The Clinton News Record, 1928-03-01, Page 7angry ►- T t 1 thea 'eine earnestmanner ns.: e+ce in ;one � 1overin the, -eggs Whenthe lien in pos>eusiol 1e;1ves: To tlte',beginner "I would, stti let -,for feed' b 1 atalMii wait;llg mother. lanoy• aristocrats ' semis;. start wltltt i ho ini1oedt tily:`Jamie into, the ,-GS, 0 greater •chancy ef`sireoes'y"tiy se de=' en ie arra t O 1 herself. I - l t 1 edigreed leurth nest "Air t11 cage_ c l m n 1Le5` datives, 'Get: all the'infor•mati you, h ehefr humble A2'011.51112,',Youwill;staud'allU very -p uudiyrtalr s iip.;l1 duties, When the hl et h t t h Well ing, for plainer betels are Hardier aud;,.par t 1er'so 1 un tic e iga-01 the nest 03010 and so rt continues '111 1 i 'ilio pi'o1fic than.'_ Heir r c. 011 y chat con Cion _ Whe11 the liirds have, can en the. iiiffect,ut'renlembo ,that:, sottlod :downto ' housekeeping the: experience lute! be:. yo 1z be.,t",teaehor.: • leu^til y nests it 1.1 well to P livoriss some old You will nndoulbtedly plalco tnanY' ti rcle•• e y 1e, aemovec. . Mistaken and suffer''m,t11 Iheatt-deal �Uhen„yam bills tart to tul10 their ing disappomtlneiits, but {iii",the t ma.:',•,".� 3031 will be learning;• •Perhap,'i,he'trla:tcz and sprinkle, it Over ilio ho'b:• first year you, will'• 031110 only three or,'tonf of the cage eve' day. Crushed: fpur birds; but don't betome discour- O g -shells also aro good.' these aged. Remember; the birds 'you 'dithl't.:lneasnres wi11 prebent - soft-shelled.',, raise were traded for experience, so ergo A little boiled egg should Ue;: they are riot's'total loss after alt,. given your b1rdS ;every other day a this time, Keep ed, 'gravel, "cattle,. By observation a,rrd patience you Bore and fresh water before Luso at; tiviil slowiv but ' surely grasp • those ;all tiniest • Now;is the time that your many fundamentals. that : e:cperi0nce birds: ,nnlst be 'left to themselves; alone can bring fatale, and that point Dent go around•:t em eiy "moire titan, to success: is absoititely necessary,.'Don't allow Canariesbreed practically -any .strangers around theni and abovb all time of tlile•'year with peeper :environ- :Iceep,thp;'catoiand dogs'away. snont and handling; hat the regulars Birds _aro o'ecentrici.and very' breeding season runs from 'February observing, ' Maize a 'sudden or tin up until July. The easiest, and.; fihe "usual thevelnoflt Before their sage and most profitable way for the beginner . they t111l bo<euspicious of you the rest to raise birds is, to mate one - male. of the day. with three, females, Get 'as large •a1 Canaries recognize a stranger he' cage as, you can. A cage the size readily as a dog does, and emit a of an orange oriemon•box is about the 3iarsh,jerky chirp when a strange right: size. '' Aiwayo'put,'y„our male "hi, person 'or' a 'cat' apiiroacires. ' `;Move e b ' • threeding, cage 'as week' d1 so •be=".their nage, just a fety'inches 'from its fore the.females, You will find that, accustomed'• position„ and their keen by so doing there Will he less' fighting little intelligence reoognizee • 11 hi - , c " + alld-O y u will- o rai bnn uid)ter and ti d bet- stantly. 'You may have, a. roomful of ter results. birds and every one can be • singing, ' ...After • your birds have teen together but drop a pan on the- floor, and there', - long enough to• beeonne' acquainted; is •instantaneous silence, ' 'When they, start placing an occasional piece of are opnvinced that .no danger threat-. cotton fn we cage. I1 they pick it .,ens they will resume their song. up and carry it around, you will then i A nervous person will never have know that.it is time to give them' much success raising canaries, \An materiel to const00bt'a nest. I would. old 'lady called on the one day and suggest that you'oonstiuct the •flrst wanted to luiow my secret'of raising' few nests for the birds. - • 'blinds. •She informed me that she had Use madium•wei ]i " been' trying 'for 'three consecutive g t oardboard and mato your nest about fear inches' years and had not one bird of her own square and two -inches deep. Fill it,raisiug to show for. het• time and about level -full -of cotton, making a trouble: p castor