HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-02-16, Page 5eirest t 'Yon
• kto
,to he true ---,-Drop
x r>. efli41:01 ;in national debt,-
ntpLiu.S'r-Farmer's .Ativocitte:
j12 As exchange- says 'that 'Mr.' Bon-
• 55
"stilt ni the lioneYmoon
iisw post," 1Vith Mr.' Bennett a bach-
elor .thesiniije is net very ant.-L.Lon.
Dut 'why net? Isn't it generally
'Supposed that Mr. Bennett is wedded
The Daily Record, Kitchener, las
week celebrated' the fiftieth anuiver,
v of its founding by printing an
teresting 24 -page edition and also
sending out a civarter-si7ie facsimile
softhe initial copy of:the Daily News;
1,',,sued Feb. 9th, 1878, half of which
s printed in German. This little
,4 -page paper had an interesting lot
'of news and also carried a nice lot of
'advertising, The News later amal-
,garnated with "The -Record" and wag
'published for a time under the double
'heading, "The News -Record," but of
late years it has been "The Daily Re-
cord." We wish our Ilaffle sake
ti'Many Happy Returns."
Thirty-nine miners lost their -lives
'when fire broke out in the Hollinger
gold mine last Friday morning, shutt-
'311g 'them in with: deadly gasses and
'preventing their rescue until appar-
atus was rushed -to the mine mouth.
'An imfastigation is to be.made into
'the affair to find if proper precaut-
'ions were taken; and to fix respon-
-sibility for failure, if there was fail-
ure, to provide them. Premier Fen
guson says the fullest investigatipu
-win be made. This is the -worst min,
"ing tragedY the north country 'has
,-e;.er known.
It looks at this date -as if
'Goderieh . would abandon is an-
mual fall fair. 'finances having be-
-come so low that the burden -of carry-
ing on becomes toe heavy,. The
ali.present stand, at -$1,130,75
..and assets at $4.61. The liabilities
'include $777.05 unpaid prize money,
• which if not paid would bar the
'fair directors from teceiving the
government grant. An appeal of the
-directors to the town council for as,
..sistanee brought the offer of a grant
of S250.00, with the condition that
-they reduce the present endebtedness
-to $500.00, the town -grant to be am:
-plied to reduce this, but the directors
• say there is no way of doing this ex-
-sept by failing to pay prize money,
-which they consider poor business.
-On a couple of eccasions the fair
board • paid over cash sums to the
'town council, buts they are probably
now sorry they didn't keep it to aid
them over, lean years, To ' abandon
the fair looks like a: backward step
'but- the directors adjourned their
Meeting with no solution of their pre -
Mien in sight, . •
It is the belief in some quarters
that with a grant of $500.00 or to,
atigraented by the geirernment grant,
which would allow for the paying -Of
prizes,. and 'with a goed.fair this year
• the association would be placed upon
'its feet again.
The annual business meeting of
Xnox United church was held in the
basement of the church on Monday
afternoon last with the minister,
Rev. W. R. Alp, occupying the chair.
Reports were received for the year
ending December 31, 1927. Owing to
adjustments triade necessary by Un-
ion. the year was only for nine
months, From now on the church
year will coreeapond with the eaten-
ar year. The reports presented at
he annual meeting 'revealed the
hureh th be in a very healthy con -
&ion. There are some eighty-five
=lilies and nearly two hundred
embers. The board of management
eported a balance of $275 on hand at -
r paying all expenees, The hydro
as been installed in both church and
anse. The latter has,also been eq-
pped with an eleetrit range. The
ydro has been so installed in the
hed •that the publie can 1:180 it at
'11.$850. was forwarded to the of-
ce of, the church treasurer in Tor-
nto f or the work of the church at
rae and abroad. The W.1VI.S. osis -
its full allocation •of $240 as well
sending away a bale valued at $45.
he Mission )3aild raised the sum of
9.09 and forwarded it to the,treaa-
,ei.• of the Huron PresbYtvial for
ission work., The Sunday school
as an enrolment a over ,100. 13e -
des these -there axe 39 names on the
adle .'o11. The school paid all its
vn eXpenses, gave a copy of "The
ward". to very family each Sun -
'St and ,taised $102 for Illissi0118,
he year has seen large congrega-
ems, a spirit of harmony and a qeite
'dent desire to further the whole
ork of the church, Good feeling and
thusiasm have been manifested in
ery -department of the charch's
e and work.
