HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-02-23, Page 5,EWS] >Ialr
;$pend Irons
1I�on4y , "
In'a Ban4
Year ago I :was in debt," .says a
customer "to -day, I have'$500-in
....Bank,: I+decided to put by„ $10 a week
and I ve'' dobe it.- This time nein year
Til bave;SI,000:'•
"You; too, cah de, .it. Let; us help :you
by a deposit plan to fit your .
income. l
AakJorour booklet„
"The Meaeuro of Your lacome
Clinton Branch.
0 almilt
R. E. Manning, Manager'
Of interest to You
and AIIe
• A •British automobile driver, has
Ibroken the world's speed record once
•again at Daytona` Beach, 'John Bull it
-not always. "slow." -Globe.
About the only thing John is slow
:abouti$ in self -advertisement.
A San Francisco radio announcer
tthe other night told the world that
:"GeneralHaig,- •one of the.; British
.`Generals who helped General Persh
ing win the. wart is dead." On which
-the Border Cities ,Star is constrained
'toobserve, .' "Oh, well; it's •nice to
know: he helped."
The storm- which raged over the
week -end, folloxved by some zero wea-
.-...1her this week;proved that old Fath-
=er Winter is still to be reckoned with;
Milder weather prevails at time of
-writing • and while we may have an'
odd stormy day front now on we can
-soon • begin to, leek for spring, as
-Mareli will be here in another week.•
• `If there were any' irregularities in
•connection with the election in •Ot-
-tawa in the -autumn of 1926 the facto
should• be brought to light and those
guilty of carelessness, or worse, ought
to be' dealt with.' • But sd far as we
-have had time to read the fussthat,is
going on in the Legislature at'pre-
sent both parties seem to be think -
'Mg a good deal more of -their own
'party .advantage than of really get-
ting to the bottom of the ballot find.
>'s*00 ^-
According' to the Ontario 'Gazette
the -Village of Wroxeter is making
application to parliament for an net
'annulling the' corporation of the said
village. The reason for this change,
is that the village'may:have the sante
advantages of hydro service as the
-rural municipalities.- ' In this way,
• too, the village will assist the rural
municipality into Which it is merged
to obtain eheaper hydro rates. The
reverting of Bayfield and Wroxeter
from the • status of -municipalities
will leave the-nunnber of Huron mun-
icipalities twenty-four, instead' of
From the report presented to`Par-
!ianient it is learned that the Uni-
versity of Toronto registered Tori
•192G-27°5,629' students; 3,445 inen and:
'2,184 women. Of the total 5,094 are
Froin_ Ontario; 2,458 being from the
City of Toronto•, and. others 'Scatter-
ed about amongst the'.several coun-
ties and districts - of the 'Province.
Huron County,sent•89 students, Only
seven other- counties in the Proi
"vine'having 'a larger number enrol-
led, Waterloo 90, Ontario, 93, Carlton
and Wellington, X98 each, Simcoe 15?,
'York, 198, seed Wentwbrth 215, Each
of the ` other provinces send a quota
and 5 sthdents:' are enrolled from'"the
Yukon, The United States' has 86.
and other countries' 103.
Between the years 1917'.and -1926'
8,632 degrees,' other 'than lionotirary
degrees; have been' eonfei:red'and 'of
'theholders of these. 1,176 are now
hi the United States.' Sir Robert Fat-
rozier, commenting en• this feet, says,
"The exodus of` -graduates has been
'so notch larger than we'should wish;
that every effort should ase further.
ed . that well holdout to our grad-
uating classesthe opportunities of
our own land." He can -see a bright
spoi ' even lir this condition for: •he
continues,- "Worse, ;however, : than
losing a certainmmiber of our gradu-
otos would be the conditionof which.