ill the center. Now telco T visited 01 der v e ter dome and entered the a square pisco of cloth of the correct room where her birds were kept. She size and lay it on top of the cotton; opened the lobi with a quick move- site fitting it to the nest sew it to me nt and almost rushed into the room. all four sides. Instantly her birds ceased' singing and began to, fly wildly around •ill When the sides are fastened, make cages as ieir one 'stitch through the'center of the midsf a cat had jumped into their nest and tie at tlib boom. All ends -veryt and wee threatening to regtheiard must be securely tied and all edges divas. They seemed n regard of the cloth must be carefully cover- and went asnan enemy than friend, ed with short stitches, for" if one lit-, and went into a fluttercwhen she even• approached their cages, I gave•her tee weakness is exposed, the birds �will' - _ be quick to take' advantage of it and a some 100 01 warning and later traded her -aid,' motherly females, for aerie pick the nest to pieces. !of herdemoralized stock.., ' That year • The depression in, the center is to".phh- raised clnite'anumber of birds; keep the eggs .together.: • Ifleft to But as her temperament does not fit her own initiative, the bfrd Is likely her for the vocation, she will always to Construct a nest of such proper-t•be handicapped la that particular line tions that. it will be physically im- of endeavor. possible for her to cover all the eggs, and ,the eggs will sooner or later be- come .chilled' and thus fail to hatch, :Many etrango phases of wild . life egg appeare. They lay from three to conf'ront us in handling our canaries. seven eggs for a sitting; four eggs Freakish and unexplainable twists of are about the average and phis' num- their eccentric 'temperament lirbei is more desirable than1 of- a larger og ten displayed in ways .that' are both sitting. puzzling and liuinorous, For example, one ' would naturally assume that three nests would be enbugh in a pen ,,containing a male and three females, but the experienced breeder always puts to an extra nest. If there are only three nests in the cage, two hens will invariably -choose the same one and if Ieft to themselves they wiU• both lay in that nest and fight each other for the privilege or honor, of sitting there. , In all my experience I Have never seen any exceptions to thin rule. If the nest is not large enough for both birds, one will, Park herself on the edgeandwill maintain her position Canaries :lay their eggs in the early morning and with rare exceptions start sitting just as soon as the first reo mother in t•4is' enlightened age would give her baby something she diel tlot:knowwas perfectly harmlesss,' especially 1 vhon a few drops of, plain Castoria will ,right -n baby's stomach, and end almost any little ill, Fretful. nese and fever, toe; it seems no time. until everything Is sereno. Tbat's the beauty of Castoria; its gentle influence seems just what is needed. It does all that 'easter oil might accomplish, without shock to the system; Without the evil taste. it's •delicious! Being purely . voge. table, you can give it 'nes often as. there's a sign of collo;. constipation; diarrhea; or need to aid sound, natur- al sleep. just one warning: it is genuine Fletcher's Castoria that physicians f recommend. Other preparations may bo just as free from all ',doubtful dregs, but no child "of this 1 .t lvriter's is going t6 test t! Besides, the book' on hemcare feeding Of, babies that comeg•.with I''letclier's Ca8torla is worth its weight in gold. ,...n Cry for "Canada For Me," Here we have an English lad who came across story -book thrills in the Canadian West. Ho is Richard Barnes, of Kent, later cowboy of the 2XY ranch in ,Alberta. He wont broke, was hired on the ranch, was blot for criticizing a shady poker play, was'subsequently deported from the U\S.A. because he lacked entry papers, was burnt out in a Windsor, Ont., hotel, walked on foot to Montreal dressed in cowboy outfit, and from there embarked with nine colilt(t.irp, his :pocket for England) on the Cunarder Meanie. "tl great life!" he declared, and promised to acquire an English wife