HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-02-16, Page 8T}11 t,L ) awS ItlLCoin • TOO 'S LEAD1.NG JdWELL Y STORE ntinuous Eye Strain Physicians will tell you th tl e3•e strain is responsible for many serious ills, Certainly it will rause jjutnpy nerves, headaches, and en uncomfortable feeling in general 'Chat is a serious handicap to you. Let us examine your ieyee. The examination will reveal the trouble—if there; is any, -And if there twit -then it will be a great satisfaction to us to tell you that your eyes don't noed glasses. If_ you do need glasses, then each day you go Without them means •added strain on your health, We haw ea becoming s t 1 .f or•evrry type of :face. Every pair .of glasses from Johnson's has a mark of distinction and personality.. And our "prices are so reasonable that this need not enter' into the question' at all, a .JOHNSON Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry lire Jewellery and Repairs.. Next Hoveys Drug Store • IIIPO!tCd HIGH PRICE Is no longer Essential to Fine Clothes Beautiful new fabrics, rich tweeds and cheviots, handsome wor- steds and' fist 4y0 blue serges, all ready to be made up into the new Spring Suits by the most expert clothes designers lo Canada. We are agents for The Berger Tailoring Company Prices from $20.00 up. • Also 'Tip Top Tailors, made -to -measure at feetory price, $24,00 A few of the Winter Overcoats left to clear at: prices like these $24.00 Coats reduced to $15,95, $16.00 Coats reduced 'to $10:95 Buy your coat for net winter and save ;money, .,, Cut prices on all lines of winter goods. P1umsteeI Bros. p",I t• PITONS.. 2244 ra 4 LS .EXTLINIDEO TO "VO 'IN 'TIE' I TERLSI'Oh BESP-ESS' Those pictures you have laid away would look • much bettor, '.:, on your wall slier are ' now unseen' and un- appreciated and swirl loose their value' unless carefully . stored. You'll be surprised how much frames will add to their beauty—May we expect, you seer, `i Ever read the American Magazine? Its one of the entertaining ones, has interesting helpful inspiring features as well as splendid novels and short fiction features' also some articles on science and business written in a breezy way. Nothing high -brow ..or high -hat, Do you provide yourself and family with a 10c weekly newspaper? They are colorful, entertaining, and infor- mative. The comic strips for the young, No, no, we should say for all ages, the photogravure section carries photon of international ' as well as national interest, short • stories and literary ,articles by well known can- tributors, an hour of enjoyment -=all for 10 cents. We announce ,,a new book by -Dr. Stanley',Iones, author of Christ of the Indian Road, the forms of which have not been -off the press for two years, it outsold any novel of its day. 300,000 copies have been sold. The new title is Christ at the- Round Table, 328 pages The price is $1.50. The Impatience of a ; Parson is another book worthy of mention. It's' price" is $1.00. Where will the waistline be? Bows or not? "V neck or square? How long—or how short? What colors are "being, worn"? what says- Paris about the 'fashions? These questions are answered for you in the fashion monthlies and quarterlies. We have a sanitary mucilage -no cork --no, brush -no fuss -no muss. Just turn the bottle upside down and press, then spread. • Ask for Enick, stick, the bottle contains pure ar- abic mucilage -for paper the stick- iest sticker extant. It will not stick to you but you will stick to Knick- stick. The Home -brewers valentine was "I have a mash" and bootleggers, "I love you still." but this is all moonshine,, 'nuf sed—Thank you, we had a good valentine trade, our assortment de- served it. - 1' 1URSD11BIWARY Tile W. D Fair Co Often the Cheapest—•Always, the .Best Have you listened to•this wonderful Radio, If youhave not you do not know what Radio reception is at its best. Conte in and let its demonstrate this nraehino to you anesee'the simplicity of operation; idny '?lair Docket, Operates from Radiola.17 has attained the Goal of all Radio M8lidnfacturers, yet it defies competition at its low price. A Canadian. General Electric Product: Perhaps you are tired fussing With_ Butte it8 And clisii'a@i'e, Let its give yeti a valuein price on your present .Receiver, Sutter & Perdue PLUMBING' HARDWARE ELECTRIC WIRING Phone 147w f 'ateh' for Announcement of Spring., Styles Next Week Daus & Herman Custom Tailoring Cleaning and Pressing Our fresh - vegetables and fruits, our complete lino of„bot- tled, package and canned goods, and our consistently low level of prices, make this store the best place for you to do your:rnarket- ing. You will find fresh, 'ap- petizing and ' tempting food- stuffs that will satisfy the most fastidious appetite, and furnish hrtny delightful ' variations to your menu. 'This week we are offering particularly attractive Prices on all groceries and roar. ket dainties. THE:: C, S GROCERS 'Branch 125j Main 125w W-- Bite >llullluoig nuui iWilinetm Mrs. M'elYlath is visiting 'relatives in Strathroy, lairs. C. G. Middleton is in Toronto” for a few days this week., Miss Mary Watkins of London spent the weekend at her home in town. Mrs.'Wesley Stevens was in Gorier- ich for a few days over the week- end Levy d Galt, Calif., is .visit ing her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Levy of town. Mr. Will Appleby of Toronto has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs, James Appleby. Mr: Oliver Johnston of Goderieh was in town Tuesday afternoon and called on old friends, Ms's. Lackworthy of Mitchell spent the week -end as the guest of Mr, and Mrs, James Levy. Mr. Eldred Archibald of Montreal visited- his aunt, Mrs, Ferran) for a feW d013 last tech. Miss 130i'rY Combe of Toronto ,spent aew'eral days over the week -end with her introits, Col. H. B. and Mica. Combe. Ws, Bdviin Parker and Miss Mary Parker, who : have spent the past. few months • in, England, their for- mer home, have. returned. Miss Mary R. Stewart, who has been home owing to the illness of her mother, returned this week to re same her teaching duties at Cey- lon, Mrs. W. F. Giddings of Detroit spent the week -end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. -Harvey 14IeBrien. On her, returnon Tuesday she was. amain- panied by Miss Annie Judd. Rev. S. E. 1%fclfegney of London was in town early. Monday morning,on his way front. Goderich, where he preachedto the. veterans in St. George's church Sunday evening. Mrs. Mary McIntyre of Toronto has been intownthis week and intends leaving. about March the first for .Calgary, Alta.; where sire will 'take chargeof the home of her brother•=in-law. Mr. L, J. Sheppard of Macklin, Sask., who is visiting friends in Goderieh township, Was in town on Tuesday. It is fourteen year's since Afro Sheppard went west and he has done very well. He says be had e good crop last year- and the farm. ers are .confidently looking for an other the coning,year• They have had a good deal ofsnow in that part of Saskatchewan this winter, which will ensure plenty-; of mois- ture and the promise of abundant. growth. ]Miss, B. r. "Ward received word on Friday of ,the unexpected death of her mother and :she left the same afternoon for,,her : home in Rock- ville, Md. Miss Ward, when re- turning after spending the' -Christ- mas vacation at her hone, had the misfortune to "trip over some lug- gage when leaving the train at, St, Thomas, and in 'falling twisted Iter knee and has since been :partially laid ' up and is still obliged to USo a cane when walking, so'thrt ilio long journey was made under diffi- culties. Miss Raby Irwin •acconi- panied her as far. as Buffalo. " a Dom S gar in the `lime light followed by Car of Red path' �t Get our specials price this week forcash Made ill.