Born th Mr. and Mrs. Fred Platzer
Feb. 8, a son. Coligratualtions
e extended.
The. young people of Keox 'United
urch held a Valentine SoCial in the
sement of the church on Monday
ening this week.
Mrs. 'Win, Craig and Betty and
o are visiting with Mr:- and Mrs.
b. Chamney at Donnybrook.
Mr. D. Hamilton lost a valuable
irse this week,
Mrs. Amos Andrew spent last week
Goderich with her aupt, Miss E.
ashington, -
MT. Geo. Hallam of Detroit is home
week or so witka broken arra,
hith happened when.':cranking a
Mr. 0. E. Erratt\ and “Mr. 3.
• ashington attended a sale Of horses
Clinton on 'Friday.
GODERICIT: . At' a well -attended
'nth -1g last :week •,the local branch
the Canadian,Legion was presented
h its charter, the Provincial sec-
ary; Alex Shields of Toronto, musk -
the presentation. aecompaniec by
ropriate remarks. • Ile said, he
eved the organization'would be of
at use to the Men, of the branch
also of the cOmintmitY:
. .
Tho8o11o\0this tlie.report,,of
No,.,10,Tor the inoirtir,of January.
L Sr. 3rd—Dona1d "Gordon
,J 0hflSiQ".
.. 2-ad--Sbaii1by Yungb1utt4'.
Sr. 2n0 LeonardIfungblutt*,
Charlie Mach0o. '
Jr. 2n0 Stanley Yungblutt'i.'s
Primer—Ruth Votlderi-',. Beth Gov -
ler, Eleanor Sprung', Florence Yung --
Pearl John-.
sttni',, Orval Sieling. , •
An 'asterislt marks perfect atten-
.Number on roll, 13. Average at-
tendance, 123.
—E. Arnett,' teacher,
The ,folle-ivin,g -is tide report '01: S. S.
NO. 5 for tile month of January.
'Denotes number of exaniinations
r. Ath.—Percy Carter,330, Ethel
Thompson Isabell Nett 253°'
"Carl Radford 19E.
Jr. 4th—Lloyd Adams 405, Magias
Snell' 300, Hazel Heggart, 284, Roy
'Appleby, 234, Fred Morrell, 203*, Al-
vin VotIden 181' Earl Snell 164*',11o,
Vodden 155.
3rd -L -Alma 'Carter 375; Clifford
Adams 293, Ethel Hoggart 252, Ches-
ter Snell, .251, Gordon' Radford, 239,
Glen .Fairserviee, 224*. .
Ist. Class --Elva Snell Nelson. Rad-
ford, Isobel -Morrell, Thelma Hoggart,
Bill Radford,
Primer=---Lleycl Carter, Alma Hog-
gart, Maureen LovOt,. 1,eonard Vod.
den, Jean Farquhar, Betty O'Connell,
"...eonard Radford". ,
Number on roll, 30, average atten-
dance, 22.95.
—M. L. Parrott, teacher,
Stanley Township
_ 14t8s. John Macfarlane, Mrs. Adam
,Stewart and Mrs. John Pearson, were
in Hensall the end of last week vis-
iting their. cousin, IVfrs. Hector Reid,
and also to see another cousin''Miss
Tena McDougall, of, Kenton, Mani-
tobar.who is vistiing in the,east for
a tine.
