HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-02-16, Page 7ams health
II 9
in ttheS'Pore
or on'thepohone
crlwcrys crsk•.lor
Sob :SI3ter8' i.
Los Angeles '£•Hees• Sob :staters
are as much a menace to society on
one hand aa mob violence on the
ohter. Mob and sob aro':closely al-
lied, even though oi)posites: Sob Ms-
-eters are eemettnees male. They are
weak sentimentalists that disgrace
breeches. They get an ideal in.
mind; but lack balance and common
sense in handling it, A mob will burn`.
down a house to kill a rat. The sob
sisters will coddle the rat. The sob
sister can see only the :plight of the
scamp through her tears: If slie used:
the holes fu het* head to look out of in.
stead of to weep out of, she plight see
more to her advantage. She is all
.vet. -
Essex Husband—"Mywife's temper
,Mr? . %t Is; not a temper, air, it's a-cli-
mate." •
Corrugated Iran
��tg�gpy Y�
ler on.
lYff1 o
NWd3tf� ®��@@ �a cgs p 61
01 {�
00 9V a L. '
ON With, Laughter)
self-denial denial now is in
we may have more self-indulgence
"Council Standard"
A thick, even, heavy spread of
galvanize over e'fery inch of sur-
face,.' Deep corrugations.
,g: Write yst, atattng alze of '
barn :you want to +cover.
Dept. W' 108 George St., Toronto2'
The Y
One of our local preaellers celled at
the house of a family whose address
had been given slim by one of .his
A small boy came to the door and
,stud nobody was home.
'What is your father's religion, illy
little man?" asked the minister.
"I'm not sure, answered' the' boy,
! "but from what, mother says every.
little while lie is a Seventh Day Ab
It is possible to ,know only a few
men because ono can fish with only
felt•. .
'"Now," iemarited the business Hien
to lila steno as they circled round the
city in his plane during the Minch
hour, ''Let's get OA:mil to business."
Inspector --"That new man- will
never make a ,detective.."
Chief -"How is that?"
Iasi oetotl—r"T11ere was a 59 -pound
box al soap stolen from 0 railroad car,
and he arrested s. tramp."
The teacher' 'was doing her very
best to instill the rudimenta of na-
She held up before them a pie.tut•e of
a doer, but no one could tell her, what
it was. 'Now,.,Tommy," she said,
pointing to one small boy, "surelryon
know what this animal 1s called:
Come now, think. What does your
mother soniellnl.s call your father?"
The child's eyes beamed with inte1=
ligeoce. "Well, intuit," ho said halt;.
ingly, "it don't look much like a jack-
ass to mo "
Tho Priceless Postscript. •
The following is an actual report
that was received b3 a railroad tul)or-
int:endent from a passenger conduct-
"Dear Sit I am enclosing card from.
passenger, that was on. my train, No.
—, leaving —e -'at 4,15 pan: Cotner10th. r
'There was a small head of a nail
worked through the cushion of seat
and into passenger.. Tole holo in.
(pants an inch long.
'I am sending information for use claim claim is filed.
Yours respc.,
"P:S.—This passenger was a man."
Iiicicing at a barking cur 'is' justifi-
able, but being unkink to a poppy Is
unpardonable, •
No husband likes to be. treated like
a dog. You can't feel dignified in a
woman's lap.
Ever Notice it?
Sailors are centre folks, •
And hard to understand;
Ho* is it they're at home at sea
And "all at soli" 011 land?
it has been discovered'tbat cabbage
is a valuable ingredient of 0 new fuel
and, this doesn't hold out (1111011 of a
Promise ' -that the world will grow
more fragrant.
Charlie—"Why do you olfy have
papers stere with. 'reports -ot crimes
and nmrders?
