The Clinton News Record, 1928-03-01, Page 8CLINTON-NEWS RECORD CLINTON's LEAl3ING JEWELERY SWORE ANNIIMINIMplIffla TJ1`URSDAY, nitl.RCII 1, is2 ' Weereeelea NEED GLASSES --li Your eyes feel tired, weak or strained and Johnston's Jewel- ery Store is the place to get then: at the lowst po,5sible price. Protect your eyes now---andaxr enjoy perfect vision all your life, • Bad eyes are responsible for innumerable ills. Don't neglect them,. We will examine your . eyes:, and tell, you whether or not •you shouldwear gIasses, Glasses repaired promptly= nged—or reframed. R. 11 JOI1NSON Graduate: of. Toronto College .of Optometry Fine Jewellery and Repairs Next Hovey's Drug Store ItOp.:00�, l�atc�sa�s HIGH PRICE Is no longer Essential to Fine Clothes Beautiful new fabrics, rich tweeds and, cheviots, handsome wor- steds and fast dyed blue serges, all ready to be made up into the new Spring Suits by the moat expert clothes designers in Canada. We are agents for The Berger Tailoring' Company _ Prices from $20.00 up. Also Tip Top Tailors, made -to -treasure at factory price, $24.00 A few of the Winter Overcoats left to clear at prices like these 724,00 Coats reduced to $15.95. 716.00 Coats reduced to $10.95 fitly yuur eoat for next winter and sage money Cut prices` en all lines of winter goods. Piurnsteel Bros:. PHONE 25, STYLE Is always in suits tirade by us. The work is done by the most artistic and skilled tailors. Our suits can stand inspection. If you have not already selected your Spring Suit -we will be glad to have you come in and give us a trial. A large assortment of spring sultings now in. DresSwell And Skill Craft SUITS• AND dVERCOATS FROM L23 75 UP MADE TO YOUR MEASURE Custo Davis St Herman Tailoring 1 Cleaning and Pressing Take Care of That Small Plumbing Job Now No matter how small or how large it may be --we are equipped to do your plumbing repair work in an efficient manner. Don't neglect those small repair jobs any longer. It isn't nee- essary when we want to do thein now, Save money byhaving thein fixed at once!. High class work by experienced men, We will be glad to give you an,estimate. Sutter & Perdue PLUMBING HARDWARE ELECTRIC WIRING' Phone 147w Everything in Groceries For delicious, satisfying and whole- some meals during the Lenten Season—and all during the year as well—Fresh Groc- erieSt Nothing is more delectable and stimul- ating to the palate. We carry the finest groceries --receiv- ed fresh daily. And—consistent with our policy Satisfaction Guaranteed or money refunded, ' HE. C & S. GROCERS Brandt 125j Main 125w SOMETHING WILL BE DONE a RIGHT AWAY Alberta Women's Institutes are tak- ingup the :natter of getting Alberta' -coal shipped to Ontario. If they are tirade of -the same sort of material ,as Women's Institutes around 'here we wouldn't be surprised ,to hear of a string of cars, loaded to the ears, mil- ling in here any :hour now,—Stratford Beacon -Herald. man A new anagazihe is offered them, the first issue is just to hand. it's Mission is Service to, the Canadian woman, her problems, her achieve- ments, her interests, her entertain- ment, her home life are featured, it has general articles of interst. Cook- ery and •handicrafts, ' health, art, child study and welfare, fashions and a pattern service, gardening and home - planning fiction, children's features and poems, its price is 10e per copy or $1.00 per year in Canada, it's narne is The • Chatelaine. It's publishers paid: 71000.09 to the lady who sug- gested the title, It was judged to be the most fitting of more than '75,000 names submitted by men and women residing in every corner of Canada, We think you will appreciate it's. Worth, it's nationality and its .price Do you not agree that