Misses Clara and Hazel Potter en-
tertained on Monday evening for the
young people of the community. A
very pleasant evening was spent by
The Ladies Club had their regular
monthly meeting last Thursday at the
home of Mrs. Edward Glen, Sr. About
twenty ladies were • present and a
very- profitable afternoon spent. The
hostess served lunch.
The following is the report of S.
S. No. 5 for January. .
Sr. 4th—Grace Robinson 261, Vera
Smith, 257; Margaret Robinson, 134,
Jr. 4th—Marie McClinchey, 179;
Bruce MeClinchey, 124; Bert MaBride
Sr. 3rd --Campbell McKinley, 207; ,
Russel Hayter, 201; Elmore Stephen, '
son, 140; Elmore IVIcBride, 130.
Sr. 2nd—Margaret Lamont, 181;
Allen Armstrong, 66.
Jr. and—Elva DiteClinchey, 197;
Hazel Hayter, -194. • (b) Isabel Rob,
insert, 188; Dorothy Armstrong, 182.
Jr. 1st—John McClinchey, 191;
Clare McBride, 138, Lolus McClin-
obey, 79. '
Sr. Primer—Mary lltealinthey.
Jr. Primer -George Meditate -Y.
—C. E. Reid, teacher.
SI. Heieng
Mr. and Mrs, Richard Martin of
Huron Tp. spent Sunday at the home
of Mr. Wm, Woods., IVIrs, Martin is
staying down for it few days with her
Miss Ethel Robertson of Lucknow
is spending a couple of weeks with
Miss Mary Rutherford, '
The young people's Bible class of
St. Helens intend having a box se-
ial on Friday evening in the church.
IVIr: D. Ladd had a bee, sawing up
his -wood with a circular saw on Mon-
Mr. Robinson Woods has purchased
o teain of matched black colts from
Wilson Woods, the' latter having
bought a Ferdson tractor.
Miss Robt. of Amberly has rettitn,
ed hone after visiting Miss Muriel
Miller. "
Mx. W. Culbert atteded the Nor-
mal At -Horne at Stratford last weele
Mrs. Ferguson of Auburn is visit,
ing her daughter, Mrs. Chester' Tay-
lor, at present.
Miss Lein Weatherhead was home
from Wingham for the week -end.
'qrs. Eingledorff left on Monday
for Toronto, where she has secured
a position.
iCippen. ,
We, are sorry to have'to report this
week the passing away of a very old
citizen in tlie, person of--.1V1r, lienry
Shaffer, our' veteran hotel keeper,
who died on Monday night aboutmine
o'clock. for several menthe
Shafer has been gradually growing
weaker 'until the end canto, just a
ease of nature giving...mat on account
of old age, he .having. nearly reached
the age of ninety. Our sympathies
are extended to the fainily who sur -
Mr. RoY Butt of Seaforth. is Visit,
ing with his brothers, Thos. and Ed-
gar of the village.
• Mrs. R. P. Bell and son, Wlm.- of
Seaferth were visitors at ttrs. J.
Workinan's on Sunday last.
Mrs. Smith, who has been visiting
with her. scin, Emmerson, for the past
two weeks, has returned to her home.
Mrs. Jas. McClYmont, who haS
been visiting her daughter„ Mrs. -
'Verne Terrybery, has returned) to her
We are glad to hear: that Mrs.
W. Cooper. ,who. was 'taken , to
l;d;'ia hospital, London,' last Thur`sday
for a. slight operation is doing well.
Her mahy l'xiends wish her a speedy
Mr.' Lloyd Workman, -or -Oshawa
spent the week -end With big. parents,,
Mr. and „Kra, Thos.. Workrnin.
Edgar Butt spent'
Sunday in:Sea-Coil-h.' •„
Mrs:, John Moffatt, who lssi been
quite ill, is able' to be around
_We .,are, glad.,to 410 'tiat Mr, Wm.
Dietz is able to be -out again,
' Loudon, on Feb. 1st, by the,r.Rev:
Dean Tucker of SC: -Paul's c114p,
Chal-lotte Armstrong to '
Colcioup,th of Clinton,
Ohio on Feb' 48h Varion
only daughter of Mir. and lidrs.
vey McBrienr- Clinton', to W. P..