es in Australia, there is no outlet in
a neighboring country of similar civ-
ilization for ,the superabundance of
the highly educated , There is bound
' to be' some interchange of educated
life between the cotiiitries of the civ-
ilized .'world. We are enriched by
those who come to us, and we in turn
contribute to the common good of
mankind by -sending a proportion of
our own graduates abroad!',; So you
see, Ontario can„feel that site is -at
least doing her share to add to the
• sum total of educated' leaders do
,Goderich Tel/unship
Prom : the -:Regina ,iSaski) Leader
W�e lean that` Mr. Jobe Marfinis'oaf
'Woodrow, Seek,, a former citizen of
Goderich township; recently core -
braced his 90thbirthday when a ascii-
her of .his friends gathered :to con-
gratulate him, and to preseiit hien
with a':chair and an app eciatvie ad-
dress. A cake was 'the central pari -
of a birthday feast, it beieg adorned
with ninety Candles.- Following : is
the address •r ea
"Dear, Grandpa. Marquis -As wti
'gabber here
once .again •on this, your
•iineti,eth birthday, to .convey to yen,
ur best wishes that it inay be bright
d'happy •and a> hope that, you- will
.live to enjoy many more like it, our,
thoughts turn back to the many good
times we have spent together during
the - ten years ,which you have lived
amongst us. During that time both
old and young have come to love and
respect you for your happy, faithful
and true -christian-like disposition.
As a token of our high esteem we
would ask ' you : on behalf of your
friends of the community to accept.
this chair. We hope that when the
hundredth anniversary' comes around
we may still drop in to find, you en-
joying its comfort . and usefulness,
Signed by 83 of your Woodrow
SLOMAN-In Clinton, on Feb. 17th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sloman, of
- .Capereol, 'Ontario,- a daughter.
Deaths. '
HILES-In Londesboro;, on Feb. 20th,
Mary Hiles, in her 78th year..
ELLIOTT-In Goderich, on Feb. 14,
Ellen Vanderburgh, widow of the
late John Elliott,
CUTT-In Goderich,, on Feb. 12th,
R. H. Curt,. aged 66 years,:
ROSS -In Goderich Tp., on .Feb. 14,
James Ross, in his 86th year.
SCFIWANZ-In Goderich, on Feb.
• 16th, Michael Sehwanz, in his 32nd
year, •
The Committee on. Outpost Hos-
pitals, Ontario Division, Canadian
Red Cross .,Society, held its annual
meeting at Red Cross Headquarters:
410 Sherborurne St., early in Feb-
ruary, at' which the budget for 1928
was discussed and Massed, ' $154,
124:15 was spent- on nineteen Out-
post Hospital4 in Ontario lest year. -
Europe, -United States , and in fact
the whole civilized world are 'keenly
watching these little ' hospitals and
their' effects' on the scattered, isol-
ated, pioneer settlements of New Ont-
ario. The courageous, services of the
Red Cross in "No -Man's Land" have
a startling parallel in these .sparsely
settled districts, where, miles from
any other medical aid, these heroic
nursess, often travel by Horse,. doge
sled, or 'even aireplane, to bring
scientific healing to these new set-
tlers, niariy : of whom' nee ex -service
men. Last year 336 young mothers
were Attended; 878 operations per-
formed, many of them major opera-
tions; 1,144 patients treated at thebi
homes; 23,022 hospital , days; • 4,212
children inspected and' given 'medical
Attention' where required: 154 health
talks delivered. These 'are a few of
the many things which are malting
the'Outposts the pivet around which
these little communities 'revolve, •
Surveys have and are being a €
of other - districts, 'whose needs are
crying out. for assistance, and the.
Ontario •Red Cross is endeavoring this
'year to.snnd its -healing influence to
these people.' A small liospilal was
informally opened the other day at
Coe ,13111, rn•'•Hastings .County, Be-
fore 'even • tlit furniture arrived, two
patients,.; one' a young mother;: were
asking• 6 tr adizxrttance„; and `the• Red
Cross, altliougli hardly-prepareil; t,aa
able to give the assistance required,,
Coe Hill Hospital will be,openedfor-
mally in the Spring. •
Miss Edith Riley of Clinton spent
a few days with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Riley.