and to settle in Canada this summer. Five Pupils Form Fotir Classes Lochgair, Scotland — This little Highlands villago`: clstiulg'"`that ''the school lisle" is attended • by 'fewer pupils than any other -1n Scotland, it not in. Great Britain. There are only nye names on tho register, but as the Children are of different. ages the teacher - e has.to teach them separately and make four classes. • French Hunt Truth of War ,.'Paris.: "Who started the war v 'is, going to be settled, at last, to the sat- isfaction 'of at-isfaction'of France, anylvay. Three dozen 01 France's most eminent' stu- dents, historians and strategists have been appointed by the gevernlnelzt to dig tip all necessary zlpouinents and to give the world the real, inside truth about how it all happened, Red Rose Oranie Pekoe has earned the patronage and good will of more tea drink era than -"any';, other` high- q qua, l 1 t y' tea tri Canada. Judges of 'good tea gladly, 'give ct c re " -for Red Rose Orange. Pekoe'; liecatise •-they know. that the;.value:the ''re - Y • ceivIi is 1V01'th rorirly times . the few extra certts.they pay, • _ _ 1-13 We live in aworld of mysteries, and the selentiiic man is more aware of his ignorance dean- anybody else, --Sh• Oliver Lodge. Use Minard's Lihiment for corns. SUBMARINES ON LONG VOYAGE 7I.i4I S O wa • .? and ILII S 'i0zle rout British ubmai•ines•photographed, Y Y, g s ,,, at Gosport"shortly before their•departure upon the first unescorted' voyage made by Submarinesflorn'England to Australia, Kang - -Amanullah Received. . W-tl • • lend.+=r .at London-- Court Visit of•Afghan Moxiarrrh; and. Queen Expected to Cost British Ruler £ 1,0,000; New Scarlet Liveries, Floral Decor. aliens; State Banquet Anion„g Items , London, --More than ordinary pre. copy the royal visitors' suite contain- paratione are being made at Bucking- ham Palaceforthe reception of King Amanullah and his Queen. Since the Afghan. monarch has been received elsewhere - with so much splendor,it is considered that it;. would be' impolitic if- the manner of Lis reception at the court of the monarch who • is Emperor` of India should seem. to the royal visitor from the East less splendid Than those ar- ranged ,for him elsewhere. • When., Kfng I'uad visited the Eng- lish Court last summer, -although: he was received as any European mon- arch would have been, it' became known that he was a little disappoint- ed at what appealed to him to be a lack of splendor at the 'court of the richest and greatest of living sove- reigns. The officials at Buck!ngkam Palace' are exerting themselves to see that King Ahanullah shall not depart un- der a similar impression and his visit inn 1 - n is o to bea expensive one for going i his host. All the indoor footmen at the pal- ace are to bo provided with new scar let liveries, the tunics of which will be , specially decorated for the oeca;, cion with- gold lace. There are sixty' footmen, wizen the • staff is at full strength, and the bill for the liveries will average 250 each, totaling 320,000, and this is but one item in the expellees of the visit, The visitor and his queen will oc- ing eight _apartments. The walls of tile bedroom, drawing room and writ- ing room in this suite have been re- lined with silk of, colors and designs specially liked ..by the .Afghan sove- reigns. The walls of the bedroom will be scarlet, with a gold dado. The relin- ing of the -walls. of • these rooms has cost :01,200. The' floral dacorations probably wil be the most costly ever seers; at' Buckingham Palace. Two' contracts for The supply. of floral de- corations for the visit have -been en- tered into at a cost"of,ne5rly £2,000. The reception will, b3 carried out with the greatest splendor when they arrive. A11 the court officials in their uniforms wilhrattond' and the King's guard formed by picked mon'from the Life Guards will stand three deep around the walls of the spacious hall. King Amanullah is traveling with a largo suite of attendants, most of whom will be housed in 'expensive rooms aboutt S . Jamas sIsca • P o at King George's s e x reuse and they will be suitably entertained every 'even - 'Then there will