Giddings, only sett Of Mr,
Giddings of Detroit.
COOPER—In Goderich township, on
Feb..6th,, to Mr. aud'Mrs, Geo. E.
Cooper, a daughter,—Anna Evelyn
Cecelia. -
JOHNSTON— At Summerhill,
Feb, 188h, George Johnston, in his
73111 year.
KEYS --In Stanley, on Feb. 15th,
James Thompson Keys, in his 68th
year. Funeral • Cram his late home'
on Saturday afternoon, Feb.
at 2,00 o'clock, to Bayfield cem-
SHAEFFER—At 'Kippen, , on Feb.
13th, Henry Shaeffer, in his 90th
.MAIR—In loving memory of 'Knox
A. Mair, son Of Mr. and Mrs. Geo,
Mair, who died Feb. 13th, 1927. '
There was a little' choir in heaven
That wasn't quite complete.
God called, our little Knoxie -
TO fill the vacant seat. •
Father and Mother.
• Colborne Township
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Jewel entertain-
ed a number • of their friends to a
euchre and dance on Tuesday evening
of this week. '
Mr. Harvey Errington is spending
a week with relatives at Dungannon,
Mr. Melvin Tyndall had the honor
of being invited to sing over the radio
broadcasting station, BZ, (Dungan-
non) owned and operated by Mr.
1Vtelvin Culbert, between 3 and 4 p.m.
on Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Young are vis-
iting their daughter, Mrs. Fred
Schwantz of Detroit, for a couple of
Miss Dorothy Robertson spent Sun-
day with her cousin, Miss Josephine
Weir of Auburn.
The milkmen near McGaw are har-
vesting their crop of ice this week. •
Miss Reid of Dungannon is visiting
with Miss Ruby Errington for a cou-
ple of *Wm.
Mrs. Chas. Robertson is in Toronto
this week.
Benmiller United Church held a-
soeial and tea on Friday night last.
A very enjoyable time was spent.
The sympathy of the community is
extended to Mr, James 'Jewell in his
bereavement, the death of his father,
Mr. James jewel', Sr, who has been
staying with Mr, Warrener, e.grand,
son, for some titne past.
, Amazing Resells
Hundreds of operations avoided,
treating Bronchitis, Sore throats,
head colds, croup, quinsy, cough and
diseased tonsils, by using IVIrs, Sap-
illa aphars TonsilitiS, success or mons:
ey back. Clinton Druggists. 49-2:
Position 'Wanted
Experienced married man, diplonr-
-ed dairy man, *VAS work on farm.
Situation as dairyman or working
small farm alone preferred. Willie
-Muller, Zurich, Ont„ R. R. No. 2
Seed Grain for Sale
Registered Abundance Oats also
mixed grain, including registered
Abundance oats, Marquis wheat and
two rowed barley. 80 cents per bush-
el. John Vodden, Sr., R. R. No. 1,
Londesboro. Phone 12 on 640, Clin-
ton central. 49-2-p,
For Sale ,
8 tons of first class alfalfa hay.
Apply to Dr. Win.. Metcalf, Bayfield,
; Matron Wanted
'Matron , for •Oltildren's Shelter,
Goderich, dutien to begin March 1st,
married woman preferred. Apply at
once, stating qualifications and sal-
ary expected, and , giving 'references
to A. M, Robertson, Seely. C. A.. S.,
Gederich. 49-1,
• Will Present Operetta.
"The Day Before Yesterday” and a
Minstrel Show will be presented by
the Clinton Public 'school in the as-
setably room of the Clinton Colleg,
tate on Thursday and ,Friday', March
22sid and 23rd under the auspices of
the Home apd -School Club Watch
for further announcements.' 49,1,
Auction Sale
Of Choice Dairy COWS
The midersigned „ auctioneer 'has
received instructions to sell by public
auction 'on Thursday, Feb,' 23rd, at
lot 57, Bayfield road, Goderich Tp.
