The Clinton News Record, 1928-03-01, Page 4fi„ ;rtF,N,M avwuq :+, ,yva,n, v,4., i., „AP
IS a
1928 paper's are no`w
plate lint) we are malting It
tractive' display, • during < it troll
Ask for our Now dot alo gsue on
Special Papers,;,
The Public in invited'.': to see tti.
display of Clinton Made ;Clothing;
at'the store on
eve '
the urn of
Thu: sday `'
7 to ;9 p.m.
Orders taken en.
for ..i
Suits and Ov-
ercoats atSl Cto ial 1l
.. "Px1C0S
Three More Carloads for
The West,
Hew about Treating. Yourself
to a New Piano.
This Spring?
Clinton's Musical Instrument Representative
Always at -Your Service Box. 113 or Phone 273, Clinton.
The Clinton Horticultural Society
Premwm List for. 1928
Each Member is entitled to one Premium
No. 1-50 Gladioli,
No. 2-3 choice Pendias, pink, red or white.
No,' 3-7 Iris, all different, (names attached.)
No, 4-3 Del.phinums, 2 year roots.
No. 5-4 Delphinums,1 year roots.
No, 6-5 Dahlias„ choice variety.
No. 7—Plants, Jno: Cuninghame.
No. 8 -plants, Chas. V, Cooke.
No. 9-12 Daffodils,
No. 10 -6 -Hyacinths. -
No. 11-25 Tulips.
Member's Name
Address . ...
Secretary -Treasurer,
An Advance
Showing of
Clinton Made
Suits & Overcoats
In the New Models for
Spring will be held at
•-A. T. Cooper's
Thursday Evening
March 8th -
from 7.30 to •9 o'clock,
Every man who apprec-
iates good clothing will ad-
mire these smart clean cut
styles and the unmistakable
air of quality which is a pre-
dominating featureof all
Clinton -made Clothes.
A particularly fine range
of serges, fancy worsteds
and Tweeds. Suits to meas-
tire from $20.00 up.
Also a nice line of Spring
Clinton Manufacturing- C ..
Call and See the 192$
blur Sho=v Rooms .
.L O D
3riE 'cLxNTaNeNEWS'`>x;,OOR
mrti >u Sale, er , Farttr, 06‘i§0.11.04,
y 4
Furnxtara;,,azld.; rmlrlentenis
Al Ctittta� o�iYa l "Wanrksi�pTh • ;c �elu x�ux+ez, aid ' CYzat�g� sti;eets �Yha Qn
'so'n 'Sattlt�daY}" •Mhi�ch -x�btl,'commlenetng
at ,i;dA r' nr , 'ti f911otta tg will b'e bf
iere6 for Bale'':by pixhlia ruction
;L'illt 13QJ Qak ";clnntlg..rgoxn
table,e ma oabinet, oak hiring robin:
'Choirs e. eheeterfieid suite, p•txler,'tab '
;lee;Walnut, ,extension labra ;dining
loom $able; 2 ,nitches tables, 6,wal-
nut• dining room chairs; leather -601/:!,
etezl .sofa) walnut Cupboard; refrig
eratni; kitchen'eabinek, kitchen mange
(Lighter Day)• 6 kitchen .•chairs;
small heater; washing inachrne; bed
steads; s, bed :springs, 3 bed.romn
-sersi 2 woe)), stands; toilet set; t�adtat-
or CO*; . , set platform . and scoop
scales; wash tub; trot, beard,•flower
stand; stove tripes, etc,.. 'IitIPLEM=
ENT'S=Farmers friend; farraw, .rid-
ing p1oW, geed ea.ateyv; l asseyFlas-
ris walking plow - No.•21, nearly; new;
ha fork;
, Yfork'rem:, new;
trip and role; 4 horse' double tree;
3 horse donble'tree; set double`trees;
cross eta saw; -steel tired top•bligg,•y;
rubber tired top buggy; forks shovels
and other. articles,
At the same time :'and "place the
farm 'of Mr. Wm. Henry vyillTe of
feted for sale. This farm consists of
one hundred ,and twenty-eight acres of
good `lane) immediately adjoining the
town of, Clinton. The buildings, Ore
In good repair and this is a choice
farm,"veryfavourably, situated. As.