Barber—"Well, it makes the cus-
tomer's hair stand. on end ami tl0en,it
is much easier to. cert."
tl��O A
�l:li V 13;C lf1 iD t " E ..
al history into her young charges. TO YOUNG MOTHERS
By Always Keeping Baby's Own
14o mother in this enlightened age
would give her baby something she
did not know was perfectly harmless,
especiallywhen a few drops of plain
Castoria will right a baby's stomach
.and end • almost any little 111, Fretful-
neas and fever, too; it seems no time
until everything is serene.
That'sthe beauty of Castoria; its
gentle influence seems just what is
needed,, it does all that Castor oil
might accomplish, Without shock to
the system. Without the evil taste: 1
It's de11010usl. Being purely .vege-
table, youcan give it as often as
there's a sign of colic; constipation;
diarrhea; or need to; aid sound, natur-
al sleep.
Just one •warning: it is genuine
Pletcher's . Cast.oria that, physicians
' recommend.' Other preparations ratty
be just as free firm all doubtfal
drugs, but no chil& of this writer's Is
going to .test Them£ Besides, the
book on care and feeding of. babies
that comes with Fletcher% : Castorla
is,worth its weight` in gold.
Children Cr.:y far'
Does tido work of a Tamer,
more costiymaehine. well
constructed, serviceable,
will lastalifctime.
Woinder'Corncrete Mixer
The New Brantford Wonder Mixer
Celle eta pric a so low thatrf o f arm e r can
afford to mix concrete, mortar, aced
graih, fertilizer, feed, etc. by bond.
Write for descriptive folder Sic iL
Brantford - Ont. 3
Let Us bring yon
in gardening. Buy
seeds 'direct from us
for best rtsults: Sev-
eral new varieties.
24 hour service on
orders received.
Write for our 1928,
Catalogue. It's free.
John A. Bruce & Co., Limited
1..d Merchails Hanalta,.QMt. •
PI....sew/ ne.h.. espy .1 eM.i Amoral.
A a ot9,
P 0'
y�OF MAGry�,s
due to Acid
tush 0 0asteless close of. Phillips'
Mille of Magnesia in water. That 1s
an 'Vitali, effective, yet hartnloss. It,
has, been the standard antatl(' for 50
ye -u'1 among physicians everywhere,
One sltooilful will neutralize at once
many Coma its volume in acid. It •111
the right way, the quick, pleasant 'and
efficient way to kill the execOS acid. The
ptoinach ,becoineri sweet the Pain ,4-1
parts, You 000 happy Again in five
Don't depend on crude methods. Em-
ploy the best way yet 'evolved. in all.
tliaears' of
Y searching. That is
P1i1111 ' Nhllc o
ps f Magnesia.
Be snr'e to get the gen uino .Plrilltps'
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi-
cians for to years in correcting excess
Tablets in the Monte: '
A simpl0 and sate remedy Ifor the
common 1116 of babyhood and child-
hood should be kept in every hnlfte
where there Is, either - a- baby or a:
young child. Often 1t is necessary to
give the little (Meg something to
break - up a cold, allay fever, correct
sour stomach and banish the friltn-
bility that accompanies the cutting of
Lxperieiiced mothers always 1?eep
Baby's .Own Tablets in the home as a.
safeguard against the troubles that
seize little ones so suddenly and the
Young mother- can feel reasonably
Aare with a box of these Tablets at
hand' and ready for emergencies.
Baby's Own Tablets are, a tild.lint.
thorough laxative that act `without
gripping and they aro absolutely guar-
anteed free fr'oni opiates or other
harmful drug's. They aro sold by
medicine dealers of by mail . at,25
cents -a box from The Or, Williams'
Medicioe Co., Brookville, Ont. -
Roman Bill Boards
Falling ¶o Ruin
Increase in Cost Leads Theatre
Managers to Start
• Boycott
Rome.—A boycott of billboards .las
bran launched. 13oal'tis which fernier-
ly defaced the landscape-:, with lurid
posters now -are among , the most neg-
lected ruins oC the eternal City.