31/s miles west of Clinton at 1.30
p.m., the following: Choice red Dur-
ham cow, with calf ,at foot; Roan
_Durham cow, due about time of -sale;
Red Durham co*, due ,March 511;
Red Durham caw, due Feb. 27th;
Chico lialstein, due March 10;
Choice °Hdistein, due March -15; Red
and White Durham, clue -March 15;
2 red Durham, cows, due in March: -
extra fine Angus cow, due- hi March;
Holstein cow, due March' 15; Regis-.
Lered Holstein heifer, due in April;
2 red DUrham cows; duo in April;
choice, Jok,-6,, due in 11/tirch; red roan
Durham, due in April; red Durham'
cow, "clue March .1.5; extra fine' Dur-
ham, dne time of snider These aro
an exceptional firrd lot or dual -Pur-
pose cows, carefully:- selected by airy
proprieter.• Gnarantee: Any cow.
sold 'to ,be' with 'calf not proving te,
be 1j 30 days from date of eale,,10
per .cent • of jmrchase' -'priee. will he
„dm -wed. . will be conducted,un-
der cover,erinst, 6 ;months .crecht
will hie given :On approved joint notes
05; 11 -cliseount. a, 6 900, eest. Per,
nusn Ter' cash, i'T 31. Lobb, Prop-
rioton, ,Auctioncer:-
Burgess' Portrait Studio in Clinton
will be open 'eATY 'Tuesday The
hours, until _further notice, will be
Trona 12 amr. to 2 p.m, IC you want
Photographs taken please come in
hese houra. My atudio will always
le ,
warm, so do not be i.traid, to bring
the children in the winter.
Bargess, P9S8rail Studio
Gut Flowers -and Floral Designs
Sent Anywhere.,
To Make Room for. Spring Plants
50c EACH..
Chas. V. Cooke.
, .
Two Phones -66w and 66j
Clearing Sale
Men's Overalls and Smocks
Men's Work Shirts
IVIen's and Boys' Underwear
Come in and Share in -thoBargaine.
Box Social
A box social' and entertainment
will be held in Hohnesville hall, on,
Monday, Feb. 20th, under the aus-
pices of the H.A.C. Ladle are asked
to kindly bring boxes. Come and
enjoy youraelves. 49-1-p.
Lost • 4
In November last,/ a small, oval
yellow gold brooch, set with blue
stone. 'Valued as keepsake. Finder
kindly communicate with Mrs. A. 'T.
Cooper, Clinton.
Calves for Salo
3 young calves for sale. Apply to
_Wilfred Penfound, R.11, No. 1, Clin-
ton. Phone 640r2, Clinton central.
Chick Hatching
Baby Chick Hatching, 1600 eggs
per week, eggs, purchased from stan-
dard flocks and hatched at 5'7.50 per
hundred for Legitimists, $8.00 for
Rocks. A good hatch guaranteed.
3. Elgin IVIcICinley - Zurich, phone
97r4, Hensel]. 49,7,
For' Sale
. Six Barred Rock cockerels, hatched
from Guild Bros., No. A pen, Mrs.
Hiram Hill, Clinton, phone 150.
For Sale
A quantity of. good cedar posts for
sale. Apply to Adam Steep, R. R.
No. 3, Clinton; Phone 6061:12, Clin-
ton central. -. 49-1,
Auction Sale of Cattle
The undersigned auctioneer has re-
eeived instructions from Jarvis and
Webster to sell by public aue.tion at
the Henry farm, 14 -mile east of Clin-
ton, on Friday, February 24th, at
1.80 a choice load of •Cows, calves, 2
year old and yearling Durham grade
cattle. Terms: 9 months credit will
be given on furnishing approved joint
notes or a discount of 5 percent
straight allowed for cash. Jarvis and
Webster, Proprietors, G. H. Elliott,
Auctioneer. 49:1.