Mr. _aenry has decided to make his
home in the west evei••ythingi will be
sold. Terms—On Furniture and Im-
plements:—All sums under • 25.00,
cash. Over this amount six inonths'
credit will be given on furnishing ap-
proved joint'. notes, Terms on farm
made known'on day_ of sale. E. Mor-
rison; II, 'D. Cameron, Agents, G.
FI. Elliott, Auctioneer. 51-2,
Auction Sale
16 choice work horses, from 3 to 5
years old and weighing from 1200 to
1500 pounds, to be sold by public'auc-
tion at 1.30 p.m. on Wednesday, Mar.
7th, at Dick's Hotel barns, Seaforth.-
eaforthrRobert Douglas, proprietor, V.
Brown, auctioneer.
Auction Sale of Farre Stock
The undersigned auctioneer has
been instructed to sell by public auc-
tion at Gustave Bisback's farm, Bay.,
field road, mile south• west of Clin-
ton, on Monday, March 5th, at 1
o'clock sharp, consisting of the fol-
lowing; HORSES—Grey horse, 5
yrs. old,'1400 lbs.;grey horse, 5 yrs,
old,. 1450 lbs.; grey horse, 4 yrs. old,
1400 lbs.; grey horse, 3 yrs. old.;
bay mare, 9 yrs. old., 1400 lbs.; an
aged horse, driving mare, good sin-
gle or double. CATTLE --Ayrshire
coir, due to freshen April 15th; Dur-
ham grade, due to freshen May lst;
blue cow, due to, freshen April 27th •
Ayrshire cow, due to freshen April
20th; heifer, 3 yrs. old with calf at
foot; Durham cow, due to freshen
July 1st, milking well; 2 heifers ris-
ingi. yrs, old, milking well; Durham
grade cow, 6 years old, due to fresh-
en in June; Cow, 10 years old due to
freshen in May; 2 cows, 7 yrs, old,
milking well; farrow cow, milking;
cow, 5 yrs. old, milking well; 10
steers, from 800 to 850 lbs.; 7 heifers
about 800 lbs.; 2 heifers, rising 1 yr.;
2 steers, rising 1 year. Deering wag-
es, nearly now; gravel box; 25 bus.
of white sweet clover seed, Terms -
6 months credit will' be given on fur-
nishing approved joint notes, or a
diernunt of,4 per cent straight allow-
ed for cash. Bisback & M nning
Proprietors. Geo, IL Elliott, Auction-
eer. 51-1.
Clearing Auction Salt
Ok.Perin Stock and Implements
The undersigned auctioneer has ,re-
ceived instructions to sell by public
auction on lot 34, eon. 3, Tuckersmith,
two miles north east of Brucefield,
on Thursday, March 15th, at 1 o'clock
sharp, the following:
HORSES—One heavy draft horse,
7 years old; one heavy draft horse,
6 years old—This team is well match-
ed and weigh about 3400; one hand•
seine grey general purpose horse, 6
years old. CATTLE—Cow due to
freshen May 17th; cow due June 24th;
cow, due July 15th; cow, due Aug. 16;
cow, due October 15th; cow, with calf
at foot; 4 two-year-old heifers sup-
posed to be in calf; 4 yearling steers)
yearling heifer, 2'baby 'beeves (about
600 lbs.). HOGS 19' store hogs; 1
SOW with litter ready to wean at time
of sale;pure bred York sow, with lit-
ter. three weeks old at time of sale
About 75 yearling White Leghorn
liens and pullets; 4 pure bred cocker-
els. IMPLEMENTS --Deering bin-
der;MasseyHarris seed ,drill; Oliver
riding plow; gang plow; Massey.