Cot 'rather than beauty was the mo-
tive that inspired theatre managers
oho started the boycott. .'Nevei•the-
less flare are now fewer 1)illboards
in jtixtaportitior i:(1 :ROille's ancient
1nonlinients than'. at any time in recent
years.'' The great spaces whish were
usually plaster e(1 with theatrical ad
vertisemenls are now bare Save for a
few steamship advertisements.
Billboard advertising: Lias hoot a
municipal plum; for years, but recent-
ly'the monopoly was fanned out to a
private conpany. The prii'al.o :com-
pany raised rates as seen' as contracts
expired at -the end of the year,
The jump in prices 1ias so great
.that theatre managers held' an indig•-
natioi. meeting: 'Tiley decided to rely..
in the future on -newspaper :announce,.
ments. Each theatre also agreed to
4lsplay the 1)1.001'4µ1i, Of all ilia 0111)1•
idea£ures during the evening. mitis ap=
plied to'motion ,pictures as well ns to
legitimate ihe0010s. The movie thea-
tres flash their rival's' al) 110)11ufen1e11t1
on the 'screen while the, legitimate
it 4, )09t their herr civil'
1 1 s oliorings
prominently in the lobbies.,
"Papa, what was the Stone Age?"
Chat was the: gleri001.eriod 111
Period' 3
acids: Tlacli bottle contafn_s frill three- son, 1011011 a man axed a woman. to
Lpog..0? •: t114s18?`e..m.-e real}'lftir.
Moose PIentiflil in Ontario
It:ib.not an easy thing to shoot a.
but there are Plenty of thein In
the Big Pogarni}si district of Ontario
which can) be "reached , etinforlably
over the lines of the Canadian Pacific
llailway. Holl Becker, the sporting
editor of the Chicago Tribune, visited
this district
during • tri
o Present winter
and ho was successful in acc0nnting
for a magnificent specimen of a bull
moose. •
"I:Iow blase 1115 boys are travelling,""
said the guide to Bob Becker Elie
n10111ing after lie had arriveil in the
district. "Papa moose anis all the
'family are lo111111g for winter quarters
as the heavy 1 sriow., and law tempera-
tures aro 'warning .signals that fall
has -gone and Winter is "here." At that
time'Bob Becker and his' guide were in:
a.sn.ug dog cabin ou the shore of Big.
Pog Like, aletagama, Suddenly there
was n rustle Ben0 by and a big bull
moose' hove in sight. Bob Becker's
.30 rifle spolce and down went Mr.
Moose for one, of biose long counts
which 'usually follow a knock out by'
a 100 grain bullet,•eo there was moose
meat 111 the frying pan and all was set
for a celebration banquet in eoupp
that niglht, -
All That is Needed is a Tonic to
13aild .Up the Blood.
There are many people who have
beense tn lii utr
a ds so lois
that they
accept. their condition as a life bur-
den. .They have endured nervousness,
broken sleep- and a generally ruu-
dow-n feeling so long that they have
given up hope of. again enjoying good
health. in most of these eases a welt
elitism diet, fresh air and a tonic to
build up the blood. wound do -wonders.
And 00 a blood-huilding"±onic no other
medicine can compare ,with Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills. There is scarcely
ti spot 10 Canada where you wfll'not
find some formerly ailing person lvho
has found new health throttgit' the use
of thismedicine. ell dine. The experience of
Mrs. Thomas Ahearn, St. Malo, Que.,
bears ottt these statements. She
soya: -"I have the greatest reason to
he thankful ' tor what :Dr. 1 rilllants'
Pink Pills have done for me. I was
fu a vera* n'elak and' -run-down Condi-
tion:- Frequently I would faint -and
My legs would 'swell badly. ft was al-
most impossible to do any housework.