In the estate of brargaret Craig,
NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons having clahns against the es-
tate of Margaret Craig, late of the
Towashig of Qoderieh in the County
of Huron, spinster, deceased, who
died on or about the'fipat day of Feb-
ruary A.D., 1928, are required to de-
liver to Fred Nott the executor of the
said estate or his solicitor on or be-
fore the 5th day of March A.D., 1928,
O full statement of their claims to,
gethe with partieulars thereof, and
the nature of securities, if any, held
by them all duly vvified by affid-
AND TAKE NOTICE that after
the said last mentioned date -the said
executor will proceed to distribute
the estate of the said deceased 0,
mongst the persons entitled thereto
having regard only to such elaims as
he shall have received due notice and
in "accerdance therewith.
Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 31th
day of February A.D. , 1928,
W, BRYDONE, Clinton, Ont,
— Solicitor for the said executor.
• 49-8,
In the Estate of Thomas Archer,
Deceased. '
NOTICE is hereby given that all.
persons having claims against the es-
tate of Thomas Archer,. the
Town of .Clinton, in the County of
Huron, yoeman, deceased, who died
on or about the 176 day of 'July
A.V.,.1927; are required to deliver to
John W. Shaw, M.D., and W. Brydone
the executors -o8 the said estate or
their solicitor, on or before -the 10th
day of March A.D., 1928, a full state-
ment of -their 1 Maims together with
particulars thereof, and the nature of
the securities; if any; held' by them
all duly verefied by affidavit.
AND TAKE NOTICE. that after
the said last mentioned date Die said
executers ,will preened to distribute
the e-Aatb of_ the Said deceased a-
:limiest the persons entitled thereto
having`rogard only to such claims as
they shall have received 'due notice
and M accordance theTewitit. • •
Dated at Clinton, .Ontario, this 1h
da'y. 'of February LD, 1928. '
W. BRYD-ONE, Clinton Ontario
Solieiter for the said Executors.
Live and .i.YrPs,leo:1
, 181321
"RY 16, 192
;1r 1.-16.12k
ATid mabc sis 000 111,0101 17(ir youec1 1'
MarituP prlit"eg-, lieavYt liens tire
high-.-1-tnket ad:Vantage Of there new;
Clinton. huhry louse
ewar tlha.
-Phones--Office, 214j Residence, 214.w
We art' agairt in the market Tor
good logs' of all kinds, either deliv-
ered in our ,yards or on the
stump. Highest cash price ,will be
paid. Custom sawing will' be doile'at
Bayfield, 'Monies Wallis'; 4th con,
Goderich townShip, and Clinton as
usual during the year-. ,
Bayfield P.O. Phone. 62t -is -4., Clinton
Stewart -Warner
Matched -Unit Radios
Six reasons why you -should: buy a
Stewart -Warner five tulle Radio
t. Tha price is within the reach:of all.
2. It gives very.dittle or no trouble,
We have a set_ out three years
old. It is werking as good as
3. It is easier on B. Betterie
six tube set,
4. It is very clear, fine tone and
works well in any kind of Wea-
ther and has plenty of vohnne. •
than a
6. Brings in 'Toronto and London with
very little interference.
G. Will tune in stations as far away
as California on the loud speaker,
What more could you wish for in
-a radio. Try one out and be 0011-
vipced for yourself.
II. A. Hovey, Clinton
Farm for Sale
80 -acre farm on Base line, 2 miles
north of Clinton. 8: -.room frame
house, bank. barn 80x40. Artesian
well with '5 acres good
maple bush. Good orchard. Apply
on -premises to J, Macdonald or to a.
Macdonald ,R. R. No. 1, Clinton:
Farm For Sale,
• 100 acres, good soil, good buildings;
fine sugar bush; 444 miles from Clin-
ton. Will sell on easy-tirms. A. E.