Harris - manure spreader;' Fleury
walking plow, nearly new; •2 horse
rakes; bean stuffier,. Massey -Harris
cultivator; Brantford mower;' land
roller; flat rack; :lumber wagon; truck
wagon; light wagon; stock rack;
Ford touring car in good condition;
set scales, 2000 lbs. capacity; anvil
bob sleighs; 'gravel box; top buggy;
open buggy; 2 Portland cutters; set
of harrows; pulper; fanning mill; De
Laval cream separator; 2 set of work
harness; set of single harness; gal
vanized water tank; wheel barrow;:
extension ladder; large robe; grain
R/14- ,L f House
hRILswbBandome to +
look at, -...increases value of
property. J.astin .
loots clean r ainwater,, b, nishea•
•leaks ...ideal for houses,
' barns" sheds, warehouses
schools, churches, public
buildings.,Oita size of roof for
free estimate. Write
ER. rr'rtbYem1 'i Via;
Metal Shingle & Siding Co, "
Limited: -
and other
7ticles reg„ ntlmexols to iigi;tldijr,
al o
flv n k
e odd t
y F. Q� g 1n Xe a !all
a• �. y d
et._9t'tattY.rty:.of oat§ ;s 3lerrn�:—Giallt 1
pcg)tty andi.,ryJl stuns of ^�L0tanil land;
.del; egib ?, Qver \that {)tiioiriit 8'
mAnths et�ed;t will :lie gtveti_.:t011 ;RP'.
proved johnt notes, '91n dtscottnt of
5 pet cent stra{girt allawed i:oa, cash
ion ;credit ait)otutts,' ,nvexyt'ixitjg• must
pbsitNely'be, clisiSesed of as rho farts'
is sold•• "henry HbrtSn, Jr„ Pb!pit iet-
r c.• XI, l0iltoit� A,ltotioneer,' G.2
Ge .., o_
e sae" S Two-year nteifce •
GODERICR, ^ Feb.' 2S—Catherine
Kerr, af',Seafo tlt; was sentenced, to
two . years in the Ontario Reforma.
tor less, one day,`on each 'of two.
charges of :.stealing- money, the pro-
perty of the Dominion Lank at Sea-`
forth by Magistrate C. A. Reid, thi,f
afternoon. : She pleaded guilty to
both charges,• 'one being for steal
ing; $11,000 and the other for steal-
ing $4,250. J. M: Best, `of Seaforth,
defended and 'Dudley Holmes, K.D.
of-Goderich, appeared for the Crown.
Miss Kerr had been : the')dashier
of the Dominion Bank and an em-
ployee of the bank .at Seaforth ,for
many years. She had, charge of the
cash and was a trusted employee.
Just a few weeks ago itwas found
that she was short in her cash and
it was found on checking up that
the shortage amounted to about
$11,000 going back several years. A
charge was accordingly laid against
her and she appeared a week ago be-
fore Magistrate Reid and elected
summary trail by hini and adjourn-
ment was made until. today. •
On coming up before Magistrate
Reid at one o'clock today she plead -
'ed guilty to the orginal charge and
also an additional charge of steal-
ing $4,250. Her counsel made a
Plea for leniency on the grounds of
it being a first offence.
The manager of the bonding coin=
nany, which instituted the charge;
expressed himself as satisfied with
the restitution made. •
In view of that the Crown said
he would, not press for a penitent-
iary term as -he would ordinarily
have done though he, said that
he would not agree to any suspend-
ed sentence.
Magistrate Reid said that this was
the first tine he had bad a woman
before him on such a charge, and
that in view of what the crown hacl
said he would sentence the, defend-
ant to two years less one clay in the
Ontario Reformatory, on each
charge, sentences to run concurrently.
. Countu News
EXETER: About 50 per cont of
the annual tobacco. yield in Huron
County has already been enlisted in
the Ontario Tobacco Growers' Pool,
half of the growers of the county
having agreed to the contract of the
pool as the reeul$"of a well -attended
and enthusiastic meeting of the grow-
ers in the town hall last week. It
is expected that the majority of the
other 50 per cent of the growers will
sign the contract forms within the
next few days, making the Huror
County district of the Ontario Pool
one of the strongest in the province.