the publica- tion designed for the women of "other countries cannot serve the Canadian woman as can a magazine of her own devoted exclusively to her welfare. Tile W. D. Fair Co® Often the 'Cheapest -Always the Best III 1, 1 1 1 1 Miss Lucile. Grant is in Toronth this week. Mr. J. Webster of Londesboro visited his mother in town on Tuesday. Mrs. A. *Birks of Toronto is the guest of Mr. and Ma's. J. A. Ford. Mass Lottie Livermore of Detroit has been visiting her mother, Mrs. S. G. Castle, • Ir, Fred Sloman, who has pint a week or so .n town, left 'thee week for CapereoI. Mr. and lilts. T. G. Seibbins, who :spent the past few months in Eng- land have returned to town. Mr. and Mrs. O, -'W. Potter left yes- terday to attend the funeral of the latter's sister, near Woodstock.. Mr, Jas, R. Waffler of Toronto is spending a holiday with his father and sister, Mr. Robert Walker and Miss Anna Walker. ' Mr. and Mrs. E. Elliott, who have ..,,,been spending, the winter with re- latives in Clinton, are leaving this week to return to their home. in Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. (Rev. Dr,) Medd" of t'ellandvie.- ited relatives in Clinton during the past week, having come .to attend the' funeral of her' sister, the late Miss Mary Hiles of ,Londesboro. kr. Chas. Vesey of Toronto has been visiting his wife and : child ,who have been spending soni'e months with the Iady's father, :lir. J. A. Irwin Ileeve Langford was in Toronto lest week attending a social gathering of the Overinnd Company and deal- ers, at which Premier Ferguson and members of his government were guests. Miss Margaret Cree, R.N., daughter Of Mr. .an i -Mrs. Lockhart Cree, left this week for Ann Arbor, Mich., where she has taken a position on the staff of an hospital Miss Cree has been nursing her,.mother, who recently underwent an• operation in the Clinton Hospital and who is now improving nicely. Stanley Township Mrs. Adam Stewart left Monday morning for New York where she will spend some time with her daugliteri Mrs. Fred J. Wallis. Miss Pat Macfarlane of Temente, caniehome Saturday for the week -end and on Monday left for New York, vrhere she will continue' her duties at a -nurse, Miss Hazel Potter, spent'last week id'' London, with her aunt, Mrs. Frank Clatworthy, Mr. Joe Mossop of London. is at present the guest of Mr. John:Wat- son of the Sauble line. ' Mr. Tom Richardson of near Sea - forth is now busy cutting the bush down on the farm recently purchased from the Win. McClinchey estate. -Sorry 'to report that : Mr. Chas. Scotchiner, who has been ill the most of the winter, is not recovering very' speedily, Mr, Will Cameron of Seaforth was the guests of Mr. Harry Talbot over the week=end. Bra>,ce'field The World-wide Day of Prayer was observed by the women in the United church on Friday • afternoon, with Mrs. Bremner presiding. The scrip- ture lessons were ,read by Miss Munro and Miss Martha McDonald. 'Fol- lowing a few moments of silent pray- er Mss. Jas. McQueen took the latter part of the prayer for Canada. The prayers for the fields were led as follows:` China, Mrs. Neil McGreg' or; Japan, MrsHugh Aikenhead; In- dia, Mrs. 0, Haugh; Africa, Mrs. T, B. Baird; M,oslen World, Mrs. Arthrr 91cQneen; League of Nations, Mrs, liow and 'for the Jereselent Internat- - dionai Missionary' Conference, Mrs. R. R. P. Watson. : Saturday evening at 7.30 sharp Mo day & Tuesday afternoons'at 4,30 sharp There will be surprise sales.. We are' not telling what these sales will be. Comes and see. One e parcelonly to a curt®mer r ot e Pai }tolling i"..,b . nto Clinton-. this'wee.k. The market has strength - ened and' we offer° specialprice r'c�h by' the bag, . Thursday, Friday and Saturday. ree o stratit)il All week from March 5th to 14th. Commencing Do not miss thesedemonstrations. Everybody invited at3 o'clock e ther you buy or not. Mazola Oily - nvitcd.i- 5 lb pail syrup 33c. 3 pkgs corn Starch 25c 4 pkgs, Jelly Powder .. WEEK -END SPECIALS Lux, per. • . • • • • ... 