It ,seemed as 3t. my blood had turned
to water..,, I11 this weak and despond -
net Condition I began taking '. Wil-
liams' Pink .'ills. A few boxes proved
that they were helphig ate, but I con-
tinued taking the pills until l had used
a dozen _boxes, by .which time I foitml
nlYseif a e9mpletely restored woman,
able to cio my% work without fatigue, a
better appetite an do sense 01 cheer-
fulness, where before I had been des -
pendent. For all Nile, thanks to the
health -giving dualities of Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills. . ,
if you ate feeling run dove, give
Dr. Williantx' Pink Pills a fltir 'trial
and new stealth ivil be yours. You
can get the pills from any medicine
deader, or by mail at 50 cents a.box
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville,' Out: -
The Muskrat
t r
In WYlr><te
A muskrat hon'se, is more than a
sheiter•far it often repi•eselite a store
of food for,possibie "Iean days." The
busy little creatures will .0se hay in
bedding their houses as winter cones
ou, then by degrees eat. (1own. the
Douse ' and rebuild it with other
grasses. •
if you live near a lake and desire to
help the ntuskrltts during a particular-
ly 1)015 winter, Out a hole through the
toe and Place an inverted box -over it.
The Innekiitts ''will do' the rest, daub-
ing the
aub-ing,the sides of the hole :181(11 mud 01111
hay so it will not freeze over, and lin-
ing the box with bedding.
The muskrat' really prefers to
search. for 'his 'food in the water. 1t
will he a service to him if you break'
the ice, along the shores of t11e lakes
and streams. He can 01111 thvongh
the ice, but sometimes every Moment
counts, if diet little animal IS despee-
ately hungry.
A food famine In winter, the exhahs
tion' of the supplies in the House,
brings out the: intelligence of lllilsl
rats. Working together; with a com-
mon maltose, they swim under.. the.
ice and search the stream-bottomfor
food: -
When food is located the muskrats
1)1111(1 '3 slol•e,)10u30 on the ice near it.
No matter how thick the ico, they will
drill through it, and ,each "rat" nest
do his 'share. ' The animal that refuses
to take 111s' turn at drilling; is ostra-
cized, 8110811 away by the others to
Shift for himself.
The lnusicrat is w'e11equipped - to
livo underthe lee. 111 addition to his
warnt'ooat, lie has a pouch of ,reserve
ah' --to drily -upon 1011811 he worlds un-
der the Ice. Breathing against isle
under surface of the ice .causes little
bubbles to form, and these are allow-
ed to oxygenate. The air is breathed'
a.gai11, and this repelltion can be
Continued indefinitely, though. the
111ublti'a1 breathes less frequently when
under the ice.
The app nisei; ferocity of the musk-
rat in winter has given 111111 an undo-
3erlre 1(1 ba, l r'eli ttatan will£ some 311
gerve s. Hui'i8ez Will niaire tiny tint-
'mal savage. It must tie significant;
that muskrats -aka never Quarrelsome
when the food supply is ample. '.Cheri?
1s loss "bossing" in a colony ofnluslc-
rata than am110115 any other ddi11)11,33`
that 1 knoly of; they Work as a unit
rather 1111111 as iralluldiilals. But they
Will fight hard ;for Their lives, their.
Young 00 their : hothse..;
final s, Liniment relieves
A Goodwill Tour
Canadian -American Motor -
Cade to Visit . Europe
arod British Isles
Al friendlier feeling between Cana-
dian, American and 'European motor-
ists-.wilieb, in turn, will be transmit-
ted to a much wider circle of people
on the two Continents will, it is hoped,
be engendered as a' result of 1100 per-
sonally conducted "goodwill" tours to
Europe this summer 'organized by the
'White Star Line under the ()Metal aus-
pices ot the Montreal Motorists'
League, it Is £stated' in an official an-
nouncement by the White Star Line,
A novel feature ot the touts will be
that those going to Europe with these
parties will, tales their own care and
motor through Europe and Great Bra
lain. .
Wherever they go receptions '(111 be
arranged in 'the p111101pal cities and it
Is anttelpated that the .fearing ,Cluh
of France 01111 the Automobile Assoeia
tion of Great Britain, with which the
Montreal Motorists' League is' af-
filiated, will tender official receptions
to the pal'tiee wird,, in this way play
theh• part 111 promoting goodwill be-
tween Europe and the North Ameri-
can continent.