The Mission Band held a quilting
in •the basement of -the church ;on Sat;,
urday afternoon
The Ladies' Aid..intend having c
leap year`soeial `in the basement of
the church on Feb 29; A good time.
is expected by:;an. •"•
1VLti; and 14TH"s Robt Gehrliolby • at-
tended a beei''aind ``: linice'
Harts on Thsireday: ,
' t
'Mrs. Dh abe In TEe ..send fa 'il
G vs, m y.
aeknowlddge with grateful.. 'apprec-
iation, the-flotal,gifts,:and title kind.
expressions of,,,eympatlij '.. in their
recent be1_vethent.
---Farm For .ale
First-class 'faint for; sale, with er
without stock and iinpleiiients: Farm
consists of 100.acres on con. 2, lot 8,
'Stanley, all well draiseel,. 15 acres
Sall Wheat, fall plo;igliiug all done
40 acres seeded to grass and hay,
Easy terms, :Would consider nice
home •;in tower; F.or'furthen'partic-
ular's apply on farm to John B, Hyde,
or write to Iiippen ,P.:0. • • 50-2,
Feb 1alh, 1?etween Qlutten and
•Iionsall, p01e bike and ruti fol Old
inobalc Fh tee iciticily ' conn i cal e
wttlx t1.1ie Nows-Regorcl,or wxth I" l:''
daeltsoiif phone 11 lie'nsall 50;1
Itarm for Sale.?
On' London licjn0 Starsley rasp
Shit). 97;acres , four aches .geed hnrrl
wood bash rest' air under •enitivatiee
Bern 721ty 40 'oto cement stabling,
Steel' drive shed,rfranxe poultry house,
'brick dwelling fencing and dzainagK
good !CO n{iles;_'trent Gilititon,: one.
mile " from Brueetield ;Apply, to
frank' Lane, Clinton a --gate et `W„
Brydone,:' Clinton„'; 50-1:
Clearing Auction Sale
of Far`ni Stock : and 'Implements
Mr. Wni, Colclough has inhti ucted
the undersigned ;to sell; .,by nubile
auction 'at lot 19 adjoining the vil-
lage of Varna, ,'ijii Wednesday, Mar,
7th,, at 1 -o'clock sharp -the' following
HORSES Gfey horse 6' -years old,
general' purpose; : bay horse, rising 9,
general purpose ;Chesnuthorse,rising
8, general -- purpose grey perelteron
filly risii g.4 years.- CATTLE -Dur-
ham cow, 4'. years old, freshened 2
months; ;Durham pow, 3 ,years, fresh-
ened -6 weeks; Ddrhani cow, 5 years
to--lreshen in March; Holstein cow, 2
years freshened 6 weeks; " Angus
cow, 3 years to freshen in April;
Black' cow, 4 years, farrow; 5 Dur-
, ham
ur-:ham grad'e'steers rising 2 years old;
Hereford steer, rising 1 year; .Here-
ford heifer, rising 1 year; 4 black
Polled Angue calves, rising 1 year;Calf, 2 months old; 2 calves, •6 weeks
old, POULTRY: -.140 ,:white. Leg-
h'orn hens, one year old, high class
'Layers; -50 white and grey pullets,
5 Leghorn roosters,_ IMPLEMENTS
Deering binder, 7 ft: cut; Deering
mower, 6 ft. eut; - Deering rake; 10
ft, wide; .International .steel .roller;
Deering cultivator; Massey Harris
drill, 10 hoe; Bissell disc. harrow;
Oliver riding plow; Fleury walking
plow; scuffler; high wagon; 2 farm
truck wagons„; -set of sleighs, nearly
new; Portland cutter, nearly - new;
steel tire buggy; set of cultivator
wheels; .3 horse power gasoline en-
gine; 'Fleury grain roller° set of 3
section harrows; hay rack; gravel
box; pig rack; fanning mill; buggy
pole; stone boat;' set of scales, 1000
lbs._ capacity; iron kettle: 2 barrels;