- Canadaleas -u leek F � .:.. riday.'and Saturday Lux, per pkg. , , . , , , , , 10e 10 bars P. & G. soap 70 bars; Condor -I, soap . . , 59c 10 Sunlight ,' 2 2 cans B ab 0 2 cans Dutch ch an ' r Cleanser • 5-1b, pail Syrup , . 33e 4 pltgs. Jelly Powder 2 lbs. Prunes ., '25c 250 Apricots,, per lb, Large Prunes . . • , ... , , .. , , 25c 3-ik •s. Coin Starch pkgs. ' i43c 2 lbs. Soap chips i l s59c10bars Sur xise soap otip 25c 1 2 cans Bon Ami ., •,., 25c Peaches, per lb. , 25e , , 250 `` 25c 20e Big Canned Goods Week Still Continued 2 cans Corn . 25q Extra early large JumboPeas, 2 cans Peas -25c very. special 20c Golden Bantam Corn ..... .,.. Canned Spinach 30e 202 .� .. jj Canned Asparagus; , , , ,25e. and 402 - Caned Pineapples this week While they_Sast each 15c, Cottage Rolls 25c Ib Made in Canada Bacon 25,c Ib in piece Fresh Herring Halibut Red Salmon Ciscoes Bloaters Fillets and Finnan Haddie -ew,:Carrots, New Cabbage, Spinachg C aulifl owes, ]Parsnips '- .Mead Lettuce and. Celery IN THE MORNING FIRST DELIVERY 9 a.m. Cash and Service IN THE AFTERNOON FIRST DELIVERY 2;30'' p.m. 0 'Nei WHERE "SELLS FOR LESS" PRICE PREVAILS Goddell'lcb Township trate ' Reid at Seaforth on Feb. 21. J. M. Best, solicitor of Seaforth is The A,Y.P,A.. of St. James' church, counsel for the accused. ' Middleton, intend holding a social - evening at the home of Mr. Ben Feb, Peet4391. on Friday+ evening, 17th: kr. W. Ti. Lobb was up in the via. inity of Listowel 'the first of thtl week,:buying cows, which he will sell dt his farm next week. - M1, "Walter ; Emmerson who has been in poor health for some months, was taken to Clinton hospital on'Mon- day, 'where he will undergo, an opera- tion., His friends trust, that he will soon begin to amend. London Road very jolly eitening was spent in the old time dance club rooms under the auspices of; the U. P. W. 0., when they entertained their husbands and families, Each member invited another couple, and the committee of the old time dance, also. .Daring .the early part of the evening a: program was put on consisting of the follow- ing numbers Musical selections, Jackson orchestra; reading, Miss Ed- ith Stanbury; serenade, Mrs. Lindsay; Mrs, Falconer andr,s, Iiunlsteel. instrumental, Mrs, W. rerdue; read-' ing, Mts. M, Manning; solo, 'Patrick O'I'to&ligan at the. Baseball Game," ]12x. L. Lindsay; instrumental, Miss Helen Davidson; solo, Miss Grace Evans; 'reading, Mrs. Ray Fear'; se1- ections, Maple Leaf orchestra. Bach. number was of high order and'sev era' encores were called for and re sponded to very graciously. Mr. Geo. Layton acted as chairman. Miss Em- ma Plunrsteel and Mrs. Perdue were accompanists. After the program' the hostesses served . refreshments. The remainder of 'the evening was spent in dancing, The Jackson or- chestra, Blyth, 'furnished the music. All report a realJolly time. -Mr, N. Lebeau returned last week from Windsor, where he was called owing to the sickness and death of, his father, Mir. Henry Lebeau. - Mr. Bert Jaeksdn spent a few days. at the home of his brother-in-law, Mr. F. Nott, and returned -home Satur- day, accompanied`- by Mrs. Jackson, who came down during the illness of her aunt,, the late Miss Margaret Craig. , Miss: Irene Ss¢inbankspent the week -end with Miss Reta Fear. Mrs.,McMicheal• is visiting her son, Mr. T. McMieheal; Mullett. Miss Edith Stanburyentertained a few of her friends to a. Valentine party on Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. -T. M. Johnston spent Monday with Seaforth