Brooks Cotton. , One of the leading
lights itt the 'Saskatchewan and Cen-
tral wheat pools in the Collodion
West, was the feature speaker at this
meeting. In his address to the mem-
bers of the Huron County Tobacco
Growers' Association, he outlined the
history of the wheat pool hi the Can-
adian West, describing how it had
risen in four years from the status of
an organization shunned by the maj-
ority of wheat. producers, by the press
banks, government, machinery and
implement manufacturers and the
brokers, but today is one of the most
Powerful organizations in the Cana-
dian 'West. And in four short sea-
sons, Mir. 'Cotton proved to his nude
ience, the wheat pool has placed milt
lions of dollars :into the pockets o'f
the wheat growers. It is hoped a pool
will prove as much of a boon to to-
bacco growers,
DUNGANNON: Thomas Wiggins
and Mars. Godfrey Hall were called to
Goderich early -Thursday morning,
owing to the death of their sister,
Mrs, John Scrimgeour, which, took
place on Wednesday, after an ilness
extending over several months. The
funeral was held on Saturday, Feb-
ruary 25, at 1,30 p.m., from her late
residence on Victoria street, Goderich,
interment being made in Dungannon
cemetery. The late Mrs Scrimgeour;
who, before, her marriage, was Mara
tha Wiggins, daughter of the late
Mr. and' Mrs: Robert Wiggins, of
Dungannon, being born: here upwards
of 70 years ago, Besides her sorrow-
ing husband she leaves to mourn licit'
loss, one daughter, Miss Mary Scrim -
"Fruit-a.tives"—the Enemy
- of Dyspepsia
ST. URSULE, QUE. —"For ten
years I could not digest food.
Now I eat' like` a new man.
Fruit a-tives relieved me com-;
pletely " Jos. Martin,
Our way of living lays most 1
of us open to recurrent attacks
of dyspepsia and kindred - ail-
ments. To remedy this, the
regular use of Fruit a -tie's is
highly recoi:mended. '
The gentle, 'natural stimula-
tion of the bowels and digestive
system by the fruitjuice ex-
tracts and toniesin$ruit-a-tries
Soon heals bothersome and pain, '
ful digestion. Try it. Sold by all
druggists -25c midge per box.
geeu1, •qua 1 Tlwtfias Wiggins,
ox Dttngatnora; and one ,starter, 1V,f1,'1
Godfrey ',1Ta-1, ,.,of: 4shfhe:d . John
.L• oclrhra t 7.4.;f � i gsld Ra toss' lost air'
arta 4ttaris,dFoart, o,f; :°PxgkCorcly'
111tciattJ , •tial, Ur others °of ,•tris
d 1e'ise;wontail _::The 1tta .Mttth5n
7.,ockl rt,. of Aubit ;n, •was also a hnif-'
b� otltei
DUNGA i' NOIf The death occur-
red at item )terse, en DundttisGresaetit,
Toton$o, iecoiltlyef a .former' we11=:
known and respected eitizeit' of Door
gaiuion, 11 xs. Isabella Mallough ,widow
of Major Joseph Mallough;. of Duna
ganitoni, .tilted 77 years, Death `came
as a result of pneumonia. - Nirs.'34 l-
lough, who, previous to .het marriage;,.
Was Isabella -B1aek, daughter df the'
late "Ma' -:and Mr"s. Chas. 'Black, of
Dungannon, was a resident'. here un-.
til some,`,x5 year's, ago, . when ,with
nremb'ere :o£ hex family she went to
Toronto to •reside: She was prods-
sed Uy her husb;ind over:30' years:
She is survived by ane sofa, Everett,
and three daughters,, Mrs, Glover, 'and
the Misses Eva atiid Pearl lustrous) ,
all o£ Toronto,, Mrs, Thomas Elliott,
Sr., -of Nile, 'is a: sister. The remains
were brought herefor interment, the
funeral being held' 4n Wednesday of
last- week,' front MieGaw Station, upon
the arrival of the noon trtilu-tront'Td-.
Tonto, and: ioterment"made in the fain=•
ly plot• in Dungannon cemetery. Tlie
service -at the graveside' was -conduc
ted by Rev. William E>Perry, L. Th.,
52 St. Paul's Anglica Church,. Dun-
gannon The pallbearers were-Thom-
ere-Thomas and James Elliott, James and Rob-
ert Davidson, William . Stewart and
William J. Stothet-s.