25c 4 pkgs, Ammonia . ..... 5e 3 Its. Broken Sodas kg 10e 3 lb, pail Lard . , 55e 29c 2 lbs, Ginger Snaps . """" 5 10 bars P. & G. soap 43c 2 lbs, Dates . , 25e. 20c• Bitter Oranges, Head Lettuce, Celery. For Lent --Lima Beans Spaghetti Macaroni 2 lbs 25c White .Beans 3 lbs 25c a.m. IN THE AFTERNOON FIRST DELIVERY 2:30 p.m. ORDER EARLY IN THE MORNING FIRST DELIVERY 9 l 1 We a 0 Neil Cash and Service WHERE "SELLS FOR LESS" PRICE PREVAILS n4PIMMWMPMeWWWilld ANIAtil Constance W'e are sorry to report that -Mrs. -(:has. Dexter was obliged to under- go a,very -critical operation yester- day in the Seaforth hospital. Her many friends hope she may have a speedy recovery. Colborne Township The first herald of spring, the crow, was heard' on Friday. Mrs. John Treble' is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Will Clayton, of Put- nam this week. Mr, R. M. Young Ieft on Tuesday to attend the funerai'of the late Mrs. Colin Young, who was buried on Wed- nesday of this week at Beamsvilie. Mrs. Herbert Morris is visiting re- latives at Port Albert, lMr. Harvey Erringtonis visiting with his sister, Mrs. Lorne McDonald. of Peterborough before taking up work on one of the Great Lake boats. The quarterly official board of Benmiller and. Smiths' Hill churches met at the township hall on Tuesday. last. A very important matter came before the meeting, that of the re- signation of the pastor; Rev. Mr. Poul - ter. A supply committee was ap pointed consisting. ` of Mr. Gordo,S Young, Mr. R. M. Veung, Mr. Jour+ Long and Mr. John Flick, A sleighload of young people went to Dungannon to a dance on Monday night. Mrs. Leister and two children of Ottawa have been visiting Mks. Geo. Glen and family for the past two weeks. • Mr. Archie Nockolds is weighman at McGaw in place of Mr. Ernest Mit- chell. itchell. A number from here attended the At-home held in Goderich on Friday night, :Feb. 17th, And .all report a splendid time. Mrs,, Westlake of Goderich Town- ship is visiting' her •daughter in Salt - ford, Mrs., George Bean. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bissett and daugh- ter have returned from a visit with friends at Mitchell,: The players of 'Nile gave their play at Auburn on Wednesday night last in the Forester's hall, with a full house. Miss. Buelah Fisher, who is working in Goderieh, had themisfortune to break one of her ribs by fallingout of a cutter on Wednesday evening. Invitations are out for a social ev- ening with the Young. Men's Class of Sthiths' Hill church„the Young Men's Class of Benmiller church being guests. S. Helens Miss Jean 141hKenzie of Lueknow spent the week -end with Miss Mar- garet Thorns. Mc. Ernest Huggins spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Thos. Henry, Ash -- field. 14Irs. Alex. Woods spent the week- end with friends around St. Helens. Mrs. Geo. Robert's has returned home after visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs, Micintyre of Dungannon, for a few days. Mr. Hyde spent . the week -end at Kincardine. Mr. Murray returned horse from St. Joseph's hospital, London, on Sat- urday. ' Although the doctors were unable to set the broken bones, Mr, Murray stood the journey well and is. not suffering as much as might be ex. petted, His many.. friends hope for speedy improvement. Mi•s.'W. C. Webb is spending a few weeks with her 'neice, hiss Annie Mc- Kenzie. i.. Mr. C. Steick has been confined to his bed during the past week but we Hope soon to