be the cost of the state banquet, the extra carriages and horses and motor ears, a special ser- vice of messengers and Scotland -Yard "extras" for looking after the safety of the Royal visitors. The expenses of the visit are expected to be at least ;610,000. In pre-war days a royal visit was supposed to cost d3,000. RFEUIVIATIC PEOPLE CAN- OBTAIN RELIEF By Enriching Their Blood With Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Rheumatism is a disorder of the blood. It -attacks people when. the blood Is thin and impure, thus •setting up inflammation of the muscles and joints. Wet or cold weather may start the pains of rheumatism, but is not the cause. The cause is in the blood. Hot applications or rubbing with lini- ments 'may ease the pain, but do not reach the cans° and the pains are soon back again. To get rid of this most painfultrouble you must treat it through the blood and for this pur- pose nothing else can eival Br. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, which from first dose to Iast actually make new, rich. blood, thusdriving the . rheumatic. portions from the system, Mr. Henry 17. Amino, Lower East Pnbnice,'N,S., tolls what these pills did for hi111. He says.—"I had an attack 'of acute rheumatism sd bad that I 'could not walk a hundred yards . without so much suffering that I would fool faint. I could; not'.cto the least ;w00lt and•ily movement caused great pain. I was nncler the caro of a doctor but did' not improve much. Then reading of a similar case in a newspaper I decided to try Dr. Williams' .Pink Pills, By t threethere time I bac. Weed boxes,t e was no doubt .they were helping me. I took altogether about a dozen boxes when 1 was-entitrely relieved of the trouble, able to walk four mutes to my. work, chop wood all day, and then walk home again To anyone suffer- ing from rheumatism 1` Cern strongly recommend Dr, Williams' Pink Pills.", Yo scan get these pries throilgh any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont, The Two Races Ottawa Droit (Lib.): Canada is a British Dominion, it is true, lint a Dilmnien where, the ,two .races—Eng- ] hind 1'tetelt—live an a footing of equality, In consegaeiloe the French element of the population has every right to demand from brie Government .the'10100 advantages. for French im- migrants •as are granted to British setliers. • _�- 7n the United States last year 23,- 5r0,0112 motor -vehicles wore registered We do not remember dodging the tall- ow' lino. ---Watton (Ore.) Leader. growled his wife. "'Yes, dear," re - 'You wore always faultfinder!" Parsns and Their Sons Black sheep come more often from the parsonage than from other homes, it has long popularly .been believed; but refutation of this baseless charge, notes The Christian,Observer :(Pres- byterian), has been made many times,' particularly by reports found .in 'Who's Who in America? A careful Investigation reveals that a large per- centage of ministers whose names have been recorded 111 that book of notteworthy nausea followed in the footsteps of their fathers. Now comes the Clergymen's Committteo tit the American Engonics Society with its results of ascanvass of 100 leading ministers in Emeries. Ae the repot•t is summarized in Tho Christian Ob. server:. . "Two-fifths' of these stated that they themselves woro the sons of minis- ters. Throe others were sons of a local or lay preacher, and 000 had' -a• Quaker preacher for a mother,• Ten of those interviewed had 'grandfath- ers' w110 were ministers- and seven had groat-grandfathoi's and three great-great-gritnclfathora 111 the minis- try. - One mall reported ani unbroken. line. of Presbyterian ancestors .run- ning, back 10, the seventeenth- contury; and another. .tt similar lino. -of Mora- vian ministate beginning in 1740. 