Already there: have been inquiries
frons. Winnipeg, Vancouver, Toronto,
several Cities in the province of Que-
bec, Ontario and Manitoba, and 101011
the announcement of,, these tours in
the .United States it is expected that
there will be a regular string of re-
quests from American motorlats,
Oils o[ t1'o principal ideas anderly
M5.111020 parties- isto perstlatle Cana-
dian and American motorists, who al-
ready halre much In eonimo0, to ti;'t-
vel.across the ocean together and, Try
personal contact with• molortsts In
Great Britain' and in Europe, build up
a, smiler feeling of friendship between
the people on the two continents,
The first party, with their own cars,
will sail from Montreal on Elie White
Star liner llegantio on July 26 and
return from Liverpool 01 the ,White
Star liner Calgaric on August 61.
The second group wilt sail froul
Montreal on the White Star liner Al-
berti0 on September 6 anti return
from Southampton on the same steam-
er on October 20.
Both these parties w111 follow: peach
tidally the sante itinerary, landing at
Ilaia•e and motoring thence to "Rouen,
tlll'otigh the Canadianbattlefields by
way of Veuve Chapelle, Annetta,: Doul
lens, Artas,' Vimy Ridge, the Somme,
Lille, Toui'riay, 'Molts, Gambled, at,
Quentin, .Compiegne to Paris where,
several days will be spent, then• by
way of Chateau Thlerrya to Rheims,
'Verdun, Luxembourg- and Trove's, Co-
logne, Afx'la Chapeile,'llrnssels, Ant -
well), Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotter-
dam, and then by steamer to Harwich,
froni where the - p0103' will make a 011'-
cular tour of England and Scotland.
Mlnard's Liniment dor sick: animals.
The heady nmater pat lip a notice
that on the fallo'wiug'-day he would
facture on "Our Eyes, and flow .We
See Through 'Chet]." ,Shortly after.
Wards the was.astorilsfied to find an al-
t:ertiative tali?: written • uuderneaths
'Ont' Pupils and Ilow They See
Through. Us:" -
The Toronto 10osp11al fol•• Incurables.
'In affiliation with Bellei'ue Anted
11-.0sp1te,la, NOP fork City, offers a
three years' Course of 'Training,le
Toting 18001e11, 6101)1g' the• rectirired
edocatlon, .and desh'bus of becoming
lla'se9 P1118 Nospitat- has .adopted the
sight 118111' system Tho pupils receive,
Mill:Orme of the School R Monthly
5110Wance and traveling' expenses to.'.
from New P010, .I'`or further
Infer in ft ti on lh•til0 the Su peri] ten Tient,
duffing Ole ,spring rush when' time
is at a premium. Because ,1) 'W
Fertilizer is double strength, you
61:78 in bags, freight, -teaming, and
aprdalng t.._ Double
Beoause one +.
Ton b' W r
8-1 6-8 - two
Tons 4.8.4.
200 Vine Ave;', Toronto, Ont
If you 0a(
very best ask
�., r ' . ed Rosie Orange Pekoe
7 arra clean, bright Aluminum
Lady ---"Sir, T wish that you could
introduce a little change In your style
of dancing." Her Partner—' do.
you mean, madam?" Lady --„Yon
might occasionally step on my Ieft.
foot Instead of- the right 'one i"'
"You tell me," said 1 the magietrate,
"that tlhislo 01.0 man who knocked
t n with his
you down rnotorcar, ban 5-ou
swear, to film?” "1 did," returned the
complalntant eagerly, '''but he only
swore back at me and drone on."
s e0P
Helie' -I -
They are :riow at low levels, and
there are several which show
splendid profit possibltitlen soon.
Write, wire, or phone us for
information. •- ..
"Mining Brokers
104 Mall Bldg. \ ELgin
Toronto. 2'036-7
Compulsory Vaccination
If you re o oscd as
R we r yoUr
support to enact logielntion atthe
next 808liop," of the Provincial Ilouno.
Wlito'for information at once.