car, fork, rope and pullies; Anchor -
holt, cream' seperator, 600 lb capac-
ity, nearly new; set of breeching har-
ness; set of 'plow harness; set "of sin-
gle 'harness; 100 bus. of seed oats;
some minted grain; 150 feet of inch
piping; 2 ladderse wheel: barrow; 10
Cedar end posts; 25 small cedar pests;
6 brace posts; a quantity of grain
bags; some barb wire and chicken
wire; forks, chains, shovels, saws,
a quantity of basswood lumber, 6
Basswood 2" plank, suitable for grav-
el box side; Ford .touring car, 1924
model in good condition. IFURNI-
TURE -,- Vacuum washing machine,
with wringer, new; Maxwell :wash -
ing machine; Daisy church No. 3,
new; Pandora range; Perfection coal
oil stove, 4 burner; kitchen cupboard;
glass_., cupboard; kitchen 'tabl'e; 2
small tables VI dozen kitchen chairs;
dining room table; 'side board; conch;
carpet sweeper; ti dozen dining room
chairs; 2 rocking chairs; New Monte
sewing machine in good working or-
der; 2 oak rockers; '3 -piece parlor
suite, nearly new; hall rack, solid
oak; Dale library table, . nearly: new;
3 small parlor tables; Doherty organ,
6 octave; China cabinet; 3 bedroom
suites, complete; walnut bed"'room
suite, 6 -pieces, nearly new; 2 bed-
steads, springs and mattress; 2 par-
lor rugs, 9x12; pair'. of curtain
stretchers; curtain polis; pictures,
hanging lamps; small lamps; linol-
eum and other articles too numer-
ous to 'mention. Everything to he
sold as the proprietor has rented his
farm. Terms; - Household furni-
ture, grain, fowl, lmnberand all sums •
of $10 and under cash; over that
amount 8 months •credit will be given
on furnishing approved joint notes or
4 per cent straight allowed for cash
on credit amounts, War. J. Col=
slough, Proprietor. • Geo. Ii, Elliott.
Auctioneer.' 50-2.
Sunday night
after. church
Both the Henderson boys are
far.away from the old home
But,. Sunday is still a very
special day -Inc. Father and
Mather, .for every Sunday
night after church' the tele-
phone bell wings and:the old
folks know that one" of the
boys IS calling them from the
- Harry;: calls one week, 'end
Fred• the next,' -
Long Distance is ivonderfut,:
foe, keeping faiilily ties.,"s
'strong,` 'It is. so simple, so •
inexpensive, ,tn{'call .distant •
friends 'for a fety ininutes'
-chat,. And liow welcome. s •-
the spend ••of,,tIeeii Voices ..,-
• Do v ou cdll 'frill
J , a end ' o..:`
., ... __.shy
Th E ,
The ]'wear ,Rate after 8}3 ,.
g 0
ie very low. - ..,
"Evet'y Bell :2`elephone 4,0„.
c, air
13stu.Oess, Poxtia.tb*13. io in: Clutton
Wit aeon, ^:every' °Opue,day w<:,lll1e..
hours until Jirther iiotie , tarn be
i`r oro=12 t m.. ;lid;2' Ptah'. = xf vole' want:
Pltotograjjhs itil on please" conte
these ;:hole s, MY tttrdf'o will' a;ivays
be waiin sa do:'not bo, aid gq.bing
the• ehaldren.iSr'the, }yilxtei
•ME111'BER F, T;
.,cu Flowers. mid Fm]. Designs
• Sent Anywhere
,To Make Room for' Spring Plants•
• 50e EACH.
bit so, V. Cooke
Phones -4•66w and 66j
:(a�4'ari11g ;'Sale ':
,• -
Men's Overalls arid Snxocke
Men's Work Shirts
Men's and Boys' Underwear''
Come in and Share: in the Bargains.