friends, WOMAN BANK TELLER. IS ACCUSER OF THEFT GODERICH, Yob, 14. --Miss Cath- erine Kerr of Seaforth was placed un- der arrest this morning by Provin- cial Constable A, Whitsides, and ap- peared before Police Magistrate C. A, Reid. at' Goderieh this afternoon on a charge of the:$heft of'311,000-front the Seaforth branch of the Dominion Bank, . The case is the result of it recent investigation by Dominion Bank inspectors.. Miss Meir held the position of teller of the bank for about severs years; and the aforementioned amount is• alleged to be made ug of various amounts, taken at differ cat tunes' during the :past few years. .Mi„? Kerr was released on bail of 531,00.0 and will appear before Pollee Maigis- Skating Party IN' THE CLINTON RINK - • on the evening of TUESDAY, FERRUAIM-21st auspices of the Clinton Fire Company 2 BAND IN ATTENDANCE Hot Dogs, Sandwiches,, Coffee "ADMISSION 25c. 494. Hockey match from 7.15 to 8.15. Holmesville Wolves. vs, Firemen, ADMISSION 10e Shrove Tuesday Supper TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 51st. • ST; PAUL'S PARISH HALL Under the auspices of the Ladies- Guild MENU Dressed Itoast Pork Escalloped Potatoes Salads and Jellies Rolls, Pie, Tea, Coffee, Supper served from 5 to 7 o'clock • Adnussron 50c. 48-2. COAL <D, L, and W. Coal and Semet-So1- vey Coke alawys on hand for immed- iate delivery. ' Also a quantity of dry Maple Wood Orders taken at Sutter and ."Per - due's and accounts may be paid there. W. J. -MILLER & SON Orders taken`• at residence, Ontario St. Phone 46 ' If you need, a Plumber Just telephone us and watch how quickly and efficiently -we will han- dle your plumbing work for you. Our skilled plumbers are ever ready to serve you upon a minute's notice, We take particular pride' in render- ing the highest quality of workman- ship at a cost that will prove very moderate. The very "next 'tithe you need a plumber just teloplione 244 and let us prove what we say in this advertise- ment FSARDWARP and PLUTMB.ING Phone '144 ORDER -EARLY PhOn 48. PAWV4140 'Our Mid -Winter urnitur • Sale is Going Over Big So if you are interested in Furniture at real Bargains, it will pay you to pick them off while they last. We have a few rockers upholstered in Leatherette left, the best value. you ever got Some sensational values in Dining Room, Suites Just imagine a 9 piece Suite in Walnut finish for $110 and others in Oak and solid Walnut at prices that' will surprise you. Then if its a -Chesterfield Suite or a Bedroom Suite we can save you good money by buying this month. Clinton Hardware and FurnitureCo TIIE STORES WITH A STOCK FUNERAL 'DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195 Service Satisfaction Quality L. LAW a P1 ONE 111 PROMPT DELIVERY Pure Lard (Kitchener)20 Corn Syrup, 5 lb pail... 85o Corn Syrup, 10 lb ,.. 65c Good Rice, 3 lb. for . 25e Ginger. Snaps,2 Ib for .. 25c Jelly Powder, 4 pkys. ... 25e Ib pail $3.25 Orange Marmalade, large jar 39e ; • Jam,. Strawberry or Rasp - berry, large jar ..,. 55e Seedless Raisins, 2 Ib. for 29c Prunes Cottage Roll Oranges SANTA CLARAS Large size, 2 ib.25o• PEA MEAL per' dt�z 292 Medium, 3 lb. 29e 20c Ib. in piece Breakfast Bacon, (piece) 255 Canned Peas, 2 for .,.. 25e ' Canned Tomatoes, 2 for.: 25e Shortening, 3 lb. pail ,,,. 55c Ammonia, 4 pkgs. 25c P2 & G. Soap, 10 bars ,43o, Soap Chips, 2 lb 25c Castile Soap, 6 for ,.. , 25c LETTUCE, CELERY, GRAPES, BANANAS J And You Cannot Pail- to Do Well and Wisely, Will this Season Result in the Completion of Plans for a New Home or the Renovation of the one you now occupy? . If so; we would 'rite to figure on your •Mill Work Requirements. • Whether your Order be large or sinall you will find our prices• Fair. Fi s Thomas McKenzie- Estate, Clinton Phone 88 Residence, 6