see him around again. Mrs. C. Pilgrim, who has been in Clinton hospital for the past three weeks, was able to be brought to her home last Tuesday. Her friends hope that she will continue to improve and be able to be up and around again, Phone 48 Varna Miss F. Logan is spending a few days with Hensall friends, 11fr. W, Taylor shipped a ear load of hogs to Toronto -Saturday. • Mr. M. Elliott also shipped a load Of Stock to Toronto market,, • The Women's Day of Prayer, which 'was held in the United church on Fri- day afternoon was well attended, Lenten services -Will be held in St, John's church on Thursday evening at 3 o'clock throughout the Lenten season. The rector, Rev. F.- H. Paull will take for his subjects the "I Ams of Jesus Christ.” An invita- tion is extended to all who wish to, attend. The many friends of John A. John- ston, who is at time of writing in Clinton Hospital, after having under- gone an operation will be pleased to hear that he is getting along nicely. M.r. and Mrs. M•eClane of Glencoe are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Wil - more of the village. MTis. Agnes Moffatt, who recently underwent a critical operation in Vic- toria Hospital, London, is recovering fevorably, her many friends here- abouts will be glad to hear. COAL D. L. and. W. Coal and Semet-Sol- vay Coke alawys on hand for mimed. fate delivery. Also a quantity of .dry Maple Wood Orders taken at Sutter and Per - due's and accounts may be paid there. W. 1. MILLER &: SOIL v Orders taken at residence; Ontario St, • Phone 46 . Brighten Your 'Home A little paint and varnish will often transform a room that is an'"eye sore" to the most attractive room' in the house. A little paint intelligently applied will oftimes change the whole ap-. pearanee of a room. • You will be surprised how a little touching up will freshen things and stake your home more attractive and livable. A complete line . of high grade Paints, Brushes and Varnishes here to supply your every need. HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 Our Mid -Winter Furniture is Going Over Big 1 So if you are interested in Furniture at real Bargains, it wii you to pith them off while they last. We have a few rockers upholstered in Leatherette left, the best value you ever got. pay Some sensational values in Dining Room Suites Just imagine a 9 piece Suite in Walnut finish for $110 and others in Oak and solid Walnut at prices that will surprise you. Then if its a Chesterfield Suite or a Bedroom Suite we cansave you good money by buying this month. Clinton Hardware and nrnitureCo THE STORES WITH A STOCK FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195 Satisfaction phis Service RED BOT SPECIALS Broken Sodas, fresh, 3 lb. 29c Seedless Raisins, 2 ib. , . , 29c Corn FIakes, 3 pkgs.. 29c Minute R. oats (Ogilvie)30, 40c., Jelly Powders, 4 for .... ' 25e Orange Jdarnialade, 40 oz. Jar 40e ' Prunes, (med. size) 3 lb, 290 Prunes, (large), 2 ib. .. 25c Aylmer soups, 2 tits .... 32c (See our special display and save wrappers and - get 'soup , FISH, spoons.) Table Syrup, 10 lb. 65c Table Syrup, 5 lb. 35c „Buie Maple Syrup, qt'75c Canned Tomatoes, 2 for ,25c Canned Peas, :2 for 25c Ammonia, 4 pkgs. - 25c Soap Chips, 2 lb.- for25e Soap Flakes; 3 pkgs.. , , , 25e Classic Cleaner, 3 cans 25e P, & G. Soap,. 11 bars and 1 zine wash board95o FRUITS, VEGETABLES ® LAWSON & CO.. PRONE 111 PROMPT -DELIVERY "Home, Sweet Horne" there's n®p lace like it • WHEN YOU ; BUILD—BIJILD RIGHT THAT'S WHERE WE COME IN The right lumber at the -Right Price, and Service. Let us help you: with your building problems. There will be no obligations. EVERYTHING IN BUILDER'S SUPPLIES Thomas McKenzie Estate, Clinton Phone 88 : Residence, 61 {