LONDESBQRO. . - 48-2.
Mrs. George Johnston• and family
desii4e to express their. ,appreciation
of the kindness and sympathy shown
them in their recent "bereavenient,•the
sudden death of Mr, Johnston. Also
for-conveyanceent for the funeral,
flowers sent and for all courtesies
extended. •
Postponed Executors', Sale -
n Of Farm, Farmstock and Impletn-
ents, property of the late Win. Mor-
rison, advertised to take peace at lot
26, _ Gravel Road, 34. miles north of
Clinton, on Monday, Feb. 20th, was
postponed because of the storm, and
will be held at the same place on Mon-
day, F'eb. 27th, commencing 'at 1.30,
,sharp, George Carbert, 1Vir's, J.
Brown, executorsr'" T. Brown, - sue
•tioneer.. . a.
For Sale Or To Rent
218 acre farm known . as the
Schwann Farm in the Township of
Colborne. Can be leased for three to
five years, or will sell on small down
payment. Property fully improved.
Good buildings, .Apply J. A. E./Bra-
den, P. 0. Box 510, London, Ontario;
t r.
Being yottx poultry and"eggs Here°
:anti nraiwe ,tl3ore prgfit for ,yq}irsolf,,
I tarket .,pr'iCes foe. ;'rixeavy"hl 115 ,are
login take
•s... of diem naw
iii+zton's "]GeadYntr E{, Grading ,
antoaa Poultry .House
W. 1 re' laf'$9; n
Pholes-Offlee, 314j', Residence, 214w
we are -again in the market for;
good logs of all kinds, either deliv
.ered'in .our mill yards•or -on' the
stump, Highest cash- pride• ;will' he,
paid. Custom sawing will' lie done, at
Bayfield, Thomas Wallis'; 4t11: con.
Goderich township, W and'' ,CIinton• as
usual during the year.
Bayfield g,Q„ Phone 024 r-4; Clinton
Stewart -Warner '
II/latched-0t Radios
Six reasons why< you should buy a
Stewart -Warner five tube Radio set.
1. The price is; within the reach of all.
2. 31 gives;: very' little or no trouble,
We have a set out three years
old. It is working .as good as
3 It is easier on B, Batteries than'n
six tube set.
4. It is very • clear, fine tone, and
works' well in any kind of wea-
ther -and has plenty of volume.'
5. Brings in Torontoand London -with
very little interference.
6. Will tune in stations as far away
as California on the loud speaker.
What more could you wish for in
a radio. Try one out and be eon-
vinced fa yourself.
H.: A
.Hovey, Clinton
Farm for Sale -
80 -acre farm on Base lino, 2 miles
north of Clinton. 8 -robin frame
.house, bank barn 80x40. Artesian -
well with windmill. 5 acres good
maple lush, Good orchard. Apply
on premises to J. Macdonald or to J.
Macdonald ,R. • R, No. 1, Clinton.
Auction Sale of. Horses and Cattle
The undersigned auctioneer has re-
ceived instructions' tb "sell ,by public
auction at lot 29, concession 7, God-
erich township, 1 mile south of the
Cut Line, On Monday,.February 27th,
at 1 o'clock p.m. sharp, the '-1,»]lowing:
Matched bay., team, `weighing about
8000 lbs,, aged 7 and 8 years; grey
Pereheron horse, aged 7; 40 head of
Choice grade Durham and Hereford
cattle, aged 1 and 2, .and
600 to 800-•poends; 10 choice young
Springer cows and heifers. 16 -ft.
liay rack, brand new; 12 1t. wagon
box and stock rack, new. .