•BLYTH: Rev. W. B. Hawkins and
W. Je-Sims were elected by acclama-
tion as members of the Blyth school
board. - Mr. A. Taylor was also nom-
inted but refused to allow his name
to stand.
GODERICH:' Vie town council -ap-
pointed a delegation to go to Ottawa
to petition for a larger harbor grant,
about half -of the grant this year be-
ing but a revote. of money put aside
hast year for this purpose which had
not been used The mayor, Mr. Par-
sons, Mr. Fraser and Mr. W-. H. Rob-
ertson were named a committee to in-
terview the Government.
A most instructive article on the
factors contributing to the tremen-
dous loss of trout fry after their be-
ing planted from the hatcheries is one
of the outstanding features of the
contents of Rod and 'Gun and Cana-
dine Silve: ?'ox News for March. The
author, Prof. A; P. Knight, ;r well-
known authority, gives a splendid re-
view of the experimental work which
has shown how small a percentnge of
fry survives and the reasons why.
Many other splendid Outdoor articles
and stories also appear in this issue..
A notable addition to the magazine
is made this month in the publication
of a French. supplement of the Cana-
dian Silver Fox News section. It is
announced- that this added feature
will be sent each _month to the Que-
bec members of the Canadian Silver
Fox Breeders' Association.
Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver
Fox News is published monthly by
W. J. Taylor Limited, Woodstock,
(7iiERIGrfI ' AU lire :in t acerin
of vatot
, Qt
4'e:eJtv7s,a ed
; and
ed M`.
st,s 3
1Tagir, eSeoind
gcelebrat d :,tho. fiftteth',mini.,
con der wUyt:steps re fales; to1 the ftiir froth goinginto ektinc-:
the finances' oi,the 'association:
run so low that. is impos-
sfblt,to nm0,4 of tte•;:FIe4.F tt AsS'e ratitrt1wlien a tyfx
aords,,lho xnemUo s of :•the.aiiicialbeard ofQiien,stree Tri-
-)tedelrr and Aai rail `'.se t', irl5b017 X assges,nd
good wishes,' ,e"'
.of` •'thea • w d i
d a, �' recently;
ney Irak.
This Simple Roiue Treatment is
Giving Amazing Results
gab Gently and Upward i!Y e and Toward the
Heart arc Blood in V'eins`Flows
That Way
If you ,or , ei.ted is
worried bocausoany'ofrelative`varicoser.ivnein's,
or bunches, the best advice that any-
one in this world -can, give you is to
ask your druggist for ,an original
two -ounce bottle of Moone's Eiiter-
ald:0i1 (full strength) and apply as
night and; adorning; to. the
swollen, enlarged veins. Soon- you
directed night
i willnotice that they .are growing
smaller' and the treatment should.
he continued until the veins are of
normal' size. So penetrating and
is Oil that even
Piles are quickly relieved: Drug
gists' seil,Iots,, -
Such fun collecdng china dishes from
Every package marked "Chinaware"
contains a piece prettily decorated
in blue and gold. - -
Creamy irtanted
We pay cash for Graded Cream.
Operated by
We guarantee Service, Satisfaction. and
Quick Returns.
Phones 190 or 145. Night 180
EW -completely new ! New in not only
the form but the whole spirit of its styling
and engineering. A new Six, surpassing in per-
formance, revealing great strides in speed and
smoothness. New in handling ease, in riding
comfort. New and gratifying in every factor of
enjoyment and satisfaction. In short, a General
Motors triumph, the culmination of twoyears'
constant, earnest labor put into its design and -
construction. A finished product, proved by a
million miles of testing on the General Motors
Proving Ground. At once the confirmation and
reward of Oldsmobile's policy pledged to pro-
gress. See, this 'ful fillment ofOldslnobile's cher-
ished ambition to produce The Fine Car of Low ,
Price. -Prompt deliveries. o•t xe
t Factsrt,-Taxes:Extra
avis, Clinton
/ 5•
Y 0
.. uaY 4
• ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, is%
.;:::74,7 ;,,,...
ny //.