Anti -Vaccination g; Medical. Liberty
League of Onnada (Inc.) -
231e Danforth Ave., Toronto.
VOU can arrange for your relatives
and friends this lots ocean fare=
greatly reduced rail rates, children
under 17 carried FREE,
Ask at orlge for details of the
British Nominstio)Sehemo
any od[e or igen[ of the
1l?k ariadi'.
i E"
Why Suffer
/from }i.henlnattsm when Min-
ard's Liniment tv111 bring sootli-
Mg relief.
"What d0 they mean by the 'witc ••°
ing hour?" "Don't you know? That`s
the hour when the wife 'greets yo4.
with; 'Which' story is it thie time?" -
Woodsmen -Keep Minard's handy.,.
Classified Advertisements
R311E-A NEW BUU1f.;UL` 1�U �J,t:'x'1•t
Lessons. L. 01 Guild & Bois, Boni'.
T., Rockwood,, Ont,.
its ABBY -300N CANADIAN 0011-
133Ox 173$, Calgary, Alberta. •
T .:�_.
List •of "wanted - Inventions"..
and Full information Sent Fres
T3B EAsersAT co., .Moet. SY..
273 Sank St... Ottawa, Ont.
Teach Children
To Use
Soothes end Heals.
Rashes and Frritatigns
Cnneurn Soap Sfee a the Skin
i�liuf Prke/.125
Defil•'s .&.A/! lir5,,941/3 `3
Dp t
F01.111 Ao01, OLAf5f3S"ill MO=
�I� A.O. Lcor+nnf.INF
10 i,"nVl:. Nr:W 0Ui0t
�4� �E��
Letter Tells of Wonderful
Relief After Taking Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
.Coniston, Ontario.—"After a se-
vere operation and a three weeks'
stay in a hospital
I returned home
so weak that lams
unable to move a
chair. For four
months I was al-
most 'frantic with
pains and suffer -
mg until I thought
Sure there could
not be any help .
forme. I badvery
severe painsin my
left side and suf-
fered agony every month, One day
vhen I was not able to get up any,
nether bogged me to try your meet -
eine. My husband got me a bottle
of Vegetable Compound at once and
I took it. I started a second bottle,.
and to any surprise and joy the pains
in any side left me completely and 1
am able to do all my worst withoue
help,' 1 ale a farmer's wife so you
see I can't be idle long. In all, 11lave
taken six bottles of Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable compound, five
boxes of the compound Tablets, two
bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Bloom
Medicine, and}iavealso used the San-
ative Wash." --Mrs. 1,, LAJISONESSE„
Box 103, Coniston, Ontario. 0•
Don't Neglect
Bronchial Colds
'Pneumonia, ''Flu" and ether danger-
' ens
anger'cue maladies develop from common
colds. To.prevent trouble take Buckler's'
Mixture. 10 Quickly relieves the Cough
and removes the saws. Differedt from
old-fashioned spume. lee a saientido
combination of proven virtues. sold by
au druggists and guaranteed.
W. K. Buckley, Limited.
142 Mutual 81.. Toronto 2 520
Acs hire a flash-,
a fleet sip proves It
Perhaps you 'didn't realize that' Aspi -in tablets are made to
relieve the deep -down rlfeuinatic aches as well as dispel the occa-
sional headache. They: do! In cases of neuralgia, neuritis, .lun1-
I) o; for those pains that penetrate one's very bones, Aspirin
ofer'real .1ellef."7ust be sure you are getting the ‘real
Aspirin with Payer on each tablet and on the pox -with ro en
direct-onsiiside. All druggists. '
. ••Physicians prescribe AS l
it does
indi0a0) 5 Bayer 3onofsetcr8. R0111e, at
Ile trio that mark 1 Inaan;;red e Canada'
ARpl r!tas hymn , (resigned asdra Bayer mduiur<_etcra, to nseihro iho pub3ic,air08a1 1lnliu-.
one the T54100 will law ah Will their "nater Orosea i.rpdenlnrlr.