Terms: All sums of ten dollars
and undet, cash. Over that amount
8 months credit will be given on fur=
nishing approved joint notes or bank-
able paper, or a discount of 6 per
cent per annum will be allowed for
cash on credit amounts. F.Jan& 1-11
Hudie,' Proprietors; G,' Ii, Elliotti
Auctioneer. 50-1,
Bailiff's- Sale.
By. virtue' of Execution issued' : out
of the Third Division Court,. in and
for the County of Huron, and -fir -Me
directed, against the GoodsandChat-
tles of Oscar Tebbutt, at the suit of
Charles Barber I have;, seized and
taken into Execution the undermen-
tioned property of the „above named
Defendant; ' viz: --114-- Ton Ford
Truck. Ail of which. property will be
sold by public auction, :irk the Gra-
ham House ,iin:.111,e Towrt of Clinton,
on `Saturday • the:3rd •day. of Vlach,
at the hour 6f•''2 o'clock -in the after-
tzoon; Dated at' -Clinton; this 21st day
of February, 1928 R. Welsh, Bailiff
third: Division'"Court, 50-2.
Ansazingi Results ;
Hundreds of operations avoided,
treating ' Bronchitis, Sore ,throats,
head colds, croup, quinsy, cough and
diseased tonsils, by using Mrs. Sap -
ilia Sphars Tonsilitis, success or mon-
ey back. Clinton Druggists. 49-2,
' Position Wanted
]Ii perienced married men, diplorn-
ed dairy man, wants work on :farm.
Situation as dairyman or working
small farm alone preferred, .Willie
Muller, Zurich; Ont., 11, -11, No. 2
.Seed Grain for Sale
Registered Abundance ` bats also
mixed: grain, - including registered.
Abundance oats, itlarquis wheat and
two, rowed barley. 80 cents per bush-
ushel. John Vedder) Sr, R. R. No..1,
Lon'desboro. Pholfe.,12 on: 640, 'Clin-
ton central..49-2 p.
Chick Hatching
Baby Chick-.IIatetrn�,1600`..eg-'
per week, eggs, purchased -'Ironi'stan-
dard floc1ks and hatched at7,50 per
hundred for Leghorna, ; . $8.00 for
Rocks. A good,. hatch, guaranteed.
J. Elgin McRinlev,, Zurich, , phpne
97r4, Hensali ; 3-7,
Por Stale,
Six Barred Reek eo4lcerels hate ed
:from Guild Bros, ,No.. A":pen -' .'Vire
.Hiram1t 1' i
ai, p
Hz C zn o hone 150.
F'or Sale
ua ti
of 0o d ce d�,r,ll osis '
sale, Apply to •A.dan;' Steele, 11,:: 555,
No, 3,-C]inton. Phont; 606x12„ Clii1
ton central. 49-2,
Farni For Safe
100 acres, good soil, good' buildings;
fine sugar bush; 41/' miles from Clin-
ton. Will sell on easy terms, A. E:
Matheson,' Seaforth P. 0. Phone
614-33, Clintontentral. 38-tf
Farm For Sale
Choice 100 acres, lot 26, on Proven-
clal Ilighway, 3M miles north of
Clinton, convenient to Public and Sep-
erate schools, property 9f the late W.,
Morrison, mostly under cultivation,
small hardwood bush. Large brick
house, barn 68x58, good young or-
chard. Apply to George Carbert or
Mrs. James Brown, executors of es-
tate, R. R. No. 1, Clinton. .. 45-tf,
In the Estate, of Thomas Archer,
NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons having claims against the es,
tate of Thomas Archer, late' of the
Town of Clinton, in the County of
Huron, , yeeman, deceased, who died'
on or about the 17th day of July
A,D., 1927; are required to deliver to
John W. Shaw, M.D., •and W. Brydond
the excctitors of the said estate or.
their solicitor, On or before the 10th
clay, of Mardi A.D., 1928, a: full 'state=
anent of their claims together with
particulars thereof, and tho nature 01
the securities, if any, held by thein
all duly verefied by affidavit. '
AND TARE NOTICE that after
the said last mentioned' date' the said
executors- will proceed to distribute
the estate: of the said deceased a-
inorgst the persons entitled thereto
having regard only to ,such claims as.
they shall have: received: due notice
and in accordance therewith.:
Dated' at Clinton, Ontario, this 15th
clay of February A.D,, 1928.