1 Thirty-eight 'were soils of church of- ficers and,: only eighteen:, Of 'the hulas, -dyed *0010 sols of menwho were neither ministers nor church oflieer"s. "Th fact that two-fifths of the hun- dred ministers are sons of ministers indicates that the .preacher's son who adopts his father's profession does so with full knowledge of what it means to devote his life to..tho work of the ministry. The comunittee. reaches- . the . eonvietion that the -future, church; leaders in America -lutist come from church families, and that 011001110 lead- ers medium church leaders. The list. of one huiulred minister's interviewed includes the moat successful minis- ters in the American pulpit to -day," Those who are familiar with the teachings or; the Bible, comments this Louisville weekly, are not surprised at the talo 'tolyl by.this-earefnl, Investi- gation, "God's promise M 'to you and to Your children,'' and thus: God honors those who Honor flim. The re- cruits for the ministry; of the, future May be expected to come from the families of those who are most.faith- ful - and , sincere in their service to God an cltlleir fellow Ater either at Christian churches," "Did any of your family ever make a brilliant marriage-” "Only 111y wife." - Spondee the husband. roI found you." On fishing trips take Minerd'S, aldwin En toys Retort Courteous T orlon=lt highly developed e.- 210010 01 f130-100000"'ceurtcou5'was in- dulged in by Prlmo•NIn1i,Lcar.llalUwin -0113 1-foqse of Commono-.recently. Asked to cdroment ori c lucent neecli which ',Viscount WWO icer the as- ;i;stan t Factual+ter-Goner rl, si gested :that ;the' pest oilleo' mer h! - bo better operated by private . 61te-1'p0ee,- the Pr mo Minister notarized: 11ieai01 what tepid Weimer said and it struck me t'rhat when he has attained to''yeais ofdiscretion. Ire will speak. with -that caution which char•- nctcri2es every, 10ne of 'our 'utter maces." . Lord Wollner is 41 years old; Causes Gossip London -lobby gossip.in the Boum of'Commons one night was occupied wit:li the sharp rebuke 'Premier Stan- ley 13aldwin adniiilfstered to one of )tie ministers, Vis'coilt Walmer, as- eihtant poetmastor-general, in the House of, Commons in the afternoon. Eon -swing the "rap on .the knuck- les," as some describe 10, came the cryptic alluouuceIilent that Lord Weimer, acting on medical' advice is lteavin womg London and going abroad for onths. i;; rilalla;,: ' 1p�e iIJ- E • - i �R ' ONES Mothers, do you think it fair to tor- ture your little ones by forcing them to take ill -tasting oils when they need a laxative medicine? Don't you find that the Child's dread of these medi- cines often do more harm than good? Baby's Own Tablets are the modern' substitute for these nauseous -doses. They are the very medicine the child requires and are so pleasant to take that they' are as easy to administer as a glass of water They are the per-,. feet remedy for all the minor ailments of Iittle ones, being absolutely guar-. mitered free from injurious drugs.. Baby's Own Tablets accomplish all that castor oil and other bad -tasting remedies can do. In fact they ac- complish more as they do not leave the child exhausted from its struggle against taking medicine. They re- lieve teething pains; banish indigos - tion and constipation, break up colds. and -simple fevers and prornoto "health- ful, refreshing sleep. They are sold by medicine dealersor by . mail. at 25e a' box front' The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Communists Fight Each Other According to reports in the Yo11ts- }villo'of Sulll, Thuringia, an organ of The left wing Opposition in the Ger Man Communist Party, ' the official Communists are using violent meth- ods to "convert" ln their former Co- rades.z n 'one instance a denionstra-- tion b`y the Opposition was attacked and one of its organizers beaten in- sensible with a hammer. In Ham- burg three detachments of the regu- lar Communist Front' Fighters raided a meeting of the Opposition„ and stormed the platform, clearing a way by vigorous use of rubber clubs, brass knuckles and knives.; In"Dortmund, on the other 11andi Herr Thaelmann, a well-known Communist chief, had to floe from a meoting,in order -to escape a beating at the hands of tete Op- position. Prussian Churches: Expensive In an article in' the Berlin VoI'- warts discussing the fbudget of the Prussian State, a member of the Diet draws attention to the heavy cost of supporting the various' religious de- nominations, because of the Diet's de- lay in- taking the steps necessary to separate . Church and State. This year's budget provides for an ex- penditure of 71,000,000 marks (worth 23.8 cents each) for Church purposes, without any allowance for the addi- tional salaries to be .paid to the clergy under the new law increasing the pay. of State officials and employees. The complaining Deputy notes that the State 18 planning' $o spend only 52,,= 000,000 marks in welfare work of all kinds,,. including the health service. Ile also refers to a budget deficit esti- mated at about 74,000,000 marks. 