Matheson; Seaforth P. 0. Phone
614-33, Clinton central. 38-1:f
Farm For Salo
Choice 100 acres, lot 26, on Provin-
cial Highway, 31/4 miles north of,
Clinton, convenient to Public and Sep-
erate schools, property of thelate W.
Morrison, mostly under cultivation,
small hardwood bush. Large brick,
house, barn 08x58, good young or-
chard.. Apply to George Carbert or
Mrs. James Drown, executors of es-•
tate, R. R. No. i Clinton. 45-88,
11•Trs. Sybilla Spahrs Tonsilitis -near-
ly 09 per cent inceess treating' Sore
Throats, Head Colds, Bronchial Asth-
ma, Cough, Bronchitis, Catarrh and
Tonsil diseases. Results good or
money back. Clinton druggists.
Executors' Auction Sale
Of Farm, Farm Stock and
Will be held at lot 26, the Gravel
Road, 314 miles north of Clinton, on
Monday, Feb. 20th, commencing at
1:80, as follows: ,
HORSES: -Aged work.horse; aged
driver, a geed reader,' CATTLE: cow,
nine years, due April 298h; cow, 8
years, due 1Vlar. 10th; cow 7 years,
freshened 2 months; cow 5 years' due
May 1st; cow '7 years'due April 23rd;
aged pow; 2 ,year-oldheifer; 3 heifers
rising- 2 years; 2 year-old steer; Pig
about 100 lbs. IMPLEMENTS—seed
drill, grass seeder, all complet,e; Mow-
er, McCormick, 6 ft. cut; horse rake,
1188; good team ,wegon; light wagon;
steel tired buggy; rubber "tired buggy;
riding plough; double plough; gang
plough; 2 walking ploughs, 1 nearly
new; set of 2000 lbs. scales; fanning
mill, nearly new. MeTaggart, cutter;
scuffIcr, good as new; set of harrowe,
4 section complete; -set of Manitoba
sleighs; gravel box; disc harrow 111
throw; quantity of 3 -inch clay tile;
long ladder; set of hay fork rope 'and
pulleys; - HARNESS: set of single
harness; set plough harness; some
cellars; cross cut saw; hand saw; Ma
ton of cement; 2 pig troughs; 200
bushels of barley, 5 tons, of. good feed
hay; 5Q bushels of Buckwheat.
POULTRY: About 100 white and
grey rock -hens and pullets. Post hole
auger; 6 grain bags; some lumber;
,wheel barrow, nearly new; sap pan:
14 lbs. of• grass seed; churn; cook
stove; 2 robes; buggy pole; grass seed
sower; tables and several other ar-
ticles too numerets to mention.
If not sold before that date the
farm; a cheico'100 acres, property ,of
the late William 'Morrison, conven-
ient to schools, chinches and market,
will also he 'offered for .Sale.
Terms, • Oit stock and iirmlernents
All sums or 510 and under, cash. Ov-
or that amount ten nionths credit will
be given. :on • furnishing approved
joint notei;, or.a discount of 5 per cent,
straight, allowed for :Cash.. Terms of
farm made known on day or sale
George Carbert„ .Mrs, J. Brown, ex-
ecutors. T. Brown, auetioneer. 48-2,
in -and let us.show yom the latest
. a.MOWER GUARD'', 'Lo fit, and is inter-
cliangable on all Mowers. No tools or
a '
rivets required, and: so simple that a ten
year ok'd boy can replace an entire set Of
eher Pats minutes.' Made for
ilI makes of„ Mowers.
Repairs -will be carried hereafter for
11Makes of Iliowers,, Binders, Etc,,,
cIidhg NiteCormick Ieri g Massey'
Harris9, FroSt & W Coekshutt Ek
7 P *
C. If. VENNIER Eleettician
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons., Fans and other
Wiring and Repairs. Phone
A farmers' daughter stetted to
pi -act -ice singing. One day- her father
cisme, in from, tho fields unexpectedly.
i'What's the, extraordinary noise?"
he inquired,
• "That, dear, replied his wife, proud-
ly, "is Jane cultiatirig her voice,"
"Cultivating! ejaculated `-
the farmer. "That ain't cultivating—
that's harrowing."