W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ontario
Solicitor for the said Executors,
In the estate of Margaret Craig,
deceased, ;
NOTICE. is hereby given that all
persons having claims against the es-
tate of Margaret Craig, late of the
Township of ;Goderich in the County
of Iiuron, spinster, deceased, ' who
died on or about Inc' first day of Feb-
ruary Al).,;1928, are required to de -
Ilya to Fred`'lVott the executor of`the
Said ,estate `or" his solicitoi• on, or• he;
fore the 5th deer' or March A.D., 1928`•
a full statebient of their Claims to
gother with particulars'thereof,and
the nature of securities, if any, held
by ;then! all'; duly ;verified by affil-
AND TAKE NOTICE that .after
the said last. mentioned date the: said
executor will Proceed to distribute
Inc, estate, 'Of the said'i. deceased• n->
inong?st the ''persons • el titled therete
Raving re ard aonI to such claims
he shall hare i+eceived due notice ;and
in aceerdanoe•therewitl
Dated, sitlintoar''-Ontatior this 11th...
,clay" of Februa:r y A D1923;
"W, lii.YDDNE, 01 ildri,'Ont.
Solicitor <for -the "Said executor,
`and let'ls
RR WAD, to;
ebai g.a'ble• on all. Mowers
r,iv;ets; requited, aid so sin
yfear, old,,boy can replace ` f
Ledger Plates in 1S nn'inut:t
�I.l. makes of ,IVIOwers.
Re "airs- will
be carriei
al . stake, '. oMowers,
I Ern
a adin
C rnlIlC
, Dee]
Harris, Frost,Ri, VVOod,, Coe;
filler 1J1adw
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs Ir
Wiring and Repairs.
The Huron County Breeders' As-
sociation has considered it unadvis-
able to hold the annual sale of pure,
bred cattle, which has taken place In
Wingham during the past years.
BLYTH: Miss Gladys Fawcett has
been appointed secretary of the Mum.
ic'rpal 'Telephone Board, to succeed
James D. Moody, Her duties to com-
mence next week,
Wanted -Fox Furs
Will pay $10 to $20 each for good
fox furs. highest prices for all other
furs. FLA. Hovey, Clinton. 43-tf
Cottage for Sale or Rent
Small, comfortable cottage, wired
for electric range. Garage on prem-
ises. Apply M, J. Moore, William
street. 88-41
Farm For Sale
Lot 28, con. 15, Goderich township,
85 acres More or less, good land, well
with windmill, bank barn, hog pen,
6 acres hardwood bush, • an acre of
orchard. Comfortable • frame 'house.
Also 50 acre farm on London road,
Tuckersmith. Apply to J T. Mc-
Ifnight, R. R. No.' 2, Clinton. Phone
604-1,-4, Clinton central, 28 -ti
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned, pressed and re-
paired. Woollen goods dry-•'eleanecl
Rooms ever Heard's B_rber shop.
W: J. Jago. 2283 -ti
Poultry and • Eggs
We handle' eggs every day
Poultry Tuesday and Friday
Call us if you want to tet the
, highest market price '
E. Fhuich
Victoria St;, Clinton Phone 231
A VA+irNiIi4C 1101)01HT:
:0r.: iHft."I9ia/a12i ui'
T145 HOMtii '-
We don't deal in .. theatre tickets.
We don't run a;,cabaret.
We don't sell anything that will
take the family Away ' from home.
But we do sell coal, which Will go
a long ,way_ toward making the home
'so pleasant and comfortable that no=
body will,. want to. leave it.
Oui,'.hhone number is 74,
7x us xl an order.
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