1, "I presume youwould be glad to have me call again?" "Yon :do "I do what?" "i"fe'efiine:" nninieters, oflioer's, : or workers in Keep Mlnard'e In the Medicine Chest. it is important that one staould lilce slncere things and not flummery and rubbish winch blows away at the first touch.—Lady Oxford. Corrugated iron Asx Fon - Wheeler ite. Bain "Council Standard" A thick, ,'even, heavy spread o,f . galvanize over every inch of sur- face. Deep; corrugations. Write us, stating size of barn you want to cover. WE PAY . FREIGHT WHEELER & •BAIN, LIMITED. Dept. W, 108 George St;; Toronto2, AND OTHER RAN 'FURS •are bringing aur shippers excep- tionally high prices and 5% BONUS .EXTRA. We pay all postage and, express. charges, .SHIP NOW. .'Send For bur Fete' 1020 -Special Spring Price Liet.•. v w a FCo. LIMITCD 172 King St, l=ast Dept, 13 TORONTO, ONT. ISSVG No 9--,2§ . Red Rose Orange Peke is the best tea you oanb . 1a In clean, bright • Aluminum Britiblii Uniforms Costly Classified Advertisements;. Some Idea of what it costs to be a member of a crack British regiment may be gathered. from the price list of the Army Clouting Depot at Pim- lico, just'•isued by the Army. Council. IAtarting with the. head, bearskin; CUPS Worn by the band of t11e Royal' Engineer's and. the Footguards costs 335 each, while the white metal hel- mets of 'theI-iousehold Cavalry aro 345. Itis estimated that 1,500 yards of metal ribbon ie, annually consumed by the crack regiments and this may be obtained from the Clothing Dept. at 83 'cents a Yard; which :is just'' 60 cents above the 'usual market price. Tho O'ilk for • li batt. ou colors is listed at $15 -a yard..' ' The State -''clothing of the House- hold' Cavalry and Sergeant Drumn- mars of the Footguards includes' coats which cost 3292 and -$250 each, re-.. specively. The 'red -cloaks worn -In wet weather' by the Household Cav- alry are listed at4 $55 each, as ai'e al- so the 'State cloak 4f Sergeant Drum - mors in the Footguards. The whole wardrobe of a Sergeant Drummer pn State occasions foots .up to $350. The white leather pantaloons which so Conspicuously' set off the breast platea.of the Household Cavalry ale listed at $72 a pair, while the tunics of the Sergeant Drummers of the Pootguards are - down at $48. �--fi — — India Tries Concrete Roads Bombay. —.India is experimenting With concrete roads in the hope they will not only facilitate transportation, but prove a boon to the depressed In, diaa cement industry. Two long stretches have been laid in the vicini- ty of Benares. Anothgr concrete high- way is to be laid through Allahabad. .Mlnard's.Llnlment- warn', wart , 'l - Woman resembles the ,ape more than does Man, for het-; legs are. us= wily- shorter and her arms longer.— Professor Arthur Thomison. SCHWEGLERS ` ,4.9 iD ' g..J rrT"^r;�1 fJ tivt�I+cAb:4,`ti4v Our breeder, are bred for blah c roil conn• White, Brown kagp P Whiteto R c hobs. Batted and conies Rede, lb,in I. Rede, Am zonae, BWyandotte,. 12c and up White We deliv delivery lacandup: 105% live delivery guamnteedp. Write todty for FREE CHICK 31008, SCHWEGCER'S IIATCHERY,ass N0Rnagrteil, e5FFALO.N.r• Insure' tor Crop Fertilizer insures a crop above the average—and D W Fertilizer gives you DOUBLE WORTH One Ton b . W 424-4 =Two Tons D. W. GUNN, LTD, 200 Vine Ave., Toronto, Ont, BRITAIN TO CANADA you can arrange for your relatives snd.friends this low ocean fare -- greatly .reduced. rail rates,children under 57 carried FREE. Ask at once for details. sI the British Nomination Soh Cities from any office or agent of the ' tCANADIAN e' SEI•IVICII ,��" ,�+t4gor-.9y 11vEs e.lr -,stain ':.,ww Hair. Minard's Liniment stimulates growth of hair. Keeps it glossy and kills dandruff.' 