"How j'a like my dress, it's a sam-
pie?" • '
Youth (sympathetically). --- You
don't get much for nothire these days,
de yea?
Wanted—Fox Furs
Will pay $10 to $20 each for good
fox furs. Highest prices for all other
furs. H. A. Hovey, Clinton. 43-8E
• Cottage for Sale or Rent
Small, comfortable cottage, wired
for electric. range. Garage on prem-
ises. Apply M. j. Moore, William
street. 38-88
Farm For Sale •
Lot 28, con, 15, Goderich township,
85 acres more Cr less, good land, well
with windmill, banlc barn, hog pen,
6 acres hardwood bush, 0111 acre of
orchard. Comfortable frame house.
Also 50 acre. farm on London road,
Tudiersmith. Apply. to J T. lVIe-
Knight, R. R. No. 2, Clinton. Phone
604-r-4, Clinton central. 28-88
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleated, pressed and re-
paired.. -.Woollen goods dry cleaned
Rooms s.ver Heard's B-rber shop
W. J. Jago. • 2283-88
Poultry and Eggs
. Wanted
We handle eggs every day
Poultry Tuesday and Friday-
Call us if you want to get the
highest Market price
A. E. Finch
Victoria St., Clinton Phone 231
1Tov4ti OP.. DOWN TOWN.,
vittrait.A/EIR. `fot.1 Ivlf GO
HOMES THAT 1-111R.E.- 1115:
Did you aver notice how ..much
pleasanter the weather seems when
you go' out into it from a warm
.There's no need of shivering and
shaking,. When Heat Folks Ceal can
give you comfort inside your home.
and "pep" outside.
'Phone us for a load of DL&W
Coal, which' is the best your money
can buy.
Calf the
aiti! KW;
for good, clean coal
NEVERMao's a
rawlathroi Cour
as the safest path to a good salary.
We invite yen to write for partic-
idars as to. courses and results,
Shaw Busiries Schools, Day -Char-
les, Toronto.,
Mouse For Sale
• Large red brick house, corner Or-
ange and Wellington streets, 8 rooms,
all modern conveniences. Possession
when desired. Also a barn an 3.4 acre
lot on Wellington street. Apply to
Mrs. W. Jenkins. 06-88-6p
Buy Your Co0 NOW
It'si long tens nntil spring. Three
mere cold winter months aro ahead,
and the mercury will shiver down to
sore more thaa once before the flow-
ers bloom again. Have you enough
coil to last all winter? Don't
gamble with your family's health and
comfort, • Nt is much cheaper to buy
enough coal than to pay doctor bills.
Phone 182
Orders Taken at Lawson's Grocery
Atone 111
, 1. have a quantity Of good hard
wood, slabs and cedar. .
• Nov=
Any coal accounts not paid by the
15th of February will be handed in
fax collection.
Phone 155 Huron street
Singer Sewing Machine
Leased on Small Monthly Payments
Big Discount on Cash Sales
Now is the time to have your ma-
chine repaired and cleaned. Repairs,
Needles, Belts and Parts for all
makes, 11.1,
Phome 1713' P.O. Box 201, ClintON
'Buy a radio for the family
in doing so you • will be
giving them something which they
can enjoy the Year around.
' We are dealers for the Kolster and
Rings sets and will be pleased to give
you demonstration at any time.
Batteries charged and storNi
for the *inter
W. J. Nediger, Prop,
We have a 'complete line:Of
Torbrito Asphalt.Shingles and
Roofing for siding Or roofs if
you are considering 'roofing
compare ours, before buyin:g,
with any other. • This is the
best by test.
Always carry Bran, Shorts,
Western Oats, best quality at
lowest price.-.
Phone 123.
Flour and Feed Merchants and 1
Grain Buyers