Ti., .ssollwreMil:H `,T`HOf O t3REDQ®Aat'l � JL11{E1akN6il4. ^J`, Rich'. Our'breedero nee bred for high egg'proddctioa White, Brown and Buff Uglier:ph Ratted and White .Rocks, R. I. Rede. Ana come, Buff' Orpington, White Wyandstiee, Ile and up.100% live delivery guaranteed. Wine today for'FREE CHICK 1100K. SCHNEGLER'S HATCHER2g2c noamna0Tal. ourrstO.N.r. Ad1A 11 ; i' coSTs 6� "' REDUCED Use Fertilizer that gives DOUBLE WORTH One Ton 4-24-4 Tons Send for Prices D. W. GUNN, LTD. '100 Vine Ave., Toronto, Ont Ther teeth are or a toug13- sness which molresthcrnhold their 'teen cutting edge un- der every usage. - SIMONOS CANADA SAW CO. LTO. MONTODAl.. .VANCOUVER. ST JOHN. N.D. TORONTO c ...r" 'corkers is not to be, overlooked, . mss,. Tate, fashion editor' says cleat ,ex- tr.eme latitude -is now -allowed . in ticirts, blit we don't ubtice any longi- tude.'--Ohio''State J'ou1111-l. AI a, Lonon theatre the d•expori- mems; has. -been tried; -of plaehrg loud-, eskers all over .the auditofiun% Ep . 0 s tally they are eek.,tecl just:behind '119.—•PllriClr, 1Crrtiated lien ASIC FOR WHEELER & BAN "Council Standard" A thick, even, heavy spread of galvanise over every inch of sur- face. Deep corrugations. Write us, stating size of barn you want to cover. WE PAY . FREIGHT WHEELER &. BAIN, LIMITED Dept. W, 100'' George St„ Toronto 2 Aching Feet. Bathe acid' rub' well with Min-- erd's.';It soothes and brings - a contented feeling of rest. ISSUE' 'No. 10-'28, - ssisteoles p , assg`he ip 1S� Tr you give us their names, your relatives and friends may obtain the low ocean rate of De reduced rail- road fares, and FREE transportation for children under 17, providing they are placed in farm or domestic employment Asir at once for details of the British Nomination Scheme from say of our offices or agent& ,CANADIAN i' SERVICii �, � LINES' Murex Tommie VANCOUTa.. CALOART Eewea oN MONTREAL SA.OAT00A RADOT Joos Slow You'll relief throat. should dose el broncl dos drU CAR Suffer. Walk. by Ve Mines tical nur E. Pinkh sufferin Iwas a sit at th a cup of band c so weak. of a WO got baba Uompoun me. Wht I was ju have, had When I'fc 1 always bottle or only medic one about know mor Vegetable write to b ommend i and siren BowslSa, Do you - and weak this horrid times com snot well? etable Co at such a1 if taken r will yeller FOR» To break a cold harinlessly sial in a sitar And for headache. The action. of Aspirin cases of neuralgia, neuritis, even rheumati: 'there's noafter effect; doctors give Aspi infarcts.' Whenever there's pain, think of !Aspirin has•Bayer .on the hex and ton ver •vital Provers directions: Physicians .prescribe it does NOT affect tl Asph4t is the trade mark (registered. in .eanada)-ingleatin is wail known that dsptrin means Grayer manufieture, to. Coss, the Tablets; will be Stamped with their Bayer Oro