201.175TAiY .: �® QtlALT.S.' 10, LSRN i Wy i1Ic10tte, 31013Red BabyEG0IO10e135,, ;1:0.00 per 100and up.• Batching eggs,. 8 OO ;per 100 and up. Pedigreed 020ller, o1s $e.'00 • each, tired, up, 38 Page Illus- tratad• Catalogue', free. L. R. Gufi'dr-de Sons, Box- '1', Rockwood, Out. r �by i:1sY LU-1,10,,brL001 .lu u'UUE( f2-lt�varieties 01'L'aby Cly50e. Write on free ciatalogue. ?'rice, 10c and up. A, Id. y witzer,,;Granton, : Ont. T 1 T Leet of, -"Wanted- .'Inventions" end Pull :Information Sent Pisa •cit. Request:. TRE1 nBAYRSAY CO,. slept. W, 073 Peak ° i3t., Ottawa, oar.. Far. Cheaper Than To iV(A% Ey Hand . The lowest priced serviceable • mixerou can buy. Mixes every- thing better and quicker than by. hand. Mixes concrete mortar, seed grain, fertilizer, feed, etc. Paysfor itself in no time - Write for descriptive folder No. 15 GOOLD, SHAPLEY Po MIIIR CO. Ltd. :Brantford Oat e "tz PLM3'E BILL - +.,• whypapaa¢¢eents?doubleBuy opuzo YerMambfro - steer i ectanalfrom 0 and ax»a-geota a.91: moat s,lon from an and cavo b rod,: li.; °t ck genaa. Wteed tr oonly o-tomaighgrad» •I stook, guaranteed obtpp ern sane. a Un- eZcello and to m oro ga eryvhere o dor,- oar eudmoo,-osvtug leo methods. s. AIL etandard varieties of fruits, bermtUo,. ebrube,orrlameatel trees, bulb., etc. fungi described in our largo complete catalogue with ezpacit pIantsog dlrectione. Yod'li. uvemnneyend getbetterreaoltswlth or stock, eced today car cete1ag-rt'e b'ni 0, • ta112055ledUIlCERIIIO Dos G Fonthlit. Ontarl0 Clean and Healthy WITH COMMA Children Like lt— So Will You At Lha feral o a of e Ig Cold u ' 1 , b 'Bac de 's". The . Y Y • first dose flocs two thinggs— relieves the cough instantly and dsiIghts the mate. Different from all other remedies for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis. Prevents "Flu". Pneumonia and all Throat and Lung troubles. Sold everywhere it • under money -refunded guarantee. • w: A. Buckley, Litnited, 142 Mutual St,, Toronto 2 Lirleg x, M IXT1lTash— aro Actaitsi .flash single sip proves It re _.._, . •. — YOUNG NEN SUFFER MOST These Two Found Relief by') Taking Lydia E. Pinkhaan's; Vegetable Compound Ayer's Cliff, Quebec. —" I have' been teaching for three years, and. at the end of the year I always feel tired and have no appetite. I' was awful sick each mooith,too,havin ' pains in my back until sometimes I. 'vas'oblged to stop working. A friend recommended Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound to me and I heard many women telling how good it was so i thought it would help ' inc. And it did. Now take six bottles every year and recommend it to Others,' DolALDA FARM:1UP, , Ayer's Cliff, Quebec. "Unable to Work" Canning, Nova Scotia.— I.hsd ir- regular periods and great suffering' at those tamest •the' pains causing vomiting and fainting. I Was teach- ing school and often for some hours I would be unable to attend to my work. Through an advertisement in the papers I knew of Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, and it has been of great benefit to me, the troubles beingcompletely relieved." —Lanni J. EA'roxt Canning, King's , County, Nova Scotia., O PHRLIPS ., yov MAG4z. For Tr0uhlep due to Acid ATION ACCIDID StOMAGN HGARTSURN HEAOAGN5,+ GASES•NAUSEA That many people call indigestion very often means excess acid in the stomach,' ` The stomach nerves have been over -stimulated, and food sours. The correctitvo 15 an alkali, which neutralizes . acids instantly, And time best alkali known to medical science is Phillips' Wink of. Magnesia. It, has renlainocl, standard with Physicians in itheIQ years since its invention, One an � OOnf111. of t1 15 harmless, testa less alkali in water will u011100lize ins stantly many 1.111108 as 011uc11 acid, and the symptoms disappear at once. You will never use crude methods when once 3'ou learn the oflte)eney of this. Go get a small bottle to try. Be sure to get the genuine ,P1 .1110s' Milk of Magnesia proscribed by physic Cisns'for li0 years fn c01'rooting excess ncido,' Ankh Bailee ecntaiiis full 0115013• tion—any drngst0l'e. . 4